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Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Friday that he will open up national archives showing how intelligence agencies targeted activists and opposition groups during the country's "dirty war"

Mexico's president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he will end the use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, once he enters office on Dec. 1: "We will no longer use that method to extract petroleum," the populist politician said Tuesday at a press conference

Mexico not buying U.S. yellow corn as GMO ban looms, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says: The United States wanted to sell Mexico more yellow corn and Mexico declined

Forum for economy, business, politics, stocks, bonds, product releases, IPOs, advice, news, investment, videos, predictions, government, money, politics, debate, capitalism, current trends, and more.

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Ya existe denuncia penal en contra de tres hijos del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, por actos de corrupción y ser participes en una red de tráfico de influencias, delitos que causan “daños irreversibles a la hacienda pública”

Un Subreddit dedicado al Estado De Puebla en Mexico.

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Ya existe denuncia penal en contra de tres hijos del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, por actos de corrupción y ser participes en una red de tráfico de influencias, delitos que causan “daños irreversibles a la hacienda pública”
r/Puebla - Ya existe denuncia penal en contra de tres hijos del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, por actos de corrupción y ser participes en una red de tráfico de influencias, delitos que causan “daños irreversibles a la hacienda pública”

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Tuesday that he would skip a Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles in June unless Washington invites all countries in the region. AMLO calls for the Biden administration not to exclude Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela from the talks

Coronavirus arrives in Mexico; first case confirmed in Mexico City | The Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion announced the news at the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has published a financial disclosure form that reveals relatively few possessions — and the fact that his wife makes more than he does after he cut his own pay to about $65,000 per year

Mexico president accused of hypocrisy for backing tough anti-protest laws: Andrés Manuel López Obrador – who made his name as a protester – backs laws that could see activists jailed for 20 years

What is the AMLO Security Doctrine? Was “hugs not bullets” just a cover for militarization? There are two phrases that sum up the security policy of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador: “Hugs Not Bullets,” and “National Guard.”

This is a forum dedicated to civil and informed discussion of military and defense issues and to bring better public understand of related topics. As such, our rules are more stringent than the typical subreddit.

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Andrés Manuel López Obrador maintains a 66% approval rate in his fourth year in office but is seemingly disliked by Reddit. What other heads of government are disliked by Reddit but popular amongst their population?

A subreddit dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean. From Mexico to the DR to Chile, we're protesting against Reddit's API changes together with +3000 subreddits.

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Andrés Manuel López Obrador maintains a 66% approval rate in his fourth year in office but is seemingly disliked by Reddit. What other heads of government are disliked by Reddit but popular amongst their population?

A diciembre 2 estaba en 69% según la primera fuente pero ya hubo una actualización con datos más recientes.

Batmış bir ekonomi nasıl düzeltlir: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

This subreddit is for news and discussion about Turkey. Posts both in English and Turkish are welcome. Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili haber ve sohbet ortamıdır. Türkçe veya İngilizce yazabilirsiniz.

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Batmış bir ekonomi nasıl düzeltlir: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

Bu yazıyı kim gelirse gelsin Türkiye düzelmez zaten diyen kişiler için yazıyorum. Bir sene kadar Meksikada yaşadım. Size son senelerde Meksikada olanlardan ve bunların ülkeyi nasıl değiştirdiğinden bahsetmek istiyorum. Meksika çoğu Latin Amerika ülkesi gibi yozlaşmış siyaset, uyuşturucu ve hileli seçimlerden muzdarip bir ülkeydi. 2018 yılında Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Meksika devlet başkanı seçildi. Lopez, başkan seçildikten sonra pek çok reform gerçekleştirdi. Örneğin Lopez, göreve başlamasını takip eden günlerde maaşını %60 oranında azalttı ve pozisyonu için ayrılan ayrıcalıklara son vermek istediğini açıkladı. Kendisinden önce uygulanan neo liberal politikaları çok sert bir şekilde eleştirildi. Daha sonra Vergi afflarını kaldırdı ve vergi kaçakçılığı, yolsuzluk, yakıt hırsızlığı ve seçim yolsuzluğunun ciddi suçlar olarak sınıflandırılmasına yönelik ceza reformları yaptı. Onun yönetiminde Meksika pesosu istikrarlı bir şekilde dolar karşısında değer kazandı ve bir anda olmasa dahi halkın alım gücü de sürekli olarak az ama istikrarlı şekilde yükseliyor. Yani bence düzgün seçilmiş bir aday gerçekten batmakta olan bir ülkenin gidişatını değiştirebiliyor. Tabi bunların bir anda olmasını beklemek absürt ama genel anlamda istikrarlı bir büyüme sağlanması o kadar zor değil. Sizce Türkiye'nin Lópezi kim?

Mexico’s Leader Vowed ‘Hugs Not Bullets,’ but the Carnage Continues; the security strategy put in place by the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, shortly after taking office has gutted intelligence operations and so far failed to quell the carnage

The dramatic assassination attempt on Mexico City’s police chief \was just the latest and clearest sign that Mexico’s powerful criminal element is bringing the violence it has unleashed on the general population directly to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s door

Mexico's next president aims to end foreign fuel imports in three years - Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will seek to end the country’s massive fuel imports, nearly all from the United States, during the first three years of his term while also boosting refining at home.

Mexican president blames US fentanyl crisis on ‘lack of hugs’ among families | Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Did you hear about the man who butt-dialed 911 while drunk driving? How about the teenagers who carjacked a car, only to fail because neither of them could drive stick? Welcome to /r/NewsOfTheStupid, a subreddit created for news stories just like these, proving that humanity is on a downward spiral

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Mexico to pay $1.5 billion for US border security and processing, source says. The agreement came on the same day President Joe Biden hosted his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for a meeting in the Oval Office

The Democratic Party is building a better future for everyone and you can help. Join us today and help elect more Democrats nationwide! This sub offers daily news updates, policy analysis, links, and opportunities to participate in the political process. We are here to get Democrats elected up and down the ballot.

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Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is putting the people of Mexico in grave danger with his reckless disregard for accurate information on the COVID-19 pandemic, Human Rights Watch said today.

What's next for Mexico with the upcoming inauguration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as President?

This is a subreddit for substantive and civil discussion on political topics. If you have a political prompt for discussion, ask it here!

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What's next for Mexico with the upcoming inauguration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as President?

AMLO and Morena (his party) won decisively in July, and AMLO is set to be inaugurated as President on December 1st. He's already cancelled airport construction, shown his non-interventionist credentials by inviting the Presidents of both Venezuela and Honduras to his inauguration (despite dubious democratic behaviours from both of them, to say the least) and his party is signalling it will legalise both cannabis and abortion. But much of his security proposals have been attacked by some on the left as the same as usual with his cabinet being a mix of leftist picks and more centrist establishment choices.

How much will AMLO change Mexico? Can he end the drug war properly or fail like those before him? Will he govern as a leftist or fall to more PRI style centrism? And does his election signal a shift in Mexican politics similar to the left and away from the PRI, or will it fade just like PAN's electoral wins in the early 2000s did?

Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador claims he has proof mythical woodland elf 'Aluxe' exists

Mystery applies to what cannot be fully understood by reason or, less strictly, to whatever resists or defies explanation. For more information see /r/ModCoord.

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  • Esta es una comunidad dedicada a la gente con pensamiento común e inconforme con el gobierno mediocre de Andrés Manuel López Obrador, así como en contra de su cuarta transformación. Buscamos proponer soluciones a los problemas que este gobierno ha brindado, unirnos, hacer comunidad y tomar acción. members
  • Bienvenidos a la casa de los mexicanos en Reddit. Una comunidad para todo lo que tiene que ver con México y lo que le interese a sus usuarios. Te invitamos a leer las reglas de la comunidad y a convivir con los demás. members
  • Una comunidad para amantes de la política mexicana. members
  • La Cuarta Transformación (4T) de la vida pública de México, en Reddit. Comunidad para informar, discutir y criticar todo lo atinente al movimiento que lideran el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador y el pueblo de México, el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2019-2024 o cualquier otro tópico relativo a México. Toda expresión y postura política es bienvenida mientras mantenga completo apego a las reglas del subreddit, rediquette y reglas del sitio. members
  • A place for major news from around the world, excluding US-internal news. members
  • On a socialist political platform for Western democracies, in the vein of politicians like Bernie Sanders and Andrés Manuel López Obrador ("AMLO"). A unique voice for the economically left and socially moderate, seeking to unite the working class in the Western world across the political party lines that seek to divide us with identity politics and tribalism. For workers in the private sector, for citizens in the public sector, and for the people always. members
  • “Noticias Mexico” es para las noticias relacionadas a Mexico y cada uno de sus estados. Se permiten artículos en ingles o Español en Noticias Mexico. “Mexico News” is for news related to Mexico, and every state in the republic. English and spanish posts are welcome in Mexico News. members
  • Free trade, open borders, taco trucks on every corner. Please read the sidebar for more information. members
  • Política México es para los libres pensadores que buscan los principios fundadores de la democracia en México. Bienvenidos a Mexico_Politics. "La democracia muere en la oscuridad" members
  • Podemos nace para convertir la indignación en cambio político, y para construir democracia a través de la participación ciudadana y la unidad popular. Comunidad no oficial members
  • Anteriormente "Imágenes Chistosas 2007" en FB. // Grupo de imágenes y memes nacos que parecen antiguos o muy chafas. No se tomen las cosas de este grupo muy en serio. members
  • We don't see politics along a left/right divide, we see politics along a top/bottom divide. members