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Dual Universe

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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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The real reason why the game doesn't have more players is because of this:

I'm sorry, user. I tried to find some current articles from 2023 on Dual Universe, but I could not find any relevant or reliable results. It seems that Dual Universe is not very popular or well-known in the gaming media, and most of the articles are from previous years or from obscure sources.

Come on NQ get it in gear!


Here is a long overdue advertisement for Dual Universe:

Have you ever dreamed of exploring the vastness of space, building your own ships and stations, trading with other players, or waging war in a fully editable sandbox universe? If so, then Dual Universe is the game for you!

Dual Universe is a first-person Sci-Fi MMO built and driven by players, in a single persistent universe. You can build almost anything out of voxels, from simple hovercrafts to massive orbital stations, using one of the most advanced voxel technology ever created. You can also script your creations with Lua, adding interactivity and functionality to your designs.

But Dual Universe is not just about building. It’s also about living in a dynamic and emergent world, where you can explore new planets, mine resources, craft items, trade in a free economy, join or create organizations, and participate in territorial control and combat. You can also interact with other players in various ways, such as chatting, messaging, trading, or fighting.

Dual Universe is a game where you have the freedom to create your own destiny and shape the universe as you see fit. You can follow your own goals and passions, or join forces with others to achieve common objectives. You can be a peaceful explorer, a ruthless pirate, a savvy merchant, a visionary architect, a fearless leader, or anything in between.

Dual Universe is a game where you can experience the thrill of discovery, the challenge of survival, the joy of creation, and the excitement of adventure. It’s a game where you can leave your mark on history and become part of a living legend.

If you are looking for a game that offers endless possibilities and unlimited fun, then look no further than Dual Universe. You can buy it on Steam for $14.99 and get one month of game time. You can also subscribe for longer periods and enjoy additional benefits.

Don’t miss this opportunity to join one of the most ambitious and innovative MMO projects ever made. Dual Universe needs you!

Visit the official website or the Steam for more information.

See you in the stars! 🚀

Dual Universe is a very interesting game. It is a first-person Sci-Fi MMO built and driven by players, in a single persistent universe. You can build almost anything out of voxels, trade in a free economy, lead industries, travel through space, explore planets, or wage war in a fully editable sandbox universe¹. It is reported to combine elements of Eve Online and Star Citizen, as well as Minecraft, No Man's Sky, and Space Engineers³.

What did Dual Universe do right?
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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What did Dual Universe do right?

I know people love to complain, but I think DU did a few things that were very special and a breath of fresh air in the game market.

  1. Seamless Universe - the ability to go from planet to planet through the atmosphere and then land on the ground is an amazing achievement. All in a single shared universe in multiplayer? Amazing.

  2. Physics - The fact that you actually have to design and fly your ship in (mostly) full Newtonian physics is so cool. Sometimes my favorite thing was just designing a ship and then figuring out how to get it to space while carrying different loads.

  3. Voxels - The voxel engine where anybody can make anything is so flexible. Probably one of the best building systems in any game.

What do you think?

Dual Universe Coming to Steam
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe response to Chris' note
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This is the subreddit for everything related to Star Citizen - an up and coming epic space sim MMO being developed by Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games.

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Dual Universe response to Chris' note

From their facebook:

We're amazed by the support we are having with our Kickstarter campaign: A big thank you to our community! And today, a special huge voxel "thank you" to Chris Roberts and the Star Citizen development team for mentioning us in their latest "Note from the Chairman". Let's push the sci-fi game genre forward together! Have a nice weekend! :)

Including that gif.

EDIT: Here is the Note from the Chairman

Dual Universe Launch Trailer
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe Unveils a Standalone Version That Lets Players Host Their Own Fully Customized Private Servers
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe Unveils a Standalone Version That Lets Players Host Their Own Fully Customized Private Servers

Legion is taking a break from Dual Universe. What's next?
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Legion is taking a break from Dual Universe. What's next?
r/DualUniverse - Legion is taking a break from Dual Universe. What's next?

Is the Higgs field evidence for an inherently non-dual universe?

The holofractographic unified field theory, as developed by Nassim Haramein and physicists at the Resonance Science Foundation & [Hawaii Institute for Unified Physics]( This theory explores the fractal, holographic nature of the structure of space and thus, how the totality of all is within each piece - unifying physics and solving quantum gravity.

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Is the Higgs field evidence for an inherently non-dual universe?

In the high-energy state of the early universe (hot and dense), the Higgs field was at zero value, representing a phase of perfect symmetry. All particles were massless, and the fundamental forces were unified.

The universe began to cool as it expanded, and when the temperature of the universe dropped below a critical point, the dynamics of the Higgs field changed.

The Higgs potential, which determines the energy of the Higgs field, has a specific potential. Initially, the field was at the top of this potential - zero. As the universe cooled, the Higgs field underwent a phase transition, moving from the top of the potential to a point in the "valley" where the field's value is non-zero. This transition represents spontaneous symmetry breaking.

Once the Higgs field acquired its non-zero VEV, it broke the electroweak symmetry, differentiating the electromagnetic and weak forces and began interacting with particles to give them mass. The strength of a particle's interaction with the Higgs field determines its mass.

This event, the spontaneous breaking of symmetry in the early universe, is what resulted in what we now perceive to be differentiation.

Dual universe developers BAN players over a "market HEIST"
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual universe developers BAN players over a "market HEIST"

Online Dual Universe Item Database and Planetary Calculator
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Online Dual Universe Item Database and Planetary Calculator

Hello novean friends, Wolfram here!

I'm passing by to share two small projects I've been working on over the last few months, the Dual Universe Item Database and the Celestial Body Calculator!

Item Database

As the name suggests, it's an easy-to-use online database that works similar to a wiki and contains detailed information about the game's items and their recipes, including:

  • ID, tier, categories, volume, mass and density;

  • Crafting recipes for that item, including when that item is a by-product of another recipe;

  • All recipes where that item is a direct ingredient;

  • A separate list of all honeycomb types where the item is used for crafting;

  • A full list of parts and items where something is used in the crafting chain;

  • An optional list of items that were deprecated, removed or hidden, but were available on the Lua APIs;

  • All items have shareable links, in case you want to share something cool you found;

There's also an upcoming feature where you will be able to see which planets and moons have certain types of resources, simply by viewing that resource's page. This is currently on hold due to a bug on the Atlas file.

Celestial Body Calculator

This calculator is a kind of visualization of the game's Atlas, and currently features:

  • General information about gravity, such as the force at 0m altitude and which altitude the force equals 0.01g;

  • General information about atmosphere, such as the max altitude and the 10% transition altitude;

  • Information about the surface and number of territories;

  • Max construct altitude;

  • Simple calculator where you can input an altitude and get information such as the gravity force, atmospheric density and circumference length;

I hope those tools might somehow come useful and make the game more enjoyable for you, fellow novean!

Review of Dual Universe
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Review of Dual Universe

In depth review of Dual Universe, 24-Sep-2020.

I played for 24 days, and a total of about 250 hours; payed subscription, without any special treatment or assistance from anyone.

The game is in beta, and there were a lot of minor hindrances, which I assume will be corrected. I have no issues with the vetting process and put effort into not letting it effect this review.

The game has some serious problems with grinding, busy work, and overly complex building and flight mechanics. New players should expect a very steep learning curve. This game is not for everybody!

First issue is one of plain boredom. Players need to travel to a market to earn money and purchase difficult to craft items. Players select their own plot of land to mine and develop. All the plots close to the core markets have been taken. My travel time was twenty minutes each way in the starter ship, but only twenty total in a speedier ship I built just for the task. I still spent a lot of time flying back and forth (10+ hours). This problem will get worse as more players claim their plots and distances increase. Once in space, travel times increased substantially! My first trip to the moon took hours, then even longer to get to a ‘near-by’ planet.

Mining is a necessity, providing an early income source and raw materials for building. Plan on spending a huge amount of your time pointing at rocks and waiting. Deep digging takes patience to slowly tunnel down to ore deposits, using a graph showing only how close you are. This is very tedious and not much faster than mining surface rocks. The whole “getting warmer/colder” mechanic is out of character in a game with teleportation and space travel.

Laying out and building a factory was rewarding. Each successive refinement allowed for faster parts production. I ran into the limitation of connections between machines and containers, preventing me from expanding further. Other players and some organizations have created huge factory complexes by setting their machines in series and having them produce only a single type of part. It will cost a lot of time and resources to convert my parallel plant and I do not know if it will be worthwhile.

I did not purchase a ship or ship parts, instead making them on self-made equipment . Each ship part (pilot seat, radar, wing, etc) is assembled from components. Each component requires several pieces, made from sub-components, made from simpler parts, made from alloys, smelted from mined ore. There are crafting guides to help in keeping track of all the pieces, but I still needed to move them from one machine to the next. Getting the right number of parts to the right place, efficiently, took spread-sheets and brought “tedious” to new heights. Some ship parts took a day to produce and required dozens of manual steps. Building a small ship to reach space took days of doing nothing more than tending the manufacturing process. I made some advanced items, getting up in the middle of the night to start the next step, in an effort to shorten the wait for the final product.

The artist part of ship design was a lot of fun and it was very amusing to see what others had done, but the aesthetic aspects of a ship are heavy and a hindrance to getting it to fly correctly. Mine and most other’s looked like a collection of junk. Still, the sense of accomplishment received by creating something functional and beautiful is strong and the game excels here.

The mechanics of getting a ship to fly into space, then land with cargo, is a very complicated process and difficult to get right. Unless you are familiar with Newtons, f=ma, and physics of space flight, you will be forced to design by trial and error. Selecting the right mix of components from the hundreds available, is a daunting task. Even with a good working knowledge and a lot more spread-sheets, I had more failures than success. (Hint: There is a sweet spot for very small ships and very large ships; in between it is difficult to get the right ratios of weight to lift.) Based on the number of claimed plots (player count) and the small number of people in space, I would conclude that very few players make it to space successfully, and far fewer do it in self designed ships.

Ship design is further hindered. There does not seem to be a lot of margin between what works and what does not, nor is there a test facility or insurance. Failing to design a perfectly working spaceship, or improperly executing the complex reentry maneuver, means you will need to repair every part on your ship. The repair process is pointing at the broken component and holding the mouse button. For my small ship, this was an hours long process, which I needed to do multiple times. I thought surface mining was the most boring thing to do in the game. I was wrong! Watching your ship burn-up in reentry is spectacular, but, failure is not an enjoyable way of learning, especially when you learn so little at such a huge loss of your time.

Players who come late to the game will find it even more difficult. Premium land will be gone, resources will be gone, cash will be harder to earn as the market shifts value from the easily obtainable to the most difficult to produce, and early adopters will have established themselves in the PvP areas, building bases, and refining ship designs. Already, huge factories have been build, able to quickly produce anything the owner wishes. New players will not have it as easy as the first and will have trouble catching-up.

The concept of the distance vs. the real time it takes to travel, the choice of challenging vs. tedious when gathering resources or making currency, the complexity of rocket science and human habitation in space vs. being understandable and easy to operate, the time to earn in game currency vs. the time saved by spending it, the concept of wasting your time as a punishment, and a multitude of other game mechanics, need to be in balance for a game to be enjoyable. Choices in game design seem very difficult to get right, even more so for space based games. Dual Universe seems to be well out of balance in a lot of areas.

I spent most of my game time waiting, traveling, or performing repetitive tasks. Even more than that was spent writing spread-sheets and doing research. I even reviewed my college text on Cost Accounting. Despite an unusually large effort and strong wish otherwise, this game is not for me. The draw of designing my own space ship was overshadowed the costs in time and effort.

I expect the population to dwindle down to the hard-core very quickly. There is not enough substance to keep the average player engaged for very long and the developers have chosen to artificially lengthen the process by adding time-sucks and gated-delays. Most of us will recognize this for what it is and quickly move on.

I think that Dual Universe misses the mark and will be very difficult to correct without changing the character of the game.

Dual Universe load test codes/links try du
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe load test codes/links try du

here is a link that will let you play from July 31st at 2pm (UTC) to August 3rd 2pm (UTC). please only use it if you can play at these times

the link only has so many uses

DualUniverse - disgusting support (it's missing)
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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DualUniverse - disgusting support (it's missing)

r/DualUniverse pay attention to my problem. Ticket #72469

First time my heavy hauler ship exploded by itself and thrown into space. He just was standing on the ground , I entered the game and it exploded all over in front of my eyes. It happened 3 days ago. Already many times my ships were exploded with no reason while standing on the ground. I tired to repair them. This is a very, very expensive ship!!! I bought it for 85 Millions. I had to farm for a long time to buy it.This time I created a ticket asking for my ship to be returned in good condition. But no one answered. I don't even know - has anyone read it? Does the DU have technical support at all?

Ok, I repaired it myself. It was long and costly. Thank you for help((((((((

But today I got another problem.

Now I entered the game and found myself not on the ship. Now ship is underground 12 km. on Tades. And I cant spawn on Ressurection Node onit. I spawned on Heven, but I need to spawn on Tades on my ship. How can I get my ship from underground ? Fetch not working. Thereis no right to dig here.

Return me please my ship. And TP me please to it.

Game nick EXDIVINE

Ship name Jopovozuk_geeksogen



If you cant do it, just refund me 100 mil. quanta ( 85 ship cost + 15 moral costs )

P.S. If you do a search on the official discord with the query "the ship exploded", then you can understand a terrible thing - in the Dual universe every day people lose ships due to bugs. This is terrible. And it's even more terrible that the developers do not address these problems. Think very well before buying this game.

Dual Universe "Economy" by the Extraction Cartel
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe "Economy" by the Extraction Cartel

It has been 2 months since DU launched and “Economy” by the Extraction Cartel is back up and running. The original market analysis from Beta has been updated for release and has some great new features.

You can find it at or this direct link to the analysis

  • Macro Market View

  • Micro Market by Market view

  • Alioth Board of Trade (raw and refined materials)

  • Item history and analysis

  • Trade routes

  • Real Estate brokerage service

  • Player market service

  • Base Build costs

I started and stopped this post 3 or 4 times as the future of the game seems to hang in the balance. Ultimately, I decided to release this tool to the general public for three reasons:

  1. I’m a huge fan of what Dual Universe could be and I very much would like it to be successful

  2. The subtitle of Dual Universe is “THE SPACE MMO ENTIRELY BUILT AND DRIVEN BY PLAYERS”. While I do hope for more market tools from NQ, this is my contribution to the game.

  3. Information is power and I hope this tool helps players understand the market and engage in the broader player driven economy

To others who are working on similar market analysis tools, please feel free to reach out to me. I’m looking to collaborate and help deliver a high quality tool to the player base.

I hope you find this tool valuable. There are undoubtedly mistakes so if you find one, let me know.

In Game: Roustabout or MissFortune
Discord: Roustabout

Dual Universe: Update 1.2
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe: Update 1.2

New Exclusive (IGN) Dual Universe Trailer
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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New Exclusive (IGN) Dual Universe Trailer

EVE Ships in Dual Universe
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/r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships

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EVE Ships in Dual Universe

I've seen a few posts about Dual Universe on here and EVE types posting pictures of their creations within DU. I no longer play DU as the mining changes last year were a bit much and there is also a wipe imminent prior to launch. But for those that are curious I made the Rorqual.

Took about 1000 hours to recreate.


As some of you have been kind enough to ask for more pics here's a couple more creations along with another one of Rorqual. Yes a baby Prometheus and of course an attempt at the Talos. The last vid I made prior to quitting last year, a random walk around the base I created with a Star Wars vibe, some other random ships I had built and ultimately culmintates with the Rorqual itself.

Is dual universe anything like Emperion?
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Empyrion – Galactic Survival is a true space sandbox survival adventure that uniquely combines elements from space simulations, construction games, survival games and first-person shooters. Construct mighty capital vessels, sprawling planetary settlements, and vast space stations in your galactic journey to discover the mysteries of Empyrion!

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Is dual universe anything like Emperion?

Other than the $15 a month (f#$*ing) subscription price. It looks a bit like the game I enjoy so much. I come back to Emperion over and over because its so much fun, but I get board after I get a CV so I put it away for many month and then start aging

Dual Universe - How To Calibrate Mining Units
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe - How To Calibrate Mining Units

Dual Universe General Starter Pack
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe or Eve Online 2?
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Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe.

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Dual Universe or Eve Online 2?

With the recent changes and the way the markets been going does anyone else get the Eve Online vibe?

I’m starting to get the feeling that in 1-2 years most of the planets and space will not be something the average player can enjoy unless you join one of a few mega corps that charge you crazy amounts of coin to be part of the Corp. Basically turning the entire game into 5 or so Code corps (to the devs - google Eve online Code)

Outside of Sanctuary planets where players that can’t afford or do not want to be part of these corps hang out and mine their little spot until it’s empty and realize they can’t build much once the resources are depleted (and can’t afford the insane market prices - it’s already happening as there is a lot of price gouging in the new player areas - just like Eve) then they will hang out in the market for a few months eventually unsubing. Which causes a revolving door of new players that only stay a few months. Not to mention the million and one farmers selling coin on the net for real cash (yeah it’s illegal in everyone’s terms but look at Eve) which in turn spawns a million and one bots and Nova having to spend real dollars to combat this, which in turn takes away a lot of development time and leads to lack luster updates. I could go on and on and on, seen it, done it etc etc.

I’m a sapphire Kickstarter and purchased patron just to support the game with the hopes that this game would be the farthest thing from Eve but I guess there’s really only one cookie cutter for sandbox PVP.

Was really hoping Nova would have broken the mold tho...

  • Welcome to the official Dual Universe subreddit, the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit. Developed by the Paris-based game development studio Novaquark, Dual Universe is a first-person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game. Immerse yourself in this groundbreaking gaming experience and join our dedicated community to discuss updates, strategies, and engage in the boundless world of Dual Universe. members
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  • The holofractographic unified field theory, as developed by Nassim Haramein and physicists at the Resonance Science Foundation & [Hawaii Institute for Unified Physics]( This theory explores the fractal, holographic nature of the structure of space and thus, how the totality of all is within each piece - unifying physics and solving quantum gravity. members
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  • Empyrion – Galactic Survival is a true space sandbox survival adventure that uniquely combines elements from space simulations, construction games, survival games and first-person shooters. Construct mighty capital vessels, sprawling planetary settlements, and vast space stations in your galactic journey to discover the mysteries of Empyrion! members
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  • r/Starbase is a subreddit for the Sci-Fi MMO game Starbase by Frozenbyte. members