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Active Directory

Learned some thing crazy about active directory today.

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Learned some thing crazy about active directory today.

So I've been in a tech role for a few years now. Went from help desk to infrastructure architect/product owner. I was doing something in AD and saw the "save search" option. Went and played with that a bit and realized you don't have to navigate to the actual OU to see attribute editor. You can just create a saved search and always search a users name or ID to get to what you want.

Anyone have any other tips?

How do I responsibly remove Active Directory and go domainless?

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How do I responsibly remove Active Directory and go domainless?

You don't. You fucking don't decentralise control over user access especially if you're a Microsoft shop and don't want to deal with the immense hassle that will be your life if you were to do away with Active Directory all together.

Fuck I hate ads

Most Common Mistakes in Active Directory and Domain Services

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Most Common Mistakes in Active Directory and Domain Services

PSA: Don't put account passwords or Employee SSN's in Active Directory fields

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PSA: Don't put account passwords or Employee SSN's in Active Directory fields

Hi, former r/sysadmin dude who is now a r/netsec dude. This is just a friendly PSA to let y'all know to NEVER put sensitive information in your Active Directory description fields.

An attacker who has even the lowest level of access in Active Directory can dump all of that information with little effort, it's not safe or secure.

I know most of you will say, "What kind of idiot would ever put a password or social security number in an AD field?!" Well, I'll just say I've seen it more than once during pentests.

Also, don't circumvent your own corporate password policies!

Active Directory Hacking Lab

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Active Directory Hacking Lab

Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well. I have recently created a active directory hacking lab which includes attacks such as Certificates (ESC1,ESC4,ESC8), IPV6 DNS takeover, SMB relay, LLMNR poisoning, Webclient workstation takeover, DCsync, RBCD, Unconstrained Delegation, AS-REP Roasting, Kerberoasting, Shadow Credentials etc. I have created the lab in nat network and I would like to host the OVAs so anyone can download them and practice in the lab. I also have created the playlist explaining all the attacks ( Does anyone know of any platform where I can simply host the OVAs for free and anyone can download from there ?

The Lab Link:

Happy Hacking!!

Active Directory alternatives?

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Active Directory alternatives?

So I am tasked with building out a network that follows various compliance regulations, and many of the requirements need some way to manage aspects of the devices that would require some centralized device management system, such as Active Directory. The current network uses AD and has an on-prem domain controller, but we are completely re-doing everything. The caveat here is that my manager is adamant against using Active Directory or Azure. The alternatives he has suggested would help manage user sign on to devices, but do not help with the more technical aspects (like group policy to disable USB ports, etc.).

My manager also wants to move a lot of stuff to AWS, so if there is an AWS service that is like a cloud-based Domain Controller (aside from setting up a Windows Server EC2 instance) that can manage on-prem devices that might be "acceptable" for him.

Any input would be much appreciated!

Active Directory for 28+ Million Users?

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Active Directory for 28+ Million Users?

Hi there,

Just been asked to create AD solution for 28+ million users. For some reason we have to have all valid users credentials in AD. Only going to be used external for authentication at the moment. I can see on here that it should be possible but has anyone worked with this scale of users before? The most I've had on an AD before is about 2,000...

And yes, management says it has to be done this way.

Edit: Licensing on this thing looks like it'll be US$300K for just the External Connectors

Edit 2: Looks like AD-LDS will let me do this for free and still meet the security requirement. HA/Clustering looks interesting tho.

Edit 3: AD-LDS is not free for this use case :0(

Edit 4: Will report back when design and costing is done. Think it will be fine if just used for app authentication but more than 4GB RAM will be needed.

The only PowerShell Command you will ever need to find out who did what in Active Directory

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The only PowerShell Command you will ever need to find out who did what in Active Directory

Disclaimer: I made this. It's free and open source. No ads, just clean, useful data provided in blog.

Here's a small PowerShell command/module I've written. It contains the following reports.


Find-Events -Report ADGroupMembershipChanges -DatesRange Last3days -Servers AD1, AD2 | Format-Table -AutoSize


  • Computer changes – Created / Changed – ADComputerCreatedChanged

  • Computer changes – Detailed – ADComputerChangesDetailed

  • Computer deleted – ADComputerDeleted

  • Group changes – ADGroupChanges

  • Group changes – Detailed – ADGroupChangesDetailed

  • Group changes – Created / Deleted – ADGroupCreateDelete

  • Group enumeration – ADGroupEnumeration

  • Group membership changes – ADGroupMembershipChanges

  • Group policy changes – ADGroupPolicyChanges

  • Logs Cleared Other – ADLogsClearedOther

  • Logs Cleared Security – ADLogsClearedSecurity

  • User changes – ADUserChanges

  • User changes detailed – ADUserChangesDetailed

  • User lockouts – ADUserLockouts

  • User logon – ADUserLogon

  • User logon Kerberos – ADUserLogonKerberos

  • User status changes – ADUserStatus

  • User unlocks – ADUserUnlocked

DatesRanges are also provided. Basically what that command does it scans DC's for event types you want it to scan. It does that in parallel, it overcomes limitations of Get-WinEvent and generally prettifies output.

The output of that command (wrapped in Dashimo to show the data):

GitHub Sources:

Full article (usage/know-how):

The article describes the functionality of just one command but actually, PSWinReportingV2 is much more than that. There are also things I've not touched in the article but that should be a start. It's able to support any kind of Events from Event logs such as ADConnect, Hyper-V and other types of data. I just didn't have time to explain how to build configs for it and I don't work with Hyper-V or other systems to build them myself. If you know a lot about event logs and what to help to build prettified reports for more than Active Directory reach out.

Pentester PSA: Check your Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) For Vulnerabilities

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Pentester PSA: Check your Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) For Vulnerabilities

Hey there, former sysadmin turned pentester here. Recently, in almost every environment, I've been able to privesc from a regular user to Domain Admin using AD CS vulnerabilities.

I definitely recommend running Certipy or Certify (compiled binary) to see if you can identify any vulnerabilities in your environment. As far as I know, this stuff won't come up on a Nessus scan. I know when I was a sysadmin I set this up insecurely (has now been fixed). However, AD CS is easy to set up without knowing some of the security implications of the configurations.

The guys over at Spectorops who came out with their paper on attacking AD CS (Certified pre-owned) also have a good talk on "ReCertifying Active Directory Certificate Services".

Edit: I linked both Certify and Certipy earlier. Certify is a windows application. Certipy is based on python. I prefer certipy. If you want to run certipy it’s pretty easy. One way is to setup a Kali VM. Download that here.

Then next through the Kali install. If it pulls dns and up from DHCP you should be good to go. After you’re in, open up a command prompt and type

pip3 install certipy-ad

Then run

certipy find -vulnerable -stdout -u lowprivuser@domain.local -p password

What do we say to writing Active Directory documentation?

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What do we say to writing Active Directory documentation?

I wanted to introduce you today to my new PowerShell module. Actually a couple of them, and to remind you a bit about my other PowerShell modules. Hope you like this one. This PowerShell module is able to extract Active Directory data as can be seen below. If you want to find out more:

It covers usage, code explanation, examples, and a few other things. Generally all the know/how (no ads/no pay software). It's free and open source. All of it.

Links to sources:

Example output

Small code sample 1:

$Forest = Get-WinADForestInformation -Verbose -PasswordQuality

Small code sample 2:

$Forest = Get-WinADForestInformation -Verbose -PasswordQuality

Small code sample 3:

$Forest = Get-WinADForestInformation -Verbose -PasswordQuality -DontRemoveSupportData -TypesRequired DomainGroups -Splitter "`r`n"

You can install it using:

Install-Module PSWinDocumentation.AD -Force

Datasets covered by PSWinDocumentation.AD

  • ForestInformation

  • ForestFSMO

  • ForestGlobalCatalogs

  • ForestOptionalFeatures

  • ForestUPNSuffixes

  • ForestSPNSuffixes

  • ForestSites

  • ForestSites1

  • ForestSites2

  • ForestSubnets

  • ForestSubnets1

  • ForestSubnets2

  • ForestSiteLinks

  • ForestDomainControllers

  • ForestRootDSE

  • ForestSchemaPropertiesUsers

  • ForestSchemaPropertiesComputers

  • DomainRootDSE

  • DomainRIDs

  • DomainAuthenticationPolicies

  • DomainAuthenticationPolicySilos

  • DomainCentralAccessPolicies

  • DomainCentralAccessRules

  • DomainClaimTransformPolicies

  • DomainClaimTypes

  • DomainFineGrainedPolicies

  • DomainFineGrainedPoliciesUsers

  • DomainFineGrainedPoliciesUsersExtended

  • DomainGUIDS

  • DomainDNSSRV

  • DomainDNSA

  • DomainInformation

  • DomainControllers

  • DomainFSMO

  • DomainDefaultPasswordPolicy

  • DomainGroupPolicies

  • DomainGroupPoliciesDetails

  • DomainGroupPoliciesACL

  • DomainOrganizationalUnits

  • DomainOrganizationalUnitsBasicACL

  • DomainOrganizationalUnitsExtendedACL

  • DomainContainers

  • DomainTrustsClean

  • DomainTrusts

  • DomainBitlocker

  • DomainLAPS

  • DomainGroupsFullList

  • DomainGroups

  • DomainGroupsMembers

  • DomainGroupsMembersRecursive

  • DomainGroupsSpecial

  • DomainGroupsSpecialMembers

  • DomainGroupsSpecialMembersRecursive

  • DomainGroupsPriviliged

  • DomainGroupsPriviligedMembers

  • DomainGroupsPriviligedMembersRecursive

  • DomainUsersFullList

  • DomainUsers

  • DomainUsersCount

  • DomainUsersAll

  • DomainUsersSystemAccounts

  • DomainUsersNeverExpiring

  • DomainUsersNeverExpiringInclDisabled

  • DomainUsersExpiredInclDisabled

  • DomainUsersExpiredExclDisabled

  • DomainAdministrators

  • DomainAdministratorsRecursive

  • DomainEnterpriseAdministrators

  • DomainEnterpriseAdministratorsRecursive

  • DomainComputersFullList

  • DomainComputersAll

  • DomainComputersAllCount

  • DomainComputers

  • DomainComputersCount

  • DomainServers

  • DomainServersCount

  • DomainComputersUnknown

  • DomainComputersUnknownCount

  • DomainPasswordDataUsers

  • DomainPasswordDataPasswords

  • DomainPasswordDataPasswordsHashes

  • DomainPasswordClearTextPassword

  • DomainPasswordClearTextPasswordEnabled

  • DomainPasswordClearTextPasswordDisabled

  • DomainPasswordLMHash

  • DomainPasswordEmptyPassword

  • DomainPasswordWeakPassword

  • DomainPasswordWeakPasswordEnabled

  • DomainPasswordWeakPasswordDisabled

  • DomainPasswordWeakPasswordList

  • DomainPasswordDefaultComputerPassword

  • DomainPasswordPasswordNotRequired

  • DomainPasswordPasswordNeverExpires

  • DomainPasswordAESKeysMissing

  • DomainPasswordPreAuthNotRequired

  • DomainPasswordDESEncryptionOnly

  • DomainPasswordDelegatableAdmins

  • DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups

  • DomainPasswordHashesWeakPassword

  • DomainPasswordHashesWeakPasswordEnabled

  • DomainPasswordHashesWeakPasswordDisabled

  • DomainPasswordStats

And just a small update on my Find-Events command... I've added one more report Organizational Unit Changes (move/add/remove). So the default list now covers:

  • ADComputerChangesDetailed

  • ADComputerCreatedChanged

  • ADComputerDeleted

  • ADGroupChanges

  • ADGroupChangesDetailed

  • ADGroupCreateDelete

  • ADGroupEnumeration

  • ADGroupMembershipChanges

  • ADGroupPolicyChanges

  • ADLogsClearedOther

  • ADLogsClearedSecurity

  • ADUserChanges

  • ADUserChangesDetailed

  • ADUserLockouts

  • ADUserLogon

  • ADUserLogonKerberos

  • ADUserStatus

  • ADUserUnlocked

  • ADOrganizationalUnitChangesDetailed (added in 2.0.10)

I've also added Credentials parameter which should provide a way for you to use a command from normal user PowerShell prompt. If you have no clue about that command yet - have a read here: otherwise:

Update-Module PSWinReportingV2

Enjoy :-)

Ubuntu 21.04 released today, Active Directory Integration built in.

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Ubuntu 21.04 released today, Active Directory Integration built in.

The Juicy part: Ubuntu machines can join an Active Directory (AD) domain at installation for central configuration. AD administrators can now manage Ubuntu workstations, which simplifies compliance with company policies.

Ubuntu 21.04 adds the ability to configure system settings from an AD domain controller. Using a Group Policy Client, system administrators can specify security policies on all connected clients, such as password policies and user access control, and Desktop environment settings, such as login screen, background and favourite apps.

It's Active Directory synced, you're gonna get smacked if you do this

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It's Active Directory synced, you're gonna get smacked if you do this

Was working on an issue for a user; they called in using this program called ResWare. We're going to call this user "Rani".

In ResWare, they export documents and such to MS office. This is pretty standard with pretty much any LOB programs that do reports/finances en masse. Okay, cool, traditional problem. Here we go, boys.

So she calls in telling me that she's having issues with opening documents in office. It was hard enough to understand with a combination of accent and the phone being muffled, but I like a challenge so let's see. I remote in to the machine and see the issue, office is asking for creds when logging in. Okay, so the product is unlicensed. Simple enough.

At this point, I had Rani log in. No good. Wouldn't take creds. Well, there could be a number of reasons for this but I don't feel like digging into them so I just had her try a few more times, same result. Okay, fine. I see how it is. Site uses O365 though, so let's see if they can even log into that.

So I had Rani log into this and it didn't work. Pass or username is no good. Ha. So it's a password problem. But it's never that simple. Here it comes. You can feel it. I felt it as soon as I saw those dreaded red letters.

Me: "All right! So it appears your password is wrong."

Rani: "It couldn't be. It was just working the other day."

Inner Me: "no. Stop. Don't do this to me, Rani. Don't. You're gonna make me get greasy with you."

Me: "I understand it may have been working the other day but sometimes this happens with O365 systems. Passwords expire or, for some random trick of the ether, they just stop working.

Okay, we all know passwords don't just "stop working", but most users don't inquire after that. I wish it would've been that simple.

Me: "Let me check something real quick for you..." *logs into O365 admin* "We may need to reset your password." *sees that account is synced with Active Directory. Victory, so they're using SSO.* "All right! So it seems your password is synced with AD, meaning they should all be the same. Try your computer login please."

Rani: i shouldn't have to do that. The passwords have always been different.

Inner Me: "I'm gonna have to do it to her. I'm REALLY gonna have to do it to her."

Me: "I understand that, but as of right now your account is synced with the server. This means that every password that is like that will be the same. Almost like one, big, easy to use system. Makes life much more streamlined for you."

Rani: "but I never had to do this before."

Me: "Let's try something..." *locks computer* "Login for me, please."

Rani logs in, after saying something about it. I noticed she typed in a stupid long password.

Me: "What password was that? The one you said your email pass was wasn't anywhere nearly as long as that."

Rani: "Yes, because the passwords are different."

The inner me at this point is furious like that character from Inside Out.

Me: "They're linked together, so let's try that." After she logged in, this verified her AD account wasn't locked

Pass didn't work in O365, I'm guaranteeing she half-assed it but whatever. I'm going to beat this issue to death if it kills me. Tried it several more times, no good.

Rani: "I don't know why this is taking so long. A previous tech from last week was able to do it in 2 seconds and it worked. I don't know why this is so difficult."

Inner Me: "Okay, so you're flipping telling me a tech did this LAST WEEK and did it completely wrong, which is why we're in this boat. I wonder who that was."

At this point she was getting that "you don't know what you're doing attitude" and I wasn't about to put up with that because it wouldn't have been good for either of us.

Me: "Okay, you know what..." *goes into O365 admin* "I'm going to reset your password in O365 here... and it'll work. Watch." *reset pass to what she wanted, had her log in and it worked fine* "Now look, here's what's going to happen. This account is going to work for an hour or two, maybe even a couple of days, BUT this system WILL sync back up to AD and your password WILL NOT WORK. All right?"

I suspected at this point she didn't want to talk to me anymore because she wouldn't hang around to test her original issue; not being able to send files from Resware to office because her products were unlicensed.

Rani: "I'll call you back if there are any other issues."

Me: "Mkay, here's your ticket number for if the issue reoccurs."

Then I proceeded to put in the internal notes about this foolish interaction because I'm not falling on that sword and having my own competency called into question. Nice enough lady to talk to, but as stubborn as a brick.

macOS in Active Directory environment

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macOS in Active Directory environment

Hi all,
Appreciate this has been done to death but just wanted some further thoughts and advice.
We have 10-15 mac devices on site, some are laptops the majority are iMacs. We need users to be able to sign into them using their AD credentials.

Currently, we would bind them to AD and use the 'Server' app from a mac-mini acting as a server, what with the Server app becoming more and more useless we're wanting to remove it entirely and more than likely just use Intune for policy and restrictions.

We've found historically after the devices being on the domain they get slow, whether this is just the device getting old or not I really don't know but free space is not the issue.

What do we think is best? It looks like using JAMF (NoMAD) is out of the question as they want 25 licenses minimum, so should we just bind them to AD and use Intune? OR is there another way we can get users to sign-in using their AD credentials?

Thanks in advance all.

very VERY weird Active Directory Issue

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very VERY weird Active Directory Issue

This will either be one for the record books or something so dumb that I'll have to retire.

Premise: Trying to load a website and run a query. Works fine...until I add a computer to the domain.

All computers on the domain have a problem with this website. I KNOW WHAT YOURE THINKING, but I disabled ALL GPOs and fresh loaded windows/joined domain after, even then, website breaks.

No 3rd party Antivirus of any kind.

One of the more odd things is that the website works for about 5 minutes after being added to domain. After that Kaput.

I am truly baffled. 12+ years IT and 30+ hours on this issue alone. Please, help T.T

Edit. About to crash, I'll try all the new suggestions tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes.


I apologize for being ambiguous. I was being careful not to break any compliance. But I was authorized to give out the actual website this morning. The site we are using is

Simple recall lookup tool but we are bound to use THIS one due to customer restrictions. When the "issue" happens you get an error of.

"You have been redirected to this page because NHTSA's VIN search tool may be experiencing intermittent disruption due to routine maintenance, slow manufacturer response or heavy traffic to this page. To ensure you get the important information you are seeking, you can click on the appropriate vehicle maker below to go to its VIN search tool."

At first glance, I would assume that the issue was with the website. But after extensive testing, we determined that this only happens after adding the computer to our AD Domain. I do manage a couple other domains and none of them have this issue.

Active Directory Security Question Concern

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Active Directory Security Question Concern

Since enlistment is tomorrow I tried logging-in to my animo.sys account to see if it was working, upon clicking login the page kept refreshing.

This wasnt the first time it happened to me so i was able to recover this issue before, i tried doing the change password in ActiveDirectory method again, but when i tried logging in naman on ActiveDirectory the security question page kept saying my answers were invalid. During the process i got my account blocked from trying to change the password. I’ve emailed ITS about this issue na but im hoping if anyone has an alternative solution to offer so i can finally login na sa animo.sys. Teewai! 🤕

Published Active Directory Username Standard

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Published Active Directory Username Standard

A networking vendor is telling us that our AD usernames violate best practices because they start with a capital letter and that is why it is allowing MFA to be bypassed for their product.

Is there a published guideline for AD that says that usernames should not have capital letters that I have completely missed?

Edit: Thanks all for the confirmation. I've since found that a quick config change on their side in the documentation can address the issue, I am not sure what we are paying them for at this point...

server can't reach the Active directory.

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server can't reach the Active directory.

### SOLVED ###

Hi everyone .

i'm facing a strange issue that is cracking my head. i have exchange server which was working fine untill this morning. this issue make me crazy the exchange not able to ping either active or passive active directory server, however the ping from AD servers can reached the exchange server. moreover the exchange server can ping all servers on the same subnet.

P.S exchange server and AD servers are in the same subnet no kind of firewall between them.

i will appreciate your support and ideas to resolve this issue.


Active Directory Home Lab for Your Resumes

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Active Directory Home Lab for Your Resumes

Over the past few weeks I have been planning and documenting an Active Directory home lab setup. If you are interested in doing the lab yourself, I created a full guide for you guys to follow along with. I know that hands on stuff definitely helps me learn, so feel free to check it out and get your feet wet with some VMs and AD. You can also include this on your resume if you choose, create your own documentation to go along with it! Hope you guys find this useful in some capacity.

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