Joining a meeting using Meet hardware? Use Companion Mode for inclusive hybrid meetings. Learn more.

Track room and device usage with Meet hardware

These features will be available beginning the week of January 24, 2022 and may take 1-2 weeks to fully propagate to your domain. Learn more

The Room Insights Dashboard gives you metrics to analyze how your organization uses space (see Track room & resource use in Google Calendar). If your organization uses Meet hardware and has occupancy detection turned on, you get even more valuable insights to track how the rooms and devices are used throughout the day. Use this information for planning to help save time and reduce costs.

Note: Some graphs are not shown if your organization does not use Meet hardware.

Before you begin

  • Turn on occupancy detection—Only in rooms with Meet hardware.
    For details, see Turn on occupancy detection.
  • Use a structured format for rooms—Only metrics for structured resources appear in the Room Insights Dashboard. 
  • Set the room category to Meeting space—This is required to display metrics in the Room Insights Dashboard.
  • Set the time zone for each room—Update the local time zone so the dashboard shows data correctly.

Go to your Dashboard

Room insights privileges are required to view the Dashboard.

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

  2. On the Admin console Home page, go to Buildings and resources and for Room Insights Dashboard, click Open.
Tip: You can also search for Room Insights Dashboard.

View Meet hardware room and device usage

If Meet hardware occupancy detection is turned on, you can track how the rooms and devices are used throughout the day. 

Note: Some graphs are not shown if your organization does not use Meet hardware.

  1. Use the Currently viewing quick filters at the top to narrow the results.
    • All rooms
    • Rooms without Meet hardware
    • Rooms with Meet hardware
    • Rooms with occupancy-enabled Meet hardware
  2. Use the graphs to understand how rooms and devices are used.

Booking data

Booking rate

The booking rate is the average number of hours rooms were booked divided by a 10 hour work day. Only bookings between 8am and 6pm are considered. Percentiles give more detailed data on the distribution of the booking rate. The 25th percentile is the booking rate below which 25% of rooms are found.

Booking distribution

The booking rate is the average number of hours rooms were booked divided by a 10 hour workday. Only bookings between 8am and 6pm are considered.

High booking rates for particular room sizes may indicate that more rooms of that size are needed. Low booking rates may indicate the opportunity to repurpose the room.

Booking rate by time of day

This graph shows how often people book your rooms at different times of day.

Booking rate by room capacity

This graph shows how many of your rooms are under- or over-utilized. We recommend you to take a closer look at rooms that are rarely booked or almost always booked to uncover optimization opportunities.

Room usage

Measured booked room occupancy

This graph shows how occupied your rooms were relative to their capacity during periods of time when they were booked. This graph is based on actual occupancy data collected from rooms containing Meet hardware devices with occupancy detection active. This view shows aggregated occupancy rate over the selected time period.
  • Excessive occupancy—The room was occupied at more than 100% of its stated capacity
  • Standard occupancy —The room was occupied at 50-100% of its stated capacity
  • Low occupancy—The room was occupied at 1-49% of its stated capacity
  • Unoccupied—Nobody was detected in the room
  • No occupancy data—Required hardware is not in the room or occupancy detection is turned off

Booked room occupancy over time

This graph shows how occupied your rooms were relative to their capacity during periods of time when they were booked. This graph is based on actual occupancy data collected from rooms containing Meet hardware devices with occupancy detection active. This view shows how occupancy rates changed over the selected time period.
  • Excessive occupancy—The room was occupied at more than 100% of its stated capacity
  • Standard occupancy—The room was occupied at 50-100% of its stated capacity
  • Low occupancy—The room was occupied at 1-49% of its stated capacity
  • Unoccupied—Nobody was detected in the room
  • No occupancy data—Required hardware is not in the room or occupancy detection is turned off

Measured unbooked room occupancy

This graph shows how occupied your rooms were relative to their capacity during periods of time when they were unbooked. This graph is based on actual occupancy data collected from rooms containing Meet hardware devices with occupancy detection active. This view shows aggregated occupancy rate over the selected time period.
  • Occupied—At least 1 individual was detected in the room
  • Unoccupied—Nobody was detected in the room
  • No occupancy data—Required hardware is not in the room or occupancy detection is turned off

Unbooked room occupancy over time

This graph shows how occupied your rooms were relative to their capacity during periods of time when they were unbooked. This graph is based on actual occupancy data collected from rooms containing Meet hardware devices with occupancy detection active. This view shows how occupancy rates changed over the selected time period.
  • Occupied—At least 1 individual was detected in the room
  • Unoccupied—Nobody was detected in the room
  • No occupancy data—Required hardware is not in the room or occupancy detection is turned off

Most used and least used rooms

The booking rate is the average number of hours rooms were booked divided by a 10-hour workday. Only bookings between 8am and 6pm are considered. Meeting acceptance rate is the average number of invitees who did not decline the meeting invite divided by the total room capacity. Occupancy rate is the average number of individuals detected in the room by supported hardware divided by the total room capacity.

Rooms may be frequently used because of location, booking permissions, or room setup (size, equipment, design). Reach out to individuals and investigate the room's calendar to learn more.

Most used and least used buildings

The booking rate is the average number of hours rooms were booked divided by a 10-hour workday. Only bookings between 8am and 6pm are considered. Meeting acceptance rate is the average number of invitees who did not decline the meeting invite divided by the total room capacity. Occupancy rate is the average number of individuals detected in the room by supported hardware divided by the total room capacity.

Buildings may be frequently used because of location, booking permissions, or room setup (size, equipment, design). Reach out to individuals and investigate room calendars in the building to learn more.

Meeting acceptance by room capacity

Meeting acceptance rates help you understand how efficiently rooms of different sizes are being used. A low meeting acceptance rate may indicate a need for more small rooms. A high meeting acceptance rate may indicate a need for more large rooms.
  • Attendees are people who did not decline a meeting's invite
  • Meeting acceptance rates are shown only for meetings held in one room

Estimated occupancy rate by room capacity

Occupancy rates help you understand how efficiently rooms of different sizes are being used. A low occupancy rate may indicate a need for more small rooms. A high occupancy rate may indicate a need for more large rooms.

The graph is based on actual occupancy data from rooms with hardware-based occupancy detection turned on.

Device usage

Overall booked device usage

This shows how often your devices were used to join Meet calls during periods of time when they were booked.

The graph shows aggregated device usage over the selected time period.

Booked device usage over time

This shows how often your devices were used to join Meet calls during periods of time when they were booked.
The graph shows how device usage changed over the selected time period.

Overall unbooked device usage

This shows how often your devices were used to join Meet calls during periods of time when they were unbooked.
The graph shows aggregated device usage over the selected time period.

Unbooked device usage over time

This shows how often your devices were used to join Meet calls during periods of time when they were unbooked.
The graph shows how device usage changed over the selected time period.

Room release

Room release

  • Release time—This graph shows the total meeting hours made available by the room release feature.
  • Rebooked time—This graph shows the number of released hours that were booked for new meetings.
  • Unreleased time—This graph shows the number of meeting hours that could not be released. This occurs when the feature is not enabled for the room, or an attendee in the meeting is in the excluded users group. Change room release settings to decrease the number of unreleased hours.

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