If you're signed in to a work or school account, the options you see might be different. To learn more, contact your administrator.
You can make your group easier to search for and browse. You can also make it easier to search for posts by applying labels to them.
Allow people to see your group
Requires the Owner or Manager role.
When you give a user the Who can see group permission, they can see the group in both:
- Groups search results.
- The Google Groups directory. To see the directory, from the Google Groups homepage, on the left, click All groups.
Users without this permission need to be invited to the group by the owner.
- Sign in to Google Groups.
- Click the name of a group.
- On the left, click Group settings.
- Under Who can see group, select an option.
- Click Save changes.
Allow people to see your conversations
Requires the Owner or Manager role.
If you want users to be able to search for conversations in a group, give them both the Who can see group and Who can view conversations permissions.
- Sign in to Google Groups.
- Click the name of a group.
- On the left, click Group settings.
- Under Who can see group, select an option.
- Under Who can view conversations, select an option.
- Click Save changes.
Create and use labels
You can make it easier to categorize and search for conversations by giving them labels.
To use labels in Groups, the shared labels feature must be enabled.
Turn on shared labels
Requires the Owner or Manager role.
- Sign in to Google Groups.
- Click the name of a group.
- On the left, click Group settings.
- Under Shared labels, check the Enable shared labels for this group box.
Create and delete labels
When shared labels are on, any group member can create or delete labels.
- Sign in to Google Groups.
- Click the name of a group.
- To create a label:
- In the left panel, point to Labels
click More
Add label.
- Enter a label name
click Add.
A label name cannot contain spaces or any of the following characters: ! ~ ` @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | : ; ' " < > . ? / .
- In the left panel, point to Labels
- To delete a label:
- In the left panel, to the right of Labels, click More
Delete label.
- Click OK.
This removes the label from the list of labels. However, any conversations with this label keep it unless you remove it.
- In the left panel, to the right of Labels, click More
Apply or remove labels
Requires the Who can view conversations permission.
Unlike labels you create in Gmail, a label you apply to a conversation in Google Groups is seen by anyone who can view that conversation.
- Sign in to Google Groups.
- Click the name of a group.
- Choose an option to apply a label to or remove it from:
- A single conversation—Click the conversation.
- Multiple conversations—Point to each conversation
check the box next to the poster's name.
- In the upper right, click Label
- Begin typing the label name
check or uncheck the box next to the name when the label appears.
Alternatively, you can create a new label to apply to the selected messages.
Tip: You can also remove a label by clicking a conversationat the top, clicking X on the label name.