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[–][deleted] 5886 points5887 points  (171 children)

How dare Pfizer and Moderna stop Trump's election by.... *checks notes*..... releasing their findings on their vaccine candidates on fixed dates?

[–]v_a_n_d_e_l_a_y 895 points896 points  (36 children)


[–][deleted] 424 points425 points  (8 children)

They didn't wait. They have posted regular progress continually for the last year. That's why their stock--as well as Moderna's--is doing so well.

This was NOT a secret!

[–]bytemage 26 points27 points  (0 children)

If you skip briefings for months, everything is a secret.

[–]GatrWNoToofBrush 117 points118 points  (0 children)

Well now it's not blabbermouth.

[–]bobbi21 Canada 128 points129 points  (1 child)

As we've seen a million times already, the GOP only likes the Free market when it helps them and their donors. Once it doesn't (i.e. farm and oil subsidies) then they hate it.

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (1 child)

The Free Market the GOP loves so much

Its like religion. Even if you think you see a contradiction, you just dont understand/you are taking it out of context.

For example: "They dont want trump to win because hes going to bring down the price of meds" (its interesting how no one attacks him from the right on this stuff)

There is a convenient explanation for everything.

I see this on uncontroversial /nonpolitical issues. My dad fucking hates daytime stocking in grocery stores, wont admit thats simply what the market dictates.

The trump fanatics I know are all high on supply side jesus. They wont point at a single fucking thing that appears to criticize capitalism.

[–]mrjenkins45Texas 11 points12 points  (2 children)

The hospital and research facility I work at (UTMB) pioneered the vaccine. We have been working on coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 strains since 2003 and why we were able to pivot and put this together.

We have been honest and open about the progress for months.

Fuck anyone who uses this acheivement and tens of thousands of man hours for politics.


Thanks to our unusually strong expertise in coronaviruses (three of our faculty scientists focus on these viruses and many others have extensive coronavirus experience) and our unique high containment facilities, UTMB is at the forefront of the emergency response to the COVID-19 outbreak and is already conducting research to understand the disease as well as to develop vaccines and therapeutics. 

The findings will enable scientists to create engineered viruses, minus those proteins, that could lead to an effective vaccine against the disease that has so far contributed to 210,000 U.S. deaths and more than 1 million people worldwide, said Pei-Yong Shi, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the medical branch.


HOUSTON - Hundreds of participants from the Houston and Galveston area have already been receiving the two-dose Pfizer vaccine through UTMB's clinical vaccine trial, which began in July. Early data released from Pfizer’s clinical trial Monday, suggests its vaccine is more than 90% effective in preventing the Coronavirus, which has killed more than a million people across the world. 


[–]scienceworksbitches 1434 points1435 points  (95 children)

Even if they were, aren't corporations supposed to be people when it comes to supporting politics? They can spend billions in legal bribes, why shouldn't they be allowed to influence politics in other ways?

[–]LogicalManagerNew York 778 points779 points  (78 children)

Could you imagine if he cultivated a good relationship with the science community, followed guidance and encouraged mask wearing? He might have received some hints that those test results were going to be positive news.

You know, working with the forces of good instead of the forces of evil has benefits.

[–]YouDontMessWithZohan 327 points328 points  (44 children)

I lost count after a couple thousand, the amount of times Trump has shot himself in the foot. I mean his whole life seems to be one long series of own goals.

I haven't read any of his books, maybe that's his MO. Always lose and lose some more and when there's nothing left lose even more, in the end you win by gaslighting.

[–]ArcFurnace 154 points155 points  (10 children)

I am the most fabulous whiner. I do whine because I want to win. And I'm not happy if I'm not winning. And I am a whiner. And I'm a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.

[–]HEBushido 31 points32 points  (5 children)

In the old days of Halo 3 that would get you T-bagged.

[–]ronerychiver 13 points14 points  (0 children)

It’s not too late.

[–]vortex30 87 points88 points  (26 children)

If he was just semi fucking normal he would have won the election by a landslide. But he's not normal, not in the slightest.

[–]chipdipper99 112 points113 points  (18 children)

I was genuinely worried in March when things first started locking down, because I knew that, if he handled things properly, he could have been a “wartime president” and won by a landslide in November. He could have made MAGA facemasks and been all like “real men don’t endanger others” or whatever. He would have been unstoppable

Luckily for us though, he’s an idiot

[–]hydrogen_wvWest Virginia 65 points66 points  (4 children)

It really would have taken him very little effort to position himself to be a hero in all of this. He backed himself into a corner where he has to root against America, basically.

[–]otheraccountisabmw 55 points56 points  (3 children)

100%. If his administration had an ounce of success fighting this pandemic he would have won. Most Americans rally around the president in a time of crisis, except when the president blatantly makes the crisis worse.

[–]Kcb1986California 29 points30 points  (1 child)

He could've been a hero but he would've had to stifle his ego for 15 seconds; something he is physically and mentally incapable of doing.

[–]oddmanout 266 points267 points  (14 children)

Pfizer's vaccine was developed by a German company who didn't take any money from America, anyway. He's complaining that Pfizer wouldn't give him credit for something he didn't do.

[–]CollegeSuperSenior 132 points133 points  (11 children)

Trump has made life hell for Germans too by spouting neo-nazi talking points. His words echo around the globe and he radicalizing the gullible idiots all over Europe.

[–]dezlorelle 41 points42 points  (10 children)

That makes me even more sad. I really just thought he was only fucking up our country.

[–]JimWilliams423 45 points46 points  (4 children)

Every little tinpot dictator around the globe has started saying "fake news" when they want their groupies to ignore something inconvenient.

[–]swirly_boi 16 points17 points  (3 children)

It's really incredible the way discourse has changed so much so abruptly with this new precedent. Just disbelieve anything you don't like. It's insanity.

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

As someone who invested based on the public knowledge of these companies and said release dates, even though the upside was limited at that point because, well, public knowledge, I just want to say Trump is a fucking idiot.

He could have used publicly known information to say there was progress.

But he didn't.

He may very well be personally invested in these companies and have financial advisors that understood the vaccine development timeline.

But he simply is incapable of putting things together mentally and creating a strategy. Everyone on his team is completely disconnected from reality.

I could have written his press release in 30 minutes.

He is literally just that stupid and so is his team.

Tell me more about your 401ks, people. If you watch them then how do you feel about this buffoon missing some of the most talked about investments in 2020?

[–]Jump_Yossarian 3033 points3034 points  (69 children)

trump is hands down the whiniest fucking person on the face of the earth.

[–]Individual-Guarantee 722 points723 points  (48 children)

He's actually proudly claimed exactly this in an interview. He says he's an excellent whiner, no one can whine like him.

[–]jasoniscursedCalifornia 20.8k points20.8k points  (1066 children)

The level of narcissism it takes to think that multiple companies would slow the fight of a pandemic that effects the entire world just to hurt you individually is incredible.

[–]profmamabear 2150 points2151 points  (103 children)

Yeah, after reading this article, I think I'm done. I'm done reading that maniac's thoughts. I think I lose brain cells every time I hear more words come out of his mouth.

[–]traitorousleopard 811 points812 points  (60 children)

It's on the forefront of his mind because it is how he thinks. Were he in the position to delay a vaccine to disadvantage his enemies, he'd do it every time.

[–]Dad2us 83 points84 points  (1 child)

You act as though he hasn't already done this. He's known to have slowed and interrupted delivery of life-saving supplies to Democratic States. He's a fucking traitor.

[–]Echoeversky 44 points45 points  (0 children)

Be well friend.

[–]AsherBaels 420 points421 points  (49 children)

Also,The COVID vaccine would make Pfizer and its shareholders MILLIONS, if not billions, WORLDWIDE. They’d never intentionally delayed it.

[–]rook_armor_pls 357 points358 points  (36 children)

Also the vaccine was developed by a German company, which surprisingly, couldn't care less about the US election.

[–]Chief-_-Wiggum 80 points81 points  (8 children)

Don't forget that they DIDN'T take money from Trump to develop it.

[–]sverebom 39 points40 points  (5 children)

They - BioNTech - did take money from the German government. I'm surprised he hasn't suggested yet that it the German government is part of the conspiracy.

[–]theferrit32North Carolina 44 points45 points  (2 children)

Angela Merkel, welcome to The Resistance

[–]EmperorPenguinNJ 118 points119 points  (12 children)

I seriously doubt too many Germans don’t give a damn about this election. Too many worldwide disasters with tRump, a Moscow agent (or at least useful idiot) as US president. Doubly so for top execs at a multinational company.

[–]rook_armor_pls 126 points127 points  (7 children)

Of course the election is followed by the general public here in Germany. However suggesting that a German research company intentionally delayed their announcement (and therefore risked the prestige of being the first one to announce a nearly finished and tested vaccine) for the sole purpose of interfering with the us election is pretty far fetched in my opinion.

[–]LuminousTights Canada 63 points64 points  (2 children)

This this this. There is no chance whatsoever that a company, an entity that exists to some degree to make money and increase shareholder value, would sit on this type of news in this climate for one day they didn't have to. Everyone wanted to be first but nobody was is stupid enough to be first then be wrong. I'm completely certain they announced the very first day they could safely announce.

But the dumbasses supporters of Trump somehow think it is more likely two companies both decided they would risk their first place position to spite the Great Orange One.

[–]herefromyoutube 4463 points4464 points  (615 children)

He’s also taking credit for the lowering of insulin prices.

And he’s right.

If he hadn’t fucked up the coronavirus response so horribly and destroyed our very way of life we would never have gotten cheaper insulin.

[–]SensitiveTell0 466 points467 points  (86 children)

Diabetic here- insulin prices haven't lowered. Even that accomplishment is fake news.

[–]AriensusNevada 225 points226 points  (22 children)

Yeah, was gonna say, so when are those reduced prices going to trickle down to my insulin? My insulin is more expensive than ever.

[–]athomesuperstar 109 points110 points  (8 children)

I've been t1 for 26 years. My crazy aunt and uncle were praising Trump on Facebook because he's made insulin and other medications basically free... They didn't have a comment when I replied with a picture of my 3-month bill.

[–]ApocalypseNurseNew Mexico 88 points89 points  (1 child)

Yeah my kid’s insulin prices have not improved in the slightest. Buncha horseshit.

[–]420blazeit69nubz 40 points41 points  (33 children)

We need fucking price caps ASAP. I’m also on insanely expensive meds. With the best god damn healthcare the ACA offers I still pay $3500+ a year just to take meds not even see my neuro or anything. Why the fuck are we being punished for being born unlucky/broken?

[–]Penguin_shit15Oklahoma 993 points994 points  (164 children)

He also stopped school shootings! I dont think we had one all year!

good job #MANGA

Edit.. I can't tell by some of the responses if people understood I was being sarcastic. So.. Little late but here is my /s.

[–]Summer_Moon2 651 points652 points  (137 children)

No, there were still shootings. Just none that actually ended up in the news because they weren't "deadly enough".

Listed by year, 2020 is at the end -


[–]Penguin_shit15Oklahoma 439 points440 points  (54 children)

oh.. well shit... i tried! I just figured you couldnt have school shootings if the kids were not in school... but America will Murica I guess..

[–]The_Quicktrigger 25 points26 points  (4 children)

Trump should've run on that instead of running on no campaign.

Even something that weak could've ecked out a victory for him. Trump was always trumps biggest enemy

[–]Summer_Moon2 126 points127 points  (27 children)

Yeah, you would think that, and even hope that, but you know... Murica.

[–]Politicsboringagain 173 points174 points  (24 children)

In jurassic park, life finds a way.

In America, death finds a way.

[–][deleted] 34 points35 points  (15 children)

What I'm hearing is that we need to build Jurassic Park in Oklahoma a la Tiger King and there will be an uneasy equilibrium of the dinosaur population.

[–]UraSnotball_ 34 points35 points  (10 children)

The amount of time it took to scroll down there on my phone is depressing as fuck.

[–]fellatio-del-toro 119 points120 points  (22 children)

He's also arguing that these Vaccines couldn't have succeeded with any other president and would have taken "four more years"...while claiming he also didn't know anything about it.

[–]scawnmc 12 points13 points  (1 child)

these vaccines would have succeeded if I was a president. common sense says find a vaccine for your people who you take care of. what a dumb ass

[–]non_target_kid 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Did we get cheaper insulin? Every time I drive my dad to the pharmacy to pick up insulin, he asks the staff when insulin prices are going to go down because Fox reported it and the staff just looks at me like “is he serious?”

[–]svrtngrGeorgia 1363 points1364 points  (311 children)

Trump's greatest threat to reelection was himself. Had he actually shown continued leadership like he did at the very beginning of the outbreak (where his approval actual hit an all-time high), he would have handily won reelection. He is right that COVID isn't his fault, but fucking up the reaction to it is his fault.

Instead, he shot himself in the foot by having a laissez-faire approach to the outbreak, then telling his supporters it didn't exist.

The fact Republican Senate candidates overperformed Trump means a lot of moderate Republicans voted Biden. The Trump campaign also brought out his people in droves.

[–]TwoBionicknees 1253 points1254 points  (106 children)

There was no leadership at the start of the pandemic, just avoidance. The ban on China didn't work, they let in 40k Americans from China and instead of just instituting a quarantine on those coming from China those 40k came in with zero testing, with no quarantining and helped spread it. He also failed to have a ban from europe where the majority of infected people flew in from again because of absolutely no precautions taking at all.

THe ban from flights from China was non functional, had no actual preventative measures for those coming in and was the epitome of bad leadership. He did something to look like he was doing something but what he did was entirely and utterly ineffective.

Forced quarantine and testing of all those who entered teh country while not having a ban from flights from China and later from europe would have done dramatically more than having a worthless ban that let people in and didn't make any effort to keep sick people out.

Aside from that he denied it was bad, denied that people needed to be careful, denied it was spreading in the US while it was growing fast and kept making shit up about it. It was anything but leadership.

[–]cerevescience 489 points490 points  (25 children)

Right? What leadership. He had press conferences where he said it would go way. I guess getting in front of a camera is equivalent as leadership in this world?

[–]TwoBionicknees 111 points112 points  (4 children)

Yup, that's the leadership you would actually want if there was an immovable, unchangeable extinction level asteroid heading for earth. Pretend it isn't happening and calm people down. When there was something you could easily do and real leadership then what Trump did was the worst thing possible, misled, gaslight and obstructed real procedures being put into place.

[–]semper_JJ 70 points71 points  (4 children)

It wasn't leadership, but it looked brielfy to those not paying attention like it was. I agree if he had handled corona better he would have had a very real chance at victory.

The reality was, his press conferences and lies and denials were all he had in the can. When that didn't work he just went full disregard. The appearance of leadership without anything actually happening doesn't fly as well when people are dying, so denial was his change of course.

[–]BucketOfTruthiness 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Don't forget the press conference where he said he wasn't going to wear a mask.

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (1 child)

This, IMO, was one of the most damaging things he did during this whole thing.

[–]beepboopaltalt 55 points56 points  (0 children)

This. He was saying it was a hoax to hurt him FROM THE START. I watched every single broadcast he did at the beginning, and they were all filled with lies and corporate sponsorships. His plan was to say they were taking it seriously and that it was under control to prop up the stock market. Once the fed did that for him, he stopped even pretending.

[–]Aarakocra 143 points144 points  (15 children)

The “banned flights from China” thing just irks me so much because of how he trots it out. I got to watch my friends at my Alma mater go through the lockdown early because he didn’t block any of the students coming back from abroad following spring break, including our extensive Chinese foreign exchange program. And that was end of February, beginning of March. So I’m not convinced his “restrictions” did anything!

[–]TwoBionicknees 81 points82 points  (9 children)

Oh they straight up didn't. Places that quarantined those coming in did fine, those who banned a few places but didn't quarantine, track or check anyone who came in did extremely badly. Even just checking temps and following up a few days later, asking people to spend a few days at home to see if symptoms start before going out would have made a difference.

at least 40k people were known to have flown in from China after the ban because they weren't stopping citizens and some other people (likely students with visas/etc) from returning which meant hte ban was pointless. It was even pointless because world wide air travel had already reduced massively particularly out of china as half the world had banned them. Even China was taking it fucking seriously at that point locking down a city harder than anyone in the rest of the world has done.

[–]Rower78 28 points29 points  (1 child)

You’re 100% right on all accounts and the really really sad thing is that Trump still only had to not fuck up his response as badly as he did and he might very well have been re-elected. Which I find very discouraging because I don’t think there’s been a more obvious conman than Donald Trump.

[–]eleven_eighteen 107 points108 points  (23 children)

I've said before he could have literally legally bought the election without spending a penny of his own money, but just giving Americans their own money back.

Told people to wear masks from the start, handed the response to a team of competent people, then used his oh so amazing business skills to get Congress to keep unemployment funded and have another stimulus check go out in late October and he would have run away with the election.

But all he did is prove yet again that he's nothing but a fraud and a failure at any kind of actual leadership.

[–][deleted] 65 points66 points  (3 children)

All they had to do was pay people so that they can survive. They couldnt even be bothered, and they still almost won. Shit is insane.

[–]InsertCleverNickHereMinnesota 40 points41 points  (2 children)

Seriously, I'll never understand why he didn't demand that Congress pass another stimulus bill, take all the credit for it, and send out letters with his big stupid Sharpie signature on it. Tons of voters would have fallen for that--"Trump got me muh stimulus money!"

[–]Onkel24Foreign 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Probably doing only half that and not being an ass to McCains and Lewis´ corpses would have saved him.

It´s truly Karma.

[–]mikes6xUnited Kingdom 176 points177 points  (13 children)

Shit. All he had to do was ride the economy he inherited from Obama, leave the CDC and Pandemic Response team in place and he would have strolled back into the White House.

Instead, he took charge and continued his habit of wrecking every venture he's taken on.

Anyone who still supports this idiot is beyond rescue.

Good luck, America. You'll need it!

[–][deleted] 48 points49 points  (1 child)

The very beginning? You mean when he told Woodward it was very serious and the next week or so told his brain dead fans it was all a media hoax? THAT beginning?

[–]xynix_ieFlorida 145 points146 points  (8 children)

I call this autopilot syndrome. It's like a real pilot set the autopilot for a destination and then went to the bathroom and the co-pilot had no fucking clue how to fly the plane. So when a storm popped up it crashed. That's Trump. A clueless moron who had no business flying the plane.

[–]williamfbuckwheat 34 points35 points  (6 children)

I would say Trump would be like a deranged co-pilot that was deliberately trying to fly the plane into the ground when the pilot was gone but couldn't figure out how to get the autopilot to disengage until there was real danger (aka, a storm) that forced whoever was in charge of the plane to take charge for once.

[–]bigskyguy76 247 points248 points  (59 children)

His approval at the start of the pandemic was still awful (49%).

For reference, the second lowest all-time high approval rating since FDR was Nixon who made it to 66%.

I'm not sure COVID actually hurt Trump in the election. His response was horrible, but his messaging resonated with and motivated red voters.

[–]alcabazar 106 points107 points  (24 children)

Obama had a 44% approval rate at the start of 2012 and he still won re-election. A 49% combined with his loyal following should have resulted in an easy win for Trump.

[–]DarXIV 122 points123 points  (23 children)

That’s the difference between left and right voters. Trump had a 49% approval rating and they would vote for him no matter what. Left leaning voters are more openly critical of democratic candidates so Obama getting 44% and winning isn’t that surprising.

[–]herefromyoutube 176 points177 points  (26 children)

Get ready to see that low approval shit with Biden no matter what he does. Biden could give everybody healthcare while knocking the debt in half and still not get out of the 50s.

[–]RockleyBob 28 points29 points  (7 children)

Trump's greatest threat to reelection was himself.

The scariest thing is that after all the criminality, scandal, and absolute unmitigated chaos of his administration millions of Americans went to the polls and said “we don’t care.”

Biden needs to spend every ounce of political capital he has shoring up this democracy, putting more safeguards in place, and closing the loopholes because who knows what’s going to happen in 2024.

The next guy the republicans pick won’t be so stupid, but you better bet they’re going to attempt a lot of the same shit.

[–]CherryDreadnaught 62 points63 points  (3 children)

It's projection. Trump thinks they did that because if he was them, it's what he would have done. Exactly the type of fuckery Trump would pull. He's got no problem killing thousands a day as it is.

[–]FC37America 308 points309 points  (10 children)

Imagine the Moderna board meeting?

"So in late October, you reviewed the data and had everything you needed to submit an application for a vaccine that was 94.5% effective, and which would increase revenues for this company by a multiple few have ever ventured to imagine, much less project. But you held off on submitting for three additional weeks, letting Pfizer release data and submit for an EUA first. Why?"

"Because we wanted to hurt Trump."



"OK, one: pack it up, you're done here. Two: shareholders are going to be filing suits, probably against you personally. And three: the SEC is DEFINITELY going to be taking action against you personally for withholding information. So, I suggest you get a lawyer, and for my own legal interests this will be our last conversation."

[–]yiannistheman 131 points132 points  (4 children)

See, too many of his minions won't understand that.

Just like they won't understand the race to be first here - these people had millions of dollars - *personally* - at stake here. The first one to the punch was going to reap the stock market rewards, which would trickle down to each of these individuals. So not only would they have to be derelict in their duty to their company, but they'd have to be willing to forgo money just to screw Trump. And you're not just talking board members and senior execs, but the rank and file associated with the trials who would have to be involved in the coverup.

Hey, Cheeto Bandito! It's not always about you.

[–]soline 106 points107 points  (17 children)

Um his base said coronavirus would go away after Election Day because it was just a ploy to make him lose. A global pandemic, just to make Trump look bad.

[–]Boollish 43 points44 points  (6 children)

The global pandemic was the biggest re-election gimme in the history of re-election gimmes.

All Trump had to do was say something to the effect of:

"We're listening to my doctors. I handpicked him. He's so smart. So smart. He says to wear a mask, so I'm wearing a mask. I've been wearing a mask since before he said to wear a mask because I"m smart. But we're going to beat China. They have so many cases it's so sad. We're going to beat China. We're going to be more careful. And EVERYBODY is going to get more stimulus, that was my idea by the way. The Democrats didn't want to do it, but I said we have to give stimulus to keep people safe, we have to."

The US masks up, we trash the European covid numbers, get to open up sooner. Trump goes down as the greatest president since Eisenhower, he probably has an election win that rivals Obama v McCain, and gets to ride off into the racist sunset.

[–]rolfraikou 41 points42 points  (2 children)

He's trying to make 30% of the country (the people that voted for him) actively hate the companies that would have otherwise stopped the pandemic.

Remember, Russia said they wanted to cause a rift in america, precisely with its own politics. Not to actually take it over.

The goal is damage.

[–]voting-jasmine 17 points18 points  (1 child)

He would do something like that to say hurt Obama, so he thinks it's normal.

[–]IJustLoggedInToSay-Illinois 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It's not surprising at all. What is surprising is the that the number of absolute cretins who now undoubtedly believe this is in the millions rather than the dozens.

[–]sarduchi 4464 points4465 points  (138 children)

But he already lost the election... grandpas senility is getting worse. Next he'll be saying the nurses are stealing from him.

[–]constfang 274 points275 points  (2 children)

A guy who accused vaccines of causing autism now accusing vaccine companies of not letting him to release the vaccines early.

[–]burnsalot603 81 points82 points  (0 children)

r/trumpcriticizestrump there is an entire sub dedicated to trump contradicting himself like this.

[–]sharonisanerdTexas 1244 points1245 points  (88 children)

Technically he accused "FISA," not Pfizer :P


[–]NoFascist I voted 486 points487 points  (32 children)

I didn’t know trump had emerged from his baby bunker. He’s talking to the press again? Was this before or after his meeting with the Michigan state reps where he tried to commit election fraud?

[–]StyphinColorado 150 points151 points  (27 children)

Tried? Are we sure he didn’t succeed?

[–]NoFascist I voted 145 points146 points  (22 children)

No. We are not sure at all. Joe Biden seems calm about it though. I, however, am not.

[–]FirstSonOfGwyn 150 points151 points  (11 children)

well, if you're anything like me, you are completely unqualified to hold an opinion on the matter, and the guy with 48 years of federal political experience who is the one who has the most to gain/lose personally from this is cool as a cucumber.....

Certainly helps me chill out

[–]No_Championship7998 96 points97 points  (3 children)

It really is amazing how a Biden speech can calm my anxiety now. I wish he’d give a speech every day. I think my blood pressure would go down.

[–][deleted] 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Give me the fireside chat pls

[–]Sweetness4455 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I needed this

[–]ishkabibbles84 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Obama was confident in his interview last night as well. It's reassuring at least

[–][deleted] 189 points190 points  (10 children)

Wtf did I just watch? [Paraphrasing]“They delayed the vaccine until after the election, if they would’ve released it earlier they (democrats) would’ve found some of the ballots.” I’m drawing a blank on what to even think right now.

[–]sharonisanerdTexas 117 points118 points  (5 children)

I’m drawing a blank on what to even think right now.

Now you know how it feels to be a Trump

[–]northernpace 75 points76 points  (7 children)


[–]redditorrrrrrrrrrrrMichigan 53 points54 points  (3 children)

Fuckin anfisa those terrorists.

/S just in case

[–]hismaj45 17 points18 points  (2 children)

Ant Isa and uncle Fizer.

[–]CoffeeFriendish 29 points30 points  (1 child)

I can’t wait till we don’t have to listen to this guy take credit for everything that happens. Unless it’s bad of course, then it’s someone else.

[–]TheObeliskIL 42 points43 points  (3 children)

I shouldn't be surprised here but man. He FOR REAL is openly self aggrandizing himself for the existence of any/all coronavirus vaccines. Pompous delusional orange demagogue sycophantic pile of manure

[–]bsurfn2day 15 points16 points  (0 children)

FISA warrants are going to be fucking him real hard when he leaves office

[–][deleted] 79 points80 points  (10 children)

I think just everyone who is not tongue licking his butthole is satan from his point of view

[–]Nayre_TraweIllinois 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Next he'll be saying the nurses are stealing from him.


[–]Snoo55449 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Stroke victims often have difficulty with speech.

[–]monkeywithgun 281 points282 points  (13 children)

So on the one hand he's taking credit for their success and on the other he claims they are working against him...

Typical Donald, a duplicitous flip flopping liar.

[–]starliz 513 points514 points  (30 children)

He will be the new example of a sore loser in our history. How pathetic.

[–]MadSgtLex 183 points184 points  (11 children)

Don’t be a trump, everyone loses sometimes.

[–]poplaruploads I voted 75 points76 points  (6 children)

Can we make this a new children's book?

[–]beefstewie 62 points63 points  (4 children)

How Benedict Arnold became synonymous with being a traitor, it’s only fitting for Trump to carry the weight of a sore loser.

[–]NPVT 292 points293 points  (7 children)

Trump killed Americans to stop his own reelection.

[–]0c7or0k 57 points58 points  (2 children)

No no... all those people “died on purpose” to stop his re-election....

[–]twlscilWashington 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I thought they were dying to save the economy.

[–]TheBirminghamBear 729 points730 points  (27 children)

The guy who 70 million Americans claim is the peak businessperson is accusing a pharmaceutical company of developing a critical COVID-19 vaccine as a way to ruin his chances of reelection.

And, by the way - a vaccine to a virus that Trump has repeatedly claimed isn't real, is no more deadly than the flu, and that one day, just like a miracle, would just vanish.

Truly, truly the dumbest fucking human being to have ever existed on planet Earth.

[–]thejameswhistler Canada 156 points157 points  (9 children)

Sadly not. That would be all the people who believe every idiotic word that plops from his diseased mouth like so many turds, without even bothering to think about them, much less validate them.

[–]GrumpyOlBastard 70 points71 points  (4 children)

Who’s dumber? The Dumbest Person On The Planet, or the person that believes in and votes for them?

[–]maybenextyearCLE 887 points888 points  (49 children)

I think both companies decided not to be political and actually follow, you know, science

[–]surfteacher1962 262 points263 points  (20 children)

Yes, but the big baby in the White House sees everything as a plot against him. He is going to drag this out until January 20th. He is gong to get more deranged as we get closer. I am worried that he is going to move to doing something like starting a war or bombing an Iranian nuclear facility. He will stop at nothing because he is a malignant narcissist.

[–]maybenextyearCLE 94 points95 points  (9 children)

It’s at the anger stage of loss. He’s just lashing out at anything that seems to have cost him.

Granted this vaccine news before the election may have helped him, but they are scientists, not politicians.

And yeah I fully expect him to do something monumentally stupid to punish the American people for not re-electing him. Whenever it’s officially over, his anger at “election fraud” will turn on the American people for not doing enough

[–]SirPiffingsthwaite 83 points84 points  (5 children)

Trump only has two stages, anger and denial, and neither ever gets processed, he just keeps cycling through them.

[–]clsfbay 35 points36 points  (4 children)

I sense a little bit of bargaining starting to happen : name the vaccine after me, give me immunity etc. and while I hope he gets to the depression stage, he will never get to acceptance. Btw: these are coping mechanisms for normal people. For a malignant narcissist, it may not apply.

[–]uberares 26 points27 points  (0 children)

hes undergone narcissistic injury, on a grand scale. This isnt going to follow the normal grieving process, his narcissism is so off the charts bad.

[–]entropy_generator 66 points67 points  (6 children)

They may very well have waited to give the news until after the election, but if they did it wasn't because they didn't like Trump, it was because coming out with it right before would have been detrimental to the public trust in the vaccine. And the reason for that lies solely in the fact Trump has been pushing pseudoscience for the entirety of the pandemic in order to make himself look better. It's his own fault.

[–]-SENDHELP-America 13 points14 points  (1 child)

That's exactly why he thinks they're attacking him. They aren't blatantly pandering to him, and so he thinks they're evil and out to get him. Or at least, he knows he can convince half of America of that with like zero effort other than saying it a few times

[–]k3908dahouhoudahowu 88 points89 points  (9 children)

What's terrifying here is not just how stupid this person is, but how so many of his cult followers will buy into what will inevitably be an anti-Pfizer, anti-Moderna crusade, then refuse to get vaccinated, then die.

Blood is on his hands.

[–][deleted] 70 points71 points  (7 children)

press needs to just start yelling “MR PRESIDENT IT’S OVER YOU LOST” in middle of his sentences. get press credentials revoked and take the Holidays off.

[–]LuvNMuny 64 points65 points  (2 children)

Jesus Christ, this guy whines more than anyone in history. His entire presidency is just four years of whining about how much everyone hates him. No wonder he doesn't have any friends.

"The party of personal responsibility." Fucking lol.

[–]adamsaubergine 218 points219 points  (5 children)

Trump is a crazy mother fucker, thinks everyone and everything out to get him. Get out of the Oval, Donald. You acting like a boss. You ain't no boss.

[–][deleted] 45 points46 points  (5 children)

Only a malignant narcissist would make a life saving vaccine during a pandemic all about himself.

[–][deleted] 152 points153 points  (6 children)

This story arc again? The writers of this show really need some new ideas. Fortunately it’s been canceled.

[–]re4ctor 27 points28 points  (0 children)

The shows cancelled but it’s still on the air for the rest of the season. This is where the writers get a little out there with the plot points.

[–]lagerbaer Canada 36 points37 points  (3 children)

He's so vain, he probably thinks this pandemic is about him.

[–]Evil_Empire_1961 96 points97 points  (5 children)

Can I be bold enough to add 80 Million Americans too

[–]DrJCL 13 points14 points  (1 child)

It's basically a conspiracy of 80 million against him winning another term.


[–]TheZeezer 63 points64 points  (3 children)

amateur; a real conspiracy theorist would have offered a theory on how big pharma created C19 in order to sell vaccines.

That's how you sell your MAGA hats to dumb folks.

[–]Spadrick 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Qanon is already pushing those kinds of narratives.

[–]bebophoneColorado[🍰] 85 points86 points  (2 children)

Sucks for Trump that he's the victim of everything ever.

[–]oddmanout 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Pfizer and others were way ahead on vaccines, you wouldn’t have a vaccine if it wasn’t me for another four years,” he said.

Pfizer worked with a German company to develop the vaccine. Literally nothing Trump did had anything to do with their vaccine.

“Pfizer and others even decided to not assess the results of their vaccine, in other words not come out with the vaccine, until just after the election.

He's accusing them of postponing the vaccine while people die and the economy crumbles just to stick it to Trump. Trump is the most narcissistic person I've ever seen. That's absolutely ridiculous.

[–]51psi 26 points27 points  (4 children)

And Liberals, democrats, socialists, doctors, scientists, universities and Voters is the blame from so called regular republicans. (Apologists and deniers)

But the hard right and majority Republicans blame the above list plus Blacks, latinos, Jewish, Muslims, atheists, American Indians. hippies, the air, the sky, clean water ways 5G and wind turbines.

[–]DoctorLazlo 21 points22 points  (3 children)

He takes no responsibility for his failure.

[–]ClintSlunt 19 points20 points  (1 child)

New Zealand's prime minister did not have a vaccine ready. Her competent handling of the virus allowed her to win re-election in a landslide.

Trump is incompetent. Full stop.

[–]crowd79 16 points17 points  (1 child)

61 days and counting, Covid in Chief. You’re toast!

Trump is the virus!

[–]celtic1888 I voted 18 points19 points  (2 children)

Little known factoid

Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are major Pfizer and Moderna stakeholders.

They have the adrenochrome markets wrapped up along with voting machines

Do you're researches sheeple!!!!

/s just in case

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Trump is really like this. I knew under any other admin what happened to me would never occur, for better or worse. He is literally insane and not in a good way.

[–]tender_hearted 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Trump is so self centered, he thinks everything is about him. Lol

[–]cough_landing_on_you 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Was this from his conference? CNN decided not to even air it.

[–]Jump_Yossarian 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Too bad it took them years to learn their lesson.