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Market movers

Earnings season showed the big four banks experienced a fall in profits and the themes were remarkably similar.
Big four

CBA lowers the curtain on a profit season banks would rather forget

This season was not one that banks will be crowing about – all experienced a fall in profits and the themes were remarkably similar.

  • by Elizabeth Knight



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The company attracted investors including Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, Jack Ma and the Walton family and were billionaires before reaching age 40.

Warren Buffett has a $285 billion problem

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has become too big, and it’s getting bigger by the day. It makes it a lot less exciting.

  • by Justin Fox
Back on the market: Brunswick Market

Drug kingpin’s former Sydney Road arcade for sale

Cashed-up Aesop founder and Canberra developer are selling hipster Sydney Road shops once owned by career criminal Tony Mokbel.

  • by Nicole Lindsay

Opinion & Perspectives

Warren Buffett has a $285 billion problem

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has become too big, and it’s getting bigger by the day. It makes it a lot less exciting.

Justin Fox

I didn’t get a job because I’m Gen Z. Why did that happen?

It might seem like your potential employer was discriminating against your youth, but the truth is probably more complex.

Jonathan Rivett

Freelance writer

Why open-plan offices are bad news for ADHD workers

Bright overhead lighting, noisy phone calls, unpredictable office temperature and smells from the kitchen are all triggers that can overload workers with ADHD.

Adam Mawardi

Banking & finance



The memorial service to celebrate the life of billionaire Lang Walker was held at Sydney Town Hall.

A force of nature with a wry smile: Lang Walker remembered

Billionaire and philanthropist Lang Walker was remembered as a transformative force in Australia’s urban landscape at a memorial service at Sydney Town Hall on Friday.

  • by Colin Kruger and Carolyn Cummins
From left to right: Former Fortescue executives, Bart Kolodziejczyk and Michael Masterman’s start-up Element Zero has plans for a $US2.1 billion green iron processing plant in the Pilbara.

The iron men with a $3 billion plan to save the planet

Two former Fortescue executives want to reduce the enormous carbon footprint of iron ore, Australia’s most lucrative export industry. It’ll cost at least $3 billion.

  • by Anne Hyland

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