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[Post Game Thread] The Milwaukee Bucks (1-0) defeat the Philadelphia 76ers, 118-117.

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u/Nevernew62 avatar

I'm just some random casual but linking to an external box score sucks

can we vote not to allow that shit, because it is shit

u/Hamozus avatar

u/Turbo2x you won the karma war, can you update that at least afterwards... ?

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Karma aint gonna farm themselves here

u/Jimm120 avatar

Knicks sub has a box score.

Don't understand why the MAIN nba sub doesn't.

$eem$ like people getting PAID to post espn or nba box scores.

Its horrible.

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u/ClimbinInYoWindow avatar

Does anyone know how to untrade a player?

u/Zuldak avatar

Nah man, if you love him, you need to let him go.

Dame on the blazers was a caged beast, shackled to a dysfunctional organization that hasn't had a true owner for what, 5 years now?

Dame put in the time here. Now's when he gets his ring.

u/ClimbinInYoWindow avatar

I agree with all this. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

u/Sufficient_Boss_6782 avatar

Haven’t had more fun watching him play in a while.

Excited to see what the Blazers can put together over the next 2-3 years, but so happy to watch a guy I’ve ceaselessly rooted for actually be surrounded by a team that will reward his performance.

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It didn’t work. Let me try Ctrl+Alt-Delete.

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u/CoolGrandpa1932 avatar

no takesies backsies

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But…what if we don’t want to

u/beatrailblazer avatar

it's the lemon law. we have a few games where we can cancel the trade

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u/rawchess avatar

Methinks Dame Time is CST now

u/AldiaWasRight avatar

The Midwest needs a win this time of year.

Dame will keep us warm inside

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Dame is really on the Bucks

u/A808Ag avatar

Giannis finally got his shooter

u/sewsgup avatar

on the last Dame 3, you see Giannis start to skip a bit once he sees the ball swish.

Happy Greek noises

u/ElJefe970 avatar

The amount of times Giannis trusted a guy to make a clutch 3 and they just brick when being wide open, while Dame can make it regardless of any situation is ecstasy

Lol I chuckled when I saw that. Got that swag in him when the ball swished through.

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u/TedTran2001 avatar

There are shooters Giannis can get, and then there are SHOOTER

u/Denz292 avatar

Underselling Dame a bit there

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u/ligeiro01 avatar

Maxey 31/8 is all that matters.

Team just needs to lock in after the trade is done, until joel gets injured in the first round were good

u/Vordeo avatar

If Embiid gets injured don't worry, BBall Paul gonna carry you to the 2nd round to get his contract guaranteed.

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u/DeepestPeak avatar

Very hot take, bucks fan here but I fear him more than Embid. He’s always giving it his all and continually improves

The whole game I was tracking Maxey.

He was lighting us up.

u/MrF1993 avatar

Maxey is the type of guy who killed us the past couple of years, even with Jrue. Thats why Im not as concerned about the potential "drop off" defensively. If were going to get into three point contests every night anyway, Id rather go in with Dame than Jrue and just try to outscore them

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u/rdhpu42 avatar

Well ya cause Embiid is being defended by good defenders like Brook and giannis while Maxey can just blow by dame at will

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u/gamefreak054 avatar

Maybe its because I don't follow the 76ers, but Maxey always seems electric and torches us. Idk why he isn't talked about more often (maybe he is idk).

u/wats_a_tiepo avatar

Cannot lie, I do like Maxey. Looks like he always leaves everything on the court from what I’ve seen. Prefer him a hell of a lot more to Embiid, ngl. Hope he does well

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That Lillard guy is good. I wish he was on my team

u/KangorKodos avatar

I reckon if the your team had Dame they would build around him properly and build a dynasty

u/Zuldak avatar

Nah, we'd surround him with mediocre players like Meyers Leonard so that Dame can learn to hard carry the team

Little did you know that you were, in fact, the Rock Lee leg weights that Dame needed to wear for his whole career up to this point to be prepared to harness his inner gates and wreak havoc upon the league with a real ninja tea- I mean, basketball team.

u/Zuldak avatar

Uhh... does that make Jokic insane Gara who goes berserk and shatter's Lee/Dame's leg?

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The biggest shame in recent NBA is no Sixers/bucks playoff matchups. They always play intense close games

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Losing by 1 to Dame and Giannis without Harden is way better than I expected but damn that was a fucking mess.

Officiating was truly nasty regardless of who you think it benefited. Embiid alternating between masterclass and disasterclass every 5 minutes.

At least Kelly Oubre Jr is a stud

Edit: also, we cannot forget that Embiid starts every October with a couple weeks of terrorism ball. Every single year. Don’t fall for it again

You are at stage 1 of the Kelly oubre rollercoaster…..

u/Im_a_Knob avatar

kelly oubre is swaggyP 2.0

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u/o0DrWurm0o avatar

At least Kelly Oubre Jr is a stud

This will surely age well 😂

u/Otternomaly avatar

We can change himTM

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Yeah he went 9/11. How often is he going to do that?

u/nookrulz avatar

never again.

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u/deemerritt avatar

He did it about ten times a year for us. He is a good player who a good coaching staff can get value out of. The only team he was truly abysmal for was the warriors.

u/WIN011 avatar

It’s the Oubre cycle. One of these games then he chucks the next 5-10 games and is generally terrible.

This is straight up delusional. Shooting 9/11 (82%) for 27 points 10 times per year is something an elite player does, and it might be a feat that I wouldn’t be surprised if he never achieved (well, until tonight). Oubre had 2 30+ and 22 20+ points last season. His best shooting night amongst those was 11/17 FG and 5/5 FT for 28 points.

In 12 out of those 24 games he shot below 50% and he shot over 60% only twice (65% is season high among 20+ points games).

His highest TS over a season is 56%. His TS last year was similar to TS on Warriors (53%). He usually hovers around 54/55%, which at the beginning of his career was around league average but now is few percentages below. He is not an elite role player.

You think he was abysmal only for Warriors because that’s where the expectations were highest, so people noticed how bad he is. Other teams were terrible teams and he wasn’t a bright spot either, but no one cared about those Phoenix/Washington teams and especially Hornets teams.

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u/SquashForDinner avatar

This type of performance from Kelly has a 3 game cooldown. They just don't know smh.

u/bmeisler avatar

“Oubre, wide open in the corner…and he stepped out of bounds.”

u/The_Assassin_Gower avatar

And now they're saying he was meant to be on the bench the whole time

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u/lesarbreschantent avatar

Yeah. He had two braindead plays in the 4th, the illegal screen and fouling Dame on the 3.

u/clickstops avatar

And he’s replacing Georges Niang or Jalen McDaniels.

u/ktyas31 avatar

Illegal screen was a flop to be fair

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I was so shocked to see him playing so well. 76ers fans are in for a surprise.

u/o0DrWurm0o avatar

This is just the first phase of the Kelly Oubre cycle. Big Tsunami Papi game that gets your hopes up, then like 5 games of the lowest IQ basketball you’ve ever seen.


Nah don't worry, I commented in the game thread after he drained a moronic deep three that he's going to be the fucking worst when he misses those. Nick Nurse pls slap some sense into him

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u/InexorableWaffle avatar

Yeah, this was just a messy, ugly game all the way around. The fouls and reffing are the one most people are going to harp on, but even taking them out of the equation, it looked like the first game of the season. Bad turnovers, miscommunications on both teams, etc.

Not too worrisome either way. The regular season's a marathon, not a sprint, after all, and both teams are more than good enough to where these early games really don't especially matter much outside of just getting in the groove again.


gg go next

Fuck boston

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u/Goalnado avatar

Embiid alternating between masterclass and disasterclass every 5 minutes.

I think they said during the broadcast that he had one point in 18 minutes towards the end of the game so this is definitely an understatement

Tbf he had sat for half that

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u/Machupino avatar

That two possession sequence where Embiid ends up playing volleyball and giving up a Crowder 3 - just arg. Frustrating decision making.

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u/MVPiid avatar

anyone who thought the sixers would suck are morons

Sixers during the Simmons sitout were 51-31 tied with Bucks and Celtics and now we have a coach

u/the4uto avatar

That was my biggest takeway from the 6ers honestly. Nurse is a great coach.

We didn't expect you to suck we just want you to lose. It's more entertaining drama wise.

u/MVPiid avatar

im referring more to sixers fans tbh. a lotta doom

u/maiL_spelled_bckwrds avatar

Yeah we know fuck r/NBA

u/rexfloyd94 avatar

the sub was and is so miserable lmao

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u/recollectionsmayvary avatar

Didn’t think you guys would suck but people have been insufferable about how the bucks would just steamrolll the league and beat everyone by 40 lol

really appreciate y’all pumping the brakes on the “let’s give the bucks the championship now and save ourselves the trouble” express that I’ve been dying to get off for a month now lol

It’s pretty impressive for you guys to only lose by 1 (and I think y’all were robbed honestly) at an away game without harden. Makes the Bucks look a bit more mortal.

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u/CoolGrandpa1932 avatar

Man y'all shot so well. Oubre 27 points on over 80% shooting is nutty. 4 players over 20 points. Just all around great team play. I'm kinda surprised Bucks pulled this out. I felt like everyone not named Dame was having an off night.

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u/SonofNamek avatar

Watching several games the last few days, there are a decent number of new and inexperienced refs.

Something tells me we're going to have some bad calls throughout the season.

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u/HalfTreant avatar

At least Kelly Oubre Jr is a stud

He's streaky. He has great games than really really bad games. It sucks that the 76ers wasted one of his great games

u/fastheadcrab avatar

Ask Warriors or Wizards fans, Kelly Oubre is the true basketball terrorist

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Dame had as many free throws as Embiid and Giannis combined.

Big movement in the free throw market in this young season.

u/DarkenedLite avatar

The balance of power in the free throw wars has shifted toward the Bucks in this particular match-up.

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u/unearthlysquire avatar

Disgusting game from the refs. I feel for y’all

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Thoughts on this game from an excited but slightly apprehensive Bucks fan:

  • Dame is fucking amazing. Seriously, a complete legend, one of the best and most clutch offensive players of all time. I knew this already, of course, but it just hits differently seeing him do it for your team. especially when your team’s biggest weakness is FT shooting and be goes 17/17 in a one point win. Absolutely NO way we win this game with last year’s roster

  • defense was fairly solid, they made a fuck ton of 3s but a lot of them were very deep and some of them were contested, I don’t expect a team to make those shots from deep at such a high clip on the regular

  • Giannis was so bad.. so fucking bad. It’s very clear that it’s not Dame that needs to develop chemistry so much as it’s Giannis who needs to understand how to effectively function as the second option on offense and not bring the ball up the court every possession. His defense was solid tho

  • thought we made some solid adjustments on defense and some good subs at pivotal moments, but I am starting to think think our previous 4th quarter stagnant offense is not necessarily a Bud problem as much as it is a Giannis-initiating-the-offense problem. That fits half of the 4th quarter looked eerily familiar until Giannis got subbed out for a bit. He really needs to figure out how to function off ball better

  • Nick Nurse is a hell of a good coach and you can see how he coached the 76ers to outplaying their potential here, especially on the defensive end and against Giannis. There will be many nights against lesser teams, lesser defenses, and lesser coaches that Gianni’s will absolutely go off

  • Giannis is rusty and needs to get back into the flow of things, he will absolutely do better

  • Middleton barely played but looked very good while out there. Whole team will level up when he’s at full speed

  • Brook was great

  • Beasley and Beauchamo looked spry defensively

  • Fuck Kelly Oubre that is all

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u/AnkitPancakes avatar

It's insane that the Sixers were able to keep it close and that Giannis travel ended up being a gamechanging call lol.

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u/Brad-Stevens avatar

So the non Giannis travel called turning to a Dame 3 was kinda a big one

u/Unitedsquadron avatar

Yeah that was incredibly questionable, they said it was ok because he lost it lol

u/Notsozander avatar

Still a walk lmao, ridiculous

One of the most preposterous things I’ve ever heard lol

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u/When_Angels_Cry avatar

The ball just slipped out 🤪

Same vibes as "hot stove contact"

Giannis had 9 lives to foul out the fucking game.

That game was stupid lol. Ref ball.

u/dk240996 avatar

Yeah not being able to foul out when he continues playing the same way that got him to 5 fouls is kind of a superpower he has.

u/JonTheCatMan11 avatar

The Giannis special

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Nah it clearly “slipped” out of his hands. Totally legit and normal call!

u/o0DrWurm0o avatar

Natural slipping motion

I think players should start lobbying the official scorer after they miss FGAs - “bruh that wasn’t a missed shot it just slipped out in the direction of the basket!”

"ok, soooo turnover then" "hold on, on second thought, maybe lets just leave it"

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u/jpr196 avatar

Marginally slipped..bucks ball

u/ilive12 avatar

Can't feel bad at this loss, if literally the most obvious call of the game gets made, we win

u/The_Dumblebee avatar

Adam Silver called game

Or if embiid throws up one fewer brick

u/ilive12 avatar

Eh, not gonna go down that rabbit hole because Giannis also put up a ton of bad shots, neither really played like an MVP this game (Dame did tho). But the missed call was objectively obvious and changed the game regardless of Giannis or Embiid making one or two better decisions.

Embiid also ALWAYS starts off slow, I kinda expected this. He will average 35 in december and january again i'm sure though.

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u/bigDUB14 avatar

The NBA account tweeted the entire play as if it was a highlight and not the most obvious travel call of all time. How refs can have zero repercussions, especially with gambling legalized, is beyond me. They control the entire game.

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Also the non-charge call on the coach’s challenge to save Giannis from his 5th foul, giving the Bucks 2pts. Overall very fun, enjoyable game, though. Love what I saw from this new Bucks super team and our guys

I thought the offensive foul on Oubre was pretty awful too.

Arguably worst call of the night. You literally saw in the replay the Asian ref on that side five feet away shaking his head like nah that’s a dive and then the same fucking ref who had done it all game came from the other side of the court to make the whistle. Like he literally could not have seen the play.

Bro the NBA is so attached to its revenue model of not beating the nfl in ratings but dominating in storylines and social media. I don’t trust it anymore.

I feel like it is early in the season so people aren’t talking about it. But Sixers got straight up robbed bro.

Minutes 7-3 left (awfully strategic) there were like four really impactful and terrible calls.

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u/4x4runner avatar

Shout out to SVG for calling that out. So many national tv announcers are afraid to speak up.

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So was the "marginal" contact on Embiid's arms as he was shooting

NBA really really wanted to have a headline tomorrow about Dame's epic debut. They didn't even try to hide it this game lol

I mean the bucks defend the last play different if it's a 1 point game.

Obviously it was a bad call but it's impossible to know how the game plays out either way if the call was called correctly

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u/packim0p avatar

Marginal ball slipping

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Who needs Harden we got Kelly “Stupid Sexy Shootin” Oubre😎

Refs have too much control over the game

u/instantur avatar

Basketballs biggest flaw is how vague the criteria for a foul is

u/itormentbunnies avatar

"Marginal contact" and "ball slipped out of the hands" are some terrible refball calls. If there was a consistent standard on how these replays/challenges and calls were made, fine, go wild essentially retconning the game but that was a bit much.

Really hope this doesnt set a precedent for the season.

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u/OguguasVeryOwn avatar

While this is very true, sometimes you have to fight through the bad calls.

There was a long stretch in the fourth where Embiid played like absolute dogshit, and you just aren’t going to win games against elite teams when your best player is making bad play after bad play.

Kudos to the Sixers for actually hanging in there till the end.

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u/TheLoneWolf527 avatar

This game was a quintessential example of the philosophy of "The *insert sports league name here* isn't rigged, but they do a REALLY bad job of showing that they aren't."

Hmmm but the NBA was rigged though. Donaghy is all we can prove.

Don’t know if today was just incompetence.

Today felt pretty incompetent, there’d be no calls for 5 minutes and then a call every possession on both ends of the court for 1. Rinse and repeat. It felt like they knew they weren’t calling stuff so they just started calling something every play, then felt like they were calling too much and over corrected back to nothing.

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I prefer not to speak. If I speak I’m in big trouble.

If I speak what’s on my mind I’ll be suspended 5 months

u/TedTran2001 avatar

I have nussing to say.

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u/MakeAShadow avatar

Game just slipped through Philly’s hands.

u/instantur avatar


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u/NeptuneEDM avatar

Considering I thought they would be blown out I am happy with this outcome.

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Making a Celtics fan feel bad for Sixers and Embiid...the refs were basketball terrorists near the end of the 4th.

u/clickstops avatar

It was messy but I was having a LOT of fun watching the game until about 3m left. Then I started feeling a lot of familiar feelings.

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u/mindfreakz avatar

Horrible ass game but I'll take it

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u/No_Nefariousness6385 avatar

Atrocious job by the referees in the 4th quarter. Got me cheering for Philadelphia for the first time in my life

u/Herestheproof avatar

64 free throws this game, refball is ridiculous

u/Anteaterkungpao avatar

Sixers got completely hosed by the refs down the stretch.

Incredibly inconsistent calls between the no-call challenge overturn on the Giannis charge on Tucker, the missed Giannis airball travel, Harris foul on Giannis' drive, followed by overturning the Lopez foul on Embiid's drive, the Crowder flop on Oubre, and then the phantom 3 point foul on Oubre, and then calling a bailout foul on Dame to end it.

Absolutely crazy the Sixers lost by just 1 after that abysmal sequence of refereeing. Bucks did not deserve this win.


I mean it's true but realistically we could've won it by just playing a bit cleaner and there were some questionable calls against y'all. This game doesn't really mean much because Giannis and embiid were both kind of dog I'm sure once they are both playing better y'all will be winning by double digits 😭

u/Public-Product-1503 avatar

The crowder flop I want to say was egregious cos I seen less be called flops in other games . But Jesus you listed it what awful reffing . League wanted a big dame win I guess.

There were a bunch of wrong calls on Dame as well which were 4 point plays

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u/jamalev avatar

What a big marginal win for the bucks, gg

u/gustavokh avatar

Dame and my boys in zebra coming in clutch to eke out the win

u/Substantial_Gur_5980 avatar

Packers fans stopped paying nfl refs and started investing in the nba

Packers in a rebuild, gotta put the money where it matters most!

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Refs went crazy tn !!

u/rexfloyd94 avatar

unreal start for the season for them, gonna be on some all timer shit if they keep up the pace!

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u/Johnpecan avatar

Giannis dribbled the ball up with 26 seconds left, Bucks up by 2. Why not foul Giannis and send him to the line? Man was 3/9 from the line. I'd take 2 Giannis free throws with more time on the clock over Dame having the ball.

u/ShoweredInDownvotes avatar

I was wondering the same thing watching the game.

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u/AP16__ avatar

Refs really took over this game

Good lord those refs were dogshit

u/lesarbreschantent avatar

Beyond missed calls, they made the game so painful to watch.

The last 6 minutes felt like 30.

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Yeah that obvious no call on the Giannis travel that resulted in a Dame 3 kinda cost you the game

Yeah unfortunately these blind idiots are gonna get playoff assignments


Of course they are. They did exactly what the League wanted them to do

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u/Wentzsylvania13 avatar

Giannis grabbed his own airball and passed it to dame for a 3

Philly challenges a Giannis- PJ foul, no call Giannis scores 2

Milwaukee challenges a Embiid-Brook call, no call Milwaukee gets ball

What the fuck?

u/trinquin avatar

First one was bad.

2nd was a clear no call.

3rd should have been a foul on Lopez, but if they are going to no call that it has to be a jump ball imo. Players weren't going to go for the ball after whistle hard.


Bucks fan, agreed.

  1. Obvious travel. It slipped? What is that explanation? When two players immediately motion travel uh, it’s a travel.

  2. I actually respect the overturn and making it just two points. It was clearly a no call. Is this a new thing where they can call charge/block…nothing? I think that’s a step in the right direction!

  3. Probably a no call on the Brook foul but it was close. Definitely a little lame they just gave the Bucks the ball but the whistle is so fast and went right to Bobby maybe it was right? In the NFL they do a clear recovery if a fumble is blown dead.

I’d have to see the play again but I never liked if a foul got overturned and a player loses the ball it’s a jump ball. Embiid did seem to lose right to Bobby (I think it was him).

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u/jkopecky avatar

This is why you get Dame.

I'm not going to lie, I've been kind of annoyed at the national media narrative around the Dame trade.


"It's Dame he's one of the best offensive closers ever, everybody should be moving heaven and earth to get this guy"


"Meh are we really sure this is an upgrade from Jrue?"

Like I get all of the nuanced takes about the Bucks losing some defensive identify, and having trouble stopping people on the perimeter, but this is why you get Dame. He can be the best guy on the floor in a game that contains Kelly Oubre.

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u/fuckareyousaying avatar

refs wouldn’t make it out of Philly tonight

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well we ain’t ass at least. maxey def looks like he’s about to take the leap.


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Dame got the exact whistle that he got with the Blazers and people are actually surprised? He gets quite the friendly whistle.

This is a big part of their identity, they have two guys that can combine to average 20 free throws. The added extra 8~10 free throws a game with Dame is a formidable problem for the opposing teams.

u/DomDomRevolution avatar

I’m just excited for the reasons why it’s an exciting brand of basketball because the Bucks do it.

Because they're the good guy Bucks

If this was Phoenix, we'd be rioting in the streets

Very interested if we hear about the bucks playing “unwatchable” basketball or committing “basketball terrorism”

It's exciting because our jerseys look cool.


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Its 1 game. But Giannis whistle has been consistent his whole career and I disagree with it. Just like people disagree with embiids whistle i guess.

Guess refs gonna have to equal it out now. Fuck I hope Wemby becomes a superstar quick so he can get a few calls as well

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Yea you can’t be mad at Gianni’s whistle and think Embiid whistle is fine

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u/kabman7 avatar

Dame has always been top 5 in freethrows


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It does make it hard to care when every other game feels like the refs decide the winner.

u/instantur avatar

I was already suspicious when the refs made some sus calls for us vs the knicks but yeah this isn’t even a conspiracy anymore

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u/kabman7 avatar

Typical Giannis playing too fast bad game

64 free throws between the two teams.

17 by Lillard alone.

Refball is alive and well.

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u/awitkowski79 avatar

Refs already in peak playoff form

That overturned call seemed sus. They usually don’t overturn for marginal contact so that was nice and inconsistent of the refs to do that.

Also I like SVG. Much better than his brother whining.

Dame was cool, Ieague fucked lol

u/KorgG29 avatar

Agree with everything here besides SVG. Can’t stand him, and he repeats the same shit every game

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GG Bucks, really fun first game. Some bad reffing, but if we hit our FT's it wouldn't be an issue. Loved what I saw defensively from Embiid, Giannis couldn't do anything to him 1 on 1. Maxey is a future All-Star. Can't wait to see what this season brings.

u/BlackSocks88 avatar

Life means nothing without you, Dame

u/junkspot91 avatar

A game featuring the Bucks and Sixers is dominated by discussions about the refs? The NBA season is truly back.

Think the sixers played pretty well all things considered, looking forward to a season with zero expectations

You mean to tell me we don’t have to watch clunky Giannis isos for crunch time offense moving forward…🥹

u/cuttino_mowgli avatar

Obviously Dame was incredible playing to a contender. Happy for the dude to left a cheap ass organization and demanding greener pasture.

I was cheering for the sixers for the first time in my life because i know how the sixers fans felt in those last 2 minutes being screwed by the ref

u/Salty_Watermelon avatar

Good game ruined by a stretch of extremely questionable and one sided officiating. The NBA is back!

u/HeJind avatar

I've lost all respect sorry this is absolutely rigged for money... Or ratings in not sure which. I won't be silent . Just saw it live sry

u/rediraim avatar

Legendary tweet.

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u/soldaboy avatar

Sixers just lost a 1pt game when in the last 3 minutes alone

Bucks get a 3 off what should have been a travel

Sixers get an offensive foul on crowder flopping

Sixers get a shooting foul taken away for "marginal contact"

Giannis is saved from his 5th foul and still gets the pts on what should have been a charge

Dame gets the final fts on the same contact ad embiids "marginal contact"

The league was never letting "freak time" lose their home opener

The last foul for Embiid was a foul though. He literally jumps into Dames path. Agree for the rest tho. The refs let so many calls go the bucks way.

u/HeJind avatar

Yeah last call I really just think Nurse was hoping for some marginal contact magic lmao

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u/gandaalf avatar

The Miami Heat are the real MVP's for being stingy enough to allow us to get Dame. Thank you so much. Absolute stud

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u/NotMikeZ avatar

Refs rigged this game worse than video poker

I love my Sixers but Lillard has always been my favorite player. It was so fun watching him thrive in a new system.

Nothing changed for Lillard. He still has to carry the team on his back in clutch. This ended up being a nutty 4th quarter, quite a nice game.

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u/Panik_Switch avatar

Freak time in Cream City 🗣️🗣️🗣️

u/Christophersworkshop avatar

Giannis blows a layup and gets bailed out is insane to me

u/MasterTeacher123 avatar

Dame with the classic F you 3


That was some rough coaching by Nurse at the end. The terrible challenge to lose the last timeout on an obvious foul, insisting on Oubre guarding Dame the whole 4th when you have a very good defender in Melton etc. Just some weird choices

u/poopstick06 avatar

That exact amount of, if not more, contact was called "marginal" and overturned on two previous challenges. Normally it'd be dumb, but epic refball made it a reasonable shot in the dark

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u/dorkaxe avatar

I thought the change to a no-call was the right move. I can't stand how Giannis plays when he charges into everyone, but that time he was going to the side and barely even brushed Tucker. That's not a charge, that's just a guy falling down when he felt someone touch him.

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u/ComeAtMeYo avatar

The fix was in for sure


That game was a good reminder that DraftKings and FanDuel are sponsors of the NBA lol