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While we have a post linked in our sidebar written by one of our founding mods, the stunning u/TallPalmTrees, we are preserving it here for eternity. Well, eternity or until a meteor crashes on Earth and destroys everything, but who knows? The Reddit servers may still live on with the cockroaches, turn sentient and take over the world. But we digress.

Here are the posting guidelines for our subreddit. They are pretty easy if you are willing to put in some effort. We promise it's not hard, y'all.

If you want to see the instructional photos and gifs, you'll have to view the original post.

Without further ado...


Hello besties! internet strangers who I feel a warm connection to in a general way but nothing creepy everyone,

Welcome to the official r/popculturechat sub Style Guide.

If you are a confident poster and Reddit user then please feel free to ignore this, but for those of you who might need a little extra help... welcome to Posting 101.


Now, I cannot stress this enough, please double check to make sure that your photo has not been taken through a potato or any other root vegetable.

  • If the image doesn't look clear on your phone/tablet/laptop it will not look clear on the post.

  • Please take the time to check your image sizes, a thumbnail or very very small photo will also not be easy to see.


No double posts. That is literally a rule on our sub. Please use the search function and check first before you get your post deleted.


Please pick photos that are relevant to the context of your post. If your post is about a celeb who loves hotdogs (the food) then why include a photo of them eating lasagna? It doesn't make sense does it, and neither will your post!

Now if you wanna get creative and use deliberately shady images to make a point then please go ahead, and post all the potato photography and weird angles you want but if you're just trying to make a simple post to promote your fave or start a discussion then keep it simple and clear.


I cannot stress this enough: please crop your images.

I'll say that again for those in the back: CROP YOUR IMAGES. If you're a fan of identity fraud and cyber burglary and would like that to happen to you, then please by all means, leave your identifying details e.g. your time and date location, and the tabs you're looking at in the photo.

Otherwise please crop your images to the relevant part ONLY. You know how to do this. So please don't ruin your hard work by leaving that unsightly extra crap in.


Unless it is abundantly clear in the link or image you've shared what the topic is about, then caption your posts with as much detail as possible. You must include the celebrity’s name(s) in the title.

"Look at this celeb" BAD TITLE

"XYZ Appreciation Post! What is your fave movie/song/book by them?" GOOD TITLE

"There is someone famous in this video. Just watch it" BAD TITLE

"Famous person discusses their fave body wax experiences and their new movie" GOOD TITLE

This leads me nicely to my next part...


This is literally a sub rule. You must provide the context in the comments section of your post and in the title.

Your post will be removed until that is done.

Don't be lazy! We encourage effort and people are more likely to engage with your post and comment if you take the time to write a sentence or two on what it's about.

"This is a youtube video / random article" LOW EFFORT, WILL BE REMOVED

"In this XYZ talks about that time they ate 15 eggs in a row and the subsequent hospital visit" GOOD EFFORT!

Please, for the love of Blue Ivy Carter-Knowles, use links from reputable or very popular sites. Your random friend with a blog or even you I fear, do not count.

The post will be removed or viewed as spam otherwise.


If you have time to post, you have time to check that you've left spaces for paragraphs and that what you've written is clear to see.

It only takes a couple of minutes and we don't want people to miss out on a potentially great post just because it hasn't been formatted well.

You don't have to do anything fancy, just take another look and make sure that what you've written is easy to read.

Alright, class dismissed!

If you have any questions my office door (aka modmail or the comments section) is open.

If you need help making a big post or a certain type of post, you are welcome to send us a message anytime in modmail.

We love when people engage with our sub and I hope that this helps you to make your posts even more appealing to everyone who comments on and lurks on the sub.

Happy posting!

Last revised by popculturechat