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[–]smileedudeNSW - Vaccinated 506 points507 points  (213 children)

They aren't. They are the same people who were waiting for Pfizer, then Moderna. When Novavax comes out, they'll be waiting for which ever vaccine isn't available.

It's just another coping mechanism so they don't have to admit to their fear of needles.

[–]zurohki 160 points161 points  (22 children)

I don't like needles. Or masks.

I put my mask on and went and got my needle because I'm an adult.

[–]pitchfork-seller 31 points32 points  (4 children)

I don't like needles, but damn, if this needle wasn't the easiest one I've ever had...

[–]Fire_opal246QLD - Boosted 35 points36 points  (1 child)

I don't like needles. I have a legit phobia of them. I was held down by 7 people as a 9yr old and had stitches put around my eye. I have terrifying flashbacks anywhere needles.

I faint during blood draws.

I'm double dosed 4 months ago and will get my booster when I'm eligible.

If I can do it, anyone can. Just get it over and be done with it everyone.

[–]iss3y 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's a seriously intense trigger. Strength to you for managing it and getting vaccinated!

[–]YoWhatItDoMyDude 17 points18 points  (0 children)

But people tell me bad thing about scary thing during crazy times

[–]ScanNCut 15 points16 points  (0 children)

I like needles and masks. They help protect people.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (8 children)

In all honesty though, you have to admit it barely hurt right?

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (5 children)

My first jab hurt a bit but I barely felt my second. Didn't even get side effects aside from a sore arm.

[–]83zSpecial 1 point2 points  (0 children)

First one hurt, no side effects. Second one didn’t hurt, minor side effects

[–]Jealous-seasaw 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I got weeks of therapy to overcome past medical trauma to get my vax. The scared people need to realise there will be a heap more needles if they end up in hospital

[–]The_WhiteWhale 67 points68 points  (14 children)

A friend at work won’t have an mRNA vax, so I said you can get the AZ, that’s not mRNA. She said oh but something something protein spikes. So no, the AZ wasn’t good enough either. She’s waiting for the novavax but I can bet there will be a reason not to get that too.

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 47 points48 points  (10 children)

But covid has protein spikes. That is where it gets its name from.

The proteins on the coronavirus are spikes instead of some other shape and looks like a crown.

I don't get how the work spike is scary. Maybe we should have been saying protein cones...

[–]jellyrollsmithQLD - Vaccinated 16 points17 points  (3 children)

Mmm protein cone....

[–]H3g3m0n 3 points4 points  (5 children)

I think it's because the spike proteins are the main bits that are mutating.

[–]__Weasel 21 points22 points  (1 child)

My antivaxx dad was saying the vaccine has protein spikes so it stabs into your blood vessels

I don't believe it but i want you to know that people do think spike = bad

[–]nacfme 4 points5 points  (0 children)

He knows coronavirus has spikes right?

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 12 points13 points  (2 children)

Spike is a description.

They should have called them receptor proteins. Because the shape is irrelevant for the lay man conversation.

[–]Seikha89 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Oh so now you want to inject me with your “receptors”, why, to improve your “reception”? Take your 5G to some other sheep Bill.


[–]discopistachios 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I genuinely believe the name is what has caused the hysteria around the spike protein.

[–]Angus2Trixie 23 points24 points  (11 children)

They are mostly trying to wait it out, hope that they rest of society is gets vaccinated and that the virus peters out, and also hope that vaccination mandates are removed. When Novavax becomes available they will backflip and claim the same arguments as for the others - too rushed, unknown long term side effects, anecdotal illnesses , bla bla bla…

[–]Mrgarygreen 6 points7 points  (2 children)

I'd say alot are hoping that vaxx fails and that's what they wait for

[–]PauseAffectionate661 3 points4 points  (6 children)

You are wrong, I was sincerely waiting for Novavax (in Canada) for almost a year. It was put on Health Canada pending approval list, but it had never being approved. I did not want mRNA , nor AstraZeneca - so I ended up going to different country and got a different and yes , safe vaccine.

So I am Pro-choice and not anti vax as you can see. And I know there are millions in Canada still waiting for Novavax, as many people do not want mRNA, but it is the only one available now in Canada.

[–]poelarbare 14 points15 points  (5 children)

I got my first Pfizer shot as soon as I could, and then ended up in hospital a few days later with a Pulmonary Embolism.

Yes, I know, that's not considered a side effect. Clots are very common, and it was probably just random. But it's sure as hell difficult to shake the fear that it was triggered by the vaccine, even if my logical brain says it was probably just a coincidence.

My doctor recommended I wait for Novovax. At the time, he thought it'd be ready by December and he suspected it to be a safer option,

In the end, Novovax wasn't ready in time so I went and got my second dose of Pfizer. Figured it was, at worst, still vastly safer than getting Covid. But for a few months, I was one of the people waiting for Novovax.

It's just another coping mechanism so they don't have to admit to their fear of needles.

The most frustrating part about the whole thing was dealing with comments like this, lumping me in with anti vaxxers.

I was waiting for Novovax because it was supposed to be ready "Soon", and I was given serious medical advice that I should wait for it.

[–]ovrloadauVIC 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I was wisiting for moderna and got it 😉

[–]FermatsLastTaco 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I am waiting on Sputnik!

[–]SimonGnVIC - Boosted 2 points3 points  (0 children)

4D chess: Waiting for COVID itself

[–]indecisivelypositiveNSW - Boosted 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yup hit the nail on the head

[–]jeffseiddeluxe 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nah I was waiting for pfizer then I got pfizer

[–]Trip-trader -1 points0 points  (61 children)

Some people are waiting for Novavax. My cleaner will hundred percent take Novavax when it’s available she has told me. I personally am very pro vaccine But had mild heart ache tightness from Pfizer and don’t want to risk a bad 2nd shot of Pfizer.

I will take Novavax when it’s available middle of January as my second shot.

I have conspiracy anti vaxxer family and they won’t take any vaccine period. Including 78 year old and 79 yr old parents unvaccinated 🤦‍♂️

[–]NotSoEdgyVaccinated 33 points34 points  (23 children)

Just wondering how you can be so sure you won't get a reaction from a vaccine produced by a company that's never brought a vaccine to commercial production before? And one that doesn't have over a year of data collected on the side effects?

[–]CommandGood8338 8 points9 points  (6 children)

Like Moderna?

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 5 points6 points  (0 children)

But moderna has been brought to market anx has been used for over 12 mo ths.

Novavax hasn't been released yet and they haven't brought any type of vaccine to market yet.

[–]Caranda23VIC - Boosted 3 points4 points  (1 child)

More than half a billion moderna doses have been given. That's a pretty good basis to identify even extremely rare side effects.

Novavax has been tested on about 50,000 people so far.

[–]Trip-trader 3 points4 points  (13 children)

I know the heart ache the Pfizer MRNA gave me, I’m hoping the Novavax won’t give me the same side effect. It very may well cause the same issues. But I do know my bodies reaction to the Pfizer shot, Least there is a chance of avoiding those same issues trying a Novavax style vaccine.

[–]upthetits 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Could you show me what product moderna has taken to commercial production before? And also then show me something that shows the difference between moderna and Pfizers shot minus the 30 / 100 mcg?

As far as I'm aware Pfizer is using modernas design for their shot its just the dosage is different. Again as far as I'm aware the first product moderna have bought to market is this shot.

Therefore if you took a Pfizer or moderna shot and not AZ, and if I'm correct. Your comment makes no sense as you yourself took something from a company that had never bought something to market before.

How were you so sure you wouldn't get a reaction from your shot?

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 2 points3 points  (0 children)

the first product moderna have bought to market is this shot.

And they have brought it to market and it's been used for 12 moths.

The point t is people are willing to trust novavax whe they don't trust the others that have been used for over 22 months and have a clear history of side effects.

We don't have 12 months of novovax information to say what the side effects are like so why do people think it is more trustworthy?

[–]dearcossete 13 points14 points  (24 children)

did you get advice from different doctors to tell you that neither AZ or moderna is suited for your medical needs? have your doctor(s) specifically said, Novavax is better suited to your condition?

[–]Euphoric-Chip-2828 2 points3 points  (6 children)

I had a similar elevated heart response for a week or two following my second Pfizer dose. Had it checked at the doctors and they said nothing to worry about, but just monitor it.

I just had my Pfizer booster (which is a lower dose of the active ingredient I believe), and no symptoms whatsoever.

Anecdotal evidence of course, but there it is...

[–]Trip-trader 2 points3 points  (4 children)

Thanks mate glad your doing well. I have heard many say the second dose had less side affects than the first for heart issues. But the studies show the second to cause more myocarditis effects than the first so I’m wary still with a good alternative launching next month.

[–]WhatYouThinkIThinkVIC - Boosted 1 point2 points  (1 child)

What makes you sure it is a good alternative?

[–]Trip-trader 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m not sure it’s a good alternative, it could be a worse alternative but I’m hoping it’s the MRNA part that causes my heart inflammation to be so bad. And maybe with a more controlled dose of spike proteins from Novavax protein based vaccine, then I get an immune response that causes less affect to my heart.

[–]ScanNCut 1 point2 points  (4 children)

What are the odds of dying from Pfizer and what are the odds of dying from covid without your second vax?

[–]crossfitvision 0 points1 point  (0 children)

But have spent the last two years mocking those “who believe a jibby jab by will save them from the sniffles”.

So funny how they obviously project their insecurities by acting like badass tough guys, when many are just afraid of infections.

[–]MeepTMWACT - Vaccinated 181 points182 points  (48 children)

Novavax is a subunit vaccine, which is a technology that has been used in many previous vaccines, so those who are technology-skeptical may consider it 'safer' (although immunologists already consider all the other vaccines just as safe). That being said as well - AstraZeneca's vaccine technology was used previously and successfuly against Ebolavirus.

That is the justification I have mostly heard from people - however I am not sure whether that was simply a scapegoat or not. Some of my friends have moved their positions and are now citing concerns about Novavax now that it is closer on the horizon.

[–]WikiSummarizerBot 54 points55 points  (18 children)

Subunit vaccine

A subunit vaccine is a vaccine that contains purified parts of the pathogen that are antigenic, or necessary to elicit a protective immune response. A "subunit" vaccine doesn't contain the whole pathogen, unlike live attenuated or inactivated vaccine, but contains only the antigenic parts such as proteins, polysaccharides or peptides. Because the vaccine doesn't contain "live" components of the pathogen, there is no risk of introducing the disease, and is safer and more stable than vaccine containing whole pathogens. Other advantages include being well-established technology and being suitable for immunocompromised individuals.

[ F.A.Q | Opt Out | Opt Out Of Subreddit | GitHub ] Downvote to remove | v1.5

[–]Unusual-WeddingVIC - Vaccinated 24 points25 points  (23 children)

This should be the top answer it's the most accurate! I've heard this from lots of people all of whom will get vaccinated. My antivax friends will never be vaccinated. The vaccine hesitant want Novavax

[–]-V8- 7 points8 points  (6 children)

How is it we're at 95% vaccinated and yet everyone seems to know somebody who isnt vaccinated?

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 5 points6 points  (15 children)

The vaccine hesitant The ones I know wanted phizer instead of AZ.

Then wanted moderna instead of pfizer

So forgive me if I don't believe people who now say they want to wait for novovax.

[–]Unusual-WeddingVIC - Vaccinated 5 points6 points  (12 children)

Whatever the truth, is they only make up about 5.6% of population given first vax rates is like 94.4 or thereabouts. And looking at childhood vaccinations rates they are usually about 95% of population so I think overall Aussies are doing pretty good. (Obviously still need to get kids done)

[–][deleted] 22 points23 points  (1 child)

Thank you for this super clear answer!

[–]Haush 8 points9 points  (0 children)

This is the right answer

[–]jteprevTAS - Boosted 153 points154 points  (38 children)

I am not convinced any significant number of people actually are waiting for it, just seeking an excuse to not vaccinate. I suspect the vast majority who claim this will not get it when it becomes available.

I knew someone like this about AZ who was "waiting for Pfizer because of clots". Never got either.

[–]WeirdUncleScabby 62 points63 points  (20 children)

My partner has underlying autoimmune issues and was concerned about mRNA vaccines because years of pre-covid studies of them showed their potential to trigger or flare up autoimmune disorders.

She got Pfizer anyway because the covid risk was greater, and she ended up developing two autoimmune-related adverse reactions that took months to clear up and were disruptive to her day-to-day life. (If she hadn't been able to work from home and had a job that required her to go in, she would have been really fucked because of it.)

Understandably, she is currently putting off getting an mRNA booster because there is no data about people in her situation (autoimmune issues, lengthy adverse reactions) and all any doctor can say is "I don't know what to tell you to do" because they don't want to be responsible if she gets a third Pfizer and ends up with an even worse reaction.

Two doses are still highly protective against serious illness, which was the main purpose of them, and she's taking extra precautions (not eating at restaurants, etc.) until more studies come in about people in her situation. But ideally, it would be great if there were an approved non-mRNA option using more traditional technology (like Novavax) because the mRNA vaccine is the only one she's had this kind of experience with.

Based on my contact with wholly unvaccinated people saying they're waiting for Novavax, I think a lot of them just don't want to get vaccinated at all and will move the goal posts again if Novavax ends up not being vaporware, but there are definitely both unvaccinated and vaccinated people with legitimate medical concerns about mRNA vaccines and there really do need to be alternatives because not every type of vaccine is right for everyone.

Along with the fetal cell thing, I learned yesterday that my evangelical aunt (a retired nurse) and uncle are refusing to get vaccinated because of that, but knowing that religious and political mindset (they're Trump supporters), I think they'd keep finding reasons to not get vaccinated no matter the vaccine.

[–]Obvious-Middle-5427 4 points5 points  (10 children)

AZ not an option for her for any particular reason, given bad reaction to mRNA?

[–]WeirdUncleScabby 16 points17 points  (9 children)

The GP she saw about her booster concerns said AZ hasn't been approved as a booster for people who didn't originally get AZ or didn't have a more serious reaction than she did to Pfizer (i.e., I think they're looking for reactions that required hospitalization).

We're also currently on temporary visas that are ineligible for Medicare, so we're not allowed to get vaccinated through a GP (due to Medicare reimbursement rules) and the state hubs and pharmacies have stricter rules around vaccination than GPs, who would likely be more flexible based on a patient's personal circumstances.

Also, as far as I can tell in looking up studies, there really isn't good data on the efficacy of mRNA shot > mRNA shot > AZ shot since it wouldn't be a common combination.

And, you know, we really just don't want to screw around with all those potential issues if it somehow ends up she wouldn't be considered fully vaccinated with an AZ booster if a booster is required for fully vaccinated status in the future.

It's just a very complicated mess right now, and I know she's not the only one in this position here.

I've written to someone on Reddit who developed POTS due to Moderna and has been off work for months now because of it, and she's very concerned about getting a booster.

I do think for the boosters, since the two doses are still protective against serious illness, they should expand medical exemptions for those who had non-life-threatening but life-disruptive adverse reactions to the first two doses until there's more information.

[–]Obvious-Middle-5427 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oh no! Sounds like you’re caught in a very unfortunate and awkward limbo. Good luck 🤞🤞🤞

[–]futawe 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I had 3 weeks of severe chest pains on 1st Pfizer and a week of mild chest pains on the 2nd. Tested both times for heart issues and all clear.

Now 4 months on I've had to do lower intensity weight lifting as well as quit alcohol and caffeine because they both cause a flare up. Doctors won't diagnose it but I think it's costochondritis. I had no issues prior to the vaccine.

So my current thoughts are to avoid the booster because the side effect risk doesn't seem worth the ~10 weeks of protection. And I'm sure there will be another variant that escapes the vaccines within the next few months.

Keen to hear your current thoughts on Novavax now it's been "announced" yet again today in the media. Good option for a booster?

[–]dontletmedaytrade 34 points35 points  (129 children)

I’ll get downvoted just for providing you with answer but here we go...

I wanted to wait for it. In the end, I chose AZ because I don’t like the mRNA technology. It’s not the mRNA itself, but the lipid nano particles used to get into the cell. These are meant to stay at the injection site but aren’t. They accumulate in the body and early investigations into mRNA as a cancer treatment showed that they become dangerous with repeated doses. It will almost certainly be fine but why take the chance for a virus with such a high survival rate, especially now that the vaccines seem to be doing next to nothing for stopping the spread?

My mum is a doctor with connections to brilliant (on the spectrum) people who have worked with mRNA and they won’t touch these vaccines.

Add to that, I don’t like Pfizer as a company. They are using bully tactics on poor countries and lobbying hard to first world countries to get a monopoly with an inferior product.

Novavax also has lower side effects, better results, and resembles a traditional, effective vaccine more closely because all the work is done in the moth protein not inside your own body.

[–]but_nobodys_home 130 points131 points  (32 children)

Let's play anti-vax bingo shall we:

  • I'm not antivax but ...
  • A vague bad-thing happened with sciencey stuff in some other unspecified "study"
  • I'm not taking a risk no matter how small the risk is or how big the alternative risk is.
  • Covid is not dangerous anyway.
  • I know a friend-of-a-friend with inside info and they say the vaccines are bad.
  • Evil Big PharmaTM is behind all of this.
  • The option I can't get (for now) is the only one I will accept (for now).

[–]badgirlmiumiu 53 points54 points  (3 children)

Lol totally agree - my favourite point is my mum is a doctor she is well connected with autistic people who won’t get the vaccine.

[–]SimonGnVIC - Boosted 1 point2 points  (2 children)

I am just thrilled that autistic people are finally getting recognition for their superior intellect rather that being warned not to do something "or else you might get Autism"

[–]Meh-Levolent 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Answer seemed reasonably genuine to me. Fair enough if you don't agree, but they're responding to an apparently genuine question about a controversial topic. Personally, I appreciate their frankness despite it being an unpopular opinion.

[–]natopotato123 27 points28 points  (1 child)

Lol you people are nearly as bad as the hardcore anti vax crowd. No room for adult discussion just straight to pigeon holing and childish finger pointing.

[–]offshoredawn 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Branch Covidians are frenzied zealots alright

[–]CheatCodesOfLifeVIC - Vaccinated 19 points20 points  (4 children)

Uh... They said they got AZ already.

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Because there hasn't been a big antivax sentiment from people saying they are vaxxed lately.

[–]SimonGnVIC - Boosted 1 point2 points  (1 child)

At this point I think that a lot of antivaxxers are just saying it on here to give themselves credibility

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's definitely how it feels.

[–]Jasnaahhh 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Do you want them to talk about their rationale so you can address it or no?

[–]Beergardener666 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Don't forget - an appeal to the authority of someone supposedly well-credentialled (definitely not cherry picked, and with strange views on autistic people) who supports their point of view, that we seem to be expected to treat as data and not a single anecdote.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (4 children)

Its a bingo!!

[–]Caranda23VIC - Boosted 35 points36 points  (15 children)

The worst side effects for AZ didn't start to show up until hundreds of millions of doses were given. How do we know Novavax will have lower side effects until its reached a similar level?

[–]pen0r 20 points21 points  (11 children)

Because protein based vaccines historically have billions of doses administered over decades with multiple times less adverse effects than these mRNA vaccines.

Yes we won't know with these specific covid vaccines but people should be allowed to make a risk vs benefit analysis and choose what vaccine they think is best.

[–]wharblgarblVIC 28 points29 points  (9 children)

We've had billions of mrna doses administered with closer scrunity by society than any vaccine ever, mrna vaccines have been studied for many years, any side effects manifest within two weeks, mrna gets broken down immediately.

People are notoriously bad at risk benefit analysis

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 1 point2 points  (0 children)

we won't know with these specific covid vaccines

people should be allowed to make a risk vs benefit analysis

How can they when they don't know what the risks of novovax is.

[–]spaniel_rageNSW - Vaccinated 27 points28 points  (34 children)

Do you have a source for those nanoparticle claims?

Serious question.

[–]TechManPat 38 points39 points  (32 children)

lipid nano particles

I think these folks are mixing up 'nanoparticles' and 'lipid nano particles' & 'lipid nano particles for cancer treatments'

eg - cancer causing nanoparticles are currently in use in electronics, cosmetics, and chemical manufacturing, among others industries. Because of their extremely small size, they can be difficult to isolate from the larger environment, as they are much too small for removal by conventional filtering techniques.

lipid nanoparticles - mRNA related - Lipid nanoparticles have been developed as vehicles for small molecule delivery by the nanomedicine and materials communities and are now a key component of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

cancer treatment - Solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) Nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC)Oral deliveryAnticancer drugs, Nowadays, nanoparticles have received much attention, and solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) have achieved an important place in oral cancer drug delivery.

this entire post has so much misinformation....

[–]spaniel_rageNSW - Vaccinated 10 points11 points  (31 children)

That's what I figured.

The amount of lipid nanoparticles in a vaccine jab is tiny, and it's essentially just phospholipid.

[–]TechManPat 4 points5 points  (28 children)

As far as reading scholarly articles yes, it’s pretty easy to find all the info across multiple sources from different medical centres and organisations. Basically all one has to do is avoid Facebook…

[–]burner0112358 2 points3 points  (27 children)

[–]spaniel_rageNSW - Vaccinated 14 points15 points  (19 children)

Is that peer reviewed?

I'd have to be a bit sceptical of a paper that leads with: "Because of the officially sanctioned haste and systematic gross negligence in the development and approval of the COVID-19 vaccines....."

EDIT: I mean it's a pretty grossly partisan paper that seems to presuppose its conclusion. In section 1.1 it makes two separate (uncited) claims that the spike protein is likely to cause "clotting".

I also recall that there has been criticism of the way this rat study is being interpreted by antivaxxers, as the nanoparticle dose given to the rats in the study is, relative to body size, huge compared to an equivalent dose in humans.

Looks like an extremely biased paper. They make a lot of unsupported claims. The summary is particularly egregious.

[–]LocalUnionThug 3 points4 points  (6 children)

If your second link is even remotely truthful, why don’t its authors submit it to an academic journal for publication? There’s no reason to avoid this other than the knowledge that it will be rejected due to low quality.

There are a million other issues (like highly specialised research of this nature coming from two MDs), but lack of publication alone makes this no more authoritative than a Reddit comment.

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 3 points4 points  (1 child)

nanoparticles literally just describes the size.

It's like saying all small cars are dangerous because one model of one manufacturer was recalled.

[–]angelofjagVIC - Boosted 22 points23 points  (2 children)

What has being on the spectrum got to do with this?

Oh, and my mum's a doctor too. She has connections with brilliant people too.... She has a PhD in Education..

[–]yahwehnahweh 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Their autistic so they are smart...

[–]beerscotch 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I'm a believer that people are entitled to their opinions and their choice.

I'd say if you get downvoted it's likely to be more to do with whinging about downvotes and your potentially discriminatory justification, more so than the stance itself.

Autism isn't an indication of intelligence on it's own, nor does it grant clairvoyance, so I'm not sure why your mum apparently being connected to people who apparently are more credible because of autism (Not following the logic here), means that you know how effective the vaccine is going to be ahead of time, and know exactly how severe and frequent the side effects are going to be.

If you believe that it'll be a better fit for you, I'm all for it, not that it's my business. However no need to be offensive in your justification.

[–]coldpower7 9 points10 points  (5 children)

vaccines seem to be doing next to nothing for stopping the spread

According to the Imperial College London, current boosters are providing at least 80% efficacy against omicron. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-59696499

[–]lavishcoat 2 points3 points  (1 child)

How many weeks does efficacy remain at 80% for?

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 3 points4 points  (0 children)

After 6 months efficacy of preventing catching it drops to 42%. So 80% would be an average as some may have had the Vax 2 weeks ago some 6 months ago

Even at 6 months efficacy of reducing hospitalisation and severe cases of covid remain at 92%

So even if you catch it your still better protected from the disease.

[–]aldkGoodAussieName 6 points7 points  (6 children)

They accumulate in the body and early investigations into mRNA as a cancer treatment showed that they become dangerous with repeated doses.

See, when you make big claims like this and don't give any reference no one is going to believe you.

Do you have a link, as I would love to read it.

[–]Maccaz15 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Mostly the same reasons for why I got AZ instead of Pfizer too.

[–]upthetits 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You can't reason with most people on this sub, they're so invested in their side they cannot possible see another angle.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Thanks for your post.

I’m waiting for Novavax as I have had 3 members land in hospital following Pfizer. One needed a mitral valve replacement, 2 ended up with pericarditis. They can keep their mRNA vaccination as far as I’m concerned.

[–]ZhukovZhuk 2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Can you provide some more information about the lipid nanoparticles becoming toxic (link to study etc.)? Also, re AZ people were aware back in the 90s that the adenovirus vector could cause clotting issues, in fact it was the death of a teenage trial participant that took the field of gene therapy to a screeching halt after a gene carrying adenovirus vector caused massive bleeding: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPcap/1999-09/29/060r-092999-idx.html

Same issues have been found repeatedly in animal models. And now of course we know with certainty that adenovirus vector vaccines cause these issues in humans at a barely acceptable rate.

We even have an in silico model showing how platelets are attracted to the adenovirus in a similar fashion to heparin.

[–]Interesting-CurrentVIC - Vaccinated 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Finally a reasonable answer and not just people saying how stupid waiting is. Good insight, I got pfizer because it was around but had a sore arm and was extremely tired. Novavax seems great and would love to get it as a booster down the road

[–]Joshyybaxx 18 points19 points  (2 children)

It's the most 'traditional' style vaccine.

That's literally it.

[–]bor3danddrunk 16 points17 points  (6 children)

My friend is mistrusting of mRNA and waiting for Novavax as a more 'traditional' vaccine

[–]Fidelius90VIC - Vaccinated 47 points48 points  (2 children)

AZ isn’t mRNA

[–]TheOtherLeft_au 32 points33 points  (2 children)

Your friend is just anti-vax.

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (20 children)

The approval in Australia of novavax seems to be taking a long time. Any updates on the progress?

[–]reifiedVIC - Boosted 13 points14 points  (18 children)

I’m seriously hoping it is approved soon. My wife is susceptible to anti-vax online misinformation but I have her promise to get Novavax, mainly I think because the propaganda hasn’t yet ramped up to cover the new vaccine. If it takes too long to get approved however… :(

This is despite me being fully vaccinated and boosted and not having any issue beyond some arm swelling.

[–]giacintamNSW - Boosted 3 points4 points  (15 children)

What are her pain reasons for not wanting the others?

[–]reifiedVIC - Boosted 2 points3 points  (14 children)

It’s always some echo of the scare misinformation… alters DNA, causes heart problems, not effective against variants, the vaccine symptoms are worse than getting COVID, etc (all this despite me and everyone around here getting vaccinated and not having any severe issues).

[–]ThotPolice999 7 points8 points  (10 children)

How are heart problems considered misinformation? It’s literally on the warning label for Pfizer and Moderna.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (4 children)

Because the misinformation plays it up. And consideration it's OP's wife the chances are even lower.

And though not technically misinformation but a weird decision, but who's to say NovaVax won't cause the same heart problems.

Do we even know if it's the spike protein that does it or the Mrna

[–]giacintamNSW - Boosted 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Where is she getting her info from?

[–]reifiedVIC - Boosted 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Social media primarily.

[–]Trip-trader 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Latest news from herald sun today says it’s arriving next month should be available by mid January. 51 million doses ordered.

[–]AuLex456 12 points13 points  (1 child)

neither the Adenovirus nor the mRNA have recent history as a mass vaccine product,

Adenovirus was recently used as a component in an Ebola vaccine, but that was by J&J who seem to have a superior vaccine to AstraZeneca. Also Ebola vaccine are used in very poor countries, where life is cheap, and followup is non existent.

mRNA did actually achieve use as a gene blocker therapy for PCSK9 inhibitors. last I read circa 2019 mRNA had just scaled up to a large trial of around 300,000 users per year. Note this is a therapy for whom statins failed to maintain effectiveness, this mRNA lipid capsule was modified to selectively be used by the liver, so any heart side effects probably would not have occurred anyway. No history of mRNA for vaccines deployed existed pre covid19.

AZ's use of a fetal cell line is true (HEK293), but irrelevant for mRNA vaccines or Novavax, as they don't use HEK 293 for production.

Nearest vaccine in production to Novavax is Shingrix, the adjuvant between the 2 are from the same family saponins- (soapbark tree- south america).

[–]30flips 11 points12 points  (9 children)

I can repeat the justification one person has given me but I cannot remember the specific components (I was told but just don’t remember them).

He has had anaphylactic reaction and had to be resuscitated to a vaccine he received many years ago. They did not determine the exact component that caused it but there were 2 likely candidates. Well one of those candidates is supposedly in the AZ and the other is in both Pfizer and Moderna. This has been deemed not a valid reason for a vaccine exemption (until the Novavax is approved anyway). And he is simply scared he will again go into anaphylactic shock and die again but this time he won’t be able to be resuscitated. He is an older gentleman. So he is just isolated away until he can get access to this vaccine. He read it would be approved by end of October/start of November but it is still yet to be approved so it is hard for him.

As to how much of this information is correct, I do not know. But his fear is real enough and I feel quite sorry for him as he openly admits he is now struggling a lot mentally. Not everyone is just doing it to avoid being vaccinated.

[–]laura_ann86 3 points4 points  (3 children)

Allergies are incredibly rare, but they do exist.

I have a known allergy to a component of the mRNA vaccines, and I am pregnant. On the advice of the immunology department at my hospital, I won’t be vaccinated until I give birth at the end of January. AZ is not approved for use during pregnancy due to lack of safety data, and the having an allergic reaction to the vaccine while pregnant would cause loss of oxygen to the baby.

I would much rather be vaccinated right now, but I am acting on doctors advice. While I am not waiting for Novavax specifically, I would be very happy if it was approved before I get vaccinated.

[–]Caranda23VIC - Boosted 2 points3 points  (1 child)

The current government advice re using AZ in pregnancy is:

If Pfizer or Moderna are not available, AstraZeneca can be considered if the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks for an individual. For example, in outbreak settings. There are no theoretical safety concerns associated with AstraZeneca specific to pregnancy, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy.


[–]laura_ann86 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hmmm. Interesting. Thanks. When the immunologists advised against AZ, we were not in an outbreak situation, so I guess that is why they advised me to wait. With only 4 weeks to go, I doubt it would be worth getting AZ now, but I will speak to my GP.

[–]Obvious-Middle-5427 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That is rough! You could understand it really playing on you, mentally. Poor bugger.

[–]TechManPat 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Just to be clear... your mention of Fetal cell lines...

No, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

[–]Chumpai1986VIC - Boosted 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I believe AZ type vaccines are grown in modified HEK293 cells (Human Embryonic Kidney). They were first isolated back in the 70s from aborted tissue iirc.

[–]thewavefixationNSW - Boosted 6 points7 points  (7 children)

Misguided distrust of new tech fuelled by conspiracy theories as well as general scientific illiteracy.

[–]scomoman 6 points7 points  (0 children)

My reason was because it was protein based, and I didn't see any events relating to cardiac problems. That's just me tho

[–]doppleganger_ 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I was part of the Novavax clinical trials last year. I got 2 doses and one placebo. I know this because I was a unblinded at the end of the trial.

Zero side effects from either dose. That’s why I’d be going for it.

[–]claaaaaaaah 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Novavax is a protein sub unit vaccine which is the same technology that many vaccines use, so it's not new technology like the others. I guess people feel like it might be safer and more effective because those kinds of vaccines are tried and true already. Plus the people who have concerns about long term effects of mRNA would feel more reassured about getting Novavax because protein unit vaccines have already been in use for long enough to know there is no issue with long term effects.

I also saw a study that compared the neutralising antibody load after vaccination and novavax out performed the others. That's only one factor but it does give some home it may be a very effective vaccine.

[–]Cheezel62 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I got AZ first up because that’s all there was and I’ve got lung damage. I just got a Moderna booster but would just as happily have got Pfizer. Got it at the local chemist and as they’d run out of Pfizer I got Moderna. Couldn’t care less tbh.

If people want to wait, so be it. Imo it’s a bit silly with omicron now rampaging around. I’ll keep wearing a mask in shops and where it’s busy, eat outside etc and just get on with life in spite of covid. Merry Christmas and a variant free New Year.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Reading through the responses, most peoples reason seem to be views formed by reading MEMEs instead of listening to experts.

[–]deerhunterwaltz 1 point2 points  (11 children)

Personally I’m waiting for confirmation on how many doses are required as well as intervals and long term risk profiles of mRNA vaccines before considering them as a viable option.

Unfortunately there is political and emotional factors that surround these treatments so I have ruled them out as my risk profile for COVID is extremely low whilst at the same time risk profile of these vaccines is much higher then traditional methods.

Subunit vaccines have a much lower risk profile for adverse reactions as well as been proven historically so I feel comfortable in taking these provided there is a clear indication of dosage intervals and total doses required.

The protection aspect of the vaccine is not of great concern to me, I am only concerned by potential side effects of the vaccines as I have never had any side effects previously.

[–]yahwehnahweh 0 points1 point  (10 children)

So your risk is low so you feel happy exposing higher risk people?

Sounds like you're saying, I'll probably survive so screw anyone else.

[–]deerhunterwaltz 3 points4 points  (7 children)

I’m not sure if your aware but the vaccines are not effective at preventing spread. This has become even more apparent now with Omicron so you are effectively regurgitating 6 month old misinformation that was used to coerce you into vaccination under a false sense of community good will.

The only social danger I now pose is if I require hospitalisation which as I have pointed out is statistically near impossible.

I am at a much higher risk of hospitalisation from my job and hobbies and seeing as I have paid taxes and Medicare levy for over 15 years these are risks that are socially acceptable.

[–]yahwehnahweh 4 points5 points  (5 children)

Anti vaxxer not taking a vaccine because of political and emotional reasons yet is calling me out for misinformation. Kk

[–]deerhunterwaltz 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Your assumption that the vaccines prevent transmission is 100% misinformation.

[–]yahwehnahweh 1 point2 points  (2 children)

I mean if you wanna back that up I'll have a read. My understanding is while it doesn't bring transmission down to 0, it does reduce transmission effectiveness.

Omicron may reduce the effectiveness but saying it doesn't prevent transmission isn't entirely correct afaik

[–]deerhunterwaltz 3 points4 points  (1 child)



I mean these are pretty good odds there’s plenty of examples worldwide and in Australia alone.

The Norway party ended at 100/120 testing positive with everybody been at least double vaccinated.

There’s the massive increase in positivity rates in virtually every country with omicron presence regardless of vaccination, there’s booster been brought forward to 3 months what more do you need.

[–]CookedCritter 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Better force him into an unwanted medical decision so I can feel safer never crossing paths with him while I sit in my own home wearing a mask. That’s you.

[–]StraightSilverx21 2 points3 points  (0 children)

God you people are pathetic.

[–]CommandGood8338 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Moderna had never brought a vaccine succesfully to trial prior to their EUA- failed 8 times.

[–]psyberwolf1100 2 points3 points  (0 children)

i got 1 dose Pfizer than had heart issues, than 1 dose AZ afterwards and 3 days later i was told about a gene mutation i have which makes me have a higher risk of clotting :/. For booster id like to get something different if available, but probably won't hold out if it comes to that as more protection of any flavour is better than none, would probably do AZ again if possible over Pfizer (predisposition to myocarditis).

[–]SensitiveVanilla13 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I’m Pfizer double vaccinated and haven’t looked into novavax at all, but if the side effects are more mild of less common I’d definitely say that would interest me.

In general though, I think most people are probably just using it as an excuse of why they aren’t currently vaccinated with no intention of getting novavax.

[–]elbentoVIC - Vaccinated 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thought you were talking about Novax Jokovich for a second..

[–]pandiferNSW - Boosted 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Novavax sounded like a good option… until it wasnt. That is, its been touted for months but still has not arrived. I’m beginning to think it will never be released no matter how many countries approve it

[–]_aaine_QLD - Boosted 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Husband's ex was originally not getting vaxed at all and didn't want their kids vaxed (they live with us.) Then, she was waiting for Novavax and wanted us to wait for it for the kids. Her reason was that it's not a MRNA vaccine. After months of arguing before approval for Pfizer was given for kids in Australia, we got the kids vaccinated with Pfizer as soon as it was available and she ended up getting Moderna.

Ultimately she realised the wait for Novavax was going to be long with no guarantee it would be approved, and that her freedoms were about to be significantly curtailed I suspect.

[–]linco_28 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Each to their own... if people want a certain vax, let them get that vax of their choice. How many times does the government have to lie about the avaliable vax's how effective safe they are... at the start they said it will fix everything... people believed it then now.. they keep adding oh wait it doesn't fix this doesn't fix that.. possibly may give a little protection.... and people still believe all this shit is so safe and effective. I know first hand pericarditis is real effect. It's each and every individuals choice. All I ever read is these vaxxers saying everyone unvaxxed/questioning or waiting is stupid..... respect everyone's views. And lay off the main stream media...

[–]Banegio 0 points1 point  (0 children)

All I ever read is these vaxxers saying everyone unvaxxed/questioning or waiting is stupid..... respect everyone's views.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, especially backed by rational reasoning. I don't have this view but a lot of people do: if you drink then drive you are bloody idiot.

Opinion is one thing, action or non action is another

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

My bf would prefer to get Novavax. He has already had the AZ because his job required it. Basically because it's not MRNA like Pfizer and doesn't include fetal cells like the AZ. Also he's opposed to the role that Pfizer as a company played in the opiod crisis. I think there have been some studies saying the Novavax is the safest? Haven't done much looking into it myself. We don't have much choice here in NZ. It's either Pfizer or AZ. They both also have high risk side effects specifically in his demographic (young males) such as myocarditis for Pfizer and blood clots in AZ.

[–]crossfitvision 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I know one person in particular who says he’ll get Novovax. He’s an anti vaxxer but realises the consequences of not getting a shot now. Probably realises people are over his grandstanding and nobody sees him as a martyr.

By getting Novovax he saves face and can claim he’s done his research and concluded Novovax is safe unlike the others. But he wouldn’t be able to tell you why any vaccines are different from the other.

It’s all about pride and saving face.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I know someone who is waiting for Novavax because they think Pfizer causes infertility 😂😂😂

[–]WhatYouThinkIThinkVIC - Boosted 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ask them who makes the little blue pill?

[–]knowledgeable_diablo 1 point2 points  (4 children)

I know one of them was made using two seperate denatured virus cell building blocks for shot 1 vs shot 2 which in effect gave a great immune response as the body became responsive to the Covid Spike protein more effectively as it was presented in seperate ways which amped up the immune response better. Whether this is the Novavax I’m not sure, but each one does have unique aspects that have minor differences to how the bodies generate antibodies and fight the COVID virus.

However, the best vaccine to take is the one the doctor is holding in his hand at the time you are to get vaccinated as they are ALL better than none at all. And slight mixing and matching can give overall improved total inoculation.

My guess though is people are using it as the unicorn defence. “I’ll immediately take vaccine X, just a shame vaccine X isn’t available, oh well, guess I’ll just have to wait”.

When Vaccine X becomes available they’ll have miraculously done some “independent research” showing new vaccine Y is totally the one they’ll take because it’s made from unicorn tears and is 0.034% more effective and they just could not live with themselves if they didn’t get the Most effective vaccine available (like not buying a Ferrari because the one next year has 5hp more so is technically infinitely faster); so again they’ll wait.

[–]Ionlywantyoutosuffer 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I have to wait for Novavax for my booster shot. Got pericarditis after my second shot of Moderna. Wish I had waited for Novavax. I still have a lot of pain.

[–]TheSilverBeatles91 1 point2 points  (0 children)

A guy from work can’t risk a heart infection so he’s waiting for novavax

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Personally am waiting for Novavax on the advice of the registered adverse events physician in my state after having severe neurological problems within two days of the administration of my first moderna shot. Issues have persisted for more than 8 months. He was not recommending J&J to women in my age group and it seems clear why now. The reason he advised the Novavax is that it is a protein subunit vaccine which I have had without incident in the past (Hep B as well as whooping cough.) It's hugely annoying to have to wait for this vaccine and watch everyone else take the standard ones with no issue, but I had to withdraw from a semester of graduate school and was pretty much incapacitated from this reaction so don't have a choice in the matter. OH - and the isolation going on for nearly two years has been fun. Novavax does use fetal cell lines to answer your question, though some antivaxxers seem to think it doesn't.

[–]ZephkielAUQLD - Vaccinated 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Legit answer: the others already got fearmongered hard so people who got sucked into the scare campaigns are thinking Novavax is the way to go. Unfortunately there'll be an equally prominent scare campaign with associated talking points distributed to the people who are legitimately just scared, and it'll work again so unfortunately not many who are waiting will actually get it.

Edit: ignoring the bad faith people who are just saying it because it's an easy deflection.

[–]EL_PETHO 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Friends of a friend waiting for Novavax because apparently they can detox it out of their bodies but can’t with the mRNA ones.. lol

[–]23569072358345672 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Where’s the long term testing on these vaccines!!!!! NO THANKYOU! I’m hedging my bets on this, up until now untested vax. It sounds cool.

[–]dabuddhaman 0 points1 point  (4 children)

I believe that the incidence of heart problems caused by mrna vaccines is significantly under-reported, understand its anecdotal but I personally know 3 people who have long term heart problems after mrna vaccines and another 2 who had some really alarming short term side effects. I got AZ for this reason and sadly it looks as though they are phasing it out.

Frankly I will hold out on getting a booster as long as possible as I believe that all the vaccines have side effects that are really not worth it for someone in my demographic. But if I get forced to choose between employment and a booster I will get novavax if AZ is not available.

[–]silversurfer022 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Don't worry, being downvoted by antivaxx morons is an honour.

[–]PoppyDean88 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Novavax uses a traditional vaccine approach of using purified pieces of the coronavirus to spur an immune response in the body. My friend is an epidemiologist and this is their preferred vaccine. They’re not as keen on the mRNA vaccines but had AZ as that was what was available.

[–]Slayers_PicksVIC - Boosted 0 points1 point  (0 children)

because to put it fucking bluntly, people are pussies who are scared of the big mean jabby jab and the big mean guberment telling them what to dooo.

[–]Substantial-Bison980 0 points1 point  (1 child)

CogForLife.org has information of the use of all currently available SARS-Cov2 vaccines, and the role aborted fetal cell lines played in development, production, and/or testing.

The Novavax vaccine used insect cell lines in development and production, and the initial testing phase. ...but, then later on Fetal Cell Line HEK-293 was used in the testing to better see how the protien was expressed. ...it was almost an ethical vaccine. But they had to go and do testing on an over 40 year old line of dead black baby boy. So, it ain't ethical anymore, as anything that creates a demand for the use of aborted fetal products, funds the abortion industry. And those of us that understand how we vote with our money and products we buy, want no part in facilitating any of that. We can shape the world we want, with what we create demand for and spend our money on. That is how a free market works. No monopolies or forced violations of one's conscience of ethics should be happening in a free country. If you want to create demand for products that depend on dead baby parts, kept alive in labs for over 40 decades, probably developing mutations and cancers that aren't being mentioned. That is on your conscience, Not Mine. Don't expect me to compromise my moral values, for the fear programmed into the world by corporate connected and owned media, to facilitate massive unethical profits of rushed medical proceedures, with NO Long Term Data to support the claims the jabs are Safe, or even effective.

I am waiting for a fully ethically developed vaccine, with full disclosure of the ingredients, risks assessment of the side-effects, and Long Term Data on the risk verses benefits of such a vaccine.

And thanks to the fear mongering, and people all rushing out for the first available improperly tested unethical vaccines. The demand for long term study proven safe, effective, and Morally developed vaccines, is no longer big enough, for the cost of development and production to be recovered. So the other dozen companies that were trying to develop vaccines using plant cells. Have stopped development.

The media's marketting campaigns for big pharma's profit margins was super effective against the masses of easily led and manipulated people not looking at the big picture. Sheep for the slaughter even perhaps.