top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]Petty_White 340 points341 points  (4 children)

Travis has really redeemed himself from the early seasons and has shown he’s pretty wise and obviously loves Stephanie.

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 89 points90 points  (0 children)

He stans her as hard as us. I can't help but love him.

[–]ClassicMeg 289 points290 points  (6 children)

I’m taking bets on when D’Andra will find out there AIN’T A RIP in that trust.

I’m going with 6 months from today.

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 266 points267 points  (4 children)

Girl that trust is not 'locked up', it's EMPTY. There is nothing in that trust but a couple quarters and an empty bottle of White Diamonds perfume.

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 50 points51 points  (0 children)

Lmao the white diamonds perfume!! At first I thought of diamond water from Shahs of sunset (also funny but makes less sense)

[–]Petty_White 235 points236 points  (13 children)

I love that a homemade glory hole using your neighbor’s fence is not trashy to Kameron when it’s LeAnne

[–][deleted] 101 points102 points  (4 children)

I mean- can you imagine looking into your own backyard and there's your neighbor standing there with his dick in a hole he drilled into your fence?! Seriously WTF?!

[–]Petty_White 91 points92 points  (3 children)

It kills me to think of eyepatched Rich, the cop, ass out on his neighbor’s lawn, boning LeAnne after he commits destruction of property.

[–]MomKat76Merce in the Purse 30 points31 points  (3 children)

The forethought it would take isn’t my idea of foreplay! Gets out measuring tape to mark height of hole. Grabs drill off charger. Sneaks to neighbors house. Drills hole. Waits til dark. Bones through the hole in the fence. you know what they say... birds of a feather!

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 205 points206 points  (3 children)

Travis is over here not having Stephanie blaming herself and I’m falling more in love with him, “all that and a bag of tricks” and all. He’s wonderful. 💖

[–]veronicagetsmehighMerce is in the purse 98 points99 points  (0 children)

I love that he called her cool. He’s so sweet

[–]thugnacocktaildressvicki’s vergina🌺 48 points49 points  (0 children)

Relationship goals for real 💘

[–][deleted] 201 points202 points  (5 children)

Travis is the star of this episode

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 75 points76 points  (1 child)

The Lone Star

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 45 points46 points  (0 children)

Travis is a great RHO husband. He's not thirsty for the cameras like Terry or horny for the drama like Michael Darby, but he sticks up for his wife and will tell it like it is to anyone he comes into contact with - if asked, which is the big point of differentiation. I loved him handing it to D'Andra honestly, firstly about her bouncing on him, and now when they meet up. Go Trav!

[–]itwasjustmisplaced 202 points203 points  (6 children)

Brandi’s body is insane.

[–]kikomama89B list f*ck boy 195 points196 points  (7 children)

I bet Kam and Court do missionary 3x a year after that oh so prude comment

[–]lecreusetpopcornYou've not seen me activated 111 points112 points  (1 child)

I said this before! She strikes me as someone who would refer to sex as “yucky”

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 37 points38 points  (0 children)

With the lights off

[–]Dishy31983Eating pasta in the bathroom all night long. 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Well, the Hobbits only have so much time after second breakfast...

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 184 points185 points  (8 children)

Dee talking D’Andra out of her career in Washington D.C. devastates me too.

[–]starksnarksharks 103 points104 points  (3 children)

I can’t imagine having a mother that wants you to fail and sets you up to fail. I can’t imagine doing that to my children. So fucked up

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 64 points65 points  (0 children)


[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 183 points184 points  (1 child)

Stephanie is allowed to choose who she confides in, you asswipe, Kam.

[–]FortuneCookieTypo 24 points25 points  (0 children)

and after seeing Kam's reaction, is it not clear WHY Kam isn't top of that list??

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 179 points180 points  (6 children)

I love Stephanie’s little fishnet mask

[–][deleted] 175 points176 points  (5 children)

Am I the only one who’s exhausted by Kam’s condescending and judgmental attitude? Don’t get me wrong, she has her funny moments for sure, but she is such an uppity snob.

[–]yolandaslemonsdramatic millennial 💅 69 points70 points  (1 child)

I have been tired of her since her first episode. I am so glad people are starting to join me. 😏

[–]ilovecorgipuppiesi dont give a rip. 22 points23 points  (0 children)

I never understood the “I love kam!!!” Posts she is an uppity elitist snob

[–]brvopls 174 points175 points  (6 children)

Wait... even stephanie is paying for something for Leeanne’s wedding??? What did leeanne ever help her with besides throwing a glass in her general direction?

[–]itwasjustmisplaced 123 points124 points  (2 children)

And coming to her house dressed as two faced.

[–]brvopls 31 points32 points  (0 children)

HOW COULD I FORGET! I’m almost as ashamed of myself for forgetting that as I am for leeanne begging people to pay for her wedding

[–]Pineapplesmores 65 points66 points  (1 child)

I couldn’t not understand why Stephanie of all people was co-hosting with Cary. They are friendly but not THAT friendly. Then when Stephanie said she didn’t plan anything she just cut a check it all made sense. Leeanne just wanted the Holman money to throw herself another party. I wonder if Kam is paying for one of the other showers.

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I bet money Kam is throwing the classy bridal shower lunch.

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 39 points40 points  (0 children)

The grifting this woman manages off the graces of decent people, it's honestly incredible.

[–]jorlandytheres a vibrator in the chicken 164 points165 points  (0 children)

"Why wouldn't you go find a chain link fence?" - Stephanie kills me😂

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 148 points149 points  (3 children)

“Mommy camp is called Dallas.”

The shade.

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 147 points148 points  (1 child)

Man Travis is a damn truth-seer. He can read these women like books.

[–][deleted] 142 points143 points  (5 children)

Is brandi’s outfit even that bad? It’s basically a bathing suit.

[–]starksnarksharks 73 points74 points  (1 child)

The only thing I find atrocious about her outfit is the hot pink cheap lace. But her cleavage isn’t hanging out as bad as others.

[–]chordsimplekyle fleeing a dutch restaurant 54 points55 points  (0 children)

It's very Victoria's Secret PINK

[–]chordsimplekyle fleeing a dutch restaurant 131 points132 points  (7 children)

I'd love to watch Leanne and Joao in a faceoff

"Were you fighting off your mom's girlfriend with a cow skull?"

"Well were you strangling an armed elephant that was tying up your family while shooting wild tigers?"

[–]anp516 40 points41 points  (0 children)

I really feel bad that she's faced a lot of trauma in her life. At the same time, she's always throwing out some new intense trauma that happened. I don't want to be a person that doubts victims but I don't know when it comes to LeeAnne.

[–]itwasjustmisplaced 25 points26 points  (1 child)

He defs call her a thunder c*nt cock juggler.

[–]Petty_White 258 points259 points  (11 children)

I feel like Kameron’s daughter is too smart to to be talked to the way Kameron is speaking to her. What’s with all the baby talk?

[–]ryangoslingswife1Not a white refrigerator! 142 points143 points  (0 children)

That’s how Kameron always talks and it’s so grating

[–]Glitter_AvalancheKaren's Checkmark Twitter that personally gifted her 93 points94 points  (3 children)

And why was she trying to project all of her fears on her child before sending her to her first sleep away camp? I don't have kids, but that seems like something they'd tell you not to do in Parenting 101.

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 50 points51 points  (2 children)

My roommate said the same thing! So weird to try to create a neurosis in your kid just to feel wanted. Kam, this girl is FINE. Leave her be!

[–]thefirstpancake602Gizelle's one formal sneaker 78 points79 points  (1 child)

Her daughter appears pretty sick of her as well lol!

[–]meta-baroqueA ballroom with no ball?! Dreadful 69 points70 points  (2 children)

Didn’t it feel so cringey when Kameron kept bringing up the word tomboy, intensely labeling her daughter as one just because she hangs out with boys and plays football. Like it’s a bad thing. She has her own interests and her own social crowd, Kameron! Gah

[–]waitholditwe’re calling it the lower level now 115 points116 points  (2 children)

D’Andra needs a therapist who will just let her vent and validate her emotions.

[–]anp516 65 points66 points  (1 child)

You know she doesn't have therapist money, those cost $250 an hour and D'Andra only has $200.

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 232 points233 points  (3 children)

I feel like if you've pissed of Stephanie off, you're probably a pretty shitty person.

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 60 points61 points  (0 children)

If I had a friend like Stephanie who was so tolerant and evenhanded, and she sat me down for a talking to, it'd be a wake up call.

[–]anp516 321 points322 points  (16 children)

WAIT. Kam is judging Brandi but everyone else also dressed slutty is just fine? Shut up Kam, just say you hate Brandi no matter what she does.

[–]ryangoslingswife1Not a white refrigerator! 118 points119 points  (4 children)

I knewww she was going to do that. That was such a Mean Girls Regina George moment

[–]anp516 100 points101 points  (2 children)

And the moment someone isn't there for her judgy opinions, she's whine that she's being attacked and ganged up on. GOOD BYE KAMERON!

[–]lionaerRamonas Voodoo Doll 22 points23 points  (0 children)

they should give her those diet bars

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 115 points116 points  (2 children)

LeeAnne literally defaces a fence just to get her freak on with her boyfriend who has an eyepatch like a pirate and that's fine. Brandi's stomach is showing after people tell her to take off her robe because it's too demure and she's a hoe. I find Kam's mental gymnastics exhausting.

[–]Shaycoop 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Thank you, I was screaming at Kameron thru my TV! Most of the women were scantily dressed yet Kam went in on Brandi, I think someone may be jelly! In my opinion Kam wishes she could let go of her own insecurities and bring out her own sexy, she’s jelly of the women that can.

[–]bebearawareIt’s the crotch chronicles. 52 points53 points  (0 children)

I did not like how body-shamey she was about not wanting to see them half naked.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 220 points221 points  (1 child)


To quote Coco Montrese, “get her, Jade!”

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 215 points216 points  (10 children)

Omg did she call Brandi a ho ??? She’s a bitch

[–]Pineapplesmores 71 points72 points  (0 children)

I think she called her a ho ho ho. She tripled ho’ed her. The thing is as well Brandi showed up with a robe over the top and only took it off when everyone else told her too. Also it was a private event in a private room with all the windows covered. Hardly like she went to the mall like that. And to make it worse Kam was nice to her face about it saying how it’s her favourite colour and all.

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 103 points104 points  (9 children)

Kam doesn't reveal enough of herself for anyone to get to know her.

[–]ryangoslingswife1Not a white refrigerator! 144 points145 points  (6 children)

Because she’s not a real person. She tries to be this Elle Woods / Cher from Clueless character and it’s just like... as if.

[–]lecreusetpopcornYou've not seen me activated 56 points57 points  (3 children)

Except Elle Woods was actually smart

[–]ryangoslingswife1Not a white refrigerator! 99 points100 points  (1 child)

LOL it’s 1pm on a Wednesday?! 😂

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 100 points101 points  (0 children)


[–]soiledhimselfSonja, was your vagina rude to Kelly? 96 points97 points  (3 children)

I’m surprised D’Andra is saying all these things about her mom and the company knowing it could be aired. I’d be terrified of Momma Dee.

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 80 points81 points  (0 children)

I think she’s figured out there’s no cash. No cash = not terrifying

[–][deleted] 36 points37 points  (1 child)

Momma Dee doesn’t have any money left to sue her with

[–][deleted] 96 points97 points  (1 child)

Kam doesn’t listen to respond, she listens to speak

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 95 points96 points  (0 children)


She don't give a rip.

[–][deleted] 266 points267 points  (11 children)

Kameron seems to resent a lot of people for having emotional bonds with others.

[–]gooby525HA HA LAUGH. FUNNY 109 points110 points  (6 children)

And boob jobs ABOVE the muscle 😂

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Wow. You are right

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 91 points92 points  (3 children)

Kary wanting financial independence aka reason to join Housewives (as many ladies have done in the past)

[–]anp516 71 points72 points  (1 child)

Divorce next season!

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 37 points38 points  (0 children)

RIP the house in Carreyes, we hardly knew ye.

[–]ryangoslingswife1Not a white refrigerator! 178 points179 points  (1 child)

I love when Stephanie makes herself laugh lol

[–]itwasjustmisplaced 88 points89 points  (0 children)

Her and Brandi! It makes me so happy.

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 87 points88 points  (4 children)

I wonder if Stephanie and Travis would adopt me

[–]MomKat76Merce in the Purse 86 points87 points  (2 children)

She talked on her podcast about how they ‘adopted’ an elderly man who lives in their guesthouse, so I’d say it’s a possibility!

[–]Petty_White 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Once again showing what a wonderful family they are.

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 87 points88 points  (1 child)


[–]PolexiaAphrodisiaHow could you do this to me... question mark 82 points83 points  (0 children)

Travis anchoring Stephanie so she doesn’t blame the whole situation on herself,,, i’m FINE

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 87 points88 points  (2 children)

D'Andra, two successful businessmen have told you that the first thing you have to do is get rid of your offices - get rid of them!!

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 72 points73 points  (3 children)

Can Kameron stop speaking to her elementary aged children in third person?

[–]BB_BlackSocks 46 points47 points  (2 children)

It's like she has a superficial relationship with her own daughter. I'd know. Been there.

[–][deleted] 208 points209 points  (6 children)

The Bravo Gods blessed us with the Hollman crew. We are forever blessed.

[–]MomKat76Merce in the Purse 136 points137 points  (2 children)

Proving you can be rich and decent. They’re a standout couple for all the right reasons!

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 50 points51 points  (1 child)

It warms my heart that they both didn't come from extreme privilege either. Just decent people who work at making the people who know them's lives easier. Stephanie has a heart of pure gold and it seems Travis does too.

[–]bebearawareIt’s the crotch chronicles. 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Their scenes were so sweet.

[–]Petty_White 267 points268 points  (9 children)

She needs to listen to Jeremy. Why do they need to pay $8,000 a month for an office when they can save that cost and run it from home. I feel like D’Andra wants to play business woman and not actually do the work.

[–]neverusingarealacctMENTION IT ALL \ m / 113 points114 points  (1 child)

D'andra is delusional with zero business acumen.

[–]thefirstpancake602Gizelle's one formal sneaker 68 points69 points  (1 child)

Right!! When she said $8k a month, I was thinking to myself- why didn't you cut that shit out on day 1. She could have saved an employee or two if she had done that from the jump.

[–]ChampagneClarinetIf you saw my pussy you'd rememeber it 51 points52 points  (0 children)

Not to mention she took a pay cut too while paying that $8K!

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 53 points54 points  (1 child)

Plain and simple she has a stick up her ass about it being downgraded to a home business, because she tried to differentiate herself from other housewives by her business seeming more legit. With no physical place she goes to, she's just another garage business like Gretchen's purses, and although there's no shame in that, I feel like to D'Andra, there is.

[–]6mcdonoughs 29 points30 points  (0 children)

I would like to present to the jury last season’s issue about D’Andra having only $200 in her checking account. She has known for a looong time this business has been on it’s last legs.

[–][deleted] 71 points72 points  (5 children)

Leeann is crazy, but man she looks good at 50+.

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 63 points64 points  (4 children)

Crazy don’t crack

[–]chordsimplekyle fleeing a dutch restaurant 71 points72 points  (4 children)

OMG that painting (???) of D'Andra and her mom is TERRIFYING

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 65 points66 points  (0 children)

Oh, Kam is running away from confrontation? I'm shocked!!

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 66 points67 points  (2 children)

I hope Stephanie and Travis stay happy and in love and together forever ❤️

[–]MarfaStewart 28 points29 points  (1 child)

They communicate really well, and both can look inward and change. Takes a lot of work but it’s possible! BRB going to hug my other half 😭

[–]MarfaStewart 130 points131 points  (1 child)

I’m being attacked! By the nicest cast member!

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 113 points114 points  (0 children)

These kittens are all licking me !! Help

[–]mpr1011I decorated! I cooked! I made it nice! 61 points62 points  (0 children)

If we’re gonna start judging each other for getting wasted on vacation then what’s the point of doing anything?

[–]ryangoslingswife1Not a white refrigerator! 61 points62 points  (0 children)

Kam doesn’t listen to people or actually build friendships. And then she gets jealous when people form bonds with other people, but it’s all her fault...

[–]itwasjustmisplaced 60 points61 points  (4 children)

Kam has the most patronizing looks.

[–]Petty_White 52 points53 points  (3 children)

condescendingly nods head with lips pursed

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 62 points63 points  (0 children)

Kameron absolutely would not have been there for Stephanie. She would’ve made it about herself just like she did in her talk with Brandi and just like she’s doing with Stephanie right now.

[–]mak_and_cheese 172 points173 points  (1 child)

Theory - one of the main reasons Brandi and Stephanie are such great friends is that Stephanie is sweet and thoughtful and giving and vulnerable. And Brandi will CUT A BITCH they do anything to upset Stephanie.

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 89 points90 points  (0 children)

And they also share the same goofy, offbeat sense of humour. I love them.

[–]shleytothedIt said it in the cup, Jackie! 121 points122 points  (8 children)

I want to know how these women find not just 1 but sometimes several wealthy men to marry? Some of my closest girlfriends ( who are beautiful, wonderful, independent women) are in their mid 30's and cant find someone even worthy of a 2nd date.

[–]starksnarksharks 36 points37 points  (1 child)

Yeah that always blows my mind. Like where do you hunt? Pls share your hunting ground. /s

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 54 points55 points  (4 children)

God Bless the Hollmans’ marriage.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 163 points164 points  (0 children)

“Why do people go to camp so young at this age?”

“Get away from blondes.”


[–]ryangoslingswife1Not a white refrigerator! 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Kameron cannot take any criticism at all. It’s an embarrassing look.

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 57 points58 points  (0 children)

That's a wilderness side, but Brandi is trashy?

Okay, Kam.

[–]thecountessofdevonJeans full of magic. 53 points54 points  (4 children)

Leann really needs to stop with constantly talking about her shitty childhood. Especially the one-upmanship of who had a worse situation.

[–]Petty_White 52 points53 points  (0 children)

Kameron is incredibly judgmental

[–]itwasjustmisplaced 51 points52 points  (1 child)

Travis is being very helpful.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 53 points54 points  (2 children)

He drilled... a hole... in the neighbor’s fence?


[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 25 points26 points  (1 child)

Imagine being the neighbor and finding a fucking glory hole cut in your fence while you're out doing yard work.

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 50 points51 points  (1 child)

Omg Leanne. She always needs to win the misery Olympics

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 53 points54 points  (0 children)

LeeAnne acting so shocked at the cake that she ordered for her own party is so on brand for LeeAnne.

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 50 points51 points  (0 children)

Kameron sucks so much. That's it, that's the post.

[–]amcgoat💛💛 Yellow Robe Smith 💛💛 46 points47 points  (1 child)

Cary Deuber needs to stop fucking with her face pronto! She’s going to be the lion face lady in no time at all.

[–][deleted] 94 points95 points  (2 children)

The way these two talk so naturally to each other in front of a camera makes me believe they are truly the real deal. God bless this marriage! They are both lovely people.

[–]ryangoslingswife1Not a white refrigerator! 42 points43 points  (0 children)

He’s grown a lot! He wasn’t always like this but the fact that he wants to grow and change to better his relationship says a lot

[–]chordsimplekyle fleeing a dutch restaurant 44 points45 points  (1 child)

Remember when Cary recoiled from Leanne's breath

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 43 points44 points  (1 child)

Brandi’s outfit is very Britney

[–]koreanoreoI had to bring my OWN Versace china 46 points47 points  (0 children)

Stephanie is such a respectful, graceful woman. I could learn from her.

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 45 points46 points  (3 children)

There are twelve people at this party.

[–]Petty_White 43 points44 points  (1 child)

Do we think Kameron will have a problem with this afternoon lingerie shower? Will she think it’s trashy?

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Kameron will sit silently.

[–][deleted] 86 points87 points  (0 children)

Travis and Stephanie right now are so sweet 💕 He’s so supportive!

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Woody Wood Pecker

[–]starksnarksharks 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Considering how sketchy her mom was being about the company I would demand to see papers of the trust to make sure it isn’t actually drained

[–]Petty_White 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Stephanie crying under her veil💔

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 82 points83 points  (0 children)

Elitist, judgy, Kam.

[–]xkairyux 142 points143 points  (3 children)

cary deuber's 5 lines in this episode have been way more entertaining than anything new kary has done this season.

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 95 points96 points  (2 children)

I like Cary but I don’t miss mark at all . Friend is a good position for her

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 80 points81 points  (8 children)

Kam is so damn judgmental. How has she survived this far in life?

[–][deleted] 35 points36 points  (0 children)

The circles she surrounds herself with are probably all the same

[–][deleted] 38 points39 points  (3 children)

I relate to Stephanie SO much. I always assume anything and everything is my fault.

[–]alllrighty-thenGretchen’s plug in vibrator 39 points40 points  (0 children)

I’m going to tell my husband to invest in a sleepaway camp in the fancy parts of Texas. 18 month, damn. It can double as a wedding reception year round, whose in?

Also, Kam guuuurl, blend farther down your neck next time.

[–]starksnarksharks 38 points39 points  (0 children)

I STAN Travis and Stephanie ❤️ I only wish for a relationship like theirs. They had their issues but they truly worked through it and got better and stronger

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 35 points36 points  (3 children)

LeeAnne WOULD have 1 million parties for her wedding.

[–]carmeIIasopranoI want to sue you for ruining rhony 34 points35 points  (0 children)

That she plans and has someone else pay for

[–]GeorgeCuntstanzaKaren Huger's Shot Counter 37 points38 points  (3 children)

Kam's foundation in the new confessional look is possibly the worst foundation mismatch on Bravo ever. At least top five.

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Kam is such a jerk.

[–]kikomama89B list f*ck boy 35 points36 points  (2 children)

What a weird way to create a glory hole Rich & LeeAnn 😬

[–][deleted] 99 points100 points  (1 child)

Kary tried so hard to paint this image of herself and her daughter is not here for this motherly act. Her daughter knows what to do.

[–]desaparecidosedone-diddily-fucked yaself 51 points52 points  (0 children)

It's hilarious to me when the kids won't play along in these scenes.

[–]frontsnapkick2urface 100 points101 points  (3 children)

Travis has his shoes on the bed 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪

[–]Petty_White 31 points32 points  (0 children)

This recap is just reminding me how much I dislike Kameron

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 31 points32 points  (0 children)

If my body was looking like that I’d show it off for this theme. Trust and believe

[–]jorlandytheres a vibrator in the chicken 90 points91 points  (2 children)

I actually miss Cary Deuber, shes like the Cynthia of RHOD (neutral, no one is as beautiful as Miss Bailey)

[–]veronicagetsmehighMerce is in the purse 33 points34 points  (0 children)

I’m over Kam

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 32 points33 points  (0 children)

“Fwends say to fwends to not say swear words.”

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Travis is a good businessman and a better friend.

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Stephanie is allowed to connect with whoever she feels comfortable with. It’s not an attack on other people

[–]starksnarksharks 57 points58 points  (0 children)


[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 58 points59 points  (4 children)

Nobody gives a fuck about cuss words, Kam.

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 28 points29 points  (1 child)

Is Sofia Kendall Jenner?

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 26 points27 points  (0 children)

You’re not all this and a bag of tricks lmao

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Black hair is not a good look for Cary Deuber.

[–]StefairyyTEQUILA BROKE THE FALL 27 points28 points  (1 child)

I know you are crying but TIME FOR A GROUP PHOTO

[–]chordsimplekyle fleeing a dutch restaurant 50 points51 points  (1 child)

I am paralyzed by Stephanie's piercing blue eyes

[–]kelseyhart24The Big A - Alcohol 23 points24 points  (0 children)

There’s a fine line between trauma and bragging about it.

[–]missusscamper 22 points23 points  (0 children)

I’d be so embarrassed of all those parties celebrating myself 😞

[–][deleted] 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Brandi, wears a outfit FOR THE THEME OF THE PARTY SHE WAS INVITED TO, gets called a ho by Kam.

Leeanne sucks dick through a hole they drilled in a neighbor's fucking property, Kam says Leeanne has a "wilderness" side?!

Kam. Baby. Wtf. Why do you hate Brandi so much but you're so far up Leeanne's ass?

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you! 21 points22 points  (0 children)


[–]MarfaStewart 21 points22 points  (5 children)

Imagine if this was Shark Tank. They would eat her alive

[–]shleytothedIt said it in the cup, Jackie! 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Cary D. Is so aware of the cameras and that's why she never worked. I see it now that shes back.