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The fight against war is a fight against the union bureaucracies

This is the text of the introductory speech delivered by Will Lehman, an autoworker at Mack Trucks in Macungie, Pennsylvania, and member of the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees, to the 2024 International May Day Online Rally.

Will Lehman

University students protest against Gaza genocide across Europe

Inspired by anti-genocide protests on campuses across the United States defying a nationwide crackdown coordinated by the Biden administration that has led to thousands of arrests, students are occupying university halls and facilities across the continent.

Alejandro López

Genuine socialism will triumph in Ukraine

This is the text of the introductory speech delivered by Maxim Goldarb, head of the Union of Left Forces — For a New Socialism party, to the 2024 International May Day Online Rally.

Maxim Goldarb

Biden endorses Israel’s assault on Rafah

In a speech on Tuesday, President Joe Biden effectively gave a green light for Israel's onslaught on Rafah, cynically seeking to exploit the Holocaust to justify US support for the Israeli state's genocide of the Palestinians.

Andre Damon

European Union to step up electric vehicles war

The continuing refrain in both the US and Europe is that Chinese manufacturing is massively state-subsidised, and this contravenes the “rules-based” order on international trade.

Nick Beams

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Over 9,300 Canadian railway workers at Canadian National Railway (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) have voted to authorize strike while up to 120,000 educators staged protests on April 30 and May 1 across the Dominican Republic.

Israeli officials double down on threats to assault Rafah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reiterated Sunday Israel's intention to assault Rafah, the southernmost city in the Gaza Strip where more than a million displaced people are sheltering.

Andre Damon

This week in history: May 6–13

NATO bombs Chinese embassy in Belgrade; Willy Brandt resigns; police attack Canadian asbestos miners; J. Edgar Hoover becomes FBI director.

Over 9,300 Canadian railroad workers authorize strike action as soon as May 22

A simultaneous strike by rail workers at both companies would quickly bring the country’s economy to its knees and significantly impact the North American economy as a whole. For this reason, it is safe to assume that discussions are already under way between the trade union-backed Trudeau Liberal government and the Biden administration on how to scuttle the rail strike.

Niles Niemuth

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

India: Tamil Nadu tea plantation workers demand on-time wage payments and improved social conditions; Australia: Child safety support workers strike in Tasmania; Federal court intervenes against striking Queensland’s Cross River Rail construction workers

Lecturers: Reject sellout contract! Strike to halt crackdown against student protests! Secure a living wage, pay parity and job security at all University of Michigan campuses!

The Michigan Educators Rank-and-File Committee and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at the University of Michigan call on members of the Lecturers’ Employee Organization to vote “No” on the sellout contract announced by the LEO leadership and organize a strike to halt the repression of peaceful student protests at U-M and nationwide against US/Israeli genocide in Gaza.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality at the University of Michigan, Michigan Educators Rank-and-File Committee

In Jacobin interview, UAW official covers up bureaucracy’s support for genocide

Mancilla, a former official from the Harvard grad student union, is attempting to get out in front of the anti-war sentiment. He played a leading role in passing a UAW ceasefire resolution in December. But that remained a dead letter, and the UAW endorsed Biden only weeks later, with Mancilla in attendance.

Tom Hall

Anti-genocide encampments spread across Canada

Students, supported by many faculty and other opponents of Israel’s Canadian government-backed genocidal assault on the Palestinians of Gaza, have set up encampments at universities in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia.

Our reporters

Germany: IG Metall union organizes job cuts

Several thousand steelworkers demonstrated in front of the main Thyssenkrupp plant in the north of Duisburg. IG Metall brought them there from all Thyssenkrupp sites in North Rhine-Westphalia and from Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann in the south of Duisburg.

Dietmar Gaisenkersting

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

Widespread stoppages in Greece on May Day across most sectors denounce Gaza genocide and austerity; ongoing protests in Iran against cost-of-living crisis by pensioners, industrial and agricultural workers; doctors and clinicians strike continues in Kenya for almost two months over staff shortages, pay cuts and lack funding

Fed says interest rates to stay higher for longer

The decision raises the prospect of turmoil in international currency markets where the Japanese yen has been falling and hit its lowest rate against the dollar in 34 years on Monday.

Nick Beams
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