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Tired of being lame, help me become an "attractive" person Tired of being lame, help me become an "attractive" person

I'm 4 months off from turning 30. The pandemic did a lot of damage to me including ending a long-term, sexless relationship, losing social skills, hurting my career, gaining more weight even though I was already pretty overweight. Post-pandemic, life started getting better & I'm at the age where people are starting to settle down. I just came back from a friend's wedding where I irish exited most events to go back to my hotel room and outside some small talk, didn't really meet new people. That being said, I've been already taking steps to making my life better these past year but I need to kick it into another level. I'm just looking for every & any practical advice of what you find attractive in a guy just so I can be a better person (potentially return to who I was before)

The good:

  • I have a stable career, got laid off twice from my tech jobs but am very financially responsible & literate and will go back to making good money once economy starts improving. Live on my own.

  • Very funny. I am pretty cautious about what jokes I can say but have attracted many girls who say sense of humor is my best trait

  • Good EQ. Have done my therapy, don't really have baggage or toxic traits. Every always comments on my kindness & going the extra mile.

  • Have a "personality" - I actually do a lot of different things (travel, make music, photography, streetwear, recently stream on twitch, watch soccer & other sports)

  • Experience in relationships. I have had a long term relationships, I've also dated women who I think are 10/10 and I think people could be surprised on how I attracted them.

The bad:

  • Confidence when it comes to women. I may have asked girls in the past if I could buy them a drink at a club but have never cold approached a woman anywhere (at least as what I can remember)

  • Shyness / socially stunted. I was a very life of the party person in the past, my birthdays would be 10-15 different friend groups coming together, things changed post pandemic. Have a hard time socializing around new people, I realized I didn't even introduce myself (hi, my name is...) to anyone at the wedding

  • Feel physically bad. Get rejected based on race sometimes, based on physical appearance (I have wide shoulders, 5'10 but def overweight. I go to the gym regularly now and people have been commenting on my weight loss), have been losing my hair for 10 years now, not bald but thin hair, etc. I look at myself in the mirror or in pictures and kind of am disgusted by myself.

  • Chip on my shoulder when it comes to my dry spell. In college I was regularly hooking up with people off tinder, started a relationship with my college sweetheart but she said she wanted to wait till marriage (together almost 4 years), post pandemic I haven't really done much beside a few times (never sex though). I thought about hiring a SW just to get it out of my head.

I’m falling for a guy I’m sleeping with when we said it was casual HELP I’m falling for a guy I’m sleeping with when we said it was casual HELP

Help me, please, this is a SOS! So 7 months ago I started sleeping with a fling that I had 5 years ago. We knew one another in high school and shortly after we graduated we started hooking up. It was great but I was completely mentally unraveled, I ended things so abruptly and we didn’t speak for 5 years. Fast forward to now, we reconnected and now I’m completely and totally falling head over heels with this man. We talk and joke around saying how we aren’t together. Recently he has started to become friends with my brother. They get along pretty well. We have taken a little road trip together to go see the eclipse, did the whole camping thing and everything for it. We are also planning another one just for fun this summer for a WEEK! He comes over to my place at least 2 times per week to hang out and hook up and have sleep overs. TMI maybe but when we are doing it he will do things like hold my hand, look into my eyes and just kiss my forehead(not necessarily in that order but the 3 things always happen) He’s now telling his friends that we are hooking up and will tell me the context of things when I come up. I want to be the one to say something first because I can’t do this anymore knowing I have these feelings. But I’m SO afraid that he won’t reciprocate the feelings the same way when we laid down that this is a casual thing. We both however haven’t slept with anyone else in 7 months which is crazy. For a casual thing. We have both been really hurt in the past and he’s busy with being in school and work. Do I keep this in and let things play out over their natural course, or do I tell him how I feel? Or do I just end things( lol I’m a runner and comfortable with bolting naturally) And if I do tell him I need help. My friends say deny, deny, deny feelings to not get hurt.
Please please help.