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Sandbox game alignment chart that I made, id love some criticism

r/RimWorld - X lawful good neutral good chaotic good lawful neutral lawful evil M SB true neutral chaotic neutral g neutral evil chaotic evil Kony
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I try to learn Kenshi from time to time as a traveling merchant. So far, the quickest way I make money is looting the aftermath of a battle.

u/Tayl100 avatar

Remember to pick up the unconscious bodies and sell them into slavery. You get paid the same no matter how many limbs they have

Smart idea! Next run I will def try this.

u/Tayl100 avatar

Well, that was mostly a joke, it's only 400 cats per slave. If you want to stay mostly morally justified, try to bait dangerous animals or cannibals towards nomad caravans. May not take down the whole thing, but you can scavenge the pack animals of they get attacked.

Or steal. That's much easier. If you have picked up everyone inside a building, it's a 100% chance to steal anything inside the place.

Oh it was a joke! I will take note of both ideas, and guarantee I will die a few times. It's a very interesting game I got to get into.

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u/Doctor_Pepp3r avatar

So Rimworld is neutral because their slave market takes limbs into account?

u/Tayl100 avatar

Rather, Kenshi has ultimate equality. EVEN the disabled can find a fulfilling career...mining rocks in the desert for the rest of their lives as slaves. The United Cities don't care about your skin color, gender, or ability. You too can be of use to some pissy noble!

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Sooooooooooo, remove the legs so they can't run away?

u/Tayl100 avatar

You're selling the slaves. Not your problem if they run away once you get paid.

In fact, if they run away, that's another payday for you, since you can sell em again


I just meant they would be easier to transport that way. Just toss them on a cart or something.

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u/Kapitan_eXtreme avatar

Is this too easy for r/nocontext?

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By far the easiest way to make money in kenshi (to the point that it trivializes the entire game economy and disenfranchised me from it completely) is theft.

You can naruto run into a shop, fill 6 bags full of shit, then naruto run out, and MAYBE a guard sees you, but you can naruto run faster than any guard so I They'll never catch you

I may do this! Currently playing my first game as a group of escaped slaves. I really need the money to just to get by as my squad is currently wearing rags and trading away foul meat for first aid after all the beatings. Thanks for the advice.

Dont do it

It quickly makes the economy trivial, meaning base building is trivial because why risk being self sustaining out in the open when you can fund a raid into the other side of the map with a 10 second heist?

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u/RedKrypton avatar

Kenshi's economy is pretty badly balanced so it makes sense.

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If you are looking for a pretty solid living early game I would try and get your hands on a pack animal and just go mine copper somewhere outside a large town. You can make enough money after a few runs to buy a house in town, that will let you have a place to build an upgrade bench. Plus your character will gain strength filling up their pack with copper like that

Thanks for tip! I just settled in the Borderlands and I believe there is copper nearby. Will get my escaped slaves to work.

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I found the best way to make money is the "Gucci headbands" method. Just dedicate a guy to crafting headbands until he makes really high quality ones. Then have a few traders that go from shop to shop buying up cloth and selling the headbands. Its a pretty easy way to make bank once your dude is high enough crafting.

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It's called Scavenging and it's full time job !

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u/erlkonig9001 avatar

I think Rimworld is just Chaotic Chaos...

u/Tinskinn avatar

Rimworld is netural because it has potential to be any alignment. You can swandive into the deep end of the pool of evil, but it's entirely possible to beat the game without commiting any crimes against humanity.

u/DHA_Matthew avatar

it's entirely possible to beat the game without commiting any crimes against humanity.

It... It is?

u/LMeire avatar

Raiders give up after a while as their stress builds up so you don't even technically need to murder them.

u/AK_dude_ avatar

I have only achieved this by funneling them through a corpse maze which is arguably worse than just killing them

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u/beefycheesyglory avatar

Think of it as a challenge mode.

u/DHA_Matthew avatar

I might have to try a pacifist run, but I'm currently working on 4 different colonies and doing my best to stop myself from making more lol.

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My colonies typically start with hippie drug lords. Grow lots of drugs and manufacture them and alpaca and muffalo clothes to sell. Typically allows me enough silver and if I need something quicker I have an artist craft some sculptures.

At some point though I get bored of that and start selling organs.

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u/slightly-lions avatar

My longest-lasting colony has been my semi-pacifist doctor one (no war crimes, try and save everyone after battle, even raiders)

We're working on building up a spaceship now. Our biggest problem recently has been wealth. It costs a lot to feed everyone since we're nearly 30 strong (with at least twice as many animals)

Plus this one thief stole an entire stack of advanced components after we were recovering from another raid and all my colonists were in the hospital

Never managed to find that many again...

u/riesenarethebest avatar

Damn advanced components are expensive af

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u/Bobboy5 avatar

I once made a peaceful alpaca farming community. They raised alpacas and made parkas from their fur. They made it off the planet with 11 dudes and their favourite alpaca, Dorothy. No war crimes, no human rights abuses, and only as much violence as was necessary to survive.

u/Inlaudable avatar

Well, "yes", but actually no.

u/DHA_Matthew avatar

My favorite meme lol

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u/Thimascus avatar


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u/Graega avatar

You can, but then most people are just going to end up feeding the raiders to the pigs and then eating the pigs.

u/Tuppie avatar

You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, most people would feed the raiders to their colonists and then feed the colonists to the pigs.

u/afoolskind avatar

Piggly gets only the best, 100% Raider-fed colonists

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u/SirNanigans avatar

You guys don't feed the killed raider to the captured raiders?

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u/Hobbitlad avatar

I feel like my colony always collapses after a couple years due to weak defenses or small food supplies but I've never tried any of these war crime methods. I'm always afraid of hurting my dudes feelings and treating a body badly. Maybe that's my issue.

u/Hell_Mel avatar

Many of us don't usually play Rimworld as a "Crimes against Humanity" simulator. I'm currently running a rather successful hotel with the Hospitality+Tenants mods.

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So, Kenshi and Starbound, right? You can ‘swan dive into the deep end of evil’ but you don’t need to commit any crimes.

In Kenshi, you can be a slaver, or you could be a liberator. You could be a master thief and assassin, or you could provide a home to the homeless.

In Starbound, you could have ‘tenants’ that pay you to stay into a cramped prison cell, steal, and murder. Or you could just save the universe like you are supposed to.

I’m not quite so certain about the other games tho.


It's nearly impossible to do anything in Kenshi without hurting someone or something. Unless your playstyle consists of "stay as far away from any and all NPCs" and quite literally nothing else, you will be supporting pretty evil things no matter what.

You can't really train any skills without harming anything, and most of the people that you're forced to harm are simply down on their luck (starving bandits being the most obvious example).

You can't really do crafting only either, because you will be helping the economy of someone, and that someone is very likely going to do bad things, which you would be supporting.


Reminds me of the times where I'd capture a prisoner and make them fight in a locked room against one of my armed people. Just do it on repeat until they level

If the dust bandits just asked me for a job on my cactus farm I would gladly take them on... But instead they rot inside the cells located in my dining hall as they starve to death...

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u/EricTheEpic0403 avatar

To add onto what the other guy said about Kenshi, helping or hurting literally any faction has issues.

Supporting United Cities is supporting slavery and oppression. Opposing them leads to the starvation of hundreds and the destruction of a civilization.

Supporting the Holy Nation supports racism, sexism, general bigotry, and a backwards way if thinking. Opposing them means disrupting the most stable nation and perhaps the ultimate best hope for the future.

Supporting the Tech Hunters means supporting elitism, robbery, and greed. Opposing them means halting the recovery of knowledge and the path to rebuilding civilization.

Ya see what I mean? I could list a few more niche groups, but I think you get the picture. The dev(s) wanted it to be this way. You are not special. There are no good guys. If you want to justify whatever actions you take, go right ahead. But there's always the other side of the coin waiting to be looked at.

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Where's the fun in that?

Proceeds to break every international law in record time

Then it should be chaotic.

You can also rule a country without committing any crimes against humanity.. it hasn't been done, but its possible.


Hey! Liechtenstein never hurt anybody.

u/Micsuking avatar

Probably because they never had either the opportunity or resources to really do anything evil

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u/HunterForce avatar

Swan dive or cannon ball?

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u/Twig avatar

I think neutral fits because you can mod it to be any variation. You want happy farm land adventure you can do that. Also with a couple mods you can be cloning people, launching nukes on neighbors, literal torture, and so much more.

u/erlkonig9001 avatar

Nukes, that's what my rimworld is missing.

!linkmod rimatomics

u/rimworld-modlinker avatar

[1.0] Rimatomics by Dubwise

Results for rimatomics. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.

I'm a bot | ^source | ^commands | ^stats | I was made by ^/u/FluffierThanThou

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But its is somewhat like a hardcore challenge mode to be purely ethical in every decision.

But its only Neutral because good and evil don't exist there, in my mind, its the rim is Chaos, we try place law on it but it fights back.

u/erlkonig9001 avatar

Rimlaw? what's that?

And yea... hardcore, challenge mode: play nice.

Distant laughter echoes across the rimworld.

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If you play on Randy I suppose, nothing says chaos like a shipment of cargo pods containing 200 capybara meat followed by 7 eclipses.

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u/megaboto avatar

the world revolving starts playing

u/wierdness201 avatar


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u/Jwaeren avatar

Rust being Neutral evil is perfect, everyone will get raided, everyone will get called a fag

After having to play Rust a whole lot, this is more than accurate statement. Also, DayZ being lawful evil is perfect as well since DayZ will only take what it gives.


Not a lot?

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Reeeeee welcome to rust community faggggg reeeeee

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u/kodamann avatar

What about dorf fort?

u/Inlaudable avatar

Lawful Neutral gameplay in a Chaotic Neutral World.

u/TheEmperorOfTerra avatar

I'd say chaotic neutral

u/Gen_McMuster avatar

I'd say somewhere on the lawful axis. It's all about preventing a descent into chaos and imposing order on your people, even if it results in more chaos (justice)

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u/ibbolia avatar

The empty space between the squares

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u/Sanny84 avatar

I would say, Factorio is chaotic neutral.

u/Graega avatar

The factory does not kill because it is evil. It kills because it must grow.

u/AxtheCool avatar

The factory is also technically neutral. It never attacks anyone and only defends and retaliates.

Oh yes and then it retaliates and grows

u/Joe_The_Eskimo1337 avatar

It does pollute and destroy ecosystems though.

u/Graega avatar

It terraform. It replaces one self sufficient ecosystem with another.

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u/Rammite avatar

I'd make an argument for lawful neutral, or lawful evil. It's extremely ordered, with everything fitting in its place.

u/redundantdeletion avatar

Lol not in my factorio games


if it works it works

u/redundantdeletion avatar

Oh what's that a supply chain that involves you manually carrying stacks across your factory? Lol scrub get on my level I just use red arms instead of conveyors

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u/budgybudge avatar

My first factory looked like a vat of spaghetti exploded

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How is factorio chaotic? The whole premise of the game is taking this unspoiled, wild, hostile world and turning it into a massive, meticulously built factory complex working entirely in service to the player.


lawful evil?
Lawful due to as you said, it's orderly
evil because the player murders the locals and destroys the local ecosystem

u/carwosh avatar

the evil part is what it does to your ability to sleep without having factorio dreams

u/ApaxHoqpuJL avatar

Oh, I'm not the only one who only dreams of placing belts all day

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u/Sanny84 avatar

Make a spaghetti mega base and ask me again, how factorio is chaotic...

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How is factorio chaotic?

I have 300 length conveyer belts that carry nothing and lead to nowhere.

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u/superstrijder15 avatar

I'd say the things the player does in Factorio, at least in the main game, are not chaotic but orderly, which is the proper name for lawful

u/Sanny84 avatar

Ever seen a huge spaghetti belt base? That's pure chaos.

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Factorio is definitely Lawful Evil.

u/Kofilin avatar

I think Factorio is the most lawful of all of these

Factorio: Beyond Good and Evil

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u/despacitospiderreeee avatar

Roblox is chaotic evil


go commit die

u/Micsuking avatar

Commit self-Isekai

u/MortalFour1 avatar

commit truck-kun

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u/despacitospiderreeee avatar


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u/EclipseMF avatar

I'll never forgive them after my account got hacked and all the really old but valuable stuff got traded off and taken and they wouldn't do anything about it because I only saw it a month after the cut off date for them to do anything about it :(

u/despacitospiderreeee avatar

Shit man

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u/HINDBRAIN avatar

Wouldn't put Terraria has lawful. While you can collect taxes and stuff, your character murders a helpful NPC for no reason then releases sealed ancient evil spirits for fun.

Again and again and again in the hopes of finding a shiny new weapon haha

But in rust you scream at a 12 year old before repeatedly gunning him down then using explosives to steel all his loot, all the while people are spamming racial expletives in chat and telling people to get a job instead of playing for 18 hours a day.

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u/12gunner avatar

kenshi seems like paradise compared to Rimworld!

*Looks at my recent play through where I milk prisoners and chop their legs off to prevent them from having mental breaks*

Oh absolutely. There's a reason I joke this isn't a colony/story simulation game, it's a war crime simulation game.


Well unless you are me and just play it like a more complex stardew valley lol

u/Bladelink avatar

I prefer my games to be a shining fortress on the mountaintop. Down in the lowlands...there is lawlessness. But I will bring order.


That is DF and Kenshi for me. Rimworld 75% of the time I just end up with a panther-breeding cannabis ranch :p

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u/RareHunter avatar

I play Rimworld as a slightly more buildy version of Banished, I'm sad I can't grow my cities though like in Banished. We're not all evil.


Thats where Dwarf fortress comes in buddy. I play rim for the homey feel of 1-15 folk. DF is where you get to flex those Banished skills even down to the winters and starvation! I used to never think the graphics would appeal to me, but Kruggsmash shattered open that world for me and Im eternally thankful.

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Having never played rimworld... how does chopping off someone's legs prevent them from having a mental break?

I don't even know that I want to know what you're doing with the prisoner milking.

u/TheEmperorOfTerra avatar

They can technicly have one, but with no legs it results in them trying to get out of bed and being automatically downed

Oh! ... oh

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Doesn't stop them from having a mental break, it just stops them from causing any trouble when it happens.

Thankya. That's... dark. haha

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now dont put kenshi down like that, it can be just as evil, if not more. what i do to train is capture a bunch of prisoners, chop off their limbs, put the heaviest set on armor on them, and just train my strenght and attack on 10 of these at once.


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Yup. Would you like a link?

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It sure is. Also, they have this little charmer:

Am I a bad person that this makes me more interested in the game

u/TheFrozenTurkey avatar

Nah. You're just an average rimworld player.


Is it because you want to compare it to the one you've made in real life?

N-no comment.

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u/Verdiss avatar

Wait until you find out what uses that machine

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u/FleshEatingBeans avatar

Who needs peeler machines when on the Rim we have professional peelers and butcher tables?
Makes every peel ARTISINAL.


What the fuck lol

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u/OxygenThief19 avatar

Ahh yes but you see I like to peel my enemies like potatoes in Kenshi. After their limbs fall off I give them ultra shit prosthetics (that they absolutely hate) and watch them whither away in my prison cells.

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u/OnlyDeanCanLayEggs avatar

I have no idea what any of these games are outside of Rimworld and Minecraft.

u/Keeganzz avatar

For mobile users:

Roblox. Minecraft. Starbound.

Terraria. Rimworld. Garry’s mod.

Dayz. Rust. Kenshi

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u/MildlySerious avatar
Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Roblox Minecraft
Neutral Terraria Rimworld
Evil Dayz Rust
u/undakai avatar

unless this didn't load properly for me, you're missing the Chaotic column, all roles are off by one column, and your lawful column is filled with the nature traits (which is unfortunate for me, since the one game I have no idea about is in the Chaotic column)

u/Mechwarriorr5 avatar

Looks fine to me. Chaotic column from good to evil is Starbound, Garry's Mod, and Kenshi.

u/undakai avatar

Odd. Also your username excites me.

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Yeah, Rimworld itself is True Neutral. It's the players that occupy every part of that alignment chart.

u/ZhilkinSerg avatar

I may be biased, but where the fuck is C:DDA?


I'd say CDDA is chaotic neutral because you can just just kinda do whatever but sometimes a chicken walker might pop out and blow you up outta the blue

u/clamsking avatar

think its a bit more of a chaotic evil because it's so punishing

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u/Uralowa avatar

Yeah get outta here with roblox and Gary's mod.

u/LordPadre avatar

what the fuck is cdda

u/darkjungle avatar

Compact Disc Digital Audio

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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.

It's fun.

You can re-enact that Irish anti-speeding PSA (with a tank).

I mean, sure, the children are zombies, but your character still feels bad about it (unless you gave him a psychopath trait).

For a while. Once you mow down enough of the little bastards, you get used to it.

Also great crafting system. I wish more roguelikes like it would adopt at least some logistical aspects of that system.

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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, an open world zombie roguelike

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I don't think it's fair to assign an alignment to such a free-form game.

The storytellers, though...

Cassandra is Lawful Neutral to Lawful Good, depending on difficulty. She sticks to the curve and will push you, no matter what. But she's fair.

Phoebe is Neutral Good (particularly on low difficulty). She will play rough, but make sure you have time to recover.

Randy is Chaotic Neutral. He throws shit at you just because RNG said so. And he doesn't care if you win or lose. He just wants to watch your world burn.

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Tbh Minecraft would be true neutral.

no its not. The worst thing you can do in minecraft is kill some villagers.

In rimworld you can free your prisoners or feed them to their children.

u/greenking2000 avatar

Well you can infinitely farm them and then burn them to death
Or crush them
Or prick them to death
Or many other ways

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u/-Captain- avatar

In Minecraft you can force villagers to make children. You can lock them up in dark dungeons never to be seen again, or put them away in a 1 meter by 1 meter cage and use them to get resources.

Slaughter their kids in front of them.

Burn them, but not to death. Indefinitely burn and heal them. To let them suffer for an eternity.

Let them watch how you blow up their home town, friends and family.


It can be a lot darker than just kill them, depending on your creativity.

u/MooseOC avatar

Yeah but you can do all that and amputate organs in rimworld

And are also inherently rewarded for some of this evil behavior and aren't just doing it because you can. Plus rimworld directly establishes causality. Villagers do things, but don't react to things. Rimworld's pawns react. That makes it different.

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What are the games in lawful good and neutral evil?

u/anonco123 avatar

Lawful Good : Roblox

Neutral Evil : Rust (amazing game)


Roblox is the square

Rust is the y looking one

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u/Pave_Low avatar

The true Lawful Good game would be Stardew Valley. Unless you become a JoJo employee, that is.

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I’ve did so many bad things. Rimworld seems to me like a chaotic evil.

u/arcosta avatar

Your soul is, not the game...

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Is roblox a sandbox game?

u/Verdiss avatar

Perhaps it has changed, but Roblox is simply an engine that players use to create their own servers - it can thus be just about anything you want it to be

So it's kind of like a sandbox sandbox.

It’s almost better to show the Roblox Studio logo with Roblox, they both rely on each other.

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u/bootyhunter834 avatar

Considering Rimworld mods allow you to do literally anything from building a peaceful community of nudist hippies that solve their problems with non-violent magic, to full on cannibal psychopaths living in a literal torture/sex dungeon that eat babies and rape their enemies to death,

Yeah, True Neutral fits very well.

u/K0hl1nat0r avatar

Are we just considering the in-game stuff? Because if not then Starbound's alignment should be changed as they supposedly didn't pay their artists

u/LordPadre avatar

and roblox because they have tuned their model to get as many kids buying builders club with their parents credit cards as possible

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u/Saga_Daroxirel avatar

where's dwarf fortress

u/Vaplite avatar

On the lower z-level.

u/Saga_Daroxirel avatar

Ha ha, I get it. Because it actually has z levels.

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Evil Evil

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u/SimmeP avatar

Starsector enters the saloon

Birds stop chirping

I would say lawful evil. Smuggling drugs and organs is way too profitable. Putting in AI Cores as colony managers. And without the invade option from Nexerelin, the way to conquer the sector in vanilla is to just nuke all the colonies with antimatter bombs.

u/Vaplite avatar

Oh, I see you're a man of culture as well.

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What is Top Left supposed to be?

u/Greg_Paul23 avatar


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As a kenshi player I confirm it

If anyone know, plz name the games for us.

top: Roblox, Minecraft, Starbound
Middle: Terraria, Rimworld, Garrys Mod
Buttom: Day Z, Rust, Kenshi.

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Whats kenshi?


Open-world sandbox rts/rpg/management game with a distinctly Fist of the North Star aesthetic. It's janky as hell, not very pretty, but quite deep. And fun. You can peel potatoes. Only the potatoes are people.

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u/Erata77 avatar

Starbound makes me sad, such a great idea with the poorest possible execution

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Kenshi players are masochists

u/Speciesunkn0wn avatar

Where the hell does Dwarf Fortress lie on this?


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Bruh where them 7 days to die chaotic evil.

I didn’t read the title and thought Blizzard was going to show up in a hidden corner as “China’s Bitch”.

Tfw you are everything but chaotic bad

u/5crownik007 avatar

No Dwarf Fortress? For shame!


I like Kenshi, I love the game. It’s cruel and unforgiving while RimWorld is still cruel and unforgiving but it’s not terrible

Heh, I love how kenshi is so right with that. I end up making a city so geared towards the heroin trade and training people would powerful a squad of 16 can overwhelm any other city. My Uber ninja sprints in and sells the drugs then runs off. Then once a faction pisses me off too much, mostly those religion nuts, I waltz in with my squad, I'll even bring in the squire group to get some exp and to carry more loot out. I keep them on aggressive and Chase till that city is long gone. Once a city is felled, cannibals move in and I just harvest their iron tools with raids from the squires.

“True Crimes Against Humanity”

Randy on Dedicated or nothing. I've had colonists die and then get a new recruit to fill their space in a couple seasons. Lately though he's been sending me so many recruits I'm running out of space for them to sleep. Working on stone walled/floored rooms so nothing catches fire. Got 6 rooms almost built. But finally got a huge walk in freezer with steel floors.


New recruits when you run out of beds are really just Yorkies with more meat.

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Wait, what's the top left? I don't recognize the logo.

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u/Onironius avatar

What's the top left one?

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u/hhhnnnnnggggggg avatar

Kenshi is a sandbox?

Roblox should absolutely be chaotic evil.

u/Graywolfmarc avatar

You clearly dont harvest enough organs.


Fuck kenshi but like not at all

u/-Redstar avatar

are you assuming ive never committed a war crime in starbound?

u/leproudkebab avatar

I agree overall, especially kenshi. It’s been so long since I’ve played now I wanna get back in...


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u/Pseudonymico avatar

Chaotic Good: Kerbal Space Program?

u/dierekted avatar

Starbound is neutral evil, Rust is chaotic neutral, gmod is chaotic good in my opinion.

u/Dylamb avatar

Roblox in lawful good is just false