top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 358 points359 points  (6 children)

“I’m sorry for your loss, now let me bring up your cheating husband.”

[–]Wrong-History 26 points27 points  (0 children)

I don’t like her but damn that was messed up. Andy should have maybe started with the husband ? Idk it just was sad. Sorry for her loss.

[–][deleted] 325 points326 points  (8 children)

D’Andra’s step father Glenn came into her life when she was only 6 years old.... I don’t get why people question her intentions about changing her name, he raised her.

[–]Ufraudedme 170 points171 points  (1 child)

And even if she DID change her name because it would help, SO WHAT???? Whose business is it anyway? Wouldn't anyone help themselves?

[–]SSolomonGrundy 93 points94 points  (0 children)

I'm actually thinking about changing my own last name to Simmons for exactly that reason. Open, sesame!

[–]gotosleep717im sry if i said ur dumb, maybe i meant ur stupid 79 points80 points  (0 children)

My stepfather came into my life around age 5, adopted me at 11, I toook his last name 🤷🏻‍♀️ doesn’t seem that weird to me

[–]kds1988 36 points37 points  (0 children)

That is my thinking. 6 years old is essentially her entire life. I am sure she could barely remember a time when he was not her father. Of course she wanted to carry that name into the world. I honestly think Dee fels competitive with D'Andra and feels like D'Andra wanted to take some of her shine.

[–]buggiebitchI had to go on xanax for it, Lydia! 215 points216 points  (4 children)

This reunion is so dark

[–]B_Silber 204 points205 points  (1 child)

I get D’Andra being so embarrassed and regretful but Mama Dee is pretty freakin horrible

[–]Wordonmystreet 24 points25 points  (0 children)

I don’t call my mom that because my mom isn’t manipulative and catty.

[–]advocatecarey 190 points191 points  (1 child)

Oy Andy...car accident to your husband cheated.

[–][deleted] 183 points184 points  (0 children)

Hairdressers listen to people vent all day so the career change to shaman isn’t that wild lol

[–]browniegurl4u2luvI invited her into my home. I gave her a beverage. 178 points179 points  (0 children)

D’Andra has so many stories to tell and I’m here for every single one of them.

[–]Sugarbumb 171 points172 points  (3 children)

Did they even talk to Stephanie at all this reunion?

[–]chanukkahlewinsky 223 points224 points  (2 children)

fuck !!! i have no closure about those locker rooms

[–]puppppies 42 points43 points  (0 children)

💀 omg i’m dead

[–]Chub-Rub-Club 165 points166 points  (7 children)

Damn D'Andra is rich rich.

[–]irisia99 48 points49 points  (0 children)

Or is she poor poor? It’s confusing.

[–]LaurneyD 69 points70 points  (5 children)

I don’t get how she had that whole storyline about being broke then! Is it in a trust she gets when she’s 80??

[–]Chub-Rub-Club 42 points43 points  (0 children)

I'm wondering if that's part of the money Mama Dee is holding? Or is that from her stepdad?

[–]BusybodiiRule#3: Check YOURself 30 points31 points  (2 children)

I know I’m late, but I think that her inheritance may not be particularly liquid. She may be asset rich, but cash poor. She probably gets a little at a time, so she will always be ok.

[–]buggiebitchI had to go on xanax for it, Lydia! 314 points315 points  (4 children)

LMAOOO Andy is ice cold, going from her kid almost dying to her husband cheating

[–]irisia99 32 points33 points  (1 child)

Feel like maybe he was on limited time with her bc of the baby?

[–]teacha_ladyPizza Bagel 28 points29 points  (0 children)

With no emotion at all. Even I was blubbering!

[–]Sumjonas 149 points150 points  (2 children)

Kary did not come off as the biggest asshole this reunion wow

[–]Marcinecali73 34 points35 points  (1 child)

She can thank Kam for that!

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 144 points145 points  (0 children)

You can be uncomfortable with something without saying that it goes against Christianity. 🙄

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 133 points134 points  (6 children)

Stephanie broke the fourth wall.

[–]Wordonmystreet 58 points59 points  (0 children)

I feel like she has a point, but they can still apologize for being rude

[–]jerseyloveeeMy cards 🫨 274 points275 points  (1 child)


[–]___incorporeal🌸the spring kickoff celebration of life taco party🌮 395 points396 points  (8 children)

I would read the FUCK out of a D’Andra autobiography

[–]buggiebitchI had to go on xanax for it, Lydia! 134 points135 points  (4 children)

That would be the only housewife book I’d actually read

[–]jameswho86Judy from Judytown 103 points104 points  (3 children)

I’d read that and if Kim Richards ever writes a tell-all.

[–]KikiHou 30 points31 points  (0 children)

The family issues, working in DC, the partying, the engagements... I'm IN for D'Andra autobiography.

[–]napkintaryn#blessed on that one 256 points257 points  (7 children)

I never need to hear of Stephanie and Travis’s anal fetish again.

[–]MilaKseniasingle white drag queen 62 points63 points  (2 children)

It’s talked about so much to the point where I don’t believe it’s even true

[–]square_chakrasanaI made you scrambled eggs. À la Française. 90 points91 points  (1 child)

She probably let him slip a pinky in one drunk Christmas Eve and now it’s half her personality

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 257 points258 points  (7 children)

If anything, Dee married Glenn Simmons for the opportunity.

[–]Simonsspeedo 105 points106 points  (4 children)

She stalked him! Andy not calling out Mama Dee for her story on how she landed Glenn is a pity...

[–]ChampagneClarinetIf you saw my pussy you'd rememeber it 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Yes! I think Dee totally projected her reason for wanting her daughter to change her name on D'Andra and honestly, she was being a bitch in that moment at the party by trying to gaslight her about it in front of her friends and cameras. I don't think being a mom makes you immune to criticism when you do shitty things and I feel so bad that D'Andra feels as bad as she does about blowing up at her. Could she have expressed it better? Of course, but these women say a lot worse to each other without feeling the guilt that D'Andra did for that one blowup. And Dee doesn't give a rip about how she made D'Andra feel of course!

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 234 points235 points  (4 children)

As someone with a mother whose new favorite hobby is gaslighting me about my own childhood (where my name came from, facts about jewelry, what BLOOD DISORDERS I do or do not have), I feel D'Andra so hard on being as upset as she is about Mama Dee 'changing her story'. I can totally believe it.

[–]kds1988 76 points77 points  (0 children)

I absolutely believe D'Andra. If her mother married the man when she was 6 and she lived with him that entire time as her father, that is a paternal bond. It's not abnormal to want to carry that name into the world.

[–]hammieblammieCrystal's Ugly Leather Pants 108 points109 points  (6 children)

WTF is wrong with Brandi's lighting. She goes from being in the light to being a shadow person every segment.

[–]10iss 30 points31 points  (0 children)

production couldn't even bother to giver her and Kary a ring light lol

[–]SSolomonGrundy 29 points30 points  (2 children)

I think she's using natural light at a time of day when the sun is really moving, and the sudden changes in her lighting are because production splices together segments completely out of order.

[–]Professional-Pay1033Not a white refrigerator! 214 points215 points  (2 children)

Tiffany is clearly exhausted from this season and alienated. I don't see her coming back.

[–]meg0neurotHe11Go sit on a beach and become a lobster 134 points135 points  (0 children)

That nosebleed is from stress and anxiety for sure

[–][deleted] 102 points103 points  (3 children)

Her dad was richer ? 😳🤯

[–]Chub-Rub-Club 190 points191 points  (1 child)

Kam is not smart enough or equipped enough to go toe to toe with Tiffany. The blonde detective better pack up her pink suitcase and just chill.

[–]teacha_ladyPizza Bagel 74 points75 points  (0 children)

I love how Andy has to explain everything Tiffany says to her

[–]buggiebitchI had to go on xanax for it, Lydia! 190 points191 points  (3 children)

That is so traumatizing for Brinkley, that poor little girl

[–]tvjunkie0206 177 points178 points  (5 children)

Everyone was accusing D’Andra of taking everything away from her brother, but per her on this show, she split it 50/50 and then bought him out of half of his half.

[–]FeedMeWineSmells Like Hospital 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Right? It seems like she just screwed her stepmother out of her part, which who knows if their marriage was volatile.. I think there's a lot to the story.

[–]No-Dig-8324moody mermaid 49 points50 points  (0 children)

Plus she is the one who grew up without financial support from her father. She didn’t struggle obviously.. but that’s what the dad wanted to do with mama dee. Remind me of kandis situation in a way..

[–]Ramoth92 79 points80 points  (0 children)

I adore this simple rebuttal. Just facts. The ultimate FU to anyone left thinking she was greedy.

[–]tvjunkie0206 87 points88 points  (0 children)

Omg, Andy trying to explain this to Kam: she’s saying food is culture

[–]_NinnieGarbage Whore 86 points87 points  (0 children)

I can’t help but laugh every time they show Brandi or Kary on their screens in the chairs.

[–]uknowhatudidGizelle you tacky as hell 84 points85 points  (0 children)

What a traumatic car accident my god

[–]B_Silber 173 points174 points  (0 children)

Gosh damn I love how weird D’Andra is. She has stories to tell.

[–]Chub-Rub-Club 172 points173 points  (4 children)

Did...did Kameron end the season with fake tears?

[–]casssophGo back to the cabinet you came out of. 69 points70 points  (1 child)

It was laughable it was so fake

[–]Chub-Rub-Club 25 points26 points  (0 children)

I rewound that moment and rewatched to try and find a single tear!

[–]thugnacocktaildressvicki’s vergina🌺 78 points79 points  (1 child)

Kameron is trying so hard to create a moment. It’s falling so, so flat

[–]IncognitoMuffin93Let’s talk about the husband 139 points140 points  (7 children)

If Dallas gets cancelled I would love a show about D’Andra’s life (or a fictional one based on it)

[–]Molleeryan 48 points49 points  (0 children)

She is as actually intriguing as Kyle wishes she could be.

[–]Chub-Rub-Club 139 points140 points  (3 children)

I love that D'Andra recognized that she regrets not saying something and sticking up for Tiffany more.

[–]chanukkahlewinsky 60 points61 points  (1 child)

wish she recognized that during Kam's mania.

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 195 points196 points  (5 children)

I feel like D'Andra belongs on RHONY - they would better appreciate her quirkiness and fun energy.

[–]Sumjonas 73 points74 points  (2 children)

She and Ramona would get into it

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 72 points73 points  (0 children)

And the world would be better for it.

[–]jerseyloveeeMy cards 🫨 95 points96 points  (0 children)

Imagine her in the Hamptons with the dildo chicken and tikis? She would thrive

[–]Sumjonas 252 points253 points  (6 children)

They can’t cancel Dallas just because D’andra is a National treasure

[–]caro312 38 points39 points  (1 child)

I could watch a spin-off of D’Andra and Mama Dee.

[–]Sumjonas 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Ugh I forgot about Brandi’s mother in laws car accident that was terrible

[–]Sumjonas 184 points185 points  (4 children)

It seems....not ethical for an OBGYN to ask a patient if their baby is their husbands or not

[–]sweetnsassy924 63 points64 points  (0 children)

Was Maury her doctor?

[–]EugeniaFitzgerald 59 points60 points  (0 children)

I know an OBGYN who knew for a fact that the baby was not the husband's (as husband was serving in Iraq when the conception happened) and never breathed a word of it to the patient or the husband and the patient never brought it up. She told me, it wasn't her business to explain dates to anyone.

[–]B_Silber 58 points59 points  (0 children)

Omg Andy has no chill with the questions for Brandi!!

[–]jerseyloveeeMy cards 🫨 214 points215 points  (0 children)

D’Andra is actually the most interesting Housewife across all franchises

[–]TerpnistaLimp paynus! 117 points118 points  (4 children)

“Brilynn”...lord help me

[–]MilaKseniasingle white drag queen 37 points38 points  (1 child)

She could’ve just named that child Bree.... that’s a totally normal acceptable pretty name that doesn’t grate my nerves😂

[–]jackovasaurusrex"Your lips are considerably bigger." 111 points112 points  (0 children)

If Tiffany had more social confidence, these women would be in shambles.

[–]bathingritualDrown in my ocean of depth 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Mama Dee changing the will as we speak LMAO

[–][deleted] 154 points155 points  (2 children)

I am obsessed with Tiffany for not backing down and not crying

[–][deleted] 147 points148 points  (3 children)

It is wild how little Stephanie added this year

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 142 points143 points  (1 child)

It’s a miracle Brinkley survived and that Brilynn is healthy.

[–]NOTORIOUS_BLTNot dumb, but maybe stupid 100 points101 points  (3 children)

I mean regardless of whether it's oPpOrTuNisTiC it sounds like Glen went with her to approve the name change? I doubt he would have done that if he thought Dee/D'Andra were just using him.

Am I naive?

[–]tvjunkie0206 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Dee probably wanted the name change for opportunistic reasons, regardless of whether D’Andra did.

[–]Wordonmystreet 24 points25 points  (1 child)

I feel like D’Andra said it in passing. It probably wasn’t her motivation at all. And Dee is just hearing what she wants to hear.

[–][deleted] 49 points50 points  (2 children)

“Penel” code.....

[–]Alpe0 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Damn, Andy asking about the cheating right after her MIL. Harsh.

[–]OldMoneyMartyJill Zarin's fabulous circle of people 47 points48 points  (1 child)

Brandi looks like she is in a horror movie

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 97 points98 points  (3 children)

I am so interested in D’Andra’s life.

[–]BenjiBoo420I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong! 28 points29 points  (2 children)

I so want to know how much is in her trust!!!

[–]jerseyloveeeMy cards 🫨 95 points96 points  (0 children)

I would like a trip on acid with D’Andra

[–]tdot1022 49 points50 points  (0 children)

Kameron is the one trying to make a moment with this damn briefcase

[–][deleted] 177 points178 points  (0 children)

Why the fuck is Tiffany getting so much shit compared to how she was treated? Wow

[–]aithne1 50 points51 points  (2 children)

I'm incredibly disappointed that they spent all that time essentially putting Tiffany in the hot seat. What. The. Fuck. Yeah, the cricket stunt was uncool. I can think of two dozen things the rest of the gals did that deserved equal and greater roasting, yet here we are letting Kam tell us how "whitesplaining" is racist against her culture.

[–]advocatecarey 91 points92 points  (3 children)

Now Kam wants grammar lessons?!?

[–]teacha_ladyPizza Bagel 55 points56 points  (0 children)

Kam: So it’s pronounced like s-o-m-e?

Andy: Or you know like s-u-m...

[–]9odayh0usewife 43 points44 points  (3 children)

This scene with Tiffany is reminding me of all the embarrassing nosebleeds I used to get in middle school 😭😭😭

[–]lilscumbag__okay agatha from augusta..okay agatha-okay😐 83 points84 points  (0 children)

the car accident is truly so sad:(

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 123 points124 points  (6 children)

Bryan cheated on his wife at his brother’s bachelor party.

[–]Professional-Pay1033Not a white refrigerator! 122 points123 points  (4 children)

I didn't care for Kam at first, I liked her last season, and now I'm back to being disappointed. The suitcase was derivate and boring. She should have spent some time researching words like "whitesplaining" and "racist" or reading a book. Honest question: other than being a barbie and liking pink, what does Kam give us? Does she have other personality traits?

[–][deleted] 36 points37 points  (1 child)

She eats dog food lol. 😋

[–]Professional-Pay1033Not a white refrigerator! 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Gurrrrrrllllll 😂

[–]buggiebitchI had to go on xanax for it, Lydia! 85 points86 points  (0 children)

D’Andra is so weird and I love it

[–]mpp1993 39 points40 points  (0 children)

The Simmons name really is all over. Couple buildings at SMU

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 82 points83 points  (1 child)

I have something to confess... I didn’t hate Captain Brandi.

[–][deleted] 52 points53 points  (0 children)

I loved how much Captain Brandi pissed off the other women

[–]Dial-M-for-MediocreThe only thing that's fake about me... is THIS 🦿 36 points37 points  (0 children)

What. A. Segue.

[–][deleted] 113 points114 points  (2 children)

Kam doesn’t want to HEAR what Tiffany is saying about the racism....she just wants to be right

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 78 points79 points  (0 children)

Kameron is exhausting.

[–]lushdust_5678-took my 👁️👁️ out of head, put them n my 👜 & drove home👩🏾‍🦯 111 points112 points  (6 children)

sum is literally an English word pronounced the same way

[–]itsmyfirsttime1 65 points66 points  (5 children)

You literally can’t make up how fucking stupid she is. It’s so infuriating.

[–]Front-Sentence 72 points73 points  (4 children)

What really bothers me about Kam is that she plays the dumb blonde card all the time but then gets sooooooo offended when Tiffany corrects her. When you put an image out to the world, you can't be angry when people take you at face value

[–]starmoonsun25 37 points38 points  (1 child)

Omg Andy is firing away with these questions omg 😂😂😂😂😂

[–]LiteratureLove666 75 points76 points  (6 children)

Omfgggg Leanne making a comeback and Tiffany getting a nose bleed

[–]jerseyloveeeMy cards 🫨 75 points76 points  (1 child)

D’Andra is a real one but it’s not Tiffany’s responsibility to teach these hoes anything

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 78 points79 points  (0 children)

If Brandi is so concerned with a Shaman being against her religion then just don't participate. There's no reason to criticize D'Andra for it.

[–]Sumjonas 133 points134 points  (5 children)

Lol the pizza party was the only moment this entire season I was not on Tiffany’s side

[–]HellzBellz7 133 points134 points  (2 children)

"Kameron can't you ever remember stuff without a piece of paper" Lmao get her D'Andra

[–][deleted] 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Ugh this reminds me of a deposition where you’re trying to catch someone in a lie with the email they sent but can’t find it and pause the dep looking for it but still can’t find it so you have to let it go.

[–]hammieblammieCrystal's Ugly Leather Pants 74 points75 points  (2 children)

That hug was so fake.

[–]meg0neurotHe11Go sit on a beach and become a lobster 60 points61 points  (1 child)

I hate forced hugging. Tiffany's awkward laugh and side hug says it all

[–]lushdust_5678-took my 👁️👁️ out of head, put them n my 👜 & drove home👩🏾‍🦯 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Cause mama D is opportunistic! Helllerrrrr she doesn’t see anything wrong with it

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Holy fuck, this story’s horrific.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 207 points208 points  (1 child)

Reverse racism is the hill Kameron is dying on. This is fucking insane.

[–]IncognitoMuffin93Let’s talk about the husband 155 points156 points  (1 child)

Lol Tiffany definitely wants nothing to do with Kam and I don’t blame her

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 99 points100 points  (3 children)

Kam: How are we going to move forward

Tiffany: Stop talking about the past

Girl, we all know Kam is not capable of that

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 68 points69 points  (1 child)

"I thought I was amazing to Tiffany"

Um... are we forgetting when Brandi was talking about not being able to be herself around her and made things awkward to Tiffany all the time?

[–]LittleLolaBunnyCLIP 91 points92 points  (0 children)

Kam forcing that hug when Tiffany clearly did not want to do so irritated me lol

[–]temporarilyHere3 94 points95 points  (1 child)

Kam showing up with a suitcase full of "gotchas" that turned out to mostly be stupid really tells you what kind of person she is. I'm shocked she managed to make herself look more stupid than she does during the normal season.

[–]Ufraudedme 66 points67 points  (8 children)

Why can Brandy never get her makeup right? It always looks shiny and heavy and trashy. Ugh.

[–]tystarsthis 35 points36 points  (2 children)

She still applies it as if she is a cheerleader.

[–]B_Silber 63 points64 points  (3 children)

He didn’t look like he was hurting back then when he was making out with that lady

[–][deleted] 118 points119 points  (2 children)

I know Kam is dumb but going on tv and doing all this in 2021 is like actual brain dead behavior

[–][deleted] 102 points103 points  (2 children)

Kary not knowing how to pronounce shenanigans is only thing I like about her

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 85 points86 points  (1 child)

Tiffany shouldn’t be responsible for teaching these women how to not be racist towards Asian people.

[–]Chub-Rub-Club 103 points104 points  (0 children)

I love that Tiffany didn't just accept Kameron's fake ass apology. I forgot that's where we left off last week.

[–][deleted] 53 points54 points  (1 child)

Didn’t Leanne release texts between her and Brandi with Brandi saying it wasn’t her

[–][deleted] 35 points36 points  (0 children)

It was about sending the video to her daughter but not about releasing it herself

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 28 points29 points  (0 children)

"I feel like the bridge has not been burned"


[–]bathingritualDrown in my ocean of depth 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Cause it was opportunistic and Mama Dee is ALL ABOUT that lmao

[–]Sumjonas 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Do I sense some...actual genuine empathy from Andy towards Tiffany?

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 133 points134 points  (4 children)

Food is part of culture, you dumb twat.

[–]Sumjonas 50 points51 points  (0 children)

It’s ok d andra I was the only one on the subreddit who liked captain Brandi

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 28 points29 points  (1 child)

“Twitter doesn’t lie.” Oh, boy... oh fucking boy...

[–]serenity561BARLOW'S BABY GORGEOUS 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Can someone please explain D’Andra’s financial situation to me?

[–][deleted] 134 points135 points  (6 children)

Why is Kam so bothered by Tiffany?

[–]EugeniaFitzgerald 75 points76 points  (0 children)

Moon money >>> Westcott money
Tiffany brains >>>> Kam brains

[–][deleted] 72 points73 points  (0 children)

Tiffany makes her look bad without even doing anything, i.e. her real self is being shown

[–]B_Silber 76 points77 points  (8 children)

Kameron’s really showing her ass during this reunion. I saw on IG that someone did a deep dive on her racist asshole bro in law Chart Westcott.

[–]buggiebitchI had to go on xanax for it, Lydia! 73 points74 points  (3 children)

“I’m sorry you were suicidal from being cancelled” savage lmao

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 108 points109 points  (4 children)

Not phony fuckin Stephanie accusing Tiffany of trying to "create moments" for the show. Shove that right up Travis's asshole, please.

[–]hammieblammieCrystal's Ugly Leather Pants 47 points48 points  (1 child)

D'andra defending Tiffany is everything.

[–]bathingritualDrown in my ocean of depth 51 points52 points  (1 child)

I have to agree with D'Andra & the rest, it does seem like a LeeAnee move

[–][deleted] 68 points69 points  (1 child)

Can Kam fall lower than last week?

[–]shleytothedIt said it in the cup, Jackie! 69 points70 points  (0 children)

Mama D goes out of her way to put D'Andra down and whether it was true or not, D knew exactly what she was doing when she spilled that at the party.

[–]Dial-M-for-MediocreThe only thing that's fake about me... is THIS 🦿 83 points84 points  (2 children)

fucking hell how did Kam get away with not address the Thai sex worker comment

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Way to avoid the question Brandi

[–]OldMoneyMartyJill Zarin's fabulous circle of people 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Krokodile Kam tears

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 62 points63 points  (0 children)

“I’m sorry you were suicidal over being cancelled.” I’m wheezing.

[–]lushdust_5678-took my 👁️👁️ out of head, put them n my 👜 & drove home👩🏾‍🦯 63 points64 points  (0 children)

Omg Brandi your regret isn’t being a racist? Wtf

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 109 points110 points  (2 children)

Thank you Tiffany for calling out how stupid Kam's """receipts""" are. They're literally just Tiffany's own tweets that she printed. Congrats, your printer works.

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 100 points101 points  (0 children)

Brandi 100% sucks, but leaving your husband because he cheated on you - even if he's been super supportive when you've been having a hard year would not make you a POS. She's awful for other reasons - but that wouldn't be one of them.

[–]Dial-M-for-MediocreThe only thing that's fake about me... is THIS 🦿 93 points94 points  (1 child)

Kam is so fucking racist that's it that's the comment

[–]jackovasaurusrex"Your lips are considerably bigger." 43 points44 points  (1 child)

I enjoy everyone crying more at the infidelity than the near-death 💀

[–]hammieblammieCrystal's Ugly Leather Pants 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Or the actual death.

[–]MarfaStewart 94 points95 points  (7 children)

I hate that Kam is being this stupid but this is just a small part of what non-white people deal with. I am so uncomfortable with Kam being such an ignorant asshole. Tiffany had to keep trying to explain and it flew right over Kam’s head.

[–]Cricket627 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I was so upset watching it that I had to come on here to see what people were saying. Thank god you folks did not let me down.

[–][deleted] 60 points61 points  (1 child)

Final thoughts?! 5 minutes for Brandi the racist 😡😡😡. But Bravo felt Kam’s printed tweets were more important. Disgraceful.

[–]snaggletots2216 bathrooms and full of sh*t 106 points107 points  (0 children)

Kam is trying so hard to gaslight Tiffany... By making herself look like a dumbass? Whatever, it's not working. But also Andy needs to make room for Tiffany to rip Kam a new one.

[–]advocatecarey 75 points76 points  (0 children)

Kameron is an IGNORANT TWAT!

[–]nnnpppptttOne of Ramona's little presents 💩 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Thank you, lawyer barbie. Unbothered

[–]Youknewwhatthisis 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I want D’Andra singing to be ringtone so bad.

[–]amarie928 18 points19 points  (1 child)

Wasn’t Travis also on the video?

[–]jackovasaurusrex"Your lips are considerably bigger." 38 points39 points  (0 children)

I think in this instance, if Tiffany was doing coke in the bathroom, we'd all understand.

[–]chanukkahlewinsky 39 points40 points  (1 child)

I feel like Tiffany is in a double bind of not wanting to engage with any of these stupid people but knowing how important these fights are.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 42 points43 points  (0 children)

“Kameron, can you remember something and not bring out a piece of paper every five minutes? It’s completely annoying.” D’ANDRA I LOVE YOU.

[–]advocatecarey 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Tiffany didn’t do an impersonation though...I don’t understand Brandi’s problem with Tiffany.

[–][deleted] 55 points56 points  (0 children)


[–]saltandpeppapiggyJoe G’s Crab Shack 18 points19 points  (0 children)

So Kam can finally pick a fight?

I wonder why🤔

[–]chanukkahlewinsky 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Omg does Kaim still claim LeeAnne as a friend??