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AITAH: For not willing to my house to my girlfriend after she put the her house up for sale is moving in with me?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH: For not willing to my house to my girlfriend after she put the her house up for sale is moving in with me?

I (M 53) was married for 20 years, and my wife passed away four years ago. We had no children, so many years ago, we both did our wills. In our wills, we gave each other everything, and if we both died, then everything would go to my wife's nieces and nephews. -- I have no living relatives.

One of the reasons I did this was because my wife's parents had some money, and my wife inherited several million dollars from them. One of the things we did with her inheritance was we bought our dream house. It's a big house, about 4,500 square feet, and has a 1,500 square-foot garage out in the country.

About a year ago, I met Samantha (F 55). She has her own house, but she would always come over to my house and spend the night. We got to talking, and I said she could move in with me. Samantha has a daughter who is 25 and asked if she could move in, too. My basement is pretty big, with a small kitchen and a few extra bedrooms, etc. So I didn't mind. Samantha is in the process of selling her house, and she asked me if I would put in my will that she would get my house if I died. I told her, "No, that was from my in-law's money, and that should go all to my nieces and nephews as it says in my will."

Samantha argues that if I die and she has no house, she will have no place to live. I told her, "Yeah, you get the money from the sale of your house, plus you won't have a mortgage payment, so take that money and put it in a money market account." I was pretty put off by this conversation because, from my point of view, Samantha would have ZERO expenses, and she could put all her money into savings minus whatever she wants to buy herself. -- Not like she doesn't have a job.

We got heated over this conversation, and Samantha said that I was trying to control her with money. When she said that, I told her that maybe this relationship wasn't such a good idea.

So AITAH here?

AITAH for not forgiving my military father who thought my mother cheated on him?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for not forgiving my military father who thought my mother cheated on him?

I'm 18M. My father used to work in the military. He had left my mother for a long time, throughout her pregnancy and a good two years into my birth. So when he came back, he got a two years old son. He was sure I was not his but this neighbor because the neighbor used to help out my mother.

My mother never agreed to a paternity test, well he could still have done it but she was very clear that she will drag him through hell if he did that. She said she did not cheat on him, he has no evidence of it and no reasonable logic behind it. If he can't trust her then the marriage is over, he can sign her half of his everything and go look for a new wife. He never behaved badly with her, people say he loves her or something. But in his eyes, I was the evidence. He blamed me for everything. He never let me call him dad, never hugged me or picked me up. I have always been an eyesore for him.

Somehow, they didn't divorce. But I have always seen them fighting because of me. My father would do something neglectful towards me, my mother would call it out, they would start arguing and it would end in my mother shouting and crying that does he still believes that she cheated on him, then my father would apologize and comfort her. But my mother did take care of me, well, until my brother was born.

My brother Jack was born when I was 11. Things got worse for me since then. It's not like they were abusing me, he never raised his voice or beat me, I was fed, clothed, tuition fees payed and I had a roof over my head, But that was all. My mother stopped putting any efforts towards sticking up for me, if he does something mean with me she would just avoid it. I was the huge pink elephant in the room, bringing me up would always start a fight. I guess she got tired of constantly fighting for me and chose peace aka avoiding my existence. He would call Jack his son pointedly at the dining table when I am eating with them, at first my mother used to say'' But Evan is your son too, honey'', now she would just eat silently or change the topic.

When introducing to new people he would say, '' This is my son Jack and this is Evan''. He would never show up any event regarding me. I was despised in the community, it's a small town, people would whisper behind my back- isn't that the illegitimate boy? yeah, poor dude, he was sacrificing his life for the country when his wife was sleeping around''

I was very clear that I would move out when I turn 18 and go NC with them. They did not object, my mother said something like- oh, but you should visit us sometimes. But he said when I turn an adult, I should also actually be one. I should make my own fortune and not sit around hoping for getting stuff from him.

I turned 18 on 27 of last month and I will go to another state when this month ends. I 'll stay at a friend's place there and hopefully find a job, i have saved up some money, it's not much but I guess I can manage for a few months.

Before doing that, I wanted to see the paternity test done, I thought it would give me a sense of closure. My mother also agreed, though reluctantly, when I said I want to do it. Now comes the part that most of you probably have already seen coming.

Yeah, turns out I am his after all.

Mother is in '' I told you so'' mod. He is devastated, I guess for all those years wasted on hatred, poor guy. Now he wants to make up to me. He is begging me to stay, he says he's sorry, he has made a mistake. I am not budging, I'm not letting him which state I'm going, what will I do or any of my contact info. He didn't feel like keeping them before, he doesn't need to now. I also told him I will never tell my children about him. I will never show him my face as I had promised, and I will never accept anything from him. Well, he has told about this to everyone to convince me to stay or at least to stay in contact. I told them he's not my father. Everyone is saying I'm being unnecessarily cruel to a person who has made a mistake, it's not his fault, the situation was like that.

AITA for making my parents replace my "toys" they decided to give away.

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for making my parents replace my "toys" they decided to give away.

I'm moving to another city for work. Since I'm an adult and not a college kid I hired movers.

My parents insisted on coming down to help me pack up. I live in their basement suite. It was cheap and they let me have my privacy. They brought my brother and my nephew. The four of them were as helpful as a bag of used horse condoms. Especially my nephew.

My parents decided to keep him busy by giving him one of my Lego sets to play with. I collect them. What I usually do is buy two of the same one. I build one, put it up for display and leave the other one in the box to trade or sell.

He took it upstairs to stay out of the way then he took it home. All I noticed is that he was out from under foot.

The next day I saw the box on the garbage. I didn't assume. I knew the answer already but I didn't assume. I went upstairs to talk to them. I asked where the Lego box came from. They said they gave it to Travis to keep him busy. I told them that they needed to replace it. They said I was being childish for caring so much about a toy. I said they could replace it or I would file an insurance claim and that would probably require a police report.

My dad got angry. He pulled out $70 and told me I was an asshole for making a fuss over a toy. I asked him if that was a down payment? He said that is what he spent on the last Lego gift he got me for Christmas and that is what those helmets cost.

I showed him the box. I told him to keep his money. He just had to give me a sealed box like the one he stole.

He said he didn't steal anything. He took the box and went to the Lego store nearby.

When he came back he was apologetic. He said he would get it back from my nephew. I said I wanted a sealed box with the Tie Fighter helmet. I even went on eBay to help him find one cheaper than he had found by himself at the collectibles store the guy at the Lego store sent him to. With shipping it would only be $300. He ordered it. He isn't happy about it.

My mom is upset that I'm expecting that much money for a toy. My dad is upset that I didn't explain before he went and made a fool of himself at the store. I'm upset that they stole from me.


Jackass in a BMW thinks he can park in front of the handicap ramp at our church.

For all your stories of small victories over those who've wronged you.

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Jackass in a BMW thinks he can park in front of the handicap ramp at our church.

I had just arrived at church. A good friend Kyle was in his custom electronic wheelchair and he was furious. You see someone had parked a new BMW right in front of the ramp that Kyle uses to get in. Well I went inside and got a wheelchair. I went down the steps and picked him up and carried him to the church's wheelchair. I then, with 3 other guys we picked up and carried Kyle's chair to the top of the stairs. After I put Kyle in his chair and went to my car. I pulled up so close they could not move their car. I then went into the church and joined the service. About 45 minutes a man enters and looked around so I got up and asked him if I could help him. He stayed someone blocked him in. We went outside and I said how inconvenient. I then proceeded to tear this guy a new a-hole. After me chewing them out for 15 minutes I said they would have to wait. They were furious and called 911 claiming that they were being held against their will. Well the cop showed up and then I backed up. They were spinning a story when the cop asked why they were parked in front of the ramp. As he chewed them out I just walked away smiling. The got multiple tickets.

AITA for telling my friend he is an ass if he removes his recently discovered not biological son from his life.

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for telling my friend he is an ass if he removes his recently discovered not biological son from his life.

A friend of mine has very recently had some family issues. Long story short his son isn't his biologically his.

Its an absolutely awful situation to be in and it has torn his life apart.

He has recently told me that once the divorce is settled he is going to remove his son and wife from his life and he essentially wants to move on and forget about it all. Fair enough.

However he also wants to never see his 'son' anymore either. If this was a baby fresh out of the womb, fair game imo. But, his son is a grown ass 26 year old adult. He doesn't live with his parents, friend has raised this kid, loved this kid, everything. At this point in his life, my friend is his dad no matter what anyone, even friend has to say about it. A step dad at that age doesn't really exist yknow. He is the guy who raised him.

So I told him that I know he is grieving and emotions are at an all time high right now, but if he removes 'son' from his life he is straight up an ass and that I disagree with him doing that. If he needs time and space sure, a new understanding of boundaries between them, fair.

He left and our other friends found out about this and called me ta. Am I the asshole here?

AITA for telling my dad there will be no making up for missing my high school graduation?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling my dad there will be no making up for missing my high school graduation?

I'm (18m) graduating high school at the end of this month. My dad dropped the bomb on me two nights ago that his stepdaughter (14f) has an award ceremony for some competition she entered and won in another state on that same day and that she really wants him to be there. He told me he couldn't possibly make it to both and since his wife and their children together will be going, he needs to be there too. He told me he would make it up to me and we could celebrate another time.

I still live with him (not for much longer). My mom died when I was 7 and my dad got married again when I was 11 or 12. It's been a few years anyway. His stepdaughter never knew her bio dad, so my dad has accepted her as his own. And he has prioritized her a lot in the last 5/6 years. It doesn't always show in the most obvious ways but it can be felt. Father/son time was put on an indefinite hiatus and instead dad told me we needed to include her in our time together but he also spent time with just her for father/daughter time. I brought it up to my dad and he told me I wasn't exactly making an effort to be closer to her so he wanted us all to bond and didn't want me to just focus on my relationship with him.

He has attended her dance things instead of my basketball games if they're on at the same time. It doesn't matter if mine was known about first, he will still skip my stuff to go to hers.

He will take us on family days and whenever he and his wife say "kids can choose" he picks her choices over mine. He claims it's because they will be the most fun for everyone but really, he even says it afterward, anything his little princess wants.

Our refrigerator and our shower broke at the same time. His stepdaughter's birthday was coming up so he took money from my birthday fund to pay for that stuff and so his stepdaughter would definitely get what she wanted (this barbie house thing and a whole fashion set and they were I think dad said $250). He didn't get all the money back by the time my birthday came around so instead he bought me a $30 gift card for Steam when he had promised me a new monitor and keyboard for my computer (that was a gift from my grandparents).

When my dad told me he wouldn't be at my graduation to go and support her, I told him there is no making up for that and he can forget about being included in my life going forward. He told me he would make it up to me and I told him I will always come second to his little princess and I'm not going to be okay with that. I told him he's discarded me for the last time. Dad begged me to be reasonable but I walked away. Then I invited both sets of grandparents who agreed to come. His wife told me I could have come with them and I don't need to attend the ceremony but could support "my sister". I said her daughter's not my sister and I do not want to support their family anymore and I will be out of their hair soon. She called me selfish and told me I can't deny her daughter a dad.


AITA for moving to avoid paying child support?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for moving to avoid paying child support?

I have incontrovertible proof that I am not the father but I was still forced by family court to pay child support because it was in the best interest of the child.

It is not my child. My ex can track down her baby daddy for child support.

My family is back in South America and my dad told me to just come home. My country does not have a reciprocal child support enforcement treaty with the United States. And my degree will get me a good job in many other countries.

My ex has tried contacting me and telling me all her personal problems. How I am an asshole for ducking out on my responsibilities. Thus far my only answer is that I do not consider the legal responsibility as being equal to a moral responsibility.

My family is on my side and my parents said that they no longer consider themselves grandparents to her child.

Some of my friends back in America seem to think I am an asshole for not staying in her child's life and not paying child support. Even the ones that know she cheated.

TIFU by potentially fumbling a good date with a girl in Colombia

/r/TIFU means Today I Fucked Up

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TIFU by potentially fumbling a good date with a girl in Colombia

So I (m 23) recently moved to Colombia for some time, as I work in IT and can do my job remotely. My college roommate is from there and he told me to stop by. Things have been quite fun so far, I have not traveled much and experiencing a new culture is always exciting.

The best part of my move has been that I met this attractive girl (f 24) who goes to my gym here. I did a yoga class once and we ended up talking and exchanging numbers. Been on 3 dates so far.

The first two dates were fairly chill, just got some food and talked, however, for the 3rd date she wanted me to go dancing with her and her friends.

Now I have not gone out to bars or clubs much back home, so I did not know what to expect. I figured it would be some salsa joint.

When we get there the club is more packed than I thought. She gives me a hug and drags me into the dance floor. I was a little nervous and i told her "i dont know salsa", and laughed and said "just follow me" and proceeded to turn around with her back to me and she just started full on.

I did not expect this nor have I ever grinded with anyone before. Before you knew it I was rock hard literally felt like i was going to fucking cum. I told her i have to go to the bathroom just to compose myself.

After about 5 mins i came back out and she took me to the dance floor again...more of the same this time. I told my self if she continues to dance like that I am going to bust in my pants so i told her that i wasn't feeling to well, and that i have to go. She seemed a bit surprised but said "oh sure, dont worry".

I dont know what happened to me in there but i just panicked. Did i screw things up with her? Is going to a club and dancing like this a normal thing in a place like colombia? Did i fumble this? Do you think she bought my excuse? I told my friend about this and he just started laughing lol.

What does reddit think?

EDIT: Ok did not expect this to get this many upvotes, a 100 is crazy lol. Some folks here have said I should provide an update so I will. I sent her a text asking if she is free on sunday for a coffee. Will update you on what she says!

UPDATE: She texted back saying she is a bit busy on sunday but can join her friends and her for lunch. Good sign?

TL;DR - Went on a date with a colombian girl who took me to a club, started grinding with me and i could not handle it so lied saying i wasnt feeling well and left

AITAH for refusing to cook for my sister's wedding after she called my food "trashy"?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for refusing to cook for my sister's wedding after she called my food "trashy"?

So, I (32F) love to cook. It’s my passion, and I’m pretty good at it—or so I thought. My sister (29F) is getting married soon and originally asked me to cater her wedding as a gift. We talked menus and everything seemed great until last week.

During a family dinner (which I hosted), she tasted one of my new dishes. She made a face, pushed her plate away, and „joked“ right there in front of everyone that my food was “trashy” and not “wedding material.” I was crushed. My family looked shocked, but no one said anything.

Later, she texted me, not to apologize, but to ask if I still wanted to do the wedding for exposure. Honestly? I lost it. I told her if my food was trashy, she’d need to find a less “trashy” chef for her big day. Now, my family is split, and some are saying I overreacted and sabotaged her wedding over a comment.

AITAH here? Should I just swallow my pride and cook to keep the peace?

AITA for leaving dinner because my sister was late… again?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for leaving dinner because my sister was late… again?

I (27F) had plans to go out to dinner with my sister (30F) as we do every month. She lives in my hometown and I live in the next state over with my BF, we’re about 35 mins to an hour apart depending on traffic. We agreed to meet closer to hometown with my mom.

One thing about her, she is always late. I expect she’ll always be at least 30 mins late but it’s been up to a few hours. And not just random plans, weddings and graduations too. It’s been brought up in the past by mom and I but she always brushes it off and gets upset.

My BF drove me over, I can’t drive and he offered to drop me before he had to head out for plans of his own near home and come back when he was done. I assumed after dinner we would just hang out at her house either way.

Get to the place and start calling my sister (she usually doesn’t say if she’s gonna be late, but if my mom is with her she does, and I hadn’t heard anything). I get mom a few mins later and she says they’re behind because it took awhile to get my nephew who’s almost 1 ready and my sister got in the shower later than expected. I didn’t even know my nephew was coming and she usually tells me if he is. Her husband was apparently there to let mom in when she showed up but went back to sleep as soon as she got there. Not sure why he couldn’t help get baby ready, but that’s none of my business.

I check Maps and it says 35 mins, adding in getting baby strapped and secure and then putting him in either the stroller or front carrier on her body, I was looking at 40 mins. To top it off we had reservations (SHE made the reservation, not me). I had never been to this place and didn’t know if it was one of those places that don’t let you have the table if your whole group isn’t there. There was really no space to wait inside and I’d have to stand outside. Anyway I didn’t feel like sitting alone for 40 mins even if I could.

She doesn’t keep her friends waiting this long when they make plans, I don’t get why it’s okay to do this to me and mom. I’m speaking to mom as they’re trying to change the reservation online, at that point I was fed up. If we agree to be there at a certain time be there. 5 or 10 mins late is fine but not this. I told mom I was going back home, I didn’t feel like fuming at the table and acting like I wasn’t mad when they got there (as I’d done before). She sounded hurt and mad but said fine and that she would go home too.

Since then I haven’t spoken to my sister (it’s been a few weeks) and mom doesn’t want to get in the middle, but I told her I wasn’t speaking to her until I get an apology. Mom told her she can’t keep doing this on their ride back home and agrees it’s an issue, but won’t say much else. It’s ridiculous to just always be late because you’re bad at time management. She also wants to use the “it takes long to get a baby ready” excuse which I would accept if it wasn’t for the fact that this has been a problem long before my nephew was born or even a thought. So, aita?

Owner paints fence to look like what it's meant to hide

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

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Owner paints fence to look like what it's meant to hide

Owner receives a letter from the city requiring him to screen his boat from view. He hires muralist neighbor to paint the fence to look exactly like the view of the boat. Well done.

AITA for refusing to meet with my soon to be ex under no circumstances?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for refusing to meet with my soon to be ex under no circumstances?

My ex was on a work trip and a lady from his work sent me a video of him dancing and making out with a colleague of his. She wrote, girl do something you are losing your man. I was 6 months pregnant and trust me when I say that I was worried I would go into labor or have a miscarriage because my stomach started squirming. I was shocked because that’s not him. How could it be him? It turned out, you never know what people really are.

I called the lady and she told me that they just left for his hotel room. I called him but he didn’t answer me. I called 10 times and he didn’t answer. Then I called the lady and asked for the other woman’s name. She sent me her name and number. I made a group chat and wrote “I hope (her name) is worth hurting me and ruining our marriage. Have a good life (husband’s name)”

He called me within a few minutes after that text. I didn’t answer and I have never answered him or seen him again. He called me a couple of hundred times and texted me over 150 texts that night. I never read a single one. My heart couldn’t take it. I just called my mom in the middle of the night because I was worried about my health because the floors literally was spinning under my feet. Do cheaters realize the amount of pain and trauma they cause someone they claim to love? If they knew beforehand would it deter them?

I have never seen him again. My brother and his wife have been my rock and my way of communicating with him. Nobody is allowed to tell him where I live. I have full custody right now and this arrangement is until our son is old enough to start with shared custody arrangements. I am still on maternity leave but when I start working again, I have arranged to have my home office. Good luck trying to ambush me at my workplace “to just explain”. For 9 months now, I have been called everything under the sun from his side of the family about him just wanting to explain. I don’t understand what he wants to explain. What is there to explain? Whatever he did is self explanatory what more to talk about? Why is it so important to see me and talk in person? What can he tell me that would make his infidelity redeemable? What can he say to change my mind? I have made my wants very clear. Divorce and never see him again because I have spent nights on end trying to find anything that would make what he did forgivable in my books. I have tried and failed. I have done my part. But now I am the one who is in the wrong. I am the bad person because I don’t want to see the man who broke my heart. I don’t know, I feel like sometimes even my side of the family are thinking the same thing. That I have gone too far. This is not the adult way to handle things. I have made my point and now I need to face my fears and heartbreak. Maybe they have different motives than his family but it is still the same judgement. That I have taken this too far. Help me understand this please.

AITA for assuming my SIL was not coming to the barbecue?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for assuming my SIL was not coming to the barbecue?

My brother Nic is married to Ruby. They have a son, Jack.

A couple days ago I texted Nic to ask him if they’d like to come round for a barbecue on Saturday. Ruby texted back the following:

Hey, it’s Ruby, Nic is working on his bike. He and Jack are at a race this weekend, so not around

So I replied:

Ok no worries! We’ll catch you guys another time. I’ll text Jack but please tell him good luck from us!

And that was that. Except that wasn’t that because Nic called me yesterday to say Ruby is upset that she was “uninvited” from the barbecue. I am so confused. She said Nic and Jack weren’t around, meaning the majority of the family unit wasn’t able to come so I assumed we’d just see them another time. Is that weird? If she had asked to come, like said “they’re at a race this weekend but do you kind if I still stop by?” I wouldn’t have said no. But she didn’t say anything.

Ruby is a nice person, and a fantastic mother, but she can be a bit funny about stuff like this so I think this is just another overreaction from her. Did I actually mess up?

AITA: My wife gets frustrated that I don't wear my clothes in order.

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA: My wife gets frustrated that I don't wear my clothes in order.

My wife and I split laundry work in that I bring it down to the basement, load it in and change it over before bringing it back upstairs and my wife puts the clothes away when they're done because she has a certain way she likes to fold and put clothes away. Which to me, is a fine division of labor and effort in housekeeping.

The way she puts clothes away though has very little to do with clothes being accessible or organized by type and more about putting them in order so that every piece of clothing has a chance to be worn. Clothes that are in drawers get rotated into the closet (a TINY closet in our NYC apartment) and then new clean clothes go into the drawers to await being put back into rotation. There isn't any organization beyond this, our clothes get mixed into drawers seemingly at random. Pajamas with dress shirts, sweatpants in the same place as sleeveless tees. So, clearly the order is the important factor to her and not being able to find or access clothes you want to wear, so I'm forced to look through everything to find an outfit you want to wear. Though to her, I should be only choosing what to wear out of what is in the closet.

I can understand this to a point and have said I can see the value in this system especially if that is something that is important to her. That I appreciate the level of organization and dedication she puts into our lives at home, but also that I won't be told I can't wear the clothes I want when I want to.

I'm a comfort outfit type of person. I know which of my shirts I love the most and what pairs of pants I like them with, what belt goes with which outfit, etc. However, I don't believe I need to wear them in a rotation and not being able to wear (or find) what I please is very frustrating to me.

I don't rip them out of the drawers and leave the rest a mess, I always carefully remove them and put other clothes back the way they were.

When I take clothing from a drawer instead of the closet, it instantly sours her mood and the morning becomes very tense. To the point where she passive aggressively asked "Should I just throw all your clothes in the closet in the garbage?" and has not put laundry away for the entirety of this week because "What's the point? You're just going to wear whatever anyway." I might wear those clothes again, just not that day and yes, maybe a few can be go to donation because I'm not wearing them as much (Which is what I said in response), but to me, that isn't something to get so upset about you have a nasty attitude with your spouse over it and leave the house for work in a terrible mood.

I see this as controlling and she sees my behavior as insensitive. But me wearing clothes "out of order" does nothing to our home or health, and has no negative impact on our lives other than her frustration with me not adhering to her system. Is this her being neurotic and controlling or am I the asshole?

TLDR: My wife puts clothes away in old to new order and gets upset when I wear what I want to instead. AITA?

Update: my allergy and my bf’s daughter

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Update: my allergy and my bf’s daughter

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for really caring about a stranger with a dilemma. I was glad that I wasn’t wrong in my guts. I told my bf that I wanted to break up.

He was very sad and tried to reason with me. He suggested that we could live separately. His daughter will soon be an adult. I told him that being 18 doesn’t guarantee that she leaves the nest nor that he stops being a father either. Any time she could come across hardships and wants to move home and she needs to find that home. She couldn’t have it with me.

And about living separately, while it is fine now and some few years ahead. What about the future?

He was silent and listening to me. I felt overwhelmed because I love him. He said that the only way his daughter will be happy is when he is alone. She is in therapy but she has not shown any regards for her father or his life. She seems to not see him as an individual with feelings. He is just a father. I didn’t know what to tell him and just said that she probably needed time to grow up.

Until he moves out, his daughter is not allowed to be in my apartment. She called and threw a tantrum about her father choosing me instead. That she has the right to live with her father every other week and this shouldn’t change. I didn’t say anything, they need to fix this as a family, I am not a part of this family anymore.

He rented his apartment for a year’s contract so I don’t know how he will manage to find a new or terminate the lease so he could move back to his old apartment. Anyway he is staying here for a couple of months.

I am very sad that this beautiful relationship has come to an end. But I need to think about myself now.

AITA for refusing to attend my sister's wedding because she wouldn't give me any money & called me a burden?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for refusing to attend my sister's wedding because she wouldn't give me any money & called me a burden?

I have a sister, Sandra. Years ago, she'd lost her job & was homeless. I was only more than happy to help. I gave her a lot of money & asked her to live in my house. Rent-free, free food, and she could live there permanently.

I also gave her additional money every month.

She got a good job later & moved out.

A year after that, I fell into trouble. I was homeless. I asked Sandra for help. Not only did she say I am unwelcome to stay at her house as it would be a burden, she also refused to give me any money.

I now have a good job as earlier. Sandra's now having her wedding & invited me. All of us congratulated her, except me. I said I am not attending.

She got mad. I said that I do not want to be with anyone who's as ungrateful. She began to yell at me, and others agree with her in that I am in the wrong since I'd said that she does not have to return the money when I'd helped her.


Should I slap a shipping label on a gig bag and ship my ex roommate his guitar?

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

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Should I slap a shipping label on a gig bag and ship my ex roommate his guitar?

My ex roommate moved out of state a few months ago, but left several items at the apartment. He asked me a month or so ago to send him his acoustic guitar. I haven't been able to afford it yet, but I was looking for a way to package it so that it doesn't get destroyed enroute.

He has been an absolute douche the entire time I have known him. He called me a few days ago angry that I hadn't sent it to him yet. I told him I wanted to package it so that it doesn't get destroyed, and I should have enough to send it on payday. He proceeded to get angry and yell at me to just send it in the gig bag.

I'm am so over all of the harassment. I'm about to just slap a shipping label on his gig bag and see if UPS will ship it.

I am trying to do something nice for you, but if you treat me like shit I will do exactly as you asked.

ETA: After reading comments, I will get a quote for the shipping, make him pay me, and then ship it exactly how he asked... I really hope it shows up broken.

I will figure out if UPS will even ship it that way on Monday and get a quote for the shipping cost. I am definitely getting confirmation that he wants me to send it without packaging it. I'll take pictures of me dropping it off intact at the shipping facility.

I'll update the post when he gets it.

AITA For moving with my kids because of my ex's legal trouble

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA For moving with my kids because of my ex's legal trouble

My ex-gf, Jen (34F), and I (35M) have 2 kids together (8 & 6). We never married and broke up about 3 years ago. We had court-ordered split custody and for the most part co-parented well together. Things were going pretty well until last year Jen was charged with felony financial fraud. Earlier this year she was convicted and sentenced to 24-30 months in prison. With good behavior she will probably be out in about 18-months.

When we found out she was pregnant with our second child, she pushed me to move closer to her family so that she be closer to her support system. I agreed despite my concerns about having to find a new job and the COL being higher, but we made it work. I have a good job here, but I'm lonely and stressed with the 2 kids.

Before Jen's trial I had petitioned the court for full custody and it was granted. Jen's family helps when they can but they aren't my favorite people and we don't always get along well. After some conversations with my family, I decided to move closer to them to try and get a fresh start. I will be moving about 1,200 miles from where we currently live. I informed Jen about this the last time I took the kids to visit her. She was not happy and had some choice words for me.

Her family is also tearing into me about this. They are threatening to sue for grandparent's rights (which aren't really a thing in this state). They are also accusing me of parental alienation for taking the kids away from their mother. They are convinced that Jen will be out in 18-months and that isn't too long in the grand scheme of things and isn't worth taking the kids away. Especially since after Jen gets out she will have restrictions on travel that will make it harder for her to see the kids.

I do feel a little conflicted about it, but I know I am doing the best thing for me with this decision. I also believe it will be better for the kids to go to a school where other kids don't know their mom is in prison. I have cleared all of this with my lawyer and he assured me that I am doing everything by the book and that since I have full custody and Jen is currently incarcerated, she has no legal standing to try and stop me. He also said that the grandparent's rights thing has about a 1% chance of even getting in front of a judge.

I have had to threaten Jen's parents with cutting them off if they don't stop pressuring me to stay. The whole situation is a mess and my poor kids are stuck in the middle. I am trying to do the best thing for them in the long run even if the short-term is going to be hard.

I understand why Jen and her family are so upset. But, at the same time, she got herself into this situation. I do feel bad for her, but also, you're a felon now, Jen. What the hell did you think was going to happen?

I have the worst neighbors, children out of control yelling. So I give them a theme song.

For all your stories of small victories over those who've wronged you.

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I have the worst neighbors, children out of control yelling. So I give them a theme song.

I moved here 2 years ago, haven’t been able to sit and relax in my yard for one time.

It’s always children screaming hysterically at the top of their longs. Very loud music and adults yelling.

Talking to them won’t help, they are really stupid and can’t be reasoned with because they can’t for the life of them see other perspectives.

So now every time, they sit in the back yard I have circus music on repeat. They are too stupid to realize the effect it has on them.

At first they laughed, but after the 8th time on repeat they start to make loud comments how it doesn’t get to them 😂. Now their visitors always leave, f these people.

Edit: here is some context since someone called me out for being insufferable.

  1. They talk behind my back in their backyard, like we don’t live next to each other.

  2. I mean screaming, not having fun. The children have personality disorders because they are hyper all the time. I know because they are loud in everything.

(As someone pointed out I have no credentials to make this comment about personality disorders et cetera , I do regret it and I will try to do better next time.)

3. They destroyed parts of my home and threatened me with death. 4. Every major holiday is about them, we tried to have dinner around dinner time on Christmas but the windows were shaking from the bass. 5. During the week they sit in their backyard and sing loudly at 2 am. I guess I’m a little bitch for wanting to sleep because I have to work 6. Children screaming at midnight because they are “playing”. 7. How normal people yell is how they speak. 8. They told me that they have been living here for 10 years and every person that lived here before me has complained about their behavior, but it’s not them it’s the people that live here. 9. They abuse their dog, one time left the poor doggy in a empty pool when it was 30+ celcius. The dog is always left in the back yard crying. Called the authorities multiple times but no one is willing to do anything. 10. They mentally abuse their children, which is really depressing especially since they are loud and I hear everything.

I tried to reason with them for almost 2 years now, I waited for almost 2 years for them to behave like normal people who are considerate of their surroundings.

But yeah I am the insufferable little bitch :) as someone mentioned.

Edit 2: I appreciate you all, feels good to know that I am not crazy or alone in this. Love all the song- and other suggestions, I will put them all to use for maximum petty revenge 😈.

Hope you wonderful people have a nice weekend!

AITA for "stealing" the family name my grandma offered my wife and I to use for our daughter when I'm just a stepkid?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for "stealing" the family name my grandma offered my wife and I to use for our daughter when I'm just a stepkid?

My dad is not my bio dad. He's raised me since I was 7 months old though. My bio father was in and out of my life and was not good to me. I never really wanted him around. I had such a good relationship with my dad. And I knew love and family with my parents over the guy who just wanted to mess with my mom and stop me being adopted, but never showed any interest in me as his flesh and blood kid.

I have younger siblings from my parents. My dad has siblings and nieces and nephews and both his parents are alive. I'm SO close to his parents. My grandparents never saw me as less than their grandchild. Blood and legality never mattered. I was one of theirs and they were my granny and grampy, and grampy was born from my inability to say grandpa as a really little kid for some reason lol.

I got married to my amazing wife Caylee and my wife and I are now expecting a baby girl. Granny approached us and said that she wanted to make it clear that if we wanted, and there was no pressure, we could consider using the family girl name for our daughter. It's a name usually used in the middle name but every few generations gets used as a first name and usually goes for the first granddaughter. My wife and I loved the idea and we loved the name. So we decided to use it as a first name, which made granny so happy and my dad actually cried when he heard.

But the other members of my extended family were not so pleased and I was accused of "stealing" the name from the legitimate first granddaughter, the one who would be blood and I was stealing it from my cousins who should have been first priority to use the name. My grandparents and dad said my daughter and I are legitimate members of this family and I stole nothing. Granny even said she offered it to me. But extended family said I should have the common sense and the compassion to understand I'm not an actual blood member of the family and neither is my daughter.

A fight broke out of this. And I know most of the extended family firmly blame me for agreeing to use the name.


And for those who will ask/wonder the name in question is Seraphina.

AITA for choosing our kids over her friends?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for choosing our kids over her friends?

My wife went from being a total homebody to going out twice a week with girlfriends for the past month. It's having a horrible effect on our autistic son who likes his routines and can't handle change. So, I get to deal with that while she's having fun. Next week is the kids' swim lessons and she said she can't go because it's her friends birthday party that night. I told her being there for her kids is more important than a 40 year olds bday party. For her it's Tuesday but for our kids it's the day mom couldn't be bothered to show. She dug in her heels and refuses to change her plans. She says I'm being unreasonable and '"it's only 1 night", AITA here for telling her to skip the bday party and go to the swim lessons?

AITA for forcefully shutting my brother down after he tried to shame my daughter for seeking her birth family?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for forcefully shutting my brother down after he tried to shame my daughter for seeking her birth family?

My husband and I adopted our daughter 18.5 years ago. She had been left at the hospital by her birth mother, who was never found, and they had no known father or other family for her. We never hid her adoption or the truth surrounding her ending up with us. But we have always worked with professionals to help us navigate her journey. We wanted her to feel loved and secure. We also wanted her to feel heard about any feelings or thoughts she had. From a very young age she was curious about her birth family. We always said we would help her search one when she was old enough and if she chose to search.

It was a decision she brought to us a few weeks after her 18th birthday. She said she felt like it would always be a regret if she didn't try. So we did our very best to help her do a biological parent search. But over a year of searching later and we found nobody. Not a biological relative through any of the online dna places and not anyone based on the name her birth mother gave, which could be fake. This was difficult for her and a few weeks ago she told us she feels like they don't want to be found. We comforted her and made sure she knew if she wanted to keep searching we would continue supporting her.

Our families were always aware of the search but apparently my brother had a problem with this that he decided to bring up in a way that shamed my daughter for searching. First time his question took on an accusatory tone I told him to watch what he was saying but then he said something incredibly judgmental and as a way to shame her, asking why she cared so little for us when we're the ones who wanted her and raised her. I told my brother that is not how he talks to either of my children and he better apologize because there is nothing wrong with wanting to know your biological parents or relatives and how dare he make it seem like there is. I told him I didn't care if he was my older brother, he was being an asshole. He tried to use my son, who is younger than my daughter, as "proof" that my daughter is wrong because he has never expressed any interest or curiosity in his biological parents. I became very angry and told him it was enough and he needed to stop or he would be dealing with the consequences.

He told me I had no right to talk to him so forcefully or to interfere because my daughter is an adult now.


AITAH for passing out during a family gathering meant to introduce our new baby? LAST UPDATE

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for passing out during a family gathering meant to introduce our new baby? LAST UPDATE

For all of you who wanted to know what his mother's reaction was, she yelled at him and he made that my problem. The things he's messaged me are vile. And even though MIL was mad at him and KNOWS what he's been saying to me, she still insisted that I go visit him face to face so we can work things out.

I don't really blame her. He's her son, of course she'd still want to help him, but still....With all the ways he's been threatening me and cussing me out, I really didnt want to see him, but I decided to go. Mostly because I needed the stuff that I left at our house.

I went with my sister for safety, obviously. We got there and he played with our baby, he offered to feed her (she wasn't hungry), just acting completely different from the man texting me about how much of a "heartless bitch" I am. I didn't really feel comfortable having him near me or the baby with how violent his texts were, but she's still his baby. I don't think the courts would favour him after I show his texts, but I thought I should rather be safe and allow him some form of contact before going to court. This was a mistake.

At the end of the visit, I decided I should go pack my stuff, since that was one of the only reason I agreed to come. But, I didn't feel comfortable not being there while he had my baby. Yeah, my sister was there and I trust her, but I'd rather watch her with my own eyes. So, my sister went upstairs to pack for me. As soon as she was gone, he started talking about "See? I'm good now I can take care of her." And other stuff but that wasn't the problem. Even if he became super dad, I wouldn't be able to see him the same. Not after all those messages he sent me.

I told him that and he got pissed at me. I was getting worried since my daughter was still in his arms, so I tried to deescalate his feelings. It didn't work and he started yelling at me for "being heartless" and "stubborn" and whatnot. I wasn't really focused on what he was saying, I was focused on my baby. I tried to reach out for her and he shoved me hard enough to fall back. My sister came down and tried to help, but he shoved her away too and ran to the guest room and locked himself and MY BABY in there. He refused to come out unless my sister left and i stayed behind. I can't tell y'all how scary it is to not know what's happening to your child.

It took officers almost 30 minutes to get him out, which pissed me off. Like I know they were probably trying to assess the danger or whatever but I just wanted my baby. In that 30 minute window he could've shaken her or threw her out the window or something and they were there asking him to come out like he was a child and not breaking down the door. She was fine, though, so I can't be too mad.

They didn't arrest him since "no harm was done" even though my sister and I have bruises to prove otherwise, but they held him outside while I packed my stuff. It actually bothers me that they didn't at least detain him, but there's not much I can do about it now. I don't think I'm going to go near him again. Not with my baby. I'm thinking of going to apply for that emergency custody thing yall were talking about.

This happened on Wednesday and I'm still shaken. It's really depressing, for a lack of better word, seeing how much he's changed. I really loved him and I felt he loved me too. How he's acting is crushing me. I feel deflated. My baby girl and my sister are really the only things keeping me going right now.

I'm sorry for the wall of text, it's just that texting this all out helps me feel better. But, I don't think I want to continue updating. Just know that we're splitting up. Thank you all for your support!!

Extra: after visiting the doctor, I've decided to just skip the hassle and formula feed. She seems happier with formula anyways.

AITA for bringing a generic product vs the name brand I was asked to bring?

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AITA for bringing a generic product vs the name brand I was asked to bring?

This seems so silly to me but it became such a big deal, I have to ask.

Last weekend, my girlfriend’s family hosted a BBQ. I was always raised to never show up anywhere empty-handed, so I asked my girlfriend’s mom what I could bring. She asked that I grab the Cool Whip for a dessert she was making.. Easy enough. I figured it won’t be hard to find, so, I decide to wait until morning of to grab it on my way there.

Well, I get to the store about 20 minutes before the BBQ starts and they’re somehow out of the name brand. They did, however, have the store brand’s “whipped topping”. As I didn’t have time to go to another grocery store, I just bought the generic brand and headed off. Upon arrival, I hand the bag to my girlfriend’s mom. She opens it, looks inside and gets a weird look on her face. She asks where the Cool Whip is. I say the store was out, but this is pretty much the same thing, right? She looks a little irritated with me but just tells me to make myself at home. As I’m putting my stuff down, I hear her asking her husband to r un to the store and grab the Cool Whip. I can’t hear the entire conversation, but he must have asked didn’t I bring it because I then hear her say “I asked for one thing and he couldn’t even deliver”.

Nothing else was said directly to me, but there were a few passive-aggressive remarks throughout the BBQ. Such as when her husband arrived, name brand in hand, calling him her “hero”. When the dessert was served, she again made a comment about how it’s made with “real Cool Whip”. I didn’t want to make a scene, so I took it on the chin.

When talking to my girlfriend about it later, she said that her mom was overdramatic but I should’ve called her to ask if generic was okay. Or I could’ve gone to a different store. I asked if there was really a difference and she said she doesn’t know, but it was what I was asked to bring, so I should’ve communicated better. Again, this all sound so stupid but…am I the asshole?

AIO at my friend trying to kiss me?

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AIO at my friend trying to kiss me?

I met my friend about a year ago, and I had romantic intentions, which I did let her know.

Three months in, I tried to kiss her, but she refused, she even got upset, I apologized and moved on. We discussed that this was a boundary for her, and that she takes things REALLY slow, and that i should have asked, and that we should have a talk.

We had a talk shortly afterwards, and we agreed that we are just friends. We do regularly hang out.

Recently, I told her I've been going on dates, and the last time we hung out, we were at gorgeous view while out on a hike.

We sat down and had some food.

She then tried to kiss me.

I didn't let her, and asked what she was doing, she got embarrassed and said "sorry", it was an awkward hike and drive back, and we didn't talk much.

We haven't talked about it yet, but I'm kind of upset.

  1. She pretty much did the same thing I tried to do and she got upset by if, so I'm upset at the hypocritical behavior

  2. She did this AFTER I told her I've been on other dates, and even though I don't have a gf at this time, I'm really annoyed that it seems like she's only doing this just because I'm seeing others.

Am I overreacting? I plan to have a talk with her, and I'm feeling confused.

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  • ***This is an anti-free speech Anti-Alt-right/Nazi/Right Conservatives, a Pro-LGBT community that supports Black Lives Matter. If you don't like it, post somewhere else.*** What does this mean, you ask. It means: Nazis, Bigots, Racists, Trolls will be banned & punted to the Admins. **We reserve the right to moderate at our discretion.** members
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  • A place where people from the hotel (mostly) industry can come and share the stories of the things our guests do and say that make customer service the hated job that it is. Non-hotel front desk stories welcome, so long as the tale involves a front desk. Retail employee? /r/talesfromretail members
  • This is simply a subreddit dedicated to venting. Had a bad day? Tell reddit about it. Share your stress with us. This is a community where people can give you advice, and take some of that weight off your shoulders. Here it's perfectly fine to complain! members