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The Amazing Race Australia Season 6 Episode 19 Discussion

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u/scifanforever1980 avatar

If the boys lose due to the penalty... I just think - why did they not leave when the other teams arrived than wait so long? So silly to wait so long when clear he wasn't going to do. Worst yet, he didn't even look at what they were doing. I don't like heights, but with the platform beneath him, he may not have found it as bad as he imagined. I have a phobia of underground spaces, but id try to enter to see. Not refuse before even checking it out. Granted people's height phobias are worse than others but he has done a number of challenges involving heights already.

u/miscanonn avatar

Do they have to wait for a certain time at the challenge before they can take the penalty maybe?

u/handinhandkameraden avatar

Also interesting that Beau never said what the time penalty was on screen. Makes me think they came up with the penalty in the edit to make it seem closer than it actually was.

u/KryalCastle avatar

I remember one of the teams here (so probably Kelly and Georgia) saying that you had to be at the activity for a certain amount of time before you could take a penalty. I thought you had to be last, but I could be wrong

Yeah I wondered this also but correct me if I'm wrong but didn't one of the first teams get a 30min penalty?

Maybe there's some behind the scenes rules

u/KryalCastle avatar

Yeah, Jake and Holly back in Leg 3, who came in first, copped a half-hour penalty, and then watched all 17 other teams check in before them. I think the producers shortened all the penalties after that

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u/handinhandkameraden avatar

Yep I think KellyandGeorgia confirmed before in another episode discussion

u/scifanforever1980 avatar

OK. That makes sense then.

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u/KellyandGeorgia avatar

You weren’t allowed to take penalties whenever you wanted, you had to be at a task for a long period of time or be in last. The boys would’ve known a penalty would’ve basically ended their race by the time they could even take one. Their best option was to push through and try and get it done. They were great racers and sucks it had to end like that.

u/reticulatedtampon avatar

Makes sense that you'd have to be at a task for a certain amount of time. Otherwise, a team could abuse the system and instantly take a penalty just to avoid a lengthy task.

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I wanted them to win but I struggle to feel overly bad for them here. 15 seconds.

Clearly he wasn't gonna do it so just penalty and move on

u/scifanforever1980 avatar

That was what I thought

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Tiffany and Cynthia have been improving every leg, probably still the underdog to win but watch out for them. They don't really show any emotion regardless if there doing well or bad in the leg lol but I think that's a good thing, they just go with the flow.

Heath and Toni have really hit their stride since they came in last in Colombia on the non-elimination leg, think their the favorites to win. Perfectly balanced team. Toni is super competitive, she wants the win bad.

Kelly and Georgia are super smart, organized and don't get to flustered when things aren't going their way. If they make the final 3 and the last challenge has to do with memorization on previous legs, they'll win.

Angel and Frankie are the most physically gifted team and they looked like team to beat when they were racing through Greece and Turkey but I think Angel gets too emotional at times, she lets pressure get to her. I'm curious to see how they do when things intensifies these last legs.

Excited for the last few episodes!

Really great summary of the F4! Going to be interesting to see what happens.

I agree that Heath & Toni are the favourites to win and yeah, they're really well balanced and competitive. If nothing goes wrong for them, I feel like the ways they can be beaten are if Angel & Frankie find their Türkiye form and don't let the race stress and fatigue get to them, there is a huge memorisation challenge that Kelly & Georgia excel at as you said (that 4:00pm thingy?), and there is some other skill in their skillset that Tiffany & Cynthia surprise us with, which they've done like at least three times before + home-court advantage only if they stay in Perth.

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u/irl_Juvia avatar

I think it's much more likely that having common fears like heights makes it easier for you to get through the casting process.

Even if only two people with fears of heights audition, they're gonna make way better TV for the heights challenges and as a result are more likely to make it through the casting process.

As we see in this episode too, there are lots of ways to rationalize it. Maybe you want to take the chance to overcome it. Maybe you think the chance to race outweighs the risk. Maybe you think your partner will be able to do them all for you. Or maybe you've just never seen the show.

It's really not unrealistic at all tbh

u/ValuePsychological74 avatar

Pako and Mori on were on one of our morning shows and he explained that when he previously watched the show he saw people overcome all sorts of fears (complete with dramatic music!) so he felt it was possible for him - he said it looked like anyone can do anything if the drive was big enough. But sadly he discovered not in his case, he didn’t realise his fear was quite so overwhelming.

And to be honest, if everyone did everything all the time the show would lack drama. As we discover when the teams help each other! In real life I’m all for it, but not when I’m watching a race for a quarter of a million dollars!! But in saying that, it nice for my kids to watch a show that has mostly kind, fun and motivating people.. all of which Pako and Mori were!

Thank you so much ❤️

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u/hjkjmm avatar

Gonna be sad to see pako and mori leave

u/glider521al avatar

Was really sad to :(, though the promotional trailer spoiled their elimination

Yea the pre season promo showed a shot of Frankie skydiving out of a plane

really? The editing has been so bad, i feel like. 12 legs should be sufficient because these many legs are ruining the quality of the overall show.

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how so?

u/glider521al avatar

In addition to showing more scenes of stress, the trailer also showed them dejectedly walking away.

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Assuming weve headed to WA because we didn't go last time? During covid season

u/Apple_Slipper avatar

Correct. It was to make up for not having any legs there in the previous season.

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Just discovered this show. Enjoying it so far! On episode 2 but will catch up quickly!!!

Have fun!


Oh wait - episode has 2 new teams?!?!?! That is crazy. Assuming they all merge at some point but no way i can keep up with all these people. Damn I am hooked and should be working, not watching this!

And the kickoff from Ep 2 is right where I used run all the time (lived in Kirribilli for 18 months 2019/20).

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So cool to see Perth! First time I've been exactly somewhere on any Race before they've aired visiting it! (Other than Melbourne Airport lol)

If that penalty clock was real (which I doubt for some reason), Angel & Frankie shaved their record for being almost eliminated from 25 seconds to 10 seconds 😂


I have to say the producers did a pretty good job of making Perth look comparable some of the other locales on this season. I was actually sent a video earlier in the year when they were out shooting and at the time I sneered saying “it’s just the Australian version of the show” 🤣 I’m curious to know if the state government enticed the producers to include Perth/WA to promote tourism after keeping the state locked up for long.


I'm so happy Tiffany & Cynthia were saved by the non-elim earlier in the race. Randomly rooted for them just before the season started. They've proved that they deserve to make it this far and their skills are delightful to see shine. They were so close to 1st, too. Such a joy, even if they don't smile a lot lol

u/glider521al avatar

roved that they deserve to make it this far and their skills are delightful to see.

They were so close

They've been off camera for most of the season, so it's fantastic to see them shine (in addition to them leading the pack in the 2nd Mexican leg).

Yeah, they were really close to being eliminated that leg, too. That would've been heartbreaking.

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u/Apple_Slipper avatar

Tiffany & Cynthia are pretty much the underdog team of this season.

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“What’s aerobatics?” Famous last words 😂

He decided to take that opportunity to demonstrate rather than answering her question 😂

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Can't believe it but we're finally getting a first time female winner for The Amazing Race Australia. Five seasons straight without one is crazy long

u/glider521al avatar

They came so close 5 times; with 2nd and 3rd place finishes. This time is guaranteed that history will be made.

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u/Apple_Slipper avatar

Here's the summary for TAR Australia S06E19!

  • Acknowledgment of the Whadjuk People of Noongar Nation.

  • Roadblock: Top Fun
    Teams fly to Perth, WA. After arriving, teams make their way via taxi to the Royal Aero Club. Teams take part in an aerial acrobatic flight. Teams needs to memorise Australian aviation trivia commentary during the flight. Teams must then answer 5 aviation trivia questions. Once teams answer all 5 questions correctly,

  • Mori: "OMG, hell to the no!"

  • Toni has the sick bag. The other teams were shocked.

  • Toni: "Tom Cruise, eat your heart out."

  • 'Ride of the Valkyries' as BGM.

  • Route Info: Teams make their way via taxi to the Swan Bell Tower. Teams have 4 minutes to ring 4 consecutive notes using the two bells simultaneously 4 times. If teams fail to ring the bells in time, they must go the back of the line. Once teams ring the bells 4 times, they will receive their next clue.

  • Angel screaming while Kelly was being silent in the plane.

  • Route Info: Ready Racer One
    Teams make their way via taxi to Ready Team One VR Arena at the Murray Street Mall. Teams must suit up in VR equipment and take part in a VR simulation game fighting aliens. Once teams defeat the final boss and complete the simulation, they will receive their next clue.

  • Angel getting a little foul-mouthed out of frustration and stress. Frankie tries to calm down Angel.

  • The instructor's facial expression, LOL!

  • Route Info: Vertigo
    Teams make their way to the rooftops of the Optus Stadium for the Vertigo Experience. Teams must walk off the roof of the stadium and be suspended upside down and memorise 6 Whadjuk annual seasons from the stadium screen. If teams fail to memorise, they go to the back of the line. Once teams memorise the seasons correctly, they retrieve their next clue from the side.

  • Beau: "I feel like a possum on the roof!"

  • Mori suffers from acrophobia.

  • Pitstop: Teams make their way via taxi to the Perth Mint. The last team to check in WILL be eliminated.

  • Kelly accidentally tumbled over Georgia.

  • Pako mentioned about the abuse both he and Mori experienced in the past for being part of the LGBT community.

  • Pitstop guest is Indigenous elder Walter McGuire.

  • Heath & Toni won 1st Place.

  • Tiffany & Cynthia (2nd Place).

  • Angel & Frankie and Kelly & Georgia tried to briefly comfort Mori.

  • Kelly and Angel weren't able to see the screen properly.

  • Kelly & Georgia (3rd Place).

  • Pako & Mori arrived at the Pitstop, but will incur a 15 minute penalty for not completing the Vertigo task.

  • Angel & Frankie (4th Place). Arrived just 10 seconds before Pako & Mori finished their penalty.

  • Pako & Mori finish their penalty and are now eliminated.

  • Next Episode: Teams do some skydiving and drinking through a long glass.

Pseudo-Elo Ratings after this episode:

  1. Heath & Toni, +2061 (up 149) (Australia #1, world #1)

  2. Pako & Mori, +1812 (down 263) (Australia #2, world #6)

  3. Angel & Frankie, +1729 (down 148) (Australia #3, world #9)

  4. Flick & Gabby, +1382 (Australia #7, world #32)

  5. Kathy & Chace, +610 (Australia #20, world #187)

  6. Kelly & Georgia, +421 (up 70) (Australia #23, world #236)

  7. Tiffany & Cynthia, +237 (up 192) (Australia #28, world #302)

  8. Lauren & Steph, +221 (Australia #29, world #308)

  9. Chelsea & Jamus, –48 (Australia #36, world #415)

  10. Morgan & Lilli, –328 (Australia #46, world #539)

  11. Fliss & Tottie, –448 (Australia #52, world #605)

  12. Bren & Anja, –450 (Australia #54, world #607)

  13. Paul & Rachel, –450 (Australia #54, world #607)

  14. Tammy & Vincent, –728 (Australia #63, world #807)

  15. Jodie & Claire, –797 (Australia #68, world #831)

  16. Stuart & Glennon, –833 (Australia #69, world #843)

  17. Jake & Holly, –938 (Australia #71, world #868)

  18. Sam & Alex, –1006 (Australia #73, world #879)

  19. Crystal & Reem, –1193 (Australia #78, world #894)

  20. Sam & Stu, –1255 (down 489) (Australia #79, world #898)

For reference, the Australia rankings are out of 79 teams, and the world rankings are out of 899 teams.

(See this post for more information on Pseudo-Elo ratings.)

And with that, Heath & Toni now hold the coveted world #1, and this season is guaranteed to produce the first non-all-male winner in TARAUS history.

u/reticulatedtampon avatar

Pako should be a football coach or something, his encouragement got me fired up!

u/KellyandGeorgia avatar

Was so hard watching Mori like that. He was literally paralysed with fear. They did so well in the race and were a great team to watch and race with 💕


So sad to see him and Pako leave. I sorta understand how he feels having a family member with a fear of heights as well. Thought they would make the finale or even the F4 (They've only been below 4th like once). Loved them and seeing them have so much fun. They've done extremely well. Crazy how the race can change so quickly.

I can’t watch as am on holiday so following here. Sad to hear they’ve been eliminated. Glad they made it through the whole race in terms of locations, they were a great team and should be proud of what they accomplished.

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u/Apple_Slipper avatar

Honestly heartbreaking seeing their elimination, for sure.

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u/Charity00 avatar

This is The Amazing Race - Penalties Edition

And not just that, very inconsistent penalties. We’ve seen 30 mins, 15 mins and 10 mins for different challenges. The rules need to be clear - 4 hour penalties for Road Blocks and 6 hours for Detours (because you have the option of switching). While I liked Pako/Mori, it would have been EXTREMELY unfair for Angel/Frankie to be eliminated because the penalty was pathetic.


9 penalties in a season is a lot, but within 19 legs and 20 teams doesn't seem as bad as it looks.

Agreed with needing consistent penalties, though. Fortunately they haven't ended up screwing teams who have attempted/completed the task like Angel & Frankie. And the 10 minute penalties have only been on non-elimination legs.


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u/KellyandGeorgia avatar

Also not sure if anyones noticed but every single team to get a penalty on an elimination leg has been eliminated I believe? So it’s basically a death sentence

As it should be, tbh.

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Tbh I wish that teams can take penalties whenever they want because it adds a layer of strategy.

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That guys smile was hilarious lol

Spray and pray. Time tested technique 🤗🤗

u/Hawk301 avatar

So who do people think is gonna be the overall winner at this stage?

If you'd asked me 2 weeks ago I would have said Angel & Frankie were the favourites for sure, but for anyone who hasn't noticed, Heath & Toni have now been Top 2 for the last EIGHT legs in a row. Which is pretty crazy, and I think especially with Pako & Mori gone and Angel & Frankie dropping off a bit in the recent legs, Heath & Toni absolutely look like they're the ones to beat.

I'd say Tiffany & Cynthia are probably the underdogs among the Top 4, being the only remaining team to have never won a leg, but even still they've been lurking up the top of the pack for the past couple legs, and as was pointed out in today's episode they now have the home-ground navigational advantage of actually living in WA.

So it feels like it could be anyone's game still, though if I had to predict a winner, it feels like Heath & Toni would be the smartest call from this angle.

i think there will be a surprise for sure. One of the stronger teams either heath & toni or Angel & Frankie won't be in the finale. Which is unfair anyways you put it, because i personally feel like none of the covid teams deserves to be in the finale (and i love the aunt & niece) because imagine the physical and mental endurance of 19 legs compared to however many the covid teams played. :/

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Lol tell that to Mori

u/ValuePsychological74 avatar

We enjoyed it! Kids loved the planes and VR, I thought the scenery from the top of the stadium was gorgeous. Thought the bell was challenging too, something different.

i blame the 19 legs so far. Redundant challenges.

Anyway Frankie can win without Angel my god

Buahahahaha THIS!!!

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u/WittyContribution avatar

I may have rage quit if Pako & Mori survived that leg over Frankie & Angel. Another bullshit penalty.

Heath & Toni are very impressive. 10 top two finishes over 19 legs (five 1st places and five 2nd places). They've only really had four bad legs, one of which I don't count against them because Stuart & Glennon and Chelsea & Jamus got made up penalties whilst Heath & Toni actually ran the leg they were suppose to.

Pako & Mori have only ever finished below top four twice - once in Leg 9 (finishing 10th out of 11, just beating out Morgan & Lilli) and this leg, finishing fifth/last.

Angel & Frankie have failed to place in the top two for the last eight legs, always coming 3rd or 4th.

Kelly & Georgia have two 1st place finishes, but other than that, have been racing in the middle of the pack for the most part.

Tiffany & Cynthia are the underdogs as we head towards the final. They've never won a leg and only appeared in the top two once - that being this leg.

Loved the new final 5 intro too

I’m really disappointed to see Pako and Mori eliminated. I would prefer the final teams to be them along with Heath and Toni, Angel and Frankie, and Tiffany and Cynthia.

Interesting to see when in Australia at a pitstop with an Aboriginal elder, Beau doesn’t talk his usual BS jibberish. I guess he’s only culturally insensitive to those who can’t understand him.

Of the teams left, I’d most like to see Heath and Toni win.

I agree with everything you have said. Gonna miss mori so much.

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u/hjkjmm avatar

Georgia carried that leg by reading them out !!

u/KellyandGeorgia avatar

She carried us many times, she’s a trooper

Awww haha

Ooh, I get to correct a teacher, and this thread is so old I won't cop downvotes for it

It's actually Trouper

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u/scifanforever1980 avatar

Kelly did the plan and fairly equal in the virtual reality :s

That was great! Only team to get the last task in the first attempt.

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Thank God a team that didn't even attempt the challenge didn't get through

pako and morri...noooo....i feel so bad for morri especially since he was one of my most fave people on the race. Seeing him struggle broke my heart. I hate heights and i too have a crippling fear so i understand why he kept saying that just encouraging him wouldn't work. Sad to see them and flick and gabi go. They were such good racers...The only way TARAUS can make it up now is by making heath and toni win, lol. otherwise just NOPE... Since Angel called that judge's voice frustrating, i can call her's now too, right?! lol. I loved when she admitted that Frankie had carried her in the race so far, seemed like a sweet moment. When is the finale, tho? Next week?

The way Kelly was hanging tonight at the stadium was amazing 😂😂 Sad to see the boys go, but I'm hoping K&G win!!

u/scifanforever1980 avatar

I'm really hoping heath and toni win. I've really loved their enthusiasm and attempt to take it all in. Especially heath who gets so excited and seems to put 110% in. Plus he is polite and respectful to saying thank you to the hosts of events etc... Did they do all pitstops or were they also out of somd for covid too?

They've done all Pit Stops so far along with Angel & Frankie! (Except for Ouarzazate ofc)

u/sociallydistantpatsy avatar

Yep ditto going for Toni and Heath

u/scifanforever1980 avatar

Although I don't mind kelly and Georgia too. I have a lot of respect for Georgia eating the meat. I eat fish, but no other meat and that would have made me very ill later on that evening even without all the other stuff. But she pushed through it.

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They are such a cute couple and their strength is just inspiring. Plus the way they interact with each other is just too much fun! Their energy seems so genuine and i swear they do deserve to win because they have raced really good mostly.

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u/TheZanyCat avatar

Bro it would take like 30 mins to climb to the top, get attached to the harnesses, memorise the words etc. You may as well fucking take the penalty the moment you open the task. 15 mins is a joke.

u/KellyandGeorgia avatar

If they left straight away they wouldn’t have been allowed to take a penalty. You aren’t allowed to just take them, you have to attempt a challenge or be there for a long period of time. The boys knew taking a penalty would likely be the end of them which is why they pushed so hard. Very proud of them.

u/scifanforever1980 avatar

Makes sense and makes it more fair. Especially considering it wss finally 4.

u/TheZanyCat avatar

I think the show should clarify this (along with the inconsistent penalty times). The CLEARLY fake "3 seconds of the penalty left" timer also does a disservice to the authenticity of the show.

Thanks for the clarity!! I am sure its frustrating addressing this every other episode. I appreciate your patience with the fans!!

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u/scifanforever1980 avatar

And silly on them. Pako persevered for seemingly over an hour, rather than saying let's take the penalty and they would still be there. Although to be fair, I do think for final 4 you should "have" to do the challenges.

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u/Apple_Slipper avatar

Have You Been Paying Attention? (show after TAR Australia) includes a question about Angel's fear of sharks and stingrays in Caye Caulker.