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AITA because I won't put my parents on my approved visitors list with security and screening all their attempted "visits"

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA because I won't put my parents on my approved visitors list with security and screening all their attempted "visits"

I love my parents and my little brother. I am not going low/no contact with them. They just have a problem understanding boundaries and that I have my own life now.

After college I moved out from my parents house and into an apartment. It was great. I gave my dad a key for emergencies. My parents used it for non emergency situations. They once dropped off my brother without asking because they had other family in town and needed the space.

I told them repeatedly that this was not acceptable behaviour and I took my key back. They had made copies and it happened again. I had the locks changed. That caused a problem. But it was "A" problem not "MY" problem.

I have been saving up and decided to pull the trigger on my first home purchase. I make a great living so I found a gated community I liked that has a security officer at the front gate 24/7. I'm dating but my boyfriend doesn't live with me. I like the safety of my neighborhood.

I did not give my parents a key. I also didn't put them on the approved visitors list. My boyfriend has a key and is on the list. Security doesn't need to call me to see if he can come in.

So they cannot just pop by. They can't just drop off some groceries for me. My mom can't come do some cleaning. My dad can't come do maintenance.

Well they can do all these things. They just need my permission first. And they hate it.

They keep asking me for a key and to be put on the list. I just remind them that they have proven to be untrustworthy in the past. This sets them off. They start saying that they aren't thieves and yadda yadda. I'm not going to change my mind but they are adamant that I am treating them poorly.


AITA asking my daughter to pay me for cooking for her wedding?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA asking my daughter to pay me for cooking for her wedding?

I, a 46f, greatly enjoy cooking and baking. I've always told my kids if they had a small wedding I'd be happy to provide the food as a wedding gift.

My daughter "Leslie" is getting married soon. They're having 47 guests total so I offered to cook per my long standing offer and said I could do something like my peppered beef or jambalaya with some jalapeño cheesy biscuits. Leslie and her fiance "Will" took me up on it and said they'd help buy ingredients. Leslie sent me some recipes a few days ago and when I asked what they were for, she said they wanted to add one or two big pot dishes that weren't spicy so Will's family could have something to eat. I know that boy can't eat a popper or most my meals without getting red in the face but I didn't think his whole family was like that. Leslie said it's because his father has ulcers and stomach problems so Will's family was careful how they ate while Will was growing up.

I told Leslie I already told her what I was cooking for her wedding and she argued that I'm making it about me instead of listening to what the bride and groom want. I finally told her I'd cook the extra dishes but if she's going to treat me like I'm a caterer than I'll need her to pay me for all the extra prep and work. Leslie said that gifts are supposed to be what the person receiving them wants and that she might as well hire a caterer if she's going to pay and hung up.

I thought Leslie would cool down and come talk to me about how we'd handle this and reasonable payment for taking on extra cooking but my youngest told me when he went to visit Leslie she and Will were talking with a catering company. Was I wrong to ask her to pay me for cooking?

AITAH for leaving a girl when she tells me how many side guys she has?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for leaving a girl when she tells me how many side guys she has?

So this happened an hour again.

Went on a second date with a girl I met through Tinder. Date went well and got to her place to watch a movie (spirited away), it was nice and we began to make out but her phone kept ringing the whole time. So I asked her, is that a friend of yours who's worried or something?

She says no, it's one of my friends with benefits. So I ask her, huh, how many do you have then? She says 4, depends on what she feels like. So I say, but we're dating, right? She says yeah, but I thought you weren't staying over so someone else is coming after me.

I was kinda shocked so I grabbed my jacket, wished her good luck, told her not to text me, and left. Am I crazy or what?

AITA for being upset that my parents told my sister I'm buying a house?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for being upset that my parents told my sister I'm buying a house?

So I (28F) recently got the opportunity to purchase a house that has been in the family for quite awhile (80+ years). I have been staying at home with my parents rent free for nearly my entire life. I occasionally contribute with groceries, dinners, household chores, and yardwork, but they have never charged me rent despite me offering. I work in public education and don't make great money so it has been very helpful to save up. I started the purchase process and have locked in an interest rate and have nearly everything ready.

The closing date is set for a month from now. I have asked my parents not to say anything to my sister (26F) until I close and start to move because we don't get along well and I don't want to deal with the fallout I believe will come. She has also been living at home, but instead of saving money she spends quite a bit. 2 new cars within 3 years, large tattoos, vacations, etc. She has a large storage unit filled with stuff she claims she has bought for when she buys a house. I don't care how she spends her money, but she makes significantly more than me and has wiped most of her savings out by living like this.

Instead of them waiting like I asked, they went ahead and told her. They claimed it was "too difficult" to keep it a secret and that she "knew something was going on". Now she is basically throwing a tantrum saying that it isn't fair I get to buy a house and she doesn't, claiming that they never helped her with anything, etc. Every time she sees me she is pissed off and starts a fight. I told them that this was what was going to happen and they claim that they couldn't have known/didn't think she was going to act like this. I feel like I am rightfully upset about this, but they say I am acting like a child and need to just get over it. AITA?

EDIT: I really truly did not think this was going to get as much attention as it are a few answers to questions I keep seeing.

  1. I am not getting any kind of monetary discount on the house. I got first offerings because the relative who is selling it asked me first and I said yes. The only thing I am getting is the washer/dryer and snowblower that they're leaving behind.

  2. My sister has been shown the house by my parents (now that she knows, I found this out about an hour ago) and she has commented on how ugly she thinks it is and that she hates it. She claims she wouldn't have wanted it anyway, but is still very angry about it all.

  3. The house overall is about 200k in a MCOL area. It is 4 bedrooms 1.5 bathrooms. I am not planning on getting a roommate, I would prefer to be alone.

  4. This house isn't sentimental to her or I in any way. We didn't grow up going to this house for holidays or gatherings. We have both been in it maybe 3 times prior to me purchasing it.

  5. I don't believe my parents are being intentionally disrespectful/rude/spiteful, I believe them when they say it was hard to keep it a secret. I just wish they would have listened when I asked them to wait.

  6. My sister and I have had a rocky relationship for years. We don't speak often despite living in the same house and our work schedules are pretty opposite so we typically can naturally avoid one another.

Thank you so much to everyone who is saying congratulations and nice things, I really do appreciate it.

AITAH for breaking off my engagement when my fiance wanted to dictate my healthcare?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for breaking off my engagement when my fiance wanted to dictate my healthcare?

I'm on mental health meds for depression and bipolar disorder. They work well and I have no discernible side effects. My fiance knew this when he proposed, but later in our engagement he said that he wanted me to come off my meds, and that he would pick a doctor for me that he trusted, because he didn't trust my current one. I broke off the engagement. He told everyone that it was because I "wasn't ready to be married." AITAH?

AITA for not reimbursing my son's mom for his sleepaway camp?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for not reimbursing my son's mom for his sleepaway camp?

Our 8yo son is going to his first sleepaway camp next month. Since my ex and I make the same income, we do not give or get child support but rather pay for different expenses. For example, I pay for his sitter and she pays for his extracurricular activities like camp.

Sleepaway camp was so expensive that they don't even list the cost online. Basically his camp and sports cost more than his sitter so I agreed reimburse her whatever the difference is between that and childcare. So far it's $150 and I said I'd give it to her today when we see each other at our son's swim lesson.

I was on my way home after a short business trip. Obviously my son was at his mom's. I got a call from the sitter. He said my son's mom came home and was wasted. She was passed out on the couch. Our sitter said he didn't feel okay leaving our son with her. Our son hadn't had dinner and Friday is bath night where I scrub him clean.

I said obviously I can't do anything as I'm about to fly back home and asked if he could stay and watch my son. He said he couldn't. His place is a bit of a commute. Then I asked if he would be open to taking my son back to his place, getting him, getting him fed, giving him a bath and putting him to bed. I'll personally pick my son up and take him to my house. I have him for these two weeks anyways.

Our sitter said he could do that but asked about getting paid. I said I'll pay you for whatever hours you worked. He said if I paid him in cash instead of a check then he'll do the overnight thing for an extra $150 cash. I agreed.

I got back to town at 3am and picked my son up at 4am. I texted my ex about sitter. I saw her at our son's swim meet and she admitted to drinking too much at her office party and apologized to our sitter.

She asked me for the $150 for the summer camp reimbursement. I said I applied it to pay the sitter for taking Ryan overnight since you couldn't do it yourself. She said that wasn't fair and we're not squared. I said actually we are. We both paid the same amounts for childcare and camp. That was the agreement. She said that I promised to reimburse her and it was my decision to have the sitter take Ryan overnight and it's my responsibility to his sitter. I told her to kick rocks

AITA for telling my husband he can't divorce me and still consider himself my daughter's stepdad?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for telling my husband he can't divorce me and still consider himself my daughter's stepdad?

My (42F) 16 year old daughter is not my husband's biological daughter.

Her dad decided after I got pregnant that the mom of his child wasn't the woman he wanted to marry and is not in her life.

It was just me and my daughter for the next 7 years until I married my husband. We had 3 kids in quick succession after we got married. They are now 8M, 7F, and 5F. I recently found out I was pregnant, and that has made my marriage worse.

My daughter's dad first lived off of others giving him money to be an equestrian. He later, I found out, started getting hired as a riding instructor/ helped others take care of their horses ( his inconsistent income/ 1099 status was what he used to dodge his financial responsibilities).

I started my daughter on this path as a hobby, but it was clear that she was talented. I would work a second job as a stable aide so that she could afford the lessons, would drive other kids to and from lessons and do other odd jobs to put towards her training expenses until I married my husband and became a SAHM.

My husband was very supportive of her pursuit until she entered high school. We were looking into possible future scholarships ( which I understand are rare) to come out of her competing/ colleges with equestrian programs. My husband started lying about how my daughter did not want to do this, and how he loves her more than me because he understands her better.

He embarrassed me by complaining about the other moms whose kids competed saying they were snobs, or that he didn't want me to try to fit in with them or get their approval. Then he'd complain to parents about the new group lesson costs etc.

I found out I was pregnant and went with my daughter to an event, and got too sick and tired to attend a school open house and he flipped out on me when he came home. We got into a fight and he told me that this isn't working out. I feel he says that to scare me, but I was not scared of divorce because I'm not going to grovel for his approval, and I'll can make it work without him.

I told him I'll happily grant his divorce. He then says he wants joint custody of all the kids. I told him that legally he has no grounds with my daughter. He says she can still come to his place when he has the other kids, and I remind him she doesn't have a license and I don't owe him any agreement to drive her to his place.

He screams " she is my stepdaughter- I've been her dad!" I told him he cannot just want to divorce his pregnant wife and get the benefits of that ( including my general cooperation with this divorce) and still claim the title of my daughter's stepdad. He can't have his cake and eat it too. Legally I am in the right since he never adopted her.

He does not want to support my 16 yo's goals. With the divorce he's doesn't have the responsibility that being an equestrian's parent entails, all her bills will be coming out of my account, but that means he cannot just continue to enjoy all the benefits of that without any of the responsibility- I don't think that's fair.

I told my daughter that her stepdad wants a divorce because he absolutely hates paying for her lessons, says they are making her into a snob like me and the other moms. She's a people pleaser so she'd say yes to seeing him just to not hurt his feelings. But she has said that if he really hates her because she wants to be an equestrian then she just wants to continue her passion and it seems most conducive to do so where she's living with me and not seeing somebody who actively wants to stop her future dreams.



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AITAH for saying I would divorce my wife in 4 years?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for saying I would divorce my wife in 4 years?

Me (43M) and my wife (45F) were having some drinks outside the other day and we were having a good time. She said "I wish I brought my cigarettes" and I pulled them out of my pocket, as I had anticipated that she would want to smoke. She said "wow, how did you know?" I said "I can see the future, especially when you're drinking" she said, "can you see our relationships future?" I said "of course" so she asked me "will we still be together or will we be divorced?" I said "probably divorced" and she asked "when?" So I said "I'll probably be tired of Peter's shit in about 4 years and have to bounce"

Peter is my wife's son from a previous marriage. He is 24 years old. Me and my wife have been together for 21 years. I have raised this boy as my own and he has called me "dad" since he was 5. We have a great relationship. Never had the "you're not my real dad!" fight. We are good. However I feel like my wife coddles him and he is "failing to launch" so to speak. He is in Uni, but has never had a job. His social circle is like 5 people that he is constantly online with. He very rarely leaves the house, or his room for that matter. My wife has to remind him to shower everyday. And she has to wake him up everyday. He will not wake up to an alarm. Mainly because he is usually up until 6 or 7 am playing online games. He is not a bad kid. He doesn't drink/smoke/do drugs. He is not an incel. He doesn't listen to Andrew Tate. He's just kind of a nerdy shut it. My wife is happy to have him live at home forever. I am not. I am very worried for him. He can not drive and does not want to learn. He is comfortable in his life and sees no reason to grow. I stress the fact that he is an adult now to my wife many times but he will always be her baby. Honestly It's killing me to watch her enable him. Every time I try to encourage him to get a part time job or get out of the house she tells me off and asks me to leave him alone. I feel like a failure as a parent, but ahe is happy is is staying out of trouble. He could do so much more though. He is very bright. I will say to her, "what if we died tomorrow? What would happen to him, he would have to do a lot of growing up very quickly, maybe we should push him a little bit now" but she won't hear it.

Anyway. She lost her shit on me. "How could you divorce me because of Peter? He will be fine, everyone develops at different speeds, etc." I get it. I know. I think she also feels like we failed him by over providing and she doesn't want to hear it, but guys? I can't sit around forever if this is the trajectory. I pray he snaps out of it, finishes uni (hes now a junior at year 4, he doesn't take a full courseload, yes we are paying everything) gets a job and grows up. But if not? I can't see myself supporting him and her forever. I feel like leaving might actually be good for the both of them? (I contribute 80% to the household finances, she works part time).

Anyway I don't really think it will come to that. I have faith in the kid. I was just 50/50 joking and serious with my 4 year timeline. (4 years is a long time right? The fact that she was upset is upsetting to me. Does she think he'll be doing the exact same stuff 4 years from now?) She thinks I'm an asshole because I'm giving an ultimatum and she doesn't care how long he stays at home.

So. Am I the asshole here?

Aitah: my husband's single ex-wife wants to come on vacation with us

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Aitah: my husband's single ex-wife wants to come on vacation with us

My husband and I have been talking to his son for a long time about taking him with us to abroad, as we travel every year. My husband and I have been together for 6 years and I have been a normal part of our son's life. Now that our son has been expressing he wants to go with us abroad, my husband's single ex-wife is suggesting she go with us to take our son abroad. For a little back story, every time my husband and I tell her we are going to take our son to a movie, event or some type of show, she buys tickets for the same event a week or two before we take him so that she can take him first. She also made it INCREDIBLY hard for me to meet my son even after a year of my husband and I dating, but introduces her boyfriends to our son within weeks of dating. Now that we want to take our son traveling with us to show him what is out there, she is insisting she must come too. I married my husband and my son. I did not marry his ex-wife. Now my husband is saying I am childish for not wanting to take his single ex-wife on vacation with us, to stay in the same VRBO as us. If it were truly about giving our son the best life we all could, the ex-wife would stay home and trust us to take care of our son. Never, in any of our MANY discussions about traveling with our son, has my husband brought up that we should bring his ex-wife, and now all of a sudden I am the asshole and childish for not wanting to play "full house" with her, since she can't handle not being the first to give an experience to our child.

Edit to add: I refer to him as "our son" because I will never treat him like he is an outsider in my husband and I's family. No child deserves to feel like an "other" or an "outsider." I know I am not his biological mother. He only has one of those. I have never asked him to call me "mom," nor would I. I do however share financial responsibility for him, plan his birthday parties that he spends with us, and do anything and everything I can to give him every bit of attention and love that EVERY child deserves. NO CHILD deserves to feel like a step child, that's why I don't call him my step-child. I'm sorry if that offends anyone.

Update: AITAH for wanting to leave my wife because she had a "go bag"?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Update: AITAH for wanting to leave my wife because she had a "go bag"?

I made a post 3 months ago but it was removed before I deleted my account. It has been cross-posted literally everywhere that I think you guys will have no problem finding it if you are interested.

After I made my first post, I decided to officially ask for divorce. She did not take it well. She cried and refused to eat food for two days until I filled the house with candy bars. She hasnt pulled that kind of stunt after that thankfully.

For past 3 months I have to endure her crying, begging me to change my mind. She promised to never make a "go bag" again. Honestly the previous post has been eye opening to me. People here called me an abuser when I never did anything to abusive. I read every comment posted here, on other subreddits, and it seems like people will call me abuser no matter what. Some people even made up stories to paint me in bad light.

It seems that general sentiment is that its okay to mistrust men because statistics and if he complains about it, he is potentially an abuser. Why is it wrong to want to be trusted by your own wife? If I made her get rid of her "go bag", I am as good as an abuser in all of your eyes. It seems like I will be painted as an abuser unless proven otherwise. I just dont know how to prove a negative, its not like I can wear a camera all the time.

Initially my feelings were very hurt but now I am realizing the gravity of situation I am in. I just cant risk my future on a wife who does not trust me because her mere act of making a go bag was used by people here to paint me as an abuser. They said that she must have reason to make a "go bag".

How was it my fault that she read some blogs and decided to do it. I never did anything and yet people are just gonna accuse me even if I didnt do anything. You guys dont care what the truth is so what am I even supposed to do? My only choice is to leave.

I have finally moved out yesterday and I am pushing forward with divorce. I would like things to be amicable but my wife is still hellbent on stopping the divorce so that is a pipe dream for now. I am hoping when divorce becomes real, she will accept the reality.

AITA for telling my family to shut up, get over themselves and to accept that I never wanted my son to have the names they like?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling my family to shut up, get over themselves and to accept that I never wanted my son to have the names they like?

My wife (25f) and I (26m) welcomed our son Callum into the world just over a week ago. I had expected our son's name wouldn't be a favorite among my family but I had believed and hoped they would just love us enough to accept that the name isn't one of the more vintage/old timey names my family loves. But they expressed their dislike for the name immediately and were asked to leave by me because my wife was in recovery and didn't need to deal with their bullshit. They called me up the next day and asked why we had gone so different from the rest of the family. I told them we went with a name we both loved and felt would work for our son his entire life.

My family told me Callum is not the kind of name a person should wear into adulthood. That it ages terribly because it sounds like a little boys name. I told them Callum is a well established and long used name, just not in the way they like for names to be. They told me Callum does not compare to the names my nieces and nephews have or that my siblings have, I used to have another name and changed it at 18.

So before I get too carried away I should say that the types of names my family like are; Reginald, Harold, Desmond, Bartholomew, Maximilian, Clarence and my old name Herbert. Girls names are the same old school style. My family loves that. I'm good with that. I wasn't good with my old name and changed it and I didn't want a name for my son that "fit" with them.

I told my family as they were complaining to me that we had decided and the name was not changing so they should adjust to it. They were quiet for a day and then they got back in touch to say they could not bring themselves to accept this and that I should really consider why they love the names they do. They said I damned myself when I changed my name, which is now Jamie, but I shouldn't do that to my son. When I didn't budge they declared they would talk to my wife. I told them no way in hell are they bothering my wife with their crap when she's newly PP. We got into a fight and I told them to stop calling if they couldn't let it go.

They showed up yesterday to see our son again and I wasn't going to let them inside but my wife, who knows what's been going on, thought maybe seeing Cal again would calm them down. It didn't. They started on the name shit again and they did attempt to go through my wife which is when I may have stepped over the line. I told them to shut up and get over themselves about the name because my wife and I love it and we're not changing it for them and they need to accept I never wanted my son or any kids I'd have to have names they like. I told them they knew that from the time I went to the effort and cost to change my own name. And I told them they had gone too far trying to pester my wife after being warned not to.

They said I didn't need to be so rude to get my point across and I believe I did. But I'm also doubting if I went too far.


AITA for revealing at a Dinner I am the one who makes more money?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for revealing at a Dinner I am the one who makes more money?

A little context for this post I (33F) have been dating my Partner (34M) casually for 3 years and 8 months. Over the last 8 months we have gotten more serious. He works in IT and as I "Only" work behind a bar in a strip club he seemed to always assume I make much less than him, he'd always say that he never wanted us to discuss money as he didn't want me to feel embarrassed so I never brought it up as I didn't care even if I found it a bit funny despite the fact I own both my car and home while he is renting and paying off his car.

I like him though so I brushed it aside figuring if we ever moved in together then we could talk about our finances and be open about it. Despite him thinking I only work behind the bar, I am actually a Mixologist at a high end Strip Club, so on top of a very generous salary I actually make amazing tips most nights too, i've worked at the same place for 9 years and I love it there.

As things are getting more serious he wanted me to meet his parents and I agreed, yesterday we had dinner with his parents and they clearly didn't approve of me and during the dinner his Mother brought up that she didn't think this was a good idea but if he was insisting on doing this when we got married we'd need to have a prenuptial agreement to protect her son. I was silent waiting for my partner to say anything but he didn't. He just continued to eat and I got annoyed before agreeing with her. I told her I fully agreed that we needed a Prenup as i'd need to protect my assets, this led to some laughs from around the table and I finally asked my boyfriend how much he made, he tried to brush it off before finally revealing he made £25,000 a year and telling me it was fine and not to feel less.

I won't lie I burst into laughter right there at the table not caring that I was being rude and bluntly told him not including my tips I make £43,291 a year they didn't believe me so I began to point out how I go on holiday twice a year, how I own my home and car while he rents and is paying off, how I always bought him nice gifts. I then told him for perhaps the hundredth time that i'm a Mixologist not a Bartender.

The dinner got silent and on the drive to my home he berated me the entire time for embarrassing him, and how could I have not told him I made that much money, that I should have told him from the start. I reminded him that he didn't want us to talk about money and I figured when and if we one day moved in together that we'd talk about our finances then. He kept talking about how I should have just privately told him after the dinner then and not embarrassed him in front of his parents but when I asked him then why he didn't defend me when his mother embarrassed me he had no answer.

I don't know i'm just super annoyed right now and feel done with this, was I wrong to reveal it the way I did?

Am I the only person in the UK who missed the Northern Lights last night?

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Am I the only person in the UK who missed the Northern Lights last night?

Or is it just me who went to bed and missed it all? I thought there was no chance of me seeing anything because of light pollution so I went to bed and have woken up to all these amazing photos of the sky last night!

My husband and lost our hearing at the same time for 5 seconds. Why?

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My husband and lost our hearing at the same time for 5 seconds. Why?

My husband and I live in Chicago and we’re sitting in our living room watching TV around 9 pm. For no reason we both temporarily lost our hearing. We each assumed the tv had an audio problem on the episode we were watching but when we rewound it the audio played fine. We both had a sort of sudden slight pressure feeling in our ears followed by the sensation of the volume of the world turning from 0 to normal volume around us. I’m not sure if something atmospheric happened or what would explain this?

Edit: yes it’s a very easy answer to say “the tv glitched.” But that’s not my question. Assuming the TV did not glitch what are other possible explanations for this phenomenon?

AITA for denying my son rutti tutti pancakes?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for denying my son rutti tutti pancakes?

Every Saturday for the past 10 years and my boys go out for Saturday breakfast. We alternate on who picks what restaurant to go to. This morning my 10yo said he wanted to go to iHop. I told my 16yo, 13yo and 7yo that we'd be leaving in 10 minutes.

Everyone but my 13yo was ready to go. I called him downstairs and he came out with a blanket and said he didn't want to go. I said okay. Bye. He then said that he wanted rutti tutti pancakes, eggs, bacon and two orange juices. I said then put clothes on and get in the car. He said "I'm not going." I said I'm not your UberEats. If you don't want to go then fine but I'm not bringing you food back. The point is to have us guys sit together and talk turkey.

He said that wasn't fair and it was just one time. I said "bye" and started to leave. He came running down the street to get in the car. I should had left him because he was in a mood the whole morning.

AITA for refusing to pay for the full night and pointing out a pattern?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for refusing to pay for the full night and pointing out a pattern?

I live with my partner and one thing I've started noticing is she will regularly suggest days out or dates or trips away etc and then if we plan it out, she'll complain about actually being short of money so she doesn't think she can afford to go. She'll expect me to offer to pay for most things while we go away.
A couple of times doesn't bother me but it's starting to become more frequent.

An example is that this week we had a nice restautant booked to go to thne my gf decides to but some new clothes and furniture. Once she bought that she then said she can't afford the meal so I'd either have to pay or we'd have to cancel.

Anexample of this is next month I am getting a pay rise at work so I decided to take a month to treat myself instead of saving any money. I planned to take my gf out for a nice meal and we are going on a double date with my friend and his girlfriend in a nearby city.

I have paid the hotel and travel costs and told my gf I'll be getting our meal when we're there so all she'll need is money for drinks. She said this was fine.

Now she's saying she thinks I'll need to pay for the full night since she's seeing friends next month and has other things to pay for. I told her no and her response was just that we'll have to cancel the night then.

She's also started mentioning the amount of money I'm planning to spend next month and keeps asking if I'm going to get her a treat or a present etc. I point out that I am taking her for a meal and a night away and she just changes the subject.

Another example is that this week we had a nice restautant booked to go to thne my gf decides to but some new clothes and furniture. Once she bought that she then said she can't afford the meal so I'd either have to pay or we'd have to cancel.

She got angry and told me I was having a go at her for nothing and that i was wrong with what I was accusing her of. She said it's just a coincidence and that I'm out of order for accusing her.

AITAH for refusing to pay for the full night and for pointing out a pattern?

WIBTA if I don't act excited for my SIL being "pregnant"?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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WIBTA if I don't act excited for my SIL being "pregnant"?

My SIL Lisa(22F), told me(27F) and my wife Sara(25F) that she was pregnant yesterday. Apparently she's "6 weeks " along. I left the room when she said she was having a baby, and Sara was saying congratulations in a neutral way. She was not screaming or crying or acting overly excited, which caused the conversation to be awkward. Now we're seeing them for mother's day, which at first they weren't coming to, but now they are, and I know they're gonna make it all about themselves. Lisa has not seen my reaction towards her having a baby, but on Sunday, I will not act excited or happy for her.

Now, some back story. Last year, Lisa annouced she was pregnant at 4 weeks. She has a history of having irregular periods and her husband Dan (25M) wants SEVEN children. However, Lisa thought she had a "miscarriage", it was just her period, and began to tell everyone that she had a miscarriage. She went to the doctor and the doctors tested her for a pregnancy hormone that is made by the body when a woman is pregnant. Test results came back and her doctor told her she was never pregnant. Lisa does not know that Sara and I know because my MIL told us. However, lisa uses that "miscarriage" as ammo for manipulating people. Lisa and her husband Dan have been nothing but horrible to me and Sara.

Lisa and Dan are extremely Christian. Not to mention they are homophobic and racist. Sara and I got married 2 years ago, and Lisa refused to come to Sara's wedding. Her and Dan's reasoning was "well because the Bible says that being gay is a sin, we just can't bring ourselves to be in the presence of a gay marriage happening. It just goes against what we believe in." They also told us to our face during a heated conversation earlier this year that they do not think Sara and I should be married. As soon as they said that to our faces, I was lost all respect for then. During that same conversation, Lisa tried to manipulate everyone into feeling sorry for her and trying to "win" the conversation by screaming that she had lost her baby last year. As previously mention before, tests confirmed she was never pregnant.

But with her being just an overall horrible person who doesn't give a damn about me and Sara, I just feel like I am obligated to feel excited for Lisa being "pregnant" because my MIL has begged for everyone ti be nice to each other. However, Lisa's done nothing but lie, manipulate and be hostile towards us. She will snap and yell at you if she doesn't get the reaction she wants. I am just afraid of causing some hostility or an argument on mother's day. But I can't in good conscience act happy for people who have treated me, Sara and her family so horribly. Plus, I they lost all of my respect when they told Sara and I that they don't think we should be married. Anyways, WIBTA if I don't act happy and excited for Lisa and Dan being pregnant?

AITA for expecting my husband to care for the kid as a part of his parenting rather than a favor to me?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for expecting my husband to care for the kid as a part of his parenting rather than a favor to me?

Child was crying. Been stuck in the playroom all day, only time they’re satisfied is when I play on the floor with them or read books, no interest in engaging with their toys or playing independently. In my experience this is pretty much always because they’re bored - they want to go play outside or go run some errand for a change of scenery.

We have two kids but only one is home this weekend, so we’re two parents to one kid. Easy mode. Kid is crying almost exclusively at me (mom) and because I’m very often the one to cave and do some thing to make them happy, I ask their dad to take them outside. I want to make it clear, I very frequently play with kid outside and take them to library. But I’m not alone today, there are two of us and I think it’s valid that he do it.

He’s already suggested that I take kid for a walk, after I have already been the primary parent most of the afternoon. Personally feel frustrated that he’s happy for me to spend my day entertaining kid while he watches tv.

But here’s the real zinger - he finally agrees to “drive around” with kid and tells me he’s doing ME a favor. Not that he’s spending time with his kid, taking them out of the house so they’re not miserable, meeting his kids needs (also known as parenting). No, not any of that. He’s doing me a favor because I’m the one that doesn’t want to listen to kid cry all afternoon. Like as if the kid isn’t a human that’s upset and needs an adult.

I realize this all is very petty but I just can’t wrap my mind around how this is somehow him helping me. As if the kid is an extension of me and not their own person (that he is a parent of). Sometimes I feel like I’ve gotta be living in an alternate universe with this kind of logic, like he makes zero sense to me. I’ve joked before that I wanted to make an AITA post to get some third party opinions on these disagreements we have and so here I am.

AITA for asking my husband to take our child out of the house for a bit while they were upset, and thinking that it’s him caring for his kid rather than appeasing me??

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