
Has anyone else been in a serious car accident on here? by RoastingCarrots in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Serious as in both cars were totalled. It happened in slow motion and I can remember it vividly despite it being 10 years ago. I was not the driver

how do you folkx get thru the day without snacks by Local-Monk6042 in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 12 points13 points  (0 children)

They don't put garbage in their snacks. it's good old fashioned butter, olive oil and sugar instead of seed oil and corn syrup. Also they still just drink espresso instead of a milkshake with a drop of coffee

Grimes - REALiTi by 20021021 in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 12 points13 points  (0 children)

This is her best song, and this version too not the one on the album.

That'll show em! by Pet_all_dogs in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 52 points53 points  (0 children)

They're probably vegan and taste disgusting

[FIGHT THREAD] Derek Chisora vs Kubrat Pulev, Felix Cash vs Vaughn Alexander, Fabio Wardley vs Chris Healey & live round-by-round coverage by verbsnounsandshit in Boxing

[–]yiyiyiyi 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Is it just me but neither guy looks like he wants to be in there really. Although more so Pulev despite the success he's having

let me rephrase, they both look old.

bleak by iaingivinmyname in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 4 points5 points  (0 children)

doesn't change the fact this is trash food that nobody should eat, and thatt shouldn't be swept under the rug

and yes the issue is bigger than this one family etc but this diet shouldn't be normalised

How do I find god? by iaingivinmyname in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Discover that all atheists are stupid and believe anything while they think they are themselves gods

Schizoposting: Is this subreddit being watched? by jizzlayne_maxwell in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 1 point2 points  (0 children)

ye all the loser mods are aware of this place and have been for a long time

Idk what all the doomerism is about, movies are nearing perfection by Whinke in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 3 points4 points  (0 children)

ii haven't felt the desire to watch any new movies for a long time. they are all the same now. i'll check out the odd auteur release which works out being 2 movies a year

Am I a weirdo for worrying my sister is becoming a loser? by levyppilled in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi -9 points-8 points  (0 children)

Anyone can get a degree and an addiction to media consumption, it won't make you happy. Your conception of "living life" is casual sex which says it all

Am I a weirdo for worrying my sister is becoming a loser? by levyppilled in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 111 points112 points  (0 children)

fuck me this place has really just become like the rest of reddit.

actually no, spending your life inside watching anime and playing videogames is bad for you. going outside and interacting with people is good for you.

op, if you have distance all you can do it suggest things kindly but maybe take a trip to see her and get her out for a hike or something to interact with the real world.

anyone ever try going on a bumble friend date? by TemporarySubject3194 in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

my gf did it and met a good friend on there although it was early pandemic times. we moved to a new city but because i have work colleagues i'm not desperate enough to try it myself yet.

Trailer for the handsome Nathan Fielder's new show by kipselss in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi -17 points-16 points  (0 children)

his face looks different? did he get old or get work or get fat

this is what they took from you 🦶 by father_karine in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I watched this when I was a kid and I thought it was hilarious

Canada is unbearable at this point by mango-smoothies in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I have never looked into fluoride in the water personally. I have no understanding of it beyond what you get told as a kid. I would not be surprised to learn there's more to the story

Canada is unbearable at this point by mango-smoothies in redscarepod

[–]yiyiyiyi 21 points22 points  (0 children)

the difference is the dentist is offering a real solution to a real problem with a proven track record of success to an individual who has volunteered to get it and has given their informed consent.

how can you be so stupid to draw that comparison. yeah they're out here forcing cavity fillings on people, it';s exactly the same lol