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How Do I Read Betting Flucs?

Fluctuation graphs are designed to convey the support a runner has had in betting (relative to the rest of the field).  When a horse is backed its price will shorten and the graph will curve down; if it doesn't attract support then its price will drift out and the graph will spike up. The fluctuation graph is designed to reflect these market shifts by presenting a line that shows what price the horse opened at (the left side of the graph), where its price has gone throughout betting (middle section of the line), and finally what the horse's current (or 'closing', if the race has already been run) price is, which is displayed on the right side of the graph.

Some significant betting activity can occur immediately after prices are put up, but the majority of money will mostly be placed in the lead up to a race; these graphs show what sort of support each horse has had and are a good representation of their popularity among punters.

What Does The Colour Indicate In Fluctuation Graphs?

Fluctuation Graphs will be displayed in either Grey, Green or Red. All graphs will begin grey with a 0% fluctuation: this basically indicates that their price has not changed from their opening quote (aka initial price). Once betting activity commences the graphs will then change colour to reflect the weight of money being bet on each competitor. The colour indications are as follows:

Grey = the competitors price has not changed from its opening quote
Green = the competitor has been backed by punters and its quote is now shorter than the price at which it opened
Red = the competitor has not been backed by punters and its price has drifted since markets opened

The below image represents the three different colours displayed by fluctuation graphs:
Odds fluctuation graph

How Are The Fluctuation Graphs Calculated?

Fluctuation graphs depict the market movements for each competitor by representing their average Fixed Price odds fluctuations among bookmakers over the course of betting. When you hover the cursor over the start of the graph (left point) you can see what the opening quote was, which is the first available price according to our odds feeds; hovering over the right point of the fluctuation graph reflects the current average price across all the bookmakers' odds.

The market percentage number is calculated using the opening quote and the current average Fixed Price across all bookmakers - it represents the shift in market percentage for each runner, from their opening quote to their current quote.

Here is how we calculate the figure: (Opening market %) minus (Current market %) = shift in Market %

The following example demonstrates the calculation as applied to a competitor that was backed from $2.5 into $2 (on average):

(100/2.5) - (100/2) = 10 - The horse has firmed by a market percentage of 10%  

The next example is of a horse that has drifted from $10 to $20 (again, on average):

(100/10) - (100/20) = 5 - The horse has drifted by a market percentage of 5%

A point of movement (i.e. a competitor shortens or drifts by $1) at the lower end of the market spectrum will have much more effect on the market percentage than a single point at the higher end. Hence the bigger market percentage shift for a $.50 fluctuation as opposed to a $10 in the above examples.

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