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Man versus bear: Men need to stop being angry at the question and listen to the answer

The reasons women are “choosing the bear” aren’t supposed to be literal – they’re supposed to highlight the reality of our experiences.

Courtney Kruk
Courtney Kruk

City Reporter

The Zoo’s demise is live music’s canary in the coalmine

It’s up to all levels of government to pull as many levers as they can to ensure our proud live music scene can keep going for generations to come.

Cameron Atfield
Cameron Atfield


The fork in Queensland’s path to treaty gets wider all the way to election day

Yet one year ago, the state’s major parties had voted for a shared road ahead for First Nations communities.

Matt Dennien
Matt Dennien



Crime & Courts

Man versus bear?

Man versus bear: Men need to stop being angry at the question and listen to the answer

The reasons women are “choosing the bear” aren’t supposed to be literal – they’re supposed to highlight the reality of our experiences.

  • by Courtney Kruk
Safe space for domestic and family violence victims in Petrie Police Station.

Safe spaces for DFV victims in every Queensland police station

Police say the safe spaces will empower survivors of domestic and family violence to come forward and seek the help they need.

  • by Fraser Barton


Brisbane 2032 Olympics

Park Road’s Eiffel Tower. Brisbane CIty Council will spend nearly $125,000 sending representatives to see the real thing during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Opposition blasts Brisbane City Council’s Paris 2024 travel bill

The council’s civic cabinet, chaired by Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner, approved travel for two councillors and three senior council officers to go to Paris for a total cost of $123,500.

  • by Cameron Atfield
Thomas Back (right) with Brisbane 2032 chief executive Andrew Liveris.

Without extra lead time, IOC would be ‘pretty nervous’ about Brisbane 2032

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach says the organisation would have been “pretty nervous” about Brisbane’s preparations for the 2032 Games had the city been given hosting rights under the previous selection process.

  • by Cameron Atfield

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