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[–]moistbitch 9026 points9027 points  (135 children)

Strippers should be more popular at a divorce party than a wedding

[–]South-Tension7262 3989 points3990 points  (97 children)

Divorce parties should be popular

[–]pintopedro 971 points972 points  (39 children)

Thx. I'm going to try to throw all my friends a divorce party when it happens.

[–]ojitos1013 635 points636 points  (24 children)

WHEN it happens! 😂

[–]pintopedro 338 points339 points  (20 children)

Odds are at least 1 of them will disband their party

[–]otheracctsathrowaway 239 points240 points  (14 children)

50% of the time it works every time

[–]pintopedro 165 points166 points  (10 children)

How'd you know I only have 2 friends?

[–]otheracctsathrowaway 244 points245 points  (9 children)

You’re on Reddit

[–]pintopedro 112 points113 points  (3 children)

Good point

[–]Fancy-Paramedic5615 68 points69 points  (0 children)

This gave me a real good chuckle thank you lol

[–]LovelyBadDream 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Lmao! Great exchange -thank you! Edit: my bad! This is still funny 12 hrs later

[–]Smart_Wafer 40 points41 points  (2 children)

Where can I redeem my 2 friends

[–]pintopedro 28 points29 points  (1 child)

I heard there's 2 girls with 1 cup. If you bring them a second cup they might be your friend

[–]Abtun 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Damn this shoe is a little tight 😅

[–][deleted] 64 points65 points  (0 children)

I'm having a rough day, I juet ended a relationship of 7 years.

I'll be ok though, it wasn't my relationship.

[–]Just_Lurking2 19 points20 points  (1 child)

“I’ve been planning this for a while”

[–]taiya21 159 points160 points  (19 children)

I had a divorce party! No strippers, but it included a bonfire to burn the last of his stuff!

[–]tkeny1 109 points110 points  (9 children)

Went to a friends divorce party after another friend found his wife was cheating. He sold the wedding ring and spent all the money on a wild night on the town. Was one of the better nights I've ever had out.

[–]iHaveAFIlmDegree 50 points51 points  (3 children)

I would almost be willing to get married if divorce parties became a thing.

[–]PerfectlySplendid 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Just combine the bachelor and divorce party. That’s what some people do.

[–]Bleach_Demon 97 points98 points  (10 children)

I love this idea! Much more appropriate than getting a blow job or crotch grabbing some guy when you’re supposed to be committed. If both partners are cool with strippers AND the probability that more than just “looking” will happen, then fine. But when “friends” just surprise the bride or groom with shit like that, no. It’s an obnoxious surprise, IMO.

[–]LupinCANsing 19 points20 points  (2 children)

A girl I knew from school was engaged, but suddenly the wedding was called off (not sure why, I just saw on Facebook/Instagram that their Stag and Doe was called off). Later, I saw instead of a bachelorette party, her sister threw her a "Lemonade Party." They are both big Beyonce fans.

It was the coolest thing I'd seen that year! I imagine a lot of the bachelorette plans had been made, so instead of canceling, the former bride and her friends went out for a night of fun anyway and to celebrate getting rid of that guy.

I just thought it was such a great idea. They had cupcakes that said "Boy, Bye!" on them. Haha!

[–]MadChild2033aggressive toddler 1451 points1452 points  (62 children)

they see wedding as the end of their freedom and happiness

which kinda explains how most marriages are either unhappy or end with divorce

edit: chill folks, i don't give a shit about your marriage

[–]nursekitty22 103 points104 points  (0 children)

Hahaha I love your edit, if I knew how to give gold I’d give some to you

[–]Goddamnpassword 45 points46 points  (5 children)

50% of marriages end in divorce but not 50% of people who are married get divorced. People who get divorced tend to do it multiple times. First time marriages are about 40% get divorced second time jumps to 60% and the third jumps to 70%.

[–]missdarbusisaqueen 111 points112 points  (9 children)

BaD mArRiAgE fOr LiFe

[–]deadm1c3 164 points165 points  (8 children)

Shout out to Will and Jada Smith

[–]O_Poe 353 points354 points  (11 children)

I know someone that was the groom and the stripper took his cock out (in front of everybody) and rubbed it on her bare vagina. That is cheating and disgusting. I wouldn’t marry someone that would ever think that that’s okay.

[–]Chitownscience 215 points216 points  (0 children)

I'm sure herpes was a great wedding present...

[–]_Bananarchy 39 points40 points  (0 children)

maybe I'm vanilla as fuck but I can't imagine wanting this situation to happen even when single.

[–]Cauligoblin 178 points179 points  (5 children)

Here’s the thing, if the dude was shitfaced and didn’t stop her due to being like sort of shocked, that’s assault, not cheating

[–]thelastjeka 7 points8 points  (0 children)


[–]TlMEGH0ST 4339 points4340 points  (228 children)

Ok so… I used to dance and knew a lot of girls who did bachelor parties outside the club. I can understand the logic- last boys night out, whatever. I still love strippers and would probably want a joint bachelor/bachelorette party at a strip club tbh. BUT the girls who did parties… were mostly escorts. It is SUPER common for the “strippers” at bachelor parties to f*ck the bachelor. this is INSANE to me!! I know so many guys who do this and their buddies keep it a secret and everyone acts like it’s NBD, “one last hurrah”… I would cancel the wedding.

[–]StarkRavingNormal 1215 points1216 points  (83 children)

Every bachelor party I have been too that had a stripper come out to the party was an escort. I mean the sample size is three but a 100% will fuck you for money rate is pretty revealing.

Also none of the grooms fucked the stripper. At one the best man paid 100 bucks for a blowjob however but he was single and that was it.

[–]pargofan 602 points603 points  (57 children)

Every bachelor party I have been too that had a stripper come out to the party was an escort.

That's because there's no such thing as a "stripper" who goes to hotels. Like you couldn't get one even if you wanted to.

[–]Tough_Hawk_3867 273 points274 points  (26 children)

They go to frat houses though. Still can’t find one to go ice fishing with me 😿

[–]CanibalCows 28 points29 points  (3 children)

I understood that reference

[–]nuggsgames 5 points6 points  (2 children)

I did not. What was it?

[–]CanibalCows 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Some politician somewhere banned ice fishing stating that it would encourage prostitution.

[–]gtrocks555 64 points65 points  (11 children)

And still escorts

[–]thats-fucked_up 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You'd have to be a mayor or a governor or something.

[–]ur-squirrel-buddy 42 points43 points  (11 children)

I had a friend who was a “house call” type of stripper and she did not do sex work (apart from dancing naked lol).

[–]TlMEGH0ST 50 points51 points  (7 children)

Lol. I did a few bachelor parties… but it was just girl girl shows with my girlfriend at the time- no touching.

[–]AnandaPriestessLove 24 points25 points  (1 child)

I'm with you girl, boundaries are important. And entertainment is entertainment

[–]Actual_Guide_1039 101 points102 points  (8 children)

I hate to generalize but almost any time a stripper is working outside of a strip club they tend to double as an escort for the right price. Also small sample size though.

[–]AnandaPriestessLove 36 points37 points  (7 children)

I did tons of bachelor parties and never fucked the groom. I also never fucked married men as a dancer. I had my boundaries in that was that. However, I did catch a couple guys "hiding" their wedding rings in the bathroom. Those were shows I left after telling them that another girl would have stolen the wedding ring and they should be thankful for the woman they had at home.

[–]KayIslandDrunk 177 points178 points  (21 children)

This is shocking to me. I’m old enough now to where all my guy friends have been married at least once and we’ve had a bachelor party every wedding. Never once did anyone sleep with any of the strippers.

[–]TR8R2199 121 points122 points  (9 children)

My groups bachelor parties were always a fun activity during the day like go karting or paintball followed by heavy drinking and competitive video games like Mario kart or halo. Cuz that’s what we do for fun anyways so why would we start seeing strippers if we never do anyways. I hate going to the strip club, I hate the other people there, the whole vibe. We did that for our 19th birthdays, that was more than enough

[–]Zedekiah117 51 points52 points  (2 children)

My best man rented out a movie theater and hooked up an Xbox. We all got to play Halo, Zombies and a few other games. Then went out and had a nice steak dinner. Finished the night with a hot tub and bonfire in his backyard. I really enjoyed my bachelor party.

I’ve been to a few with strippers, nothing against it, just not for me personally.

[–]Poldark_Lite 20 points21 points  (0 children)

This sounds incredible! Can you imagine doing that at an IMAX planetarium, lying back and playing games across the ceiling? ♡ Granny

[–]Rowvan 17 points18 points  (2 children)

Yeah I have legit never heard of this happening ever, certaintly never happened with anyone I know. I'm sure it has but this thread is making it seem like every single man on earth who has seen a stripper has also fucked them.

[–]xafimrev2 10 points11 points  (0 children)

and then you remember most of Reddit is teenagers who don't know what they're talking about

[–]Bloodglas 30 points31 points  (2 children)

it's really telling how they want "one last night of fun" or w/e before they "get locked down." apparently dating or being engaged isn't "locked down" to them.

[–]Insane1rish 98 points99 points  (7 children)

I think having strippers is one thing. Fucking the strippers is a whole different thing.

[–]Simba-xiv 21 points22 points  (5 children)

This is it for me having a stripper male or female at your event isn’t the issue the fact your partner is completely willing to sleep with them and disregard their marriage is the issue. If they fucking the stripper now, it will be the work friend next 😂. You get the point

[–]ryantttt8 11 points12 points  (0 children)

One last hurrah as if they haven't been in a committed relationship for the past x years.. people act like it's their last night being single

[–]bitchperfect2 21 points22 points  (3 children)

I danced in a pg town. Bachelor parties were diverse. We weren’t allowed anything during working hours unless a lot of money was paid for otherwise (which I never experienced personally).

We had joint bachelor/bachelorette parties. Those were the most fun. My favorite customers were couples.

I do view intercourse as cheating. But the club does matter. And I’m my city where I worked, if you were a local you weren’t going there to get some you were going for “tradition”.

[–]WVWVWAVYWVWV 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Gosh, men have some seriously bad far sight and risk aversion.

If you sleep with an escort and all the attendees know it, it opens you up to black mail.

[–]socksandshots 101 points102 points  (3 children)

Yea... It's really strange - I'm getting married, time for strippers!

How the fuck is that where your minds at? Lol

[–]Lacielikesfire 1328 points1329 points  (77 children)

I agree.

I don't understand the whole concept of "last night of freedom" that people use for bachelor and bachelorette parties. You're not "free", you're still engaged. You're getting married. If you crave that freedom so much then why are you getting married?

EDIT: I will say that I get the idea of wanting to have a fun night out with friends before you get married, since a lot of newlywed couples like to take time to themselves after the wedding. But the whole "I'm a bachelor/ette tonight" thing is just weird.

[–][deleted] 369 points370 points  (29 children)

I'd rather have a LAN party with my buds with some food and beer over a bachelor party with a stripper.

[–]Qualified-Monkey 96 points97 points  (7 children)

A friend of mine’s bachelor party was getting drunk and playing dnd. Fun times.

[–]derdast 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Man if people would just hire a GM for my forever gm ass for a night instead of a stripper for my bachelor party I would be so happy.

[–][deleted] 73 points74 points  (4 children)

Well hang on, now. How good is the stripper at CSGO?

[–]HellOfAHeartI agree so I must be unpopular 21 points22 points  (0 children)

cant tell u that, but I can tell you the pros have some sheer fuckin dedication to their comps, so much so a party of strippers can't distract em from the win

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Oh you know, she can 360 no scope you

[–]general_rap 38 points39 points  (3 children)

Went to Vegas for a buddy's bachelor party; definitely rented out a section of a internet cafe (somehow this still exist) and played CS:GO and Halo CE for almost one entire day of the trip.

[–]LambKyle 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Lol seems a little silly to go to Vegas to do that

[–]SayNOto980PRO 27 points28 points  (3 children)

My fiancee is having hers at grand canyon hiking with her cousins and sister and im having mine with one or two close friends toasting to my late best friend, fuck the super alcoholic binge fest with cheating and debauchery im glad to put the party life well behind me

[–]Much_Leather_5923 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Sorry for your loss of your best friend.

[–]SayNOto980PRO 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Thanks, I appreciate that

[–]chunkyI0ver53 42 points43 points  (3 children)

I want to know how getting married gives you any less freedom than just being in a long term monogamous relationship anyway. Like dude, if you think getting married means you lose your freedom, you haven’t had any freedom since you started dating whoever you’re marrying.

Who the hell marries someone that doesn’t let them have any fun?

[–]BlandDandelion 8 points9 points  (0 children)

A lot of people get married because they’re expected to, it’s the norm. Long term relationship? Get married. I wish all the best to those couples who genuinely want to get married, but too many people just have it in the back of their mind as ‘welp, better marry ‘em’

Those are the people who complain about freedom, because they’re not typically invested in what marriage means. It’s just a thing we do now, rather than a significant ceremony to bind two people together

[–]-713 17 points18 points  (3 children)

I have had in my life a very odd circle of friends. I was dragged to a topless club for my bachelor's. Most of my friends know I really don't like that sort of scene. The others (who planned for a strip club) figured it out pretty quick. I just wanted some gin, maybe a few games of pool, and late night diner hash browns.

I got ambushed by a lap dance, which I endured to keep the peace and not be a dick to the girl. I then drained the bar of Bombay and quarters playing Area 51. The girl who gave me the dance gets some respect though and got a huge tip from me later, because she rounded up an extra roll of quarters for me. And also because she was the only one of the ladies there who wasn't looking to convince me to go into the private room.

I got home and my fiancee laughed her ass off at me. I wasn't nearly as drunk as I had wanted to be. I didn't get my hash browns. I was hugged and hung on by strangers ( including all of the dancers), which I really, really don't like. And I only managed to beat area 51 once. I was pissed.

She spent her bachelorette party swilling mid tier wine, high end gin, and doing drunk pottery with her bridesmaids.

And she got late night bacon and eggs.

Wedding was great though, my friends are just idiots and thought that strippers were a necessary tradition.

[–]PuddleOfHamster 90 points91 points  (1 child)

It's the same attitude that decorates the wedding cake with figurines of a bride dragging a groom by his feet.

[–]LostStart6521 37 points38 points  (6 children)

Exactly this. It's a weird excuse that some people use to open up doors that go against every ounce of trust and respect it takes to even reach the point of engagement. Like, why would it suddenly be okay to do something that would be considered cheating any other time? That'd be grounds for calling my wedding off.

[–]JasonStatesUs 362 points363 points  (29 children)

I don’t understand strip clubs in general.

Who pays to be sexually frustrated around their mates for a few hours? Never made sense to me, but to each their own, I guess.

[–]Cstanchfield 65 points66 points  (0 children)

This really should be the biggest takeaway from all of this.

[–]Golfchild69 111 points112 points  (3 children)

Real talk, like it’s so awkward. I went once and the stripper will start talking into your ear like, “you’re so sexy” and shit like that and the whole time I’m like. Get yo lying ass out of here haha. Just weird mixing business with pleasure. Like I know you’re not into me, you ain’t gotta fake it for this tip

[–]Romanticlibra 77 points78 points  (1 child)

Literally if the night before your wedding is you seeing it as a last night of freedom then maybe you shouldn't be marrying that person 👀

[–][deleted] 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Cheating depends on the rules of the relationship. That being said, I wouldn't marry someone who would hire a stripper for their bachelor/bachelorette party. My fiance and I would consider that a deal breaker.

[–]Chibaku_Tensei_ 68 points69 points  (0 children)

As a dude who’s taught and heavily surrounded by people who are in support of all that. I whole heartedly agree, I keep to myself but have always thought how WEIRD it is all because you still aren’t “married” as if you haven’t been doing things up until then to ensure loyalty and commitment

[–]risathekid 35 points36 points  (2 children)

As a man I agree with you. It is straight up cheating. I don't know what kind of shitty husbands do this.

[–]CDBaller 865 points866 points  (84 children)

These comments are why the divorce rate is 50%...

[–]Redqueenhypo 286 points287 points  (9 children)

“Every couple can decide for itself! And right now me and my dingus are a couple and we’ve decided to disregard Sheila and her no strippers rule!”

[–]doctorzaius6969 152 points153 points  (6 children)

Yeah because "A bunch of virgin Redditors decide what's okay in a marriage or not" is much better than letting the people decide on their own

[–]AlyBlue7 126 points127 points  (33 children)

Fun fact: the divorce rate is not 50% and has been steadily declining since the 90s.

[–]BlueFalcon89 17 points18 points  (0 children)

To add on to this, the divorce rate is bolstered by people with multiple marriages and divorces.

[–]AssertiveDude 94 points95 points  (28 children)

Yes, but also the number of people getting married? 📉

[–]AlyBlue7 127 points128 points  (25 children)

Both! And the one leads to the other. Divorce skyrocketed because no-fault divorce was letting people out of really shitty marriages they were trapped in when everyone was expected to be married. Now people are less likely to get into those shitty marriages in the first place (though of course it still happens) so they're getting divorced less.

[–]yesnoyeee 51 points52 points  (16 children)

You have to consider that the vast majority of Redditors have never been in a relationship, let alone gotten married.

[–]ooo-f 502 points503 points  (24 children)

As a former stripper, bachelor parties always made me feel so icky. So many of the guys who were married/about to be married would push boundaries with the dancers or try their hardest to get them to come home with them. It's one thing when married/engaged guys go out, lots of them either get one awkward dance or say "no thanks", but bachleor parties most of them were specifically on a mission to try and cheat with a stripper. It was so gross.

The only cool ones were when the bachelors and the bachelorettes would come in together and do a joint party, those were always a blast.

[–]Warm_Policy_5282 68 points69 points  (9 children)

Genuinely asking out of interest, not judgement. Why did you find the bachelor + bachelorette parties were more fun? What was different about them?

[–]blondenpink 131 points132 points  (6 children)

I can answer this, for myself, as I’m an ex-dancer too.

The joint parties were always more fun because the guys are generally more well-behaved around women they know and it’s just an all around better vibe. Knowing everyone’s on the same page and it’s not just dudes being shady just makes it easier. Plus I always loved getting some women in the club 👌🏼

[–]HMS_Sunlight 39 points40 points  (2 children)

As a lesbian, I'm looking forward to hiring some strippers with my future wife for our dual bachelorette party.

[–]sir-came-alot 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Not OC but guessing the men going have a different mindset instead of trying to be sleazy?

[–]sir-came-alot 41 points42 points  (5 children)

Do you think there's a sort of confirmation bias going on? E.g.

  1. The men who are icky are the ones throwing parties with strippers
  2. the men who aren't icky are generally throwing other forms of partiesor activities.

So it seems like every bachelor party you go to when working was icky

[–]blondenpink 25 points26 points  (0 children)

The ‘parties’ are usually with escorts, not strippers. If all you want are some dances, you go to the club. If you want extras, you order out.

[–]nobodyneedz2 73 points74 points  (2 children)

Having been a stripper, I concur. There’s a time, place and vibe for that and a bachelor/bachelorette party is simply not it (unless of course both ppl agree).

Too frequently has the groom acted sexually excited and told me things his fiancé would likely find painful to hear; too frequently have I seen trashed bachelorettes groping male models. It’s straight up disrespectful, let’s not normalize this behavior.

[–]thunder-bug- 4143 points4144 points  (406 children)

It’s only cheating if it’s crossing a boundary in the relationship. Not all relationships are the same.

[–]DumatRising 273 points274 points  (13 children)

True. Some couples go to strip clubs together it's hard to see that as cheating.

[–]lady_guard 65 points66 points  (3 children)

Good point. My best friend and her husband go to strip clubs together and frequently look for a third on Tinder, so strippers wouldn't have been weird at all for them. My significant other and I, on the other hand, are both insistent about no strippers at our future bachelor/bachelorette parties. I told him it's cool if he wants a stripper since I'm the only woman he's ever seen naked IRL, but he says it would be awkward and weird to watch, and that's incidentally what I think about watching strippers too. Different strokes for different folks. (No pun intended.)

[–]Cauligoblin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Honestly, my recommendation if your so’s lack of experience is a thing that makes you somewhat worried would be to go to the club together, that could be a sexy time

[–][deleted] 808 points809 points  (119 children)

Exactly you can't define what crossing a boundary is for any relationship but your own, so cheating is entirely based on what was discussed between a relationship before hand

[–]Cpt_plainguy 103 points104 points  (10 children)

Ya.. my wife and I have been known to go to a strip club together lol

[–]qwertyconsciousness 189 points190 points  (22 children)

Hence why it is defined as an opinion. Whether it is popular, or not, it is the topic of this discourse. As for me, I agree with both you and OP. Now excuse me while I grab my 🍿

[–]Bleach_Demon 63 points64 points  (16 children)

Imma grab my 🍿 as well. If both parters agree to it, then fine. I just think it’s a terrible way to surprise your friend, who is supposed to be committed. I’ve seen parties where the groom is actually not wanting it, and the friends are almost forcing them. Yes. I’ve seen plenty of these things because unfortunately I used to entertain at them.

[–]passthepepperplease 21 points22 points  (14 children)

As a stripper, what should be done if the stripper notices the groom doesn't want a lap dance but the party is forcing him into it. I know that the stripper "should" let him off the hook, but I've never heard of this happening... not like it's a frequent topic of discussion.

[–]Bleach_Demon 26 points27 points  (2 children)

I think these days they should stop, it could be considered sexual assault. I entertained like 25 years ago, and I never did that at all, but some girls will go the extra mile for the right amount of cash. It was back when HIV was a death sentence, so I just plain did not.

[–]Iwilleaturnuggetsuwu 67 points68 points  (0 children)

To be fair if it’s not crossing a relationship boundary, it’s also not deserving of judgement

[–]churchofnobody 37 points38 points  (5 children)

Yeah, my girlfriend told me if I didn’t go to a strip club in Vegas, that I was missing out. So I went and it sucked. She still laughs about it.

[–]MyFaceSaysItsSugar 52 points53 points  (0 children)

Yep. You talk it out as a couple and establish where the boundaries are. Preferably well before the engagement. It’s not cheating if you’re partner is aware and ok with it.

[–]Slash_rage 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Exactly this. If your partner is fine with it, it’s not cheating. If your partner is not okay, then it is. It’s as simple as that.

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Never understood this. If you feel like you need that before being “cuffed” to someone then maybe you don’t actually want to marry them?

[–][deleted] 334 points335 points  (35 children)

I absolutely hate when people say "it's because it's his last night of freedom". I'm sorry I didn't realize he's going to jail?

Getting married isn't losing your freedom, heck if he wasn't game for "losing his freedom" he shouldn't have proposed. It was his choice to pop the question.

Strippers and outrageous bachelor/ette parties are disgusting. Your supposed to celebrating the union.

[–]Lilp0is0n 15 points16 points  (1 child)

As if monogamy only starts at marriage? Are they not in a committed relationship beforehand?

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children)


[–]jayswaps[S] 117 points118 points  (9 children)

Exactly! Why is it being framed as "losing" something when it's meant to be about gaining something incredible for life? Seems awfully backwards.

[–]oodex 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It's not like anything changes from the 1 day of marriage. It's a believe and that's it (on a personal level). Or I guess in this case, a poor excuse to cheat.

[–]Dr_Fluffybuns2 632 points633 points  (70 children)

I agree that the entire point of a stripper is to turn you on. They're there to make you sexually excited. they'll get naked and grind on your lap until you get an erection. And what are you thinking about? How you want to fuck her. I think of both people in the relationship agree that's fine then whatever but using a Bach party as an excuse for one off time is weird. Like I wouldn't go to a restaurant and have a random woman do that and be okay with it. If I went to the club and started dancing and grinding with a non stripper girl on the dance floor while in a committed relationship that wouldn't be okay so why do we all act like it is on this occasion.

[–]themagicflutist 155 points156 points  (11 children)

I totally read that as “Bach” party, like Johann Sebastian Bach Party and my brain goes “how have I never heard of this thing!?”

[–]octopoddle 21 points22 points  (1 child)

What happens in Brandenburg stays in Brandenburg.

[–]ZaungastIce hockey > football 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Bach parties must have many variations

[–]mwagner1385 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Johann is such a badass. Party with him all the time!

[–]Thneed1 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Why isn’t that a thing? Sounds amazing!

[–]CrDub75 54 points55 points  (1 child)

User name does not check out.

[–]EyeOfTheCyclops 94 points95 points  (11 children)

Is this really unpopular? I know it’s a trope in media but it’s crazy to me that this would ever been seen as okay unless you have an open relationship

Edit: I’ve read the comments and it seems it is indeed unpopular

[–]headfaceperson 44 points45 points  (7 children)

So crazy to me that this stuff is not clearly infidelity to people. Have whatever boundaries you want with your partner, but sexual activity of any kind with someone else is infidelity.. your boundaries and agreements don't change the definition of a word. The question is whether you allow infidelity in your marriage.

[–]Easilycrazyhat 14 points15 points  (0 children)

your boundaries and agreements don't change the definition of a [word].

Not wrong, but the definition of infidelity is being unfaithful, which only happens if you break those boundaries or agreements. If no lines are being crossed, no one's being unfaithful and there's no infidelity.

[–]Aggravating-Key-4464 34 points35 points  (0 children)

I agree with this. I find it shocking what some people think isn’t technically “cheating,” so they justify their actions as, “I didn’t have sex, so it wasn’t cheating, right?”

There are lots of ways to utterly betray your partner without sexual intercourse. Couples really ought to discuss such things early in the relationship to make sure they’re on the same page. Unspoken rules aren’t usually enough.

[–]DogmanDOTjpg 35 points36 points  (4 children)

Yeah if you fuck someone else there's not going to be a wedding, I don't give a fuck about some stupid midlife crisis wannabe frat culture that people seem to want for their bachelor/bachelorette party. If you're older than 17 and doing that shit you're acting like a child.

You know what my dad did for his bachelor party? Went fishing.

[–]xiaovenreal 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Your dad sounds like someone I'd wanna be friends with honestly

[–]geek_of_nature 32 points33 points  (5 children)

From my experience as the bartender, people who have strippers at their bachelor/bachelorette parties are the type who would have cheated one day anyways. The sort of people who put on that cocky, "Yeah I'm getting hitched" type of attitude, but don't seen to actually live their partner.

On the other hand I've seen and heard about lots of bachelor and bachelorette parties which are just about the groom and bride having fun with their friends. Getting drunk, hanging out, etc. And those are the marriages that last.

[–]OldDJ 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Wait... people still do that??

[–]confusedpossum01824 12 points13 points  (0 children)

And let’s not forget the whole “one last night of freedom” thing.

If you see marriage as a prison or end of your freedom, don’t get married

[–][deleted] 22 points23 points  (1 child)

I actually didn’t get invited to my now brother-in-laws stag do for this very reason. He didn’t want me to see him cheat on my sister.

[–]ihih_reddit 157 points158 points  (9 children)

The fact that many consider this normal is bizarre to me.

Honestly! I never understood it myself

[–]thefullhalf 28 points29 points  (6 children)

It's the communication part I don't understand. Don't do it behind their back just discuss it with them. If that violates a boundary they have then go from there.

[–]ihih_reddit 29 points30 points  (5 children)

I mean, why do it in the first place? I guess if your partner is fine with it, I guess that's ok 😅

[–]Hatch10k 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yeah this. It has zero appeal to me whatsoever.

[–]LittleNoodle1991 995 points996 points  (106 children)

Guess what, each couple can decide for themselves where they draw the line when it comes to cheating. Isn't that great?

[–]ArcticGrapee 212 points213 points  (2 children)

This dude had strippers at his bachelorette party

[–]Nibz11 32 points33 points  (1 child)

Why did he have a bachelorette party? Is it because it had male strippers?

[–][deleted] 332 points333 points  (18 children)

It’s almost as if their opinion is unpopular

[–]TheInconspicuousBIG 79 points80 points  (4 children)

The post has to match the subreddit. The comments are a discussion of the post. Tf you want everyone in the comments to agree with the "unpopular" opinion? Do you want every comment to be a new unpopular opinion? Wtf do you want from the comment section lmao

[–][deleted] 27 points28 points  (3 children)


[–]_________________420 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Not unpopular opinion. Just another shitpost

[–]IamKingBeagle 83 points84 points  (7 children)

I thought OP got to decide for us?

[–]Le_Fingerblaster 38 points39 points  (6 children)

OP when will my father come back?

[–]grw313 133 points134 points  (3 children)

It depends on the relationship. Every relationship has different boundaries and rules. Some of them may allow for strippers. Some may not.

I do think it is silly the amount we normalize the bachelor/Bachelorette party as a place where it's okay to break the rules of the relationship because "it's the last night of freedom." The last night of freedom was the night before you became a monogamous couple, not the party. Stuff that would be a no-no during the rest of your relationship is still a no-no during the event (unless your spouse says otherwise).

[–]Annual_Blacksmith22 45 points46 points  (2 children)

If anyone orders a stripper to my bachelor party I’m leaving.

Hell. Tbh if anyone makes me a bachelor party I’m leaving. I’m happy to get married, I have no reason to go wild on my “last day as a free man”. I don’t need that shit.

Would just rather sit down with the close friends for a pizza and that’s it.

[–]carloscede2 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Would just rather sit down with the close friends for a pizza and that’s it.

This could be your bachelor party though. My buddy had a bachelor party and hit a bumch of craft breweries, then went to a steak house and ended up chillong with cigars and whisky. Nothing crazy or pushing boundaries

[–]Onetimehelper 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Bachelor parties are cringe, probably started off as some incel fantasy that became a cultural thing. If you're starting off a marriage by cheating, might as well prep for the divorce.

[–][deleted] 73 points74 points  (11 children)


I'm getting married this December. I'm not sure if I'll be able to have a party, but I totally agree on the stripper thing. I want my bachelor party as a LAN party with my buds. I love my fiance. I dedicate myself to her. If some people will pull out that stripper card thing, I'm walking out.

[–]SayNOto980PRO 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Same. I'm not even against open relationships or whatever, I just don't want one and neither does my fiancee. I don't have eyes for anyone else

[–]Soft_Way5085 16 points17 points  (0 children)

You are right about people. I am not a fan. I agree strippers are cheating . Many for a divorce party 🎉🎂

[–]owbun 15 points16 points  (0 children)

No shit. I thought this happened only in movies.

[–]Wonder_bread423 117 points118 points  (3 children)

I actually agree, and I’ve never understood why people do it either 🤷🏼‍♀️ but everyone’s relationship is different so I don’t judge.

[–]heretolose11 58 points59 points  (0 children)


Couldn't agree more.

Thank you

[–]Salpal777 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It’s not normal. It’s a setup. Just go fishing with the boys.

[–]haeleewin 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Totally agree. I found out years later that my ex husband went out to the strip club THE NIGHT BEFORE our wedding. If I would’ve known that then it would’ve saved me years of heart ache because he turned out to be a total cheater and creep.

People who have the “marriage is a trap” “stuck with one person forever” mentality aalways end up divorced. If they feel like being with that one person forever doesn’t sound good why the hell would they get married. There’s no such thing as “one last hoorah”, if they desire to be with other people before marriage they’re going to feel that way after.

[–]FinalEgg9 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I don't understand people who spend good money to sit with their mates and get boners together, but whatever, each to their own.

I also don't understand this "last night of freedom" nonsense. Being married isn't a prison, and if you're at the point where you're getting married, you've been with this person for a while... surely what's acceptable before marriage and what's acceptable after marriage doesn't change. Getting married doesn't change whether sexual interactions with other people are okay or not - they're either okay in your relationship, in which case there is no "last night of freedom", or they're not, in which case you don't have the "freedom" you're after anyway.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

A lot of these comments are just proving how common cheating is in American culture

[–]fuckmerunning9 19 points20 points  (4 children)

I agree. My best friend wanted strippers and wanted me to organize the party but he didn't make me best man. So no strippers for you.

[–]cherrychampagnetoast 129 points130 points  (16 children)

It is cheating to me. I talked to a guy about this before and I said you going to a strip club is the same as your wife making an only fans. They didn’t want their wife to make an only fans and let other men pay their gf/wife to been seen naked but they think its ok to give strippers aka Naked women who aren’t their wife money. They think its okay to have a wife on their fb page but be seen lusting and giving money from their home out of their childrens mouths to strange naked women. But that’s just how I see it some people are okay with it. That is until they got a toddler and a newborn stuck at home while their husbands are still looking at new shiny 18 y/os and giving them money.

[–][deleted] 40 points41 points  (2 children)

Yeah, it's cheating when you're dating and when you're married. I don't see why this is somehow even kind of okay at a bachelor or bachelorette party.

I was the best man at one of those parties recently, and we played mini golf, bought a ton of meat, had an art contest, and the groom-to-be shot the losing art pieces (that he judged) with a high powered rifle. It was something that he'd like, but it was also something he could talk about happily with his fiancee later. I think that's kind of the ideal situation. It shouldn't be a "last day of being single do this while you can", it should be friends sending their friend off to be married with a big party.

[–]Dhrakyn 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Eh, it's tasteless and trite, and honestly if you're marrying someone so unimaginative that they feel like doing this old worn out nonsense, you probably have bigger issues. But it isn't "cheating" unless there were clearly established relationship guidelines that were broken/crossed. If looking at other people is "cheating", make sure you communicate that to your significant other, because, as you so rightly assumed, it is not a common (popular) viewpoint.

[–]Bronze5yrsplus 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Are people just not getting this sub? I sit here on the phone app and see the vote counter going up then down then up. Don’t downvote if you disagree - it’s the point of this sub.

[–]jayswaps[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Some opinions are just far too disagreeable not to downvote apparently.

[–]Lifewhatacard 4 points5 points  (0 children)

My guy said he wasn’t into doing that way back before we married. And he didn’t. At least not all guys are that tone deaf.