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John Carreyrou

What's your favorite book regarding Companies or Corporations?

Need an idea what to read next? Tell us what you've enjoyed in the past, or what you're looking for, and let the community suggest a book (or books) for you to read!

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What's your favorite book regarding Companies or Corporations?

I love reading about interesting companies and how they rose to the top or came crashing down. I love a good dive deep into the design aspects of their products and the financial side of things. But I am open to all kinds of books. One of the recent ones I enjoyed was Bad Blood by John Carryrou.

Novels that taught you something

In need of a good read? Let us know what you want and we guarantee you'll find a great book, or your money back. This subreddit is for people to ask for suggestions on books to read. Please only post requests for suggestions, not unsolicited recommendations or “should I read this book or that book” type posts.

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Novels that taught you something

Novel lovers please help! I have almost exclusively read nonfiction until this year and I’m trying to jump into novels that you can really lose yourself in. But I really like to learn something when I read a book. What are some novels you read recently that left you with some new knowledge on a subject, culture, historical event, etc. ? I recently read Kite Runner and had to have Wikipedia/Google open the whole time so that I could learn more about the context of the era and the situation in Afghanistan and I really enjoyed reading a story that had me doing my own research at the same time.

Recent nonfiction I read/am reading, if that helps: The Demon in the Freezer - Richard Preston How to Hide an Empire - David Immerwahr The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander They Were Her Property - Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers Bad Blood - John Carryrou Catch and Kill - Ronan Farrow The Spider and the Fly - Claudia Rowe

Your ideal theranos dramatization

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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Your ideal theranos dramatization

I am having a hard time getting into the Hulu show. I don’t find EH very compelling as a subject matter (I am more interested in what allowed her to flourish despite her BS) and having it all happen through her eyes feels really dull and lazy.

I keep imagining the show I would like to see instead: a thriller-type escapade primarily through the eyes of Erica Cheung, Tyler Schultz, and John Carryrou.

What about everyone else? If you’re not crazy about the show, what do you wish they would have done instead?

American Kingpin and Bad Blood - more please!

The audiobooks subreddit is a community of audiobibliophiles sharing and looking for their next great listen.

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American Kingpin and Bad Blood - more please!

Just finished American Kingpin by Nick Bilton and loved the “non-fictional narrative”; and listened to Bad Blood by John Carryrou not too long ago, which was also great. Loved these true stories that were so well written/read and I’m looking for more! Would love any suggestions of true story books - open to any theme but I’m less interested by murderer stories. TIA!

What's a non-fiction book that's too crazy to be true?

This is a moderated subreddit. It is our intent and purpose to foster and encourage in-depth discussion about all things related to books, authors, genres, or publishing in a safe, supportive environment. If you're looking for help with a personal book recommendation, consult our Weekly Recommendation Thread, Suggested Reading page, or ask in r/suggestmeabook.

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What's a non-fiction book that's too crazy to be true?

I recently picked up my first non-fiction book (since I thought they were all stuffy and boring), which happened to be "Bad Blood" by John Carryrou, about Theranos' blood testing and its founder, Elizabeth Holmes.

The book was a blast, but it was unbelievable how so much that was happening, actually happened and that got me thinking... what other non-fiction books out there that cover a topic or theme, that's just too unbelievable to be true, even if it is?

I recommend the book by the way. It focuses on Elizabeth Holmes, a Stanford drop-out who came up with this idea to test people's blood and have pharma-companies and doctors to monitor the blood against new medication the patient is having. If the blood shows that the patient needs a higher dose, or a lower dose, then the doctor or the pharma-company can increase/decrease on the next prescription.

The problem is, is that Elizabeth is petrified of needles and while in theory, what she wanted to do could be done, she demanded it be done using the smallest drop of blood possible. Not only that, but she designed a machine called the Edison that could test the blood but it wasn't working -- so instead of spending seven years that was needed to fix it, she went and created ANOTHER MACHINE called the miniLab, a machine that could run 250 blood tests from a single drop of blood, neither of these worked by the way (they ended up hacking on-the-market blood analyzers and pretending the results were being used on the miniLab). Even though they didn't work either, she still sold them to companies, Safeways and more prominently, Walgreens.

I won't spoil the rest, but it's 300-pages of "what the fucks" and "are you insanes".

I recently finished "BAD BLOOD" by John Carreyrou on the Theranos scandal. I don't know what to read next

In need of a good read? Let us know what you want and we guarantee you'll find a great book, or your money back. This subreddit is for people to ask for suggestions on books to read. Please only post requests for suggestions, not unsolicited recommendations or “should I read this book or that book” type posts.

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I recently finished "BAD BLOOD" by John Carreyrou on the Theranos scandal. I don't know what to read next

I'm not a really good reader, and i've always had trouble getting into books. I've probably picked up more books that i haven't finished compared to the ones I have finished.

My friend recommended the BAD BLOOD book and I figured I'd like it since I'm sort of into intense real life events like this one. I was not expecting to like this book so much and I loved it! However, now I feel like if I don't find a book I like it'll probably take me another year to pick up another one.

Do you guys have any recommendations?

I'm not super big on fiction, but very into drama and actions and heists. Ocean's Eleven is one of my favorite movies if that helps :)


John Carreyrou reported the EHs own Aunt provided a Victim Impact Statement

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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John Carreyrou reported the EHs own Aunt provided a Victim Impact Statement

So unlike the Letters of Support Holmes submitted, and the references the Prosecution made in their Sentencing memo, victim impact statements are sealed. So we don't know, other then the Prosecutions own references, who submitted victim impact statements. So this is interesting, and hasn't widely been reported on yet (that her own Aunt submitted a statement).

Bad Blood author John Carreyrou joins The New York Times business investigations team

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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Bad Blood author John Carreyrou joins The New York Times business investigations team

Tyler Shultz states he was suicidal before the John Carreyrou 'Theranos fraud' article went public

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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Tyler Shultz states he was suicidal before the John Carreyrou 'Theranos fraud' article went public

Elizabeth holmes is responsible for the suicide of Ian Gibbons. Now Tyler Shultz confesses in the Bad Blood podcast that he too was suicidal after she sent her lawyers to his house threatening to sue him. Thanks to Tyler's bravery, millions were spared from shody blood testing. Elizabeth should rot in gaol from having blood on her hands.

Several videos of Elizabeth Holmes arriving @ court + John Carreyrou interviews after sentencing

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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Several videos of Elizabeth Holmes arriving @ court + John Carreyrou interviews after sentencing
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Anybody reading Bad Blood by John Carreyrou about Theranos?

This is a moderated subreddit. It is our intent and purpose to foster and encourage in-depth discussion about all things related to books, authors, genres, or publishing in a safe, supportive environment. If you're looking for help with a personal book recommendation, consult our Weekly Recommendation Thread, Suggested Reading page, or ask in r/suggestmeabook.

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Anybody reading Bad Blood by John Carreyrou about Theranos?

I just finished the book and I’m totally in awe. The writing is solid. The stories are engrossing - I often read into the night. My jaw just kept dropping page after page, shocked by what the company was doing to defraud its investors, business partners, consumers, et al.

Most of all, the company culture was torturous. Employees from different departments were separated and discouraged from speaking to each other, just to prevent them from knowing fully what was going on in the company.

And Sunny Balwani, omg, he’s just an asshole. He never appeared in the story once without being angry.

Any chance someone is reading / has read the book? What do you think of it?

I recommend this to anyone who’s interested in investigative journalism and corporate wrongdoing stories.

John Carreyrou is going to be allowed back into the courtroom.

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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John Carreyrou is going to be allowed back into the courtroom.

The Reporter Who Took Down a Unicorn: How John Carreyrou battled corporate surveillance and intimidation to expose a multibillion-dollar Silicon Valley start-up as a fraud.

A reporter I know says John Carreyrou was first in line at the court this morning for her sentencing

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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A reporter I know says John Carreyrou was first in line at the court this morning for her sentencing

First in the line for the Press, I should clarify. Good for him.

John Carreyrou Bad Blood Chapter 12: The Verdict.

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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John Carreyrou Bad Blood Chapter 12: The Verdict.

Still waiting for it to load on Castbox app. Carreyrou retweet:

Extended Interview with John Carreyrou on Bad Blood:The Final Chapter

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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Reddit Talk with John Carreyrou Thursday 3pm EST/noon PST

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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Reddit Talk with John Carreyrou Thursday 3pm EST/noon PST

Bad Blood: The Final Chapter

Three years ago John Carreyrou stopped by Reddit for an AMA to talk about his book, Bad Blood, about Elizabeth Holmes and her Silicon Valley blood diagnostics startup Theranos. Now, he'll be covering how this scandal has developed in a new podcast Bad Blood: The Final Chapter.

We're thrilled John will be here to speak with us on Thursday, August 26th, 3 p.m. EST (noon PST) in an interactive, live audio room with Reddit's new feature: Reddit Talk.

If you are unable to make that time, but have questions for him about his work on the podcast, Theranos or the upcoming trial of Elizabeth Holmes, please comment here and we'd be happy to try to ask some of your questions as we go through the Talk.

And if you can join at that time - you can listen and ask him a question you may have live!

More background info on Reddit Talk

Talk allows us to host interactive sessions with speakers or podcasters, and users of the community can also join in and interact with the speakers in real time and ask questions.

You can learn more about Reddit Talk from the user guide here that walks you though the features of Reddit Talk.

A huge thanks to the team who have worked hard behind the scenes to enable us to have this feature here on Reddit. As a podcast fan, I'm happy it is available for us here r/podcasts, and can't wait to see how podcasters and podcast-related communities will be able to utilize it in the future.

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What John Carreyrou is up to these days

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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David Boies vs John Carreyrou full deposition/interview?

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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David Boies vs John Carreyrou full deposition/interview?

They played clips from this meeting in the HBO documentary, but I haven't been able to find the whole thing online?

Does anyone have the full link to this, or any other depositions surrounding Theranos? Thanks.

What if John Carreyrou didn't get the tips about Theranos?

A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome.

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What if John Carreyrou didn't get the tips about Theranos?

How long do you think Elizabeth and Sunny would have been able to continue the charade? The cracks were already starting, but I would be curious how many rabbits out of their hats could have pulled out.

Books like “Bad Blood” by John Carreyrou?

In need of a good read? Let us know what you want and we guarantee you'll find a great book, or your money back. This subreddit is for people to ask for suggestions on books to read. Please only post requests for suggestions, not unsolicited recommendations or “should I read this book or that book” type posts.

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Books like “Bad Blood” by John Carreyrou?

I just finished this and wish I could read it for the first time all over again. I’m looking for similar books about industry scandals and investigative journalism. I’m open to anything except stories about serial killers/murders. Thanks!

  • A subreddit dedicated to conversation about Theranos, the healthcare company founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003. Theranos sought to revolutionize the medical diagnostics world by greatly increasing efficiency in laboratory testing, until it all came crashing down. Self posts, news articles, blog posts and more are all welcome. members
  • Need an idea what to read next? Tell us what you've enjoyed in the past, or what you're looking for, and let the community suggest a book (or books) for you to read! members
  • In need of a good read? Let us know what you want and we guarantee you'll find a great book, or your money back. This subreddit is for people to ask for suggestions on books to read. Please only post requests for suggestions, not unsolicited recommendations or “should I read this book or that book” type posts. members