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Self-improvement podcast

#1 Self improvement podcast
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#1 Self improvement podcast
r/LengfOrGirf - #1 Self improvement podcast

Here's What I Noticed About The Self-Improvement Community
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Here's What I Noticed About The Self-Improvement Community

1. A lot of people have the victim mentality When someone asks a question, and people respond and actually give him a solution he's like "Oh no but I can't do that, you don't know what it's like to be me....."

2. Most answers you'll find are not practical at all

When someone asks a question, I'll often read stuff like "change the way you think" or some other reallypassive answer.

3. A lot of people seek validation

Questins like "Is it normal to......." or "Should I ....." are very popular. People are often asking if what they're doing is considered "normal" for others.

4. They overthink a lot

A lot of questions that I find are simply overthinking. Basically, some people think they have a problem when in fact, the problem is that they think way too much.

5. Most of the community likes to feel good instead of actually improving

That's why quotes are really popular. They give you the feeling thaty you're much wiser and more mature when in fact, you didn't do anything practical.

That's my take on the topic. What do you think ?

[Advice] Utilizing AI tools for self-improvement
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[Advice] Utilizing AI tools for self-improvement

I've probably spent more time reading about optimizing my health than actually doing it.

Huberman podcast, countless hours of Lex Fridman podcast, nootropics, natural supplies, you name it. But I can't emphasize how much more ChatGPT has brought into my life, after learning to utilize it.

I swear this is not going to be another ChatGPT appraisal thread, but I wanted to share how I've been utilizing it to help with ANY TASK, and about how I'm planning to utilize it even more effectively.

Many of you probably write diaries. It's a great way to document your thoughts and follow your thought patterns day-to-day, year-to-year. You can read through old times to understand how well you have it now - or how well you had it, and you can then aim to pick up the things that made you happy back then.

But all this "health optimization" by reading your diary and giving yourself feedback is still happening in your own head. When ChatGPT came out, I tried to give it some of my diary thoughts, I asked it to give me advice when I was feeling down. I found out, that without giving it specifically crafted instructions, it often just censored its real opinion about things.

So I learned how to talk to it such that I could ask it for advice about my studies, about my relationship life, about sports training... If you have been using ChatGPT, you probably already know, that often you need to start a new conversation as it's "forgetting" things you've already told it. I'm a data scientist by profession, so I thought that "damn, I really would like to have one chatbot that would remember things about me."

So I started building an app. I told my "chatbot" about my goals, my current status, and about my history. I instructed the chatbot to actually give me valuable feedback based on my goals.

I'm close to giving out the application to beta testing for users. The beta is free for use, and I want to give it out to raise discussion about how it could be utilized even better. I've been thinking about this app with a couple of friends, and we don't really have post-beta plans, as it depends on how many people are using it, and since we fund it out of our own pockets. I think ChatGPT also itself is great, but the difficulty of ChatGPT is, that it's "too strong", and you need to give it very specific instructions to behave. So my hope is to overcome these problems and make personalized assistance for everyone :)

What do you think about using ChatGPT-like tools for brainstorming and evaluating your thoughts?What do you think about the plan for the app?I'm sure there are already plenty of tools available, but I haven't seen people use them for self-improvement really, only for the sake of fun.

EDIT: Thank you everyone for the interest, I got completely overwhelmed and wanted to give everyone personal reply. I got suspended for a few days for sending too many chat messages too fast. I think sending PMs is not the way Reddit wants to share projects (even though I like giving the personal touch to sharing the beta). As there is so much interest in joining the beta, I want to gradually let people through the list, so please bear with me while I adjust my financial budget to host all of the beta users :)

Here's a link to join the beta:

Anyone know of any good Self-Improvement type podcasts?
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Anyone know of any good Self-Improvement type podcasts?

Could be anything, doesn’t have to necessarily be one topic… Money, mindset, health, etc.. Appreciate any responses!

Self-Improvement podcasts
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Self-Improvement podcasts

Looking for recommendations on self-improvement podcasts. Any aspect of self-improvement is welcome (i.e. relationships, productivity, money management, mental health, physical health etc.). I have a hard time finding podcasts that offer genuine advice while actually being entertaining. Just trying to become a well-rounded individual over here 🙋🏽‍♀️. Anything that relates to spirituality and behavioral psychology is absolutely welcome! I’m trying to avoid listening to hustle culture influencers trying to sell me their b.s. $2000 courses lol.

Self improvement podcasts that actually seem to have positive affect?

“Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson This subreddit is for those who have questions about how to improve any aspects of their lives, from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. It is also a subreddit to share your helpful and civil ideas, tips, and advice on how others can improve themselves.

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Self improvement podcasts that actually seem to have positive affect?

Anyone have any podcasts they listen to (preferably on Spotify) that seem to make a difference in their life? Id like to have a solid one I can listen to getting ready in the morning so any recommendations are appreciated.

Self-improvement is a scam.
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Self-improvement is a scam.

I suspect most NEETS have tried to self-improve at some point in time, whether it be trying to improve one's social skills, motivation, or ability to concentrate. The internet is full of online communities and creators whose goal it is to help the ever-increasing number of socially awkward, lonely, and apathetic people in developed countries become 'better' people.

The sad truth is, normal, well-adjusted people don't have to actively work on their social skills; they don't have to read books or watch youtube videos in order to meet new people and make friends; they don't have to listen to podcasts to help them get a date; and they don't have to motivate themselves to do daily activities, attend college, or work. All of these things just come automatically to them. Your outgoing, hardworking, passionate friends and family members didn't get that way because of some book they read or youtube channel they subscribed to years ago: chances are they've been that way for years, and don't even know how they got there.

I suspect many other NEETs and semi-NEETS have had this thought, maybe I'm wrong.

“The #1 men’s self improvement podcast we got the best crew”
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“The #1 men’s self improvement podcast we got the best crew”
r/LengfOrGirf - “The #1 men’s self improvement podcast we got the best crew”

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Most of these podcasts that we listen to have become extremely repetitive. The irony is they are telling us to do all this shit and lower the dopamine yet telling us all the shit we need to do in a day to find happiness/pleasure in long ass conversations.

Look, nothing wrong with wanting self improvement. The problem? In the search of the best way to live life, you miss out on actually living life. A lot of you are begging for help and saying your life is over, etc.

You want true happiness? Go live your life. Have dinner with family, friends, colleagues. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Find hobbies. You don’t have time? Maybe that’s an issue. You don’t have friends? Maybe that’s an issue. You have anxiety? What’s fueling the worry of the unknown? Life is about finding solutions.

Solutions aren’t soaking your balls in cold water, starring at the sun, walking backwards around the house while focusing on one thing. In search of all that happiness/solutions one thing to remember is life will pass you by. When we are on our death beds we aren’t going to be happy about none of that shit. What we are going to ask is did we cherish our loved ones, did we enjoy a good meal with them? Don’t get caught up so much that you’re not keeping up with these trends. You’ll be fine. Look around, humans have been fine without them before you and will continue to be.

[Advice] My Top 5 Favorite Self-Improvement Podcasts
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[Advice] My Top 5 Favorite Self-Improvement Podcasts

Here are some podcasts that have been helpful to me. Open to your feedback about what you think of this list and what your favorites are too. These are my opinions. Thank you!

  1. "Magic Lessons" with Elizabeth Gilbert ( Pros: Super intriguing conversations with well-known speakers and authors (like Brené Brown, Glennon Doyle Melton, Cheryl Strayed), wisdom I will hold onto for a lifetime, not afraid to confront hard issues and questions, Professionals working with aspiring creatives. Cons: Motivation is tailored pretty specifically to only the artist/creative types.

  2. "Your Motivational High 5" with Phil Larson ( Pros: Easy to understand, 5-minute episodes, deep and thought-provoking nuggets of wisdom, positivity exercise at the end of every episode, very honest. Cons: Sometimes too short.

  3. "Side Hustle School" with Chris Guillebeau ( Pros: Daily short episodes (5-10 mins), tells examples of people starting small side-businesses that generate passive income, makes me feel motivated to try to figure out how to create a "side-hustle." Cons: Sometimes the hustles featured could hardly apply to anyone (like clothes of chickens?).

  4. "Morning Mindfulness" with Jin ( Pros: Super short and to the point (2 mins), has a funny personality, really packed with a lot of healthy ways of thinking. Cons: Obviously he is reading what he is saying, and that podcast art...

  5. "The One You Feed" with Eric Zimmer ( Pros: Intriguing host, obscure guests, powerful and wide-range of topics, one of the most honest and real podcasts, host has battle alcoholism in his past. Cons: Sometimes conversations drag on.

The #1 Men's Self Improvement Podcast In The WORLD!
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The #1 Men's Self Improvement Podcast In The WORLD!
  • r/LengfOrGirf - The #1 Men's Self Improvement Podcast In The WORLD!
  • r/LengfOrGirf - The #1 Men's Self Improvement Podcast In The WORLD!

The over-consumption of content is today's #1 hindrance to self-improvement

“Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson This subreddit is for those who have questions about how to improve any aspects of their lives, from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. It is also a subreddit to share your helpful and civil ideas, tips, and advice on how others can improve themselves.

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The over-consumption of content is today's #1 hindrance to self-improvement

Every day, I log onto Reddit and folks on various subs are asking for the best channels to follow.

The best podcasts.

The best books to read.

It's a trap.

The only thing consuming content is going to do is make you familiar with that content. That's going to make you feel like you're getting somewhere.

But it's basically the equivalent of studying for an exam by rereading your notes. It's not studying - it's building familiarity. And when you're faced with the question, the knowledge doesn't come forward because it's simply not ingrained.

(This concept is reflected in Make It Stick - a book about learning, written by a pair of neuroscientists)

It's no different in real life. You can consume hours a day, for years on end, and go nowhere.

You'll think you're getting somewhere, because everything you see sounds familiar. So you'll always be on the lookout for new knowledge. And since creators make their money by creating, there will always be an endless supply.

So what do you instead?

Find a book that inspires the hell out of you and read it. Then read it again and take notes. Then use effective study techniques so that those ideas are ingrained. I use flashcards until the principles start to come to mind in the exact moment I need them.

If you're using this technique daily, you can count on working with 5-10 books a year. You spend a lot more time per book. You spend a lot more time turning over the content in your head. And you spend a lot more time practicing it.

So where do podcasts/videos come in?

They're useful for two things (sorry creators):

  1. Finding new leads - sometimes you really are starting from scratch. So you search the 'topic' and listen to who they're referencing. If it sounds like a match, seek out that book.

  2. Getting perspective - some books are heavy. I'm studying King Warrior Magician Lover right now and even though it's a straightforward read, studying it is not. There's a lot to unpack and practice and lots of side quests. Searching the book title in Spotify brings up discussions that are useful for the journey. Even then - don't over-consume. I'll listen to one podcast, live the principles for a couple weeks, and then maybe I'll listen to another.

Since I've been doing self-improvement this way, I've this delightful experience numerous times:

You find yourself in that situation again. The one that prompted you to 'improve' in the first place. But this time, your brain makes the connection between what you've been learning and what is going on.

That rarely happens at all with passive consumption. It always happen eventually when you study.

I started reading King Warrior Magician Lover two weeks ago. The connections are already being formed, manifesting as a basic awareness in my daily reflections.

That's how it starts. Eventually, I'll start having little sparks of intuition, where I realize that I'm actually at a fork in the road, where a slight adjustment will lead me further down the path I want to go down.

And at some point, those lessons will be so ingrained that I simply behave and think differently. At that point, the reinvention will be complete.

Ramming one book/podcast/video into your brain after another simply overwrites whatever you came before it. It's a complete waste of time.

TL;DR: Knowing and not doing is the same as not knowing. After reading, do.

the number 1 male self improvement podcast in the world!!
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READ BEFORE POSTING: Don’t be evil. This community aims to help people self improve and discuss interpersonal and intersexual dynamics. We are NOT affiliated with Fresh & Fit, Abba & Preach, Destiny or any other pod. You posts will be invisible unless your profile: 2+ weeks old 50 Post Karma 50 Comment Karma Do NOT ridicule/shame anyone for their race/gender/sex/orientation. Don’t promote violence. READ THE REDDIT CONTENT POLICY:

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the number 1 male self improvement podcast in the world!!
  • r/LengfOrGirf - the number 1 male self improvement podcast in the world!!
  • r/LengfOrGirf - the number 1 male self improvement podcast in the world!!
  • r/LengfOrGirf - the number 1 male self improvement podcast in the world!!

The number 1 men’s self improvement podcast (swipe)
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READ BEFORE POSTING: Don’t be evil. This community aims to help people self improve and discuss interpersonal and intersexual dynamics. We are NOT affiliated with Fresh & Fit, Abba & Preach, Destiny or any other pod. You posts will be invisible unless your profile: 2+ weeks old 50 Post Karma 50 Comment Karma Do NOT ridicule/shame anyone for their race/gender/sex/orientation. Don’t promote violence. READ THE REDDIT CONTENT POLICY:

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The number 1 men’s self improvement podcast (swipe)
  • r/LengfOrGirf - The number 1 men’s self improvement podcast (swipe)
  • r/LengfOrGirf - The number 1 men’s self improvement podcast (swipe)
  • r/LengfOrGirf - The number 1 men’s self improvement podcast (swipe)
  • r/LengfOrGirf - The number 1 men’s self improvement podcast (swipe)
  • r/LengfOrGirf - The number 1 men’s self improvement podcast (swipe)

What are some good self-improvement podcasts for beginners?
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r/podcasts: a subreddit to discover, discuss, and review podcasts with other podcast enthusiasts. As part of this mission, r/podcasts is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions. This is not a place to promote your podcast.

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What are some good self-improvement podcasts for beginners?

I’m currently in the worst depressive episode I have ever been on and feel like it’s time to start doing something about it. I would like to start small and continue from there, one step at a time. I have noticed I have a lot of free time spent watching useless yt videos or twitch streams. I would like to start instead listening to/ watching some really basic podcasts on some topics that could help me out, even if it’s just a little bit. Was considering some life philosophy or general life advice podcasts. I previously read “the subtle art of not giving a fuck” and “everything is fucked” by mark manson and felt like they helped out a lot, so maybe something along those themes would be good. Audiobook recomendations (with audiobook apps) are also appreciated. Any help/ advise is welcome in general. Thanks!

Here's a long list of the 70+ podcasts I listen to (including Harris of course), spanning philosophy, rationality, politics, economics, psychology, Effective Altruism, meditation, psychedelics, geopolitics, self-improvement and more!

Self Improvement podcast recommendations?
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r/podcasts: a subreddit to discover, discuss, and review podcasts with other podcast enthusiasts. As part of this mission, r/podcasts is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions. This is not a place to promote your podcast.

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Self Improvement podcast recommendations?

Does anyone have any good suggestions for self improvement/motivating podcasts?

Also, any health/science/medicine related podcasts?

I've recently deleted my Instagram and am trying to be really mindful of everything I do - including the music I listen to, what I give my attention to, etc. I noticed how different I feel during the day when I listen to podcasts instead of music. I feel way more motivated, my thoughts are more organized and I just generally feel better. I'm really trying to start living the way I have always wanted to instead of participating in the norm because of FOMO. Any suggestions would be wonderful and thank you in advance.

In July I started a 365 day self-improvement challenge, here's how July went:
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A force for self-improvement, goodness, and togetherness that helps humanity eliminate evil. Progression is key, so if you have decided to leave the bad behind, this is the place for you.

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In July I started a 365 day self-improvement challenge, here's how July went:

Hey everyone, I hope this is a good subreddit for this and can help someone else.

I have anxiety and depression. Last year was incredibly rough as I left my long time job and went through about 7 jobs I hated. I finally got a job I liked in November but had months of debt from my unemployment. Other than my wonderful husband, I had no friends and my mental health was at an all time low.

I decided to finally do something and so I'm doing a 365 day challenge where everyday I have to pick from a list I made of things that are either fun, challenging, or move me in the direction of my goals. Here's what I did for Month 1:

  1. Get a new haircut - I asked the hairdresser to surprise me. It wasn't anything crazy but gave me some confidence for the start of my challenge.

  2. Go on a picnic - I went on a picnic with my husband and some of his friends. It was fun but I felt a bit awkward.

  3. Learn where all the states are - This was difficult, there are a lot of states!

  4. Get 100 on a school assignment - I got a 100 on one of my final projects.

  5. Tell an embarrassing story - I told 4 of my coworkers an embarrassing story. Felt like we became closer. They shared some of their stories as well.

  6. Handwrite a letter to a friend - I decided to write to a coworker who is close to being a friend. She loved it so much she almost cried and opened up to me about some of her struggles.

  7. Make a list of what's important to me - Helped me clarify my values.

  8. Donate blood - This one was scary because I'm very squeamish and last time I tried I passed out. They had a donation bus across from my work so I bit the bullet. I'm glad I did! It wasn't enjoyable but I feel good about myself.

  9. Go to a Farmers Market - Got some fresh food and supported small local farms.

  10. Finish a good book - I finished The Poisonwood Bible, which I really liked.

  11. Try a new podcast - It was okay.

  12. Do a grounding exercise - I had a really bad day and it helped me calm down.

  13. Do husband's chores - he injured his back so I took care of his chores for him. He was very grateful.

  14. Go for a walk alone - I walked around the neighborhood and looked at the nature and it was pretty.

  15. Play We Are Not Strangers - This is a get to know you game and I played it with coworkers. More kept joining as we played and I really enjoyed it.

  16. Get a YMCA membership - Now to actually use it!

  17. Get a cute purse - My old one was falling apart at the seams, got a nicer one.

  18. Go to lunch with someone new - I invited 4 coworkers to lunch and we had a great time. They invited me for pizza the following week.

  19. Donate to an animal charity - Donated to a local animal rescue which felt nice.

  20. Wear a fake moustache all day - To help desensitize me to my fear if public embarrassment I wore a fake moustache to work. People laughed but most laughed with me and not at me. A few people liked it.

  21. Text a coworker a joke - They seemed to enjoy it.

  22. Get new teeth - My teeth were rotting out of my head and I finally got dental insurance and got my root canals and crowns. I feel more confident.

  23. Do a crossword puzzle - I've never finished one so that was nice.

  24. Read a new magazine - I picked a pet magazine and learned about dogs!

  25. Have one hour of silence - It was uncomfortable at first but peaceful by the end. Although I was excited for stimulation again.

  26. Wear fancy earrings - No one noticed but my husband but he really liked them and that felt nice.

  27. Treat myself to lunch - I enjoyed a nice lunch at a restaurant. Have done it more since then.

  28. Sleep upside down (head where feet go) - Kinda fun.

  29. Give a coworker a hug - It was awkward.

  30. Jog in the rain - I went barefoot and had so much fun! It's the longest I've managed to jog!

  31. Cook a dish I haven't cooked before - I made a super yummy Thai coconut curry!

RESULTS: From the first month I feel a lot more confident. I've already made work friends. People call me and text me off work hours for not-work things. I've been to about 6 friend lunch dates. I have plans to do out-of-work activities with them. I've become more active. My mood has improved.


-Donate blood

-Play We Are Not Strangers

-Jog in the rain

-Get new teeth

-Treat myself to lunch

-Handwrite a letter to a friend

-Get a YMCA membership

-Wear a fake moustache to work


-Hug a coworker

-Try a new podcast

-Learn where all the states are

I plan to do a monthly update if anyone cares or wants some ideas. So far it's been a huge success and I wanted to share!

Just as a reminder, no self PROMOTION allowed here. Only self improvement.

“Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson This subreddit is for those who have questions about how to improve any aspects of their lives, from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. It is also a subreddit to share your helpful and civil ideas, tips, and advice on how others can improve themselves.

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Just as a reminder, no self PROMOTION allowed here. Only self improvement.

Nobody cares about your podcast, youtube, book, seminar, whatever.

Telling people to look at your profile or google something that's yours is grounds for an instant ban.

I try to be as hands off as possible in this place, but the spammers are starting to pick up.

Recommendations for various podcasts needed, e.g. mental health, self-love, self-improvement and living a long and healthy life
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r/podcasts: a subreddit to discover, discuss, and review podcasts with other podcast enthusiasts. As part of this mission, r/podcasts is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions. This is not a place to promote your podcast.

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Recommendations for various podcasts needed, e.g. mental health, self-love, self-improvement and living a long and healthy life


after bingeing on audiobooks for the last three weeks, I am ready to upgrade to podcasts.

Here's a list of the audiobooks I liked: Insecure in Love, Dopamine Nation, Why we Sleep, the Science of Living, Breathe, The Power of Habit, In Spite of, Predictably Irrational

I'm interested in:
mental health (esp. dysthymia, low mood, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, anxious attachment style, anxiety),
self-improvement (esp. procrastination, brain hacks, motivation etc)
and living a long and healthy life.

I'm looking for awesome podcasts on these topics, especially podcasts that are scientifically informed or are done by experts who have done academic research in the field (open to others as well though)

Please recommend plenty :-)

Any Recommendations for Self-Improvement Podcast Shows?
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r/podcasts: a subreddit to discover, discuss, and review podcasts with other podcast enthusiasts. As part of this mission, r/podcasts is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions. This is not a place to promote your podcast.

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Any Recommendations for Self-Improvement Podcast Shows?

I really want a show talking about improving yourself, inspirational podcasts. Any recommendations? These are my usual go-to podcast about this:

The School of Greatness

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

GaryVee Audio Experience

Science of Happiness

The Daily Boost

[Discussion] Podcasts that have a positive energy/discussion of self improvement without being preachy?
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Welcome to /r/GetMotivated! We're glad you made it. This is the subreddit that will help you finally get up and do what you know you need to do. It's the subreddit to give and receive motivation through pictures, videos, text, music, AMA's personal stories, and anything and everything that you find particularly motivating and/or inspiring. So browse around, ask questions, give advice, form/join a support group. But don't spend too much time here; you've got better things to do.

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[Discussion] Podcasts that have a positive energy/discussion of self improvement without being preachy?


I know this may be a strangely specific request but I am a big fan of podcasts. I have been listening to several different ones for many years, but I recently made a discovery about the ones that I choose to listen to. I read something about the media we absorb and how it relates to our mental health. Because podcasts are by far my most commonly absorbed media, I analyzed what I listen to and realized that they fall squarely into two camps:

1.) True crime, macabre, unsettling, and generally dark shows that force me to over-examine the fragility of human life and psyche. This is the VAST majority. 2.) Pointless improv/comedy shows that serve only to distract and allow me to practice escapism. These are less common.

What I am hoping for is suggestions on podcasts that allow me to focus and bring light into my mind. I have been feeding on shows that explore and expose the dark side of human existence and it has undoubtedly affected my mental wellbeing.

But I have had suggestions for self-improvement podcasts before that have all really just centered around making yourself better at capitalism-- capitalism being one of the driving forces of my depression and anxiety.

I don't need podcasts that teach me about how to rise and grind, how to excel in corporate environments, how to be a great candidate for a job. I need podcasts that can enable me to stop hating myself. That teach me methods for self love, for fighting demons in my past, for seeing beauty in the world again.

Sorry for rambling, and thank you for reading.

Looking for podcasts on self improvement and BPD
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r/podcasts: a subreddit to discover, discuss, and review podcasts with other podcast enthusiasts. As part of this mission, r/podcasts is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions. This is not a place to promote your podcast.

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Looking for podcasts on self improvement and BPD

Hi, I'm trying to start the new year off on a good note ☺️
I'm looking for some podcasts that focus on self improvement and borderline personality disorder.

I really need to work on myself, controlling anger is a big issue for me but I don't want a podcast that focuses on that. I kinda just want an overall "this is what you need to do to help change your behaviors" type thing

I mostly use audible and Google podcast so those would work for me

I appreciate any and all recommendations! 💖

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