top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]hackers238 177 points178 points  (4 children)

The first time I saw the cyclone o_0

When I saw the even larger cyclone later 0_0

[–]SyncularityElementalist 1092 points1093 points  (124 children)




[–]GatitusHierophant 364 points365 points  (7 children)

Rage with no downsides!

[–][deleted] 619 points620 points  (6 children)

Reddit class reveal

[–]moozoohHipster Builds, Inc. 170 points171 points  (42 children)

Have you noticed the charges on Cyclone btw? It seems to subtly grow in area (at least that was my impression) as you keep channeling.

EDIT: Plucked some data from the videos.

The gem tags are: Attack, AoE, Movement, Channeling, Melee.

  • The mana cost is 2 (down from 12).
  • Damage effectiveness starts at 45% (no change).
  • Default movement speed multiplier is negative 30% (no change). But the skill now has several (allegedly 4) predefined multipliers to movement speed depending on how far the cursor is from the character; if you aim at yourself you will cyclone in place, meaning it's now possible to take advantage of Arctic Armor and the like.
  • Attack speed has a 200% more multiplier (up from 50%) (EDIT: Seems it's just a cosmetic change to compensate for the fact that Cyclone does not actually hit twice per activation anymore).
  • No change to requirements at gem level 1.
  • First hit still deals 50% less damage (not sure what it's needed for at this point).
  • The skill gains stages (?) (up to 6 has been seen thus far). They seem to subtly increase AoE as you keep channeling, and have a short decay timer upon interruption, akin to Worb and other channeling skills.

[–]AttemptCreateAscendant 36 points37 points  (15 children)

That looks awfully like intensify support...

Which affects only spells and doesn't apply to channeling ones either, so new support? '

[–]Snokones 57 points58 points  (4 children)

my bet is that it's just part of the skill like a lot of channeling skills. Now that cyclone is an actual channeling skill it makes sense for it to get stages.

[–]moozoohHipster Builds, Inc. 29 points30 points  (6 children)

It's Cyclone alone. Look here at around 21:30.

[–]Bludgeonedkittens 69 points70 points  (8 children)


[–]SneakyBadAssThank you for visiting Yer Ol' Spooky Shope! 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Light wood laminate Light wood laminate!

[–]devon752Slayer 50 points51 points  (1 child)


[–]hsfanStandard 56 points57 points  (10 children)

only way to "fix" melee is to make it aoe screen wide to keep up with everything else

[–][deleted] 33 points34 points  (0 children)

That's the only possible solution without scrapping several years of PoE development and essentially making a new, slower ARPG. It simply is not possible to have the speeds and scales involved in PoE work with old-fashioned namelock melee, and it would be a massive waste of GGG's resources to develop melee skills in that direction when nothing else about the way the game plays supports that style.

[–]TheZephyrim 18 points19 points  (2 children)

Eh it’ll be pretty fucking good this league, or at least a few “melee” skills will be. Cyclone and cleave looked amazing, I’d imagine they reworked AOE somehow or just finally tweaked all the numbers since 2.6.

Keep in mind these are just the trailer videos, once the community gets their filthy mitts on it the AOE on cyclone will probably offscreen and cause a HOI chain reaction while also moving 2-3x as fast.

[–]narniaguardian 13 points14 points  (7 children)

the second time you see it, it looks like the camera is zoomed in

Edit: apparently there is a skill that increases your char size and aoe which is causing it. You can see it in effect in ziggyds video

[–]capalex65Sauravisus - Dark Dreams Creator 367 points368 points  (24 children)

Thanks for including my divination card u/Bex_GGG and team! (Dark Dreams is mine.)

[–]mattbrvcSorry, I only make BAD builds! 198 points199 points  (5 children)

Love the flavor text

[–]deljaroostill a summoner 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I laughed out loud when I read it

[–]Blakon13Juggernaut 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Thank you so much. What a great card.

[–]KillerOwen 11 points12 points  (2 children)

Do you happen to know if it has a specific item level attached to the card? Because that's really important for Bone Helmets.

[–]capalex65Sauravisus - Dark Dreams Creator 36 points37 points  (1 child)

With div cards that gives items, if no ilvl is listed it's the same as your level and capping at 80. Same thing with this one.

[–]KillerOwen 17 points18 points  (0 children)

I didn't know that thanks for sharing that. I was really hoping this would be a reliable way to get an ilvl 86 one of these since that's the ilvl with the +3 minion mod. Still dig it though!

[–]TrogdortheBanninator 276 points277 points  (16 children)

Animation canceling

I came

[–][deleted] 308 points309 points  (25 children)

that cyclone area made me rock hard

[–]ribelsideSaboteur 39 points40 points  (7 children)

fuck yeah! been waiting for cyclone for so long.

[–]shung 30 points31 points  (6 children)

Good bye cheap disfavor, you will be missed

[–]Markuchi 31 points32 points  (1 child)

Someone started cutting onions near me when I saw the cyclone aoe.

[–]Marshrandyqt 14 points15 points  (2 children)

This trailer made me instantly stop playing my 98 cycloner in synth league...it's...so small.

[–]HuaojozuWe D4 Aspect Skills now 332 points333 points  (71 children)

The Flicker Strike league that was promised.

Clear the map, then ZOOM ZOOM around the ancient battlefield, killing/marking everything in 0.1s.

[–][deleted] 491 points492 points  (36 children)

[3.7] ** INSANE CLEAR SPEED ** Trickster Flicker "Now You See Me, Now You Can't See at All" Strike [BUFFED in 3.7!!!] TANKY +++ OVERFLOW ERROR DPS ON POB +++ // UElder, UAtziri, ULab

[–]FederalX177013 Headhunters bricked 197 points198 points  (23 children)


[–]klakenkingiSlayer 176 points177 points  (22 children)


[–]Vulpix0rNEKO guild (SG) 98 points99 points  (18 children)


[–]ChadfromTW 78 points79 points  (17 children)


[–]AtomicProBombRaider 67 points68 points  (16 children)


[–]TachyonsIsAvailable 103 points104 points  (10 children)


[–]zaneprotossSlayer 53 points54 points  (3 children)


[–]PlanksPlanks 50 points51 points  (2 children)

☑ Shocked

☑ Chilled

☑ Frozen

☑ Burning

☑ Bleeding

☑ Impaled

[–]defensive_usernameDeadeye 14 points15 points  (2 children)

How many shapers per second is that !?

[–]CockGobblin 18 points19 points  (4 children)

But can it do normal lab?

[–]Beniidel0Tormented Smugler 7 points8 points  (0 children)

No, uber lab only

[–]SteeleDukeNecromancer 33 points34 points  (4 children)

I knew I waited to play flicker strike after 8 years for a reason!

[–]hurrffDeadeye 176 points177 points  (15 children)

looks like the 5 armies are:

  • vaal

  • templar

  • karui

  • maraketh

  • eternal empire

wonder if niko has any thoughts about that last one...


[–]DustornSlayer 35 points36 points  (9 children)

I imagine all the masters will have something to say about at least one of them.

Alva will probably give us some juicy deets on the Vaal, Zana will probably have some words about the Templars, and one can imagine that Jun would be a little bit conflicted about our slaughtering Maraketh sp00ks.

Einhar is the only one who doesn't have a direct relationship with any of the empires, being Ezomyte. Navali might blurb about the Karui, instead.

[–]boredlol 5 points6 points  (4 children)

who/what is the eternal empire? could you enlighten me :o

[–]DustornSlayer 12 points13 points  (1 child)

The most recent former inhabitants of Wraeclast, with Sarn as their capital. They are responsible for Gems, as well as the Gemlings, and Malachai was one of the power players of the Empire. And also the one who fucked it completely, coincidentally.

You can gather some Eternal Empire lore from the graffiti and books in act 3, including all of the information about the rebellion (I think there is also some rebellion info in act 4).

[–]boredlol 10 points11 points  (0 children)

ohhhh the not-a-cockroach lady? cool, thanks!

[–]schmee001Dominus 10 points11 points  (1 child)

The current lore PDF has more details, but in short:

The Eternal Empire was founded in Sarn in the year 1 IC, around 400 years after the fall of the Vaal. (Path of Exile starts in 1599 IC, I think.) The first Emperor, Veruso, banned thaumaturgy in the hopes of preventing whatever wiped out the Vaal from destroying his new empire as well.

After him there was a long lineage of Emperors, with a few notable ones:
Emperor Romira (334 IC) - an awful man, by most accounts. He was responsible for the Night of a Thousand Ribbons, where Sarn burned.
Emperor Izaro (1316 IC) - Built the Lord's Labyrinth. Went more than a little bit mad.
Emperor Chitus (1319 IC) - The first to successfully complete the Labyrinth. When Izaro retired and gave the throne to Chitus, he immediately cast Izaro into the labyrinth, where he remains to this day. Under Chitus, Malachai began research into thaumaturgy once again, creating 'Virtue Gems' (skill gems) and implanting them into the bodies of people, who became (often horrifically deformed) 'Gemlings'.

In 1336 IC, the Empire fell, after the Purity Rebellions and the Cataclysm

[–]Quidfacis_Shitpost 57 points58 points  (6 children)

I like the idea of Incubation quite a bit.

  • Solves the "I farmed for X hours and didn't get anything" problem by ensuring a drop after Y mobs, or whatever other incubation triggers they add.

  • Provides a new means to get existing currency, rather than introducing something wholly new.

  • Makes holding an item more meaningful / significant. "I can't replace this hat till the incubator pops" makes wearing the item important for reasons other than stats.

I like this sort of game design. It's not the lazy "here's a new currency to farm!" addition. It's a new avenue to acquire desired existing items that coheres with the existing gameplay structure.

Good work, person who thought of it.

[–]italixxJuggernaut 20 points21 points  (1 child)

"I hatched Diviner's Incubators for 4 hours and got 5 Gambler, 3 Carrion Crow, 2 Emperor's Luck, 2 Scholar, and 1 Hermit. I'm vendoring my incubators from now on."

"I spend over an hour killing 5000 monsters for my Harbinger's Incubator and what do I get? One fucking Orb of Binding. Thanks GGG."

[–]Redxmirage 15 points16 points  (0 children)

kills 2000 monsters

Oh cool another lifesprig

[–]Jokdbf 320 points321 points  (52 children)

[–]yumyumfire 161 points162 points  (28 children)

5 slot Map Device O_O

[–]Aldoro69765 64 points65 points  (13 children)

How would divine vessels fit into the 5 slot device? Unless I'm missing something there doesn't seem to be a spot for them.

[–]chris_wilsonLead Developer 475 points476 points  (7 children)

They're one slot now

[–]Aldoro69765 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Ah, makes sense. Hadn't considered the obvious answer. ^^ Cheers!

[–]gt- 34 points35 points  (7 children)

I'm digging this.

[–]JevonP 35 points36 points  (5 children)

I'm actually so excited to play this league after skipping this one

[–]AzeriusTormented Smugler 190 points191 points  (102 children)

Aukunas will.... Detonate dead on a zombie....

Is suicide bomber zombies a thing?

Does that work the way im thinking?

[–]Saint_Yin 54 points55 points  (8 children)

Detonate Dead spell totem + Aukunas = popcorn zombies

[–]Snokones 22 points23 points  (2 children)

yes, but that means enemies can cast Corpse explosion on your zombies. lol

[–]ColinStylesDC League 87 points88 points  (14 children)

I think so, but it also means you can offering your zombies. Which hurts my brain.

[–]XaxziminraxGladiator 48 points49 points  (3 children)


[–]TrogdortheBanninator 5 points6 points  (7 children)

What's that unique that applies your offerings to yourself?

[–]vonpoppmTrickster 17 points18 points  (20 children)

Now just get it set up in a loop to autocast more zombies and denote dead to just run around and slaughter.

[–]TrogdortheBanninator 16 points17 points  (9 children)

Something something Heartbound Loop + CwDT?

[–]xFxD8 years, 2k hours 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Shhhhh. Don't want the prices to go nuts at the league start.

[–]TrogdortheBanninator 94 points95 points  (0 children)

Yes. Yes it does.

Hinekora ackbar!

[–]RandomMagus 17 points18 points  (19 children)

It definitely should. No idea if it's better than desecrate + volatile, but this essentially should be a heat-seeking missile with the zombies + detonate dead. Probably consumes the zombie, but hey don't need corpses to replenish them

[–]vileguynsj[🍰] 5 points6 points  (4 children)

This is really cool because not only is it nice quality of life in a corpse-based build, but it should also allow for scaling zombie max life for more damage. I wonder if a zombie dies when you detonate him.

Oh, that's also got great potential synergy with Minion Instability. Could be a really fun build kinda like D3 sacrifice

[–]The-HellsongHAHA STUPID BEAST 519 points520 points  (16 children)

Jesus Christ, Kamil.

he improves from Trailer to Trailer. How does he do that? I thought he peaked at bestiary. I loved his Synthesis Soundtrack.

But this?

This is a fucking masterpiece

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 333 points334 points  (4 children)

I totally agree! The soundtrack for the trailer gave me chills the first time I heard it.

[–]The-HellsongHAHA STUPID BEAST 128 points129 points  (1 child)

please hold him and never ever let him go! in the worst case, put him in a Cage map :b

[–]Calabast 15 points16 points  (0 children)

fuzzy materialistic wine jeans different dependent apparatus fine violet arrest -- mass edited with redact.dev

[–]aphisko 22 points23 points  (1 child)

the two steps from hell feeling is strong in this one, true

[–]ItsRadical 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Honestly I was like 100% sure that they just lent it from two steps from hell.. but on other hand it all sounds the same :D easy to misplace

[–]vmvieira 20 points21 points  (2 children)

Yeah, holy shit. The music is getting crazy good patch after patch. Honestly, if he still has stuff up his sleeve for 4.0 that shit is going to be batshit insane.

[–]The-HellsongHAHA STUPID BEAST 10 points11 points  (0 children)

People will tear down the convention center lol

[–]ohgeewillikirz 45 points46 points  (4 children)

I know precisely nothing about this game, but the excitement everybody seems to have about this makes me want to play it.

[–]vuxra 45 points46 points  (5 children)

How will minions interact with the dormant legions?

[–]DaneruuTrickster 14 points15 points  (0 children)

It seems like each statue stops being targetable after it's hp hits 0, so it should be fine.

[–]XZlayeD 169 points170 points  (50 children)

It seems like Breach 2.0 - Hype!

Just the fact we can hit 100% hit without things like Lyco is going to feel so much better!

[–]elsporko 27 points28 points  (30 children)

Wait did I miss something? What are the changes to accuracy?

[–]Orolol 575 points576 points  (6 children)

Wait did I miss something?

Not anymore.

[–]morgrall 39 points40 points  (12 children)

No cap.

[–]BitterAfternoon 20 points21 points  (8 children)

I imagine no cap most of the time won't matter unless you've got some sort of buff/debuff that provides +% to not be evaded (vs +% accuracy). The accuracy evasion formula is already incredibly difficult to hit 95% (requiring about twice the accuracy as it takes to hit 90%). Presumably it'll be about twice again to hit 97.5% and twice again to hit 98.8% etc.

The reason removing the crit cap was a big deal was that the formulas for it made it easy to get past 100%. I'm unaware of in-game items other than 'cannot be evaded' that would make it easy to get past 95% hit chance (or for that matter TO 95% hit chance)

[–]morgrall 8 points9 points  (0 children)

True I usually aim for the low 90s on characters atm.

It's possible they've reworked the formula or something though.

We'll have to wait and see.

[–]XZlayeD 26 points27 points  (3 children)

he said in the video the 95% hit cap is going to be removed!

[–]Nzash 85 points86 points  (25 children)

Man GGG really hates Blizzard

[–]StarFishingMaster 162 points163 points  (20 children)

Did you just wake up from a coma? It’s 2019, everyone hates blizzard.

[–]CockGobblin 98 points99 points  (1 child)

I don't know aboot you guys, but this new diablo game on my phone is great! It has all the best diablo things like 骄傲 and 成就. You should all go out and play it.

[–][deleted] 69 points70 points  (0 children)

Did you just direct translate pride and accomplishment lmaoooooo

[–]hesh582 679 points680 points  (20 children)

Thread's moving so fast that nobody will realize that my dumb ass thinks LegionnairesDisease is a clever name for next league's ED character

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 720 points721 points  (16 children)

Lol that's my character name on our testing server.

[–]hesh582 128 points129 points  (9 children)

hahaha I feel so much more justified now

[–]tokyotapes 20 points21 points  (8 children)

Isn’t that what you get from contaminated hot tubs?

[–]r1korus 178 points179 points  (108 children)

CwC cyclone dream

[–]-ReadyPlayerThirty-Champion 108 points109 points  (32 children)

I can finally live my dream of CwC Soulrend!


[–]Luqas_IncredibleI Berserk I Stronk 30 points31 points  (13 children)

Cyclone - CWC - summon zombie - body sawp

[–]guggelhupf88 19 points20 points  (0 children)

this sounds so damn stupid, im loving it

[–]kaehell 19 points20 points  (8 children)

I'm theorycrafting a full ES CwC cyclone soulrend trickster since the announcement of the channeled Cyclone :D

[–]cooldrewshadow 14 points15 points  (4 children)

CwC what's this?

[–]TrogdortheBanninator 6 points7 points  (2 children)

Frostbolt combos for everyone! No crit required!

[–]Avocados-NumberDuelist 166 points167 points  (6 children)


[–]Elune_Make Scion great again 131 points132 points  (4 children)



[–]dohi312 36 points37 points  (1 child)

Purple leagues, best leagues.

[–]SysiphuzHierophant 273 points274 points  (32 children)


[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 337 points338 points  (27 children)

[–]kaffeofikaelika 55 points56 points  (0 children)

Again, god damnit

[–]skiskiacm 55 points56 points  (8 children)

Bex the Troll, First of Her Name, Queen of the Wraeclast and the First Exiles, Lord of the Five Encampments, and Protector of the Realm

[–]Huejass40 11 points12 points  (5 children)

I am pretty relieved it wasn't OVERLOAD :)

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (1 child)

A league just for Ryze Q

It would have passed since the league involves a rework

[–]pwalkzUnannounced 8 points9 points  (1 child)

I've only been watching this league name drama happen from afar but I gotta commend you, you've done a great job making this fun. I chuckled when I finally saw the league name thinking of all those threads where everyone thought they were right XD Well done

[–]Naftah 65 points66 points  (8 children)

New map device interface? Would be sweet if we had another slots for frags/scarabs.

[–]TMMWhytefyre 48 points49 points  (3 children)

Wonder if Divine Vessels are 1x1 now, otherwise they won't fit :D

[–]SmackTrick 299 points300 points  (26 children)

So we're gonna be grinding Artifact power again? What about Azerite?


[–][deleted] 136 points137 points  (1 child)

original expansion do not steal

[–]PM_UR_BRKN_PROMISES 19 points20 points  (5 children)

The only Artifact I'm playing.

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (4 children)

or anyone else really

[–]lindstromptToo sexy for my pants 67 points68 points  (10 children)

To me it looks like Essence with extra steps :P

[–]NolanPower 51 points52 points  (2 children)

Somebody's gonna get laid in Legion.

[–]IsNewAtThis 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Having to attack all the mobs and then having to wait for them to unfreeze seems like it'll get old pretty fast honestly. That's my only complaint though.

[–]hesh582 29 points30 points  (1 child)

So we're gonna be grinding Artifact power again?

No we're going to be buying the results of someone else doing that, like with every other league mechanic lol.

[–]EGG_BABEChieftain 7 points8 points  (0 children)

You are not prepared

[–]Wenrus_WindseekerInquisitor 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Next one is going to be about building garrisons

[–]HolofoilSHEEP 76 points77 points  (9 children)

The idea of incubated items seems like a precursor to selective league content. Hope its successful.

Those gloves are insane. You can do minion instability + Detonate dead with them.

[–]majikguy 25 points26 points  (1 child)

Not both at the same time, but you would likely want to take MI in a build using this item since the goal will be to get their HP as high as you can anyways. Just to make sure you know, Minion Instability only triggers when they hit 1/3 HP and Detonate Dead would instantly kill them.

[–]funai83 98 points99 points  (14 children)

What is a Berseker? New ascendancy?

[–]Luqas_IncredibleI Berserk I Stronk 51 points52 points  (13 children)

a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

[–]blackjack47Hardcore 299 points300 points  (27 children)

[–][deleted] 39 points40 points  (24 children)

This is the best gif I've ever seen.

[–]FenrilsIGN: @Fenrils 69 points70 points  (22 children)

Not to ruin your day or anything but it's from a pretty depressing documentary about (iirc) some judeo-christian fundamentalists who were going way overboard in indoctrinating their kids. It was pretty cult-like and the reactions/mental states of the kids was something else.

EDIT: Found the documentary: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486358/

[–]0x00000000 49 points50 points  (82 children)

Given their massive radius, Legion jewels mean we're going to have to learn 5 new passive trees. What. Is that a kill counter on it? Nice.

Also, new Keystone in place of Elemental Equilibrium with the jewel, so does that mean exclusive keystones for some jewels? Or maybe EE just moved.

[–]ncsbertElementalist 21 points22 points  (8 children)

Wow, the animation rework could have pretty big implications for racing. They might have just raised the game's skill ceiling by a substantial amount.

[–]Lereas 19 points20 points  (1 child)

As a super casual player who felt really overwhelmed by betrayal and somewhat overwhelmed by the requirements to do anything worthwhile with synthesis crafting, this looks pretty fun.

[–]EvilPotatoKingOccultist 18 points19 points  (4 children)

Legion jewels: The ones you won't ever see

[–]martinooos 16 points17 points  (10 children)

Very well done, very nice trailer.

Simple and glaringly obvious question, what happens with winter orb hitting those still monsters? how can you pick which ones to kill with channeled and automated skills (winter org/srs/minions)

[–]HeadcapI liked Synthesis 15 points16 points  (9 children)


how do i play melee???


[–]FederalX177013 Headhunters bricked 26 points27 points  (3 children)

Pick Cyclone. Hold down right click until map is clear.

[–]Lehona_ 16 points17 points  (1 child)

I'm pretty sure those are the instructions for Flicker Strike, not Cyclone.

[–]AretePhoenix 36 points37 points  (7 children)

Is this a good time to start playing this game for the first time ever? Been looking into it for a while, just never had time to start up a character.

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 85 points86 points  (3 children)

Yeah! Now is a great time to start. If you jump in and learn the ropes, you'll be all ready for when Path of Exile: Legion launches in a couple of weeks.

[–]Vet_LeeberBardmode 77 points78 points  (0 children)


[–]slayerx117_Slayer 532 points533 points  (56 children)












[–][deleted] 203 points204 points  (4 children)












There, fixed it

E: lmao this dude edited his post to steal muh joke and now I'm gettin downvotered :( E2: what a twist

[–]RobotPirateMosesHalf Skeleton 28 points29 points  (1 child)



[–]RoguemjbSlayer 8 points9 points  (12 children)

SO, he said 'all melee skills *can* now target adjacent enemies', does this give everything Ancestral Call? Or does it just mean that aoe skills like Cleave, can now be supported by Ancestral Call, when it couldn't before?

OMG I can't wait to Berserk on some mofos!

[–]GreatAdvantage 28 points29 points  (6 children)

I took it as everything now has an inherent melee splash.

[–]MoarineOccultist 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Alongside other changes music is a B A N G E R, thanks Kamil!

[–]Coruskane 27 points28 points  (0 children)

This trailer looks like total Carnage

[–]Brasolis 22 points23 points  (0 children)


[–]ThorTheGrayInquisitor 8 points9 points  (0 children)

More purple, yay! Ok now I go read.

[–]MCTufty 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I want that huge cyclone range inside me RIGHT NOW

[–]therospheraeCurtain Call 19 points20 points  (7 children)

Aukuna's Will is going to lead to some hilarious meme builds, mark my words

[–]SuddenLee 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Just remember enemies probably can detonate your Zombies aswell

[–]toothlessmon 29 points30 points  (5 children)

GGG- we're going to release a nice chill season this time around, we want to prepare for our next launch that will be really huge

Also GGG- we have revamped movement skills, melee skills, items, bosses and animations...

[–]Fuego_Fiero 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Multiplied the number of passives available by literally THOUSANDS.

Jesus. My poor theorycrafting brain is so scared right now. I predict many sleepless nights in PoB in the future.

[–]toothlessmon 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Although those passive changing uniques will mostly be uber-valuable, I wouldn't doubt some of them being completely unbalanced... also I wonder if this is their way of experimenting new ways to change the skill tree without changing the skill tree...

[–]MakeYouHambleFlicker til I die 19 points20 points  (1 child)

It was Legion! We were right the whole time!

[–]AceIsLoveAceIsLifeAssassin 5 points6 points  (2 children)

That movement skill look like the one from a knight monster from Temple of Atzoatl

[–]ThatOneParasolSynthesis Apologist 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Bamboozle: successful.