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[–]continousPatriot 97 points98 points  (3 children)

Now that this is approved, I'm going to get it. If it's been given full approval I have no reason to believe it is any more or less dangerous than any other vaccine I've gotten.

[–]Dacklar 1488 points1489 points  (345 children)

Wow thats such a surprise. Never saw that one coming.

[–]Pyre2001Trump Conservative 290 points291 points  (62 children)

Let me guess the head of the FDA has ties to drug companies.

[–]Team_RealtreeΗ ΤΑΝ Η ΕΠΙ ΤΑΣ 3157 points3158 points  (534 children)

Here's the experience of ERs and ICUs right now: people come in with COVID symptoms, unvaxxed. We can send some people home with steroids and sometimes oxygen.

But some people get to the point to where they need more and more oxygen until they can't sustain an oxygen saturation compatible with life. Then they get a tube down their throat. Then a lot of them do worse. Then they die. Youngest I've seen is 27. I've seen plenty of people in their 30s go down this path. It's worse this time around.

It's not some gubment conspiracy, vaccines are keeping people from being hospitalized. The things I described above is unlikely for someone fully vaccinated.

[–]Jakebob70Conservative 553 points554 points  (27 children)

I've been waiting for the full approval, got my first shot scheduled for about an hour from now.

[–]Team_RealtreeΗ ΤΑΝ Η ΕΠΙ ΤΑΣ 54 points55 points  (2 children)

Good, I'm guessing that was your main concern and you're probably one of few that's actually keeping their word of "If it gets FDA approved I'll get it".

[–]MehnardSC Conservative 289 points290 points  (58 children)

After testing positive two weeks ago, my brother went into the hospital this morning with Covid. He said if he knew he would spend one day feeling as bad as he did, he'd have risked any of the side effects of the vaccine months ago. Hold on to your beliefs. But find a reputable doctor and heed his advice.

[–]TheSecond48Conservative 247 points248 points  (50 children)

The second shot of Moderna really made me feel like shit, and I thought, "Covid is clearly like this but MUCH worse, and I want NO part of that shit."

[–]Das_KVConstitutional Conservative 114 points115 points  (13 children)

I feel ya. First shot of Pfizer and I just had some aches. Second shot left me with violent chills, fever, and aches for about 24 hrs. By next day with some Tylenol, I was back to normal.

Worth it.

[–]TheSecond48Conservative 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Yeah, sucked ass but totally worth it. In fact, I was glad to know that a battle raged for 24 hours and I emerged victorious. That means it worked! Take that, China! lol

[–]CastleBravo45America First Conservative 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Same, second Pfizer shot had me on my ass for about 12 hours. Tylenol, water and sleep had me right as rain.

[–]ghstomjoadConservative 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I didn't have any reactions and I've been kind of nervous it didn't take or something.

[–]audiophilistineModerate Conservative 27 points28 points  (5 children)

I had the Moderna vaccine and neither shot affected me at all, besides a sore arm for a day at the injection site. Had friends warn me to brace myself for the second shot. Nothing happened at all. I suspect different body chemistry has different reactions.

[–]TheSecond48Conservative 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I think reaction is all over the map, depending on the person, with Modern having a harsher possible reaction than others.

My first shot was a total breeze, so I was cautiously optimistic the second would be as well. And I woke up feeling so shitty I actually laughed and said, "Welp, I've got a touch of Covid, and this shit BLOWS. Glad I probably won't get the real thing now."

[–]MehnardSC Conservative 38 points39 points  (9 children)

The day after I got the J&J I had symptoms that I equated with a mild case of the flu. By the end of the day I was fine.

[–]poznastyConservative 28 points29 points  (7 children)

I got the J&J and it FUCKED ME UP. Got it on a Monday morning and about midnight I couldn’t stand up. Body aches. Cold sweat. Throw up. The whole nine. Felt fine by Tuesday evening. It was the sickest I’ve ever been my entire life. Made me wonder why I got the vaccine but I’m glad I did.

[–]colin6Conservative 598 points599 points  (33 children)

Just had an anti vaxxer friend die exactly how you described. Organs started failing toward the end as well.

[–]toothringFiscally Conservative 73 points74 points  (20 children)

Same here. I know two people who've passed away due to COVID this way and I'm not very outgoing.

I figure if most everyone knows at least one person who's died from COVID, that's a hell of a lot of people who've died...

[–]colin6Conservative 18 points19 points  (4 children)

I know 8 who have died. New Jersey got hammered at the beginning of the pandemic.

[–]richmomzConstitutionalist 150 points151 points  (27 children)

Thank you and glad you are getting some upvotes and awards for going against the anti-vax nonsense. I've been a conservative most of my life and was a T_D mod, but the anti-vax/mask crap I see in conservative circles sometimes drives me insane. Yes there are some risks associated with vaccines (that's why they do clinical trials after all) but they are tiny compared with the health risk posed by COVID: it's a no-brainer, especially with full FDA approval.

Go get your shot if you haven't already (and put your mask on too while you're at it).

[–]TheJoestarDescendantTD Exile 22 points23 points  (0 children)

For the first time in a while I don't feel alone being a Right Wing Conservative that is for the vaccines...

[–]OlipyrConservative 278 points279 points  (44 children)

RN here. This is my experience, as well. Youngest I think I've seen was late 20s or early 30s. All I know is they are much younger this go around overall and majority unvaccinated.

[–]rtmacfeesterYoung Conservative 110 points111 points  (7 children)

This is what I don't understand. Why does everyone think that big pharma and the government is out to kill the people that generate their revenue? The vaccines are safe and effective. This approval had so much data behind it, that they were more confident than ever about the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine. Hearing people try to argue against that is absurd.

[–]TheLightKyanite 44 points45 points  (0 children)


Now I can understand saying “fuck big pharma” and shit, but this vaccine is safe.

[–][deleted] 77 points78 points  (6 children)

This exactly. What people don’t seem to realize is that you CAN still get Covid if you’re vaccinated but the symptoms you’ll have will be way lessened and it’s highly unlikely you’ll get sick enough to be hospitalized.

I’m so sick of people citing cases of people getting Covid while vaxxed as some sort of evidence of why they shouldn’t get the vaccine. Vaccines don’t necessarily stop transmission BUT they do SAVE LIVES.

[–]R0binSageConservative 49 points50 points  (2 children)

There will always be people that you won’t be able to convince. Me? I’m getting ready to get my booster.

[–]Blu3YetiLibertarian Conservative 118 points119 points  (11 children)

That was one of my biggest reasons for getting the shot. They are as close to a "you will not die" shot as there is.

Got the J&J shot in June and couldn't be happier.

[–][deleted] 47 points48 points  (1 child)

Agree. The truth is that the Covid response was mostly a bullshit power/wealth grab, it likely came with China with some kind of nefarious intentions, and the pandemic was inappropriately politicized from the start, but it is in fact a real virus that actually kills people. The vaccines clearly help save lives and hospital resources.

[–]Team_RealtreeΗ ΤΑΝ Η ΕΠΙ ΤΑΣ 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Oh this shit was handled poorly across the board. This will be taught in years to come and be shown as "this is how we don't respond to a pandemic". Absolutely abysmal from the inconsistencies to the widespread misinformation. Some hospitals with garbage bags as PPE. Nobody was prepared, yet we could have been. Hospital to government response was all failure.

[–]Outrageous_Tap_1507Conservative Independent 7 points8 points  (2 children)

I've seen the same things. The difference between you and I is I'm not talking down to people who are hesitant to get the vaccine. Due to the area of healthcare I'm in, I have witnessed vaccine hesitancy covering a wide range of people- not just anti-vax, not just gov. conspiracy." Perhaps the best way to help is to listen to concerns.

[–]Team_RealtreeΗ ΤΑΝ Η ΕΠΙ ΤΑΣ 10 points11 points  (0 children)

In not talking down to people. I'm telling people how it is. I understand the concerns because I spent months trying to convince my parents to get it and they finally did a few days ago. Hell, I hesitated to get the shot for a few months after it was available to me.

People are scared because of misinformation. I'm here to tell them they should take their chances with the shot instead of the virus because of what I see on a daily basis.

People are actually willing to take their chances with animal de-wormer instead of a vaccination that is now FDA approved and has shown to work and keep people out of the hospital even if they contact COVID.

[–]InfiniteExperienceConservative 757 points758 points  (90 children)

Can't wait for all the anti-vaxxers who have been waiting for FDA approval to now suddenly not trust the FDA.

[–]f1sh98Beltway Republican[S] 157 points158 points  (3 children)

I mean, some people maybe were waiting for the FDA approval, but not everyone who didn’t get the vaccine avoided it because of the FDA

I’m sure we’ll still hear tons of “well now you have no excuse!!”

[–]PoliticalAnomolyNeo Conservative 67 points68 points  (12 children)

Surely this means that now the White House and the FDA and Pfizer and moderna and all the other places are going to mandate at their employees get it now right

[–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (9 children)

Yes and surely this means that Pfizer will have legal liability for the outcome.

[–]zero44Libertarian Conservative 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Please name any other vaccine maker in the US that is legally liable for a properly administered vaccine.

Here's a hint: You can't, because that's been law since 1988.


Did you refuse the MMR, TDaP, hepatitis A/B, etc. for the same reason?

The Pfizer vaccine, as best I understand, will be under CICP for payouts now, along with every other approved vaccine for adults.

If you don't trust the new mRNA vaccines, the J&J is based on adenovirus tech that has been in use for decades and was used in several vaccines you've likely taken previously.

[–]thatisprettydumbProduct of Reaganomics 4 points5 points  (1 child)

You are high if you think pfizer will ever see anything more than chump change lawsuits if they even get that far

[–]gabrielsolChristian Conservative 1417 points1418 points  (304 children)

Good news, maybe this will make some of the hesitant persons get it.

I'm not sure why a lot of conservatives have turned into conspiracy theory kind of people.

But I hope this will sway some to realize that a lot of studies point in the direction that this thing works.

Edit: worded it better to remove a blanket label that may not apply to people hesitant of taking this particular vaccine.

[–]SBC_packersMillennial Conservative 796 points797 points  (60 children)

It's super weird. I have friends who were all set to inject themselves with anything that came out during the Trump admin. Logistics delayed it a few months and those same friends decided that this vaccine wasn't good enough. Even worse, some of them have slippery sloped themselves into being fully antivaxx for all vaccines. Super weird. This is why you shouldn't base your political aspirations on a person(especially a shitty erratic person)

[–]superduperm1DeSantis 2024 470 points471 points  (41 children)

Did you try telling them Trump himself got vaccinated and has recommended the vaccine multiple times this year (including a couple nights ago in Alabama)?

[–]bla60ahFiscal Conservative 358 points359 points  (16 children)

The same night that he got booed by those in attendance?

[–]PanzershrektReagan Conservative 57 points58 points  (7 children)

Dont leave out the part where Trump also says you should have a choice.

[–]Most_TriumphantCatholic Conservative 205 points206 points  (22 children)

It’s nuts what hoops some of our own will jump through to oppose others. I got my shots months ago without side effects. I’ve been in contact with people who had tested positive and I didn’t catch it. Vaccines don’t stop all transmissions, but they sure do help getting us back to a normal lifestyle.

[–][deleted] 53 points54 points  (7 children)

That’s the biggest problem. Some conservatives have become these conspiracy theory nut jobs willing to do anything as to not follow the “left” when in reality they’re just making us all look bad. I got vaxxed during the first wave and never looked back

[–]FrankiepalsModerate Conservative 116 points117 points  (3 children)

Doubt it. Many of my friends have dug in so hard against it I doubt they’ll ever come around.

The one that gets me is my diabetic father in his late 60’s. He refuses to get it…not sure what he’s worried about at this stage in life. Infertility?

[–]superduperm1DeSantis 2024 68 points69 points  (8 children)

Really wish this comment was at the top of the thread. The current top comments are just giving the visiting left brigaders more ammo to call us all dangerous anti-vaxxer nuts.

EDIT: To the idiot who replied saying “you ARE a dangerous anti-vaxxer nut” I got vaccinated. How can I get vaccinated, want to see as many people get vaccinated as possible (as long as it’s their choice) and be an anti-vaxxer nut? Moron.

[–]Dast_KookConservative 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It's all political theater. If Trump would have won the election, you would have had democrats or whatever anti-Trump people saying "don't take Trump's vaccine." With Biden winning, it shifted to Biden trying to take credit for the "distribution" of it (which is horseshit). And that created a distrust in it with the pro-Trump folks. We're all just very reactionary. Kind of a bummer. I had very stern anyi-Trump people telling me from the Healthcare fields "Say what you will about Trump but this Warp Speed might be the thing that wins me over with him."

[–]danegraphicsLife Liberty Property 27 points28 points  (3 children)

Remember friends: We very much support the vaccine and encourage people to get it. What we are against is vaccine mandates.

I fear that the FDA approval will open the door for a lot of leaders and companies to start mandating vaccines.

[–]shannon0931Conservative 167 points168 points  (16 children)

I just got my third dose as an immunocompromised person!

At the hospital I work at, 1/3 of our patient population has Covid. Most are aged 40-50 and only 2 of the 68 Covid patients had both of their vaccinations. You’re not invincible!!! People are on 100% oxygen with saturation’s in the 80s. Delta is scary as hell.

[–]RosselWestbrookAlways Right 31 points32 points  (4 children)

With all due respect, if you’re immunocompromised, is it safe for you to work at a hospital?

Or am I just incredibly dumb and you are immunocompromised due to the fact that you work at a hospital.

[–]shannon0931Conservative 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I work as an RN in an administrative support role for the hospitalist group. I read charts all day and put together Covid statistics that get reported to the state. I do this from the comfort of my private office or from home when I don’t want to go in.

[–]BeachCruisin22Beachservative 🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️ 540 points541 points  (388 children)

Does this mean they can now be sued?

[–]Weed_O_Whirler 546 points547 points  (177 children)

All the talk about how pharma companies can't be sued due to vaccine side effects is a red herring- you can't sue a drug company due to side effects for any drug which is available. Heck, people have reactions to Tylenol, and we don't think that J&J should be sued for it.

Now, if it is shown that a drug manufacture is negligent- by either falsifying data or making a bad batch due to unsafe practices, then you can sue them. This applies to both regular medicine and vaccines.

[–][deleted] 139 points140 points  (159 children)

Heck, people have reactions to Tylenol, and we don't think that J&J should be sued for it.

We're not being mandated or forced to take Tylenol...🤔

[–]zero44Libertarian Conservative 837 points838 points  (148 children)

You have been mandated in your life to take other vaccines as a condition of going to public schools, and those vaccine makers could not be sued either since 1988.


This really isn't a good hill to mount a defense on, everyone in the US knows they've had essentially no choice on other vaccines dating from the time they were born up through 18 or so - I know I had to take a couple before attending college that was either take them or don't attend.

[–]BigPopcicle1984 6 points7 points  (5 children)

you can't sue a drug company due to side effects for any drug which is available.

Yes you can. I guess youve never seen those mesothelioma commercials

[–]arobkincaFiscal Conservative 9 points10 points  (0 children)

TIL that asbestos is a drug.

[–]SadPotato82A Immigrant Conservative 15 points16 points  (3 children)

Not necessarily. Unless the process of manufacturing the actual product was egregious, pharma companies aren’t liable for things related to vaccines. However, an FDA approval of a vaccine means that it’s more likely on the path to being approved for children and pregnant women.

If it does get that, then it’ll be eligible for VICP program rather than CICP program, which provides higher and better compensation for any damages from vaccines, alleviating public concerns with it.

Under EUA, any request for compensation due to damage from vaccine had to be filed within 1 year of the vaccine administration and any damages that happened beyond the 1 year mark were not covered (CICP program).

[–]just_inforfunConservative 106 points107 points  (15 children)

Most people i know are conservative. Everyone I know has the vaccine.

[–]MaxyRob 264 points265 points  (78 children)

The conservative movement being linked to anti-vax is perhaps the greatest ploy of all time by the media. For fucks sake stop playing into it.

If you don’t want it don’t get it. But please don’t make a big deal out of it. The conservative philosophy should dictate that we respect everyone’s CHOICE to get it or abstain. We are NOT anti vaxx for fucks sake.

[–]Shaerick68Conservative 46 points47 points  (14 children)

The fucking issue is that the government is trying to take away that choice, and that is unacceptable.

[–]Rush2201Millennial Conservative 24 points25 points  (3 children)

But please don’t make a big deal out of it.

I've never made a big deal about not being vaccinated (against covid). It's everyone else who finds out I'm not that gets their panties in a knot.

[–]Jrock094Conservative 42 points43 points  (16 children)

So what if you already had covid twice, and the second time around you were asymptomatic. Would getting a vaccine if make any sense? It's a mRNA vaccine so all it does is make a protein that helps you build antibodies.

What if you already have antibodies from getting covid? I never hear any responses to this.

And all these cases of ppl unvaxxed going to the hospital, have they ever had covid before? Pretty sure that would play a factor. How come we don't hear anything about that?

[–]Jrock094Conservative 24 points25 points  (2 children)

To everyone that has responded, your comments didn't appear but I read them all. Thank you for the information!!

[–]KidKarez 69 points70 points  (4 children)

I think that's great if it means more people can get it. As long as it remains a choice for people to get it or not to.

[–][deleted] 35 points36 points  (5 children)

Man this thread is full of garbage, "I'm anti mandate but..." mentioning "anti-vax crazies" at least once "you cant sue vaccine manufacturers"

[–]CptnCanklesConstitutional Conservative 107 points108 points  (20 children)

What this means is that the Pfizer vaccine can now be required to be taken. Look for a government vaccine mandate soon.

[–]SlamJamGlanda 84 points85 points  (52 children)

Devil’s advocate: There were coronavirus vaccines being tested before this SARS strain. COVID-19 gave them a reason to accelerate the process. Now question is: was this a rushed approval or not after 18 months of development?

[–]fishsandwichpatrolArmy Veteran 33 points34 points  (11 children)

Please get vaccinated. Vaccines aren't political. Although this one is not 100% perfect, it will keep you out of the hospital with near certainty.

[–]MagnificentClockAmerican Exceptionalism 15 points16 points  (2 children)

I graduated the D.A.R.E program in 1986.

I wont bow to peer pressure.

Just Say No

[–]russiabot1776Путин-мой приятель 15 points16 points  (0 children)

There is no world in which the FDA does not approve it at this point. Had they not approved it, there would be chaos.

[–][deleted] 29 points30 points  (38 children)

I just want to know about the heart & blood conditions in young adult males.

And… you know, be able to sue them if its found out the vaccines cause tradeoff harm.

[–]personAAA 38 points39 points  (31 children)

The virus causes blood clotting. Those types of bad things you are thinking about will happen at higher rates in unvaccinated people including young adult males.

The vaccine is much lower risk than the virus itself for young adult males.

[–]ThrowawayekkenDonald, Destroyer of Libs 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Quite a lot of brigading going on.

[–][deleted] 18 points19 points  (4 children)

Was wondering why this is trending in a Conservative Reddit as it is not a Conservative thing per se but very happy to see that the Reddit is free of anti-vaxxer crazies.

The vaccine is good. I don't like how serious the pressure is from some people is to get it but it is a just a good idea to get it.

[–]_NoSoup4YouModerate Conservative 95 points96 points  (29 children)

So many "conservatives" in here downvoting anyone questioning vaccines. And judging from the replies I guess most people here want mandates too. Crazy.

I've always thought this sub was brigaded by undercover shills with conservative badges.

It's reddit of course so I'm not surprised.

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]PotatoUmaruBiological Threat 👩[M] 2 points3 points  (1 child)


    Make sure they're reported, reddit acts on this. Harassment like that is not okay.

    [–]CastleBravo45America First Conservative 28 points29 points  (5 children)

    Why did you put conservative in quotes? Would only fake consevatives think you should get vaccinated? Would only fake conservatives care about the health and well being of their families and communities?

    [–][deleted] 53 points54 points  (1 child)

    It's funny, actually. 99% of this website is catered directly to them and they are so insecure and pathetic they still need to come to the 1% that doesnt and act like we give a fuck what they have to say, we dont.

    [–]Scopeotoe987MAGA 7 points8 points  (3 children)

    The average r/conservative top post receives 4-5k upvotes, it seems like r/politics bombarded and only upvoted the pro covid vax comments.

    [–]DrayelyaSpicy 2A 10 points11 points  (1 child)

    Congratulations, now more people than ever will get the jab, so stop trying to mandate it for everyone.