Happens all the time.

Let's hope Izzy doesn't try to do that without some help. He is approaching manhood. He requested my assistance. I want to talk to your manager. I saw you in the park with Kristin. Will you lend me your CD player for an hour? You don't like her, do you?

My patience is coming to an end.

Don't play. Work! Nara is famous for Daibutsu. Everyone's going to be there. Every door in the house is locked.

Books fascinate me.

You're very patient, so why are you being so unreasonable about waiting ten more minutes? I may have to call you later. You have to listen to them. She gave me the fish eye. Niels Jackson was re-elected mayor in 2013. I'm not so sure about that. I suppose it depends on the situation.

That store sells kitchen-ware.

He cannot have been there yesterday. Sandeep lost the shopping list his mother had given him and just bought things he wanted to eat.

I hope Barbra remembers how to do this.

The government is on the nose after making a series of unpopular decisions.

He may become a baseball player.

The rota for the next week had not been released yet. Do you ever go swimming? Wait, you guys. She doesn't live there any more. I changed trains at Ueno Station. I would gladly translate this, but I don't speak Dutch. The train slowed down, then it sped up again. We lived there for ten years when the war began. We probably won't have to go to Boston anymore.

Jan is in my computer class.

I demand to speak with my lawyer. I didn't realize how serious the situation was. Wait for Socorrito. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

He earns no less than three hundred dollars a day.

She shrieked whenever she saw a spider.

Mac didn't eat much.

Her death is a blow to my feelings. Does she work in the kitchen? Why are you clearing the garden? We'll go get him. They should have a noble mind. I think it's time we gave Bert some time off.

Is this too tight?

The war broke out when she was in Hiroshima.

I want to introduce you to some people.

Victor has been told about the problem. You don't have to make up an excuse if you don't want to go with us. I'm going to complain to the manager. Is that weapon loaded?

I love the song of the mockingbird, the bird of four hundred voices. I love the color of jade, and the enervating perfume of flowers, but most of all, I love my brother, Man.

If two people are in agreement, one of them is unnecessary. Olivier accepted the compromise. Cars are factory products, while foods are farm products. I'm thinking of changing jobs. Two girls and three boys live in the apartment, each one coming from a different country. Don't you want to come along? It's not as humid today as it was yesterday. Tell us more. When the laundry is not evenly distributed inside the washing machine, it can cause the washing machine to vibrate or even move.

Fold up the map.

I don't like the house which he lives in. I need to do this now. I beat you. The cat is drinking.

I do a good job with my work.

You should get your money from Venkata now. How could you tell Lloyd didn't like his job? Ranjit got her hair done this afternoon. That was foolish. I thought Juliet might ask Marshall to the dance. Someone needs to tell Ravindranath that. It's disgusting that you're sleeping in the movie theatre even though you came to see a movie! You've lost everything.

It only happens once every 30 years.

Our children are grown. I never really understood what that meant. What kind of funeral do you want? I know my legal rights. These guys are very immature. You're not needed here. Clarissa sat down on one of the chairs. He is as happy as a king. Last night, we watched television together.

It revived with even greater vigor.

There was a subtle difference between their views. He collected bits of information. Jacob doesn't like it when people cuss in front of his children. This coat is out of date. Bea is trying to learn a few card tricks. It was a tough race. Charleen spilled some red wine on his white shirt. We will free you from the elevator. Our garden was full of weeds.

I lost one.

I was very angry with myself for my lack of courage. Everybody laughed except me. He didn't want to park his new car on the street. How many minutes shall I boil this frozen asparagus? Stay calm and sharpen pitchforks.

We'll have a French test next Monday.

She was very excited. Do as you're told to do. I didn't speak with him. I need to meet more Peruvian friends. You're unimaginative. The problem before us today is not a new one. The label on my scarf says, "Wash and iron inside out." I wonder how I'm supposed to do that. I like hugging Trent.

The next time you do that, you're fired.

We found that we had lost our way. I feel so pretty. The cry roused me from my sleep. At what time do you exit from the office? As far as I know, what he has said is true. Bonnie isn't really enjoying himself. Someone stole Stan's guitar. We are inclined to think that most dogs bite. I simply don't trust Amigo. You're going to have to quit skipping classes.

Standing as it does on a hill, the hotel commands a fine view of the bay.

This is my song! I want to ask you about them. It was all like a single equation with two unknowns. This is Tatoeba. I want you to get off my back. For example, if a chain-smoking teacher cautions a pupil for smoking, that warning is self-contradictory. I go to bed late at night. His life hangs on the judge's decision. We've had a poor crop due to lack of water. I had to protect them.

Just give me another minute.

I'm not apologizing. Never were finer women or more accomplished men seen in any Court, and Nature seemed to have taken pleasure in lavishing her greatest graces on the greatest persons.

Have you ever seen a red river?

It'll take longer to tell you how to do it than to just go ahead and do it myself. How long do you play tennis every day?

Do you think it'll rain this afternoon?

I took a taxi because it was raining. Nobody says you can't go fishing. It was all Cory's idea. I thought your dad took away your credit card. Rajesh is a very nice girl. Since it will be cold soon, it might be nice to enjoy doing something outdoors the final few warm days we have before winter sets in. One year has twelve months. Their job is to dust the furniture. You won't earn it in the long run.

In London, the police are always worried about finding a bomb on the train or subway.

That's all Jeff needs. Rosa Parks was arrested, and the black community of Montgomery was shocked and angry. I'm studying French. You don't have to be so sarcastic. What the teacher said encouraged Jin to study harder. I didn't agree to meet them. Don't take the trouble to come and meet me. Lindsey hasn't kissed me in three months.

Yesterday we went into a huge maze.

That's a first world problem. This is a very serious matter. I first met Eliot in a little bar outside of town. There's still no sign of them.

Do you agree with this?

She is young. Are you sure you're telling me everything? Please come downstairs. Were you on a tight schedule? Why do you think Joanne chose to become a psychologist? Isn't it a beautiful day? Sandra offered me her seat in the train. The only place Angus hadn't looked was in the basement. I believe in miracles. They flunked their exams.

Their country is threatened by anarchy.

Why do you learn English? I'll show you a good time. When was that? I told them that I'd help them. Give those cookies to her. Think of all the fun you've been missing. Can you put up with the noise? I'm pleased with these shoes. How much does it cost to get in?

Can I use my medical insurance?

I really appreciate what you've done. Kathleen is making sense for a change. I won't forgive what you did to me.

Toft was master of the situation in no time.

The girl is blowing bubbles. He took something out from his pocket. You expect me to believe that? Alas, what ill luck has befallen me!

We will purchase a new car next week.

Nils will never give up. Antonella's troublemaking days are over. Melinda wanted me to be something I could never be. This new screen is much brighter. I know it seems like I'm overreacting.

The breakwater had no effect against the tsunami.

He lost his balance and fell off his bicycle. It will be five or ten years before the technology is ready. Let's see if Thuan is here. You'd like her. He's playing with my cat. You can't live like this. Thanks for having me. A photograph cannot explain the reasons.

One clear thought is worth two neologisms.

Let's sing. In front of the train station there's a bank. The degree of humor is the same. Stuart usually eats a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I had them both.

Is your freezer still working?

If that's false, she's a liar. Betsy never returned. Phillip asked what you're doing. The second lesson is very easy. Go ask your father. The climate affects people in every land. I am indifferent to flattery. You aren't going to tell on me, are you? I will be fourteen years old tomorrow.

We decided to stay.

There exist numerous theories about the origins of life. You're confusing her. Izumi told me he was happy here. He is by nature a very quiet person. Theodore left the house without saying goodbye.

I don't understand this word. Could you paraphrase it?

Sassan didn't eat lunch. Sanjay didn't agree to the proposal. He made a list. His death was mourned by everyone. Where's the toothbrush?

I let him get the credit.

We took it slow. Pamela was looking for advice. If he'd known the truth, he'd have told me. Is this bread's best-by OK? Tell them I had to leave. That's Torsten's sister. Why are they saying this? He spoke to me on behalf of the company. Would you like to study with me? We want you to feel welcome.

We think it's time to smile more often.

I just hope I don't do something stupid. Bill, don't go there! I used to like folk music. So you talked to Frederic? Amedeo acknowledged that he was hoping to become the new class president. People used to laugh at him behind his back.

Perhaps we can talk later.

Ricky clearly doesn't want to talk about it anymore. She whispered something into his ear. Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue? In all likelihood, you will pass the entrance exam if you use this textbook. I wonder if there's any connection. You're building castles in the air.

For some reason, I'm wide awake and can't fall asleep.

Dan injured Linda's dog. His singing is very good, but he plays the guitar just as well.

I think you'd better talk to Narendra.

The Mormons have outlawed polygamy, but some adherents still practice it.

You owe me for that.

I was afraid of making the first move.

Fishing is not allowed here.

Bring it back. I figured that would make you laugh. In the XXI century it is necessary to know at least one foreign language.

He did not finish the marathon.

He is putting on weight. People in towns are attracted by life in the country. I want to know who that is. Does he have a bicycle? I want you to bring Ron. Everyone was young once. Lucy approached the young man and put her hand on his head. Alan needs to get back here soon.

His reading is of a wide range.

It sounds like you got along well with him. Grace chopped some onions.

I know that I know nothing.

He brought me the news that our team had won. Gabriel was relaxing, drinking a glass of wine.

Bjorne's wife picked him up.

I know who got injured. Vaughn wanted to quit smoking. It's not a problem at all. This isn't your fault, Panos. This ticket entitles you to a free meal. It looks like you changed the whole room.

"Are you okay?" "No, I'm not."

Any car whatever will do, provided it can be driven. That was an inconvenience. Could an almighty god create a stone that he would not be able to subsequently lift? Did he admit it? Clifford is drop dead gorgeous. Jarl knows Gary would never do such a thing. Can you get an interpreter?

Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan.

We arrested him.

Marriage is out of the question.

Could you leave, Isidore? I wanted to give you these.

The man strikes me as being dishonest.

I'm making dinner.

I will tell him about it when he comes next time.

You should have Mr Green correct your English pronunciation. To throw the baby out with the bath-water. We're going to help you. Don't talk about work at meal time. I plan to take a gap year before going to university. Kenn hugged her doll. I'm sure we'll do better tomorrow.

If it's sunny, let's go to the club.

What else can I show you? Christian will know what it's about. Did you read this journalist's scandalous article? For the holidays, I'm going to Tokyo for a week. Churches were erected all over the island. Izzy knew Kolkka would help him. There was a bunch of geese flying in different groups. He is sure to succeed. Eduardo closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.

Thomas gets angry when he doesn't get his own way.

Both of my parents do not play golf. The ship hasn't even docked yet. What does Jong think? What do you want for Christmas? Why don't you tell him that? Where's your better half? Last night my house was robbed while I was still awake. Did you set the clock?

So why am I crying again?

Piete is silent. He pretended not to know me. I'm telling you that we have to assume that Ofer is dead. It was a complete nightmare. I think Briggs will be offended by what Johnathan is going to say.

What a hot day it is!

A GPS device can pinpoint your location anywhere in the world. I don't need my kids worrying about me. We were very tired at the time. We were on the same train by chance. You're a suspect. Nobody must know. I just want to know if you're hungry. They were interested.

I have the perfect role for you.

It's Elsa's turn to take out the garbage. I'm sure there's no need to be afraid.

I want to stay alive.

She was only half alive. I should have taken the blue pill. There are a number of fishing boats tied up at the dock. Try to get ahead in your company.

Give me his picture.

Tell him we're here. Do you hate it? Siegurd does fine work. I have no other choice. The play begins at six this evening. Who should look after the elderly? I can see you're hurt. Alejandro looks very sad.

Do you believe in the Kinsey scale?

It takes one to know one. Do you like it all? Do the police know about this?

A poor rice harvest will get us into real trouble.

Perhaps I was too harsh on them. The Sun appears to move across the sky because the Earth rotates on its axis. Alejandro, get down from that tree! Your eccentricities can make you either charming or tedious. Pieter already knows that. She is a so-called bookworm. I wonder what time it is. I broke open the door because I had lost the key. I've got a real good feeling about it. Is it true that Kathleen wants to live in Boston?

Hang on; we're almost there.

It's a story based on a real event. Cherish this moment. Duncan made it sound like I have a choice. I just figured out how to do it.

I'm not casting a spell over their children.

That gives me an idea. I took care of Trent. This cloth absorbs water well. The torch does not light its own stand. It's mediocre. I would rather read a book at home than go out tonight.

I ate fish yesterday.

This is all a conspiracy. What does she want? His heart was not in his work, nor did he take any pride in it. What does your aunt do?

This isn't a pipe.

Julie is studying to be a marine biologist. Stanislaw stared at Moran. Make sure you wash your hands well. We may not have enough uniforms. He has a large basket full of flowers. I'm crazy about him! Edith could see Matthieu was about ready to cry. Is Mr. Nakamura at home?

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you how to do that.

Better solitude than the company of the wicked. Young people were skating on the frozen pond. These are common diseases of children. Something must've happened. I keep my word. We should celebrate together. The roof was blown off by the explosion. Daniel's book tops Christmas sales of books and hardly any book will put it off its game. The house looks circular, but it isn't a complete circle.

Typically, a space station serviced a locale at least several light-years radially.

How much insurance do you carry on your house? My future mother-in-law makes wonderful blackberry pie. That's never happened to me before. I thought you were probably insane. Don't come into my room without knocking. You'll miss me when I'm gone. I told Kinch to ignore it. The time would fail me if I were to recite all the big names in history whose exploits are perfectly irrational and even shocking to the business mind.

I won a camera in the lottery.

Many Eastern religions teach that there is a unity behind the diversity of phenomena. Knut was at a loss for words. How many engineers took part in the conference? I was with Suzanne for an hour. I want this fixed as soon as possible. Narendra felt cold. I'm not 100% sure about that.

I have to finish writing the book I'm working on.

Saul seems happy. This cloth tears easily. I was free all day yesterday, but today I'm working. I have no desire to stay here. I took to Dory as soon as we met.

Which language do you want me to translate this document into?

Don't use Google Translate to learn phrases in another language because it's not always accurate. Someone told me that every cigarette you smoke takes seven minutes away from your life.

She carried this table by herself.

Trevor was revived with the use of a defibrillator. His remark seems to be off the point. We're running out of space. Mr Smith spoke so fast I couldn't take in what he said. I'm not in the habit of staying up late. The sun is high. I'm really not busy.

How is an error possible in mathematics?

I want you to join us. I could make you help us. Abel was killed by Cain.

I'll tell him tomorrow.

Jin knows I'm right. He looks very worried.

You made that clear yesterday.

My son loves rockets. It was totally secret. We agreed on a price. We must get down to our homework. She fired me. The hill was covered in snow. Olaf put pressure on me.

Feel free to ask any questions.

This analysis is divided in two parts. I'm choking! Did you kiss Hitoshi? Always do your best. I just found out that he's sick, so I'll visit him later.

The challenges are daunting, but we can overcome them.

Thank you for your business! The river is deep here. Let's stand up. Terrence cried a lot. Cambridge is the most famous university in the world. Do you think you can help her? Alf has been gone for three months. He was never sick.

Justin can't believe Leon's pretending nothing's wrong.

Let's meet halfway between your house and mine.

I watched the 4th season of X-files.

Who doesn't value the penny isn't worth the dollar. The D.A. will be arguing as to reasonable search. Niall doesn't seem to be aware of the problem. Ozan showed the letter to me.

He winked at me.

I became first. I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me. Every person in this community is like a cell in the immune system of a healthy human body.

It looks as though this summer will be cold again.

School discipline is not as it should be. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. I can not tell if it will rain tomorrow.

The region has never been inhabited by people.

I think Mario is under thirty. Josip has done what he can. Suwandi may be dangerous. I'm not allowed to tell what you want to know.

It is possible that aliens have already landed on earth.

Can I get a dog? Oleg advised against doing that. I'll be waiting out front. "By the way, do you know what a Shinto shrine is?" "I've a little bit of knowledge on the subject. It's a religious facility where that which is the object of worship, that called the genius loci, is enshrined." They went along the street singing the song. Srinivasan is now in Australia. You're such a drama queen. Could you please refrain from interrupting me constantly! Denial is just a river in Egypt.

We need to make sure you are human. What are the five first letters of your email?

The air is stifling. I think Anita is pathetic. I'm a woman, in case you're wondering. Don't get lost. Jon can't have done it by himself. He's just a dreamer. I don't believe I'm even standing here. When he saw me, he raised his hat and greeted me. You had better talk as clearly as you can.

Do you love her too?

It would be very normal for you to be angry with Greg. The police accused her of texting while driving. I'm going to stay with Tait. I've been able to drive for more than twenty years. The person I was just talking to is Deborah. This has all happened before.

I watch the news every evening.

I've been a groundskeeper for over 30 years now. A lot of people in our neighborhood own guns. A friend of mine commissioned a well-known artist to paint a portrait of his wife. I lied to them. Paul is guilty, isn't he? I think you should tell Alastair that you won't be here tomorrow.

One should always tell the truth.

He painted his bicycle red. Why do you need me to find Mohammad? Stephanie got hacked.

How did you pull it off?

I think I have a lot of tartar.

'Technical difficulties' is never a good-enough excuse for failures to deliver.

I've got to do what I believe is right.

I'd like to talk to Helen.

Jane and Vincenzo decided to follow John.

Tahsin hurried off.

How well she cooks! I couldn't do this all alone. This isn't love. I hope you do fine. If I were rich, I would go travelling everywhere.

It's not physically possible.

You have to listen to us.

I'm not a pupil.

Boys who love and take good care of their parents when they are old and sick, deserve praise. I read this article yesterday. Ice is water in solid form. Ping didn't give me time to think. I haven't seen you in years. His sweater is blue.

Uri is able to say 'I like stoats' in over a hundred languages.

Being an amateur translator, Tharen often makes the mistake of writing translationese. Don't let her talk to anyone. Tell me why you were fired. Why can't you tell him? The peddler carried a big bundle on his back. I'd say the same thing. Resort areas abound in tourists. It's okay to cry when you're sad. The atmosphere in that workplace is not very inclusive. He has decided to carry on the work.

The Statue of Liberty is located in New York.

I must ask you about him. How many times do I have to tell you to clean your room? There are about 500 head of cattle on that ranch. Those students are Korean. There is no difference between this row of clothes and the one next to it.

What does Robbin plan to do now?

Please do whatever you want to do. Erwin has gotten himself into trouble before. Stay in Hell. He breathed deeply before entering his boss's office. Was Kristin fired? I must admit that I was mistaken.

Creditors have better memories than debtors.

I'm going to join the school orchestra. Did you just get here? I have a mindfulness meditation practice. Jim slipped on the icy street and hurt himself. You won't believe what Dorothy told me! He denies himself nothing. Faith makes all things possible.... love makes all things easy. Derek's troublemaking days are over. Stay out of this.

Don't overexert yourself.

You've been a good audience.

Is there a supermarket near here?

Melinda hid the house key under a rock in the garden. I told them to wear ties.

Let me go with Hughes.

Would it really be that easy?

I could use the practice.

I always watch documentaries. Call the ambulance immediately! Kiki asked Bonnie if she thought he was handsome. Her consciousness grew fainter as death approached.

Lunch is at noon.

Did you get any rest? The proposed method is applied to three case studies in simulation. Accordingly I gave up my plans. Who wants to party? Elliot immediately drove to pick up Owen from school.

Rob is thinking about getting married.

It was impolite of him not to say goodbye. It's important that she hears this. Casey is depressed and lonely. Neville has a lot of things to deal with. We finally have you where we want you. Welcome to our house.

Let's try again.

You have a dog, don't you? Do you think that I'm not trying my best? When I die, I want to be buried next to her. Prakash is asking how that's possible. Two minutes after take-off, the plane crashed in the middle of a busy neighborhood. He has a beautiful daughter. Why do I have to help him? Not only my nose is blocked but also my temperature is high.

They have plenty of money.

I don't even have a bicycle.

That sounds wonderful.

They're separated. Do you have a permit? I don't believe there is anything in the whole earth that you can't learn in Berlin except the German language. He asked me if I had experience in this area, and I said no. I'm getting ready to leave tomorrow. The strong, gusty wind strived to strip the leaves off the trees. It'll take some time, but eventually Jitendra will be able to walk again. Jesus Christ converted to Buddhism.

He folded the papers and threw them onto the table.

I still need to renew my passport.

Even if you find a solution to change the color of your skin, they are going to continue to hate you. Racists are racists and you shouldn't be stupid with them.

I have a date tomorrow night.

I like going fishing with my dad.

What do you think we must do in order to maintain the peace of the world? Randy said he was very upset. Put the desk against the wall. She left on Christmas Day. The result was far from being satisfactory. The other day, something horrible happened in the busy square. You should've told me Adrian wasn't planning to go with us.

Dan didn't even live with Linda.

You're joking, right? Toft is obedient, isn't he? We need rules. He's such a boob. You should pay attention to your well-being. Why the hell would he do that? Who were you just speaking to?

I'm not feeling very well today.

The European Union is considering banning plastic bags. He loves the son. I'd like to cooperate. They watched Stuart carefully. Why are you dissatisfied with your life? Well, he's a right scallywag. They might be able to help you. She has tried to invite him to her birthday party. We will soon be ready for the party.

Heidi won't be fired.

Pam believed that Ginny was innocent. I believe that's what you said. She has very good manners. That's freaky. Could somebody tell me what's going on? Marla dyed his hair dark brown. Lui dropped to his knees.

I didn't do very well on today's exam.

He was looking for a letter all day long. Let Jurevis finish what he started. How far are you from here? There is no security at the entrance of this restaurant at all. He has yet to get in touch with his mother. You gave me this picture a long time ago. They fought until the end. I gave my brother a dictionary. Cristi looked around nervously.

There's always something to do.

"Here's your dinner." "Dinner for breakfast? Oh boy, this is delicious!" I never got along with Eddie. You knew this would happen!

Deirdre may not make it on time.

Damon claimed that he didn't know his beach house was being used for illegal activities. That doesn't mean that I'll stop doing it. That's not original. As you're starting from scratch you might as well have gone for a major makeover... What exactly happened to you? Please go on. I could write him a note if it would help.

How long does it last more or less?

Have you ever treated children? I've got what I need. I'd like to learn how to arrange flowers. Jeffrey was in his office all morning.

Don't flirt with me, Knut.

We can make shoes. Jason wouldn't pay his bills. I wonder how Sabrina managed to do that. She was satisfied with the new skirt. No matter how much you hurry your effort is just a drop in the bucket. It's not safe for me to be here. Emma has a very poor constitution. I can't afford such a good camera as yours.

Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what virtue and power may lie in medicines.

Please follow me. I'll show you how to get there. Lois opened the envelope and took out the letter. Don't speak badly of him in his absence. What the devil are you doing? Probably, but making a mistake is not equal to saying something unnatural. If someone confuses "your" and "you're", it doesn't question them being a native speaker.

This is the watch that I lost a week ago.

I got up earlier than usual to get the first train. I got rid of all the books.

Kyung and Lucifer were very quiet in the car.

I want them to know the truth. Eddy could hurt me. Would you go to the supermarket and get some butter? If you say that to your mother, she'll kill you! I have a gut feeling that Eric won't pass the test. All social animals use some methods of communication to exchange information and to maintain an orderly community.

Guy said he needed some more time.

You are what you eat. The only problem is that Mahesh may already be dead. I thought I'd try doing it again. He drank detergent by accident. Sometimes the only way out is 'through'.

She saw play after play.

Everything is going very well.

They mean business.

We are dying one after the other. He has started acting strangely. Does the end justify the means? I'm coming with Sylvan. Jesus welcomes you. It seemed that he had been very happy. Haven't I told you everything already? David barely speaks to me anymore. Dan didn't even see Linda.

After three straight late nights at work, I feel like I'm drowning in work.

I was about to get in the bath when I heard someone knocking on the door. I only need a minute. If I were a foreigner, I probably wouldn't be able to eat raw fish. They'll know.

If you continue to remain silent, I'll lose my temper.

Never say never. This is where I absolutely disagree with you. I have studied Italian for a few months. Tell me how to find them. There is going to be a storm. It may be a pity, but it's true. He is putting all his effort into the service of the business. Maybe Kurt wasn't right.

They are willing to learn English.

His name is Kenji, but everyone calls him Ken. I hope Shean doesn't get the wrong idea. That looks close. There's the use of dialects for certain words. Dig a hole here and put the gold pieces into it. She bought a toy for her child.

He's always the first to complain.

Raghu didn't expect that. They had a lovely time together. Let the healthy boy learn to suffer.

Everyone was looking for the missing child.

I want to know what it is. It was the night before the day fixed for his coronation, and the young King was sitting alone in his beautiful chamber. Israel and I first met in Boston. She took advantage of his confusion to escape. We're glad to have you here. One of my earrings is missing. Is the cake ready? "I want a refund on this love potion." "I'm sorry, but this item is non-refundable." Do you think she's innocent?

I want to live in India.

If I won the lottery, I'd buy a new car. Where was Radek when we needed him? In the justice system of the United States, there are twelve people on a jury. They demanded money. If you hammer a nail into the stud, you can hang the picture from it. There were too many people at the concert. Why do you like Ima? Crimea is Ukraine!

Don't give up yet. I'm sure you can do it.

He hit two birds with one stone. Here and now. You're not entirely wrong. Marek wanted to be a scientist. My grandfather re-upped in 1938.

Lesson Two is easy.

Thank you, Maureen, but I'm okay now. With the T.V. on, how can you keep your mind on your studies? She broke her hand punching the wall. There are people going home. Sirius is a binary star system. Sirius B, Sirius A's faint companion, is the white dwarf closest to our solar system. It is about as big as our earth. Her fingers were too weak to fold it. I just wish Price had brought a flashlight. Let's go over to your girlfriend's place!

Pravin was arrested in a nearby town.

It's warm today. Jayesh is clearly upset by what's going on. He always leaves the window open while he sleeps. I never have trouble falling asleep. I played video games after I finished my homework. Is that the best you can do for Shirley? I didn't think about it. Toufic didn't press charges. Perhaps we will find it. I can be very persistent.

The Japanese writing system is very complicated, it has three alphabets with more than two thousand characters.

You're not allowed to camp here. I never doubted Marnix. Did you hear Lowell's speech? See the boy and his dog that are running over there. It's OK if Yukiko can do the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday shifts from tomorrow. That's just false. Do you expect me to believe you did this by yourself?

He wanted to teach English at school.

My brother is an idiot. Has Antony promised to help us?

In other words, he doesn't want to do it.

Haven't we met before? Brazil lost a major politician. Ken and his brother are very alike. You're going to a movie? So many people are much older than you. I think you're ruining your life. We went out for a walk after dinner. We've come to get you out of here. Did you study yesterday?

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world.

It's hard for me to sleep as there's so much noise. It's best for Nikolai not to be left alone in that frame of mind. Wilson feeds his dog twice a day. Sonny never does anything that he doesn't want to do. Dale will take Dana's job. I worked during all my studies so now I have enough money. I don't know how to put it in Japanese. I want this fruit.

Something is always happening here.

I thought you wanted the truth. Where do you want this? Her deathly paleness is due to long illness. I sold it this afternoon. You remind me of Dennis. Please tell me it's not true. My wife Lidia is a beautiful, clever woman. The garrison was forced to surrender. They left the problem unsolved.

Elisabeth denied having beaten his wife.

Get everyone inside. Lucius hardly ever talks to anyone. The boiler was heavily scaled.

I have a fever at night.

He is losing blood. I want at least a 30% discount. Celeste came back home after being gone for many years. Hohn told me to pack up and leave. We need to get rid of that. I have to hand it in.

Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?!

Is it cold in Germany? "It wasn't my fault," said Aimee.

Kindly clear the table after your meal.

I'm glad we saw you.

Cathy isn't old enough to go there by himself.

Ellen wanted to say more, but he couldn't. Then the young bird felt that his wings were strong, as he flapped them against his sides, and rose high into the air. Phiroze doesn't know what to say. Gale is quite attentive. May I see the telephone directory? I should like to see the trees from which you picked these apples. Isn't this refreshing? Lenny started to answer the question and then realized it was a rhetorical question.

I really can't thank you enough that you're doing this for me.

Chip has been taken captive. Romain was the one who took this picture. Could it have been murder? I saw the ramparts of my native land. One time so strong, now dropping in decay. Don't you want to meet her? I'll never let you do that again. The firemen broke down the door with an ax. What is your second question?

Just at that time, the bus stopped.

I am sure Lizzy will be very happy. The fallen tree barred our way. What belongs to you is in danger when your neighbour's house is on fire. Roxane said it really did happen. I shall never forget your kindness no matter where I may go. Can we do this together? The children love listening to stories. I like watching baseball games. Rain or shine, I will start tomorrow.

He thinks in terms of his own country.

I keep all my old pictures in the attic in a wooden box. Following urination I feel as though I still have to go more. The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace.

It reminds me of you.

Angus ignored Butler's advice. Sriram isn't polite. I have my things in my bag. Rhinos are killed by poachers for their horns. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Jeany poisoned himself.

He says he has a bone to pick with you.

I suggest you talk to them. When my father came home, I was studying. She was put in charge of the project, despite having zero leadership skills. I think you can get it. We want him to stay and help.

Green is the color of money.

I know how this is going to end. I think we should wait until Kay gets here. A ship of dreams landed in a nightmare. Could you please transfer me to Mr. Smith? I can't bear to work with him. I put my coat on the table. We have to get you to a doctor. Rapid and remarkable advances have been made in medicine.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The sun was covered up by a cloud blanket. It's very private. Four families lost their lives in the fire. Would you like to sit down? I teach here.

There is evidence that water was abundant on Mars eons ago.

I am not ill. He is a man of quick decisions. Before I do anything, I'd like to talk to Art. We need to do something about that before tomorrow. The oldest son succeeded in doubling his inheritance.

Experts will now pore over the fine print of the contract.

Really? I had no idea! Next thing you know, you'll be telling me water's wet. We have no wish to inconvenience you. What's your name, please? Sanjib and Gerald are both therapists. We need competent leaders. He looks his age. He lay on his back. I am calm. I suppose he's gone home.

Now watch out.

Your plan has the virtue of being practical. What would you take for the lot? I'm used to keeping early hours. Why should I lend you any money?

You talk, I'll listen.

Maybe you should do what Tareq asked you to do. I had my purse stolen in the changing room. In his country, a birthday was celebrated not just for a day, but for a whole week.

The fire destroyed three houses.

Paola and I both spent our time in the navy on the same type of ship. I don't expect you to start now. Is this the place? It isn't surprising that Africans may think of English as one of their continent's languages.

The video is a real lemon!

He will come back in a few days. All of a sudden, the door slammed behind Jean. Judy decided to wear her new bikini.

Brandon isn't young anymore.

February 14th is Valentine's Day. I'm Joanne and I'm an addict. This is how he failed. Her skirt has a slit on one side. Jingbai threw the Bible in the fire. I can stay up late since I am on summer holidays. We would have bought the plane tickets if the price had been a little lower. I didn't do much.

It's then that I had a good idea.

The sea is pretty rough today. We have 5 English classes in a week. If this is not satisfied, we cannot say that the function is monotone increasing. It's OK with me if you take that book. Can I share? I think Bill is only pretending to be asleep. Emily is now looking very tired. I have no one to turn to for advice. I want to see Lois cry.

I didn't say anything to them.

Have you finished eating your lunch? I don't think there's anybody there. He won't be beholden to special interests. I'd like to meet her. This happens to me as well. It's time we went home. You won't be fired. I appreciate your coming.

We're going too fast! I can't play a walking bass line at this tempo.

I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but ... Alastair works as a waitress at a restaurant on Park Street. I hope they arrive soon.

After a while, I noticed that we didn't seem to be walking on the path anymore.

Do you want us to help? What do you have to say about it? The bookshop is so disorganized that I can't find the book I'm looking for. If it's an infection, you might need antibiotics. Bring the bill, please.

I just want to make it up to you.

Clara believes it. Ami will improve. We shouldn't be discussing this now. You know what this is, don't you? Laurianne is a real professional.

This virtual problem is blown out of proportion.

His books are heavier. You're the sweetest.

Would you do it?

You must not give in to his unreasonable demands. Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously. Did you hear what Diane did? Pantelis didn't mean it. Why do Carol and King fight so much? These people are anything but innocent. I'm itchy from mosquito bites. Do you have something for it?

Some national parks offer showers and even baby-sitting services.

I'll go first! Christian knows something. The circumstances of his death have not yet been clarified. As it is very hot today, I don't feel like studying. You have changed quite a lot. He proposed to Miss Lee and she accepted. The defendant was romantically linked with the judge.

You must've had a nice day.

Cathrin hasn't talked to me since we had that argument. Happiness and peace be granted to Germany, our fatherland. All the world longs for peace, reach your hand out to the peoples. The aphelion is the point where an object in orbit around the Sun is furthest from the Sun. Nikolai's bag was badly damaged. Welcome back. We missed you.

Lee hates carrots.

He's a screenwriter.

We don't know yet if he really broke his leg. They'll do an X-ray of it.

I don't need you. In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you. Did he get here last term? They say there are ghosts in this old house. Which flight centre will your sister work for? The crow thinks her own birds fairest. I don't think I've ever seen you so upset.

My father? He goes to the library, to the cinema, to the theatre. He's very active.

I just have one quibble with this product. He lied to us. Is your car fast? Needless to say he is one of the best writers of the present generation. Izchak really had a good time. Wendy waited till the door was closed before he started talking. It's difficult to eliminate cheating. I had tea instead of coffee this morning.

Neal has been away for a long time.

I'm charging this amount to your bill. World War One did not end quickly or easily. May I have a moment of your time? I'll be happy to discuss any problem you might have. Show me where the pain is. We were very busy last week. He is always itching to pick a fight. Those doors should be closed. The average of 7, 10, and 16 is 11.

Jack looks nice.

We should try what Jaime suggested. I'm going to make Clifford wish he'd never been born.

He is a person you can go and steal horses with.

Randolph wants to meet the Dalai Lama before he dies. He applied himself a lot on the project. It looks like a ton of people know her. Ragnar wasn't like most soldiers.

Does anyone need a lift home?

Elric is considered very reliable. I want to give you a goodbye kiss. Joyce suggested a few names Sergio could give her cat. Rolfe looks agitated. The show Hoarders is one of the primary causes of armchair psychology in the United States. Please tell her it's urgent. If you decide to come to America, please let me know as soon as possible. Yesterday, I ate an apple. Gill and Steven are good kids. Do not smoke in public places.

Of course I understand.

It doesn't make Kitty happy. In order to deal with repeat offenders, Mr Johnson is also establishing a "two strikes and you're out" policy - serious breaches of the rules will result in permanent removal of free travel rights. I don't know his address. Those are your enemies. Do your work as you see fit. I wanted to keep my job, so I did what the boss told me to do. Mother has been sick in bed since the end of last month.

This cat is as big as that one.

Wish me luck! She didn't read the book. I have one sister. I'm having really bad luck with my car. He was able to get the information by reading the letter.

I passed the examination with difficulty.

This is a beautiful piece of meat. Elisa is at work. Her children are at school. Serbia is called "Srbija" in Serbian. He couldn't pass the entrance examination. Can you tie a bow? Often I go crazy playing baseball. I'm totally over him.

Since her husband died, Cristina has suffered a lot.

Hurry up, or you will be late for school. A man must work. There is rarely a more beautiful exaggeration in the world than gratitude. He is less patient than his brother. We've still got a chance. You don't dress yourself.

Your summary leaves nothing to be desired.

Owing to a change of administrations, he lost his job. The new boys soon accustomed themselves to the school. She's a skater. One other victim remains hospitalized. Please contact me by letter. He played up his achievements. Nobody equals him in strength. If Morton had been here today, I would probably have seen him.

Money begets money.

When he was in the military, he conformed to the strict army rules. Finally, it was over. Keep children away from medicine. In other words, you're a fool. Majority rule is a basic principle of democracy. He was too old to swim. The workers are expanding the road.

I'll put on some music.

I've never delivered a baby. I know what they're doing. It's not a good idea to go out after dark by yourself. Men make houses, women make homes. I can't play tennis as well as Juliane. He has gone into debt. What made her so angry? I'm not going to eat anything you cook.

I'm starting to think I'm never going to meet Judy.

Gigi and I usually agree on things like this.

There are people who don't like to go to bed early.

Those are very big apples. It's quite good. I heard he had a new girlfriend.

Are you sure we're allowed to swim here?

Their father is a taxi driver.

I met him on the stairs as I was coming up.

I should learn some French. I hear tell you're going to get married.

Move it, Seth.

Spass would just like to know what he did wrong. That TV station broadcasts only movies.

Knapper carried the injured bat back to his house in a cardboard box.

Be bold, European Union, or remain a political pygmy. I've always respected Darryl. They exchanged a look. Martha shot John until he fell to the ground dead. All you need is to get a driver's license. The Japanese do not always make a bow as a mark of respect. Does anyone know where Morgan is?

Kumiko runs as fast as Greg.

It is best that you stop smoking. This is a car and that is a bus. This is the most fun I've had in my life. That's what really scares me.

I still don't like you.

He gave in to my views. Brilliant people have one major drawback - they don't know how to lose.

Hernan Cortes destroyed aztec culture.

If you are hungry, why don't you eat? The wait is finally over. Win asked for my advice. There are very many people who read simply to prevent themselves from thinking. They were taken prisoner. Is anybody hurt? Don't waste your time looking for an obstacle - maybe there is none. Pilar ran home.

They both look very uncomfortable.

You should be proud. You had better not wander around here by yourself. Why don't you come and see me sometime? Have both of you already had lunch? I think that's everything. It had already got dark when we arrived at the hotel. I have a friend who knows him. Sharan recruited John as a security advisor. The stone is perfectly smooth. All the color went from Tracy's face.

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.

We'll try not to let it happen again.

I can't believe you live in that building.

All of the milk was spilled. If you're really in love, water tastes like expensive wine. The alarm clock is set for 5 a.m. The crucial verb in SQL--Structured Query Language--is "SELECT." SELECT statements return row sets from tables, cursors, joins, or the row sets returned by other SELECT statements. This thing terrifies me. It wasn't easy for him to keep his promise.

He called me from across the pond.

You shouldn't have talked to Rogue. I could sure use a drink.

He speaks without an accent.

You were just doing your duty. My hens laid fewer eggs last year. I need you to believe in me.

She raised the boy to be a fine person.

Arlene has never had a job. You must work hard if you are to succeed. Let's not go overboard. The two quarreling children sat making faces at each other. I'm so busy it makes my head spin. What the fuck do you think you're doing? I advise you not to borrow money from your friends. I think you did it. There seems to be something wrong with our telephone. Kory liked animals.

That university conducts its entrance examinations using a computer scored answer sheet.

It's a popular tourist destination. Not all of us are against his idea. Are you a translator? My office is located downtown. I was open and honest. She sat next him with her eyes closed. I wonder what that's used for.

I'm no longer afraid of them.

To see the sunrise from a mountaintop is a delight. Have you ever seen him eat? I must have diabetes. Where did the money go? Let's try calling Hugh. Carolyn got some wrong on the test. You should set a good example to your children.

The lift has an automatic door.

I don't think Steen is listening.

How are things with you and Anatole?

When was the last time you swept the yard? Has she come? That movie was shown on TV.

There are many such birds in the park.

Korean food is generally very spicy. This is obscene. How long have you been in town? Where did you help them? Although the United States is a developed country, it still has some very poor people. It's not even true. I missed the beginning of the movie. They are disappointed in their son. My mother was busy cooking the dinner.

Tell me the time when you will come.

That writer is well known all over the world. This new operating system is literally a Trojan horse. This is an excellent point, Professor Tanaka. He was renowned to be a very good pilot. Adlai saw someone standing outside his window. Why did you not go to Boston? What size are these shoes?

I'm not like that.

You can come as often as you like. I wish I could be as happy as you. I don't skin their animals. Sergiu is a rocket scientist. I haven't found a job. Everything is going to be fine. When did you find out the truth? George was running. I wonder when this building was constructed. Does Ravindran know you're doing this?

He regrets having neglected his studies in his school days.

Shakil can't whistle. As for me, I have nothing to complain of. Why do you always have to overcomplicate things? Leora acted like a jerk. Has anyone heard from her? I wonder who killed him.

"This used to be such a friendly place." "Tell me about it."

How did you get here ahead of us?

Father often helps me with my homework.

Sometimes we teach, sometimes we learn. You've got to fight that tendency of yours. Do any of you want to volunteer? Jennie may not want to go swimming with us. I put in an hour of jogging before I go to school. There was a continuous line of cars. Our teacher frequently overlooked the names of people on the list.

My dad just called.

It's presumptuous to call this a palace. Essentially, it's a big house. Can I use your phone, please? Spy didn't want us at his party. I'm going to be waiting in front of the station. I couldn't get to sleep. I'll take the shortest route. It follows from this that he must be innocent.

Lynnette graduated from college in 2003.

We had to postpone the gathering because of rain. You go to school in order to study at university afterwards. Why don't you just fire them? You're absolutely correct. "Aha!", they said. The accountant miscounted the money. I've been having some bad luck.

This sofa is very comfortable. Everyone who's sat on it loses the desire to get back up.

He came as a witness to testify concerning that light. He kept quiet while we were talking. I still have a lot of questions I want to ask.

I am deeply ashamed.

Are they Japanese? Miss Jones made a face when she heard the news. I use Google every day.

People often lie about what they did on the weekend, so their friends won't realize how boring they really are.

Where would I find CDs? Vicky read thirty books last year. He has a camera. We'll meet Hume in thirty minutes. What am I being arrested for?

Sekar is not happy.

That just doesn't make sense. The argument ended in a fight. I'm real sorry for all this. Jitendra suspects that there is something unnatural about Anthony's passion for stoats. Do I have to do it right now?

Lynnette is afraid to go there by himself.

I don't think we have any chance of winning.

Are you interested in this going with us or not?

The river invaded the whole region. The dessert is still missing. Something is the matter with my watch. Where do you live at the moment? I know everything there is to know about stoats. He didn't want to do it.

They are waiting for you next to the long white house.

The Persian Gulf is located between Iran (Persia) and the Arabian Peninsula. This discovery opened up the floodgates to research and led to the establishment of the discipline as a legitimate field of inquiry. Willie never took his eyes off Brent. Pravin protested. I gave him a few books. Come on over.

Everyone should be extra careful.

Choose any dress you like. I need one now. Heather is obsessed with animals. Ami asked me how many languages I spoke. Elsa wants me to take Rudolph to the party.

Brooke got involved with people he should never have gotten involved with.

They all knew her. Call it what you want. You don't have to work so hard.

Love is not what you think.

My financial worries are past. What proof is there? Get a ticket for me. We know this song. My sister has youth and dreams. Press the button.

Aarhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, has the zip code 8000.

A Mr Smith came while you were out. Rabin stole Sugih's purse. You must finish this work in a week. Tolerant said he didn't want to buy anything for Rodent. You're going to be all right.

Did you suggest that to him?

The inexorable force of the waves crashing against the shore over millenia, caused a huge section of the headland to fall into the sea. Please keep your cynical remarks to yourself. The crocodile, which produces only male young in hotter weather, might die out too because there will be no females to breed. A snowflake landed on the tip of Janet's nose. If this is the best of all possible worlds, what are the others like? That's why you came back from Boston, right?

I'm learning English.

A small car is cheaper than a big one. I don't think she usually tells lies. Your hair looks nice. Is this your umbrella? Five hundred soldiers were sent to the city, with less than half of them surviving. You have to be prepared for anything. Nothing is planned yet. Okay. To be precise, it is understanding the flaws that I don't. Is Theo old enough to drink?

I have to get moving.

Aimee read the letter to Spyros. They don't look happy to see us. I have received your letter and read it with delight. Japan is the best country under the sun. We caught two foxes. Beckie can swim fast. I changed my mind about going out and stayed home. "I have a boyfriend." "Since when?" Knapper runs the fastest.

Tony made us some coffee.

Wendi held out a chair.

It's more than just that.

It seemed like a nice idea at the time, but I wish I hadn't done it. The line outside the club stretched around the corner.

I like having friends in every country.

She doesn't wear the cheap stuff. Wes ate all of it. Now you're being silly. The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations.

There are sixty seconds in a minute.

Whether happiness is the supreme value or not, it is earnestly desired by man. I was thinking I'd like to buy you a pair of earrings. We've been watching you. I can recognize him even in a crowd. The whole country was excited by the news. I am knackered.

If you want to get something in life, you should go against the flow.

What made you decide to come here now? I didn't say I worked out. Mario is irritating because he always has to have his own way. I didn't sleep well yesterday. I suppose then an 8-Gigabyte hard drive will be adequate. They decorated it. I've got a message for you. Charlene watched attentively. I suggest we leave immediately. The class was made up of 15 boys and as many girls.

The problem is all parents wants their children to go to Harvard.

I laid myself on the grass. Call 1-800-828-6322 for a free brochure. Are you surprised? Israel switched his phone to manner mode before he walked into Piet's office. We're going to a movie. Are you old enough to vote? Hohn, there's a call for you.

Mayo will come back home when he gets hungry.

"Will the porters come with their master?" "No, they will come alone." Marco has a large dick. Twelve divided by three is four. What's that vocabulary? Have you read Himawan's new book?

After all, I'm a waste of space.

We know that you lied to us the last time we spoke together. We were landed on a lonely island. His life was full of ups and downs. It seems that much damage was done by yesterday's battle. India and China are two BRIC bloc countries.

He got home at seven sharp.

I never got to talk to her.

I was not jealous.

He has a second job. Where on earth is Sri?

It's OK to be disappointed.

Didn't you take also another picture? Sid doesn't like Boston.

Jos and Rob are best friends.

They're enemies. Clarissa simply couldn't keep up. Come on, we're almost there. I think this is for you. Sergiu, wake up.

Sentences past this ID are sentences added by contributors of Tatoeba Project.

That's what I figured. No asked me if I would mind helping him. She phoned him several times but he was too busy to return her call. At present, nothing goes smoothly; the Females of the Family are united against me. Do you know where Holly is? They became lovers. Let me see it.

I didn't realize you and Kimberly were so close.

Chuck has known Izchak since childhood.

I want to find out what happens next!

What do you mean I have too much personality? Santa always gets what he wants. Break for bath & food, back in about 40 minutes! Olaf doesn't have to do this. Maximus is the savior of Rome. Oliver and Kitty respect each other. He is the manager of the marketing department. I did my best today. I don't really like Danny anyway.

Hello, are you Mr Ogawa?

Please tell your friends about it. I used to dream of him. I'll cut your head off! Why is my father in the kitchen? Apparently, the bus is late. You obviously can't handle this.

Sharon was just not ready.

No one disagreed with Brooke. I want to know what time to come. Martin had his secretary make three copies of the contract. He reads novels every day. Roberta got a letter from Santa Claus. I told Maarten I'd have to think about it. I played with the computer. Cathryn always makes me angry. Sometimes I see him at the club.

I recommend we keep our distance.

Donne is a reporter. Are they going out? What an idiot I was to lend him money. Who is eating? There's a problem with that. Last evening I was rung up by an old college friend whom I had not heard from for years.

I would like to chat with you by e-mail.

Nothing happens without God's knowledge. You can't go in there yet. He intentionally stepped on my foot on the train. Chances are that I will be late for work. Clarissa has a pretty good idea who stole his trumpet.

Do you need any money?

I should have tried out this electric shaver before buying it. It's hard to love two when you don't know whether the two love you as much as you love both. The U.S. president's passport is black, not blue like an average citizen's. Don't you have something that isn't out of my price range? The cause of Novo's illness was overeating.

I don't know any other way to do it.

You must miss it. I've got some very good news. You wouldn't go off and leave me, would you? We'll help them any way we can. Even though I felt that there was something strange, I just didn't know what it was. Belinda has been suffering a lot. I was pardoned.

Whose friend is he?

She likes birdwatching. Edward pressed one of the buttons. It was a mess. Please turn right at the next intersection.

The radar was jammed.

By chance, I met my professor at a restaurant last night. Spike is a high school dropout. What they did next was bad, even by my standards. There were few students left in the classroom. When I die, I want to be buried next to her. Hume runs as fast as you. I think it was Matthias's idea. I gave you explicit instructions not to touch anything. Hermes gave humans modesty and justice. This problem is a real challenge.

Pollution is bringing devastating consequences for the regional ecosystem.

It is difficult for me to read the book.

I knew you were smart enough to understand.

They're Russian. Finally, we reached the top of the mountain. This hotel was built last year.

I'm sure that's what Warren would want.

James tells me the same thing all the time. I'm tired of studying. Sanjib followed Justin into the hall. My fever won't go away. I'll ride my bike. Why is the table so wobbly?

Stu's frantic.

My younger brother can run about as fast as I can.

Chew your food well so it can be digested properly.

I wasn't able to find what I was looking for. The highways in this country are excellent. It is difficult to love somebody when it's not clear whether or not the other person loves you the same way. She wanted to buy the book. This is a nematode worm. He is reputed the best lawyer in this city. "That's clear evidence of guilt," said Gabriel. "Not necessarily," replied Maria. Let's get back on track. We're anxious. If students today had more free time, they might show more interest in politics.

The nights are always getting darker. They're turning the lights on later.

Holly said he saw a shark the other day when he was swimming. One of the gentlemen who were present addressed the pupils. Nathaniel skipped the conference last year as well. Where do you want to work? There may be a killer who looks harmless in any social network.

If you go, they'll go too.

Agatha is a good husband and a good father. Thad is a great presenter. If my mistakes were always corrected, I would learn faster. Lorenzo owns a large piece of property.

I want you to explain it to me in more detail.

I saw the girl. Stout fellow you are, bro!

We are extremely competent.

Miltos really likes sports a lot. Was that your question? We have a lot of rain in June. Why do you want to rendezvous with people who are always angry?

Jim jumped for joy when the news came.

There are those who translate and those who fuck shit up. When did you first suspect it was Hein who stole your money? New Zealand is home to many unique plants and animals.

The station is near at hand.

We've got nowhere to go. Brigham Young continued to lead the Mormon church. The movie rights to a successful novel is easy money for the writer of the novel. I guess you don't need my help anymore. It is forbidden to read books in this bookshop. Tovah started to come in, but Rudy stopped him. He cut himself with a knife yesterday.

Dan didn't even have the courage to deny the accusations.

I can't answer why, but I can tell you how. It won't matter. Jack was born on August the tenth.

Karl's mum was pleased.

I don't remember doing that. What did you give Bradley on his birthday? Russ turned red. When my wife crosses her arms and taps her foot I know she's angry. May I go buy some ice cream? A good mastery of these idiomatic expressions and skillful use of them in writing essays.

Proficient in English, he is looked on as a good teacher.

I can pilot a helicopter. He had gone there to help garbage workers strike peacefully for better pay and working conditions. Romain just got a promotion. Hon spilled some red wine on his white shirt. This is all a big misunderstanding. Good night, Tandy. It can't be helped. What can I do to convince you? He took an exhilarating walk along the riverside. China is now the world's second largest economy.

What do you think of your job?

Obscenity is whatever happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate. I just saw them. He was surprised by what he learned. How crazy is Patricia?

My eyesight isn't as good as it used to be.

Good morning, blue skies! I'd like to get another opinion. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. Isn't that what needs to be done? I still have things left to do. One cannot live solely on air and love. What is the company's competitive advantage? You must not forget your schoolbooks. We must baby Leads until she gets well again. I don't know how much it cost.

Shutoku strummed his guitar.

Lee wondered what Martha had been thinking about. All intercultural encounters are a win-win for both parties, as they provide an opportunity for learning. At least one of us is a man. I have a lot of work I have to do. Today, you might get arrested.

I'd love to come with you.

Only members of the club are entitled to use this room. Srinivas fell from his bike. We liked the food, especially the fish. My husband's not in town. I don't know anything about horses. Did you slash Johnny's tires? Charles died happy. We felt sympathy for her.

We have rules.

I love my teammates. Is that what happened with him? She stopped picking daisies. It's a bit too early to gloat. The amoeba is a single-celled organism. I can remember when you were just a little girl. Do you really mean it? Did you do this by yourself? Prakash treats everything like a game.

I am fed up with his vulgar jokes.

Frederick will fill in. I wish I were as handsome as he. He acknowledged my presence with a nod. Danielle was almost blind. Didn't you have a reservation?

Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?

"Eh? Is the tangent cosine divided by sine?" "Other way round!" This party's packed. I will do anything that you ask. That seems to make sense.

I would help you if you were in trouble.

They stopped crying. Ricardo is my first name.

Could she make herself understood in French in Paris?

He has great enthusiasm. I can't for the life of me remember her phone number. You're an attractive woman.

The American government has always regarded England as America's house pet.

Here's a list of our demands. What train did you come on? This is a statue of Jupiter.

I wish to see her immediately.

I'll be there for you. Don't rush on my account. Has he ever snored? Some people write books for money, others for pleasure. I failed the exam. London was bombed several times.

I wish I could speak French as well as Ima.

Marcia has no interest in golf. Can I keep you company? We must try to preserve the remains of ancient civilizations. Bertrand wanted to fire Konrad, but John stopped him. Put your guns away.

You pay for quality.

The firemen broke down the door with an ax. You should try to avoid prolix wording. He made every effort to pass the exam. How many more pages do you have left to read? You're a good father. I got a good seat. What's the longest French word you know? I was at Kyoto once.

He had a large family to support.

He is too little to take the book from the shelf. What were you up to last night?

Come on, move it.

It's what I do. Dieter will be safe with us.

Stan didn't read any of the messages Ilya sent to him.

Why did the newly married Japanese man say something bad about his wife? I have to talk to you about Tomas. The dog quickly ate everything in its dish. Clarence broke up with Mascia today. I don't take orders from you. Our delicious coffee is made from freshly roasted coffee beans. I was so busy today that I didn't have time to eat lunch. Did you know that before? That's not real.

Don't put it that way.

The lights glare terribly. Sarah, could you close the blinds? Gigi is our hero. We have a little time before the next train. Be nice to the babysitter. How did you get that black eye? I can't place him. Where was the princess imprisoned? I'll have Lonhyn go right away. There go the twelve bars blues.

Jim didn't know how to tell her mom the truth.

The whole family is enjoying good health. Please write down the correct form of the verb. I didn't read any of those books. We're going to practice. That statement is false. Pull yourself together, now. There's no point in crying.

I just want to get this paragraph right.

I know you speak French. I told her what should be done. His condition got worse every day. I'm sure Suyog will tell us the truth. John is sure to win the game.

I was just angry.

I wonder if what I wrote was correct. It is a bird. I need to pay my rent. Please don't take the documents out of this room. I'm fed up with this wet weather.

Nobody wanted to believe Sanford.

Edwin means nothing to me. I feel bad about lying. There is a mysterious legend surrounding this lake. Don't look so shocked. He said he was sick, which was a lie. He promised not to tell another lie.

I'm worn out by the hard work.

Does anyone know we're here? Earl pretended to be working hard, but in fact he was just contributing sentences to Tatoeba. Joachim shook the bottle as directed on the label, but unfortunately didn't fasten the cap first. Maybe I'll see you later. Can you spin a basketball on your fingertip?

Once you start dating the sleazy old professor, disillusionment sets in.

Jin made enough soup to serve twenty people. Ragnar argues just for the sake of arguing. I may not see you ever again. These images are beautiful. What a heartbreaking story! She can fix the heater. Marcel played baseball after school with his friends. Orville knew that Shean was married. Please let me come with you.

He is an amateur gardener, but his flowers are beautiful.

I promised to leave him alone. She's entertaining herself.

It was so cold that he was shivering.

Each person has various reasons for going on a trip abroad. The pain was terrible. Oskar knows it. You'll embarrass them.

I bought an eight-acre farm for my retirement.

We're supposed to be helping them right now. We don't have any privacy. By whom was this machine invented? Hein hasn't worked in three months. I know a very good way to get it done.

I'm not a monster.

He put on his sweater wrong side out. His opinion is in conflict with mine. The public library will be giving away old books this Monday. I would like to make a request. Don't ask me why but, he ran away when he saw me.

I never doubted it.

Can you figure out this problem? I'd be lying if I said I had never smoked before. Tell us what that means. We're unusual. We returned to Honolulu on April 2. This is useless. They make themselves out to be poorer than they really are. I don't need an SUV.

Sean should be back shortly.

She says that she did nothing wrong. Can you try this number again? He wouldn't even speak to me. She yearned for something more than living in a small house in the countryside. She focused on her work. What happened? There's water in the whole apartment. She helped him get over his bad mood.

Today isn't my birthday.

I listened to the top 10 songs of the eighties. The driver opens the door. Ronald (his manager), Bo (his agent), John (his make-up man), and several girlfriends get in. Be bold, European Union, or remain a political pygmy. He learned the news while reading the newspaper.

Next time, I'll do it myself.

What did you say yesterday? We all missed her. Sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years. Red suits you.

Stephanie really is happy to be here.

I didn't need to understand French to know that they were angry. Vishal isn't going to listen. Through the window, I see a river. I'm not used to seeing you like this. We have all the time in the world. I advised him on what books to read. Even if the performance is good, I still say we drop the project. You can't be two places at once.

Hard work and dedication will bring you success.

I phoned. I think we can beat them. There are many ways to improve one's life. What should I do if Nora comes? Spy is sending me unsolicited love letters. Did you take your medicine? Einstein has been dead for nearly forty years. Do not misunderstand my words. Should I address you with the familiar or polite form of "you"?

The group tried to solve social problems.

Remain exactly where you are. Don't tell crude jokes in the presence of my father.

You're out of your depth here.

I cannot bark like a dog. I'm a cat. I expect that to continue. They were wrong. I can't believe it. I hope they appreciate it. It reads well. The following morning she said close to my ears: "We're going back to Paris tonight. He says that there's no way that he'll leave me alone in such a sad place. That's how it is." New is better than old.

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