top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]Neverninja 7894 points7895 points  (270 children)

Damn he's jacked

[–]aaden08 4500 points4501 points  (132 children)

Well he is Superman

[–]Cricket627 4843 points4844 points  (83 children)

And Geralt in a bathtub

[–]Zirie 2131 points2132 points  (53 children)

Dehydrated for extra vein action.

[–]Fragmaster 1155 points1156 points  (35 children)

Extra veiny for her pleasure.

[–]CMinus580 596 points597 points  (24 children)

A big, veiny, triumphant bastard.

[–]Death__BySnuSnu 223 points224 points  (5 children)

He kinda looks like that one reporter for the Daily Planet.

[–]megamoviecritic 252 points253 points  (28 children)

No, he's Geralt of Rivia

[–]CastleMeadowJim 215 points216 points  (4 children)

Could barely see Will Smith behind that bicep.

[–]GoldenFalcon 142 points143 points  (16 children)

The scene when he comes out of the water after the oil rig explodes, when he's running around the house with the clothesline. I was far more audible than I intended to be and everyone heard me gasp "Holy shit!" when we see him without a shirt on. Dude is straight jacked and I couldn't contain my surprise at just HOW jacked.

This scene.

(I also feel like the director missed an opportunity to have Superman revisit that family he stole clothes from, something that would have felt like something Superman would do. Just a small clip toward the end of the film or after the credits. That's the kind of stuff that is missing from the new movies. It would totally have been in the Reeve film.)

[–]JJSJameson 3910 points3911 points  (89 children)

Henry was great in The Man from Uncle. All three of the cast had really good chemistry, was really hoping for a second movie.

[–]hubris-hub 965 points966 points  (25 children)

I loved this movie too!

Spy films set in the 60s >>>>> Spy films set in modern day

[–]MarvelousNCK 480 points481 points  (9 children)

Can't a man enjoy both man from U.N.C.L.E and Mission Impossible?

[–]Maclimes 454 points455 points  (6 children)

Cavill is in both... so yes.

[–]serideth 247 points248 points  (4 children)

But he only reloads his biceps in one of them.

[–]LinuxNoob 254 points255 points  (10 children)

I'm so sad this didn't get the attention it needed. They were going to make a series of them but it flopped.

[–]Mypasswordbepassword 148 points149 points  (2 children)

That is sad it was a really good movie. Not only action and visuals but the writing was great. Felt like a fun old school bond movie.

[–]altiuscitiusfortius 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Alicia vikander getting drunk and dancing alone in the background before deciding to tackle and fight/fuck her partner was the funniest/most adorable thing ever.

[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]bruh-sick 55 points56 points  (1 child)

    Good fun spy movies are so rare and underappreciated

    [–]Cribsby_critter 13.9k points13.9k points  (715 children)

    Honestly the thing that stands out to me here is how Will Smith treats this person he thinks is a complete stranger/fan. He looks kind and genuine.

    [–]JesusCervantes12 5956 points5957 points  (622 children)

    Yeah Will Smith is one of the nicest celebs out there

    [–]Cribsby_critter 3313 points3314 points  (492 children)

    Which is awesome, truly. But man is it just me or has he not been in anything that great in a long time?

    [–][deleted] 2309 points2310 points  (119 children)

    Yeah but im lowkey kind of excited for Bad Boys 3. the first two were awesome

    [–]I_am_trying_to_work 1175 points1176 points  (86 children)

    The first one was pretty good but Holy fuck, Bad Boys 2 was God damn legendary!

    [–]CNoTe820 789 points790 points  (45 children)

    The intimidating Reggie scene was awesome.

    Ain't gonna be no fuckin tonight.

    [–]typicalrkoreacomment 462 points463 points  (15 children)

    Have you ever made love with a man?

    Do you want to?

    [–]Megacherv 73 points74 points  (0 children)

    The delivery on that line gets me every time

    [–]SnippDK 55 points56 points  (5 children)

    "No sir" almost like he was ready to cry

    [–]Dramatic_______Pause 263 points264 points  (3 children)

    Motherfucka, you at least 30.

    [–]ToolFO 77 points78 points  (1 child)

    Who the fuck's Reggie?!

    [–]crabby_rhino 37 points38 points  (5 children)

    By the looks of the trailer for the new one, there was eventually fucking one night

    [–]greywolfau 28 points29 points  (3 children)

    If her husband's name is Reggie I'll lose my shit.

    [–]jmad1211 97 points98 points  (2 children)

    From what I remember that scene was a complete surprise to the teen. He had no idea what to expect and thus his genuine terrified reaction.

    [–]bobbynipps 54 points55 points  (0 children)

    “You ever made love to a man?”

    [–]neontetrasvmv 93 points94 points  (5 children)

    Not ashamed to say, Bad Boys 2 is still my favorite action movie. I fucking love it, rolling corpses, dancing money counting drug lords and all.

    [–][deleted]  (75 children)


      [–]AltimaNEO 63 points64 points  (8 children)

      I enjoyed it.

      But then I like cyberpunk and Shadowrun

      [–]hessianerd 24 points25 points  (0 children)

      Shadowrun FTW! I also enjoyed Bright. Honestly didn't know it got hate. Most of the folks I talked to also liked it. I definitely recommended it to a bunch of folks.

      [–]StraY_WolF 177 points178 points  (22 children)

      People expectation were that it's going to be a fantasy movie, when reality is that it's a buddy cop movie.

      [–]BrainPicker3 153 points154 points  (5 children)

      I kinda liked that bit. It's like it throws you in the world instead of having to introduce everything. I feel fantasy movies often do the latter and it pulls the mystery out of it

      [–]Rudy_Ghouliani 76 points77 points  (3 children)

      I thought it was still good though. Would have made a better 8 episode show though to expand on the background which was the most interesting part i think.

      [–]RichGirlThrowaway_ 218 points219 points  (17 children)

      He was in Men in Black 3! That was rece... Oh... Oh my.

      [–]brokenrecourse 77 points78 points  (0 children)

      Yeah don’t think about it

      [–]StraY_WolF 67 points68 points  (6 children)

      MIB3 is a gem. I love it. Also it's pretty old now.

      [–]Bladelink 24 points25 points  (0 children)


      [–]howardtheduckdoe 470 points471 points  (64 children)

      He carried Disney's Aladdin remake imo.

      [–]StSinPastFuture 171 points172 points  (26 children)

      He did. I didn't enjoy it too much but he did do a good job tbh

      [–]afito 186 points187 points  (22 children)

      Bright was also not bad, I honestly liked (though I would've preferred if it wasn't him who could wield the wand, a bit cliché) and am hopeful for the next one. It's not some Oscar or Cannes winning movie but it's pretty decent and slightly more enjoyable than most BOOM BANG EXPLOSION action movies.

      [–]TheCanadianPatriot 54 points55 points  (4 children)

      I enjoyed Bright for what it was. I just, like you, found it a bit cliché. I'd very much like to see more of this world they've built if they ever make a second.

      [–]rollinghome 22 points23 points  (4 children)

      I enjoyed Bright a lot. I feel like it could have been a lot better though

      [–]stratus41298 106 points107 points  (16 children)

      I liked him in suicide squad. There, I said it.

      I think he just needs to take a step back sometimes though. He doesn't ALWAYS have to be lead and I think that's part of the problem. Hell, in gemini man he was TWO leads.

      [–]PantherTransfer 515 points516 points  (33 children)

      And he don't even gotta cuss in his raps to sell records

      [–]MissSquito 401 points402 points  (18 children)

      well, I do...

      So fuck him. And fuck you too.

      [–][deleted]  (17 children)


        [–]Umbra427 123 points124 points  (15 children)

        Half of you critics can’t stomach me, let alone stand me

        [–]BoiledGoose69 112 points113 points  (14 children)

        But Slim what if you win, wouldnt it be weird?

        [–]hungry_for_hands 92 points93 points  (13 children)

        Why? So you guys can just lie to get me here.

        [–]smartphoneguy08 89 points90 points  (0 children)

        So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears?

        [–]alueron 255 points256 points  (25 children)

        I use to work at a kiosk outside a barnes &noble near where he lives. Every week he would drop off a rubik's cube and ask me to mess it up while he went in to grab books. On his way out he would solve it in front of me. Cool guy

        [–]bruce656 84 points85 points  (2 children)

        What a fucking crazy story! That's awesome.

        I can just imagine him leaving the house and getting halfway down the block and taking to himself, "oh shit, got to turn around and grab the Rubik's cube so I can get that kiosk guy to mess it up for me"

        [–]bobthebobofbob 29 points30 points  (7 children)

        Is this a real story or a pasta? I want it to be real, but Reddit has made it hard for me to trust interesting little stories like this.

        [–][deleted] 133 points134 points  (1 child)

        yep, met him at the i,robot premiere many years ago in moscow and he treated each and every one he encountered like an old friend... hope my son grows up with that kind of confidence and openness.

        [–]NefariousSerendipity 5190 points5191 points  (146 children)

        Rich, Handsome, Bearmode physique, PC gamer, superman, Geralt of Rivia, british accent, jaws of steel.

        He got the deluxe package

        [–]hottodogchan 1442 points1443 points  (50 children)

        he's also my bf

        [–][deleted] 765 points766 points  (38 children)

        Nuh uh he’s my bf loser.

        [–]AtomicKittenz 422 points423 points  (28 children)

        Listen ladies, I’m more than happy to share him with you.

        [–][deleted] 414 points415 points  (22 children)

        I assumed they were both guys...

        [–]Ivan723 328 points329 points  (14 children)

        I assume everyone is a dude on the internet

        [–]ItsCrazyTim 277 points278 points  (7 children)

        Girl just stands for guy in real life

        [–]xcalibre 42 points43 points  (0 children)


        [–]bananaskates 182 points183 points  (8 children)

        Is. Is the deluxe package.

        [–]Megacherv 50 points51 points  (5 children)

        He could still also have a deluxe package

        [–][deleted] 129 points130 points  (4 children)

        Chris Evans has always been my ideal man, but then Henry Cavill came along and made it extremely hard to stay committed in my imaginary relationship.

        If I could just be the center of a Captain America/Superman sandwich, that would be great. Just doing my part for my country.

        [–]fiszu3000 24 points25 points  (0 children)

        This is a very normal thing to say even for a straight man

        [–]piratesjustbecause 864 points865 points  (34 children)

        He is so good in The Witcher. He is going to have a whole new group of fans at these things now.

        [–]Megacherv 335 points336 points  (7 children)

        I'm seriously bummed that finished the season so quickly, I genuinely thought he was amazing as Geralt

        [–]Punkmaffles 97 points98 points  (3 children)

        Just re watch or if you're on pc, get the Henry Cavil mod 🙂

        [–]tohpedo 68 points69 points  (1 child)

        There's a Henry Cavil mod? Please point me in the right direction ☝️👈👇👉

        [–]Mordredor 62 points63 points  (0 children)


        First couple pictures look dumb but it actually looks good in game.

        [–]exitstrateG 2541 points2542 points  (148 children)

        [–]midnight_sparrow 1921 points1922 points  (76 children)

        The women on their feet fast as fuck. 🤤

        Edit: plural, not singular...

        [–]iRonin 2275 points2276 points  (56 children)

        Yeah, the dude’s got a body I would literally do anything for, except eat right and exercise.

        [–]mric124 255 points256 points  (5 children)

        Jai Courtney knows what’s up, too.

        [–]ladypimo 116 points117 points  (3 children)

        That head tilt back melted me into a puddle. I need to be reconstructed again.

        [–]briareus08 737 points738 points  (21 children)

        Margot Robbie can sign anything of mine she wants.

        [–]EvilActivity 1254 points1255 points  (18 children)

        Including a restraining order?

        [–]404_UserNotFound 467 points468 points  (8 children)

        I would frame a copy of it and hang it in my office.

        [–]DeeMosh 31 points32 points  (1 child)

        You mean your kidnapping van?

        [–]RyanG7 49 points50 points  (2 children)

        Josh, is that you?

        [–]MEANINGLESS_NUMBERS 35 points36 points  (2 children)

        You mean she noticed me? (ง ื▿ ื)ว

        [–]MrPoopieMcCuckface 19 points20 points  (0 children)

        Hell I’d sign anything she wants

        [–][deleted] 101 points102 points  (4 children)

        Jeez Cara, try not to hurt yourself.

        [–]Vurtuoso8 180 points181 points  (1 child)

        Face palm anyone who gets in your way to sign that mans shirt

        [–]ilikesalad 22 points23 points  (0 children)

        My God he's beautiful

        [–]Vorgier 153 points154 points  (7 children)

        Men only want one thing and it's DISGUSTING.

        [–][deleted]  (1 child)


          [–]KennyFulgencio 19 points20 points  (0 children)


          [–]T-MinusGiraffe 708 points709 points  (15 children)

          I like how Will's demeanor already seemed genuinely cool to the random fan so the surprise switches on but not really the niceness

          [–]StockAL3Xj 268 points269 points  (9 children)

          People shit on him now because he's been in pretty crappy movies recently but he's always seemed like a cool guy.

          [–]serypanda 111 points112 points  (3 children)

          Reddit’s New Heartthrob of 2020

          [–]cubeincubes 7984 points7985 points  (575 children)

          Goddamn Henry is reaching Keanu status

          [–]TheyCallMeMrMaybe 4323 points4324 points  (458 children)

          All he had to do was stir up r/pcmasterrace . Also the Witcher is an awesome series.

          [–]superanth 1496 points1497 points  (346 children)

          Wait he’s a gamer? I had no idea.

          [–]Falleron 3054 points3055 points  (136 children)

          A PC gamer, this has pleased reddit.

          [–]The_Great_Afterman 1793 points1794 points  (45 children)

          Yes. Excellent. The harvest will be bountiful this year.

          [–]Wolvenheart 320 points321 points  (21 children)

          Well you better hurry then, you've got about 2 days left to harvest it.

          [–]AtomicKittenz 482 points483 points  (17 children)

          Better toss a coin to your Witcher!

          [–]Virgin_Dildo_Lover 59 points60 points  (6 children)

          You have no idea how many dildos I've harvested this year...

          [–]generalgeorge95 245 points246 points  (72 children)

          Not only that but he plays total war Warhammer 2 among other things , not exactly as eh obscure or niche as the tabletop game but it's a PC gamers game if you know what I mean.

          Also an avid WoW player which well that says a lot on its own.

          [–]shiroh7 314 points315 points  (45 children)

          He almost missed the call to be Superman because he was raiding in WoW.


          [–]MaximumCameage 367 points368 points  (6 children)

          “Sorry, guys. I gotta duck out early. Zack Snyder wants me to audition to be the new Superman.”

          “Shut the fuck up, bigdick69. That’s the dumbest shit I ever heard.”

          [–][deleted] 58 points59 points  (2 children)

          I bet his demon hunters name is Cavillidan

          [–]FirstmateJibbs 117 points118 points  (30 children)

          That's amazing. Him being such a dedicated nerd to PC games and the lore around these different stories like the Witcher has made me appreciate his dedication to the role of Geralt that much more. He's not just a chiselled actor with a certain look, he actually loves and embodies these "nerd" stories and fantasies and it shows in his acting.

          [–]HazelCheese 77 points78 points  (13 children)

          I'm just drooling at the idea of him doing a Witcher 3 charity stream in his full show Geralt costume.

          [–]Kryptosis 50 points51 points  (9 children)

          A man of my tastes. Nice. Shame we don't have the same biceps...

          [–]hokie_high 68 points69 points  (1 child)

          I’m sure he can catch up if he keeps working out for The Witcher season 2.

          [–]Kay_29 201 points202 points  (111 children)

          Yes he is and it makes me happy. He has stated that he would rather play video games then go out on a Saturday night to party.

          [–]RobertNAdams 272 points273 points  (103 children)

          But also he doesn't neglect his health, either, which is super important IMO.

          I mean like, if Seth Rogen said he was a gamer, we'd be like "Yeah okay, that makes sense". When Henry Cavill says it with abs you could shred lettuce on, it's kind of awe-inspiring. This dude acts in films, works out, and still has time to game.

          [–]thinkrispy 307 points308 points  (26 children)

          If you aren't being facetious, yes, he's been an avid gamer for a long time. When producers called him to play Superman, he was raiding a dungeon in World of Warcraft and ignored the call. He also heard about the Witcher show before they even started casting and because he was so in love with the games (and books he read after playing the games) he immediately got his agent to book him an audition.

          [–]Slammybutt 170 points171 points  (7 children)

          The story I heard was he was calling everyday and they kept turning him away b/c they were not doing casting yet. Just thought I'd add on.

          [–]dragunityag 178 points179 points  (3 children)

          I can just imagine who ever makes the casting decisions waking up one morning to his phone ringing thinking "Goddamn it, its Henry again"

          [–]Magneticitist 34 points35 points  (1 child)

          How lucky can you be. And it's like the star begging to play a role, any role, seems like he'd do it for free

          [–][deleted] 134 points135 points  (5 children)

          I imagine he doesn't need much PR help at this point, he's already a gamer and he just did The Witcher so... Yeah, he's pretty much killing it with us internet folk.

          ...... Unless it was all a PR stunt from the start! gasp

          [–][deleted] 307 points308 points  (21 children)

          Get ready for reddit to circle jerk him into oblivion.

          [–]BrandoCalrissian1995 203 points204 points  (7 children)

          Get ready? It's already been happening the last few weeks already.

          [–]duman82 165 points166 points  (5 children)

          Is this the line to circle jerk Henry Cavill?

          [–]ptwonline 373 points374 points  (8 children)

          Henry Cavill is so good-looking I'm not even sure we're the same species.

          [–]Starwho 645 points646 points  (30 children)

          [–]Did_ya_like_it 159 points160 points  (3 children)

          Scrolling down the comments, looking for the blue link, is it the video link I seek? Yes, what a relief. Thank you u/starwho

          [–]Zulu9001 369 points370 points  (13 children)

          Law of Surprise!

          Jayden Smith is now bound to Henry Cavill

          [–]StickyNoteCinema 741 points742 points  (79 children)

          Wait... they're still running Hancock promo events?

          [–]Kaldricus 592 points593 points  (65 children)

          Hey... I liked Hancock...

          [–]CobaltAesir 372 points373 points  (50 children)

          I don't understand the hate for it and don't want to. I thought it was charming.

          [–][deleted]  (29 children)


            [–]Rexan02 259 points260 points  (7 children)

            The first half was either written or directed by a different guy than the 2nd half.

            [–]Hahonryuu 134 points135 points  (3 children)

            And it shows. I liked the movie too but it felt like a completely different movie after a while. And I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have preferred the first half to be explored more and be the entire film, but I still liked it.

            [–]Rexan02 26 points27 points  (1 child)

            That's what everyone ways. First half was great, 2nd half was debatable at best

            [–]bleunt 52 points53 points  (1 child)

            If it took it even further, somewhere around The Boys and Watchmen.

            [–]tehnemox 85 points86 points  (4 children)

            Honestly just like with Bright, Hancock had a lot of potential but suffered from rushed pacing towards the end of the movie. They both deserved to do better than they did and Will did his best to try and get them to work with what he had. Makes me sad they didn't do so well.

            [–]misogichan 94 points95 points  (9 children)

            FYI, Will Smith is there for Suicide Squad.

            [–]wonkey_monkey 331 points332 points  (13 children)

            Henry's from the same island as me (or I'm from the same island as him). When Man of Steel came out, he brought Russell Crowe and Amy Adams over and did a red carpet thing at the local cinema on the general release date (the premiere was four days earlier in New York). He also arranged a charity pre-screening of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. for our local wildlife conservation park.

            We're all very proud of him, even if we all thought Justice League sucked.

            PS Why yes, we are all this good looking. Honest.

            [–]terciocalazans 57 points58 points  (6 children)

            Where is the proof, you beautiful bastard (or bastardette)?

            [–]wonkey_monkey 71 points72 points  (5 children)

            Well I'd send you a photo of myself but you'd just think it was another one of Henry Cavill that I'd stolen off the internet.

            [–]terciocalazans 31 points32 points  (4 children)

            Henry Cavill, but with different hairstyle.

            Got it.

            [–]MrBrandopolis 286 points287 points  (27 children)

            God damn he's yoked as hell

            [–]RinionArato 269 points270 points  (6 children)

            He could probably neatly fold my clothes while I was still wearing them

            [–][deleted] 88 points89 points  (1 child)

            That's what slaying monsters will do for ya

            [–]DaRBD12 867 points868 points  (48 children)

            I went from having no opinion on Henry Cavill, then I saw the Witcher and learned he was a gamer. Now he seems pretty cool.

            [–][deleted] 387 points388 points  (7 children)

            I became a fan of his when I saw some thing about him being a shirtless hairy superman, they were going to have him shave and he referenced a superman comic that had a hairy superman.

            [–]lifesabeach_ 213 points214 points  (6 children)

            Ah yes, I liked the hairy chest also for how true it was to the original comics cough

            [–]IamAlgy 98 points99 points  (15 children)

            I also heard he is a big fan of the OG witcher books.

            [–]is_it_controversial 116 points117 points  (11 children)

            I also heard he has enormous dick.

            [–]lucusvonlucus 117 points118 points  (8 children)

            I heard he has like 30 Goddamn Dicks.

            [–]Dr_Silk 41 points42 points  (4 children)

            I heard he's 12 stories tall and made of radiation

            [–]wirecats 22 points23 points  (0 children)

            I started liking him a lot more after I read a post about him almost missing his Man of Steel audition because he was too busy raiding in World of Warcraft.

            [–][deleted]  (50 children)


              [–]xxpidgeymaster420xx 820 points821 points  (35 children)

              Maybe some kissing. Who knows.

              [–]DaRBD12 305 points306 points  (15 children)

              Maybe let him caress me with his muscular arms. That's not gay right? Just two PC gamers having a fun time. Maybe play some strip poker. All perfectly Hetrosexual right? Right!?!?!?

              [–]Hahonryuu 92 points93 points  (8 children)

              Nah, its not...but even the most homophobic people in the world would be all "But it IS Henry Cavill. I'd do it too probably".

              [–]shotlersama 116 points117 points  (3 children)

              Some light hanky panky

              [–]alexnader 47 points48 points  (1 child)

              There would be two men of steel that night, ;)

              [–]jesbiil 44 points45 points  (0 children)

              Don't you toy with me on this, not this!

              [–]horny_zombie 35 points36 points  (3 children)

              Then after he can ravage my asshole, or whatever

              [–]artrimbaud 170 points171 points  (7 children)

              He is genuinely chill. I met him and had some drinks together at the critics choice awards a few years back. It was like meeting your best friends nice brother who is just down to hang. Super comfortable and normal guy.

              [–]hotterthanahandjob 135 points136 points  (5 children)

              I would have made things extremely uncomfortable.

              [–][deleted] 30 points31 points  (1 child)

              Username checks out

              [–]esudious 19 points20 points  (0 children)

              Down for a game of Gwent?

              [–]HodorFan1 91 points92 points  (8 children)

              Henry Cavill has been getting the Keanu Reeves treatment lately and I'm fine with it. What he's doing for the Witcher is a delight.

              [–]jimdesroches 22 points23 points  (7 children)

              The funny thing is people used to shit on Keanu so bad, now he’s untouchable. I’m glad, he’s earned it.

              [–]TheSilverOne 39 points40 points  (1 child)

              That Henry Cavil, so hot right now

              [–]sword510 211 points212 points  (4 children)


              [–]IRadiateNothing 101 points102 points  (3 children)


              [–]agpc 114 points115 points  (12 children)

              I thought he killed it as Geralt. Honestly didn't expect him to do well in the part, but he did. I guess that is why I am not a casting director.

              [–][deleted] 76 points77 points  (8 children)

              When they first released photos and announced it, I was not expecting much at all. I thought it was going to be terrible. Now here I am chomping at the bit for the next season. I can't believe some of the critics. That show was fucking awesome.

              [–]wicktus 80 points81 points  (6 children)

              He genuinely feel like a nice person...also he's muscular/fit af, thank you for killing the 80's video game player stereotype.

              I wish him a lot of success, he's nailing it as Geralt.

              [–]SlobberyFrog 24 points25 points  (3 children)

              Everyone's talking about Superman and the Witcher but man he was good in The man from U.N.C.L.E.

              [–]IamAlgy 21 points22 points  (5 children)

              I first fell in love with Cavill in Mission Impossible, dat stash...wow.

              [–][deleted] 102 points103 points  (2 children)

              He just dropped by to say that even he can’t save Gemini Man

              [–]bigview65 81 points82 points  (17 children)

              Henry is pound for pound the best superman that was ever on the big screen and DC screwed him with their incompetence. There... I said it.

              [–]OkSureJan 19 points20 points  (0 children)

              CAVILL Is unnecessarily hot. Like damn.