
Duet AI is now Gemini for Google Workspace. Learn more

Download your data from Cloud Search

You can export and download your organization’s Google Cloud Search data that haven't been deleted as you can for other Google Workspace services. The process for downloading your data depends on the type of data you want. Identical queries within a short time frame are only included once in the export.

Data indexed from third-party repositories: Because this data came from your own sources, you already have the data. We don't provide a way to download this data.

Data from Google Workspace Core Services, such as emails from Gmail and files from Drive: In contrast to data indexed from third-party repositories, you can use an automated tool, the Data Export tool, to export your organization’s data.

Cloud Search data: This data can be downloaded via the Data Export tool.

Exported data from Google Cloud Search might include:

  • Datasources
  • Datasource schemas
  • Search applications
  • Search activity
  • Clicks
  • Homepage views

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