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Meanwhile in London

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Could someone please tell me the significance behind using yellow? I’m just curious

Edit: I’ve had enough responses, thanks

Edit: it’s been a fucking month, for the love of god stop answering this question. I’ve gotten every answer you can think of. Stop.

We want to be highly visible and make a real impression - not just to those on the ground, but those watching on TV.

From Republic's website. It's a good contrast to red, white and blue, don't think there's any particular significance otherwise.

Thank you very much for your answer

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I've also heard you remember stuff better better if it's in yellow. Could have been some Snapple cap BS so not too sure.

LOL’ing at “Snapple cap BS” thank you.

Hey hey before there was Wikipedia, there were only Snapple caps.

If you wanted a vast library of knowledge you had to get diabetes in the pursuit of a collection, a tome if you will, an ensnaplopedia

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I would not be where I am today without those caps...

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Although yellow print on white is NOT good, NOT readable from a distance. I found this out the hard way in high school when I silkscreened a bunch of "Vote for school president" signs for a friend.

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It's a subtle nod to the band Coldplay.


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Martin is also a brand of guitar. Guitars are used to make music. Music is played at weddings. Weddings are between people. People are related to primates.

So therefore, this is all a scheme by Big Monkey. All of it. That is all it's ever been.

Edit: All of it.

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Because we wanna piss on the king

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They bought the no frills no name branded picket signs

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I was thinking because purple is a royal color, and yellow is the opposite of purple. 🤷‍♂️

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Someone deserves free Whoppers for life

“This burger will make your skin soft and your asshole tight.”


Instructions unclear

Shoved burger up ass, please help

No, no, you're on the right track.... now do the fries

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You can fuck this burger

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Burger King’s advertising department quickly trying to think of a way to trick Charles into putting on the BK King mask.

He's got the ears for it

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He’s just some guy. Perfect.

He's just normal men.

He's just innocent men.


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he's just a poor boy from a poor family

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I heard Zaphod Beeblebrox's doctors voice when I read this line.

"He'z just this guy, you know..."

Gag Halfrunt

Thank you.

I really need to re-listen to that series if I couldn't remember that name.

You seem to have forgotten where your towel is

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Always an upvote for the Guide

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That's actually really generous towards him


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Some guy that has never worked a day in his life and collects welfare from the tax payers.


Hey now he mainly lives off the property that he inherited from his ancestors who stole it from the people wholesale

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Yep, this is my take

Nothing against him personally but I couldn't give a 💩 about the title


I’m on this boat too. The whole monarchy thing (the crown, the gowns, the comedy-level over-the-top poshness, the awed sentimentality, the parades, the overblown and over-reported family drama, the fawning crowds, the insipid media coverage, the oddly-specific Anglican religiosity) is just blatantly ridiculous, and I suspect even Charles knows this. Perhaps better than any of us.

It’s just an utterly unnecessary anachronism but there are hordes of people out there who buy wholeheartedly into every aspect of it. I don’t harbour any particular animosity to the royal family, I just wish they would fade into whatever comfortable, anonymous obscurity the UK can offer sooner rather later.

I think it’ll be a long wait though.


I suspect he knows this just from watching him try to walk and balance that thing on his head in his 70s.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

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oddly-specific Anglican religiosity

TBF, he is the head of the Church of England.

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But I mean, if you were to think about it, he isn't just some guy, he is a guy that just happens to be related to some guy who stole a load of land from European peasants.

I'd say a long line of guys. Wasn't just some random bum who conquered half the world, it was a gradual process.

Most of it happened in a few short spats. England in 1066, Wales and Ireland within a hundred years of that. Scotland a few hundred years later. Then a bunch of colonial aquisitions, that have since become mostly automonous.

No on Scotland.

They held it for a bit, then it was independent again for 400 years or so, then they pissed their money away trying to take Spanish colonies in Central America in the 1600's-1700's, and then voluntarily entered the UK to avoid bankruptcy and retaliatory invasions from the Spanish.

Ironically though, by entering into a Union with England, the Scottish royal family actually took over due to royal squabbling and tradition.

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And also a lot of other land around and outside Europe too

And money. Boy howdy, they were the billionaires of the time and really enjoyed ostentatiously spending the peasants' money on massive fancy buildings.

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Yeah the only king is the Burger King. PROPS to that guy

I thought it was Lord Sandwich in the UK?

The Earl of Sandwich


When the Queen died, he did an Early mourning special.

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It was, but since Charles became King, he is now Lord Sir Sandwich.

Sir Loin of Beef

Sir Rosis of Liver

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It’s clearly Mayor McCheese is the right answer

Nah. Mayor McCheese is an elected official.

Meanwhile, The Hamburglar was just elected Governor of Arkansas

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Earl of Sandwich, if you please. (He was the person who invented the sandwich.)

He definitely didn’t invent the sandwich, but he is its namesake. One of my dumbest life goals is to actually visit the crossroads where the signs read Ham and Sandwich.

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How has this not been done, even as a joke?

"Move over Burger King, there is a new monarch in town. LORD SANDWICH!"

We had the Earl of Sandwich, whom it is claimed invented the sandwich.

sandwiches are just dumplings for people who can't wrap properly.

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Charles in Berlin recently (look at the guy to the right)

Even Charlie couldn't help but laugh.

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He's just some guy.

That one is my favorite.

It's so concise and straight to the point.


Me too, keep these exploiters in perspective.

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Zaphod’s just zis guy, you know?

I thought it was a HHGTTG ref too haha

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Reminds me of a Bill Burr joke about the clergy. I can’t remember exactly

You don’t know more about god or life after death than anyone. You’re some guy named Greg, you played dodge ball in high school and now you do this.

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What do they call a Whopper?

Whop’s Your Uncle

Whop's Your Uncle with cheese innit

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Royale with Cheese

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King Ralph

Where's John Goodman, when he's needed.

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“He’s just some guy” sums up how I feel perfectly.

Are they contesting monarchy, or just this guy in particular?


The monarchy in general. But Charles is way less popular than his mother. It would have been harder to protest her because to many people who may have theoretically opposed monarchy, they liked Elizabeth. And most people would have had her as Queen for their entire life, so she was just part of how things were.

But now with Charles taking over there is a new less popular king so opposition to the monarchy has strengthened. And this isn't even getting into the fact the new King's brother has been embroiled in a sex trafficking case.

Can you imagine being so unlikable that you topple a monarchy AND a dynasty? Wouldn’t that be pretty comical?

This has literally already happened. Charles the First got overthrown and beheaded solely because of how stubborn, selfish, and unlikeable he was. Britain went without a king for over a decade until they decided they wanted to invite his son back to the throne

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Gotta aim high!

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The irony being that Charles has actually already done a lot to modernise the monarchy, reduce their spending, and make them fairer employers. He is better than his Mum she was just around a long time.

Though it's all irrelevant considering that the institution is ludicrous shouldn't exist in the modern era.

My allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!

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It’s weird to me that Charles would be tarnished by that and not their mother…typically parents are far more “responsible” for their children’s behavior than someone ever is for their sibling’s (to the extent that anyone can be said to be responsible for anyone’s behavior outside of their own).

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Both, probably.

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I'm a little disappointed nobody's holding a sign that says "I didn't vote for him".

That's our Prime Minister, literally no one voted for him. Not even the members of his own party


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A mile over mine hahahaha. Haven't watched holy grail in years! Good excuse to see it again I suppose....

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I mean if I went 'round, saying I was an emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

I thought we were an autonomous collective.

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Who knew Rick Moranis was a London police officer

Honey I shrunk the King


But grew his fingers 😬

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I thought Stephen Colbert, but yeah, he's got that Moranis bottom lip going.

I didn’t know that guy’s name, but I knew exactly who you were talking about when I read your comment about his bottom lip!

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Listen -- strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!

I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!

Shut up, will you? SHUT UP!


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Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help! I’m being repressed!

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Help! Help! I'm being repressed !

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Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

Come see the violence inherent in the system!


Ooh! You see that? Dead give away.

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Uh I mean honestly if a woman breathing water in a pond gives a magic sword I think that's a pretty good system compared to corrupt lobbying and lying to the masses to get voted in.

The Watery Tartocrat Party needs to be a thing.

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That’s a Welsh myth, but that didn’t stop the English crown from claiming it along with everything else they liked

It's actually more likely to have been appropriated by the Welsh from the (also Brythonic) peoples of the Hen Ogledd, what is now southern Scotland and the north of England. Probably carried to Wales by exiled members of the ruling class of that area after being pushed out by both the Angles and the Gaels.

But tbh about 80% of the mythos was invented far later by both English and French writers anyway.

It's also pretty hard to say, with how sparse the sources are, who made what up when. Like with Norse myths, it seems like Snorri Sturluson was giving a genuine effort to writing down what he knew of the by-then centuries old Norse myths, but there's plenty of details even in his work that have no corroboration anywhere else. Did he make them up, or are they just evolution over time or part of a different lineage? Lots of opinions on that.

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"Vell, Zaphod’s just zis guy, you know?"

Beeblebrox for Prez King!


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Please tell me there’s a longer version of the whole series put to animation

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How many of them showed up?

Hard to say as they got arrested as soon as they started protesting.

Why were they arrested for simply protesting?


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Y’all should throw some tea in the harbor and befriend the French.

Worked well for us.

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Is the point of protesting not to cause disruption in the life of the community? Otherwise it’s just a bunch of people with signs looking at each other.

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Sounds like something an authoritarian government would do to me.

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Because our government is trying to make it illegal to protest anything

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…Why? They don’t hold any power right? And haven’t for about a century? Why even continue?

Edit: oh, they do have power. Guess we just never hear about it on this side of the pond

Not sure if you're talking about the royal family or the protesters..


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The problem is we have that process and it isn't supposed to be secretive. The elected officials of Westminster are very corrupt.

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Part of it is that we are going through a severe economic crisis right now with public services failing due to lack of funding yet are spending £100 million of public money on a celebration of someone who is already a billionaire due to his birth.

Ceremony was estimated at £250m and the cost to the economy for the extra bank holiday is estimated at £1.2bn.

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Disgusting police overreach.

No freedom of speech in the UK

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Probably about 200. Its tough to say though, I'm bad at estimates.

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not many, there are really few people in the uk that actively want to protest. And overall they are a minority.

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That police officer looks like he's about to explain to the press what his perfect Sunday would be

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When did Rick Moranis become a bobby?

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That bobby looks like Kevin Eldon in Hot Fuzz

"I'll handle the press. Now, my perfect Sunday...."

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All the times I watched it as a kid I never saw the penis on his outfit lmao


It’s the Schwartz.

I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!

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I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes!

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  • Have It His Way

Yeah that ones pretty good, too.

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no please no this song has a permanent hold in my brain anything that reminds me of it sends me into a singing craze for about two days.


To preserve the rhythm.

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He really is just some guy.

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That burger King sign is a real whopper

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King Julien

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How is there not a single “I didn’t vote for him!” In the land of Monty python?

And now I want Burger King…

it was subtle advertising

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"A hereditary head of state, as Thomas Paine so crisply phrased it, is as absurd a proposition as a hereditary physician or a hereditary astronomer" - Christopher Hitchens.

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That's not how a monarchy works.The whole point is that subjects don't get a choice.

Well, I didn't vote for him.

I thought we were an autonomous collective!

We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune!

We take it in turns to act as sort-of-executive officer for the week

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Can't blame me, I voted for Kodos

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I didn't vote for the current Prime Minister either.

or the one before, or before that or before that

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I think that's the problem.

There’s gotta be a better way of doing things. Maybe like… a big tournament of deathmatches. Last person standing gets to make all the rules.

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Eh, subjects always have the choice between "submit peacefully" or "make some noise".

At the end of the day, the monarch is just some guy in an expensive hat, so if enough people choose the second option, then they're not going to be a monarch for long.

"Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show."

-Sir Terry Pratchett

GNU Sir Terry Pratchett.

King Charles I moment.

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Make some noise is a very polite way of saying viva la revolution!

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Except for when they grab some pitchforks and torches.

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Which is why monarchies shouldn't exist

The fact that you are getting pushback at all for this statement is just insane.

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Speak for yourself.
When I become a king, and I will, anyone who denies my monarchy will hang.

I’d vote for this guy. They’re just saying what everyone’s thinking.

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"He's just some guy" is the real gem.

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How did Burger King get Dairy Queen pregnant?

He didn’t wrap his whopper!

He's just some guy.

Very good.

What is Rick Moranis doing as a police officer in London?

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Glad to see Burger King get some love. It may not be much, but it’s worthy.

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What amazes me about Monty Python is how they held a mirror up to society, and society was like "yeah, that looks good."

King Arthur: I am your king.

Peasant Woman: Well, I didn't vote for you.

King Arthur: You don't vote for kings.

Peasant Woman: Well, how'd you become king, then?