Colombia: Anarchist Fury of Books & Culture, May 11-19

From La Valija de Fuego (facebook)
May 5, 2024

From May 11th to 19th La Furia is back!!! In various spaces of resistance, self-management, encounter, rebellion and anarchist culture.

We invite you to participate, share and create in the different workshops, talks, book launches, plays, encounters, walks and other events around thinking and creating new possible worlds.

Upstate Anarchist Book Fair report back

The Anarchist Library logo is a person using a stool to reach a higher shelf in the library, often a common sight in libraries with higher shelves

From SHH! THIS IS A LIBRARY! by Rocinante

A brief, yet triumphant report back from the first annual Upstate New York Anarchist Book Fair[1].

It was organized by and held at the PM Press space with help from Riot Act Books. PM Press recently moved their warehouse to Binghamton, New York, which is a Leatherstocking city in the southern tier of what has come to be known as New York, along the lines of the Rust Belt, sitting just outside of the Burned Over District, in the lands of the Onondaga, as the rivers of the Susquehanna and Chenango meet in present day downtown Binghamton.

Sweep out snitches and their accomplices!

The snitches Kolchenko and Dubovik continue to be given space while their intrigues are concealed or downplayed. Both continue to organize support for the Ukrainian State in the name of anarchism, and others provide media space for their war propaganda. Specifically, these include Ondrej Slačálek (1) in the academic journal Kontradikce, the Anarchist Federation website, the Belarusian website (2) and the Russian-language website Kolchenko and Dubovik are denouncing our anarchist comrades in the region of Russia, therefore they deserve contempt.

Was any money stolen from Operation Solidarity?

Was any money stolen from Operation Solidarity?

From Pramen

Almost 2 years after the collapse of Operation Solidarity and the formation of the Solidarity Collectives, we decided to take a closer look at the story of the disappearance of the money and put a stop to this conversation. The reason for writing this article was the repeated discussions of the members of our collective about this story and the lack of a full description of the situation in the network for those who did not follow the organization at the time of its split.

May Day 2024: Remembrance Through Action

May Day 2024: Remembrance Through Action

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation

May 1st is International Workers Day, a historic day of struggle born of the blood of revolutionary anarchist martyrs of the Haymarket Affair, who gave their lives as part of a mass movement in the US against the rapacious exploitation wrought by the capitalist system and the violence of the state that preserves and protects it.

These revolutionary martyrs envisioned a world free not only from capitalism and the state, but free from all forms of domination. Their memory inspires each successive generation all over the globe to commit to revolutionary social transformation. Once more we return to their memory in an effort to steel ourselves for the immediate struggles in which we are involved and through which we are constructing the popular power necessary to achieve our broader aim: social revolution.

June 11, 2024: No Separate Worlds


We once again approach June 11th, a day of remembrance and active solidarity, in a world of multiple crises and struggles for liberation. All of these are interconnected; there are no separate worlds. Across borders, languages, contexts, and identities, both catastrophes and victories of spirit and defiance reverberate around the globe. One environment is not untouched by another. The personal is not separate from the political. The positive project is not separate from that of destruction. Prison is not separate from the “free world.” Means are not separate from ends.



As anarchists, anti imperialists and anti capitalists, we cannot buy into the grossly hierarchical notion that animals are props we can use to shock the public, any more than we can buy into the notion that animals are tools to sabotage or inconvenience our enemy.

The Encampments Spread to Mexico

From CrimethInc.

The Palestine Solidarity Camp at UNAM in Mexico City: An Interview

On May 2, students from a number of schools and student organizations across Mexico City launched a Palestine solidarity encampment in the heart of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), within view of the Okupa Che, a 24-year-running anarchist squat that once served as the UNAM’s largest auditorium.


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