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Almost a Hero


Official subreddit for Almost A Hero, an incremental/rpg game for Android and iOS where a bunch of useless idiots embark on a quest to become slightly less useless heroes (and, maybe, save the world).

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Now, before i get too into this, I should clarify that I am not a speedrunner myself. I will be writing about what is going to get you the most consistent results, and what has been tested time and time again by actual speedrunners. I'm mostly rewriting the speedrun guide so it's a bit more concise and can be updated with future changes since the old author no longer plays

Biggest findings summarized

  • The best early game strategy is to completely ignore heroes and focus on your lightning ring. This strategy starts to lose steam pretty fast at 500 and above, and it may be worthwhile considering to start using heroes more at 400+.

  • The next great setup is Vexx/Sam hybrid, which uses Sam's reflect and heals to provide waveclear speed and sustain, and Vexx to carry as usual.

  • Ring strat is now useless. Seriously, just do not even bother with it. The guides that talk about it are VERY outdated.

  • Mythical artifacts scale very poorly compared to regular artifacts. The best approach to leveling mythicals is only putting a 10% drop into them when levels are cheap.

  • Leveling hero items is **SUPER IMPORTANT** as they are the only stats that applies to **EVERY MODE, EVEN IF THAT HERO IS NOT SELECTED**! The best value is to upgrade all items to legendary, then raise them to mythical little by little if possible, otherwise, leveling carries and tanks is the priority, followed by trinkets. Trinkets guide

  • Prestiging too often is bad. You gain a lot of mythstones from clearing epic bosses, use this to push as far as you can before it becomes too slow and painful. This is usually when merchant items run out or don’t give a meaningful boost.

  • Leveling hero items and regular artifacts during your runs is the key to making it far on your runs. Try to keep your TAL as high as possible by leveling everything that gets cheap. This is particularly important before you get Broken Teleporter and a few Time Warp bonuses.

  • You can use gems to buy chests for vexx items, but be aware that the resource value is very low in them, and it's best to just wait for free chests

  • Don’t bother trying too hard to max your regular artifact slots. Just keep them a good 1-2 slots ahead of what you can actually afford to craft in mythstones.

  • Spending 50 gems to buy trinkets can be a decent source of scrap. But be careful, maxing artifact slots is really expensive now.

  • As you unlock them, it's more time efficient to focus GoG and Seasons and use any extra heroes in adventure for passive mythstone gain. Mines will become your biggest source of stats in adventure so you're not missing out there ;)

  • Side quests now offer free trinkets. You absolutely need to get these as often as you can.


  • That you watch gem ads whenever they're available. 10 gems adds up a lot faster than you think

  • BUY SCRAPS FROM FLASH OFFERS. THE BIGGER THE BETTER. scraps are your biggest bottleneck in this game

  • KEEP 500 TO 1000 GEMS FOR RUNES so that you can buy them any time they're available. many of the best runes are found there, and the more you get, the faster you can find what you need.


  1. Any notable runes {Bounce(Lightning), Cold Wind(Ice), Stinger(Ice), Nova(Ice), Creep(Darkness), Shroud(darkness), Opaque(Darkness)

  2. Rare chests to get Vexx items(only a must if speedrunning. if you don't mind waiting a bit longer you should save here)

  3. 1-2 Regular artifact slots ahead of what you can hold

  4. Flash offer scraps

  5. Other runes to thin the pool

  6. Trinket forging for seasons(wait on adventure set until you get the progress quests and have casts from seasons)

  7. Double prestige if you feel like you have to, but this is not a good way to spend gems


  1. Spend all scraps leveling up Vexx until she is legendary

  2. Level Sam to Epic

  3. Level hero items some while farming GoG at 795+. Prioritize items that boost used skills when possible

  4. Level GoG heroes(Lia and Lenny are the big names in GoG as they have lots of waveclear and self-sustain)

  5. Level seasons heroes (Sam, V, Nanna, Vexx, Jim)

  6. Level seasons trinkets

  7. Unlock any important pets

  8. Level Charms

  9. Level Ron to mythical

  10. Level Oy to legendary

  11. Level forged trinkets. 3 effect trinkets can be left at around halfway to save scrap

  12. Level hero items to legendary

  13. Level Oy to mythical

  14. Max your Oy trinket

  15. Max your Ron trinket

  16. Max your Jim's adventure trinket

  17. Max hero items

  18. Aeon Mine

  19. Max the remaining 2 support trinkets


FOCUS ON YOUR REGULAR ARTIFACTS. For the most part, mythical artifacts are focused on utility, and therefore will not push you as far as the regular ones. level your regular artifacts as evenly as possible, leaving ring boost a little lower as those are basically only there for the TAL(Total Artifact Level).

Rerolling cheap stats to get some of the really good ones, like Mythstones from Epic Bosses, Hero/Ring upgrade cost reduction, Regular artifact upgrade cost, Crit, Timewarp, and whatever else seems good to you. The new stats are a lot better than the older ones were on average, so there’s very few bad stats, but Offline Earnings is often an obvious candidate for rerolling. late game, the ones to reroll off of are ring damage effects(BUT NOT RING CRIT CHANCE), effects that boost merchant items you don't use, and regular artifact cost reduction once you have fully completed them


for the most part, there's no real reason to spend money in this game. but if you do, the best options would be scrap mine boost(by far the best bang for your buck in the entire game, ESPECIALLY if you get on daily), and the deals that unlock ron and oy at legendary. Otherwise you're best off buying deals that focus gems and scraps


Stage 1-~300

this is where ring is king, but don't worry too much about your fingers, it won't last long. this is where you can completely ignore heroes, and focus everything on your ring. V/Vexx can help you get more gold to level faster, and wendle/hilt can increase ring damage while they're alive, but don't worry too much about these guys just yet

Stage ~300-800

ONLY IF SPEEDRUNNING: Spend the majority of the gems you get on rare chests to try and get all 3 items on Vexx as fast as possible. Having all 3 items on Sam is a bonus too, but you can stop as soon as you have any quality of items on Vexx. Then switch to spending most of your gems unlocking artifact slots. Once your artifact slots start getting difficult to fill out with crafts, you may choose to buy more chests, at a moderate rate.

You will find that you can progress without prestiging very much at all up until around stage 300, beyond that, you need to start planning your prestiges.

This is quite simply done by looking at the rewards on the adventure mode wiki

The thing to look out for is your next big upgrade. This could be gems (for a new artifact slot or chests, especially chests early on), but most of the time, it is mythstones.

The mythstone rewards up to stage 795 are at the following stages:

  • 115

  • 160

  • 330

  • 430

  • 510

  • 595

  • 620

  • 705

  • 775

If it’s at all possible to reach one of these stages within reasonable time (less than 1 hour of pushing), do so. It will often end up giving a large amount of mythstones that give better effect than the prestige would, and you don’t have to claw your way back. Beyond 795 you will get to a point where restarting runs is super fast, and prestiging more often is better.

Apart from milestones, you want to pay attention to Vexx levelups (and sometimes even Sam levelups) as these will increase your power considerably, pushing you many stages forward.

If you are pushing a wall with Vexx dying a lot, and you don’t have something like a gold bag to carry you forward, just prestige and get the run back there. Don’t push against a wall, regular artifact stats scale incredibly well right now, so painful pushing isn’t recommendable.

REMEMBER to have a swing at time challenges every time you prestige, and stop as soon as you clear one that seemed even the slightest bit difficult. You can come back later and clear more with no effort. The key to time challenges is to spend as little time on them as possible (ironically).

Typically at around stage 500 you may want to swap to focusing completely on Vexx over your ring. I recommend having Vexx at Epic at the very least before doing this, as she is otherwise not really strong enough to warrant it. Having Sam at Rare is also highly recommendable, but don’t level him beyond that for now.

For Vexx carry, I recommend the following setup, follow these skill levels exactly (requires Vexx reaching level 12 before it starts getting good, get to that point using Ring):

Vexx Carry

Skill leveling order:

  • Fast & cheerful 1

  • Concentration 1

  • Fast & cheerful max

  • Forge 1

  • Mad girl 1

  • Chill down 1

  • Collect debris max

  • Mad girl max

  • Shockwave 3

  • Recycle max

  • Shockwave max

  • Earthquake max

  • Hard training max

Beyond this: Whatever you feel like.

Sam Reflect/heal support:

Skill leveling order:

  • Slam (1 point)

  • Shield em All (1 point)

  • Repel (1 point)

  • Transcendence (Max)

  • Punishment (Max)

  • Revenge (Max)

  • Arrogant (Max)

  • Block (Max)

  • Shield Em All (Max)

  • Master Shielder (Max)

Beyond this: Whatever you feel like.

V Gold support

max City Thief, Emmet and Treasure Hunter (In that order).

Jim Shield support

Max out Divided we Fall and otherwise level whatever you feel like.

"Rotten" Lenny support

Keep at level 5 or whatever level needed to access the below skills.

Skill leveling order:

  • Bombard (1 point)

  • Eat an Apple (1 point)

  • Rotten Apple (1 point)

  • Reloader (Max)

  • Rotten Apple (Max)

Gold Redroh (Replaces "Rotten" Lenny around stage 645)

Max Loose Change and spend the rest of your points in Easy Targets. Keep Redroh as low level as you are able to while still having access to Loose Change. This reduces his revive timer and gives you more gold overall.

You will gain a bit of mythstones here and there, spend them as you get them to reroll and upgrade your artifacts, also make sure to craft new ones as you open up the slots.

The push from stage 600 to 795 will feel a bit hard and long. Just keep at it, you will get there, but it may take a few prestiges beyond stage 600. Keep leveling hero items, regular artifacts, and TAL to ease the progress.

Once you start unlocking mythical artifacts, drip a few mythstones onto those as well, but keep it to a minimum. I recommend never upgrading mythical artifacts outside of the 10% of mythstones upgrading option (which is a generally great tool for leveling TAL as well).

Once you hit stage 795 and unlock the Token Mine, you are ready to devote your life to GoG.


As of patch 3.2, it is now possible to play one mode while another is running in the background. Use this to slowly push your way through adventure while farming GoG, but keep in mind that leveling mines is your main priority.

GoG Calculator

Seasons Guide

During this period of time, you will be mostly farming mine levels in GoG and gathering scrap from seasons. Pushing too much in adventure is largely a waste of time. You may choose to drop into adventure for about an hour or two every day, just to smash your way through hundreds of levels and get the free gems and scraps to upgrade your heroes and items for further GoG strength. Likewise, you may choose to do a few time challenges at some point, but other than that, try to stick to a routine of GoG farming for as long as possible. I recommend raising your mines to at least level 40 before going into adventure with the intent to push to the end.

Make sure that you don’t neglect your ad gems and item chests while farming away

The 800 - ~3700 setup

You're going to want to optimize waveclearing speed for your run towards endgame. The end of this setup is going to change based on when you get Oy and Ron unlocked and Leveled to Legendary/Mythic

Here's the recommended heroes:


Max everything. Use the same order of spells as before for smoothness.


Max everything. Use the same order of spells as before for smoothness.


Max everything. Prioritize spells that boost his ultimate. This largely means avoiding his 2x Stampede spells and 3x animal friend spells. Once those are the only 5 left, prioritize the animal friends over stampede. Giving a spell order isn't necessary given how high level Ron will get by the time that you unlock him. Just use common sense and try to spread out your points a little at first.

Gold V (Keep at the lowest level possible to put points into CITY THIEF):

  • Max City Thief

  • Max Treasure Hunter

Gold Redroh (Keep at the lowest level possible to put points into LOOSE CHANGE)

  • Max Loose Change

  • Max Easy Targets

Prior to unlocking Ron, you may want to use Jim instead:

Shield Jim (Best left at level 5, but not a problem to level more as he doesn’t trigger DwF)

  • Max Divided We Fall

  • Put the rest in whatever you want, but Battlecry/Lullaby/Pretty Face would be my options

The general gist of playing between 795 and 3700 is that you want to level up all of your 3 carries (Vexx, Ron, Sam/Oy) and push as fast as you can until they simply start dying. Start out by hiring only these 3 heroes and turn on Lazy Finger (if you have it). Once you're past about 3000, you can even start using random spells on the 3.

Then once killing waves starts to get slow, you use a golden horseshoe. Once that starts being too slow, you turn off Lazy Finger (and random spells) and hire your 2 supports, then kill your way with horseshoes and Time Warp until you can't reasonably get a levelup on Vexx (as she gets it earlier), and reset the run.

The setup is best played by spamming all 3 ultimates whenever they are off cooldown. Vexx will clear waves extremely quickly, while Ron will tear apart the bosses.

If you get stuck in a loop trying to kill an epic boss, while the next major upgrade seems really far away, consider prestiging. You can easily end up losing time by being stubborn, especially in lategame, where catching back up to your progress takes a few minutes with a time warp.

When it comes to leveling artifacts, when you unlock Dig Dig and Curio Hoard, you can ignore the 10% upgrade rule and dump however much you want into these, as the bonuses are HUGE


Once you get Ron and Oy evolved properly and vexx carry has slowed down, congratulations, you can swap to the end-game comp!

This setup consists of Ron, Oy, Jim, Vexx, and V. You can find the trinkets to use for this setup in Cespie's TRINKET GUIDE.

Now we finally have an excuse to swap off lightning ring since the trinkets give us a way to make rings useful for more than just getting back to where we were! Now we use Ice ring for permanent slows so that our DPS gets the extra damage to slowed enemies

For quick time warp: Ice Rage - Nova - Stinger/Shatter

For pushing with heroes: Nova - Cold wind - Stinger

If you wish to continue focusing your good heroes on GoG and Seasons, then you should know that core of this comp is Ron, Oy, and Jim so you don't have to worry much about overlap. Just toss in Boomer to replace vexx(this is a swap many people do anyways, and it's just as viable), and Redroh(if not busy in seasons on a 5-man), Arbara, or Tam to replace V(NOTE: these two are not good options in the real comp, but they can provide the best utility while you have your better units in other modes)

This build far outclasses the previous build, but requires you to level up 2 heroes unlocked a bit later on the game to function properly. This build may end up giving you an overall slower waveclear so your runs will be a bit longer, but will push you much farther by the end of the run.

The goal is to always have Oy leveled to a point where his Scarecrow isn't in danger of dropping off, and to keep Ron levelled as much as possible. Overpushing with him is no longer a major worry since he was rebalanced.

In this build, you can keep autolevel on until the run begins to slow down, giving you more utility from your supports as you can level all their nodes. Then you switch over to levelling just the two big names

And that's about it!

I'm the game designer & one of the developer of Almost a Hero. AMA

Official subreddit for Almost A Hero, an incremental/rpg game for Android and iOS where a bunch of useless idiots embark on a quest to become slightly less useless heroes (and, maybe, save the world).

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I'm the game designer & one of the developer of Almost a Hero. AMA

Hello everyone, I’m batiali, designer and one developer for Almost a Hero.

I'll be around for a full day to answer all your questions about the next update, future plans for the game, & all things game development related.

I’ll try to answer everything, but please be patient if it takes me a while.

Meanwhile, browse other user’s questions and upvote the ones that seem more interesting to you, so they get pushed to the top.

Don't be shy now.

The proof:

Edit: You guys are amazing, I wasn't expecting this many questions from AMA. Gotta go for some sleep now, I'll continue answering in a few hours.

Edit 2: I'm back for more!

Edit 3: Thanks a lot for the beautiful questions! I'll close the AMA for now after answering few more questions. Don't worry, we can totally do this again later.

[DevTalk] The future of Almost a Hero

Official subreddit for Almost A Hero, an incremental/rpg game for Android and iOS where a bunch of useless idiots embark on a quest to become slightly less useless heroes (and, maybe, save the world).

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[DevTalk] The future of Almost a Hero

Hello, hello! As we revealed earlier today, we at Bee Square have been working on a new game. It’s called Guns & Goblins and it’s still very early to share much, but we have a lot of interesting ideas and concepts that we’d like to try.

Being a small company, we have realized that if we really want to deliver on all the things we want to do with this new IP we need to focus. That just isn’t possible while developing a game as complex as Almost a Hero at the same time.

So we’ve made a big decision and we’re transferring Almost a Hero to DECA Games (hi, u/Oykaramba and u/cutelittlecherry) over the next few weeks.

The decision is difficult because Almost a Hero is our child and we’ve seen it evolve and change a lot, but it helps to know that DECA will take good care of the characters, their world and this amazing community. They have a lot of experience with mobile games, and they know plenty about events and live ops, so they’ll be a great fit for the Seasons.

We’ve been sharing info on the game and our process with them, and they’re putting in a lot of effort to ensure that the game that you know and love goes on. We hope you’ll enjoy the fresh air they’ll bring!

We’ll still hang out for the next few weeks to help them with the transition, so don’t worry, we’re not saying goodbye.

On behalf of the whole bee team, thanks from the bottom of our hearts for your unwavering support for a small game about useless idiots. It’s been 3+ amazing years, now onto the next chapter!

PS: we don’t have a reddit/discord for the new project yet, but it’s going to be really cool. You may want to join the development newsletter, or check Bee Square’s Twitter, instagram or Facebook for juicy announcements in the next weeks ;)

Almost a Hero (alpha)

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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Almost a Hero (alpha)

Hey everyone! I wish you all a great new year with meaningful idling. I have great hopes that this will be the best year for incremental games. Games are getting incrementally better.

As some of you already know, here at Bee Square, we've been working on Almost a Hero for the last 6-7 months. We are a very small independent game studio that has great passion for incremental games. This is our 4th title as the studio, and 2nd incremental / clicker game. (first being Battleborn Tap)

The game being constantly evolved, we finally believe it's in a state where we can show you guys what it's like and get your feedback about it. It's not in the state to release soon but with your feedback, it can only get better.

I have already collected 75 testers from this subreddit and going to share the alpha version of the game through test flight & google play. (Test Flight version needs to be approved, so it could take 1-2 days before you get an invitation.) We are most probably going to make more alpha & beta testing so if you want to be in the loop, send me a private message with your email address & os (ios / android) of the device you'll be using.

Here's a small teaser from the game:

You can follow the devlog from here

Feel free to comment & ask questions. Thanks a lot & happy idling to y'all.

Some features from the game that you'll see in the alpha:

  • 9 different heroes each having their unique skill tree.

  • 3 items for each hero with x5 rarities. x5 evolution for each hero.

  • 3 different rings to wear, that changes your tap power. (lightning, fire, ice)

  • 10 unique runes for each ring that alters their power.

  • 35 unlocks / rewards that you get with your progress.

  • Procedurally generated artifacts with more than 30 different attributes.

  • 20 Time challenge. Put your meta progress in test, complete time limited objectives & gain rewards.

  • Merchant items for auto tapping / time warping / reducing cooldowns etc.

[Almost a Hero] We added a new game mode & pets, we appreciate your feedback!

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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[Almost a Hero] We added a new game mode & pets, we appreciate your feedback!

Hello! We launched a big update for Almost a Hero (an idle-incremental RPG game, available for iOS and also for Android) with a whole new game mode, and pets! Here’s all that’s new:

  • Seasons: unlocking at stage 1000, Seasons is a new game mode where you’ll get 5 season challenges with unique effects. It’s similar to a survival mode: the heroes have ‘lives’ and once all lives are lost, the run ends.

  • Pets: playing the Season’s challenges can reward you with pets. Each pet has a passive ability as well as an active one, and you can equip up to 5 of them during a run, and swap them at any time. Plus, they’re cute.

  • Season challenges and available pets change every week with the start of a new Season (we introduced a ‘more pets’ option so you can get some pets from other seasons, in case you miss any).

  • Introduced three new mythical artifacts, reworked some of the old ones and rebalanced the heroes.

  • Lots of small QoL improvements and bug fixes, better detailed in the patch notes posted on r/AlmostAHero

The first season change was a bit of a chaos due to stability problems, but since the second season ended without any issues and a new season started a few hours ago, we now feel confident enough to ask for your feedback. If you have some spare time to check our game, please let us know your thoughts!

Almost a Hero - update #1

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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Almost a Hero - update #1

Hello everyone.

First of all, for those who never heard of Almost a Hero:

Almost A Hero is a mobile RPG clicker game where 9 of the most useless idiots embark on a quest to be slightly less useless idiots.

Nine deeply unique and deeply flawed individuals have been chosen for greatness. Heroic, noble, enlightened... Just 3 of the many words they can’t spell. They will set off on an epic journey that will turn them from zeroes to almost heroes. Or dead people. More likely the latter.

The game is available on both Android and iOS.

We also have a subreddit & discord channel with active communities. I'm also very active in both these places.

We just released a big content update for AaH. Hopefully it's the first of many to come. We are planning to update the game often.

Here's the changelog for the update. If you have a chance to play, let me know what you think about it.


  • 35 new unlocks, max unlock level is 673. As before, it's not a hard cap. It's possible to go beyond that.

  • 3 new merchant items that's unlocked with progress.


  • 10 new unique time challenges.

  • You will enter dream world & fight together with the illusions of your heroes.


  • A new type of artifacts that's called "Mythical". A new place opens in the artifacts tab once a player unlocks them. (Reaching 300 in adventure mode unlocks mythical artifacts.) There are 10 unique mythical artifacts for 10 slots. In the end, all players own the same type of mythicals.

  • Mythical artifacts can't be rerolled. They can be upgraded several times. Every mythical artifact also has a max cap that ranges from 60 to 100 rank. In the future, we are planning to add more mythical artifacts as well as increase previous ones caps.

  • Regular artifact QP cap increased to 15k. There's a mythical artifact that focuses on increasing this cap more. Reroll costs after 10k increases exponentially.

  • 4 new regular artifact effects added. Caps of some the previous artifact effects has been increased. (Most noticeably, the cap of prestige bonus became 1.5K%.)

  • 5 new regular artifact slots. Each of them costs 250 gems. Around 1k gems are rewarded with the new progression unlocks. (either from time challenges or adventure.)


  • Lots of small & big balance changes on every hero. (More details on this in another post.)

  • Increased the max cap of many skills for many heroes.

  • Bellylarf reworked.


  • 2 new runes (6 in total) for each ring.

  • 3 of these (1 each) are rewarded through progression.


  • Tap & Hold to upgrade heroes & ring.

  • A toggleable option to distribute skills just by tapping them.

  • A new regular artifact effect called: Faster Waves. Increases the spawn time of enemies by a huge amount & reduces the wait time after a boss wave.

  • Some ui changes for easier navigation. (i.e. jump to the next hero in hero details tab)

  • Cost reduction skills now updates the ui when they proc.


  • Lots of big & small bugs fixed. Huge thanks to community for pointing us.

  • We have changed our ad provider. Hoping to decrease the amount of crashes players experience.

  • An option to "Double Prestige" once stage 200 reached. Doubles the mythstone rewards. Costs 100 gems.

  • More stable offline earnings & free chest countdown.

I’ve been working in Almost a Hero’s new game mode, Gates of Gog. Ask Me Anything.

Official subreddit for Almost A Hero, an incremental/rpg game for Android and iOS where a bunch of useless idiots embark on a quest to become slightly less useless heroes (and, maybe, save the world).

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I’ve been working in Almost a Hero’s new game mode, Gates of Gog. Ask Me Anything.


I’m be_stellar, game developer at Beesquare Games (proof) and I’ve been working hard to bring you a new game mode in the next Almost a Hero update: Gates of Gog.

(If you don’t have the latest version of the game and want to check it out before the update hits, it’s available here on Android and here on iOS).

I’m here to answer any questions that you may have like how, when, why, and what do I need to farm for it?

Here’s what has been leaked so far, so you have a nice starting point:

  • The new mode takes place in Gog City, an evil underground fortress

  • Like with Time Challenges, it is key to complete each Gate before the clock runs out

  • Progress won’t be tied to artifacts, but to crazy new powerups

You can also ask about our thought process behind the design, where is the game headed, current design and mechanics or the daily life of an indie game developer, so don’t be shy!

I promise that I’ll try to answer everything until 2:00PM, May 29th, but since 24h is a very long time I’ll have to sleep at some point. I’ll let you know if/when that happens ;) While you wait for me to answer, browse other people’s questions and upvote the most interesting ones!

EDIT: Thanks for all the questions, everyone! I’ve got to crash now, but I’ll answer more later. Keep them coming!

EDIT: I’m back! Let’s see what you asked!

EDIT: And that’s it! I hope the AMA solved all the questions that you may have about the new game mode, and that you’re as excited about it as we are. Thanks for the awesome support!

Almost a Hero iOS Global Release

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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Almost a Hero iOS Global Release

Very happy to share with you guys that we finally released Almost a Hero on iOS platform.

Release date for Android will follow in a week or two. I don't want to spam here often, so you can follow the subreddit of the game for future updates. r/AlmostAHero/

If you have a chance to play, please let us know in comments what you think about it. We are planning to keep updating the game for a long while, so your feedback will be really important.


Release trailer:

AppStore link:

Games like almost a hero?

Official subreddit for Almost A Hero, an incremental/rpg game for Android and iOS where a bunch of useless idiots embark on a quest to become slightly less useless heroes (and, maybe, save the world).

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Games like almost a hero?

Need more games like this I really like the fact that the idle play is way less rewarding than the active play. I'm more of an active player and I would even like to see yappers with no idle at all if there are any

[Surprise update] Almost a Hero is available on Nintendo Switch!

Official subreddit for Almost A Hero, an incremental/rpg game for Android and iOS where a bunch of useless idiots embark on a quest to become slightly less useless heroes (and, maybe, save the world).

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[Surprise update] Almost a Hero is available on Nintendo Switch!

Hello, everyone! We have great news: from today, you’ll be able to play Almost a Hero in your Nintendo Switch!

And it looks THIS good!

All features on the mobile version are already implemented. We thought about changing the game orientation to landscape, but we finally decided that keeping portrait orientation was the best way to truly translate the feel of playing Almost a Hero on a mobile device.

We have also implemented a multiplayer mode with up to 6 players (one for each hero, and one for the ring). With motion control support!

Graphics have been adapted to full HD in case you want to play the Switch version on your TV. Graphics looked so good that we applied this change to the mobile version too. Please make sure your mobile devices have at least 5Gb of empty space to install the updated version.

To install the switch version, go to the Nintendo store and search for ‘Almost a Hero’. If you can’t see it yet don’t worry: it may take up to two days to be available globally. For those that can already see it in their stores, have fun!

(This was an April's Fools joke, sorry but we have no plans to force you and your friends to motion-control your way to 4370)

Almost a Hero Update #3

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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Almost a Hero Update #3

Hello incrementers,

I remember that, around this time last year, we've started developing Almost a Hero. I've shared several posts about our progress through development. It feels very weird that we launched the game this March and just released the 3rd (considerably) big update to the game. It's satisfying.

Now that Almost a Hero has its place in the market and a nice community behind, I just wanted to share that, if I wasn't a part of this community, we probably wouldn't start making Almost a Hero. Big thanks to you. Not just giving feedback for our game, but sharing the incremental love in most of the posts gives me, as a developer, too much inspiration and power to create.

So, with all that said, it would be great to get more feedback as it's been quite some time. Here's what we've done since the launch:

Update 1: A lot more content, 10 new time challenges & Mythical Artifacts (a new section in the game where you can get 10 unique & special kind of artifacts)

Update 2: Balancing & New Hero - Handsum Jim, the Bard

Update 3: New Ring - Earth with its 8 new runes. & 2 new mythical artifacts

For those who don't know about the game:

Almost A Hero is a mobile RPG clicker game where 9 of the most useless idiots embark on a quest to be slightly less useless idiots.

Nine deeply unique and deeply flawed individuals have been chosen for greatness. Heroic, noble, enlightened... Just 3 of the many words they can’t spell. They will set off on an epic journey that will turn them from zeroes to almost heroes. Or dead people. More likely the latter.

The game is available on both Android and iOS.

Almost a Hero - Mine Update released

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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Almost a Hero - Mine Update released

Hello! We just released a new update for Almost a Hero introducing Side Quests and Mines. We also improved lots of the artwork & ui in the game. It's available in iOS and Google Play now. Feedbacks appreciated.

We recently had an AMA for the game, you can check it here.

We have a discord channel & a subreddit in case you want to join.

Here's detailed patch notes:

Side Quest

  • Reach stage 235 in Adventure mode to unlock side quests.

  • Complete these small tasks to earn Aeon, a new currency.

  • Once completed, you have to wait 8 hours for a new one.

  • There's ~15 different side quest to discover.


  • Aeon is a new currency you earn from side quests. It can be used to open trinket boxes.

  • It can also be used to upgrade mines.

  • Our plan is to also use this currency once we introduce the new game mode. (Rifts)


  • Reach stage 246 in Adventure mode to unlock Scrap Mine & stage 395 to unlock Token Mine.

  • Scrap Mine generates scraps. It can be collected every 24 hours. It also multiplies the gold earnings permanently.

  • Token Mine generates tokens. It can be collected every 24 hours. It also multiplies the damage & health permanently.

  • Mines can be upgraded with Aeon, each upgrade increases the permanent bonus the mine provides as well as the resources it generates.

  • Mines start their collection cooldown once you collect them. You can upgrade the mines before collecting them, which will affect the collected amount immediately.

New Backgrounds

  • All the backgrounds in the game (both adventure & time challenge) have been changed.

UI Changes

  • Almost all the ui screens in the game had either small or big changes. The main reason for these changes was to optimize the game, but there are some screens which we improved the user experience as well. (i.e. All heroes fit in the upgrade heroes screen.)


  • Animations & ui screens have been optimized to reduce the memory that the game uses. It will help us implement new features without worrying too much.

Balance Changes

  • Huge nerf to Goblin Lure. (Max level grants 400% now - even with +20 new levels.) This was balanced to make sure goblin lure is not the only way of income. (See the below comment.)

  • Refactored gold earnings to be more stable. There were some bugs that prevents players what they were supposed to get.

Mythical Artifacts

  • Auto Transmuter +20

  • DPS Matter +20

  • Life Boat +20

  • Custom Tailor +10

  • Broken Teleporter +10

  • Goblin Lure +20

Quality of Life

  • All 5 heroes, ring & milestone upgrade fits in the upgrade screen. No need to scroll.

  • Tap & hold milestone upgrades to level them up fast. (Oh boy, it feels good.)

  • Tap & hold to upgrade skills (when one tap upgrade is on) (It doesn't work great atm, but it'll do until we make it better.)

  • No more screen covering the whole game when transitioning into another environment every 20 levels. There's only a fast fade in / fade out that covers only the action part (not the upgrade ui.)

  • The game loads faster. (hopefully)

  • Added a loading bar at the start. Causes the game to load 3% slower, but gives you the feeling that it loads 10% faster.

  • The size of the game is a lot smaller now.

Almost a Hero - Evil Heroes Update released

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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Almost a Hero - Evil Heroes Update released

Hello! I’m be_stellar, one of the developers for Almost a Hero. We just released a new update introducing two new heroes. We also added new runes, trinket effects and side quests, and rebalanced most of the existing heroes. It's available in iOS and Google Play now.

Since the new characters have mechanics that are unique to them (like using their allies’ health as a resource, or debuffing them to get a benefit) any feedback is appreciated. We want to know how it feels to play them!

We have a discord channel & a subreddit in case you want to get deeper in the discussion.

Here are the detailed patch notes:

2 new Heroes

  • Redroh, the hoarding goblin. He’s a gold-focused Supporter that unlocks at stage 440.

  • Uno the self-centered warlock, an attacker that uses health as a resource. Unlocks at stage 518.

Trinket Effects

  • 10 New effects added

  • Now it’s easier to get a trinket with a damage bonus

Ring Runes

3 new runes have been added in order to boost the less-used rings

  • Stinger: Ice, Every .2s, drops a random shard.

  • Inferno: Fire, Attacks deal 90% splash damage.

  • Ephemeral: Earth, Every 120s, time warp for 15s


We've made a lot of changes on the (almost) heroes to make room for new viable strategies. The most important being:

  • Big nerf to Hilt & Wendle (sorry, ring-strat fans)

  • Slight buff to Lia and Sam. They wanted to be in the party with the cool kids, we couldn't say no.

  • More room for Boomer, Vexx, Lenny, Lia, Sam, Wendle, and especially V to put their skill points.

  • Life Boat got a late game boost to help keep everyone alive.

  • Quite a few mid/late game milestone upgrades got buffed. In particular, after 450 and beyond 800. Link for more details

General fixes/improvements

  • Destroying a trinket now does a satisfying scrap effect

  • You can see your stage progression on the Home menu, instead of the gold you have

  • Text size on artifacts fixed

  • Tap and hold to upgrade skills doesn’t open the description anymore when all skill points are consumed

  • More late game quests and rewards.

  • More milestone upgrades for late game.

  • New Side Quests to go with the new heroes (2 for each)

  • Popup menu button responsiveness improved

Thanks for checking out the game!

[Almost a Hero] Gates Of Gog Update Released!

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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[Almost a Hero] Gates Of Gog Update Released!

Hello, everyone! I’m a member of the Almost a Hero dev team and I wanted to let you know that after months of work we’ve launched a huge update! It’s a whole new game mode: Gates of Gog. Here’s the trailer!

To sum up, it’s a new game mode that unlocks when using prestige after stage 350. Main features are:

  • 80 Gate Fights with a fixed amount of enemies that must be defeated before the time runs out

  • Each Gate has its own combination of effects that make you think twice about your team composition, such as ‘cooldowns are impossibly slow’ or ‘enemies deal damage when they die’

  • To beat them you have a Collection of brand new powerups called Charms, since the usual powerups for the game (Artifacts) don’t work here. Bye, sense of security!

  • Charms boost your stats and can be summoned during a Gate fight to cast special powers. But you can’t summon just any charm: the game draws three from your collection and makes you pick one, so you have to make the best of what you get.

  • Gates can be farmed for currency and the Collection can be improved, so this update packs quite a lot of gameplay in it. Also, since it’s a parallel mode to Adventure, you can progress in both modes at the same time. Yes, you can effectively idle the game while you’re playing it.

  • We’ve also introduced quite a few QoL features, like random hero selection, auto skill distribution & difficulty indicators, to make the new mode easier to navigate

  • You can check the (extremely detailed) patch notes here and a short gameplay video here

Overall, the Gates make you think of what’s already in play, what may come in handy and what you actually need, so any combo & optimization lovers out there should enjoy the fights!

Download it here for iOS and here for Android

Last but not least, a while ago we did an AMA: thanks to all of you who participated and asked questions, it helped us realize what was easy to understand and what wasn’t, and make the necessary modifications. Please let us know if you decide to give this new game mode a go, any feedback is helpful!

[Dev] Massive update for Almost a Hero released: Gates of Gog

This subreddit is dedicated to everything related to gaming on Android.

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[Dev] Massive update for Almost a Hero released: Gates of Gog

Hello, everyone! I’m a member of the Almost a Hero dev team and I wanted to let you know that after months of work we’ve launched a huge update! It’s a whole new game mode: Gates of Gog. Here’s the trailer!

Download the update here

To sum up, it’s a new game mode that unlocks after stage 350. Main features are:

  • 80 Gate Fights with a fixed amount of enemies that must be defeated before the time runs out

  • Each Gate has its own combination of effects that make you think twice about your team composition, such as ‘cooldowns are impossibly slow’ or ‘enemies deal damage when they die’

  • To beat them you have a Collection of brand new powerups called Charms, since the usual powerups for the game (Artifacts) don’t work here. Bye, sense of security!

  • Charms boost your stats and can be summoned during a Gate fight to cast special powers. But you can’t summon just any charm: the game draws three from your collection and makes you pick one, so you have to make the best of what you get.

  • Gates can be farmed for currency and the Collection can be improved, so this update packs quite a lot of gameplay in it. Also, since it’s a parallel mode to Adventure, you can progress in both modes at the same time. Yes, you can effectively idle the game while you’re playing it.

  • We’ve also introduced quite a few QoL features, like random hero selection, auto skill distribution & difficulty indicators, to make the new mode easier to navigate

  • You can check the (extremely detailed) patch notes here and a short gameplay video here

Overall, the Gates make you think of what’s already in play, what may come in handy and what you actually need, so any combo & optimization lovers out there should enjoy the fights!

Last but not least, a while ago we did an AMA: thanks to all of you who participated and asked questions, it helped us realize what was easy to understand and what wasn’t, and make the necessary modifications. Please let us know if you decide to give this new game mode a go, your comments help us a lot!

Almost a Hero Concept - Sheila (Support)

Official subreddit for Almost A Hero, an incremental/rpg game for Android and iOS where a bunch of useless idiots embark on a quest to become slightly less useless heroes (and, maybe, save the world).

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Almost a Hero Concept - Sheila (Support)

As the DECA team has just arrived at the development of this game that we like so much, I believe this is a good time to repost my concept of almost hero - Sheila - and her abilities.


  • Special Delivery (Ultimate) - Whistle summoning a mining cart that runs over enemies. Loot 600% gold and stun enemies for 8s. Cooldown: 220 seconds

  • Lucky Crystal - Raises a prism to the sky creating a rainbow that boosts all allies' attack speed by 150% for 10s. Cooldown: 90 seconds

  • I'm Busy - Slam her shovel into the ground dealing 150% team damage to all enemies. Cooldown: 120 seconds

Background: Sheila is Vexx's best friend. The two grew up together in Arboreal Cloak and she was the only person Vexx could talk to about her feelings without getting angry. Sheila is very dedicated to her work and always supports her friends to reach their goals, but with all her shyness she ends up spending most of her time alone with her thoughts in the gold mines. However, she goes to the defense of the one she loves when Magolis mess with their friends.

  • Official subreddit for Almost A Hero, an incremental/rpg game for Android and iOS where a bunch of useless idiots embark on a quest to become slightly less useless heroes (and, maybe, save the world). members
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