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[–]PM_ME_HUGE_CRITS 1549 points1550 points  (328 children)

Is firing while blind good or bad?

[–]Taolan13 53 points54 points  (11 children)

Gun safety - bad.

Self defense - .... big gray area. Pepper spray is sometimes used as an initiator of a potentially injurious or lethal follow-up, especially by female aggressors. There's an argument to be made that he was acting in self defense, but there is also an argument to be made that he forced the confrontation if he was within range to get hit by your typical personal carry pepper spray.

[–]ComfortableProperty9 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You have to be wearing a badge for it to be ok.

[–]ObjectiveDark40 5673 points5674 points  (468 children)

claiming he was in fear because he didn't know if they were armed

Then why did you follow them to their car? Companies have training and I guarantee Walgreens says not to pursue people and to just observe and report. Plus I am pretty sure Walgreens has a zero weapons at work policy like most companies. All these people are idiots.

[–][deleted] 398 points399 points  (13 children)

Oh yeah, Walgreens corporate is going to wash their hands of him. Guaranteed he violated policy and that could be enough to excuse Walgreens (and their legal team) from liability.

[–]Saucy-Boi 131 points132 points  (16 children)

Yeah i worked at a walgreens. they explicitly told us DONT confront thieves and comply with robbers threatening us in the training. this guy just wanted to shoot someone

[–]lew_rong 23 points24 points  (1 child)

Every company that doesn't want to get sued has policies like these.

I used to work for a regional retail chain, and one fine day my boss starts belly laughing in the office and calls a few of us in to see this email he's just received. A store manager in another city had emailed the entire damn company address book reporting a fairly pricey shoplifting incident during which he'd followed the thieves outside, demanded the goods back, and when they refused he "fucked their car door up". Actual line from the email. Fortunately he wasn't hurt by the shoplifters, but they did manage to escape, fucked up door and all.

A few hours later another email came down to all stores, informing us that the general manager and a regional had driven out that afternoon and fired the store manager.

[–]chimininy 12 points13 points  (2 children)

I worked at Walgreens a while back and there 100% is a long intro video that explicitly tells employees to NOT even confront anyone shoplifting or stealing. (Paying insurance for an injured employee costs more than anything someone could ever steal).

And even if they did tell you to try and stop a thief, what idiot would ruin or risk their life for freakin Walgreens??

[–]xnago_tyr_sires 139 points140 points  (11 children)

Former LP.

This is employee put themselves in a situation that 99% of employees have been drilled in their heads to not put themselves in. He's fucked. That Walgreens is fucked.

Stupid imbecile with a gun itching for a reason to shoot it.

[–]DrHob0 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Ex-Walgreen employee here - Walgreens training specifically says take notes, don't follow. This employee is FUCKED. They also have a no weapons policy

[–]HardcoreKaraoke 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Walgreens employee here. We're told not to engage although I've heard "tough" employees say they would. They're fucking stupid.

[–]R4NG00NIES 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Yeah this comment by the employee made no sense. The woman can easily say the same thing. “I pepper sprayed him because I thought a man was following me to my vehicle”. Especially considering most of these companies have a “no interference” rule.

[–]No-Appearance1145 16 points17 points  (1 child)

So in a similar case, a guy was held at gunpoint for a robbery and he took out his own gun and started firing away. Guy got fired and tried to sue Walgreens under unjust termination or whatever and he was basically told "tough luck" because Walgreens had a specific thing that said "do not escalate potentially violent situations" which is what this guy did. Also, she was pregnant so it's doubly going to be bad for this guy. Cuz, red state and all

[–]pomonamike 32 points33 points  (9 children)

I’m just going to make it a rule that if I ever shoot anyone for any reason, I’m going to be very clear that “I was in fear for my life.”

Let the dead guy refute it. Foolproof plan.

[–]ericbebert 22 points23 points  (1 child)

Ahhh the old South Park defense :

"He's coming right for us !"

[–]pomonamike 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Well they won’t let us hunt people for food anymore… thanks Obama.

[–]Flavaflavius 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Legally sound. If you have to shoot, and God forbid it, but you shoot to kill. The only time it's OK to shoot someone is if they were gonna hurt you.

[–]MalcolmLinair 101 points102 points  (25 children)

If this is allowed to stand as a legal defense, murder is essentially legal. How can I be 100% certain the guy next to me in line isn't hiding a gun on their person and actively planning to kill me, after all?

[–]freetherabbit 119 points120 points  (16 children)

As a woman, this type of precedent is terrifying. Like some dude comes up to me freaking out in a parking lot and I use a non lethal form of self defense, like mace, legally he could shoot me in that state if they set the precedent that being maced is a valid reason to fear for your life and assume they have a lethal weapon.

[–][deleted] 66 points67 points  (3 children)

spray and bail. never stay.

always have a destination when you flee, even if it is just a nearby shop or office you can duck into.

laws won't stop someone who wants to shoot you from shooting you, but pepper spray is seriously effective as a self defense weapon, even against multiple people.

but even if it debilitates them, you will be near your spray cloud and it will begin to affect you, especially if you linger. you dont want to be near someone you sprayed as it starts to burn your own vision.

so spray, and run. and stay safe!

[–][deleted] 40 points41 points  (2 children)

Good advice and doubly true if it’s humid or if it’s just rained, etc. It will travel so much further or faster? Not sure the physics but an anecdote:

I worked as a bartender in college at this shady “lounge” on Long Island and one night at like 2 am, shrieking starts in a ripple effect starting from the other side of the room. And then this foggy cloud hit me and I could barely figure out how to get outside as my eyes are burning, streaming tears, I’m choking, coughing, etc. Apparently, a couple got into an argument and one person decided to pepper spray the other in a crowded club. I ended up quitting that night after the manager aired it out, called the cops, let us back in, had us clean and close for the night, and then YELLED AT US for how we left our registers when the place got essentially pepper bombed. “What if it was a trick to steal the money from the registers?” Idk man, it would have been a good trick and worked? I digress.

[–]AgentDaxis 115 points116 points  (10 children)

Another blatant example of why Americans are too irresponsible to have guns.

[–]MKerrsive 140 points141 points  (8 children)

Irresponsible? Not a chance. This dude WANTED to shoot someone. I guarantee he had played this whole situation out in his head before and thought plenty about shooting people. He's definitely one of those gun nuts who, when asked about why they carry all the time and like guns so much, will answer with some comment about needing protection and "I hope somebody tries me." They desire conflict, they want a chance to use their guns.

[–]Jojosbees 625 points626 points  (79 children)

If I worked retail and got paid retail wages, I wouldn’t care if someone is shoplifting, at least not enough to follow them to their car where they could shoot or run me over. My life (and frankly their lives as well) is worth more than $50 in diapers or whatever they were trying to steal from a Walgreens.

[–]fishling 575 points576 points  (27 children)

I suspect he didn't care about the shoplifting but was looking for an opportunity to be a hero and hopefully use his gun.

[–]GayVegan 199 points200 points  (20 children)

This is common. People desperately wanting a reason to use the gun and target practice they've been using for decades.

[–]IWillBaconSlapYou 82 points83 points  (16 children)

I don't understand why more people don't say this. When I worked retail, there was no way I was getting involved in this crap. Who are these wage slaves who have so much loyalty and will lay down their lives to defend some product that was only going to line corporate pockets? I mean, sure, code of honor or whatever... But come on. It's so pointless. Besides, every retail establishment I ever worked at made it abundantly clear that they didn't want us to do that, anyway (not because they cared or anything... Just because of lawsuits, which is fair enough).

Tbh, while I believe the shoplifters were playing stupid games and won stupid prizes, it doesn't feel worth it from that end, either. A pregnant lady got shot over, again, some product that was only ever going to benefit upper management that didn't even work there.

[–]197328645 61 points62 points  (6 children)

Who are these wage slaves who have so much loyalty and will lay down their lives to defend some product that was only going to line corporate pockets?

They're the kind of people who will carry a gun every day, hoping for the chance to use it

[–]SmilingPainfully 40 points41 points  (1 child)

I had to scroll too far for this one. Back when I was working at Dollar Tree, in my neighborhood some folks would literally steal carts full of shit and walk out with the cart, down the street. One dude was so bold to tell us he'd be back later. Itnwas annoying but at the end of the day, boss makes a dollar and we make a nickel. I dont get paid enough to care that much about stolen merchandise.

[–]IWillBaconSlapYou 25 points26 points  (0 children)

I remember some pissant teenager smirking at me as he walked out the front door with the food I had just served him, bypassing the check stand. He really thought he was some big baller for stealing $7 worth of food, and that he was burning me so hard. It was so cringe. Oh honey, someday you'll know how inconsequential your cute little undescended brass balls are to me.

[–]ifallsmn218 1679 points1680 points  (121 children)

The co-shoplifter dumped her out at the hospital & sped off? Some fucking friend.

[–]nevertoomuchthought 706 points707 points  (12 children)

"Bitch, I got warrants!"

[–]agent_raconteur 167 points168 points  (2 children)

The article says "...the other woman, who drove away after dropping her off and remains unidentified by police"

She could have brought her in, watched as she got wheeled away by staff, then gone home rather than waiting around for an indeterminate amount of time. She also could have slowed the car down near the doors and said "tuck and roll!" before booting the victim out the car but there's nothing about speeding off or not giving a shit about the person she just drove to the hospital

[–]TrivialRhythm 56 points57 points  (0 children)

That's an interesting way to say got dropped off at the hospital by their accomplice and then they sped off. idk maybe you were there or there's like video evidence floating around or something

[–]cricket9818 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Why didn’t you take me all the way to the door!

[–][deleted] 824 points825 points  (15 children)

Thank God they saved the Maybelline eye shadow and the Slim Jim beef snacks.

[–]reddicyoulous 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Do you know the damage Slim Jims can do? One of my friends in highschool had an uncle who was high up on the food chain for Conagra and gave him all these snacks and SJs for free.

We ate 'boxes' of slim jims and they made us fart so much we declared my friends basement (our main hangout spot) a biohazard contaminate and evacuated it for 2 weeks

[–]HAHA_goats 1469 points1470 points  (79 children)

Oh shit, this comes down to a protect the unborn vs protect the 2A dilemma. Republicans will have to resort to the color chart to resolve this one.

[–]Agent_Dongson 971 points972 points  (25 children)

Nope. They'll pick 2A over the pregnant lady. Then shame the lady for being pregnant and not making better decisions. Bonus points if she was not married.

[–]yungleg 106 points107 points  (5 children)

Then if anything happens to the baby they’ll press charges against her for being shot

[–]collergic 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Oooo if the baby dies she can be charged with murder

[–]Dont_Be_Sheep 8 points9 points  (0 children)

This is what happens in all cases anyway

[–]Banana-Republicans 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Didn’t that exact thing happen a few years ago?

[–]DirtyPiss 315 points316 points  (9 children)

“If the fetus was armed, this could have been prevented.”

[–]zykezero 15 points16 points  (1 child)

The only thing that beats a bad guy with a gun is a fetus with a gun.

[–]L0rd_OverKill 233 points234 points  (17 children)

We all know if they have to choose between, literally anything, and 2A, then it’s 2A all the way.

[–]Utter_Rube 89 points90 points  (1 child)

They'll go 2A all day in cases like this. See, they don't actually care about protecting the unborn, is about control. So a stray bullet that ends an unborn child's life is merely an unfortunate but ultimately entirely unpreventable accident.

[–]Chairman-Dao 49 points50 points  (6 children)

[–]keeper420 47 points48 points  (5 children)

This one really confused me as to why the NRA wasn't flipping their shit. Then I saw a picture of the victim...

[–]FlyingPeacock 13 points14 points  (3 children)

The PR reason they didn't is because he used marijuana, and was therefore a prohibited person as far as owning a gun. That said, they should have said something because the killing was egregious.

[–]freetherabbit 28 points29 points  (1 child)

Oof Idk, this is a hard one for them. The younger Republicans I would say would easily choose 2A. But the older ones really love forcing women to be incubators.

[–]shhh_its_me 89 points90 points  (1 child)

Nah Republicans will charge the mom with endangering the fetus for engaging in shoplifting while pregnant.

Don't downvote me I'm not saying I agree with it

[–]NeckRomanceKnee 47 points48 points  (1 child)

Nah, if it potentially results in a dead pregnant woman, of course Republicans are massively in favor of it.

[–]SolidDoctor 25 points26 points  (0 children)

They will be cheering on this kid who nearly murdered a woman over some stolen shampoo and perfume.

This kid is going to get fired, and they're going to boycott Walgreens.

[–]EightandaHalf-Tails 505 points506 points  (72 children)

Firing wildly, half-blind after being maced... what could possibly go wrong?

Having said that, all parties involved don't seem like the brightest bulbs.

[–]GumbySquad 108 points109 points  (2 children)

Firing blindly in fear…. Analogous to a certain modern political movement in America. Every action is based on fear of the unknown. Need some Joseph Campbell in their lives if his books are not already banned

[–]coyote_of_the_month 85 points86 points  (11 children)

I'm just thinking about how I worked at Walgreens as a cashier in high school and to this day, decades later, it's still the worst job I ever had. Worse than digging ditches, worse than working in a sweltering factory, worse than making cold-calls.

The idea that this cashier could give enough shits about Walgreens to care whether someone shoplifted is not believable. He just wanted an excuse to shoot someone.

[–]kojilee 59 points60 points  (1 child)

i’ve never worked a job where they tell you to pursue shoplifters. ever.

[–]W0666007 211 points212 points  (4 children)

If only that guy had a gun this would have happened.

[–]Sarynvhal 35 points36 points  (2 children)

I was AP for Target during grad school. We were entirely hands off with one exception, the manager had been through training and could actually confront people if required, but it still wasn’t really a thing that happened. I worked with other local big boxes who all had essentially the same SoP.

This is not the norm by any means.

[–]Horknut1 30 points31 points  (0 children)

That’s a tough birthday.

Welcome to the game, kid.

[–]80HighDefinitions 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Maybe everyone shouldn’t have guns.

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (3 children)

Why are Walgreens employees armed?

[–]Bad_Faith_Detector 70 points71 points  (1 child)

Everyone involved in this is a fucking moron.

[–]comebraidmyhair 13 points14 points  (5 children)

Imagine trying to kill someone in the name of your minimum wage job for a multibillion dollar company who we all know doesn’t give a shit about you.

[–]Spin_Me 6 points7 points  (1 child)

True that. He will certainly be fired over this.

[–]tundey_1 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Most definitely. And the remaining staff will have to undergo mandatory training sessions.

[–]MR_Se7en 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Dude is going to be fired.

[–]Boneal171 6 points7 points  (2 children)

I used to work at a certain organic grocery store chain. We were told in our training to never apprehend or approach shoplifters. It’s never worth it. That employee is an idiot. Why are you so concerned about a business that doesn’t care about you, and only cares about money? Stores like Walgreens have insurance for a reason.

[–]dhusk 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I'm sorry, but what a freaking idiot.

Managers and employees, it's NOT your money. Just let it go. It's not worth the risk of escalating things to a confrontation, not for you, not for your employees, and not even for the ALLEGED perpetrators, especially if you had no hard evidence of actual wrongdoing like Drug Store Punisher here.

[–]Perfect_Sir4820 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Risking going to prison for the rest of your life to save Walgreens a few bucks. What a moron.

[–]Foulbal 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Fuck this employee in particular. No one should feel like they have to kill for their employer, period. Bringing a gun to work to protect your place of employment in the first place is psychotic.

That all said, the real issue is the decades of brainwashing telling people to cherish their jobs and things over human life. We are such a fucked up country.

[–]PlantMelodrama 280 points281 points  (68 children)

I don't know when the concept of shooting people to protect property changed but its generally a horrible concept.

[–]iunoyou 150 points151 points  (34 children)

Man, imagine killing someone to save $50 for Walgreens. Walgreens. Imagine having such a high opinion of the people who won't even pay you $12 an hour that you're willing to eat a prison sentence for them.

[–]havestronaut 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Eh these fuckers are looking for excuses to kill people. It’s not for Walgreens. It’s for them.

[–]DubNationAssemble 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Fucking Nashville man

[–]baxterstate 5 points6 points  (1 child)

If I were an employee at Walgreens, I wouldn’t follow a shoplifter out to the parking lot.

Just get the license plate and make and model of the car.

Doesn’t Walgreens train their employees in proper procedures?

[–]Raregolddragon 3 points4 points  (1 child)

I have no idea why anyone working for big corpos would care if there is shoplifting... you wont lose anything from your paycheck.. its the corpos money.

[–]Pimpwerx 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Ain't nothing at Walgreens worth shooting someone over. Even if they had the whole store in a sack, that's a fucking write-off.

[–]one-piecesuit 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Gee, do you think papa Walgreens will give that little hall-monitor a pat on the head and an atta‘boy for such outstanding work?

[–]unstablexplosives 12 points13 points  (0 children)

"Boyd says he pulled out a semi-automatic pistol as he was being maced and began firing shots, claiming he was in fear because he didn't know if they were armed."

imagine if you had gun laws and didn't have to assume everyone was gonna kill you

[–]Salty_Lego 51 points52 points  (3 children)

Personally, and this is just me, but I wouldn’t chase a shoplifter to their car. That just seems like an awful idea.

[–]foodude84 17 points18 points  (2 children)

1) This guy's getting fired. As a former retail worker, I'm pretty sure he violated at least half a dozen company policies, the least of which is having a gun on the premises (regardless of his permit status) and confronting a shoplifter. Most retail establishments have policies strictly forbidding this, for the safety of the employees.

2) He's going to become a darling of the GOP and the gun nuts.

[–]Sonyguyus 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Walgreens is like “You should have called the police so THEY could shoot the pregnant black woman”

[–]Jaymanseeya 7 points8 points  (0 children)

So anyway i started blasting

[–]TheCarrzilico 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Say what you will, a "good" guy with a gun stopped a bad pregnant lady with mace.

[–]sakipooh 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Most of the American public is entirely too stupid to be anywhere close to a gun.

Nothing in Walgreens is fucking worth taking a life.