top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]TVPaulD 7205 points7206 points  (581 children)

It’s really staggering that after years of this problem getting progressively worse and worse they still haven’t seemed to take any steps to improve their ability to use compression. This is simply obnoxious at this point.

[–]CruelMetatron 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Don't they also have all kinds of languages installed automatically or was that in the past/other games?

[–][deleted] 256 points257 points  (41 children)

That's because they hope more people choose to delete the other games and just play these ones all the time.

[–]HotTakes4HotCakes 199 points200 points  (7 children)

That would be unscrupulous and needlessly manipulative, but this is Activision, so yeah, that's probably it. Same company that straight up deleted the original Warcraft 3 off people's computers and accounts for the awful remake and will not restore it.

[–]Greenredfirefox1 21 points22 points  (2 children)

It's impossible though. Call of Duty isn't Activision's only franchise. If "not letting people download other games" were their true intentions they would be shooting themselves on the foot. It can also generate the opposite effect: Potential users not being willing to install Modern Warfare due to the huge file size.

Occam's Razor probably applies here: The most likely answer is that Activision simply doesn't want to spend the money nor time necessary to lower Call Of Duty's filesize.

[–]Obelion_ 65 points66 points  (6 children)

That would be 1000 iq move. Though I fear people will rather delete one game than 10 others

[–]DanielSophoran 54 points55 points  (3 children)

if those 10 others are singleplayer games then i can see them getting away with it. And a lot of the people who play CoD, strictly play CoD. There aren’t many if any other Multiplayer games they’re really invested in.

It probably works on a staggering amount of people. In fact you’d only need to look at the active PS4 playerbase to see on how many people it worked

[–]MrBanditFleshpound 21 points22 points  (1 child)

However, this would also be 0 iq.

Since their games might not even download fully later from lack of space on fully empty console hard drive

[–]shoegazeweedbed 35 points36 points  (13 children)

At this point you have to wonder if there's something actively preventing them from doing it in the way the game is made (though I will admit here I'm completely ignorant of coding practices).

Say what you want about companies like Activision, but they are primarily $$$-focused. They are going to do what they can to cater to a huge playerbase and NOT shut them out of the ability to buy a game unless the numbers they run suggest it's the most cost-effective way... which suggests to me they're modeling a fairly massive hit just to optimize whatever they need to optimize.

[–]cvl37 1416 points1417 points  (73 children)

Reeks of bad design and complacency caused by the butt load of money it brings in regardless. I might be in the minority but I'd at least try CoD if I didn't have to make it one of the only games I can play on my system..

[–]nm1043 320 points321 points  (32 children)

Unlike the other response, I'm firmly in the boat of "I already bought one drive and have plenty of games that I love to jump in for a bit and would hate to reinstall every time.", So why would I keep spending money to be able to play a shooter that keeps pandering and not really putting in the effort

[–]Fumbles93 176 points177 points  (24 children)

You would have to really convince me to buy CoD nowadays. I heard good things about the new MW so I took a leap of faith after not buying any of them for yrs and yrs. I had fun with it because it was actually decent and I had fun. Now I hardly touch it. It seems every time I open the damn game there's 30GB+ updates out the wazoo, and I already have a 4TB external drive that's slowly but surely losing more and more space. You'd think in 2021 they'd have solved the storage problem, but nope. They haven't.

[–]Volraith 49 points50 points  (8 children)

Got an external as a gift last year (PS4) otherwise there would be no COD on my machine. WWII was given to us free for ps plus so I play that occasionally.

MW is being sabotaged because they want us to buy cold war (not happening) and I very rarely play warzone. They act like people won't delete these games 🤣.

[–]Fumbles93 32 points33 points  (3 children)

Yeah CW seems cool, I heard the campaign is good... But like.. Why all this crazy push on MW to now pay another 60+ for CW - just let MW be MW and CW be CW.. Idk, I'm not even a big Cod fan like that

[–]StNowhere 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Not to mention MW and CW are very different games. CW is much faster and more arcade-y.

Trying to go from CW multiplayer to Warzone (which still uses the MW engine) is jarring and takes a long time to adjust.

[–]9_Sagittarii 7 points8 points  (3 children)

I feel like the storage problem is slowly being solved in a sense but instead of making games smaller, drives just get bigger and cheaper.

[–]Demarinshi01 66 points67 points  (32 children)

That’s the one major reason I got an external hard drive for the Xbox, before getting MW. I play a bunch of games, I was not about to have just MW to play.

[–]ThePlumThief 82 points83 points  (31 children)

So now you buy the game + dlc for 80, season pass for 20, xbox live for 20/mo, an external drive for 70, and the occasional 5 dollar loot box to avoid an annoying grind.

This is fine.

[–]Reposer 17 points18 points  (2 children)

Keep in mind guys, they removed loot boxes from the newer games - at least with MW (haven't played Cold War yet). Nor was there a season pass/DLC. There are still micro transactions for skins and stuff, but nothing that affects the actual gameplay directly.

While there are still legit complaints and annoyances with their model, they've done exactly what people wanted with MW 2019.

No loot boxes, cross play, everything that affects gameplay is free, you only spend extra if you want skins.

[–]Demarinshi01 36 points37 points  (16 children)

It boggles my mind with the micro transactions. Not only do people buy the game, but now the season pass and the loot box. The only thing I’ve bought on MW, was the remastered campaign for for MW2. I have yet to buy any loot or battle pass. Thankfully, I didn’t even pay full price for the game (I got it last summer) while it was on sale. The whole CoD franchise is nothing but money hungry micro transactions and mediocre gameplay.

I refuse to get CW, because of the size. I refuse to get any more CoD games until they are done with the micro transactions. The only thing I’ll get of CoD, is if they remastered the campaign modes of previous games. And the most I’ll pay is $20 for those. I’d rather spend my money on past games before the micro transactions became a main selling point.

[–]Reposer 23 points24 points  (8 children)

Keep in mind guys, they removed loot boxes from the newer games - at least with MW (haven't played Cold War yet).

Like they're legit complaints for the most part, but MW didn't have loot boxes at all.

[–]BloodyBeaks 5 points6 points  (3 children)

Is the season pass not already the DLC? They've been basically the same thing in almost every game I've played, with the few exceptions being cosmetics that I don't care about.

[–]i_kick_hippies 926 points927 points  (67 children)

They should just sell games on plug-and-play hard drives. Like, you open the front of the machine, stick in your CoD hard drive, and the game plays without installing. Each game gets it's own hard drive... or "cartridge", if you will... naah, that would never work.

[–]Kaldricus 723 points724 points  (17 children)

Holy shit we're gonna end up full circle, aren't we?

[–]arkamasylum 153 points154 points  (1 child)

All the way back to floppy disks

[–]oarngebean 6 points7 points  (0 children)

No I want to have to hook up tape reels to my console

[–]Coolest_Breezy 96 points97 points  (5 children)

Oh my god 200GB Cartridges.

Do we have to blow in them??

[–]Kaldricus 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Obviously, just to be safe

[–]MogwaiInjustice 31 points32 points  (7 children)

We already have and it's called the Nintendo Switch.

[–][deleted] 32 points33 points  (6 children)

Well, to be fair, Nintendo handhelds have always used cartridges, for every generation since the Gameboy.

[–]skippyfa 173 points174 points  (29 children)

That's fine but games are now $99.99

[–]StNowhere 147 points148 points  (8 children)

We're not far off from that now...

[–]uberduger 69 points70 points  (1 child)

And they'd still have microtransactions because the HDD would eat into their profit margins far too much lol.

[–]FEEZYdoesIT 25 points26 points  (0 children)

You're going to light up the eyes of a bunch of people at GameStop

[–]Upstagebuffalo 21 points22 points  (0 children)

I've been saying this for the last couple years! With game sizes increasing and flash storage prices dropping we could see the return of cartridges for consoles instead of disc's for the main series consoles

[–]tohkez 20 points21 points  (0 children)

hahahah NEVER

[–]Gremliner00 1632 points1633 points  (113 children)

This is getting really stupid. No game has any right to be this poorly optimized and piss poorly compressed, especially a multiplayer focused game. Can't wait to see them break the record when they ditch the last gen systems and focus on the current gen.

[–][deleted] 418 points419 points  (54 children)

I'd say they've proven it has a right so long as people continue to buy it. It's not enough of a pain point for a large enough amount of people that they fix it.

[–]Gremliner00 364 points365 points  (49 children)

I've read a comment somewhere that said "Call of Duty, as broken as it is currently, is too big to fail", because most of the audience who buys the games aren't active on forums or complaining about the issues.

[–]running_toilet_bowl 268 points269 points  (21 children)

Same reason why EA Sports is still one of the highest grossing game studios ever.

[–]LimberGravy 113 points114 points  (19 children)

That still makes more sense to me as you don't have a bunch of other options out there for sports titles

[–]Feschit 62 points63 points  (8 children)

Back in the day I always thought PES was better than FIFA but no one wanted to play that because they were missing a lot of licenses for the teams.

[–]ICritMyPants 55 points56 points  (6 children)

Back in the day I always thought PES was better than FIFA

It absolutely was until the 360/PS3 era and Konami fucked up.

[–]MegamanX195 10 points11 points  (1 child)

PES 2014 was catastrophically bad but the new era that started with PES 2015 features the best in-game gameplay that a football game has to date. A shame that everything else ranges from poor to pretty bad, like features and menus, ever since PES 2015 and it has stagnated in everything that's not the actual matches.

[–]Feschit 13 points14 points  (1 child)

That's around the time where I stopped buying sports games.

[–][deleted] 71 points72 points  (11 children)

That's because to most of the audience the issues aren't really issues.

EDIT: I really don't get what is so hard to understand about this, but people repeat this mistake over and over on gaming subs. If you are posting here, you are a hardcore gamer. Things that seem super important to you do not even register to the average user.

[–]Tidusx145 39 points40 points  (2 children)

To be fair my casual gamer friend constantly complains about having no harddrive space after installing call of duty. I have a feeling a lot of people notice this one. Otherwise yeah a lot of problems folks on here complain about do not match up with the mainstream experience.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I'm not saying they don't even notice it. I'm just saying they don't care that much.

[–]Rayuzx 8 points9 points  (0 children)

That's the big point I think people miss, all my oldest brother does in terms of gaming is play NBA 2K, Warzone, and maybe Fortnite if his friends ask him to. I could talk to him all day on my he's a "cancer to the industry" (/s) and how he should dump his Xbox for a PC and play all of /r/game's favorite titles, but I honestly don't he cares one bit about these kind of things nor do I think any less of him for not caring because he has different priorities in life.

[–]SilverKnight10 13 points14 points  (1 child)

r/games refuses to believe they do not represent the majority of gamers, and couple that with some people who can’t fathom that someone else might have different priorities and opinions than them, then you get people who think that because they personally don’t like something, no one else must like it either. r/games might be the most vocal group in the gaming sphere, but it’s not even close to the largest.

[–]stamatt45 26 points27 points  (2 children)

This is why boycotts in gaming generally don't work. Only a small fraction of the playerbase is active in online communities. We're the vocal minority

[–]SpiderZiggs 39 points40 points  (1 child)

"Call of Duty, as broken as it is currently, is too big to fail"

I don't think those people understand what too big to fail means.

[–]brendan87na 23 points24 points  (2 children)

COD is a money printing machine... until that printer stops they have no reason to change

[–]Endda 56 points57 points  (5 children)

that's going to be close to half a Comcast customer's allotment of data for the entire month, too

[–]SloMobiusBro 79 points80 points  (2 children)

The fact that comcast has data caps is scarier than all of this. Comcast is the scummiest fucking company, theres not many corporations i hate more

[–]CaptainBritish 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Comcast's data cap is a terabyte? Jesus, I go through at least two-three TB of data a month these days.

[–]beethy 33 points34 points  (19 children)

poorly optimized and piss poorly compressed

Technically you're correct. But the game is as massive as it is, ironically, because of those slow hard drives in older consoles and PCs without SSDs.

Every modern CoD game duplicates assets multiple times, this is to minimize the amount of 'travel' of the magnetic head.

Imagine Asset A is on one side and Asset B is on the opposite side of the physical drive. Traditionally, the head would have to move back and forth whenever it needs to load that particular asset.

So what CoD devs do is place asset X close to asset A B C etc. Asset X can be anything, from terrain textures, vehicles, player models.. sounds.

This is then duplicated many many times within the same game.

The reason I'm saying all this is because they cannot make the game smaller without introducing pauses.

This data duplication 'solution' won't go away until older consoles are 100% phased out. This also means that having a m2 SSD on a PC will be a minimum requirement for those games.

[–]thegreaterikku[🍰] 11 points12 points  (5 children)

To add to this, it's not even just a question of console being phased out... it's question that even PC games are done using the lowest denominator and until the PS5, even "gaming" rigs suffered from being not optimized. When you know how fast an NVMe should operate and how it does in the real world, it's puzzling but it's also normal when you know games are coded not for SSD but for 5400 RPM drives.

The greatest thing the PS5 will do, as a computer, is finally breaking the chains holding SSD, NVMe on PC and building motherboards and components that will use those I/O properly.

[–]beethy 7 points8 points  (3 children)

Unfortunately for last gen consoles, the release of Cyberpunk 2077 highlighted this.

The game simply wasn't designed for slow hard drives. I'm not sure how or if they'll ever be able to fix those low LoD pop in issues. The drive just can't keep up.

On my PC however. Everything loads in a snap. If I reload a save or fast travel, it takes less than 2 seconds. It's nuts.

[–]thelastsandwich 376 points377 points  (50 children)

PlayStation 5 825GB

Xbox Series X 1TB

xbox series s 512GB

how long will Internal Storage last when next gen games get bigger and bigger

[–]Jdmaki1996 181 points182 points  (14 children)

Next gen games shouldn’t be this big. Hitman 2 on PS4 takes up 125 gbs. Hitman 3 on ps5 takes up 60gbs. Hitman 3 includes the entirety of hitman 2’s content. The problem with file sizes is that in order for the hard drive to load everything quickly, you needed a lot of redundancy in game assets. Every gun, npc, outfit, etc had to be duplicated for every single map or level on the game. But with solid states being standard in the new generation, there is no need for the redundant files and games should get smaller

[–]Katana314 64 points65 points  (1 child)

Hitman 3 on Xbox one and PS4 is also reduced in size, actually.

[–]wiiman9999 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Yep, iOi had talked about some of the stuff they did to reduce space and optimize, It’s fascinating stuff.

[–]Winter_wrath 23 points24 points  (5 children)

Also, uncompressed audio and video should no longer be needed since the consoles are powerful enough to decompress files on the fly?

[–]Skylight90 70 points71 points  (11 children)

It's actually even worse since storage size is always sort of falsely advertized (1000000000000 bytes is 931.32GB, but they'll call it 1 TB), plus a portion of that storage is reserved by the system. So the actual free space for games is as follows:

PlayStation 5 - 667 GB

Xbox Series X - 802 GB

Xbox Series S - 364 GB

So, unless they already use a different compression method for the current-gen, it means it also can't fit on Series S.

[–][deleted] 30 points31 points  (6 children)

the reason is because there is a difference between GB and GiB. most sizes seem to be in GB, as thats what humans like to use (its base 10), but then windows (and im just goona assume ps and xb as well) displays it in GiB (although still calls it GB), as thats what computers use (it uses base 2)

1TB is 1000GB, which is aproximatly 931GiB. 1024GiB is 1TiB

[–]nelisan 5 points6 points  (1 child)

After reading the article, the issue doesn’t seem to be that the files being installed (for the 3 games combined) are larger than the PS4 HDD - they are actually around 200GB or less. It’s that PS4 (and PS5) won’t let you download the 17GB update unless you have over 100GB of free space. I’m not sure if Xbox consoles have that same issue or not.

[–]Pizza_Is_Everything 220 points221 points  (24 children)

Activision really know how to ruin a good thing. Modern Warfare was a return to form and brought me back to the series after a few years away and has been a godsend for playing with friends during lockdown.

Yet Warzone and in particular Cold War have seen all that goodwill dissapear. Modern Warfare is now a complete afterthought even though I'm launching a Modern Warefare disc, it is the very last thing you can select on the main menu screen. The multiplayer menus are stuffed with as much Black ops and Warzone advertising as possible, with the battlepass displayed in MW having no actual content for MW. Content for MW's dried up and the patches that do come out break the game in entirely new ways.

[–]thelastsandwich 120 points121 points  (4 children)

Content for MW's dried up

they want you to buy the new game every year

[–]EarthVSFlyingSaucers 11 points12 points  (2 children)

I have a friend who plays warzone every single night for a few hours and owns both MW and Cold War. He is a VERY big COD fan and he generally knows and enjoys every single one and will play them all year, warts and all. He was telling me at work the other day he is uninstalling all of it and jumping over to Valorant/Apex. His words were “It’s just not the same, Cold War was such a huge let down and it’s bled over into Warzone.”

I can’t imagine he’s alone in this scenario. Granted I bought Cold War but I’ve got about three hours total played on it until I realized it’s just not for me. It was such a huge step back from MW2019 and now that CoD has so many competitors, any time I loaded it up I realized I’d rather be spending my time playing another FPS.

[–]jwilphl 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Modern Warfare was the first Call of Duty game I had played since Modern Warfare 2. Since then, I had enjoyed Battlefield 3 and 4 more. However, playing MW got me back into the series, and then Cold War comes out and is a huge step down in terms of sophistication and development.

It probably satisfies a lot of long-term COD shooter fans, maybe those more willing to overlook its shortcomings. And I understand Activision has shareholders so they won't abandon the once-a-year release schedule, thereby abandoning their game that still has plenty of life. However, I think they'd do well to find a middle ground, because the quality loss on Cold War makes me realize why I got away from COD in the first place.

[–]Demarinshi01 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Yeah I’m not happy about the CW and WZ guns all in 1 place. Using both only for WZ. Why would I want Cold War guns, if I’m not buying Cold War? The battle pass is a joke. The whole WW having a different leveling system then CW is a joke.

If it wasn’t for my brother and I playing WZ together every once in a while, I’d delete the WZ.

[–]MrTopHatMan90 20 points21 points  (0 children)

50GB is standard 100GB is a massive experience and anything 200GB+ just reeks of insanity. Compress your damn files

[–]mirracz 120 points121 points  (18 children)

This is ridiculous. I get that they want the game to look as good and sound as good as possible. But I'm sure many gamers would welcome the option to use and install only lower quality textures/audio in order to save some space...

[–][deleted] 201 points202 points  (4 children)

Absolutely nothing about this game warrants the install size.

[–]VeryWeaponizedJerk 103 points104 points  (10 children)

This has nothing to do with graphical fidelity, this is 100% gross incompetence and/or neglect.

[–]leoo88556 41 points42 points  (8 children)

It has become a joke at this point. This is just really unprofessional. You're making a game that can't even be installed on people's machines... Like what the hell are you guys even doing?

[–]TooBadMyBallsItch 292 points293 points  (38 children)

Conspiracy theory time: these games take up so much space on purpose. Can't play other games if you don't have space to install them.

[–]BlitzWing1985 128 points129 points  (4 children)

jokes on them I uninstalled warzone because I simply ran out of space. My "gaming" SSD (or rather my old pc's boot drive) was fine a year ago but WZ and CW have ballooned so much that unless I just turn it into a dedicated CoD drive there is just no way I can update these games.

I'm not even really interested in the next title because It's just going to keep creeping up in install size.

[–]rusable2 20 points21 points  (2 children)

The problem is 1 out of 10000 people do what you did so it doesn't matter ultimately to them and they're not going to bother fixing it

[–]oPx9 22 points23 points  (1 child)

i hope they let us delete warzone too so i can play MW without having to fucking download files for cold war and WZ!

[–]mattfow232 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It’s ridiculous that they say warzone is required to play any other MW mode. You’re forced to download over 100gb if you want to play the campaign. Thankfully the only required part of Cold War is the “base game” which doesn’t force anything you don’t want.

[–]Vesmic 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Sony should cap it. Zero reason to let a developer just be lazy and release a 750gb game because they can’t be bothered to optimize. This should cost activision sales and the ability to sell their game.

[–]Ruraraid 9 points10 points  (2 children)

The fault is on them really for not managing the size of the game properly.

  • Compress the files properly to reduce their size because the game uses so much uncompressed audio.

  • Allow people to choose the language files so that the files for other languages aren't downloaded. You'd be amazed how much space language files can take up.

  • Make 4k textures optional DLC because these can take up a lot of hardrive space and not everyone is interested in them.

[–]Zeus_aegiochos 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Sounds like an Activision problem, not mine. If my standard PS4 can't fit their games, then I'll play other and better games. I'm not gonna have their recycled franchise hold my console's hard drive hostage.

[–]bedlamingoliath 115 points116 points  (14 children)

I was hugely pissed when COD Modern Warfare - the game praised for it's great singleplayer - didn't have the fucking singleplayer campaign on the disc and required a fucking massive download just to play the damn game.

It did come with Warzone whatever the fuck that is that I couldn't get rid of and also took up a huge amount of storage space.

I know I'm old, and most people buy these games for the online multiplayer, but when a game is praised for it's singleplayer I don't think it's a huge ask to have the fucking singleplayer component on the disc so I don't have to wait days to download and play it.

You can always play offline singleplayer, so that should be on the disc. Updates aren't required, I don't care if there's a bug, just let me play now. I can get a few hours in the campaign while any bug fix updates download and then there's no interruption in my enjoyment.

You always need an update to play multiplayer - so that should be a download.

It's completely backwards. It's just a fuckhead move by activision.

[–]Dickastigmatism 41 points42 points  (6 children)

Warzone takes up a huge amount of storage space because it is Modern Warfare 2019, they just changed the name. It's where all the assets are and singleplayer, multiplayer and coop wouldn't work without it.

That being said, yes, they've made it very confusing and backwards.

[–]holycowrap 8 points9 points  (0 children)

yep I rented MW from Redbox and had to wait an entire day to play the campaign cause it had to download 2 separate 50 GB updates. Absolutely ridiculous

[–]igotyixinged 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I was so excited to play it when I got it the other day, it was a bummer to find out that I’d have to wait the next day to play it because of the downloads. Personally I don’t have too much of a problem with it but I wish the campaign was a bit longer and had a co-op option with it.

[–]SkrallTheRoamer 10 points11 points  (0 children)

activision warns?! these fuckers should be warned by Sony and Microsoft that if they dont decrease their bloated game it wont be sold on these systems anymore.

[–]Adeyotol 27 points28 points  (5 children)

I remember being young and having the 4gb Xbox S and Dice pushing so many updates to Battlefield 3 that it no longer fit on my Xbox. It was my only game so I was devastated. I emailed dice and they sent me a 250gb hard drive for my Xbox and a 1 year prepaid card for Xbox Live.

Point of the story is Battlefield will always be better than COD simply because BF has better developers.

[–]jozhster 6 points7 points  (1 child)

If that’s true that’s genuinely sweet

[–]shoegazeweedbed 135 points136 points  (29 children)

So they sold something to PS4 players and rendered it inoperable?

I don't care who you are or what you're selling... that's fucked up

edit: especially in the case of BOCW. That shit just came out. At least put it on the label front and center: IF YOU OWN A PS4, THIS SHIT MIGHT NOT WORK IN A COUPLE MONTHS

As someone who comes from a generation where consoles didn't even have internet connections to run updates, this will seriously make me question future purchases/subscriptions from Activision brands. Including questioning my excitement about BC Classic and Diablo II. Which is a pretty big bummer to start the morning.

[–]ZeroShift_ 103 points104 points  (19 children)

Dont forget how they sold people Modern Warfare then completely rebranded it to Warzone, the F2P mode, instead of keeping them separate, then changed the menu’s screen to have giant “ads” of Cold War when it was released.

[–][deleted] 71 points72 points  (0 children)

On my PS4 dashboard Cold War and Modern Warfare both have the same icon, Modern Warfare just has a tiny torn off corner with the letters MW as if it's a New Funky Mode.

[–]ButtPirateer 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I recently downloaded Modern Warfare again for the multiplayer and I can't believe how hard they advertise Warzone and Cold War. It feels like Modern Warfare doesn't even exist anymore.

[–]shoegazeweedbed 17 points18 points  (0 children)

That's dirty man. There's obviously something keeping them from being able to optimize it, since most companies would rather cut their left foot off than alienate a huge playerbase in the number of stock PS4 owners who can no longer buy and continually generate revenue from the game. But even then.

I don't get worked up too much about game shit but as a launch WoW player, fuck Activision hard.

[–]CyraxPT 23 points24 points  (3 children)

I'm confused, why inoperable? Do you require to have the 3 games installed to unlock something (like the hitman games)?

[–]TheRealBissy 13 points14 points  (3 children)

This is messed up. How is that Sony can get their first-party games to reduce their file size, yet Activision won’t with their games? They probably can do it, but are aren’t willing to do it.

[–]ProNewbie 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Certainly doesn’t help that the PS4 reserves seemingly random amounts of space as “Other” for no reason and doesn’t tell me what it’s for or let me figure it out or delete that used space. I had 120GB of “Other” reserved space at one point that I couldn’t touch and I had no downloads going or waiting to be downloaded. Just a huge unusable block of space that magically dropped down to 6GB one day after not changing anything.

[–]Geist002 6 points7 points  (1 child)

How about activison learn how to really program and optimize games, everyone seems to have no issues with that.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Maybe stop forcing MW owners to install Warzone. Fucking assholes. I legit only want to play the multiplayer and I have to deal with having a bunch of extra crap installed on my PC over it

[–]wheredabridge 36 points37 points  (3 children)

Could this just be done to make sure COD is the only option you have to play? These companies try anything to keep you hooked, maybe this is one of their stupid ideas.

[–]Possibly_English_Guy 27 points28 points  (0 children)

It'd be foolish to deny it as a possibility.

GAAS are following the MMO route of incentivising playing one to the exclusion of everything else and they all have their tactics of how to do that. Literally forcing people to delete everything else off their drive would be a dirty tactic but it also carries a lot of risk cause a lot of players could just opt to delete CoD instead after getting sick of Activisions shit.

[–]bookoocash 31 points32 points  (24 children)

Can anyone explain to me why I have to download a 50+ gb file of a game onto my system even though I bought the physical disc. Why can’t they just read the game from the disc and be done with it? Man I miss the old days.

[–]Dinkadactyl 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Because loading assets off of an optical drive is much, much, MUCH slower then off of a hard drive and much, much, much, much, much, MUCH, MMUUCCHH slower off of a solid state drive.

The wait times for people with it installed on their systems would be problematic.

Still, this is no excuse for what’s happening.

[–]KakariBlue 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I haven't seen a game run off optical in years, they all install from disc to console and then the disc functions as a 'license check'. And this is just single player as multi-player typically requires the latest patch so no concerns about slowing down a match-making system.