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So Seth Rollins just confirmed three "rumors" while doing the Edge & Christian podcast
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So Seth Rollins just confirmed three "rumors" while doing the Edge & Christian podcast

I put rumors in quotes because they were already pretty well known (and if any of these were previously confirmed, please go easy on me), but I thought it was interesting how nonchalantly he mentioned them all

  1. The Shield was initially the brainchild of CM Punk, along with Joey Mercury, and it was initially Rollins/Ambrose/Ohno

  2. They were going to break The Shield up shortly after TLC 2013 (when they lost the handicap match to Punk) with Ambrose turning heel, but the three of them managed to convince WWE otherwise. The Shield/Wyatt Family match was never actually supposed to happen, they were supposed to break up before it did, but they added that rivalry in and gave them the 6-man match at Elimination Chamber because they had to do something if they weren't splitting up

  3. Shield vs. New Age Outlaws and Kane at WrestleMania was not booked to be a squash, but the opening promo went way over time and they lost all but the 90 seconds they got to just squash the veterans.


4) Seth cashing in his MITB at Mania was his own idea, he pitched it.

Like I said, most of these were already considered relatively factual, but it's cool to hear him confirm them all.

Has anyone listened to the Christian podcast "Tried To Be Straight"
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Has anyone listened to the Christian podcast "Tried To Be Straight"

I have only finished the first episode but it felt so relatable and I wanted to see if anyone here had also listened to it and wanted to discuss it and their own journey of being gay and Christian.

I think the part that hit closest was when he talked about how he tried countless things, got delivered, went to Christian therapists, and even got covered in essential oils to cast out demons. I think it really mirrored how in my own life I had tried everything to be straight and nothing worked. The whole "try x", "try y", "try x again", "maybe you did y wrong, "I heard z helped people". It felt nice hearing that it isn't just my experience.

Some notes from Sasha Banks' appearance on the Edge/Christian podcast
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Some notes from Sasha Banks' appearance on the Edge/Christian podcast
  • Sasha says she found out the day before Raw that she was going to be facing Ronda at the Royal Rumble. Out of the blue.

  • Says she's always striving for more despite being in a lot of "firsts" for women's wrestling. Says that it's insane that women being in the main event is now normal. Also says she's driven to be the best and stealing the show every night, and pushing women's wrestling even further. Christian responds that all the true greats have that mentality.

  • Knew that she wanted to be a wrestler right from the start. She trained in MMA as a teenager and joined a wrestling school at age 18

  • Says she didn't really find herself as a wrestler until NXT, working with Dusty Rhodes and being trained by Joey Murcury and Normal Smiley.

  • Came up with the "boss" character herself when pitching characters to creative and came up with it based off seeing Snoop Dogg (her cousin) being called "the boss" by people around him. Says she needed to find a flashy, flamboyant character to let people know that she was the best and progress in NXT

  • Says that she struggled at first getting used to playing her character but when she got used to performing the mannerisms and quirks of her character, she didn't even have to think about it anymore.

  • Says she cried backstage after winning the NXT Women's title and HHH asked her "why didn't you do that out there"? Her response was that her character's reaction was being pissed off that no one believed in her, so she deliberately didn't show her real emotions

  • They get into the Brooklyn match with Bayley. Says the story of the never give up superfan who fans related to Vs the bully was so easy to tell and everything from the story to the wrestling clicked so well and was the perfect culmination to the emotional story for Bayley.

  • Says she prefers being a bad guy, although it was difficult for her at first as she's nothing like her character. Says it's very fun being a bad guy because it's enjoyable pushing people's buttons.

  • Sasha says being on the main roster is night and day to NXT because on the main roster you are far more independent and you have to adapt more because of the constant changes in booking and live TV

  • Talks about how she loves being on the road with Bayley because she is her best friend and travelling with her makes the schedule so much easier.

  • Says her and Bayley have been confused for a while about their constantly changing booking and positions

  • Says that they both decided that "if they're going to make us a tag team, let's be the best possible tag team we can be" and says that they both studied old tapes of tag team matches to learn how to work together properly as a tag unit in the ring.

  • Says she wishes there was more time to build to the Ronda match and also how she feels there are too many PPV's. However, she says that for both her and Ronda this should be a different and testing match for both of them because they've never worked or trained with each other.

  • Says promos aren't her strong suit but feels she is growing into them. Also states that she isn't scared to go to Vince and ask if her promos can be changed to make it into her own words. Also states that the "bitch" she let out on Nia two weeks ago was something that wasn't written and just slipped out.

  • Says her and Bayley pitched a match with Beth and Natalya (Divas Of Doom) and they hope it will happen

Fed up with Christianity and relgion being associated with morality
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Fed up with Christianity and relgion being associated with morality

Christianity has nothing to do with being an ethical and morally strong person. The Bible is full of atrocious unethical and immoral acts that are signed off on by god. We all know what they are - slavery, genocide, rape, etc. Immoral behavior is rampant among Christians and other religious people. The Bible is not a textbook for moral behavior and in many ways is the opposite. I just listened to a podcast where someone I respected said they returned to Christianity because they felt the modern world lacked a moral compass. It made me want to scream.

Some interesting points from Kevin Owens interview in Edge and Christian podcast
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Some interesting points from Kevin Owens interview in Edge and Christian podcast
  1. Kevin Owens thought being the Universal champion would be the pinnacle of his WWE run but said it didn't turn out the way he wanted it to be and it didn't make him feel like a top guy

  2. He said his feud with Jericho helped him to get to that top guy level but again he felt like things got little bit flat for him on Smackdown until Shane Mcmahon feud happened

  3. Kevin admits he didn't enjoy the series of matches with AJ styles. Owens said " I wasn't putting out my best stuff in that feud "

  4. Kevin Owens said his body is really sour after his match with Shane at Hell in a Cell and his angle with Vince Mcmahon and feud with Shane Mcmahon made him look like a top guy. He said this feud took him to a new level

  5. He credits Dusty Rhodes a lot especially for his promos not sounding generic. He said his short time with him is invaluable. He said dean Ambrose had the best dusty impression

  6. Kevin owens credits his wife for supporting him and believed in him that he can be a top guy in WWE. There were lots of people who said to Kevin that the way you look, you aren't going to make it to WWE but Kevin's wife was always behind him when things were really bad for him

Recap: Clayton on Christian podcast, “Truth Over Tribe”
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Recap: Clayton on Christian podcast, “Truth Over Tribe”


This recap is really long, so here’s a brief summary :

Clayton really seems to double down on his actions and defend himself/view himself as the victim in his situation. He basically says it was all worth it because he achieved his goal of finding a woman he loves.

Something new he shares is that he’s shocked that G&R cared more about the love with multiple women than the sex (I put asterisks next to this part down below).


Clayton used to go to a church in Columbia, MO for ten years called The Crossing. It is the same church that the podcast host, Keith, is a pastor at.

Clayton says people are upset with him because “I came across to some viewers that I lacked empathy” and was “rude” when dealing with Rachel and Gabby

When asked if he loves all three, he reiterates the following “I believed I was falling in love with Gabby and Rachel. But I had only fallen in love with Susie.” He told them he loved them during FS week because he was worried they would put walls up if they didn’t know where he stood.

Says he hit the lowest of low points in his entire life a “couple weeks ago” when he “knew where the ending was heading.” He got thousands of hate messages telling him to kill himself and other expletives. He dealt with it with support from his family and Susie, who he said he has spent 100 hours on the phone with.

Clayton admits that some actions he took on the show were not Christian-like. Says he prayed after the show that he’s going to take criticism but he is going to come out of it all a better person, and that this is all meant to happen for a reason.

Podcast host says there has been a Christian vibe on the show lately (Matt James opening with a prayer, Hannah B). But Clayton said faith was not brought up in conversation much on his season. However, he prayed every night while filming. He thinks that leads have to rely on their faith because they lack other sources of support while filming.

Clayton grew up Lutheran and switched to being non-denominational in college. He says being Christian to him means being patient, treating people with respect, and trying to be understanding/not judgmental of others.

He went on the show (Michelle’s season) because after turning 28, he had a quarter life crisis and realized he was complacent and going through the motions. He didn’t want to be in Columbia in his sales job for the rest of his life. The show reached out to him and figured it would be a good opportunity. Even if things didn’t work out with Michelle, he could be “spotted” by someone who watched the show and was interested in him.

He knew going in he would probably be “engaging in premarital sex on the show.” He says the way he is wired, he would rather know what the sexual chemistry is like with someone before getting married. The podcast host pushed back — he says Jesus is trying to keep him from causing hurt and pain to other people (in his “commands about sex”) and that by having sex, he hurt all three women.

** Most interesting segment IMO** Clayton says that he has “since heard” that 2/3 women (aka Rachel and Gabby) were ok with him having sex with multiple women, but they weren’t ok with him being in love with all 3. Clayton was surprised by this, saying “you were ok with me being physical but not having any emotional connection? like that to me seems like we’re just having sex to have sex if there’s no emotional connection. that seems to be a bigger red flag for me.” He is surprised that a woman would want to get engaged to him if he was having “mindless sex” with someone else. (This part annoyed me, it comes across like he is shaming G&R for being ok with casual sex)

Clayton defends his line from F3RC that “Whoever I love the most, will be the person I end up with.” He says this is ultimately what it comes down to: whoever you think of first when you wake up and last before you fall asleep is who you love the most.

Podcast host pushes back on Clayton’s definition of love. He is married and says Clayton isn’t, so he doesn’t know if Clayton is labeling love the right way because love is about sacrifice and commitment. Clayton agrees and says his love is evolving for Susie every day as they make sacrifices and support each other.

Podcast host calls out Clayton for using the excuse that “I was just following my heart.” He says “Do you follow your heart or Jesus?” Clayton says they are intertwined and says that by saying that, he means that everything happens for a reason. He talks about how when Susie left, he had an intuition (which could be his faith/Jesus) that he should try to win her back even though his family disagreed.

Host asks Clayton if he would want his son or daughter to be on The Bachelor. Clayton says it would be a long conversation. He wouldn’t flat out say no, but he would hesitate to say yes because of the risks of having the world judge your every move. He says his parents aren’t happy with how he has been portrayed and that his mom is taking it particularly hard.

Clayton compares the bachelor to football (dangers in both) and the host is savage in response. He says football has physical injuries like a broken bone that will heal, but the bachelor does damage to your character and your soul. 💀😵!! Clayton says he has wondered if he is permanently damaged from the show. He is emotionally damaged and is still hurt by the criticism, but he has hope that he can turn it all into a positive. He reminds himself that it’s all worth it if his relationship with Susie works out till the end of time. He got what he was looking for.

I'm looking for a Christian podcast that has conservative views talks about current events. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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I'm looking for a Christian podcast that has conservative views talks about current events. Does anyone have any suggestions?

As the title states, I'm looking for a Christian podcast that leans conservative in their faith and in politics. Does anyone have any suggestions?

fake christian podcast - really shincheonji cult
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fake christian podcast - really shincheonji cult

so apparently they have a podcast.....parading of course to be Christian

these ppl r just bonkers, beware guys

Podcasts on the Bible, theology, and Christianity.

A subreddit for Christians of all sorts. We exist to provide a safe haven for all followers of Jesus Christ to discuss God, Jesus, the Bible, and information relative to our beliefs, and to provide non-believers a place to ask questions about Christianity as explained in the scriptures, without fear of mockery or debasement. To post suggestions or ideas for the sub, please go to /r/TrueChristianMeta. Come join us on Discord!

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Podcasts on the Bible, theology, and Christianity.

What are you're fave podcasts about these and what is your fave thing about them? Like what makes them stand out to you??

Husband finding Christianity-looking for advice
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Husband finding Christianity-looking for advice

My husband one day decided he wanted to read the Bible out of interest, and I support and respect him in his decisions. I find out it’s because he met someone who was giving out free bibles and invited him to Bible study, and a little over a month of him going to multiple Bible studies and churches, he is going to get baptized.

I have specifically told him I want no part of this, as I have my own beliefs, but I am constantly having to hear about what he’s learning. I’m exhausted from the conversations and the refusals of invites to dinners with his church peers.

Tomorrow is his baptism and I said I would go to support him, but I fear the conversations that might arise from my presence and them trying to get me into their church. Looking for any advice.

Edit to update: It went well! Everyone was excited to meet me and it was mostly my social anxiety that got to me (as it was a small place with lots of people, kind of cramped actually) but no one forced anything on me. I filmed the baptism so I could send it to his mom because I was really the only one not participating in prayer or the singing.

We had a talk prior and our boundaries are set with a lot of respecting the religion. This meant a lot to him and I’m happy to support him and he’s happy I’m not leaving him.

Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast
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Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast
  • r/FundieSnarkUncensored - Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast
  • r/FundieSnarkUncensored - Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast
  • r/FundieSnarkUncensored - Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast
  • r/FundieSnarkUncensored - Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast
  • r/FundieSnarkUncensored - Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast
  • r/FundieSnarkUncensored - Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast
  • r/FundieSnarkUncensored - Other Bethany: don’t use social media to get info about Christianity. Also her: listen to my Christian podcast

Some notes from John Cena's appearance on Edge and Christian's podcast.
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Some notes from John Cena's appearance on Edge and Christian's podcast.

Edge and Cena refer to each other as "shoe" because working each other was the equivalent of putting on an old shoe. They talked about the great chemistry they have together in the ring and how much they wrestled each other.

Edge says Cena may have found a new shoe in AJ Styles. Cena praised AJ and Christian said Cena's chemistry with AJ was similar to his chemistry with Edge. Cena said AJ was the culmination of WWE signing very gifted performers in a physical aspect. Cena loves being given the chance to showcase guys like AJ, Kevin Owens, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk.

Cena talked about some NXT callups struggling to adjust to the main roster and the scope and scale of a global audience. Edge used Nakmaura as an example of someone not finding it initially. Cena says that with a character like Nakamura you have to explain what the interesting is. He said he knows he's working hard on conveying to the audience better and on his promos. Cena says that while the roster is more gifted then ever he feels that with the absence of a marquee personality there is a giant grand canyon of relationship between superstar and audience and he doesn't know who are lot of these guys are.

Cena said the amount of complacency is staggering. He said there has never been a better time to make a name for yourself in WWE with all it's platforms. Cena said every single day he goes out there and takes chances. Edge once again said establishing a dialogue with Vince is incredibly important. Cena said he thinks these guys feel like a piece of a system rather then a creative force.

Edge said Roman felt out of his element up against Cena yet he still feels it was his best promo performances as he tapped into his emotion. Cena's biggest hangup with Reigns is his inability to connect with the audience. Cena says he has a respectful but definitive rivalry with Roman because they both want to be number 1. Cena wants to help Roman tap into his personality and emotion.

Cena made a promise to himself that as soon as he feels himself getting a step slow in there he can't justify performing for the audience because he doesn't want to be that person, he hasn't gotten there yet but he has some talks with himself. He said he is still far from done with WWE. He feels like WWE is his home and feels massive amount of loyalty to Vince. He feels like it is time for guys to stand up and take it.

This was a really interesting pod. Definitely a must listen IMO.

I work at a hotel and got this review from a guest who was here to record a Christian podcast.
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I work at a hotel and got this review from a guest who was here to record a Christian podcast.

She called us a few times and would talk non stop about our staff performing witchcraft on her. Christians can be freaking insane.

EDIT: Part 2, with added racism! -

Christian Bonde nævner influencergossip i podcast!!
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Christian Bonde nævner influencergossip i podcast!!

Den mand er simpelthen så skøn - og så følger han endda med herinde.

Kan vi ikke lige fyrer en masse dejlige historier og positivt “gossip” på bonde?

Jeg kan starte: I 8. Klasse var min klasse i København, og besøgte dr byen. Ude foran står Bonde, og hilser glædeligt på os alle sammen. Han er så skøn.

Any books or podcasts on leftist Christianity?
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Any books or podcasts on leftist Christianity?

The voice of Christianity in the west is so deeply indoctrinated with capitalist colonialist ideology - it’s getting difficult to find a Christian voice out there that isn’t also push right wing political ideas. Any recommendations of books or podcasts that give voice to the Christian left?

FFRF warns: The ugly and increasingly violent Christian nationalist chatter in this country is becoming more alarming after a right-wing podcaster rants that LGBTQ individuals should be jailed, schools and colleges must be Christian-only and "there should be no secular teaching in the schools."
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Podcasts covering the History of Christianity
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Podcasts covering the History of Christianity

Does anyone have recommendations for a secular podcast on the history of Christianity? I'm trying to get a better understanding of it and how it impacted European history over time.

Anything I've found so far seems to be primarily based on biblical sources and includes preaching. Although I don't mind hearing Christains' perspective I'd like a secular view.

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