Friday 23 February 2024

just a reminder on tomorrow's gig in Požega + new Nuclear Altar rehearsal video

so tomorrow is the day, old friends from Wasserdicht and Nuclear Altar will have gig in Požega, I bet it will be great show and also throwback in some older times, I'm sorry I can't be there, mostly because of my fckd up work time, I have to work on bloody Sundays too, but also it's a little to far away from the place I live..
anyhow, it seems crew from Nuclear Altar is serious into preparation for the gig, here is a short video from rehearsal for one of their newest songs which they will probably perform 1st time live..




when?........................24.02.2024, Saturday
where?.......................caffe bar Beer, Ti & Ja, Požega
who?..........................WASSERDICHT hc punk crust, Slo
                                   NUCLEAR ALTAR crust, Cro
entrance?...................5 € 






and just a little hint, Wasserdicht will be playing in the beginning of the next month in Čakovec, which is far closer to my place, so most likely see you there, although in theory even then I can't go because of work, but will figure out something until then..

Thursday 22 February 2024

GREIA / EKBOM mini tour March 2024

I'm not into grindcore anymore to be honest, but from the younger bands there are few good ones which I notice lately, mostly thanks to this blog or their appearances on some diy places I follow and one of them is Greia from Slovenia/Italy.. at least I like the part of their songs where they don't use this death/goregrind pig squeal vocals which I absolutely hate.. in rest of the songs where using "normal" growls they sound like good old school political grind band and that's always welcome here..
anyhow, they are hitting the road in a few weeks and join forces with Ekbom, to me not really interesting mathgrind band from Italy for the mini tour through Croatia, Slovenia and Austria..
so if you are into grindcore check it out and support them while they are at your place.. 
awesome tour poster, btw..



Tuesday 20 February 2024

WARKRUSHER - live @ Podrum, Rijeka 17.09.2023. - video

from their last year's euro tour, show in Podrum, Rijeka.. one of my biggest mistakes from last year, I mean because I miss this.. hell..
video is from here:

Monday 19 February 2024

upcoming gig in Skopje, Macedonia

when?.............................23.02.2024., Friday
where?............................Bravo Bar, Skopje
who?...............................SPEWN sludge metal punk, Mac
                                       SMOG d-beat raw punk, Mac/Bel
entrance?........................200 ден

upcoming gig in Zadar, Croatia


when?............................24.02.2023., Saturday
where?...........................Nigdjezemska, Zadar
who?..............................STARVATION crust metal, Cro
                                      PONOR hc punk metal, Cro

Sunday 18 February 2024

THE TRUTH - Ko Će Ako Nećeš Ti? - 4 songs preview of upcoming LP

well, well, what do we have here?.. probably you all already know The Truth which are really long lasting hardcore band and they are pushing this story of theirs for almost 20 years, even more than 20 if we are counting the period when they were called The Truth Of XXX and they are pretty much present all the time on diy hc punk scene here, maybe not with a new records every year, members are from 2 different countries so this is one reason it's something more difficult for them to write new songs and making music, but they do tour a lot (they covered almost the whole Europe, from Lisbon to Kiev all the way to Istanbul)  and are active on some other fields as well, like with zines, label, discussions, etc.
my relation to this band was always mixed up, I don't often listen this kind of music anymore, they are not a kind of band whose records I will buy and listen at home, but I always respected them, was enjoying their live shows because they are always energetic, they talk a lot in between the songs and that's almost always interesting to me, and well as a matter of fact I even took part in releasing of one of their latest albums "Tenzija" with my old, now inactive label..
and now I can tell you that if all songs will be like those 4 which we get for preview they can become even better to me, now also musically because I like those songs so far.. they aren't as usual just fast one minute sharp attacks from start to finish, but now they seems like becoming a little more structured in song writing and include some backing vocals as well, some lyrics and refrains are also on point and catching so they will probably soon become sing-along hits.. and just to mention, one more plus is I feel the vibes of and whole thing lightly reminds on legendary Razlog Za..
anyhow, this material was recorded on even 3 different locations (Beograd, Kragujevac and Zagreb) during 2021/2022, the record itself is supposed to have 14 songs all together, album cover artwork is done by Biblical Violence Illustrations and vinyl should be out in spring of this year, so probably in next few months.. until then go visit their bandcamp and put those four songs on repeat but be careful because you don't want to destroy your place with moshing.. or maybe you want.. 1-2-3 go!..


Saturday 17 February 2024

FILTH OF MANKIND live in Tczew, Poland and Hradec Kralove, Czech R. (?!)

the other day I fond two awesome older video recordings of live shows of Filth Of Mankind, they are both great and in good quality and I just need to share them here because they are interesting and amazing discovery and I'm glad that someone preserved and now share them online.. there's not much info about them but one is from the gig in Tczew, city in Poland from 2003 and other could be from 2007 and this years edition of Play Fast Or Don't festival, if my excellent detective instinct didn't deceive me this time.. maybe I'm wrong, if someone knows more, feel free to live the comment..
I remember watching them once some 15 years ago at Balkanikacore meets Krastival fest but I was in so fcked up condition and intoxicated I couldn't enjoy in their show properly (I remember in one moment I threw up behind the stage during their performance, heheh, what a mess, that's the real Filth of Mankind experience), but hey, at least I had a chance..
anyhow, both videos are awesome, so play them loud and enjoy!..
they are from this youtube channel:

Friday 16 February 2024

upcoming gig in Belgrade, Serbia

when?........................23.02.2024., Friday
where?.......................AKAB Okretnica, Belgrade
who?..........................WASSERDICHT hc punk crust, slo
                                   EVA RAS emoviolence, Ser
                                   PERIPETIJA punk, Ser

Thursday 15 February 2024

MATRAK ATTAKK South America tour March/April 2024

they will do it, trust me, one day they will tour this whole damn dying world.. if you are more or less regular visitor here you already know everything about Matrak Attakk, and if you don't and you are into some diy anarcho punk/crust/grind noise check them out, you won't regret..
this time they will hit South America and will make stops in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Paraguay, so support them if you are from this part of the world.. I'm sure it will be another one great adventure..

Wednesday 14 February 2024

EGO weekend in Finland 16-17.02.2024.

Ego, Berlin based dark punk band will play two gigs in Finland this weekend and those will be:   
16.02. Tampere at @vastavirta_klubi and
17.02. Helsinki at @lepishelsinki
support if you are there.. 
and if you still haven't, check their great new album "Grob" which was released on Agipunk as vinyl by the end of last year and just recently as a tape on Doomed to Extinction in USA..

Tuesday 13 February 2024

KLÄPTRÄP - Dipsomania For Conquest - is out now!!!

when I 1st time heard about this new band made up from old crust punk wolves (Stef from Visions of War and Stick from Doom among others) after they released their furious and great debut "Songs About Wrongs" I was pretty sure it would be one more short lived project formed just for this one recording session and consider this release as a product of one night hanging out and drinking by its members, but hey, how I was wrong.. just the other day I was planning to write few words and make post about their 2nd demo "The Bullshit Continues" which was released during September last year which is great and angry same as the first one and is on my playlist for already some time now, I saw that they already have the new one!.. it is named "Dipsomania For Conquest" and they continues in the same tone, all 3 are recorded, I believe in the same studio See you in Disneyland in Duisburg and are production vise very similar.. on this last one there are 10 songs all together and this time just maybe little cleaner, not so raw and primitive as on 1st two but still fast, angry and direct crust punk in this simple old school anarcho-punk way with male and female vocals which works nicely together and the whole story reminds on some past times when punk was engaged, radical and played without much complications and there wasn't any overproduction of the recordings needed..
there isn't much information about this band on the internet so I don't know what they are planing for the future, if they are playing gigs and if there will be some physical version of this release, it seems for now is available only in this digital form at their bandcamp page, but I heard somewhere that first two were self-released by the band on tapes so hopefully this one will be to.. in meantime go on bandcamp and blast it loud!..

Monday 12 February 2024

TERMINAL FILTH - Tomb Womb - promo track for new album "Traces Towards Oblivion"

new album by Terminal Filth from Berlin, who are well known already to all stench crust lovers despite their relatively short existence, was recorded in October last year and now will be ready for pre-orders by the end of this month or beginning of March from Agipunk.. after diy demo and awesome debut LP "Death Driven" they will hit us with another heavy dose of stench core crust in veins of the good old Deviated Instinct/Antisect/Hellshock and similar acts and vibes..
for now only one song is available on their bandcamp page, named "Tomb Womb" and it is the perfect example if you want to describe this band: something lengthy track (little over 6 min with sample intro), it starts in slow, heavy and gloomy tones bringing some Amebix alike dark atmosphere, slowly becoming faster and finishing as real crust core attack, fast and brutal.. I'm pretty sure that this will be one another great stench core classic and also a nice record.. amazing artwork, same as on their previous work is done by Stiv of War..
My birth was the death of the world
The artery of the universe split open
With my first cry time began to bleed
Now I am spoken – now I am written
A portal of ruins appears
Sole witness of an incision into the starless nothing
Through centuries of misery
My flesh turned into paper
My bones built the scaffold
Of the dying light
Hear the curse of silence – in this ocean
The night immense embodied
In me as I taste an end
For the first last time
A tomb I carry again and again
Hear the curse of silence – in this ocean
And again I’ll embrace this despair
Follow those traces towards the end
Swallowed by an aging eternity
Off … on the path of exile
Hear it! As it arises from the depths
That roar of the empty … space




Sunday 11 February 2024

25th anniverssary of R.A.F.A.L. Crew

oh well, I'll be damned, this is totally insane, what a line up!!!.. R.A.F.A.L. crew situated in Metelkova Mesto in Ljubljana will be celebrating 25th birthday this April, for last 25 years they are organizing some top notch crust and hc punk gigs and festivals in club Gromka, there isn't even one, more or less significant band out there on this our diy punk worldwide scene who ever toured Europe and which didn't cross their paths with Ljubljana and have a gig there.. hope they will continue in the same tone for the next 25, so let's all wish them all the best!..
and just look at this beauty below..


Monday 5 February 2024

upcoming gig in Požega, Croatia

hey, what a gig!.. two bands, old friends from Ormož and Požega, with "dangerous" crew which had significant role in 90s and early 00s diy punk scene here at ex-yu area and even wider, as a matter of fact they still have, not only with their bands but also with all sort of other activity and engagement.. Wasserdicht are definitely back with old line up, this time with something "cleaner" sound than in their chaotic early years but still angry, fast, uncompromising and without unnecessary complications or following trends and Nuclear Altar are one of the rare which are still keeping alive this old Požega's specific sound and diy spirit.. I'm sure this will be one hell of a fun, so support it if you can..
poster artwork is by Kktz..

when?........................24.02.2024, Saturday
where?.......................caffe bar Beer, Ti & Ja, Požega
who?..........................WASSERDICHT hc punk crust, Slo
                                   NUCLEAR ALTAR crust, Cro
entrance?...................5 €

Sunday 4 February 2024

CIVILIAN THROWER / PROUDHON euro tour February/March 2024

great old school grindcore band Civilian Thrower from France, which is already well familiar to the regular readers here at crucified freedom will hit the road again, this time they will join forces with partners in crime and their fellow countrymen Proudhon with whom they also have a split tape released last year.. check them out and support while they are at your place or city..



Saturday 3 February 2024

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

what?...................13th birthday of Klaonica squat
when?..................10.02.2024., Saturday
where?.................Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?....................NEVEN hardcore, Ser
                            BONEASH neocrust, Cro/Ukr
                            ZAGUŠLJIVI DIM rock, Cro
                            MAJAK hc punk, Ser
                            SUKOB hc punk crust, Cro
                            GRÜND grind crust, Slo
                            OPRAN MOŽGAN crust punk, Slo
entrance?............10 €

Thursday 1 February 2024

upcoming gig in Pula, Croatia


what?...................benefit gig for animal shelter "Snoopy"
when?..................03.02.2024., Saturday
where? Monteparadiso, Pula
who?....................PASMATERS hardcore, Cro
                             LIQUID SUPERCHARGE r'n'r punk, Cro
                             MAZUT d-beat punk crust, Cro

Wednesday 31 January 2024

APSURD interview for Out of the Darkness #10 fanzine

you wasn't able to read some interview here for ages, right!?.. well I completely lost any will and enthusiasm for making them but I always like to read some here and there.. the other day I accidentally stumbled upon this one on Out Of The Darkness site with good hardcore punk band from Belgrade - Apsurd, which appeared somewhere around 2017/2018 with a bang out of nowhere hitting us with their interesting and pretty original, on one hand fresh and energetic sound but at the same time heavily influenced with darkness of primitive hardcore and punk from ex-yu area from 80s or early 90s period.. they dominated the whole region shortly after with numerous gigs and mini tours, they released two records, one on tape and second as collection of two EPs on one full length LP vinyl, both released on Zagreb based label Doomtown Records.. after this initial "hype" around them and right as they were supposed to conquer the whole Europe (they were already confirmed for the later canceled edition of K-Town Festival in 2020 and had invitation for USA tour, as well in their pockets) they kinda disappear and can be seen only on some local gig from time to time, pretty much as many other bands during these fcking covid era and infamous lockdown that hits us few years ago, so I found this interview as interesting reading and good reminder on them.. also with looking forward to hear some news from them in the nearest future.. 
interview was originally published in 10th issue of Out of the Darkness 'zine (March 2021) and is on Serbian, unfortunately for all of you which don't speak or understand it, but hey, if you're curious enough you can always try with some online translator..
Osećaj je mnogo dobar, kao što sam rekla odrastala sam uz kasete i ploče i napokon dočekala da imam ploču svog benda. Da, nažalost virus i ploča su stigli u isto vreme tako da je osećaj slatko-gorak jer sve što je trebalo da se desi sa izlaskom ploče je odloženo i sada smo, kao i cela planeta, u najgorem periodu neizvesnosti, da li će se stvari vratiti u normalu ili prisustvujemo velikoj promeni kada se “stari” život bukvalno čupa iz korena.
- listen Apsurd here:

Monday 29 January 2024

KORIDOR - Kroz Pukotine - LP will be out soon and is ready now for pre-order!!!

first full length material of Zagreb's finest dark post punk band Koridor will be out soon and is now available for pre-orders from Doomtown Records.. for more info about it read text below from Doomtown crew..

The long-anticipated full length album from Croatia's best kept secret brings nine bleak anthems full of hypnotic and repetitive feedback driven post-punk influenced by the 80s ex-Yu punk scene.
The dramatic vocals, ranging from yelling and shouting to spoken word, are accompanied by a procession of razor sharp guitar riffage, punchy bass and tight drumming all culminating into the bleak punk record that doesn't shy from some of its influences, one of which is definitely GRČ's cult dark punk album "Sloboda Narodu".
There's also something in the sound that reminds us of the death rock witchcraft CHRISTIAN DEATH's RIKK AGNEW managed to pull off on their classic Only Theatre of Pain, but at the same time we must mention PADKAROSDA, a fairly recent band whose legacy sneaked from Budapest into Zagreb's DIY rehearsal basements. Don't sleep on this amazing record, it's huge!
The band already toured the USA with the NAG and are one of the most hard working bands with their members currently involved in some other bands like THE CELETOIDS, INDIKATOR B and DEZINFORMACIJE.

Limited to 500 copies, 400 on black and 100 on white vinyl.
Each copy includes a risographed insert and screenprinted A2 poster.

Artwork by Aki.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Nikša Eršek.
Vinyl master by Will Killingsworth, Dead Air Studios.

Vinyl will be ready to ship on 21st February.

Pre-Order LP here:

Preview 3 songs here:


Recently we switched from selling stuff on Bandcamp to Bigcartel so we wanted to make sure you know where to get our stuff so that why you ended up on this mailing list.
Some latest releases like CRNA ŽUČ CS repress, PARNEPAR CS represses as well as KPAX 12" and LEFT TO STARVE 12" are down to some last copies, same goes for MURO flexis and other AUTSAJDER PRODUKCIJA and COSMIC BROOD releases. Tons of other goods (vinyl, tapes, books, zines, shirts) added to the distribution too!

Saturday 27 January 2024

FILTH OF MANKIND - The Final Chapter 2xLP is out soon!!!

re-issue of this iconic masterpiece, one of or maybe even the best crust album in history is almost ready and available for pre-orders on Ruin Nation Records.. it's actually not only re-release of "The Final Chapter" album but also some bonus tracks are included, those from "Czas Końca Wieku" 7" and two extra tracks previously unreleased on vinyl which makes this release as decent and well deserved discography of the band..

"An legendary classic of 90'ties Polish CRUST is finally back in black. FILTH OF MANKIND not only took their name from an early MISERY song but also managed to put a ton of more heaviness on top of the already crushing MISERY sound and developed a soundtrack of moody, ultra heavy and atmospheric CRUST with heaps of Death Metal. The impending doom was never put into a crust punk album with more accuracy. Now, after more then 16 years since it's last vinyl reissue, this masterpiece is finally available again faithfully remastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege.

F.O.M. formed in Gdansk, Poland in 1996 and only recorded the 7" and the album before the classic line-up folded in 2001 with members parting ways to concentrate on new projects. Just one of them being the mighty MORNE from Boston,USA. A version of F.O.M. continued for a few years but never recorded anything during that period. Michał and Pawel "Balon" went on to form DEATH CRUSADE who are also still active today.

The Lyrics, all sung in polish, dealing with poverty, repression, racism and exploitation all wrapped into a dark vision of the impending apocalypse caused by capitalism and warmongers alike. Nothing that is all news but also nothing that has resolved over the years. - The album features an insert with translations into English.

Vinyl copies of this Discography double album come in a heavy Gatefold-sleeve with Insert Poster and an etched D-side, featuring a design by Hillarie Jason.

Tracks 1-8 originally released as "The Final Chapter" (2000) originally released by TRUJACA FALA, HG FACT, DEVIL MACHINE and BLACK WATER RECORDS. Tracks 9-12 originally released as "Czas Końca Wieku" 7" (1999) by SCREAM RECORDS. Tracks 13-14 previously unreleased on vinyl.

All tracks recorded at Radio Gdańsk Studios by Roman Dmowski.
All tracks mixed and mastered by Roman Dmowski & F.O.M.
Everything remastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege, 202"

Thursday 25 January 2024

MATRAK ATTAKK February 2024 gigs..

just a few gigs Matrak Attakk will play this February, warming up for South American tour!..
awesome poster, btw..

23.02. - @ cafe Nocturna, Hasselt (Belgium)

24.02. - @ Frost Punx Picnic, Mülheim (Germany)

25.02. - @ Centre Culturel Libertaire, Lille (France)

Wednesday 24 January 2024

upcoming gig in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


when?................27.01.2024., Saturday
where?...............AG Club, Sarajevo
who?..................SMRT RAZUMA hc punk, Cro/Ser
                           MOCA I BIZNISMENI punk, B&H
entrance?...........10 KM 

upcoming gig in Belgrade, Serbia


what?.........................benefit gig for SAWA fest
when?........................27.01.2024., Saturday
where?.......................AKAB Okretnica, Belgrade
who?..........................NABLA hc punk, Ser
                                   NAGON hc punk, Ser
                                   KPAX hc punk, Ser
                                   URLIK punk, Ser
                                   VRŠNJAČKO NASILJE punk, ser

Monday 22 January 2024

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia


when?................26.01.2024., Friday
where?...............Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?..................BIBLE THROWER crust punk, Cro
                           STARVATION crust metal, Cro
                           KILLING YIELD hc punk, Cro
                           VLKN hc crust metal, Hun
entrance?............7 €

Sunday 21 January 2024

SMOG / ERGOPHOBIA - Paran​ö​id Visions - split 10" is out!!!

awesome little split by two, we can say crust "super groups", on one side Smog (with members from Disease, Angza, Last Legion Alive, Serial Pissers, Silence Means Death, etc) from Belgium/Macedonia and on the other Ergophobia (members from Visions Of Wars, Voidfiller, Pokol, etc) from Germany/Belgium is out and available on numerous diy labels like Up The Punx, Rawmantic Disasters, Romantic Songs, Death Trap, Aspects Of Noise just to name a few...
from Smog part of this split there are 5 trax of total Disclose and Japan raw punk d-beat worshiping which means fast, chaotic, distorted, loud and straight into your face message that dis nightmare will never end.. and from Ergophobia you'll get even six songs of brutal mix of crust core and raw punk, more in 90s euro style, with angry, multiple male/female vocals.. 
anyhow, it is one more interesting record which proves how diy punk community is connected and well organized, no matter if you look at the bands whose members are from different countries or at numerous labels from all around the Europe which were co-releasing this.. and did I mention that Smog's recordings were mastered in Japan!?.. so support it if you can by buying your own copy..
and for online streaming, two songs from Smog side you can check: HERE
and Ergophobia side is basically first 6 songs from material you'll find: HERE
and for full version on youtube go say thanx to Billy .Crustie

Saturday 20 January 2024

NUCLEAR ALTAR - new song "Ustanak" from rehearsal..

new song by Nuclear Altar from Požega, Croatia named "Ustanak" (Uprise O.E.) from their rehearsal.. with some Doom-ish vibes..



Wednesday 17 January 2024

FLOWER - Heel of the Next/Physical God 7" is out!!! + euro tour 2024

well, this is brilliant!.. Flower one of the best current crust punk bands out there, which shook worldwide diy punk community like massive earthquake, about a year ago with their outstanding debut full album "Hardly A Dream" which was released on Profane Existence now have a new material, a 2 song EP which is available on their bandcamp and also like pre-order for 7" vinyl record which will be released very soon on band's own label Peace Of Mind records in the US and on Fight For Your Mind in Europe.. both songs are, as expected real crust punk bombs in veins of Nausea, Sacrilege, Antisect and the likes..
and there are even some better news, they will be touring Europe this year in August/September and among others will visit Croatia, something which was hardly a dream just few months ago now slowly becomes a dream come true, hehe, really looking forward to this one and hope everything will be as planed and will actually happen.. can't fckn wait!.. until then go check it on bandcamp or youtube and play it loud and I mean really loud!..



Friday 12 January 2024

GUTTERSKULL - Chthonian Moribund Sovereign - new demo is out now!!!

new demo by Gutterskull, a one man project from old indestructible diy warrior Kktz is out and available on bandcamp.. he continues with this, not so common but surely interesting, mix of raw d-beat music and black metal vocals which results in pretty specific, primitive old school black metal punk sound which you'll like the same, no matter if you are metalhead or dis punk worshiper.. this time only 5 songs with grim and dark lyrics on such we are already used to from him, even names of the songs speaks enough for themselves, also some of them brings back some old memories, at least to me because even it's maybe not so known fact but Gutterskull from its beginnings continues from where one older primitive hardcore band of Kktz called Propast ended (shortly lived from 2011-2013) and I'll give you out a little secret, 3 songs from this demo: Corpses, Pastilend Breath and Dead are actually old Propast's songs..
sound and production on this one is great, somehow more similar to the earlier GS releases, the d-beat punk side maybe comes out more to expression (which is always a plus to me, because I'm not known as some big fan of black metal) and here again the whole thing sounds more as actual band is playing unlike on latest demo "Coldness of the Bunker" which was good but I didn't like it as much as other releases..
anyhow it's a short but killer demo and I can't wait to hear this on cassette, hope there will be some.. until then go visit GS bandcamp page and destroy your speakers with some black punk filth..

btw, it looks as Kktz is active as hell lately with his solo projects (besides GS, also with Talog and Tenebrositas) putting out tapes, CDs and even LPs, also his full line up band Nuclear Altar is back from the dead with few gigs done in last couple of months and some are still in plan, also he is hitting us every a while with those already recognizable and characteristic for him dark, minimalist and simple but terrifying and effective artwork which I was always fan of and all that are some great news.. so for more info about his work and stuff check out Olden Sonorities blog..

Saturday 16 December 2023

upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia


when?.................22.12.2023., Friday
where?................Podrum, Rijeka
who?...................KORIDOR dark post punk, Cro
                           LOPOČ punk, B&H
                           SIOUXIE & THE SKUNKS garage punk, Ita

Wednesday 6 December 2023

SAWA benefit

2 more benefit gigs for SAWA festival in a row.. this time in Belgrade and Zagreb.. so support it if you can.. and just to mention, gig poster for Belgrade's one - wow, I'm speechless..

when?........................09.12.2023., Saturday
where?.......................AKAB Okretnica, Belgrade
who?..........................NEVEN hc, Ser
                                   SEDATIV punk rock, Ser
                                   LEPTIRICA post punk, Ser
                                   PERIPETIJA hc punk, Ser
                                   STREET FIGHT hc punk, Ser

when?.....................16.12.2023., Saturday
where?....................Močvara, Zagreb
who?.......................ATHEIST RAP punk rock, Ser
                                KRIVA ISTINA hc punk, Cro
                                LOŠ PRIMJER punk metal, Cro
                                SMRT RAZUMA hc punk, Cro
entrance?.................11/15 €

Wednesday 22 November 2023

WASSERDICHT live @ Gromka, Ljubljana 18.11.2023. - video


they are back!.. definitely.. full show video from the last Saturday's gig, 47 minutes of oldschool hardcore punk crust core.. they were always one of the best in the "business", although pretty chaotic and wild in the early days.. new album will be out very soon and until then, turn the damn volume to the max and enjoy this footage.. 
and of course go say thanx here:

Friday 17 November 2023

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia


when?.............25.11.2023., Saturday
where?............AKC Attack, Zagreb
who?...............RULES hc punk r'n'r, Cro
                        U.B.T. raw noise punk, Cro
                        FROM ANOTHER MOTHER post hc, Cro
                        + fanzine promotion and exibithion
entrance?........6 €

upcoming gig in Požega, Croatia


when?..........................25.11.2023., Saturday
where?.........................Tom klub, Požega
who?............................VIPERA r'n'r, Cro
                                    STARVATION crust metal, Cro

upcoming gig in Sisak, Croatia


when?......................25.11.2023., Saturday
where?.....................Skwhat, Sisak
who?........................NAILED IN hc punk, Cro
                                 OMČA punk r'n'r, Cro
                                 FUDRINJOS punk, Cro
                                 ŽULJ punk rock, Cro
entrance?..................5 €

upcoming gig in Kraljevo, Serbia



what?.............................benefit gig for SAWA fest
when?............................25.11.2023., Saturday
where? Play, Kraljevo
who?..............................SMUDOS hc punk, Ser
                                       SEDATIV punk, Ser
                                       TOTALNI PROMAŠAJ hc punk, Ser
                                       SMRT RAZUMA thrash hc punk, Cro
                                       ZENTH hc punk, Ser
entrance?........................400 din