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AITH. I refused to give my Ex's kids the car I bought for them after we split up.

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITH. I refused to give my Ex's kids the car I bought for them after we split up.

Was with this woman for ten years. Took the kids to Disney ask the time and other trips from Vegas to NYC as well. I loved the kids and treated them like they were mine.
Anyway we split up and my ex moved in with a band dad she met at the girls school. Well after this she asked if I was still giving the girls the car I bought for them. I said No. But not because the split per se. More so that the girls posted pictures of the new guy ask over Instagram and Facebook yet refused to respond to my texts to take them out to dinner or just to catch up. Since they cut me out I decided not to give them the car. Ex wife is pissed about it and makes it a deal. In a way I feel bad because I know they need a car but I have a bad taste in my mouth because I feel like I was likely being cheated on and I hate how the kids act like the last ten years never happened. Kids 17 and 16.

AITA for calling off my birthday dinner because my parents were making me include my sister?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for calling off my birthday dinner because my parents were making me include my sister?

I (16f) am the oldest of four. My younger siblings Eva (14f), Rory (11m) and Jace (9m) all have food allergies that were passed down from my mom's side of the family. I don't have food allergies. My siblings allergies are all pretty severe. And include a bunch of different things. This always meant we have to be very careful about food in our house, as well as where we eat out. There's only two restaurants in our small town that are safe for my siblings to eat at. I hate both those places with a passion. The food is so bland to me and some of it is disgusting. My parents are okay with it and my siblings love both places. I'm not the only one who feels that way because my grandpa always grumbles when the wider family gets together to eat someplace because he hates them too. But we both know they're the only options we have.

My parents like to do family dinners instead of birthday parties for our birthdays. I have always hated it because it's never super fun to eat at places you don't like. I have told my parents I'd like to do something different for my birthday for years now. But they always treated it like I was some bratty kid for wanting something other than a family dinner. They talked about how resentful I am of the sacrifices we need to make for my siblings and how it always shows how much I dislike doing it and how they are ashamed to say that about their own first born. They told me I should be glad to do it for my siblings. I admitted sometimes I resented missing out on certain experiences. The local indoor playground was always off limits because they had had peanuts at the tables and two of my siblings are deathly allergic so that meant my parents didn't take me either. Also couldn't go to see a movie, even with friends, because my parents were concerned about exposure to something like peanuts.

This year they told me I could skip the family celebration and go out to dinner with my friends since my grandparents were willing to host us for a sleepover as well. I was so happy. My friends and I had agreed to try this place in town and one of them is related to the owners so she was able to make a "family reservation" for us. Then my sister wanted to come to dinner with us. I told her she couldn't because it's a place she can't eat in or even be in. My parents told me I would just need to change the location but my sister wants to go so she better be allowed to come. They told me there are no compromises to be had. I told them I don't like either place she can eat at and they said I'd still have my sister there. So I called my friends and told them the whole thing was off. They felt so bad for me and I told my grandparents too. My grandpa was furious. It became a fight between my parents and grandparents and my parents flipped on me for calling off the dinner. They told me how cruel it is to cancel a whole pre-planned thing just because they were making me include my sister.


AITAH? my wife decided she wants to “allow” my 15 year old son to vape THC in our house so that at least he won’t be doing it at school or other places. (She also argues that “every” kid is doing it.) I TOTALLY disagree. (Details below.)

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH? my wife decided she wants to “allow” my 15 year old son to vape THC in our house so that at least he won’t be doing it at school or other places. (She also argues that “every” kid is doing it.) I TOTALLY disagree. (Details below.)

AITAH? My 15 year old son constantly gets busted vaping THC in his room. Last night my wife decided she wants to “allow” him to do it in our house so that at least he won’t be doing it at school or other places. (She also argues that “every” kid is doing it.) I TOTALLY disagree, stating encouraging him to do so is completely irresponsible. Plus he is so young and THC creates cognitive issues especially since my son’s brain is still developing until he turns 24 years old.

SIL refused to pick her own bridesmaid outfit, so I made her a prostitute.

For all your stories of small victories over those who've wronged you.

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SIL refused to pick her own bridesmaid outfit, so I made her a prostitute.

I've written about my piece of work Sister In Law before, but was recently reminded of this and thought I'd share. This happened in 2014.

My husband and I had a cosplay themed wedding. Guests were allowed to dress in costume or just be comfortable. The wedding party were dressed based on the TV show Firefly. My husband asked me to make his sister a bridesmaid and I agreed even though I don't like or get along with her. My only rule for what the bridesmaids wore was that it needed to be a character from the show and I didn't want any repeats, so they just needed to let me know who they were going to be so I could make sure we were all different. My sister in law knew about this before she agreed to be in the wedding. The other three bridesmaids all picked their characters and assembled their costumes with very little or no input from me.

Leading up to the wedding she kept asking me what she should wear. My husband and I both encouraged her to watch the show (it's only 13 episodes and a movie) to pick a character. She refused to watch even a single episode. There was even a time we were visiting and she asked us over to watch a movie, we suggested this show, and she refused. I really just wanted this to be a super laid back experience because we are not formal serious people, but she was making it difficult.

She asked me a couple more times what she should wear and finally asked me to just send her some options to pick from. I spent a bit of time finding characters and emailed her a list, including screenshots and descriptions. I even took into account that she would be breastfeeding and would need an outfit that could accommodate that. I don't remember all the characters I sent but they included the school teacher, the sex robot, companions, and a few others.

Weeks later she still hadn't even looked at the list and was asking me what she should wear again. I told her to look at the list and she said she would. A couple weeks later she's asking again. It got really annoying that she was refusing to put any effort at all into it. Finally she told me to just pick who she should be, so I picked the pregnant prostitute. She didn't even bother to look the character up after that and still pestered me about what specific clothes she should buy. She didn't find out until after the wedding that was who the character was and she was really upset with me. I told her she should have picked her own character if it mattered.

Edit: I just want to address something that keeps popping up below. The entire canon of the show is 13 episodes and a movie. At no point did I ask or require her or anyone else to watch all of it. We suggested she watch an episode so she could get the vibe we were going for, but she refused. She could have dropped out of the wedding at any time, but she chose to make things more difficult for me. As it was I was already making my husbands coat, my entire outfit, and all three flower girls dresses (River if anyone cares) for the wedding. The last thing I wanted was to have to hand hold a bridesmaid through their outfit choice.

Manager gets me fired; doesn’t realize there’s a paper trail

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

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Manager gets me fired; doesn’t realize there’s a paper trail

I worked as a writer and editor for over a decade, and in that time I had my fair share of bad bosses—like anyone. But there is one that completely takes the cake. I worked for a large media company that had dealings with a number of other companies and subsidiaries ranging from publishing to fashion to sports to tech. You name it, they did it. How our writing department worked was each writer would have specific areas that they would write for, kind of like how journalists have “beats” they cover. So if you were assigned to the fashion arm of the company or one of its partners/subsidiaries, you wrote or edited everything for that arm.

I worked for this company for about a year and a half before a new manager was hired. She was the second in command of our department. Part of her and our department director’s job was to update our internal style guide when necessary. For those that don’t know, a style guide is a reference document for how to either refer to things or how to format things for the company/partners. Before her tenure as manager, this was only done maybe once or twice a year, and the changes were relatively minimal since the style guide was very well established in the company and had been in place for a number of years. After she came on, it was being updated at least once a week, if not multiple times a week. It legitimately became an obsession for her.

Aside from the general annoyance of keeping up with it, it didn’t take long for me and my coworkers to reach the conclusion that our new manager didn’t have the faintest idea what she was doing. Each new version had more and more glaring errors.

At first, we all ignored these changes, giving her the benefit of the doubt and hoping, albeit naively, that these new directives were mistakes. That was until people started getting reprimanded for not following the style guide. I was the first to get a one-on-one, closed door talk.

One of the departments I wrote for was sports, and she had seen that I had not been following the new rule of how I was to refer to the men’s and women’s teams I covered. Truthfully, I had willfully ignored it hoping that it was just a mistake. To my horror, however, it appeared my new writing manager didn’t understand basic grammar. You see, the change she implemented removed the apostrophe from “men’s” and “women’s”. So, for example, if I was covering “men’s basketball”, I was to refer to it as “mens basketball”. Her rationale was that the men didn’t own the team; therefore, it should not be possessive. Apparently, her understanding of the English language didn’t evolve past grade school explanations.

I was honestly pretty dumbfounded at first. But once I got over the initial shock that the second in command of our department didn’t realize “mens” was not a word, I tried bleakly to explain that men is already plural and that a possessive “‘s” doesn’t always denote direct ownership (read: men’s bathroom). She stared blankly at me for a few seconds, and for the briefest of moments, I thought maybe I was seeing the cogs in her head turn. She however, doubled down. Realizing the fight was lost, I told her that I would implement the changes going forward.

Now, here’s where my malicious compliance comes in: We worked for, and with, some very high profile companies, and mistakes were not tolerated for things that were outward facing. Realizing her idiocy could cost me my job, I made a simple request: Could you please email me the exact style guide rule you’re referencing and how exactly you’d like me to implement it, with examples of where I messed up? She looked at me like I was stupid for not understanding what was being asked of me, but she still wrote it all down in an email for me. I also made sure any further style changes were referenced in an email and specifically asked that if there were further changes to please cite how I had done them in the past, along with how she would like them to be done from now on.

Sure enough, within about 6 months of this, I was fired. And at my exit interview, I handed HR a folder containing every written communication regarding the style changes, along with quite a bit of evidence that she was passing off her projects to other members of the dept and changing people’s work behind their back.

She was fired three months after me, along with our department director three months after that. Turned out, my little folder sparked a full investigation by HR, and after interviewing other coworkers in the department, they realized she had done all of it to have grounds to fire people within the department she didn’t like. I just happened to be the first on the chopping block. The projects she was passing off to other people? She was taking the credit for what they were doing to make herself look good. Those changes she was making to other people’s work? HR realized that she was changing things to make it explicitly incorrect. You gotta love software that tracks changes and timestamps and lists the user. On top of all of this, they also discovered that she had, at best, exaggerated (and, at worst, fabricated) large swaths of her resume.

By the time she was fired, I had already found another job in a different department at the same company. It was a good gig, and my new manager wasn’t a complete cunt. Eventually, I moved on from that company, but if anything, my time there taught me a very valuable lesson: document, document, and document some more.

Edit: To address some questions/things mentioned in the comments:

This was ~10 years ago in a U.S. state that has laws that basically state a person can be fired for any reason provided that it isn’t prejudicial (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc). Writers also aren’t exactly top earners. I did well enough to support myself, but legal action would have been difficult to pay for. Not to mention, I was subject to some very strict NDAs because of the company/clients/partners/subsidiaries I worked for and with. Any legal action would have put me at risk of a counter suit. I was happy that justice was served and I had a job elsewhere in the company with good pay until I moved on.

AITAH for being the 'buzzkill' at my BFs birthday party?

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AITAH for being the 'buzzkill' at my BFs birthday party?

DO NOT COMMENT ON LINKED POSTS. I am NOT OP. Original post by u/Civil-Bite-9232 in r/AITAH

trigger warnings: alcohol

mood spoilers: wholesome love story


** AITAH for being the 'buzzkill' at my BFs birthday party?** - March 25, 2024

I am 24F. My boyfriend is 28M.

He isn't the type of person who likes birthday parties, but this year his friends really wanted to throw him one. He got discharged from the army (after 10 years of service) so in part it was to celebrate that.

I helped arrange this birthday party. We pooled our money and rented a house by the ocean (my boyfriend loves to surf). I put in extra money so we could stay after the birthday .. have some time, just the two of us.

I know my boyfriend very well. All of his nonverbal cues and mannerisms.. We often communicate with actions, gestures, looks.

I was sitting on the sofa by the fire table warming myself. My boyfriend came over and hugged me. I could tell right away when I held his face in my hands.. they got this man so drunk.

He put his forehead on my shoulder.. I knew he is tapped out. Whenever he gets drunk like this he always comes and finds me. I know this behavior.

Some time passes, i'm just stroking his hair and talking to him softly.

His friends come to get him to go off somewhere and my boyfriend has his face buried in my neck, he is holding my hand.. his fingers are interlaced with mine.. his eyes are closed.. but they're still trying to pull him away. I start resisting by holding my boyfriend to me protectively.

I tell his friends he's done for the night. He's not going anywhere. They argue with me. Keep in mind they are drunk too. I said no. He's done. You guys got him too drunk. They try to push me about it and they're being kind of aggressive? Maybe they don't realize it because they were drunk. I found it a little intimidating since I was a 5'3" woman trying to reason with loud inebriated military guys. They are all quite older too. My boyfriend is one of the youngest people in their group.

But I hold my ground.

They go on without my boyfriend.

Not long after.. the party winds down, and as everyone is leaving I am getting cold shouldered.. a lot. It's blatantly obvious they are upset with me.


I didn't mean to be a buzzkill.. I was protecting my boyfriend. I know his limit.

They seem mad at me for assuming they wouldn't look after him (which is not what I was implying), and that I took him away from their celebrating. They had celebrated plenty.. for hours.. (it was past midnight when this incident happened). But they don't get to see each other often (all be in the same place at once) and I was going to have my boyfriend to myself the next day. From their perspective I was unreasonable and I spoiled their fun.

Edit: guys please check my Comments for questions and clarification ~ I probably answered it.



:) Here is the update: My boyfriend spoke to his friends/colleagues involved in the incident and they reached out to apologize to me. They didn’t know I felt hurt by their attitude toward me at the end of the night, they said they were just drunk and giving me a hard time (it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously) .. unfortunately because I’m not familiar with their humor I misinterpreted a little. They also recognized how they came across too and were genuine about it. They said they respect me and how I handled it. I’m “one of the good ones”.

Link to the above comment.

Funny story a commenter shared

U/RexJacobus :

Decades ago one of our friend group got married at 19. Glen was in the navy at the time. Pat, the best man was great guy but didn't drink and couldn't organise a fake orgasm in a brothel. So some of Glen's sailor buddies offered to host the bachelor party. The night before the wedding. Glen asked us, his childhood friends, to make sure he left at midnight. No matter he said, no matter what his sailor buddies did. He did not want to be completely wrecked on his wedding day. Party started around 9 and by 12 he was drunk off his ass and we decided that it was time to get him home but we knew that we had to be subtle because the navy dudes outnumbered us and were very drunk. So Glen mentions having to take a piss. I say use the bushes outside, the toilet in the apartment was busy. We get him outside and pissing and then start to steer him towards the car (another friend Dave was home from college had his mom's station wagon). We are almost there when the sailors see us, yell, and start running towards us. We basically rush Glen into the back seat and Dave is backing the car out of the parking space when the drunk sailors open the back door and grab a hold of one of Glen's legs. Dave is shouting, "Don't hurt my mom's car!" over and over. Pat and I are holding Glen by his armpits while a few sailors have his ankles outside the car while it Dave is doing a slow three point turn. The car is finally going in the right direction. It becomes like a low budget slow motion action movie. The sailors are running along side the car as Dave picks up speed in this parking lot. But they are drunk and start falling off one by one. We finally managed to get Glen all the way into the car. He thought it was hilarious at the time but thanked us profusely the next day.

OOP in response

Omg thank you for sharing, I loved this story so much 😂 I’m going to screenshot it to my bf. In my own way I definitely felt like you and Pat holding Glen by the armpits

Link to the above comment thread.



** Final Update : AITAH for being the 'buzzkill' at my BFs birthday party?** - April 15, 2024

It will be short. I kind of did the ‘update’ by replying to a comment in the original post already because I didn’t think my story needed an update post.

I just wanted to come back and share good news.

I’m engaged! 💍

And some of the guys from the incident were the same guys who helped my fiancé plan his proposal :))) it was simple and private but they helped light a lot of candles. A lot of people gave them a tough time in the comments but they’re good people.

Anyway, thanks again.

I have placed this update on my page instead of AITAH because it felt obnoxious to put there.

Idk how to Reddit.



Reminder - I am not the original poster. DO NOT COMMENT ON LINKED POSTS.

AITA for refusing to make my niece a doll like her sister's?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for refusing to make my niece a doll like her sister's?

I (26, F) have no kids. But my oldest brother has two daughters. Oldest is now 7, younger just turned 5. I love both of them a lot, but I'm not blind. As someone who grew up with siblings, it's very clear that oldest daughter (ON) is golden child. She gets whatever she wants, no matter how expensive, and is always showered with praise for her pageants and singing. My younger niece (YN) is very shy, but she is still very sweet and enjoys things like reading and animals. Recently, my YN has been feeling bad about herself. I asked why, and she told me it was because she didn't like her hair color. She's got auburn curls. She was sad because everyone always said how pretty ON's hair was, which was a very light blonde and straight. It got so bad that she'd apparently tried to cut it off, which her mom had just laughed off as childhood mishap.

When I was over at brother's house, I noticed that the two were playing with dolls. ON had a very nice Barbie doll, while YN had what looked like a short, cheap Walmart knockoff. I asked why, and mom said it was because she couldn't find a doll with red hair. This made me upset, because 1. The doll's hair is bright red, which is not her hair color, and 2. It was extremely different quality. I said nothing, but when it was YN birthday, I acted. For months I researched doll making and restoring. I took a Barbie, and replaced her hair with some that matched hers and painted the eyes. I then hand sewed several custom outfits, and gave each a blue whale theme (her favorite animal). As a cosplayer, this wasn't that hard.

On her birthday, YN was ecstatic. But her sister was obviously not. I didn't pay attention to her, instead focusing on making sure YN liked her gifts. But only a few days later, her parents called me, telling me that I needed to make ON a doll as well. I said I'd get her one on her next birthday. They said no, she needed it immediately because she'd been upset that her sister's doll was customized unlike her store bought ones, and was mad that YN wouldn't share. I told them again that it was a project, and I'd make her one next year. They both accused me of not caring about ON's feelings. I got mad, saying that neither of them cared about being fair when YN was playing with a troll doll that was supposed to 'look like her'. This was a gift meant to make YN feel special, and I wasn't going to cheapen it because ON was pouting. I hung up, but started to wonder: AITA?

TIFU by showing my dick to my wife's grandparents.

/r/TIFU means Today I Fucked Up

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TIFU by showing my dick to my wife's grandparents.

So my wife and I have a very lighthearted relationship and I like to joke around all the time with her and make her laugh. I do dumb things all the time to make her roll her eyes and call me an idiot jokingly.

I was outside barbecuing with headphones on sipping a beer and listening to music. I look over and see my wife walking outside holding her phone up obviously recording me or taking a pic. I instinctively pulled my shorts down and started doing the helicopter. She immediately looked MORTIFIED and turned around quickly and went back inside. I was very confused at her face so I finished flipping burgers quickly then went inside to find her with her head in her hands on the couch with her face red. I asked her what is wrong and she told me she was video chatting with her grandparents (which she NEVER did before) and showing them around our home and showing them me barbecuing. I have never met them before and have only seen pictures. To say I am embarrassed is an understatement.

TL:DR I thought wife was taking a pic or filming me with her phone and I flashed my penis at her as a joke but she was on a video call with her grandparents from another country who I have never met

If death sports came back, people would watch in their millions!

Share your burning hot takes and unpopular opinions!

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If death sports came back, people would watch in their millions!

As a modern society we think we are so much more civilised than those of old. However, I firmly believe that if sports like Ufc(to the death) or gladiator style combat was televised, or even hunger games style, they'd rake it in PPV. Many people may put on a facade at first, but as it became acceptable through society the numbers would only grow.

If you have a problem, it better be a fifteen minute problem!

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

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If you have a problem, it better be a fifteen minute problem!

My husband told me a story yesterday about his act of malicious compliance that happened about a decade ago.

In a previous job, he worked 8-4 in an office. Many of his colleagues worked 9-5, so they were still working when he was leaving. When he was about to leave, he'd usually be asked a technical question or asked to quickly glance over something by another member of staff. This was rarely quick and usually had him standing around for a further ten minutes which, on a regular basis, starts to add up.

One day, his manager was going over the monthly time sheets and asked my husband why he'd added 10 minutes on five days across past month. Bear in mind, flexi-time was allowed. My husband explained the situation, referring to the specific problems he was asked to deal with on each of those five days.

The manager told him that the company only works in fifteen minute segments so he can't put down 10 minutes, it would have to be 15 minutes. "However, we can't round it up because that's dishonest," he said. "So just bear it in mind for next time." This was in front of the rest of the office.

That very same week, my husband signs out of his computer at 4pm. Just before he leaves, the manager asks him to explain some of the particulars in an email he'd received from a contractor. My husband asks, "how long will it take?" The manager replies, "just five minutes." My husband then says, "unless it's a fifteen minute problem, I'll have to look at it tomorrow. Is it a fifteen minute problem?"

His manager turns red and awkwardly says it's not. My husband respectfully states that he will put it at the top of his to-do list the following morning and leaves.

One of his colleagues texted him just after 5 and said there was an awkward silence after he'd left and when the manager eventually got up and left to do something, they all burst out laughing.

My fiancé secretly followed me to a party and sat outside watching me without my knowledge.

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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My fiancé secretly followed me to a party and sat outside watching me without my knowledge.

I’ve (23F) been with my fiancé Jim (28M) for going on 3 years. Last night I went to an event with a few of my girlfriends, and then attended an after party. It was probably around 10-15 people, nothing that crazy. I didn’t invite my fiancé because my friends said they wanted some time with just me, so I figured that was fine and I let him know I’d keep him updated and see him later.

For some background, Jim is uncomfortable with one of my acquaintances Sam (24M). Sam is in my general friend group but we’ve never hung out one on one, he has a girlfriend who he’s obsessed with but for some reason Jim is convinced that I am gonna cheat on him with this guy. It all stems from one time at a gathering I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek in front of Jim. I view kisses on the cheek as COMPLETELY platonic, I kiss a lot of my friends on the cheek so I didn’t even think twice about it. Jim brought it up to me and told me it made him uncomfortable and I apologized profusely, explained that I genuinely didn’t view it as anything other than a greeting, and told him it wouldn’t happen again. You would think that the fact that I did it directly in front of him would show that I didn’t have any nefarious intentions behind it? Sam is a sweet dude, but absolutely NOT my type whatsoever, and I loath cheaters. I only have eyes for Jim.

But no, since that time Jim has been absolutely convinced that I’m gonna cheat on him, lie to him, he’s honestly been spiraling. I’ve tried to reassure him over and over that I’m not interested in anyone but him, but he’s not hearing it. Anytime I go out with my friend group he demands to know who I’m with, where I am, and has a very aggressive was of speaking to me. I just don’t understand because I have NEVER been unfaithful to him or given him any reason to suspect I would lie to him. I know he’s hurting but his lack of trust in me is hurting me as well.

So back to the problem at hand, when I headed to the after party and saw that Sam was there with his girlfriend, I immediately messaged Jim and let him know that Sam was there so he could see I was making an effort to communicate with him and I didn’t want him to feel I was hiding anything.

He continued calling me through the night for updates and I thought all was well, until he confessed that he had driven up and down the road I was on until he saw where the party was, parked about 3 houses down and proceeded to watch me to make sure I wasn’t lying to him. Even walked past the window to try and spot me.

I don’t even know how to feel. Disgusted? Mortified that he is has such little trust in me? It’s controlling behavior and I don’t know where to go from here. Any advice on what to do in my situation would be greatly appreciated. Am I overreacting?

(TL;DR) went out to a party, fiancé is convinced I’m cheating on him so he drove up and down the street till he figured out which house I was at, then sat in his car a couple houses down and watched me. Now sure where to go from here as I find this behavior controlling. Not sure if I’m overreacting though.

AITA for not allowing my son and DIL to use my vacation home for their baby shower even though I let my other DIL do so

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for not allowing my son and DIL to use my vacation home for their baby shower even though I let my other DIL do so

I have three sons and they are all married. I have three DILs and I get along with two of them well. I do not get along with Holly. I find her to be twofaced bitch, I am not going to hide that I do not like her.

The reason I think this is because she will talk crap about people behind their backs. She has done it with the the other DIL and with me. One example I can think of was during their wedding. I gave the couple a Le Creuset small set because they wanted good cooking equivalent.

Later I hear her saying it wasn’t the color she wanted and that I was cheap for getting the small set. She does this often, you try to do something nice for her and then she bitches about you. It could be anything that isn’t up to her standards.

I have distanced myself from her and I don’t like interacting with her at all. I am okay not being close to her at all.

I have a summer home, I allowed my other DILs to hold events up there. I got a call from my son and DIL asking to use it for their baby shower. I told them no.

This started an argument about me not treating them like the other family members and me pointing out the other family members are not twofaced assholes. They called me a jerk and the family is split.

Some think I am being too harsh and others think it is deserved.

Edit: someone asked for more examples

My eldest DIL.

Had a house warming party, after it she told everyone that her taste was shit and tacky. Oldest grandkid birthday, after the party went on how she looked like crap, couldn’t lose the baby weight and is a bad parent.

My youngest DIL

She is a big reader, dinner at their place. Made comments about all her books and made a comment implying books are her only friends. A lot of comments on her clothes, biggest one was at their wedding she made a comment that she should be wearing red since she looks like shit in white. ( for people who don’t know saying a bride should wear red is calling her a whore)


The wedding one. I gave in the post. Another one was hosting Easter and she went after all my cooking. She has attacked my clothes multiple time, saying I am too old to dress like I do, I mostly wear jeans.

These are just the ones I have heard from her mouth. Their have been more but I heard that second hand

Men who feel insecure by their gf/wives huge sex toys are absolutely valid.

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Men who feel insecure by their gf/wives huge sex toys are absolutely valid.

I'd say the same for the other gender if a guy has sex toys.

If your gf has this 8inch dildo or whatever, and you feel like shit because she's using it, you're valid.

"I have an average / normal / below average sized penis and my gf enjoys her oversize dildo. Is it bad I feel inse-" NOPE. You're valid. How tf are you not supposed to feel like you're good enough?

If your bf has a suction cup fleshlight and you feel like shit, you're valid.

This normalization of sex toys is causing insecurity, but I think anyone is valid for feeling weird or bad about it when their SO is using it to pleasure themselves. ESPECIALLY if it's instead of their partner! But even if not. It's not the same as regular masturbation. It's like "I COULD have sex with you and enjoy your penis, but I am going to opt instead for this sex toy". :(

I really pity this young woman.
r/EntitledPeople Stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want. Sister subreddit of /r/entitledparents

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I really pity this young woman.

Just a quick post about something that just happened.

I was sitting in my office at the University where I teach and had a knock on the door. One of my second year students came in and an older person I found out was her father followed her in. I had barely finished asking then how I could help when dad opened up with "It's not acceptable that my daughter got such a low score in her last assignment, I want you to change the marks." The poor student looked so embarrassed as her dad went on. The classic "We've paid good money to get on this course so I expect better marks, I've paid cash for this she won't have a student loan to pay off at the end."

I let him continue ranting and eventually got to respond. I simply asked the student if she had read the feedback I provided on the assignment, she said she had, I asked if she felt it was a fair reflection of the work she submitted and again, she said it did. I then suggested that she needed to put more effort into revising for the examinations coming up in a few weeks and that overall, while it was a summative assessment, it was not going to prevent her passing the end of year assessment. I then told the dad, I'm paid to provide realistic feedback on her work, the fact he paid cash for her tuition does not mean she gets good marks without her submitting work that merits good marks.

We hear this argument so often now in Universities, I know tuition is expensive, but you don't pay for the grade you get, you have to work for it. Simply being wealthy doesn't mean your kids are entitled to a free pass in education.

You comment about my weight, l comment about yours too

For all your stories of small victories over those who've wronged you.

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You comment about my weight, l comment about yours too

So there's this guy at work who walks around yapping a lot unnecessarily.

We ran into each other at a hallway in our office and we stopped to say hi to each other and there afterwards says "what are you eating coz you've gained a lot of weight these past few months".

And I went like "apparently whatever you're eating coz you've gotten fat too" 😊 and he went numb.

He had his pals with him and I'm sure it was embarrassing for him, yay.

I don't like body shaming but I feel I had to in this instance coz my policy is "stupid questions deserve stupid answers" . Hope this teaches him to mind his business.

TIFU by finding topless pics and boudoir shots of my partners deceased wife.

/r/TIFU means Today I Fucked Up

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TIFU by finding topless pics and boudoir shots of my partners deceased wife.

This is a soft tifu… My partner is a good bit older than I and he has like a hundred or so film slides in the loft, as well as reems and reems of undeveloped film.

As our 5 year anniversary approaches, I thought it would be good for him to be able to actually see these pictures again. (He’s not seen them in like 25/30 years if not longer.)

I brought and refurbished (it’s now energy saving LED lmao) an old ass slide projector from like 1960 something, set it up today to test it and scooped out some random slides from a holder… boom 2 topless pics and boudoir shots, him and his deceased wife who passed 6 years ago. I’ve never seen such a loving look on his face in our whole time together and I feel both jealous and idiotic for feeling jealous lmao.

Now I just want to put the whole lot back in the loft, but the projector picture quality is surprisingly good and I know he will be impressed by my handiwork 😂😭😂

TLDR - accidentally found nudes and seeing these pics has given me conflicting emotions. I don’t want to let him know about them, but also want to brag about how cool the gift is and my upcycling lmao.

AITAH for not signing off of my dead moms house before receiving my portion of the value

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITAH for not signing off of my dead moms house before receiving my portion of the value

My mother passed away suddenly about a month ago. It was a very shocking,traumatizing and emotional situation whuch I am sure is adding to the issues. She left her house to my older sister and myself. I took two weeks off of work to help go through all of my mother's belongings and coordinated the entire memorial. My sister moved into my mothers house shortly after my mothers passing, which we agreed on, and the other half of the agreement between us and pur mother before she passed was she was to pay me half of the house's value. This was also the agreed terms if I moved into the house instead. I have since informed my sister that I do not want to full half of the house's value, instead I would be fine with about 25% including the 11k my mom loaned me before she passed which I am now not paying back, so 25%-11k. Now she is asking me to sign my name off of the house's deed before she has even refinanced the house and paid me my portion. She is calling me money hungry and basically painting me as the villain when this was the expected and LEGAL agreement the entire time. My husband and I could desperately use the money too as we purchased my grandmothers house after her passing and doing so put us into a lot of debt. Not that that really has any bearing on the situation at hand it would just really help. But AITAH for not signing my name off of the deed until I'm paid the 25%-11k portion of the house?

Edit: My brain is moving a million miles a minute so I wanted to add more context than I put originally.

I really want to avoid legal action because I don't want to hurt my sister, I love her very much I am just frustrated with the situation. I have also agreed to give her any time she needs because her Ex screwed her over financially big time. I am not asking to get the money quickly I just want it in general. I also know we are both emotional and heated but it just really hurt me when she says I'm just focused on money and treating her "like she's gonna screw me over" as she said. Because I just want the same treatment I would have given her if the roles were reversed because thats what the three of us (my sister, myself and my mother) all agreed on years ago.

Just to clarify for everyone, I am NOT signing off and never planned to she just just trying to get me to. Also 25%of the house's value is over 50k which is more than enough money to clear our debts and give us a good financial cushion.

AITAH for leaving my family on mother's day to go camping by myself?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for leaving my family on mother's day to go camping by myself?

I have a husband and two teenage sons. Every mother's day morning, they ask me what I want to do. They don't make any plans ahead of time and then they expect me to come up with something last minute. It's not like I don't give them hints or suggestions ahead of time, they just don't seem to want to bother with it.

On top of that, when they do go out with me, they complain the whole time and try to get home as fast as they can. Often times, they bitch about my selections to the point where I just choose something else to make them happy.

Well this past weekend, my husband asked me what I wanted to do for mother's day this year. I told him some of my ideas, such as hiking or pickleball. He proceeded to roll his eyes and say "Great. There goes my whole weekend."

That's it. I give up. If they don't care about spending time with me then I don't care either. I decided to go do what I want, alone with my dog. I'm going camping so i can go trail running and fishing, some of my favorite hobbies.

I already reserved a spot at a state park, 5 hours away from my home, for mother's day. I'm going to pack up and leave first thing in the morning.

Oh and I'm also buying myself my own gift so I get exactly what I want. Last year they gave me a thigh master.

I told my youngest son about going camping solo and he was very excited that he won't have to do anything this weekend. But then he told my husband my plansand he got pretty angry at me. He shut down and has been giving me the silent treatment since, stomping around the house sulking.

I can't help but feel like I'm robbing them of their chance for mothers day by being dramatic or expecting too much. But my feelings have been hurt too many times by their carelessness and I am over it.

I was thinking of telling them that they are welcomed to go eat at whatever restaurant they want to on mother's day in my honor. That seems to be the only part of the day they like anyways.

Am I the AH for going off on my own for mother's day because I'm sick of my family acting like it's just some giant painful chore?

AITAH-For tell my father if he hadn't cheated he would still be with my mother

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH-For tell my father if he hadn't cheated he would still be with my mother

Long story short when I was ten my parents got divorced due to my father cheating with some women at his office, after the divorce my father got married to that same woman, and they had my half siblings. In the divorce, my mother gained primary custody of me and my father would visit on the weekends and would sometimes pick me up. I wouldn't lie I never liked my stepmother not one bit she was the reason my parents left, and I also blame my father too, so anything I would stay at my father's house, I would also get into a lot of fights with her and even after my half siblings came this woman got more bitter towards me.

To the real story, my mother started to date this guy named Chuck and things were getting really serious between them, he would spend the nights over, and he is always nice, so I kinda like him. Two weeks ago my father was dropping me back home, and he saw Chuck leaving the house, and he started throwing a whole set of questions.

[Who is that]-Father

[Oh moms new bf]-Me

[Oh I didn't know she was dating]-Father

[Oh for real, he is nice, and I kinda approve of him so]-Me

And many others so after the question he left, and I thought it was over but four days ago I was over by my father for dinner, and I was telling him about something about moms work and somehow the conversation changed to him asking about Chuck again, and I was giving him short answer.

Like he was getting angry cause of my hesitant answers, and he yelled that I wasn't telling him everything and how could my mother date, I was dumbfounded, and I yelled back why he was so concerned about her personal life it's not like they were together anymore.

Then he said some nonsense about safety and I may have been wrong about this, I said if he hadn't cheated on her maybe he and her would still be together. We continued back and forth until I was told to leave, which I did, since then I haven't spoken to my father. I have gotten a few calls from my stepmother saying that I had no right saying those things to my father, and he was looking out for my safety. I just wanted to know if I was an a** for saying that.

You wanted zero idle time in teams. OK, we can do that.

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

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You wanted zero idle time in teams. OK, we can do that.

This story is from a few years ago. Its how I helped my sister and somehow got her company to willingly bypass their own idle time requirements.

Her company went work from home after the lockdown and stayed working from home. At first they required an always on camera system but that quickly went away as the amount of unintended nudity that comes from your average household is quite startling.

Then they went with a system that tracks your idle time in teams. The amount of write ups, meetings, group meetings, and eventual terminations for what was the dumbest requirement ever cause my sister to ask for help.

She sent me an amazon link for one of those USB sticks that jiggles the mouse. I told her dont use those as even lazy IT can detect them.

At the time, amazon wasnt selling mechanical mouse turners yet, or at least at reasonable prices, so I looked at building one. I found an STL file for this flowery mouse holder which I modified to be just straight monocolor and 3d printed it. I cut out 1.5 inch circular disk and put it on a weak motor and connected it to a power source through USB.

I set the wheel to spin every 1-12 seconds for a total of 2-5 seconds at a time but ran into an issue. Sometimes the disk spinning would not actually move the mouse.

I found a company that would print stickers at a dollar a sticker if I ordered 5 of them. SO I found this basic pattern of squares and lines crisscrossing each other and had it printed to just under the dimensions of the disk.

I stuck it on there and the mouse turner worked perfectly. I quickly ran into another issue. Since the disk was raised, it quickly got hung up on the mouse with the sticker. So back into design I went and made it where the dimensions were slightly larger for the base and sit it where the disk would be 2mm below the actual mouse.

After printing it the mouse sat on the cradle and the disk spun without touching. The mouse cursor would randomly just move in weird directions at the times the disk spun.

So with that all out of the way I got a free lunch out of my sister and delivered it. It hooked into her laptop's USP port, never being detected, and would turn her wheel decreasing her idle time down to zero.

Within 2 weeks she was recognized as a top performer. She was watching crime dramas with her volume at max until she got a notification that customer submitted a request. In other words, her productivity stayed exactly the same.

So she calls me up and asks if I can make more of those. Thankfully I saved the STL files and could order more stickers if I needed. I told her I could make each one for 25 bucks. The cheapest on amazon at the time were like 50 and it only cost me roughly 12 bucks to make them, which went down to 8 bucks to make them at the end.

She said several coworkers were asking her about it and she said she would just give them my number.

Within a month I had built out 50 mechanical mouse turners. Which was kind of waste as this company only had 32 employees. I miscounted. Sometimes I would meet 5 or more of her coworkers at a restuarant at the same time just so I wouldnt have to drive all over dfw.

Then one weekend I get a call from the CEO of that company. See all of his workers were using these mouse turners, and he wasnt. So when the company published the report on idle times, his was abysmally low.

That phone call was one of the most surreal I have ever had. At first he thought I was one of his employees. I told him I wasnt, I worked for a waste management company. (I dont but I wasnt about to tell him.) He asked me about the mouse turners. I told him that I designed them for a friend, but that person no longer worked for his company. (Again lies. I was protecting my sister, not like he couldnt figure it out but still) He asked if he could get one.

This is where the conversation went VERY weird. See I tried convincing him to give up the idle timer requirements as it clearly wasnt important and only harmed his company. I laid out all of my points for it and pointed out that the ceo of the company is buying a device specifically designed to bypass his requirement.

He would not budge. He was so into his company dogma that he just wanted one from me. I already had a few left over so I told him I could make him one for 35 bucks.

Here is the really screwed up part of the story. See he asked for a full list of my clients, promising that no one would be fired, he just wanted to know how many. I told him that a list would be unnecessary as its every single one of his employees. Literally all 32 excluding him.

His response was to have the company reimburse each employee the 25 dollars for the mouse turners and set it up where his company would contact me each time a new employee started. I said I had 10 left over from the initial batch of ones I made and can just give him those and have him contact me when he runs out.

He agreed.

Well that kind of never happened as a company on amazon made what is basically the same thing I was making for like 15 bucks. Theirs is much nicer than mine was too lol.

So a company set idle time requirements which caused issues at the company. Now the company buys devices for each employee so that bypasses the idle timer.

AITA for trying to choose the flower girl dresses at my own wedding?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for trying to choose the flower girl dresses at my own wedding?

I am getting married in one month and my partner and I already have a 1 year old together who will be one of our flower girls. My sister, a mother of two girls, through a fit when I said I wanted a kid free wedding and stated that the right thing to do would be to ask her kiddos to be flower girls. I decided I didn’t really care that much and decided to make her two girls and my daughter the flower girls for our wedding.

My sister and I are super different. I’m a very simple person who likes laid back clothing and a make up free vibe. My sister is a girly girl who loves to wear dresses and doesn’t skip a day without make up. It’s safe to say that our kids follow in their respective parent’s foot steps.

When I sent my sister the flower girl dress options she said she didn’t know if her girls would like them. I started looking for more and landed on a dress that I really liked and had sizes for all three girls. My sister ordered the dresses and sent me a picture with her girls scowling in a photo wearing the dresses saying they wouldn’t smile wearing the dress.

I told her I’d keep looking but that I really wanted simple flower girl dresses so any dress I pick would be a similar vibe. My sister proceeded to order more dresses full of bows and tutus in a different color than what I’d wanted. She also picked a dress that didn’t have a size that would fit my baby. She then sent other dresses that would fit babies that she said I could buy that were completely different than what I wanted.

I reminded her that it was my wedding and I really wanted the girls to wear simple dresses since my wedding dress is so simple and she told me that she was doing her best and there is a way to make everyone happy. AITA asshole for pushing her on this?

Update - AITAH for resenting my wife for not believing my side of story

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Update - AITAH for resenting my wife for not believing my side of story

Original post :

Quick update : I talked to my wife last night and she said “ I really don’t buy it that a younger good looking employee come on to you “. I asked her have I ever been inappropriate with any woman ? Have I ever been handsy ? She said “no but you jokes around a lot so you probably made some dumb jokes or something and offended her . I swear you are autistic ! You can’t even get basic social cues. As for being handsy? Who knows ? “. I lost it ! I said WHO KNOWS ? you should know! I expected more from you . She rolled her eyes and went to sleep. As for HR: it was my request to change team . I can’t work with Sarah or see her everyday . I’m so tempted to yell at her and say WTF is wrong with you ! Neither of us got fired since there was no evidence so HR just gave me the talk ( I have no idea if Sarah has to do the training or what happened to her ). I went to the restaurant to see if there is a footage but owner wasn’t there . I’ll try again today . My mental health is a mess. My coworker, Chris , suggested to take time off to talk to a therapist and a lawyer . I might do that

Aita for only choosing one sister to go to a girls trip before my wedding and not the rest?

post your stories inquiring if you are or would be the asshole. the subject matter is not restricted, so you can post what you really want to talk about. Feel free to share your honest opinion in the comments, just be kind to each other... Are you the asshole?

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Aita for only choosing one sister to go to a girls trip before my wedding and not the rest?

Before this whole drama, there's some historical context: When I (28F) was 15, my family (mom, sisters Amanda (34F), Laurie (30F), and baby sister Sylvia (26F)) became homeless after my mom's addiction took over, and she started prioritizing it over us. She didn't buy food, clothes, or anything else, and after months of not paying rent, we got evicted and were homeless for a while. It was really horrible.

My aunt Natali said she would take me and my older sister, but not my mom and Sylvia. I was taken aback, as I understood why she didn't want my mom in her house since she was an addict, and Natali had babies and toddlers in the house. But when I asked about Sylvia, she said she couldn't because taking care of Sylvia would be too much, as she has Angelman syndrome.

My mom was rightfully upset and said she couldn't exclude her niece like that over something she couldn't control. Natali didn't budge and just asked Amanda and Laurie if they wanted to come, which they did. I refused because I couldn't, in good conscience, leave my baby sister homeless with our mom.

I'll be honest, I hated Amanda and Laurie for doing that to me and Sylvia, and even now, I still feel a bit of resentment. I took care of Sylvia, and we bonded a lot - she's my soulmate, and I'm so happy she's my sister.

Mom got cleaned and was able to find a good job that could really support us three as Amanda and Laurie wanted to stay with our aunt. My mom did everything to make it up to all of us four and I and Sylvia forgave her, Amanda and Laurie didn’t but that’s their own business.

Skip to now, my fiancé Carl surprised me with paid tickets for a 6-day trip to Camp Château, a women-only camp at a big castle in France, where you meet people, spend time exploring the country, and eat delicious food. I was so excited, as it's been my dream to go there for the longest time, and I'm so happy to go.

Of course, I invited Sylvia, and I wanted it to be just me and her. She was very excited and told the rest of our family about the trip. Laurie called me and asked why she wasn't invited, and I told her it was for my bridal party, which was only Sylvia. Laurie said it wasn't fair, and she knew how much she and Amanda would love this trip. I told her she could come if she paid her own way, but my fiancé's money was only for my bridal party, which is me and Sylvia.

She got mad at me, called me names, and then hung up. She and Amanda are now trying to make Sylvia feel guilty about going at all.

I don't think I'm wrong for not wanting them there, but I don't want to make Sylvia feel guilty for them. AITA?

I enjoy when someone is giving a presentation and they do the whole “Good morning. C’mon I think we can do better than that! GOOD MORNING!!”

The 10th Dentist is someone who sincerely, or professionally, disagree with the broad majority of people.

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I enjoy when someone is giving a presentation and they do the whole “Good morning. C’mon I think we can do better than that! GOOD MORNING!!”

I’ve seen over a dozen presentations start this way in my years working in the office and I laugh every time.

I feel like this further drives focus and engagement from the group and gets the presentation off to a good start.

AITA for telling my ex's best friend that she is the reason I left him?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for telling my ex's best friend that she is the reason I left him?

I need to know if I'm wrong.

I (28F) just eloped a month ago with my husband. Before meeting my husband, I was engaged to Jack (28M, fake name), and I left him, two years ago. The reason was, that he would always, always pick his two best friends' Paul and Wendy's (fake names) side over me. Paul thought I was making Jack boring, and Wendy had a problem with everything. She hated my clothes, ( I'm South Asian and tend to dress a bit too modestly), and my job, as it was too taxing, and spared no occasion to passive-aggressively tell me that I was boring and uptight. Wendy even made our whole engagement about her and Jack's friendship. And when I was mad, Jack defended her. She even barged her way into most of our couple trips and if I protested, she said I was trying to alienate Jack from his friends. Jack always, defended her and told me I was overreacting. Ultimately, I broke up with him and moved to another city for work. Wendy egged my car, and Paul left rude texts. I thought that was it.

Two days ago, I got a call from a mutual friend of mine and Jack, and she said that Wendy desperately wanted to meet me, as she is in my city. I initially told no, but she said that Wendy had been harassing her and my husband advised me to go. So I met her at a café, and Wendy started by telling me how disappointed she was that I didn't tell my old friends that I had gotten married. I told her that our old friends proved their loyalty to me when they chose Jack during our breakup. Wendy then started to tear up on how Jack misses me, how he hasn't dated since I left, that I broke his heart, and that he still loves me. I told her Jack was not a man fit to be married. All those years of gaslighting came back to me and I told her that she was the reason I left. Her constant intruding in everything and the fact that Jack had no backbone is the reason he was unhappy. She is the one who cannot see him with another woman and always wants him for herself. That she dared to confront me told me a lot about her character.

Wendy started to cry and left the table. I paid the bill and went home. But later two of my old friends told me that I could have been kinder to Wendy, as Jack refused to talk to her when Wendy went home and told him what I had said to her. I told her off, I said that Jack never acknowledged Wendy's behaviour even though I told him my issues with her many times, and now I didn't care.

But I am starting to feel more guilty, as I think I could have handled this maturely. My husband says I'm right, but now I feel that I ruined Jack and Wendy's relationship. AITA?

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  • The friendlier part of Reddit. Have a fun conversation about anything that is on your mind. Ask a question or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process. members
  • Give us your tales of bad roommates. The gross, the annoying, the psychotic. And if you have the solution to bad roommates, please let us know! members
  • Introducing r/stories, a cutting-edge subreddit for the reddit nation to seamlessly post, share, and connect through compelling narratives. Our tastefully curated subreddit harnesses the synergy of storytelling, fostering a dynamic environment for experiences and stories across narratives. Uniting minds from around the globe, this unparalleled storytelling ecosystem enables users to transcend geographical boundaries. Embrace the spirit of narrative expression while traversing uncharted horizons members
  • /r/Confession is a place to admit your wrongdoings, acknowledge your guilt, and alleviate your conscience. members
  • A place where it's obvious OP is the asshole. members
  • Dieser Sub ist die deutsche Version von r/AmItheAsshole. Lasst uns gemeinsam herausfinden, ob ihr euch in einer bestimmten Situation wie ein Arschloch verhalten habt, oder es die anderen waren. members
  • NOTICE: Content shared on this platform is intended for use on Am I the Jerk and its affiliated channels / platforms. Submit your own original stories and offer your views on other people's stories. By posting here, you agree that the material you post may be used for the podcasts and AITJ affiliated channels / platforms and you grant AITJ all necessary rights, including the irrevocable right to use the material you post, on those platforms and future platforms/media. Read the Rules for posting. members
  • A Filipino community where we work to make it a safe space in which you can unload your burdens, as well as celebrate your wins and milestones. This 𝒂𝒊𝒎𝒔 to be a non-judgmental space where you can vent things you want off your chest and find support in each other. May posting here bring relief to you. members
  • Have a story of you or someone you know getting back at someone with pro revenge after being wronged? Post it here! members
  • This is a place to post your stories and offer feedback on stories that other people post. Stories do NOT have to be AITA but should be seeking advice or feedback on situations. Please don't try to sell or fundraise through this community, and please don't be an Asconaut to other people. members
  • Where storytellers of all kinds share the stories that no one really needs to hear, or just don’t fit in anywhere else. Pointless doesn’t mean boring. It means “without purpose or utility.” We want the stories that you wanted to tell, but just didn’t have a reason to. Until now. Sometimes, the stories that don't matter are the ones that matter the most. members
  • The 10th Dentist is someone who sincerely, or professionally, disagree with the broad majority of people. members
  • ***This is an anti-free speech Anti-Alt-right/Nazi/Right Conservatives, a Pro-LGBT community that supports Black Lives Matter. If you don't like it, post somewhere else.*** What does this mean, you ask. It means: Nazis, Bigots, Racists, Trolls will be banned & punted to the Admins. **We reserve the right to moderate at our discretion.** members
  • members
  • A place where people from the hotel (mostly) industry can come and share the stories of the things our guests do and say that make customer service the hated job that it is. Non-hotel front desk stories welcome, so long as the tale involves a front desk. Retail employee? /r/talesfromretail members
  • This is simply a subreddit dedicated to venting. Had a bad day? Tell reddit about it. Share your stress with us. This is a community where people can give you advice, and take some of that weight off your shoulders. Here it's perfectly fine to complain! members