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Adnan Syed

Adnan Syed is guilty.

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Adnan Syed is guilty.

I don’t understand how people not see him as guilty. Because saying something like “oh but how can you remember 21 minutes from 6 weeks ago” true but have you seen the other point of views in this case? There is motive, there is evidence, the car? The cellphone? The fact that they were together that day? The fact that Jay confessed? Why do people ignore all these things? I am genuinely curious and would like to know why some of you believe his innocence.

Baltimore prosecutors drop charges against Adnan Syed

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Notice of Alibi

A lightly moderated discussion board for the University of Idaho Students King rd murders on Nov 13, 2022. Rest in Peace Xana, Ethan, Kaylee, and Maddie. Please check for all up to date information and facts on the Idaho four homicide. Theories and conspiracies are welcome, but please state them as such and not as fact.

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Notice of Alibi
r/Idaho4 - Notice of Alibi

Adnan Syed Murder Conviction Should Be Vacated, Prosecutors Say

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Adnan Syed: Worlds Unluckiest Man

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Adnan Syed: Worlds Unluckiest Man

Been scrolling around here for a while and like many I’ve been really taken in by this case. For me, this case hits close to home. Adnan and I would have graduated from high school the same year and both would have gone to the university of maryland. I grew up maybe 45 minutes from him. I too had a high school girlfriend who I was very much in love with at the time. We are both third culture kids.

I decided to take a little time just to highlight how incredibly unlucky he was on the day Hae was murdered. Just wildly so:

  • Even though he did have a car, people heard him asking for a ride that morning. Maybe they heard wrong. Maybe they had it in for him. Who knows? But that’s what they said. Even weirder when a cop first asked him about that ride he admitted to it and that cop wrote it down in his notes. Later he changed that story and now he just says that that couldn’t have happened. But what a strange slip of the tongue that makes him look awful. Wretched luck.

  • Later that day he just happened to loan his car out to his drug dealer friend/not really friend. Nobody has asked him to my knowledge how often he did that but having grown up at that time I sure think that’s an unusual thing to do. High school kids love their cars. Still … on that very day he loaned his car. It’s an incredibly incriminating thing to do that day given what we ended up finding out about Hae Mins murder. And it just so happened that Hae was murdered that day in a way where someone would have had access to her car. Maybe if Adnan hadn’t loaned his car he would have been able to say of course it couldn’t have been him, he was driving his own car home. Or maybe if he hadn’t loaned his car he wouldn’t have seemed so dang guilty.

  • Adnan just so happens to have a shoddy memory of the events that day. Terrible luck again. I mean he does remember certain things though right? When things look good for him. But not critical pieces that could actually give him a good alibi or further exonerate him. But mostly he says it was just a regular day. Seems strange because this was definitely anything but that so this claim certainly could be seen as incriminating or self serving. But whatever. Memory issues are memory issues.

  • His alibi witnesses are shoddy or sometimes nonexistent. His father didn’t do well on cross examination. Asia McClain has serious issues. And nobody seems to be able to give him an airtight kind of alibi. Terrible luck again eh! He wasn’t at some friends house playing video games. Not at band practice. Just so happens that he can’t get good alibi witnesses on this very day. In fact the one guy who does say he knows where he was during critical parts of the day is the one person who turned him in to the police. So unfortunate that nobody else could really vouch for him. And so unlucky that Jay just happened to be right about Adnan’s not really having other alibis.

  • His kind of friend Jay just turned on him for no particular reason that anyone can surmise. Insanely, he was even willing to incriminate himself as part of this plot to frame Adnan, risking his own freedom for no real reason at all. Jay would rather work with the police than protect his friend. Of course they weren’t really friends. Just good enough that Adnan would loan him every teenagers prized possessions on that particular day. Just more bad luck. But this is beyond bad luck. Why would Jay do this to him? It’s an incredibly bad situation that just befell this man.

  • The guy also happened to get worked by the most scheming cops in history. They withheld knowledge about Haes car just to give it to Jay - a known lowlife - so they could get Adnan. Nobody has really provided a good motive for this incredibly illegal act. But we all know cops can be terrible. Still man. Terrible luck.

  • Jay knew where that damn car was! Who knows how?!?! Was he dealing drugs around there? Did the cops feed him the knowledge of the cars whereabouts that they decided to sit on…for…reasons? Who knows! But somehow Jay, who claims he saw the body and helped Adnan bury it, thereby putting himself at extreme legal jeopardy knew where that dang car was. And he used it to concoct this story along with the cops that specifically fingered Adnan, who again, doesn’t really have reliable alibis - not that Jay or the cops could have known that. But they must have just gotten lucky when they were concocting this scheme to take Adnan down. As for Adnan? Just unlucky yet again. What a crazy tough break!

  • And what about that Jen pusateri? The one who broke the case and first said she knew that Adnan killed Hae and that she was aware of this on January 13, the day Hae min went missing because Jay told her. Of course she’s also incriminated herself. Just insane that her story matches Jays. I guess they were working together. And with the cops. Poor Adnan just got wrapped up in it all!

  • This case has been in the public eye for years and years. Jay hasn’t recanted. Neither has key witness (who had to be involved in framing him), Jen. In all that time no other really plausible theory for the murder has come into focus. Crazy. That real killer must have been quite good. More terrible luck.

  • Nobody else involved in the story really has convincing motive to kill Hae Min. Certainly nothing approaching Adnan’s recently broken up with possessive ex boyfriend thing. Crazy bad luck!

  • The Nisha call. The butt dial that couldn’t have been one. But still. Just bad luck.

  • The cell phone pings. Unreal bad luck. Just happened to have him at the burial site the day of the murder and the day when Jay first talks to the cops. No other times. How crazy is that? Bad luck.

  • The way Hae was murdered. Intimate partner violence type killing. So crazy that anyone else would have killed her that way right? So strange. Terrible luck for him.

  • Never trying to call or page his very recent ex after she went missing. Not once. I mean could be a coincidence, sure. It is incriminating though. Just bad luck I guess.

  • His lawyer ends up doing a trash job in spite of her stellar reputation. Of course that’s easier to claim since she’s no longer with us to defense herself. Oh well tough break kid. You and your family just got unlucky.

  • The “I’m going to kill” letter. I always thought this was dumb to be fair. But it is incriminating and he did write it.

I could keep going but everyone gets the point. Nobody is this unlucky. He killed her. Jay helped him.

The Case Against Adnan Syed

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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The Case Against Adnan Syed

The HBO doc didn't do a good job at setting this out, so I thought I'd try. I've tried to link this to sources so you can dig a bit deeper and call me out if I'm talking nonsense. Shoutout to everyone involved in securing the original documents, and to u/justwonderinif for presenting them in these timelines.

Before we set out, a reminder that the legal system does not require that you prove conclusively and without any doubt precisely what happened on January 13th. Nor do you need to remove any doubt whatsoever about the component pieces. That's impossible. You just need to convince jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that Adnan Syed was the person who murdered Hae Min Lee. Here's why I'm 90% sure he did it. You're welcome to disagree, and I'll be interested in any opinions or resources you can share to challenge what I'll set out here.

Jay knew where the car was

Jay knew unreleased details of the crime (page 17), and had told details to at least three different witnesses (Josh, Chris and Jenn) before police took him in. He also took the police to Hae's car, when they did not know where it was and were still actively looking for it.

This means that Jay was involved in the murder. If you want to get around this, you need to believe that Jay falsely admitted to involvement in a murder before the police knew it was a murder; that the police found the car and rather than using it to further their investigation, used it to frame Jay to frame Adnan; that Jay and Jenn went along with this false confession and have not recanted in 20 years; and that police coached Jay to give multiple different versions of the specifics of the 13th of January. I find it beyond reasonable doubt that Jay was involved in the crime.

Jay says that Adnan did it. But could he have been trying to pin the blame on Adnan for a crime he committed?

First of all, Jay has no known motive. People have speculated, but there is no evidence to support their theories, and they're usually around the theme that he wanted to get back at Adnan for something... by murdering his ex-girlfriend. I don't find this convincing. The cell tower data also shows that Jay was not at Woodlawn at 2:36.

But the main reason I don't think Jay did this himself is because it's almost impossible to separate him and Adnan that the afternoon and evening, as I'll show further down.

Adnan was trying to get Hae alone after school under false pretences

The school bell went at 2:15, and Hae failed to collect her cousin at 3:15. That gives us an hour-long window. Summer places Hae on campus at 2:30-2:45. Asia places Adnan in the library 2:30-2:40. As with every element of this case, there are doubts here (worthwhile read on Asia here). But for the sake of simplicity, let's say they're right. So we have Hae about to get in her car, and Adnan in the library around 2:40. The library is on the way out of school.

Adnan was overheard by Krista on the morning of the 13th asking if he could get a ride with Hae after school because his car was at the garage being repaired. His car was in the carpark when he asked Hae for a ride. We know this because he tells us he drives it to Jay's at lunch.

Becky hear's the ride request being discussed at lunchtime (in Adnan's absence).

When Hae goes missing, Officer Adcock is informed that Krista heard Adnan asking Hae for a ride, so Officer Adcock calls Adnan (page 42) around 6pm (probably 6:24pm) the day Hae goes missing. Adnan admits he asked Hae for a ride, but says she must have got tired of waiting and left without him. He doesn't say she declined the ride.

Two weeks later he retracts this when the new investigating officer, O'Shea, asks him. He says he wouldn't have asked for a ride, because he has a car (page 170).

Adnan's current position, as stated in serial, is that he would never ask Hae for a ride after school because she had to collect her cousin and she has no time after school for anything else. But he also told his defence team that they used to make out after school, before cousin pick up, at the Best Buy parking lot (page 95)

So we only have Adnan's word that he didn't take the ride that he'd requested under false pretences, and which he now denies using an explanation he himself has shown to be false.

Adnan and Jay were together for much of the afternoon and evening

Adnan and Jay are linked on the afternoon and evening through a number of independent witnesses, the call logs, and their own admissions. The call IDs show that Adnan's phone calling a combination of Jay's and Adnan's contacts throughout the afternoon and evening, including:

  • Adnan - Nisha: 3:32pm

  • Jay - Phil: 3:48pm

  • Jay - Patrick: 3:59pm

  • (Adnan is at track from 4-5pm, Jay collects him - I don't believe this is disputed by either of them)

  • Adnan - Krista: 5:38pm

  • (Cathy and the Adcock call place Jay and Adnan together around this time)

  • Adnan - Yaser: 6:59pm

  • Jay - Jen: 7:00pm

  • Jay - Jen: 8:04pm & 8:05pm

  • (Jen says she saw Adnan drop Jay off around 8pm)

  • Adnan - Nisha: 9:01pm

  • Adnan - Krista: 9:03pm

This shows that Adnan and Jay were together at various points throughout the day. The Nisha call is critical, because it places them together right after the likely time of the murder. Essays have been written about this, with the argument in Adnan's favour being it could have been a butt dial. But Nisha didn't have an answerphone so if it was a butt dial and nobody answered, it's unlikely to have been billed.

Nisha says that the call happened within a day or two of Adnan getting the phone. She also says the call was short, and Adnan called the next day. The only other time Adnan calls Nisha on consecutive days in January is at the very end of the month. This is weeks after he gets the phone, and these are 30-45 minute calls. For what it's worth, Adnan's brother says the call happened too (page 47). For those who'll flag that Nisha referenced them being at Jay's store, note that Cathy also says Jay mentions being at the store that day (page 130). Nisha also thought Jay was white. For more, see this post

In terms of eyewitnesses, I'm confident Jenn is right about the date of her recollections of seeing Adnan and Jay together in Adnan's car around 8pm because it was the only day Adnan's phone was calling or paging her. Full list of Adnan's calls here.

The Cathy business is being done to death here so I'll be brief. In short, the schedule raises some doubt, but Cathy's interview with police linked the date to Stephanie's birthday without prompting. Jenn also says she visited Cathy's the same night Adnan dropped Jay off and Jay confided in her (page 20), and Cathy corroborates this visit takes place on the same night she saw Jay and Adnan acting shady (page 178). The schedule in the HBO doc raises doubt, but it definitely doesn't demolish the Cathy visit, and besides, it's undisputed that Jay was with Adnan for the Adcock call anyway, so... meh.

Remember, the aim of the game here is to ascertain if Jay could have committed this crime and pinned it on Adnan. Because with Jay's knowledge of the crime and car, one or both of had to be involved. So far we have Adnan in the right place at the right time, and changing his tune about a ride request that he didn't need. We have Jay off campus, with no known motive, and hanging out with Adnan from 3:30 onwards. In the past I have tried to make a guilty Jay do this around an unknowing Adnan, and could not make it work. I'd be interested if anyone else has any better luck.

Adnan has no alibi

Adnan's silence about what he was doing that day is deafening. He says lots of probablys. This is probably because he's been burned before. His initial attempt at an alibi was that he was fixing his car with Dion at school from 3-3:30. We know this is untrue because he had loaned his car to Jay that day.

Now he's offering nothing to refute, despite having the call logs to refer to, and having a moment he'll never forget --getting a call from the police when he was high -- and recalling specific thought sequences from his conversation with Asia.

He says he was probably at mosque that night, but the call log shows the phone moves from the south, up north past the mosque for a quick call to Yasser, then on to Leakin Park.

The accuracy of cell towers in narrowing down locations gets a panning on here. Some say it is not useful at all. This is untrue. Cell site data is admissible in courts, provided it is presented by an expert witness. Here's an even-handed paper on its uses and limitations.

From [historical cell site data], law enforcement can determine the general coverage area from which a phone call was placed, but not the precise location within that area. Historical cell site data can also show that a call was not made from a certain area.

In Wilson, an expert witness from Sprint used historical cell site data to place the defendant in the vicinity of the crime. During trial, the expert testified the cell site that processes a call is “usually” the closest site to the person making the call... The Texas court ruled the expert’s testimony was admissible and upheld the defendant’s conviction.

Others argue it is not usable for incoming calls. This stems from a fax cover sheet saying incoming calls are not reliable for 'location status'. There are a different types of data the cell sheets use. One is 'location', another is 'cell site'. We are using the cell site data to identify an area that this cell site, or cell tower antennae, covers. Not 'location'.

To give this a kick, take a look at Adnan's full five week call log. On Jan 13, he calls Jay while he's at school that morning. It pings the tower covering Woodlawn. The calls after 9pm: all Adnan's house bar one. On Feb 12, two days after Hae's body is found, Adnan makes and receives a total of 17 calls that evening. 16 of those ping the cell tower covering his house, with the incoming calls pinging the same site as the outgoing (bar one).

What are the odds of the two calls around 7pm that night randomly pinging the tower that covers the burial site? Check those call logs to see how often Adnan's cell pings to that Leakin Park mast, L689B, for the month's worth of calls we have. Cell tower data isn't perfect. It doesn't tell you exactly where someone was or what they were doing. But it narrows your whereabouts down and is good at proving where you weren't - at the mosque, say. And twice in a row man, at the antennae covering the burial site, on this night, after loaning your car to a guy who'll accuse you of murder, and after you've admitted trying to get a ride after school with the victim...


No doubt many of you will be keen to point out that the 7pm pings are worthless, because the lividity shows that Hae wasn't buried at 7pm. Spoiler: without access to the burial photos, we're not going to confirm this either way. Here's why.

The lividity issues started when Undisclosed's Colin Miller asked an expert...

...Dr. Hlavaty to assess the credibility of the State's claims that (1) Hae was killed by 2:36 P.M. on January 13, 1999 and "pretzeled up" in the trunk of her Nissan Sentra for the next 4-5 hours; and (2) Hae was thereafter buried on her right side in the 7:00 P.M. hour in Leakin Park.

She says to get fixed frontal lividity, as was present on Hae, the body would have to be placed face down for 8-12 hours.

The dispute about the lividity lies squarely on whether or not Hae was buried on her right side, or face down. Not on the reliability of the experts who have given their opinion on the lividity process.

Redditor's who've seen the burial photos say Hae is buried chest down, with legs twisted.

Jay says (taken from post linked above):

During [his] first recorded police interview, he said she was “her head’s facing away from the road… arm’s kind of like twisted behind her back … kind of leaning on her side" but also “Face down.”

At his next recorded interview in March 1999, Jay said, "Hays laying in the hole with her head facing away from her… on her stomach face down with her arm behind her back.”

At trial in February 2000, he said “She was laying kind of twisted face down.

Here and here is how redditor's who've seen the photos model the body. And here's Undisclosed's Susan Simpson's take. There's not much in it. Is Hae face down, chest down? Or on her right side?

Rabia and her gang are well known for withholding information, lying, or misrepresenting evidence to suit their agenda. Fine. They're fighting Adnan's corner, this is their job. So should I believe that they shared burial photos that refuted their lividity argument, or used disinterment photos that supported it? Same goes for the redditors. I don't know them, or their agenda.

So until an independent party with access to the burial photos runs them by a medical expert, I'm left unable to take sides on the lividity argument.

It leaves doubt around the burial time, but doesn't touch the evidence that Jay was involved, Adnan and Jay were together, and Adnan was trying to get Hae alone under false pretences. It doesn't explain why Adnan was over in the area of the burial site at 7pm that night. Nor does it explain his selective memory and lies.


I don't think any of the above relies on Jay's version of events, just that Jay knew details of the crime that were unreleased, and led the police to the car which they were still looking for. So we know he was involved. And the evidence above paints a compelling picture, to me at least, that Adnan and Jay were together that day, Adnan was trying to get Hae alone in the car after school -- just as Jay said he intended to -- and Adnan is now lying about it.

Without a police conspiracy, you cannot escape that it was either Adnan or Jay. Jay had no motive, wasn't witnessed arranging to get with Hae after school, and I cannot prize those two apart on the afternoon of the 13th. Even Rabia stopped pointing at Jay for that very reason. Though sand keeps getting thrown at individual elements, and I admit some pieces are less certain than they were before, the case as a whole stands solid.

There's heaps of other pieces for those who care to look. For example, Hae describing Adnan may come as a revelation to some (page 333). I've just tried to set out the core elements that swung me from innocent to guilty.

And I'm not saying this proves 100% that Adnan did it. There are cracks, and long shots. And I can respect that others won't draw the same conclusions as me.

But I tried for a while to find a way to get Adnan off the hook after I listened to Serial. I thought he was innocent. I thought Jay did it, but I couldn't make it work. Then I got waist deep in the interviews and court transcripts, JWI's timelines... I saw the stuff Serial missed out or brushed over, and it suddenly clicked. It all points to Adnan. And he has nothing to offer to turn it away. For me, it's beyond reasonable doubt.

Editted: to soften wording around Jay 'having no motive' (added 'known'); added Nisha's comment that Adnan called the next day; added link to u/SalmaanQ 's post on Asia; + some minor text and punctuation tweaks

Megathread: Hearing on Motion to Vacate Sentence for Adnan Syed

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Megathread: Hearing on Motion to Vacate Sentence for Adnan Syed

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Adnan Syed from Serial Season 1 has been freed!

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Adnan Syed from Serial Season 1 has been freed!

His conviction has been vacated, he is going home pending a re-trial (should the prosecution choose a retrial). What a journey the last 7 years have been.

The Case Against Adnan Syed, Without Lyin' Jay

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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The Case Against Adnan Syed, Without Lyin' Jay

Some of the more disagreeable members of this sub got me thinking. How strong of a case can you make against Adnan, even if you completely ignored Jay? First off, if you just ignore Jay's testimony the case against Adnan is still very easy. Police testify Jay knew where the car was thus Jay is involved. The cell phone proves Adnan and Jay were linked at the hip for much of the day including the time Hae went missing. Bada bing, bada boom. We're done here. So I'll also be ignoring that we know Jay is involved entirely. I won't be pretending he doesn't exist and Adnan's cell phone was magically floating around Baltimore that afternoon. I'll just be supposing something of the sort like, he was missing or dead before police were able to talk to him. I'll also need to ignore Jen almost entirely as well, because she essentially gives us all the info we needed from Jay. One final rule is I'm not going to ignore facts or testimony the police might not have found without Jay, like the contents of the car, for example. We know what we know and this is just to look at how strong the case is even if Jay and Jen are the lying-est liars who ever lied. Alright let's dive in.


Contrary to what Sarah Koenig may believe, Intimate Partner Violence is kind of a real problem. Half of all female homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner (article). Now Hae's current boyfriend at the time Don has an ironclad alibi (post) for the time Hae went missing. So this already isn't a good look for Adnan. Basically in cases like this without knowing any details of the case the chance that the killer is the ex is already a coinflip. It doesn't necessarily mean he did it, but already it means Adnan is in the cross-hairs.

There is no shortage of evidence of Adnan being possessive. Debbie testified (pg. 328 line 11) "he was very possessive of her. He didn't like her to do things that he didn't know about, and he didn't want her around other guys a lot because that really bothered him." Aisha mentioned during Serial that Adnan would frequently page Hae or even drop by while Hae was hanging out with other people (pg. 37). Hae even calls Adnan possessive in her own diary (pg. 23 line 6).

After their first break up in November Hae wrote a letter to Adnan (doc), "I’m really getting annoyed that this situation is going the way it is. At first, I kinda wanted to make this easy, for me & for you. You know, people break up ALL THE TIME! Your life is NOT going to end. You’ll move on and I’ll move on. But, apparently, you don’t respect me enough to accept my decision, I really couldn’t give damn about whatever you wanna say." On the back of that note Adnan wrote "I'm going to kill." Debbie also testified about the second break up (pg. 332 line 17) "Hae told me she had finally broken up with him and Adnan hadn't taken it very well."


I'm kind of surprised that this isn't brought up more, but even just the timing of Hae's death is pretty bad for Adnan. Hae went missing on January 13th, 1999 less than a month after she broke up with Adnan for the final time (pg. 36 line 4) and just 12 days after she started dating Don (pg. 63). There's also the timing of Adnan's cell phone. Adnan purchased the phone two days before Hae was murdered (doc) and activated it the day before the murder (doc). Perhaps that's just a coincidence or maybe he thought it would be useful to help him orchestrate the murder. I'm not saying this all means that Adnan killed Hae, I'm just saying if Adnan would kill Hae this is probably when he would do it.

The Ride Request

The ride request is the most damning piece of evidence against Adnan in this Jay-less universe. Krista testified that Adnan told her Hae was supposed to give him a ride because either his car was in the shop or with his brother (pg. 285 line 15). Becky also claims to have overheard at lunch that Adnan had asked Hae for a ride because his car was in the shop (pg. 6). Officer Adcock called Adnan the night Hae went missing and wrote in Hae's missing persons report (doc) that Adnan said he was supposed to get a ride home from Hae but she left without him. Now the defense will point out it was not unusual for Adnan to get a ride after school from Hae (pg. 78 line 16). However, Adnan asked for this ride from Hae under false pretenses on the exact day she was murdered and it would have put him alone with her during the exact 1 hour time frame she went missing (how unlucky). He asked this during first period while his car was sitting in the parking lot, a few hundred feet away. By his own account (pg. 17), it wasn't until around noon that he would lend his car to some guy named Jay.

This is an absolute unmitigated disaster for Adnan's defense. There is no contesting that this ride request happened and it has absolutely no innocent explanation. Adnan seems to be aware of this and story about the ride has now changed several times. He confirmed the ride request with Officer Adcock but denied getting the ride. A month later he told Officer O'shea that he didn't ask for the ride because he had his own car (doc). He now claims he never would ask for a ride because Hae had to pick up her cousin (pg. 49), despite as you'll recall the defense mentioning he would occasionally get rides from Hae after school.

The Bloody Shirt

When Hae's car was randomly found by police with no help from anyone, a shirt belonging to Hae's brother was found wedged in the back of the driver's side seat (pic). Hae's brother testified that Hae kept this shirt in driver's side door and that she used this shirt as a rag (pg. 20 line 9). Hae's blood was found on the shirt and the blood was a light pink color (pic). This is consistent with pulmonary edema the blood/fluid mixture often found coming from the nose or mouth of strangulation victims (pg. 14). This could imply Hae was strangled in or about her car and the killer used the shirt to clean up the victim. Additionally the windshield wiper arm of Hae's car was dislodged (video). This could also indicate a struggle inside the car.

If Hae was killed inside her car she was likely killed in the passenger seat because of the bruising on the back-right side of head and neck (pg. 13 line 11). This would also be consistent with her fighting back and dislodging the windshield wiper arm on the right side of the steering wheel. Becky testified that it was not unusual for Adnan to drive Hae's car (pg. 79 line 16).

The Fingerprints

Two sets of Adnan's fingerprints were discovered in the car. This, by itself, may not very surprising because Adnan did occasionally get rides from Hae. So it is important to examine the context of those items. One set of prints were found on floral paper in the backseat of the car (pg. 17 line 16). Perhaps they had been left in the car since she and Adnan broke up, the car was quite messy, or perhaps they were from Don and Adnan moved it for some reason. Secondly, Adnan's palm print was found on a map booklet in the backseat of the car (pg. 14 line 20). The map booklet had a page torn out that contained Leakin Park, the place Hae's body was buried. The booklet was found in the backseat of the car (pic), right next to the floral paper, which could imply moved by the murderer from the driver's door where Hae kept it (pg. 20 line 14). Make of this what you will.

Kristi (not her name Cathy)

Kristi testified that around 6:00PM Adnan and Jay, the guy who Adnan lent his car and is of no other significance, showed up to her apartment (pg. 208 line 19). It is unlikely she is remembering the wrong day because she had never met Adnan before (pg. 225) and she mentions it was Stephanie's birthday (pg. 10). Additionally Adnan never denies going to Cathy's (pg. 138). During this time Adnan receives three phone calls, a 56 second call at 6:07PM, a 53 second call at 6:09PM, and 4 minute 15 second call at 6:24PM (website). Hae's brother called Adnan around this time after contacting the police (pg. 12). Officer Adcock testified that the 6:24PM call was probably the one where Adnan admitted to the ride request (pg. 9 line 8).

Kristi thought Adnan was acting very shady, she testified (pg. 212 line 15), "[Adnan] was, you know, they're going to come talk to me. They're going to, you know, what should I say, what should I do, something to that effect." She expounded on this weirdness on Serial (page 137), "Clearly it was not normal behavior for anybody. That was just-- regardless of whether you know him or not. Clearly you could tell something was going on, something was going on [that] wasn’t good, and yeah, it was just strange behavior for anybody. I think that’s been the one thing I’ve always remembered. Like how he said it, how he looked, when he said it. He’s definitely panicked." Perhaps, Adnan was just freaked out because he was about to get a call from the police while very high. But let's see what happens next.

The Evening

Adnan claims he would have brought food to his father at the mosque that evening to break fast (pg. 18). His father testified that Adnan was with him at the mosque for prayers the evening Hae went missing (pg. 14 line 22). The prayers at the mosque were a continuous event from 8:00PM-10:00PM (pg. 15 line 25). However, Adnan's phone called Nisha and Krista that evening for a total of more than 15 minutes at 9:01PM, 9:03PM, 9:10PM, and 9:57PM (website). His phone also calls a random girl named Jen at 8:04PM and 8:05PM and calls his friend Yasar at 10:02PM. Therefore Adnan did not attend prayers at the mosque that evening.

Additionally at 7:09PM and 7:16PM Adnan's cell phone recieves two incoming calls using the L689B cell tower antenna. Just before these calls Adnan's cell phone calls his friend Yasar at 6:59PM. This is the exact cell site that was used when doing cell tower tests at the location that Hae's body was discovered (pg. 98 line 11). It's possible this is just yet another coincidence (how unlucky). Or perhaps Adnan was freaked out by the call from Officer Adcock at 6:24PM, hastily buried Hae's body in a shallow grave, and missed the prayer service at the mosque.


Obviously, the case is now completely circumstantial, since we took away the only direct evidence. But the case is still reasonably strong, at least with Adnan's factual guilt. On their own each piece of evidence could be picked at or hand waved away but together, as a whole, the evidence tells a straightforward compelling story even without Jay narrating. Adnan is scorned by Hae breaking up with him and moving on. He lies to be alone with Hae in her car during the exact time frame she goes missing. He strangles her. He finds out the police know that he asked for a ride. He freaks out, he needs to get rid of the body. He skips prayers at the mosque and buries Hae in a shallow grave in Leakin Park.

I'm sure not everyone will find this compelling. But consider this. Suppose this was all we knew and Adnan was never arrested. Suppose Serial, instead of being Adnan's defense brief, was a who-dun-it and focused on the usual suspects Don, Mr. S, and Adnan. I'm willing to bet most people, including 80%+ of people who currently think Adnan is innocent, would suspect Adnan. "He asked for a ride!" "His prints were found in the car!" "Did you hear what Kristi said about him?"

Then imagine there's a break in the case. The police talked to a girl Jen and she knew details of the crime not yet released to the public. With her lawyer present, she told police that Jay, who was confirmed to be with Adnan before and after Hae went missing, told her Adnan killed Hae. The long awaited smoking gun, we've found it! Then the police talk to Jay and he tells them more unreleased details of the crime and even brings the police to discover an important item relating to the crime. He confesses to accessory after the fact, a felony expecting 2-5 years in prison. His story changes a bit from telling to telling but the overarching plot remains consistent and matches the other evidence. The main point remains unwavering, Adnan did it.

There is no reasonable doubt in this case. When you look at the facts they all point one way, Adnan. No one in the 20 years since this murder has proposed a single reasonable alternative. Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I look forward to a civil discussion in the comments.

Adnan's Biggest Lie: The Witness List. Why Is This Not Emphasized More?

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Adnan's Biggest Lie: The Witness List. Why Is This Not Emphasized More?

I'll admit that I'm a poser on this sub. So feel free to savage me in the comments. For all the emphasis of Jay's lies or misstatements, I don't understand why this document isn't held up front and center as tremendously damaging to Adnan:

I know this isn't news, but to me it isn't emphasized enough. He was going to go to court professing this lie (extracted from the linked document):

"These witnesses will be used to support the defendant's alibi as follows: On January 13, 1999, Adnan Masud Syed attended Woodlawn High School for the duration of the school day. At the conclusion of the school day, the defendant remained at the high school until the beginning of his track practice. After track practice, Adnan Syed went home and remained there until attending services at his mosque that evening."

Am I missing something? Is this not as significant as I think it is? Does this not completely impugn Adnan's credibility? How do supporters of Adnan interpret this?

What also confuses me is that Adnan not only had been with Jay that day, he had also been seen with Jay by a number of different witnesses at locations that weren't the school/track practice/mosque. Given that, how in the heck was the linked document ever written up as it was? What was going through their heads?

UPDATE: I'd like to preempt the rebuttals that say "the witnesses weren't testifying that they saw him that day, just that they regularly saw him at the mosque, at track, at school, and would have noticed had he not been there". That point is completely IRRELEVANT to the point I'm making. If you read the excerpted quote above, it is clear that Adnan's alibi claim completely left out huge and significant swaths of his activity with Jay and at locations other than school, the mosque, track practice, etc.

Adnan Syed, subject of Serial- Season 1, fully exonerated.

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Adnan Syed, subject of Serial- Season 1, fully exonerated.

Breaking news today as Adnan Syed was fully exonerated. He was in wrongfully convicted and the subject of several different podcasts. Laura Nirider’s Tweet

The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed Part I: A Straightforward Murder Case

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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The Real Case Against Adnan Syed

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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The Real Case Against Adnan Syed

1. The Jay Connection

a. Adnan admits that he voluntarily loaned his car and brand-new cell phone to an acquaintance, Jay Wilds, on 1/13/1999

b. Jay would later admit to helping bury Hae Min Lee’s body after Adnan told him he killed her and showed Jay her body

c. Jay proved his involvement in the crime by leading police to Hae’s missing car six weeks after her disappearance

d. Adnan fully admits to hanging out with Jay that day, including after track practice

2. The Ride-Home Ask

a. According to multiple people (including Krista, who now advocates for his innocence), Adnan asked Hae for a ride home after school, despite owning a functional car.

b. Adnan admitted to asking her for a ride in his first phone call with police around 6 p.m. on 1/13/1999. But now, he says that he never asked Hae for a ride nor did he tell the original officer that he had.

3. The Leakin Park Cell Phone Pings

a. Two phone calls from Adnan’s cell phone “pinged” the Leakin Park cell tower right around the time Jay claims they were burying the body.

b. Analyzing more than five weeks and 600+ calls of Adnan’s available cell phone records, the only days that his his cell phone pings that tower are the night of Hae’s disappearance (1/13/1999) and the day Jay was arrested for an unrelated crime (1/27/1999). [Note: Jay was technically arrested very late around 11 p.m. on 1/26/1999]

4. The Corroborating Witnesses

a. Jenn Pusateri and Chris Baskerville say that Jay admitted to helping bury Hae’s body before he was ever on the police’s radar, disproving the claim he was coached after the fact.

b. Jenn potentially admits to a crime and opens herself up to prosecution by saying that she drove Jay to some dumpsters to dispose of evidence.

c. Kristina Vinson says that Adnan and Jay came to her home that evening acting strange, and abruptly left after receiving what appeared to be a startling phone call.

5. The Other Circumstantial Evidence

a. Adnan claims he has little memory of 1/13/1999 because it was a completely ordinary day. Yet, multiple notable things happened that day. First, it was his best friend Stephanie’s 18th birthday. It was also the day he hung out with his acquaintance Jay after school to smoke weed at his friend’s house. And lastly, it was the day he got two phone calls informing him that his ex-girlfriend and close friend Hae was missing, including one from the police.

b. Hae’s teacher and mentor, Hope Schab, relayed an incident from a couple months prior to Hae’s disappearance when Hae called her classroom while Adnan was there. She told Hope not to tell Adnan where she was at that moment.

c. Hae had just publicly announced her new relationship with Don Clinedinst, including an AIM profile update that mentions Don repeatedly. Don says that Adnan would hang around the mall where he and Hae worked in December.

d. Adnan called Hae multiple times very late on 1/12/1999 and into early morning 1/13/1999 before connecting with her. He says he was just giving Hae his new phone number, even though he’d see her in a few hours at school.

e. Regarding the early morning 1/13/1999 phone call with Hae, Adnan told several people at the time that Hae had asked him to get back together on the call and that he rebuffed her, something that her diary makes clear did not happen.

f. Adnan’s cell phone called Nisha – a girl he had recently met from out of the area – at a time on 1/13/1999 when Adnan insists he was on school property without his phone. The call is several minutes long and could not be a voicemail.

g. Adnan’s fingerprints were found inside Hae’s car

h. Despite claiming that he was surely at the mosque that night, no independent witnesses would corroborate the claim

i. Hae’s diary and letters indicate that Adnan was not handling their breakup well, nor did he handle their previous breakups well. It was Adnan’s first relationship but Hae had been in several before.

j. Adnan writing “I’m going to kill” on Hae’s breakup letter.

k. The anonymous phone calls a few days after Hae’s body was found telling police to look into Adnan and his friend Yaser (misspelled as Baser in the police notes)

HBO 'The Case Against Adnan Syed'

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Adnan Syed arrested February 28, 1999

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Adnan Syed arrested February 28, 1999

Police now reveal that 18-year-old Hae Min Lee died of strangulation and that they discovered her 1998 Nissan Sentra a short distance from where her killer attempted to bury her body in a shallow grave in Leakin Park, key details they had withheld as they sought out a suspect.

WMAR-2 News

Adnan Syed: Prosecution of children in adult court must end

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Adnan Syed Of ‘Serial’ Case Shifts Focus To Victims’ Rights

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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Appellate court denies Adnan Syed’s motion to reconsider ruling in favor of victim’s brother

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. r/serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

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