TOTW: Decentralized Anarchist Gatherings

The anarchist bookfair (or is it book fair?) is a staple of the anarchist tradition. Despite the contradiction of a presumably anti-capitalist event centered around selling books, anarchist bookfairs are perhaps the primary way anarchists from wider regions gather face-to-face and spend time together (as well as spend $$$).

“No Gods, No Masters, No Husbands”

Via Freedom News UK

from Pikara Magazine.

The participation of women in anarchist print culture on an international scale was essential for the extraordinary dissemination of the libertarian movement’s press and editorial production from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th.

Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

Via Dark Nights

Opening the tensions of dialogue, we present the following section of interviews with individuals, collectivities and related spaces that make up the anarchic body in different parts of the world. The interviews are a valuable contribution to the observation in detail and depth; they come, in a certain way, to broaden the view to give us feedback among comrades and to debate with perspectives and projections, that although they may be different, they converge in the ideas and practices of freedom against all authority.

Horizons Blossom, Borders Vanish: Anarchism and Yiddish Literature

From YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Spanning the last two centuries, Horizons Blossom, Borders Vanish: Anarchism and Yiddish Literature by Anna Elena Torres combines archival research on the radical press and close readings of Yiddish poetry to offer an original literary study of the Jewish anarchist movement.


The past month of Ramadan can be considered one of the most proud periods of Palestinian anarchism's struggle against the apartheid of the Zionist regime. Undoubtedly, the efforts of a large number of young people in the West Bank who left their homes and families to fight day and night and defend the cause of Palestine will not be forgotten forever. Those days full of inflammatory attacks and danger were difficult but sweet for us. Hard because of the lack of facilities and fighting against a cruel and fully armed enemy with advanced military equipment, and sweet because of the combination of fasting and jihad in the way of God. The consistent organizing that the FAUDA movement was able to do throughout the West Bank was rooted in our values of fighting from the idea of revolutionary anarchism and field action. People saw that anarchism can stand up, fight, strike, and martyr along with the resistance to fight against apartheid, and push the enemy back.

Chiapas: Conspiracy of Anarchist and Autonomist Educations, Aug 9-11

From La Pizarra Negra y kutxal Corp

Compas we have a full space for the presentation of workshops, presentations, talks etc. We thank all those interested, the registration as participants is still open, we wait for you.

The program is coming soon.

Open invitation to all people and groups to participate in the gathering: CONSPIRACY OF ANARCHISTIC EDUCATIONS AND AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONS

Athens, Greece: Attack on private schools in the centre by Anarchists


Via Dark Nights

Putting our stone in the struggle against private universities we chose, on Thursday 4 April 2024, to intervene with our heavyweights in the business-schools Mediterranean College on Patision and Codringtonos and in IEK Akmi on Codringtonos. The facades of both were smashed, while in the latter we entered the interior and smashed computers and monitors. With only our heavy tools and our willingness to act we caused a blow to two of the most famous schools in the centre of Athens.

We, Too, Remember Aleksei Sutuga

From CrimethInc.

The Life of a Russian Anarchist and Anti-Fascist

Aleksei Sutuga grew up deep in Siberia, in Irkutsk—the city to which Mikhail Bakunin was once exiled, not to mention many other Russian rebels. Known to his friends as Socrates, Aleksei became involved in the Russian anarchist and anti-fascist movements. He is the subject of a new book, Socrates the Skinhead: The Life of a Russian Anti-Fascist.

After Nazi attack, Swedish anarchist publisher says he will not be silenced

From Freedom News UK

On Wednesday, a meeting about antifascism in Stockholm was attacked by a group of Nazis. The Green and Left parties organised the meeting, and Mattias Wåg, publisher of the anarchist magazine Brand and veteran antifascist, was one of the participants. The Nazi attackers singled him out.

Mexico City: Festival of Childhood, April 28

From La conquista del pan

This is anarchy dear children. We believe in the horizontal organization without protagonists or sponsors, in fraternity and mutual support and so we find more compas along that line, and this time we organize with the Biblioteca Libertaria La Social to bring this festival dedicated to childhood on Sunday, April 28.

Taxation is Theft: An Anarchist Guide to Taxation

From Center for a Stateless Society by Logan Marie Glitterbomb

“Tax the rich” is an all too common refrain on the left which, thanks to left unity, has even been echoed by many self-proclaimed anarchists. “Taxation is theft” on the other hand is a slogan many anarchists are hesitant to repeat due to its association with right-libertarians despite it being far more consistent with anarchist ideals. When taxation is the main funding source for the military police state with only crumbs going towards an extremely inadequate welfare plantation system, why would anarchists want any more funding to go towards that no matter who’s fronting the bill?


“Red Mutualism” Series at Mutualism Co-Op

From Center for a Stateless Society by Eric F.

With this series I am attempting to even further bridge the gap that Carson and Price have worked toward closing and to further reunite market anarchism with its context as part of the socialist political movement and working class economic struggle. As an anarchist, I of course remain highly critical of state socialists, but I do see the sense, at least in particular contexts, in market socialist Richard Wolff’s call for a combined Proudhonian-Marxist approach involving both bottom-up and top-down changes. I look toward ways in which these leftist cross-ideological efforts can help create net reductions in state power and progress against economic exploitation.


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