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Peter? Is the joke interracial marriage?

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Peter? Is the joke interracial marriage?
r/PeterExplainsTheJoke - Peter? Is the joke interracial marriage?

AITH. I refused to give my Ex's kids the car I bought for them after we split up.

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITH. I refused to give my Ex's kids the car I bought for them after we split up.

Was with this woman for ten years. Took the kids to Disney ask the time and other trips from Vegas to NYC as well. I loved the kids and treated them like they were mine.
Anyway we split up and my ex moved in with a band dad she met at the girls school. Well after this she asked if I was still giving the girls the car I bought for them. I said No. But not because the split per se. More so that the girls posted pictures of the new guy ask over Instagram and Facebook yet refused to respond to my texts to take them out to dinner or just to catch up. Since they cut me out I decided not to give them the car. Ex wife is pissed about it and makes it a deal. In a way I feel bad because I know they need a car but I have a bad taste in my mouth because I feel like I was likely being cheated on and I hate how the kids act like the last ten years never happened. Kids 17 and 16.

AITA for calling off my birthday dinner because my parents were making me include my sister?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for calling off my birthday dinner because my parents were making me include my sister?

I (16f) am the oldest of four. My younger siblings Eva (14f), Rory (11m) and Jace (9m) all have food allergies that were passed down from my mom's side of the family. I don't have food allergies. My siblings allergies are all pretty severe. And include a bunch of different things. This always meant we have to be very careful about food in our house, as well as where we eat out. There's only two restaurants in our small town that are safe for my siblings to eat at. I hate both those places with a passion. The food is so bland to me and some of it is disgusting. My parents are okay with it and my siblings love both places. I'm not the only one who feels that way because my grandpa always grumbles when the wider family gets together to eat someplace because he hates them too. But we both know they're the only options we have.

My parents like to do family dinners instead of birthday parties for our birthdays. I have always hated it because it's never super fun to eat at places you don't like. I have told my parents I'd like to do something different for my birthday for years now. But they always treated it like I was some bratty kid for wanting something other than a family dinner. They talked about how resentful I am of the sacrifices we need to make for my siblings and how it always shows how much I dislike doing it and how they are ashamed to say that about their own first born. They told me I should be glad to do it for my siblings. I admitted sometimes I resented missing out on certain experiences. The local indoor playground was always off limits because they had had peanuts at the tables and two of my siblings are deathly allergic so that meant my parents didn't take me either. Also couldn't go to see a movie, even with friends, because my parents were concerned about exposure to something like peanuts.

This year they told me I could skip the family celebration and go out to dinner with my friends since my grandparents were willing to host us for a sleepover as well. I was so happy. My friends and I had agreed to try this place in town and one of them is related to the owners so she was able to make a "family reservation" for us. Then my sister wanted to come to dinner with us. I told her she couldn't because it's a place she can't eat in or even be in. My parents told me I would just need to change the location but my sister wants to go so she better be allowed to come. They told me there are no compromises to be had. I told them I don't like either place she can eat at and they said I'd still have my sister there. So I called my friends and told them the whole thing was off. They felt so bad for me and I told my grandparents too. My grandpa was furious. It became a fight between my parents and grandparents and my parents flipped on me for calling off the dinner. They told me how cruel it is to cancel a whole pre-planned thing just because they were making me include my sister.


AITA for not allowing my son and DIL to use my vacation home for their baby shower even though I let my other DIL do so

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for not allowing my son and DIL to use my vacation home for their baby shower even though I let my other DIL do so

I have three sons and they are all married. I have three DILs and I get along with two of them well. I do not get along with Holly. I find her to be twofaced bitch, I am not going to hide that I do not like her.

The reason I think this is because she will talk crap about people behind their backs. She has done it with the the other DIL and with me. One example I can think of was during their wedding. I gave the couple a Le Creuset small set because they wanted good cooking equivalent.

Later I hear her saying it wasn’t the color she wanted and that I was cheap for getting the small set. She does this often, you try to do something nice for her and then she bitches about you. It could be anything that isn’t up to her standards.

I have distanced myself from her and I don’t like interacting with her at all. I am okay not being close to her at all.

I have a summer home, I allowed my other DILs to hold events up there. I got a call from my son and DIL asking to use it for their baby shower. I told them no.

This started an argument about me not treating them like the other family members and me pointing out the other family members are not twofaced assholes. They called me a jerk and the family is split.

Some think I am being too harsh and others think it is deserved.

Edit: someone asked for more examples

My eldest DIL.

Had a house warming party, after it she told everyone that her taste was shit and tacky. Oldest grandkid birthday, after the party went on how she looked like crap, couldn’t lose the baby weight and is a bad parent.

My youngest DIL

She is a big reader, dinner at their place. Made comments about all her books and made a comment implying books are her only friends. A lot of comments on her clothes, biggest one was at their wedding she made a comment that she should be wearing red since she looks like shit in white. ( for people who don’t know saying a bride should wear red is calling her a whore)


The wedding one. I gave in the post. Another one was hosting Easter and she went after all my cooking. She has attacked my clothes multiple time, saying I am too old to dress like I do, I mostly wear jeans.

These are just the ones I have heard from her mouth. Their have been more but I heard that second hand

AITA for refusing to make my niece a doll like her sister's?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for refusing to make my niece a doll like her sister's?

I (26, F) have no kids. But my oldest brother has two daughters. Oldest is now 7, younger just turned 5. I love both of them a lot, but I'm not blind. As someone who grew up with siblings, it's very clear that oldest daughter (ON) is golden child. She gets whatever she wants, no matter how expensive, and is always showered with praise for her pageants and singing. My younger niece (YN) is very shy, but she is still very sweet and enjoys things like reading and animals. Recently, my YN has been feeling bad about herself. I asked why, and she told me it was because she didn't like her hair color. She's got auburn curls. She was sad because everyone always said how pretty ON's hair was, which was a very light blonde and straight. It got so bad that she'd apparently tried to cut it off, which her mom had just laughed off as childhood mishap.

When I was over at brother's house, I noticed that the two were playing with dolls. ON had a very nice Barbie doll, while YN had what looked like a short, cheap Walmart knockoff. I asked why, and mom said it was because she couldn't find a doll with red hair. This made me upset, because 1. The doll's hair is bright red, which is not her hair color, and 2. It was extremely different quality. I said nothing, but when it was YN birthday, I acted. For months I researched doll making and restoring. I took a Barbie, and replaced her hair with some that matched hers and painted the eyes. I then hand sewed several custom outfits, and gave each a blue whale theme (her favorite animal). As a cosplayer, this wasn't that hard.

On her birthday, YN was ecstatic. But her sister was obviously not. I didn't pay attention to her, instead focusing on making sure YN liked her gifts. But only a few days later, her parents called me, telling me that I needed to make ON a doll as well. I said I'd get her one on her next birthday. They said no, she needed it immediately because she'd been upset that her sister's doll was customized unlike her store bought ones, and was mad that YN wouldn't share. I told them again that it was a project, and I'd make her one next year. They both accused me of not caring about ON's feelings. I got mad, saying that neither of them cared about being fair when YN was playing with a troll doll that was supposed to 'look like her'. This was a gift meant to make YN feel special, and I wasn't going to cheapen it because ON was pouting. I hung up, but started to wonder: AITA?

Update - AITAH for resenting my wife for not believing my side of story

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Update - AITAH for resenting my wife for not believing my side of story

Original post :

Quick update : I talked to my wife last night and she said “ I really don’t buy it that a younger good looking employee come on to you “. I asked her have I ever been inappropriate with any woman ? Have I ever been handsy ? She said “no but you jokes around a lot so you probably made some dumb jokes or something and offended her . I swear you are autistic ! You can’t even get basic social cues. As for being handsy? Who knows ? “. I lost it ! I said WHO KNOWS ? you should know! I expected more from you . She rolled her eyes and went to sleep. As for HR: it was my request to change team . I can’t work with Sarah or see her everyday . I’m so tempted to yell at her and say WTF is wrong with you ! Neither of us got fired since there was no evidence so HR just gave me the talk ( I have no idea if Sarah has to do the training or what happened to her ). I went to the restaurant to see if there is a footage but owner wasn’t there . I’ll try again today . My mental health is a mess. My coworker, Chris , suggested to take time off to talk to a therapist and a lawyer . I might do that

AITAH for leaving my family on mother's day to go camping by myself?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for leaving my family on mother's day to go camping by myself?

I have a husband and two teenage sons. Every mother's day morning, they ask me what I want to do. They don't make any plans ahead of time and then they expect me to come up with something last minute. It's not like I don't give them hints or suggestions ahead of time, they just don't seem to want to bother with it.

On top of that, when they do go out with me, they complain the whole time and try to get home as fast as they can. Often times, they bitch about my selections to the point where I just choose something else to make them happy.

Well this past weekend, my husband asked me what I wanted to do for mother's day this year. I told him some of my ideas, such as hiking or pickleball. He proceeded to roll his eyes and say "Great. There goes my whole weekend."

That's it. I give up. If they don't care about spending time with me then I don't care either. I decided to go do what I want, alone with my dog. I'm going camping so i can go trail running and fishing, some of my favorite hobbies.

I already reserved a spot at a state park, 5 hours away from my home, for mother's day. I'm going to pack up and leave first thing in the morning.

Oh and I'm also buying myself my own gift so I get exactly what I want. Last year they gave me a thigh master.

I told my youngest son about going camping solo and he was very excited that he won't have to do anything this weekend. But then he told my husband my plansand he got pretty angry at me. He shut down and has been giving me the silent treatment since, stomping around the house sulking.

I can't help but feel like I'm robbing them of their chance for mothers day by being dramatic or expecting too much. But my feelings have been hurt too many times by their carelessness and I am over it.

I was thinking of telling them that they are welcomed to go eat at whatever restaurant they want to on mother's day in my honor. That seems to be the only part of the day they like anyways.

Am I the AH for going off on my own for mother's day because I'm sick of my family acting like it's just some giant painful chore?

I broke my brother in laws tv and I'm not replacing it.

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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I broke my brother in laws tv and I'm not replacing it.

I watch my niece and nephew all the time for my step sister. They are good kids but they don't always like rules.

My nephew for example refuses to wear the strap for his Switch controller. A few weeks ago he broke my personal television that I paid for myself babysitting. He was very apologetic and he promised he would pay for it. He is eight. That is unrealistic and I wouldn't expect him to. I did expect my step sister to replace it though.

I told her that when she came to pick them up. She said no and that it was my fault for not keeping an eye on him. I told my mom and she said that family doesn't behave like this and act all money hungry. I was angry and I said fine. I just won't watch them any more.

This started a fight because my mom will do anything to placate my step sister. She said that as long as I live at home I will babysit when I'm needed.

The following Friday I just stayed out and watched a movie with friends after school. I told my father where I would be.

When I got home there was a shitstorm waiting for me. Me not showing up meant my mother had to cancel her plans and watch the kids so my step sister could go out. Not really my problem. But they made it mine. I got grounded.

Fine. I babysat again but all I did was read. I kept my laptop and my switch in my room. It was a gift from my dad so I don't have to share.

Nope that was not acceptable either. My mom made me go to my step sister's house to babysit. They have a switch and a PS5. And an 85" tv.

It got broken by accident. My mom picked me up and we were on our way home when my sister called. She was screaming that I had connected the switch to the big tv instead of leaving it on the kids tv and I broke it.

To be fair I did lose my grip on my controller so it was my fault. My step sister was saying that I had to pay for it. I don't have that much money. I told her to stop being so money hungry and that family doesn't behave like this. My mom backhanded me. She said that she would use my child support to replace the tv. I had already called my dad so he could hear the conversation. I do it a lot.

I asked him if he heard everything and he said yes. I hung up. He called my mom. He asked her if she hit me and was threatening to use my child support to buy her daughter a gift. She said that I was exaggerating. He told her he was listening to the call and would be at her house to pick me up in half an hour. He said if she tried to stop him the cops would be called.

That shut her up. My dad picked me up and asked if I wanted him to call the cops. I said no. But I asked him if I could go live with him full time. He said we would talk to his lawyer.

My dad had talked to his lawyer before to check about him and me recording our phone calls so my mom couldn't lie about what we talked about. Where we live it's legal. Even if someone else doesn't know we are recording.

I have been staying with my dad for two weeks now and everything is okay. He is working on getting 100% custody and my mom knows he has that recording. She has apologised and offered to replace my tv and not make me babysit any more. I do not want to spend four more years there.

She says I'm acting like a brat over a $400 tv. She says that my brother in law is really upset he has to replace his tv because it is very expensive. I said it was my $400.

So I just wanted to say it was absolutely an accident that I broke the tv. And it was my fault for connecting the Switch to it instead of just using the tv in the play room. I'm owning that.

AITA for wanting to eat a dessert in a restaurant?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for wanting to eat a dessert in a restaurant?

So my boyfriend (29m) and me (28f) are currently travelling through Italy. Yesterday we would take a train from Florence to our next hotel in the countryside of Tuscany. We were going to have a last dinner there yesterday night, I chose a place that has the best tiramisu in Florence according to insta and we didn't manage to go there earlier. Our meal took a bit longer than expected and my boyfriend reminded me that the last train we could take was at 21.40, the next train would only come early in the morning. He said that it would be too tight to eat dessert and that we should just pay and leave to make it to the train. According to my estimation we had 20 minutes left, so it would either be 20 minutes waiting in the station or 20 minutes in the restaurant, no big deal.

When the waiter came and asked if we wanted anything else I quickly ordered the tiramisu. Without having to read the menu first i figured it would be fast enough to make our train still. My boyfriend got kind of red and asked me why i did that. I just told him that they will bring it out soon and that we have plenty time to make the train.

So it took a little longer than expected and by the time it came I only had time to snap a few quick pictures and eat it fast. I offered my boyfriend some of it but he said he didn't want any. We paid and left, it was tight now but still possible so we grabbed our luggage and made a run for it. In the end we made it, I admit that there was barely any time left but we got in the train a couple minutes before we left. I sat down and just felt such relief that everything worked out. My boyfriend just threw the bags down and sat somewhere else for a moment untill the train left. I called out to him and told him to come sit with me. I started talking about how we did it but he cut me off and asked me in an angry tone "why i had to have that dessert". He complained about running halfway through the city and almost missing the train.

I felt very hurt and was a bit scared to be honest, I have never seen him angry like this. We argued the whole train ride and on the way to our hotel. There he eventually just said that he was exhausted, turned around and went to sleep. I cried myself to sleep at night and woke up feeling very horrible. He is still asleep and I come here to ask you if I am the asshole here.

AITA for telling my ex's best friend that she is the reason I left him?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for telling my ex's best friend that she is the reason I left him?

I need to know if I'm wrong.

I (28F) just eloped a month ago with my husband. Before meeting my husband, I was engaged to Jack (28M, fake name), and I left him, two years ago. The reason was, that he would always, always pick his two best friends' Paul and Wendy's (fake names) side over me. Paul thought I was making Jack boring, and Wendy had a problem with everything. She hated my clothes, ( I'm South Asian and tend to dress a bit too modestly), and my job, as it was too taxing, and spared no occasion to passive-aggressively tell me that I was boring and uptight. Wendy even made our whole engagement about her and Jack's friendship. And when I was mad, Jack defended her. She even barged her way into most of our couple trips and if I protested, she said I was trying to alienate Jack from his friends. Jack always, defended her and told me I was overreacting. Ultimately, I broke up with him and moved to another city for work. Wendy egged my car, and Paul left rude texts. I thought that was it.

Two days ago, I got a call from a mutual friend of mine and Jack, and she said that Wendy desperately wanted to meet me, as she is in my city. I initially told no, but she said that Wendy had been harassing her and my husband advised me to go. So I met her at a café, and Wendy started by telling me how disappointed she was that I didn't tell my old friends that I had gotten married. I told her that our old friends proved their loyalty to me when they chose Jack during our breakup. Wendy then started to tear up on how Jack misses me, how he hasn't dated since I left, that I broke his heart, and that he still loves me. I told her Jack was not a man fit to be married. All those years of gaslighting came back to me and I told her that she was the reason I left. Her constant intruding in everything and the fact that Jack had no backbone is the reason he was unhappy. She is the one who cannot see him with another woman and always wants him for herself. That she dared to confront me told me a lot about her character.

Wendy started to cry and left the table. I paid the bill and went home. But later two of my old friends told me that I could have been kinder to Wendy, as Jack refused to talk to her when Wendy went home and told him what I had said to her. I told her off, I said that Jack never acknowledged Wendy's behaviour even though I told him my issues with her many times, and now I didn't care.

But I am starting to feel more guilty, as I think I could have handled this maturely. My husband says I'm right, but now I feel that I ruined Jack and Wendy's relationship. AITA?

AITA for not letting my half sister wear anything of my mom's on her wedding day?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for not letting my half sister wear anything of my mom's on her wedding day?

I (30f) have a half sister (23f) who'll be getting married sometime in 2025. Half sister is my dad's child. She's actually the child he had after an affair while married to my mom. My parents divorced when my mom learned dad had cheated on her and things became more tense after she found out the person he cheated with had gotten pregnant. My dad told her that the other woman was out of the picture and my mom could have a second child she always wanted and we could be a family. I was there for part of the conversation because dad wanted me to "be excited for a sibling" and thought it would win my mom over.

My mom stood firm with dad. Dad would tell my half sister that we had the same mom. He'd talk like that around me and tell me to shut it when I told him to stop lying. He also told me mom could be a kind person and step up for a child who had no mother (according to him the affair partner found someone else to be the affair partner of and didn't want to know my half sister) When I was 11 my mom died. So I went to live with dad. About a year later dad got married. But even after he got married he taught my half sister that my mom was her mom. I'll say whatever hope we had of a relationship was ended by my dad doing this, because she wouldn't believe me when I told her she had a different mom and she hated me for not giving her photos and stuff of mom's and for not making my family acknowledge her as their granddaughter like I was acknowledged.

My dad's wife never became mom to my half sister even though she admitted to desperately wanting one because she was so hung up on my mom.

Mom left me everything and my grandparents took care of the stuff for me until I became independent. I wore some of mom's wedding jewelry on my wedding day as well as her veil. I didn't invite my dad or any of his family, including half sister. But she saw photos.

So she reached out to me on social media and told me she wanted some of mom's stuff for her wedding and I said no. She told me now is not the time to be selfish and I told her she's entitled to nothing and she'll have to find other things to wear. She called me names and I told her dad should really have admitted the truth to her by now. She said she didn't know why I was so adamant she wasn't mom's kid and it's not fair because I got to be raised by mom for 11 years while she got nothing and for no reason at all.

Afterward my dad's wife reached out and told me how upset my half sister was and asked me to please consider giving something because dad really fucked her over and she feels hated by mom and by me. My half sister messaged again after this and told me I was being really unfair to her and how I made mom's abandonment of her even worse.


ETA: Making clear: My mom never met my half sister/vice versa. My mom did not want to meet her or be in her life.

AITA for saying I won't take part willingly in a new Mother's Day tradition?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for saying I won't take part willingly in a new Mother's Day tradition?

So my (16m) mom died 7 years ago. And things have changed a lot since then. About a year after my mom died my aunt (dad's sister) died and he took on two kids who were babies when my aunt died. I didn't know my aunt and dad never knew she had kids or anything. So it was a big change that happened after a big loss/change in our lives. Since dad had my cousins he would let me go to my aunt and grandma for Mother's Day and we'd celebrate mom on that day. My aunt was also married with kids and they'd be with us too. For me it's the best way to spend Mother's Day because I miss my mom like crazy and kinda hate the day in some ways because she's not here.

Two years ago my dad met his new wife. She had three kids already and before they had a chance to introduce us all she got pregnant. So things went super fast and we met each other and she and her kids moved in, their baby was born 7 months ago and they got married 3 months ago.

My dad and his wife were talking about Mother's Day and they wanted to start a Mother's Day tradition for "our" family. That includes us all. I heard about it two nights ago when I got up to get some water and they were discussing some last minute stuff. Mainly dad telling me and my grandma and aunt. I told him I didn't want to take part in their tradition and I wanted to keep my own. He told me traditions change. I told him I already hated the day enough and I didn't want to celebrate his new wife. I told her that I just wanted my family. She told me she and the kids are my family now and she's the mom of the family. I told dad he knew how much I struggle with Mother's Day already. He said he knew, but he wanted us to be a close family and he didn't want me standing outside of it. I told him that will happen when he forces this for two years or not, because I'll never consider his wife my mom and I'll never look at her as a mother figure for me. I told him I have two amazing ones in my life and I lost my mom. I told him he has no idea what it's like to lose your mom. But it's one of the worst things that can happen.

He told me they really weren't okay with me missing out on starting new traditions as a family. I told him I won't take part willingly. That they will be forcing it every step of the way. His wife said I could at least try. I told her I shouldn't have to when I don't have a mom to celebrate. They should be more accepting of that. I told her she has both her parents too so she can't understand either.

They both got really annoyed with me for refusing to change my stance. I told them one more time that I won't take part willingly. Dad tried talking to me on his own but he got more frustrated because I tried to be open about how it all made me feel.


Massachusetts -- boss threatened to change my resignation date unless I supply him a document of exactly what I'd be working on up until my resignation within 30 minutes

A place to ask simple legal questions.

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Massachusetts -- boss threatened to change my resignation date unless I supply him a document of exactly what I'd be working on up until my resignation within 30 minutes

Work at a large company and I put in my notice. In fact, I didn't even explicitly put in my notice, I told my boss I had an offer and said I wanted to understand how PTO would be paid out with the pay structure of my job, as that would affect my last day.

There was a long discussion with HR where it basically came out it would be more advantageous for me to use my PTO then put in my resignation (basically, my pay includes a signing bonus payment that won't be paid out if I leave, but will be paid out if I use the PTO). My boss said he won't allow that, and that I've "already given my resignation", despite the fact that I never officially sent the email, I simply told him I had an offer elsewhere (which I didn't even say I signed). He then told me to either send my resignation or he would put it in for a specific date and time that he chose two weeks out

Later, after this whole event, there was an optional meeting which I don't usually attend and didn't accept on my calendar. My boss messaged me angrily saying I need to be in this meeting because I am the "expert" in some technology. I am by no means the expert in this technology, I have probably used it for a grand total of 4 hours. I never attend this meeting, so I didn't understand what he was so heated about.

He then started saying he needs me to write up what I will be doing for the remaining time before my resignation date within the next 30 minutes and send it to him, otherwise he'll "change my resignation date" to earlier because there's "no point in me being on the team". This seemed incredibly suss to me. I asked him multiple times, "is that not just firing? Are you firing me?" and he kept dodging the question and never answering it, instead just reiterating that I'd better get that document to him in 30 minutes

I started questioning the actual exercise, like "what if I don't finish what I say I'll finish before my resignation time?" and "what if you don't approve of what I write?" and he just kept saying "this isn't ambiguous, just do what I say right now" and re-iterating the ticking time bomb of it, saying like "you have 10 minutes to get it done"

I felt this was also a bit manipulative because this was during a non-optional meeting, so I felt I'd be screwed either way. Either I write this document, or I miss a meeting that I'm supposed to attend.

What should I do here?

I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta which has caused around 250 broken bones in my life, so far. AMA

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I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta which has caused around 250 broken bones in my life, so far. AMA

HI, my name is Joe Hall, and I have a rare brittle bone disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) which causes my bones to fracture easily, and be deformed.

OI is typically broken into 8 different types based on commonly found clinical features. I have one of the more severe called Type 3.

I estimate that I have had around 250 broken bones in my lifetime, though I don't really keep count. OI is caused by mutations to collagen molecules in the body. As such it can also effect other aspects of your body such as skin, teeth, hearing, and even your heart.

Most people that have OI experience the majority of their fractures before puberty when the body's bones are still developing.

My type of OI (Type 3) is considered severe/moderate which is why I have never walked and am around 3 feet tall. I also have low respiratory functions and I am partially deaf. I use an electric wheelchair to get around and hearing aids to hear.

I have always tried to live my life as fully as possible and attack each day like a very hungry honey badger!

This week is OI awareness week, which is why I wanted to come here and do this AMA!

You can learn more about OI by asking me questions in the comments, or from the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation >>

At the moment I am raising money for OIF's biennial national conference and I'd LOVE your support: Any little bit helps.

Over the next couple of days I'll try my best to answer as many questions as I can.

--Verification info for mods and cynics--

I have done this same type of AMA before here:

And here:

and here:

and here:

Here are some pics of my face:

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