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It was rejected??? I would love to hear Ethan’s 2 cents on this.

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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It was rejected??? I would love to hear Ethan’s 2 cents on this.
r/h3h3productions - It was rejected??? I would love to hear Ethan’s 2 cents on this.

The unofficial home for RT content!

"Recall that in time, all becomes dust and bone." A subreddit for content regarding Rooster Teeth Productions, including Red vs. Blue, Achievement Hunter, RWBY, Rooster Teeth Podcast, etc.

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Longer post, don't wanna read? Go check out the unofficial site for all RT content @

Yo! MrSheen from Archive of Pimps here, as we are all aware with Rooster Teeth shutting down within the next few days (on May 15th 2024) many people are right to be concerned that the content will be lost to time once the site shuts down.

This is where we at the Archive of Pimps come in! We are a group dedicated to archiving all of RT's videos on YouTube and on the RoosterTeeth site so that people can continue to enjoy Rooster Teeth's content even after the shut down!

We have archived over 95% of all Rooster Teeth's videos over YouTube and on the site all to Internet Archive for everyone to continue enjoying! Thanks to some absolute wizards, we are pleased to announce you can now view these in a YouTube style website (with comments)! The site also has transcript search which means you can search for a memorable word or phrase and find the video that it's spoken in.

The site will first attempt to play the video on the YouTube side before falling back over to the Internet Archive side to preserve monitization to the channels and to help take some of the load of Internet Archive however, there are two outstanding tasks to make it the best it can be!

Video matching:
With the site having an embed of the YouTube videos and their Internet Archive counterparts and both have different ID's, there has been a massive effort to pair each video to eachother but there will be some missed and some still to link! If you would like to help with the effort, head over to the Discord (link below) where we can point you in the right direction to help pair the videos up!

Missing videos:
We’re still missing about 1800 videos that we can’t recover from the RT site. If you think you might have any of these videos saved, please get in touch.

If you would like to help out with these, visit the Archive of Pimps website where there's a Discord link for the server!

Am I over reacting my husband calls co worker “mi Reyna” my queen in Spanish

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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Am I over reacting my husband calls co worker “mi Reyna” my queen in Spanish

I (F35) saw a text message between my husband (M36) and I can worker calling her mi Reyna yesterday was my husband’s birthday and I saw a text message where she wishes him a happy birthday and he responds saying “thank you mi Reyna” which means my queen in Spanish he said it doesn’t mean anything but I can’t help feeling weird about it am I over reacting?

Me when I get a subscriber

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Me when I get a subscriber
r/h3h3productions - Me when I get a subscriber

Myron “I’m describing attractive from the perspective of women” Gaines

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Myron “I’m describing attractive from the perspective of women” Gaines
r/h3h3productions - Myron “I’m describing attractive from the perspective of women” Gaines

MIL wants access to my child after threatening my family - An Update

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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MIL wants access to my child after threatening my family - An Update

So it’s been a little over a month since the situation went down. Since then, my fiance started working with his dad at work. His dad gave him birthday presents for us at work one day and told us to open the card. It basically said “sorry for the miscommunication, we didn’t mean to make you feel threatened. We just want to be the kind of grandparents who get to spend quality time with our beautiful grandson”

I sent them a text basically saying “nice try, but it wasn’t a miscommunication. Everyone agrees there was no other way to interpret your message other than threatening me and my family. I don’t allow my own family to disrespect me so I won’t allow it from you either” About 2 weeks later we get another card from them ACTUALLY admitting what they did was wrong and taking some accountability for what they said. But of course at the end they had to throw in a little “In the future please come to us directly if there are any issues rather than involving others. Face to face discussions are more effective than text messages” Like okay but if you don’t want me to involve others, don’t start shit with me when I’m with my grandma. Because she ALWAYS starts shit when I’m with my grandma.

I honestly don’t even know when but my fiancé switched from “I’m done with them” to “we need to give them one more chance” and I really really wish I had it in me to give them another chance but honestly, I don’t think I have it in me to ever forgive her. I don’t think I ever have it in me to trust her. The idea of seeing her again gives me intense anxiety. I’ve had to let things go in the past that really upset me for the sake of my son’s relationship with her, but I’m tired of having to sacrifice my sanity and mental wellbeing for my son to have a relationship with someone. My own mother has never and will never meet my son because she is toxic to herself and everyone in her life, why is MIL any different than my own family? Especially considering I did some digging on MIL and discovered all of her other children petitioned the court to stop visitation with her by the time they were all 13. And for a court to deny visitation to a MOTHER 30+ years ago? I have questions on what she did to her children.

I’m really not sure how to get over this. Or if I even should get over it and just take this hatred and anger I have to my grave. I do have one slightly positive update since my last post, about a week after I posted here I went to get a tattoo in memory of my grandpa who passed away a few years ago. He loved me and my sister like we were his own kids and always did what he could to protect us. While I was getting the tattoo, MIL got sideswiped BAD by a pickup truck and her car is toast. My family says it’s my grandpa still looking out for his girls from beyond and I’m okay with that 😅

Should I tell my husband the real reason for his parents divorce?

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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Should I tell my husband the real reason for his parents divorce?

My husband and are are 28 years old, happily married 7 years with a 1.5 year old. My husbands parents divorced when he was about 2 years old and he was always told (and told me) they “grew apart”. He has specifically said to me “neither of my parents cheated”.

Both parents are now happily remarried and both step parents are great and have a good relationship with my husband. Father in law remarried when husband was about 7 and mother in law married when husband was 11. Me and my husband have close relationships with both sets of parents and love all four of them dearly.

His mom and dad still text each other occasionally, they all show up to big family events together, my husbands father and step dad sit next to each other at football games, by all accounts they’re all on good terms.

Despite this I’ve always had a feeling that the reason for my in laws divorce was because father in law cheated on mother in law with his now wife, do to several comments over the years that never added up. But I never voiced this to anyone or “snooped further” or anything, I just took what my husband said at value and let the thought of “is there more” lie quietly. I had no reason to believe that there was cheating because my husband told me several times about the divorce and that “wasn’t part of it”. However comments from his mom like once we were talking about a different family members divorce and I said “I just don’t get people who cheat just break up” and MIL replied “oh if you only knew”. Over the years she’s said several things like that “oh (OP) the things I could tell you” but she would never elaborate and I didn’t push it.

However, about a month ago one of my husbands cousins ( this cousin is more like a sister to my husband, his moms side of the family is VERY close so my MIL is like a second mother to this cousin) told me that my gut feeling was right, my father in law did cheat on my mother in law with my husbands now step mom. The only reason it came up was the cousin was talking to me about her own divorce in which her husband cheated and she camped it to my in laws divorce and said it as if I already knew. Then followed up with “the whole family knows exactly (husband) someone should just tell him at this point”

I feel very stressed knowing this information and not telling my husband but I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do. Apparently everyone knows except my husband. I feel as though his parents are amazing for putting him first and not letting this get in the middle of his childhood but they should have told him when he was 16 or 18.

My husband is now 28 and the only one who doesn’t know the real reason for his parents divorce. My husband has a wonderful relationship with his dad and admires him greatly I’m worried that telling my husband will shatter his world.

He is currently under a lot of stress at work and looking for a new job, I fell like if I tell him now while he’s already stesssed constantly it will make him spiral. Should I tell him later when work has calmed down or should I keep this to myself as it is clear all the parents have moved on

So the bottom line is, my gut reaction is to not tel him, I don’t want to tell him. But not telling him feels like I’m lying to him?

"American culture is so dominant that our worst, fattest, and most cringe D-list celebrities from 1993 are treated as gods in other countries" Steven Seagal is the guest of honor at the Putin inauguration for his new six year term....

A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, JRE, comedy, cars, MMA, music, food, psychedelics, science, mind-expanding revelations, conspiracies, insights, and fitness & health...and all other cool shit.

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Aita for explaining to my husband that he’s the reason we keep having daughters?

THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia.

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Aita for explaining to my husband that he’s the reason we keep having daughters?
  • r/redditonwiki - Aita for explaining to my husband that he’s the reason we keep having daughters?
  • r/redditonwiki - Aita for explaining to my husband that he’s the reason we keep having daughters?

Redeeming Ethan

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Redeeming Ethan
r/h3h3productions - Redeeming Ethan

FF YouTube only needs 3.4 k to get 100k lets get them a plaque before the new thing

"Recall that in time, all becomes dust and bone." A subreddit for content regarding Rooster Teeth Productions, including Red vs. Blue, Achievement Hunter, RWBY, Rooster Teeth Podcast, etc.

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FF YouTube only needs 3.4 k to get 100k lets get them a plaque before the new thing

Zach, you're a good man.

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Zach, you're a good man.

It's funny how all points of community discussion get flooded when a cast member makes a mistake, but there's near crickets when something positive comes of it.

I wanted to make a point to say, you're a good man for apologizing publically after getting grilled nonstop since the incident. We all get caught up in our thoughts and can misinterpret things in the moment, but most of us have the luxury of not having those moments broadcasted out into the universe. What you did was a great example to us all on how to resolve friction with our peers. Thank you.

We are in an H3 golden age

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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We are in an H3 golden age

You know how they say you don’t know that you’re in the good old days until they’re over? I think we are in the good old days with regards to H3. 3 high quality shows a week is just insane. They have not been missing recently. Be grateful for this moment as I think we’ll be looking back fondly on the 2023-2024 era of H3.

Kavkav claims people are coming up to him and crying because Failure changed their life

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Kavkav claims people are coming up to him and crying because Failure changed their life

Am I getting fomo?

/r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️

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Am I getting fomo?
r/h3h3productions - Am I getting fomo?

  • Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts. members
  • A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, JRE, comedy, cars, MMA, music, food, psychedelics, science, mind-expanding revelations, conspiracies, insights, and fitness & health...and all other cool shit. members
  • THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. members
  • /r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed! Reasonable criticism is encouraged but if you despise Ethan Klein or think the show sucks you're going be tossed! Thank you thank you with peace and love✌️&❤️ members
  • The place for fans of Dr. Andrew Huberman and the Huberman Lab. In this subreddit we discuss science and science-based tools for everyday life. In keeping with that theme, be kind and understanding of other members. We're all here to learn and help. This community is here to support your health, wellness, and learning journey. Feel free to drop the mod team a question when you need it. And of course, thank you for interest in science! members
  • r/KillTony is a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the podcast Kill Tony Hosted by Tony Hinchcliffe and Brian Redban, recorded live from the Comedy Mothership in Austin, Texas! members
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  • Bill Simmons is a sportswriter, television personality, and podcaster. After many successful years at ESPN as a writer, tv host, and creator (of Grantland & 30 for 30), he signed a lucrative deal to partner with HBO. He currently hosts "The Bill Simmons Podcast", and founded and Ringer Podcast Network in 2016 members
  • A place to discuss all opinions of the Canceled Podcast with Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield, anything related to them, and their friends members
  • A subreddit dedicated to Dimension 20, Dropout's TTRPG show! members
  • "Recall that in time, all becomes dust and bone." A subreddit for content regarding Rooster Teeth Productions, including Red vs. Blue, Achievement Hunter, RWBY, Rooster Teeth Podcast, etc. members
  • For fans of the Blank Check Podcast, with Griffin Newman, David Sims, and Ben Hosley. Is Ben "Professor Crispy"? Will Griffin and David ever get the premise of the show down to 30 seconds or under? Let's listen together and find out! #thetwofriends members
  • Das Reddit rund um den Podcast Lästerschwestern. Hier diskutieren und lästern YouTuber Robin Blase & Gäste über YouTube, das Internet, Social Media und Influencer. Hauptsache lästern! Hier diskutiert Robin auch mit /u/robbubble. Ehemalige Co-Hosts /u/David_BeHaind und /u/antialleslisa bleiben Ehrenmitglieder und immer in unseren Herzen <3 members
  • Podcast with Australian psychologist, Matthew Browne, and anthropologist, Chris Kavanagh. From their site description: "[...] a close look at the contemporary crop of 'secular gurus', iconoclasts, and other exiles from the mainstream, delving into their unique insights and galaxy brain takes." Charitable, thoughtful, sometimes goofy criticisms and discussions pertaining to the "forbidden" ideas and concepts explored by the "IDW" and the like. members
  • Official subreddit for the Trash Taste podcast. members
  • r/podcasts: a subreddit to discover, discuss, and review podcasts with other podcast enthusiasts. As part of this mission, r/podcasts is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions. This is not a place to promote your podcast. members
  • /r/LPOTL (Last Podcast On The Left) is for anyone that listens to and loves Last Podcast on the Left. We here will accept anyone and everyone. Now how about a murder story and some spooky spaghetti. members
  • The place for stand-up, podcasts, videos, and comedic ramblings of Theo Von. Watch out for Embankments boy! GANG GANG members
  • The Official Sub for Call Her Daddy #daddygang members
  • This is a subreddit for the podcast OKOP Show! Submit your craziest stories and we'll read them on the show. members
  • The Unexplained - check out the companion podcast Unexplained Online. members
  • The Reddit home of the Bad Friends Podcast Catch the Podcast every Monday members
  • If you're following Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps or just want to gain a better understanding of the Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace, and personal finance in general, then this is the community for you! members
  • The spot for all things Shane Gillis: stand-up, Gilly and Keeves, MSSP / other podcast appearances. members
  • Pat McAfee Show | Podcast | YouTube | Daily PMS talk This Show Stinks. members
  • This is a subreddit for the podcast, Distractible, hosted by Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Milkskin. This is a place where you can talk about anything and everything about Distractible! Visit for more information about the podcast. Check out for Merch - more coming… „soon“ members
  • Welcome to an unofficial fan page for the Girls Next Level Podcast, hosted by Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt! We are a community of diverse individuals that are here to discuss the podcast, the early 2000s reality show Girls Next Door, and anything Playboy or Y2K adjacent. Please note: we are NOT a snark or hate-watching sub members
  • This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the New York Times Opinion columnist and Vox co-founder Ezra Klein, and topics related to the Ezra Klein Show podcast. members
  • This is the subreddit for all things Peter Attia and The Peter Attia Drive. Here we fans discuss the cutting edge of longevity science, the latest episodes, and anything we'd like to see/feedback for the future of the podcast. If you just landed here, feel free to make a post about who you are, why you listen, and what you love about the show. members
  • Standup comic Andrew Schulz and radio personality Charlamagne tha God debate topics void of any facts, sources, or logic. Highly entertaining and minimally educational, whether or not you think they're actually're probably right. members