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Discussion about Path of Exile, a free ARPG made by Grinding Gear Games

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Path of Exile 2: Ngamakanui Teaser

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u/Clsco avatar

Animation improvements on the character movements are imediately noticable as way better than what currently exists


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when I spoke to the devs at the last exilecon they are animating different cast animations for different speeds so at certain breakpoints it switches animation. The same for run speeds and attacks.

So what you are saying is that we finally get to naruto run thorough maps?

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As all poe build demos are, weird items, not optimized. It looks nice as hell though.


Yeah, purposefully gimped prowess so you can actually see what's happening on the screen, as usual.I wouldn't disregard the possibility that act 1 is harder though.

tbh if they would show the usual high level aoe shitfest screen clear speed run people would probably hate it.

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u/Magstine avatar

Mini-dash being a support gem would be amazing though.

e.g., supports AoE skills. Supported AoE skills are centered on your current position. Dash backwards when you use Supported skills. Adds a short cooldown.

That's all fine and good, but what will my frame rate be when I'm lawnmowering through screens full of mobs and exploding them all.

Considering it isn't great now with worse graphics, I'm wondering how they can balance it.

u/iceboonb2k avatar

lawnmowering through screens full of mobs and exploding them all.

Uhm why do I have a bad feeling that we wont have this "issue" at all?.

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u/brufio11 avatar

The logo reveal was awesome


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Disclaimer: No kiwis are harmed in the making of PoE 2 logo.

u/Spoofed avatar

I saw Solaris, Lunaris, Sin, Innocence and then a new? character at the very bottom. Looks amazing.

u/PervertTentacle avatar

It's a goddess of justice, she sits at the Izaro's back and is a boss in Plaza map. Is just her statue, probably

u/Spoofed avatar

Makes me wonder what is going to happen to Izario/lab. Really hope they carry him forward as he’s probably my favorite character.

u/Couponbug_Dot_Com avatar

well, izaro's dead when we fight him. his suit in the lab is piloted by his skeleton and his ghost wife. i don't see any reason why he wouldnt still be around.

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u/Sidnv avatar

I hope they keep Izaro's character but revamp lab, especially for helm enchants. That is such a miserable process.

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u/DBrody6 avatar

It's staying in the PoE1 campaign, PoE2's campaign will have a different way of earning ascendancies. They told us that 2 years ago.

u/IlluminaBlade avatar

Imagine Izaro gets out but instead of being some kind of threat he sets up shop in town as a loveable undead grandpa and sends people on ridiculous quests to prove their worth as ascendants.

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u/YasssQweenWerk avatar

That's the Goddess of Justice.

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the logo thing was in the second trailer

u/loganluther avatar

It's the Seed of Corruption.

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u/lightningclass avatar

Dodge rolls confirmed

u/Akimiya_ avatar

Is it weird that I really dislike this kinda combat?

If I wanted to play like this, with kiting & dodges etc. I can play DS or one of the many other ARPGs. All I want here is the joy of creating unique/complex builds and blast monsters in seconds as a way to prove (to myself) that the build is good. The more I see from PoE2, the more afraid I am to loose a game I played for 11+ years..

u/Eruptflail avatar

To be fair, in high level content in current POE, you have to be able to "dodge" attacks on most builds.

u/Bl00dylicious avatar

Imagine if that dodge roll actually gave us Iframes.

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u/Tovell avatar

I wouldn't worry. This is guanateed to be a campaign footage and that dodge roll could be the same thing as default attack: a default "movement" skill.

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u/redrach avatar

The thing is, PoE already has this type of combat. All the boss fights involve some amount of fast precise movement from players, especially when you're playing your first build of the league, or if you're fighting uber bosses without a highly optimized build.

I don't think PoE 2 will be a big shift in this regard. At most we'll see more boss fights while doing the campaign, all of which will be trivialized by the time you're on your second character.

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If they do it correctly you can have both

The idea is to have trash monsters that are just there to get instakilled and have more meaningful threats that are there to actually engage you in combat. Think of RoR2 beetles vs brass contraptions, if you played that game

The thing is that GGG has being doing that with randomized mods which is a terrible way to design meaningful encounters. Dangerous enemies should have predictable and learnable behaviours

u/Phrich avatar

Everybody already uses a movement skill currently in poe. It's not really any different if it's an innate character ability

im sure you'll get all the answers youll need at exilecon.

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They always show combat to be really show in reveals. But yeah, I hope they don't forget why most of us play Path of Exile.

Don't get me wrong, I like that the game progresses and starts out slow, but what I like is that eventually my character moves how I want it to, and feels great to play.

Don't feel like dodge rolls fit much into Path of Exile as it currently is, as movement skills take that role already.

But we'll see. Excited to see what content they are bringing into the game.

u/viromancer avatar

It's possible that this is the basic dodge, and the current move skills will be able to replace it. For instance, Frostblink could read "Causes your dodge skill to teleport you 10m forward and explode for cold damage at the end of it's movement". It would allow you to play a build with no move skill, but still have the ability to dodge boss mechanics.

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u/throughthespillways avatar

When Geoff was announcing it I was expecting a "Hi I'm Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games"

u/MaskOnMoly avatar

Would've loved to see a Geoff and Chris tag team tbh


Would Chris's special wrestling move be the Rhoa Charge?

The black lotus more like

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u/lomasj3 avatar

So glad they moved away from the "2" in the title, the roman numeral looks much better.

The roman numeral was always there (as 2 red banners) but yeah


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u/alumpoflard avatar

surely it's better to call it 2 Path 2 Exile?

u/PM_ME_UR_A-CUP avatar

Path of Exile: Oriath Drift?

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u/KaalVeiten avatar

That's one of the coolest logo reveals I've ever seen. That thing is creepy as hell.

It's the same "creature" we can see at the beginning of the second PoE trailer released in April 2021.

It is mentioned as the "seed of corruption", I don't know if that's its real name but it looks very creepy.

u/H4xolotl avatar

Sounds like someone stole part of The Beast

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Yeah. It's so otherwordly. Makes me think of Cthulhu for whatever reason. Like you can't see it and stay sane.

u/Zeelthor avatar

Lots of Lovecraftian stuff in PoE. Malachai, the beast, and all the new arrivals like The Maven. :D

u/maschnitz avatar

The whole lore is pure cosmic horror, all the way through. It's great stuff. The lore of the game as a whole is basically "what would happen if ancient Rome discovered the Ancient Elder Ones?"

The lore around normal citizens discovering and using the gems is great cosmic horror writing - musicians playing their gemmed instruments to death, lovers killing each other over gems, royal ladies getting more and more obsessed with gemmed beauty treatments, intellectuals losing their minds and becoming deranged and deformed, gems betraying warriors and generals. In-game, the gems are basically lures left by the aliens, teasing the humans into madness, sin, chaos, transformation, and self-destruction.

u/Zeelthor avatar

Why in the fuck hasn’t someone written a novel about something like this yet? Ancient Rome and Lovecraftian horror? I need it right this instant :D

But yeah, you’re absolutely correct. It’s the entire damn world not just bosses.

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u/JanusMZeal11 avatar

"Still sane, exile?"

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u/modix avatar

Could that possibly be the breaking point between the games though? Maven - kiddo that got drawn here by us Killing elder. The henchmen of the big guys show up, get killed. End of Path of Exile - THEY show up. Shit gets wrecked. PoE 2 is picking up the pieces.

u/Zeelthor avatar

Quite possibly, yeah. It wouldn't surprise me if GGG at some point would let us go into the realm of these beings, whatever it is, and bring the fight to them. But with all the foreshadowing we'll definitely see more of em. :D

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u/TalkativeTri avatar

A jungle act in Path of Exile 2. Fantastic.

I cannot wait!

Kurast PTSD


Flayer jungle into Stormtree (the LE superunique) was such a bitch, then in endgame finding out LK runs are one of the more competitive strats for HR farming :((((((

u/thrownawayzsss avatar

Fucking please god no. the fucking jungle had like 3 circle back map layouts and they all made me want to just kms. Absolute worst act.

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u/derivative_of_life avatar

You now speak to Ormus. He was once a great mage, but now lives like a rat in a sinking ship.

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u/TritiumNZlol avatar

Neat lil detail, the trees are Pōhutukawa. They bloom red in the middle of our summer in NZ so a lot of people here associate them with christmas and holidays.

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Looks really, really impressive visually. So glad we are getting closer and closer to Exilecon so we can see the game system changes

If we get PoE systems and gameplay with D4 graphics Chris can have my soul

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u/mlllerlee avatar

unexpected logo reveal

u/kaffeofikaelika avatar

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ OJ poured and candle lit ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ with this chant i summon Kripp ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


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u/_SinsofYesterday_ avatar

This trailer is so fucking hype. Darkness doesn't = black anymore. There's actual moonlight and it looks proper. The monster design looks incredible as well, with very snappy reactions to player movement + presence.

I know it wasn't a long trailer but this trailer shows A LOT in terms of how certain graphics and mechanics function in POE 2.


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u/Big_BossSnake avatar

I agree it looks gorgeous, I just hope they can attain good performance with this kind of fidelity!

What will it look like with 250% movement speed and 6.5 attacks per second? That's where I think PoE runs into issues.

u/crookedparadigm avatar

Given GGG's repeated efforts and statements about slowing the game down to prepare for the transition to PoE2, I'm willing to bet that such speeds won't be nearly as common or achievable in the new systems.

Problem is that every league has to add something new. It wasn't always this way. They will need to change the way they add features in leagues.

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u/sips_white_monster avatar

PoE2 has switched to physically based rendering so all of the materials adhere to physical reality as best as can be done with a modern computer. So you actually have things like global illumination rather than just direct lighting with black shadows or a global ambient term applied to the entire scene. For example shining a bright light onto a red object you should see red colors bleed onto surrounding surfaces just like in real life.


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Yeah they added GI for Delve. I remember playing a scorching ray build just because it looked incredible in the delve tunnels.

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My Tala Moana is ready triple G!!!


u/zombrey avatar

I'm blown away by the fluidity of the movement animations into action animations. Freaking fantastic! The combat looks seamless! The casting looks fresh!


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I should have known to bring an extra pair of pants to work today

Visuals look stellar. I have confidence in their endgame systems and overall ARPG complexity. If they can get near Blizzard when it comes to presentation then I think they are the de facto ARPG standard.

Just keep the In-depth systems, massive improve the UI (its 2023), improve the combat (we can see a DASH wohooo) and we are ready to GOOOOO

u/DiseaseRidden avatar

God I'm so excited to play around with having like eight 6 links. It's the complexity I've wanted with the Diablo skill system. Give me the ability to press different buttons while making those buttons actually customizable.

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u/Realyn avatar

how are those animations supposed to work with a billion cast speed and spell echo

u/imbogey avatar

They have breakpoints and different animations for faster cast speeds.

u/Psyese avatar

Like machinegunning with fingers at the top speeds?

If we can learn from PoE1 then this last fastest breakpoint is what people will be using 90% of the time, so I hope they make that animation good.

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Very quickly

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u/Arenyr avatar

Anyone else notice the dodge roll mechanic at :38?

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u/cutedoge_ avatar

My will to live got boosted after watching this trailer.

u/Zimplicio avatar

Obviously Ngamakanui is the homeland of the Karui, but I can't help but wonder if the boat on the left is borrowed from our Expedition friends.

b.. boat league?

We might will get a boat act instead... We had the boat teased in the first trailer and it would line up with the new act 2 moving "town" concept.

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u/Spreckles450 avatar

Why is nobody talking about the fucking LIGHTNING METEOR?!?!

u/SortedChaos avatar

A windup spell with a CD so you cannot spam it and you need to aim it but it also does a ton of damage. That's interesting gameplay IMO.

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u/Striker654 avatar

It explodes into ice shards and leaves frost on the ground, probably not lightning lol

u/Vraex avatar

I think LE has a unique item that turns Meteor to lightning dmg



(no shade, I'll play it in PoE too, in PoE2)

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u/3aglee avatar

"Lets drop this trailer at the exact moment poe players get bored of diablo 4"

This trailer is probably only supposed to get PoE into the public eye. Everyone is now paying attention to Diablo 4 so this is dropping to tell casuals "hey, PoE is a thing btw, remember to watch the exilecon"

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Probably will require NASA computer to run delirious map in poe2

u/DefinitelyNotAj avatar

15 fps is the best I can do chief.

u/DrawGamesPlayFurries avatar

That's GeForce Now's problem, not mine

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looks fucking great tbh

u/Immersturm avatar

It sounds fantastic, too - the voice acting, while brief, was believable and good. The monsters sound appropriately monstrous, and hearing the wall crumble with that thing lurching out from behind it was awesome. And the music building to a crescendo with the logo reveal? Full marks!

u/azantyri avatar

the music is fucking spectacular

but then, i knew it would be

u/blauli avatar

Yeah you can complain about all kinds of things when it comes to poe but music is the one thing I'll always defend, especially the boss music is just phenomenal

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u/tomblifter avatar

The voice acting in the current game in underrated to be honest.

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u/lowkeyripper avatar

Diablo 4 dash? Hmmmmge

u/Diabetous avatar

[Almost Got Me Bitch Support]

  • Transform any spell to a movement skill in which you will jump away from your location & after a brief delay use your spell in your character's old location.

u/lowkeyripper avatar

Wonder if they scraped all movement skillls and gave everyone some form of dodge roll or dash. Would be genuinely interesting


They might use a standard dash that you can augment with different supports to make it frostblink for example socket a faster cast speed support and bonechill and aoe support, socket another set of skills to make it flame dash socket second wind and ignite proliferation. That would be cool I think…

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u/tmntnut avatar

That would be anything but interesting to me personally and a step backwards.

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u/iwantsomecrablegsnow avatar

I really hope that isn't the case. I would be so disappointed.

u/WeirdSeismicEnjoyer avatar

so.. ruthless? haha

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u/modix avatar

Or Lost Ark, or any of the other thousands of games with it. It shouldn't be a dedicated slot to have an evade. Adds combat options, fluidity of movement, etc. Hopefully we can adjust it by our class, or add a second one.

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u/Heisenbugg avatar

what next? Open world POE ?

u/bondsmatthew avatar

Good! Games taking good points from one another should be encouraged

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Path of Exile 2: "you can finally look cute".

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u/Vakarlan avatar

You can clearly tell our mtx money paid off. It actually looks like a beautiful game now. Can't wait to see the hideouts.

This trailer looks more Diablo than Diablo 4. Inject into my veins please.

Looks so good!

u/Dontinquire avatar

Lolol looks so fucking good goddamn.

u/bummsinex avatar

Im so hyped ngl

u/Jokium avatar

I'm surprised no one's talking about the character played here. Cuz that doesn't look like the witch unless they reworked the model i dunno...

Well we are told that we have double the ascendancies in poe2 so its probably one of the new base characters.

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hey guys, im a fairly new player but i have been loving the game so far, started 4 weeks ago and already clocked in about 215 hours... i just saw the other trailer about the gem and skill rework and i cant stop to think that this would make the game more "casual" i have played a lot of other games like diablo and such and while these are quite good games they are just too "bland" imo. What do you guys think these reworks will do to the game ? maybe some more experienced players can bring a new view on this controverse topic... i just hope the keep the game "complicated" so that i can keep using my brain and not just sit there and play smth like any other x arpg. ( english is not my first language, sry for spelling mistakes)

have a great day guys and stay safe !

i just saw the other trailer about the gem and skill rework and i cant stop to think that this would make the game more "casual"

The point of this rework is to make upgrading gear easier and the possibility of using multiple 6-linked skills instead of just 1 or 2. When you'll find a better item you will always want to equip it because you don't have to look at sockets/links in gear anymore.
It also gives gems way more value because the links will be in the gems and not the items.

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u/Xiatra avatar

I wonder if it's a dodge roll or a support gem moving the witch out of the way. I kinda hope it's a support gem as i think the new gem system will allow for more 'off meta' supports as well have room for more active skills.

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The movement things like the rolls and moving while casting the ice meteor looks interesting, curious what that is about.

Shootout to the song designer!

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u/Felkin avatar

Oh my god the choir from 0:24 onwards. I. am. so. erect. right. now.

Reminds me a bit of Mordremoth's theme in GW2 (

If Kamil is going in this direction for some of the tracks, unreal hype just for that alone. We really need more badass choirs in video games!

u/Blacklistedhxc avatar

Kamil & the rest of the GGG music team kill it with everything they put out, they bring the teasers/trailers up to 11 every time.

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u/JamesTCoconuts avatar

Looks amazing because it is making up for POE's largest weakness right now; the engine and visuals being kind of dated. Animations are improved, graphics are improved, and the dodging mechanic is great.

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THE WATER. IT'S PERFECT!They improved the graphics and textures even more.Textures are better than the last gameplay

Soooooo, the "witch" gonna be Karui, or is this just for the teaser? Because a female Karui char would be cool.

u/chimericWilder avatar

Given the dialogue, I expect that the character in the trailer is an NPC you can meet during the story. However, evidently it uses a player character rig and is shown here casting a bunch of spells.

Iirc, GGG have previously stated that they want to keep the seven playable characters as being largely the same identity, so karui witch seems unlikely.

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The combat is looking tasty :P

Very curious to see the nitty gritty involved in how they intend to encourage using more than one ability - would be curious to see if it's support-gem centric, or more of a suite of skills deal, with cooldowns in the mix (like the selection of cold dot stuff).

Dodge roll is incredibly welcome, especially if it's baseline. Super excited to see where the spammability of movement skills ends up, as it's one of the most important things to design combat around.

And the graphics look downright fantastic - I hopped into D4 the other day for the first time and thought "poe2 has a lot of work ahead of it to compare, graphically": looks like they put in some damn good work :P

u/DenimBoyPOL avatar

Holy shit, this looks fantastic.

Every new reveal looks better than the previous one - from act I, to act II and now (possibly) act III.

One very neat detail to notice: at first, around 0:22 second you can see that character is floating above stairs when walking by them, and you could think that it is some kind of graphical glitch or "junk", but when you look closer, the floating BEGINS at 0:18, when some kind of vortex spell is cast: from now on, when char is in the area of spell it floats (anti ground effect spell maybe?) and the stairs floating is visible after just because part of the spell is still present on stairs itself: as soon, as char leaves spell AOE it begins to run as usual. Great detail which completes the whole animations and graphic approach that GGG is taking with PoE2 - cannot wait to see more!

u/Nuvaa avatar

People who were expecting more than a teaser in summer game show when exilecon is around the corner are crazy

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Playing D4 for 4 days and this video of 1 minute has excited me more than D4 has done so far.


u/waawefweafawea avatar

same. paid $90 for another Blizzard scam. fuck me

u/Duke_Nukem_1990 avatar

I don't understand how this happens....have you not played any of the betas?

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That was unexpected ! So cool !

Well at the very least, it is pretty.

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already uninstalled D4 Baseg

u/CruelMetatron avatar

They still got your money.

I'm gonna sell my account for CSGO skins.

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u/mopawi8437 avatar

holy baseg

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u/mopawi8437 avatar

This looks as good as D4 and we know it has a superior endgame system and deeper complexity.

And its not 70 fucking dollars

I fucking cant believe it

I like D4 and will likely play/like PoE 2 even more. One thing is for sure: ARPG fans are eating rn. I really hope D4 can evolve enough so seasons are legit so I can alternate leagues/seasons.

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Now I feel even worse about shredding 70dollas for d4, thanks GGG you never stop kicking when I'm down.

u/Own_Illustrator9989 avatar

I felt bad about spending 90 after 6 hours and realised it was too late to refund, game lacks any soul outside of the art department

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u/-haven avatar

Damn! It's been so much fun watching the game just grow over the years. Also love the new logo!

PoE2 hype!

u/Grouchy_Loss2732 avatar

Co tu się, kurwa, odjebało? Wooooow

If you showed me this before I played d4, and asked me which game this was, I wouldn't know.


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The biggest improvement from PoE 2 will clearly be the new animation system. It changes everything.

However, I wonder how it will feel at maps with characters that have good clearing. So far we've only seen early campaign footage. So, hopefully it will still be as responsive as it is currently.

u/Aldodzb avatar

Wake up honey, the once per decade character model update is here 😱

Looks incredibly good, loved the scenery stuffed with a lot of components, the skills, the dash, the skill that jumps and casts a meteor. Please more 🥺

In the other hand, trying to be objective: the running, turning 180, casting, repeat felt a bit weird. The waking animation felt like skying sometimes.

The logo having the 2 in the back is on point, considering that Poe 2 is a big upgrade of poe 1 and not something completely redone from scratch.


Looks great, blizzard simps out in force in this thread for some reason tho 😂 must be bored of that diablo crap already.

u/fefsgdsgsgddsvsdv avatar

Earlier today D4 was 5.8 on metacritic. Its now 5.4

Its like you can see in real-time people getting to act 4 and getting bored.


Oh dear lol those metrics will have them pumping another hundred million into yet another ad campaign being spammed over every social media platform 🙄

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u/Bakanyanter avatar

OK that was simply out of the world. Holy.

u/b9n7 avatar

Bro stop I can’t get any harder

Holy fuck it looks amazing.

One of my proudest faps

u/Berwve avatar

Creamed so hard

Chris you have my soul!



THE HYPE IS REAL!!!11 My CoC is ready for that meteor!!

I'm totally ok with GGG taking all the good things from Diablo. Cause graphically D4 actually looks great. Models, textures, animation and overall design is awesome. If GGG can couple it with quality gameplay we'll stuck with this game for another 10 years.

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Looked amazing :)

cant come soon enough

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looks really good and that logo reveal is god tier animation

u/apple_cat avatar

pleaaaaase give us the updated graphics already


u/Distq avatar

Graphics on point 👏

u/ragnarokda avatar

It's very clear what Chris wants to go back to. Especially now that we have experienced D4's slower but fluid combat; I think this will be cool if they can pull it off.

u/TheIllusiveGuy avatar

It's a small thing, but I love how the gestures actually match the spell being cast.

Im allready done withe diablo 4, was fun .. But my ARPG heart belongs to Path of exile. Its just leagues further then diablo 4.


u/phz0r avatar

I lost

so fkn smooth


Looks amazing. The new skill animations are so good

u/Skilez84 avatar

The atmosphere was crazy good! Exactly what i hoped for! Im more than ready for the july anouncement

That looks incredible. Well done folks

u/thieve42 avatar

Awesome! With this trailer and logo reveal I have no doubt that this is going to be a modern, triple A, game. Alpha test when?

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u/c_o_n_E avatar


u/brudjk avatar

Looks amazing !

Logo is nasty

u/Comfortable-Jelly833 avatar

wow i like the little zap spell they used over and over again

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This looks fucking sick!

50 days boys, 50 days for more news!

u/SalzigHund avatar

Wow the immersion in PoE 2 is going to be crazy