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[–]SyriusTank 636 points637 points  (51 children)

Has anyone heard on the status of Moderna? I couldn't find any estimates on approval.

[–]ApatheticAbsurdist 359 points360 points  (3 children)

As best I’ve heard: Soon.

[–]loljetfuel 207 points208 points  (20 children)

Moderna submitted after Pfizer, so I wouldn't expect to see anything for at least a couple of weeks. There were also some reports of (very rare) severe side effects -- that might extend the review period some as they'll want more data to ensure they really are rare and/or that there's some way to identify who would be at high risk of those effects so they could avoid the risk.

My guess is anywhere from 2-8 weeks unless something changes.

[–]Clintyn 76 points77 points  (8 children)

The govt is looking into reports that it can have an extra increased chance of myocarditis in young adults, I’d guess it won’t be approved until that is cleared up

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Myocarditis on it's own is a fairly common and benign side effect for most things in immunology. It'd be more worrisome if there was a significant number of examples where myocarditis led to more severe or chronic issues like shortness of breath.

I don't work for the FDA so I don't want to speak on how this might effect approval, but from a medical standpoint myocarditis should not be a side effect that causes any anxiety. It's a side effect of practically every vaccination.

As for the anti-vax people that are worried about this; have you ever taken a heartburn medication, allergy medication, or anti-biotics? All of these have a higher probability of causing myocarditis than this vaccination.

[–]NiTROACTiVE 14 points15 points  (7 children)

I got my first dose of Moderna just last Friday. I sure hope I turn out OK.

[–]naeskivvies 39 points40 points  (0 children)

It protects against covid, not pre-existing conditions

[–]dionisus26 14 points15 points  (0 children)

You will be fine. Even the rare cases of myocarditis are treatable with medication, usually at home after being diagnosed and leave no traces after that. Even rarer cases may need hospitalisation but this is truly rare.

[–]FourandTwoAheadofMe 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Your fucked!!!! No just kidding, your fine moderna is just as safe as the rest, reactions happen with any injections of anything and as time goes on with more doses given to see how prevalent those reactions take hold. It is already proven safer than most over the counter drugs, like Tylenol which causes massive organ failure if used too much like it often is.

[–][deleted] 487 points488 points  (173 children)

Oh, now I get why Canadian antivaxxers are saying there was "no approval" for the vaccine. They were following the FDA process, which doesn't matter in Canada.

[–]CrazyCanuckUncleBuck 177 points178 points  (154 children)

We have a 10 year approval process from Health Canada for vaccines here, those anti-vaxxers going to be throwing shade for an idiotic amount of time.

[–][deleted]  (27 children)


    [–]SometimesFalter 9 points10 points  (11 children)

    It all boils down to linearity. If there are health effects from taking the vaccine, the effect is generally believed to be linear. I can't spread my horrible side effects to you or anybody else, if I do it's DNA over a 20 year period. On the other hand, with this virus now each person without protection is believed to infect 8 other people and each of those 8 people are expected to infect 8 more people over a period of two days. It's nonlinear and science gets really weird and our systems break when things are nonlinear. There had to be people to take the vaccine and those who don't, its a classic freerider problem.

    [–]alexius339 10 points11 points  (2 children)

    Out of curiosity - can I have a link to vaccines needing 10 years in Canada?

    I want to point out that 10 years for a vaccine is pointless in the grand scheme of things, because "long term side effects" historically have shown up under 2 months after inoculation. source

    This is pretty common knowledge by now after all the discourse on the topic. If people still want to doubt the vaccine, you bet I will call them an anti-vax conspiracy theorist.

    We also have put the vaccine through rigorous testing as it is, you act like it's completely untested and we're using the general population as guinea pigs. These vaccines went through many safety tests, including double blind studies. And a year and a bits worth of data has already been collected.

    [–]mingy 38 points39 points  (6 children)

    They are fully approved in Canada. We have a different approval process and the US has a difficult approval process (drugs approve in the US must have their testing done in the US, this is not the case in Canada.

    [–]mason_savoy71 39 points40 points  (3 children)

    This is not true. FDA can and does approve drugs where the trials were conducted in other countries. In many cases it would otherwise be impossible (eg one cannot test the efficacy of a Dengue vaccine in a country without Dengue) but beyond this, FDA regularly accepts international data, sometimes as the only data. It's far from rare.

    Edit corrected FAD/FDA auto(in)correct

    [–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

    I work in clinical trials. Most clinical trials are conducted in multiple areas of the world. Most often North America and Europe. Then Asia is pretty common. China and Japan are less common for various reasons. South America is less common as well. Africa is almost never included.

    [–]AnAncientMonk 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Doesnt matter. Theyre not going acknowledge it after the approval anyways. Theyre just using this as an argument to not seem as crazy while they still can.

    [–]FeFiFoShizzle 9 points10 points  (0 children)

    Well it was only emergency approved here too. (And technically still is.. shhh tho, it's coming)

    [–]n8bitgaming 911 points912 points  (100 children)

    I can already hear the goalposts moving

    [–]moldyhands 317 points318 points  (62 children)

    We’re about to start hearing how much of a rush job this was and all about the “illegal” pressure to approve it from the Biden administration.

    [–]rawrette 122 points123 points  (57 children)

    And how the FDA and WHO are both corrupted..

    [–][deleted]  (28 children)


      [–]sulleynz1989 6 points7 points  (0 children)

      All they'd need to do is NOT give us a vaccine if they wanted us all to die 🙄

      [–]rawrette 62 points63 points  (5 children)

      I think there's no point in trying to rationalise their views since the majority of them have cognitive dissonance.

      [–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (1 child)

      This is my rationale. I work in a HEAVY right winged profession, and I got the vax in December. And they're like "the govt is corrupt! Its all about population control!" and i just say "yea i know, I don't want to be the dissident they kill off with an ever increasing potent disease strain." And then they basically shit their pants thinking about it.

      [–][deleted]  (7 children)


        [–]RyanABWard 8 points9 points  (2 children)

        It's hard to debate anti-vaxxers, or just anti-science people in general, when they believe any authority, whether government, scientists, or experts in any field. When they think they are all somehow corrupt and out to get them. When they don't trust any regulatory body how do you even go about reasoning with them. If they don't trust anyone about anything you can't do much to win them over.

        [–]DredZedPrime 9 points10 points  (1 child)

        Make that impossible. Their entire worldview depends on believing they and the people they follow are always right. Changing views or beliefs, no matter how much reason for it, is impossible for them, because it would involve having to admit that they might have been wrong about something.

        [–]amandashartstein 16 points17 points  (1 child)

        I’m vaccinated, but I do feel the WHO is corrupt. A lot of covering up info from China

        [–]GillicuttyMcAnus 5 points6 points  (4 children)


        [–]Ljboy99 9 points10 points  (3 children)

        The WHO

        [–]aiij 12 points13 points  (0 children)


        [–]PlaidGiant 8 points9 points  (0 children)

        Love that band

        [–]BigBeardius 68 points69 points  (21 children)

        I wonder what the reasoning will be next. I’m not as good of a mental gymnast as the anti-vaxxers

        [–][deleted]  (4 children)


          [–]BigBeardius 13 points14 points  (2 children)

          This is very true. I had forgotten about anti vaxxers before covid. I believe their talking points were ingredients and the rare occurrences of sever side effects (as well as anecdotes of course).

          It is perpetual.

          [–]frisbeescientist 13 points14 points  (1 child)

          Their talking points consist of any pseudoscientific bullshit that they can make look like semi-legit biology to the casual observer. I'm a molecular biologist and even without having specific expertise on vaccines, I've never met an antivaxxer that had any clue about basic cell biology. It's pure drivel from top to bottom and it's infuriating that so many people are falling for it.

          [–]humaninthemoon 211 points212 points  (23 children)

          Yay! Now my parents' main excuse for not getting vaccinated is gone. I don't think it'll change anything, but who knows, maybe?

          [–]QuantumFork[S] 52 points53 points  (0 children)

          Fingers crossed for you!

          [–]rabidjellybean 24 points25 points  (1 child)

          Deep state forced the approval! /s

          Be sure to call them out as full of shit if they try to move the goalpost.

          [–]heftyfunseeker 119 points120 points  (28 children)

          Firstly, I’m vaccinated with Pfizer, so please don’t jump on me for asking this…

          What’s this bit about?

          “The FDA acted Monday without convening a customary public meeting of expert advisers to vet information about the vaccine and make recommendations to the regulator.”

          Does this meeting normally have impact on the final decision?

          [–]212temporary 34 points35 points  (0 children)

          I have no idea, but a similar meeting was done before EUA approval. Maybe they count that one as good enough?

          [–]JesusLuvsMeYdontU 1960 points1961 points  (432 children)

          Please consider taking some of your own time and having a very soft, gentle, respectful conversation with one person you know who has been hesitant to get the vaccine and try now to lovingly encourage them to get it. We are all frustrated, but bringing your frustration to them will likely only keep pushing them away. If we all can get just one person who has been reluctant to finally get vaccinated, together we can all make a big difference.

          [–]genasugelan 525 points526 points  (162 children)

          This, you don't change someone's opinion by calling them names or shouting at them.

          [–]melithium 216 points217 points  (27 children)

          You're wrong you cottonheaded ninnymuggins!

          [–]Unstillwill 81 points82 points  (11 children)

          You Lint Licker

          [–]LaMalintzin 33 points34 points  (0 children)

          What the French, toast?

          [–]RTZCrushes 19 points20 points  (0 children)

          Cootie queen

          [–]allomanticpush 7 points8 points  (1 child)

          Cake Sniffer!

          [–]LighTMan913 2 points3 points  (0 children)

          Fart smeller!

          [–]LargeSackOfNuts 12 points13 points  (1 child)

          You Hob Gobbler

          [–]Alt_dimension_visitr 3 points4 points  (0 children)

          You stank knacker!

          [–]TopperMadeline 3 points4 points  (0 children)

          I appreciate that reference.

          [–]shakka74 2 points3 points  (2 children)

          You biscuit-eating bulldog!

          [–]OneSquirtBurt 2 points3 points  (1 child)

          Son of a salamander...

          [–]danceswithsteers 30 points31 points  (4 children)

          FINE! I'm going to go get UNvaccinated now!!!!!

          [–]pythonsuicide 4 points5 points  (3 children)

          I hear onions on your feet at night works for that.

          [–]FirefighterNice9462 11 points12 points  (0 children)

          You sit on a throne of lies you antivaxxer!

          [–]LionIV 73 points74 points  (77 children)

          In my experience, you can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. Any “legitimate” concern those folks have about the vaccine has already been addressed multiple different ways by multiple different doctors. This FDA approval was one of them. But now you got folks moving the goalposts and saying “yOu TrUsT tHe FdA?!”

          Be nice, be courteous, remember the human, but also realize there are some folks who are too far gone and we have to let nature run its course on them.

          [–]genasugelan 33 points34 points  (0 children)

          Yeah, you can't reason with everyone, you can with some of them.

          [–]iam_acat 4 points5 points  (2 children)

          Reason is nice, but it's not the only mode of communication. There's a sizeable proportion of the internet that seems to think there is no bad way to deliver a good message. If you would take a second to think about all the conversations you've been part of or witness to, you'd know there are many, many ways in which one can be in the right and still be an ass, and people don't generally respond well to donkeys.

          [–]LittleWhiteBoots 15 points16 points  (1 child)

          This. My husband refuses to get the vaccine. Like REFUSES. He’s a fireman and even says that if they force it he’ll quit. I’m like... 6 years away from your LIFETIME pension? Bullshit. What a horrible thing to say to your wife.

          I tried reasoning with him gently. We watched my grandmother die from Covid and that didn’t make a dent in him.

          We had to cancel an epic Caribbean sailing trip with friend because he won’t get it. Didn’t make a dent!

          It makes no difference what I say. He just digs in like a tick.

          [–]JesusLuvsMeYdontU 2 points3 points  (0 children)

          I'm not trying to diagnose anything here, but unfortunately, it sounds like his masculinity is tied to his fear of being judged for giving in to something that some folks unfortunately consider to be a weakness. The sad part about your husband's position is, he thinks he's showing strength and fortitude by being so resistant. That would be fine if it wasn't a deadly virus coming after him, and you. If he wants to show strength and fortitude and resolve, he would put you before his masculinity and get vaccinated.

          [–]h4baine 6 points7 points  (0 children)

          Exactly. There's plenty of time to berate and pick on them for their views after they finally get vaccinated.

          [–]No0nesSlickAsGaston 123 points124 points  (3 children)

          Is important to give a 'path back's so they don't double down on their previous decisions just to prove they were right.
          Never mention it again and just support them so we'reahead of the game and alive.

          [–]reddit_is_cruel 78 points79 points  (1 child)

          Growing up for us it was "give them a ladder to get down off that high horse".

          [–]FunkapotamusRex 55 points56 points  (3 children)

          I live in Mississippi which has an extremely low vaccination rate. I have 3 people in my life that had been staunchly against it despite my respectful urging that they get the shot. Within the last week, 2 of those people received their first shot... but the 3rd person now has COVID. I listened to Meatloaf's "Two Out of Three Aint Bad" on the way into work this morning.

          [–]theodinspire 16 points17 points  (1 child)

          If I may ask, what finally turned the two's opinions?

          [–]FunkapotamusRex 14 points15 points  (0 children)

          I don’t know that it was anything in particular I said. I think seeing and/or hearing about cases that are becoming deadly, encouraged them to go ahead. I think a lot people are weighing COVID vs the vaccine and once it hits someone they know, it becomes more real and suddenly they realize how serious it is. I think having multiple people point out the seriousness of it helps though.

          [–]Chasman1965 76 points77 points  (9 children)

          That’s a good idea. My oldest son (23) was hesitant about the vaccine in June. I talked him into it, not by saying he was stupid, but by saying he needed to take care of himself, and living where he does, there is absolutely no chance of herd immunity. I also asked him to do it for me and my wife (his mom). He has since gotten both his vaccine shots, and this has relieved my stress about his health considerably.

          [–][deleted] 19 points20 points  (1 child)

          My dad definitely had to talk me into it but I can see how happy he was that I got it. I’m 25. Just got my second shot Saturday, side effects definitely there, but I’m sure it will pass. I’m glad dads chilling though.

          [–]CryAlarmed 23 points24 points  (0 children)

          Those side effects in the days after the vaccine are just an indication that your body has recognised the vaccine and launched an immune response to it. Definitely feels crappy for a few days, but in the end its exactly what you want!

          [–]WellEndowedDragon 15 points16 points  (1 child)

          I'm extremely grateful that my entire family was very eager to get the vaccines, and we were all fully vaccinated by the end of April. No more worrying about killing my parents!

          [–]Bob_12_Pack 101 points102 points  (24 children)

          My wife lost 2 months of her life and 15% lung capacity from COVID-19 early this year. Her anti-vax stance was not political, it was more distrust of big pharma and potential unknown side effects of the vaccine. Early on her doctor even advised her to wait a bit after the vaccine was first available, considering her pre-existing conditions. I was able to finally talk her into it recently with a heartfelt conversation. I told her how I had tried to mentally prepare for her death when she was sick the first time, she was really close to being hospitalized, and that I didn't think she'd make it through the delta variant, and how I couldn't imagine life without her and raising the kids on my own. She got stuck the next day.

          Now my 17 year-old son, who is a very smart, talented, and hard working individual whom I am immensely proud of in so many ways, has been brainwashed by Dr Mercola and we can't even discuss the vaccine. He has a Spock-like logical mind and I feel if I can just find enough logic to refute Mercola I may be able to win him over, otherwise all of my arguments are "that's what the media wants you to think".

          [–]WellEndowedDragon 78 points79 points  (14 children)

          If you'd like, you can try using some of the arguments I've made on here for the vaccine based on my education in biology and the scientific research I’ve done on the vaccines:

          If one looks into the science and research behind mRNA technology, then one would know it's very safe with decades of development and testing behind it (mRNA vaccines in general, not the specific COVID vaccine).

          The only ingredient in the vaccine that does not have long-term health effect studies is the mRNA itself, and mRNA is just a way our cell nuclei communicates with the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm reads the mRNA, like code, and synthesizes a protein. mRNA-facilitated protein synthesis is a VERY well understood biological process, and it's something our cells are doing CONSTANTLY. Thus, the mechanism by which the vaccine confers immunity is a very natural, fundamental biological process - the vaccine just tells a few of your cells to temporarily make a new protein, the COVID spike protein, which is actually somewhat toxic on its own, but FAR less toxic than actual COVID since it cannot reproduce exponentially or destroy cells like a virus can. The immune system detects, promptly destroys, and learns from this protein, allowing it to create antibodies so it is prepared to respond hard and fast when it detects the real thing. The mRNA is rapidly used up by the cell cytoplasm as our cells manufacture the spike protein, and it is completely gone from your body within a few days. And like all other proteins synthesized from our cells, the spike protein is gone within a few weeks. All that remains are the antibodies.

          So, we know for a fact that the mRNA and spike protein does not linger in your body for longer than a few weeks, we know mRNA itself is harmless because our bodies are constantly producing it themselves naturally, we know the spike protein is far, FAR less dangerous than actual COVID, and we know that every other ingredient in the vaccine does not have any significant negative health effects. So if you understand the science behind mRNA protein synthesis, and you've read the vaccine studies, there is no logical reason to think that there will be any long term side effects.


          Take a look at the actual data and statistics. According to the CDC's VAERS tool, there have been a little more than 50,000 reports of adverse reactions, and a little less than 8,000 of which are classified as "severe". Keep in mind this VAERS tool does NOT verify that the vaccine is directly responsible for these effects, so the number of actual adverse post-vax events is likely lower. But even if we assume all 50,000 are as a direct result of the vaccine, out of 167M fully vaccinated Americans that means the rate of adverse side effects is ~0.02%, and the rate of severe side effects is ~0.005%.

          Meanwhile, the COVID death rate for unvaccinated people is 2-3%, which is 100-150x the chance of getting a mild-to-severe side effects from the vaccine and 400-600x the chances of getting a severe side effect. And the rate at which one gets long-term effects from COVID (again, if unvaccinated) is 8-10%, 400-500x the chances of getting any vaccine side effects, and 1600-2000x the risk of getting severe vaccine side effects.

          It only takes very very simple mental calculus to see which risk is objectively better to take. You either take the risk of getting the vaccine, or take the risk of getting COVID. People who make the decision to choose the risk of COVID over the risk of the vaccine are either incredibly ignorant, or they make really really stupid decisions.


          The reason I say the long term side effects from COVID are more severe than side effects from the vaccine is because we know the only harmful or toxic part of the vaccine is the spike protein that our cell's cytoplasm manufactures. Obviously, the COVID virus also has those toxic spike proteins, except with the virus, the dose of spike proteins our body has to take is orders of magnitude greater than the dose of spike proteins from the vaccine since the virus can replicate itself exponentially. So any long-term side effects you get from the vaccine, you would've gotten much worse long-term side effects from the virus itself.

          [–][deleted]  (1 child)


            [–]queequagg 5 points6 points  (0 children)

            Not a biologist, but this one does have a fairly straightforward answer.

            If our bodies learn once why would those who have had covid need a the "vaccine" since they already have had that exposure? 2nd, why do the vaccines need a booster if the body learns how and doesn't need the antibodies present in mass quantities to defend itself?

            The body does need the antibodies present in large numbers to defend itself. But forever maintaining high antibody levels for every disease you've ever encountered would be prohibitively expensive, so your body will only keep them around for a while after infection. It keeps the memory T and B cells around, though, so if the invader comes back it can rapidly reproduce those antibodies without having to relearn from scratch.

            Reproducing those antibodies takes a bit of time, but for most infections it is a more than sufficient head start to fight off a virus.

            Delta has become a special problem because it reproduces at such a huge amount (1000x earlier strains) that infected people are likely to get a much larger initial dose from those around them - which gives the virus a better starting point to grow from (and one it' sin, it's reproducing in you that much faster, as well). Even then, you're way better off with those memory cells around (your body can at least start making antibodies immediately) than you would be if the virus got the Delta head start and you had no head start of your own. (Ensuring that people are masked is another way to reduce that initial load.)

            But the best solution, though, is to trigger your body to keep those antibody levels high. That ensures you're able to attack the virus en masse the moment it shows up. That is what boosters are for. They trigger more antibody production and get your body to keep them around a while longer.

            Incidentally, the vaccines have been shown to trigger far higher antibody levels than natural infection in most people. This (in addition to the booster effect) is the reason you should get vaccinated even if you've already been infected.

            [–]DrMarioBrother 6 points7 points  (0 children)

            Dr Mercola

            Explain what this guy's business interests are. Then ask how that's any less of a conflict of interest than the pharmaceutical industrial complex "pushing for vaccines?" Focus on the actual statistical risks of him not getting vaccinated (primarily a much higher chance of covid and therefore long covid, and being much more likely to pass it on to his family). Agree with his logical sentiments that, at his ages, there's much, much less risks of covid complicaitons than older people. Agree that, statistically, he wouldn't die anyways. Then focus on whether or not the ~10-30% of long haul covid after infection (% chance depends of the definition of "long covid") and the ~2-5x higher chance of getting it in the first place (and therefore passing it on to ~8 close contacts he cares about) is worth "avoiding" the risk of so-called what ifs a million years down the road?

            [–]Scizmz 29 points30 points  (3 children)

            You let your kid fall down the rabbit hole of homeopathy? Ouch. Gotta spend more time with them and teach them better critical thinking skills. Teach him about con men and cults. It's the only way to show him that the guy is peddling snake oil. Don't skip this part. Then you can show him that Mercola was served notice by the FDA to stop lying about covid treatments on his site.

            [–]Bob_12_Pack 6 points7 points  (2 children)

            What astounds me with this kid is that he has a brilliant mind, but he’s hung up on this one thing. I found him reading a book by Mercola the other day. I think my crazy conspiracy theorist mother-in-law turned him on the this stuff. I’m hoping that this will pass, I’ve found that being outright dismissive of his arguments doesn’t help and just drives a wedge between us, so I try not to avoid the topic. I thought that watching his mom struggle with Covid for 2 months would have helped, and he’s actually the one that was first diagnosed with it in our house. He’s an awesome kid and we have a great relationship but he is still a kid and I have to remind myself of that sometimes.

            [–]kray-Z-kole 2 points3 points  (0 children)

            I was a smart kid when I was his age. I also fell down the conspiracy rabbit hole. I'm also the one who pulled myself out of that hole and realized how ridiculous I was being. Sometimes you need time to figure out things on your own. Pushing an idea too hard may have the opposite effect. We don't want to cause any resentment. I'm willing to bet a smart thoughtful kid will pull himself out of the hole eventually.

            [–][deleted] 204 points205 points  (51 children)

            I am incapable of this; it's just too frustrating, and I have poor emotional control. I think I'll leave this to people with a gentler personality like you, or I'm just going to do more damage.

            [–]parsifal 62 points63 points  (4 children)

            This is also valuable! You’re very self aware!

            Marcus Aurelius said:

            “How much more harmful are the consequences of anger and grief than the circumstances that aroused them in us!”

            Just not making things worse is an accomplishment. You’re helping too.

            [–]FudgySlippers 108 points109 points  (2 children)

            At least you are self-aware.

            [–]biblebeltbuddhist 27 points28 points  (1 child)


            [–]iAmUnintelligible 7 points8 points  (0 children)

            I said she was a NICE LADY

            [–]Fluffydress 21 points22 points  (0 children)

            So knowing that, don't approach anyone. Then at least you're not pissing people off. Which has some value absolutely.

            [–]D0nk3yD0ngD0ug 3 points4 points  (0 children)

            This is me as well. So I simply say “Make sure you speak with your Dr about it.” And leave it at that.

            I find the echo-chamber these people live in results in only a half dozen people influencing their decision. When you can convince them that the conspiracy they are afraid of is only being portrayed by those handful of sources, hopefully they start being more receptive to the literally thousands upon thousands of actual doctors, experts, and professionals.

            [–]perspective2020 7 points8 points  (1 child)

            Try saying : Godspeed with your decision.

            [–]kaa2332 34 points35 points  (3 children)

            I might have been able to do this initially, but as a healthcare worker that is absolutely sick and tired of taking care of people who so vehemently deny science to the point that they still don't think COVID is a real thing while they are struggling to breathe in my COVID unit, they can go fuck themselves. I'll do my job, but I am done trying to convince people. I've done all I can to protect myself and my family, and if someone else thinks they're smarter than the leading research by choosing not to get the shot, then I'll see them in my ICU soon enough.

            [–]Carighan 12 points13 points  (1 child)

            For me I've tried it, but there's a few people even in my family who are just too sure that everyone around them is an idiot and they're the only handful of Actually Smart Humans™. Well... I give up.

            [–]futureNOW_ 14 points15 points  (0 children)

            So frustrating that people who call everyone else snowflakes need to be constantly handled with kid gloves.

            [–]WhoaItsCody 5 points6 points  (1 child)

            Can you talk to my mother so I won’t lose the last of the 2 family members I have that aren’t dead? (Not covid) we just like to get cancer in our family I guess. I seriously would off myself if I lose my family. I have no friends and they’ve been there for me through everything.

            [–]dougan25 22 points23 points  (6 children)

            All the "move the goalpost" jokes people are making are not actually jokes. I've already heard people say it was rushed through trials and they don't take this FDA approval seriously.

            How many others will say things like they don't trust Biden's FDA, etc.?

            This will probably convince rhe last reasonable unvaccinated people, but most people who have been holding out this long won't be convinced just by this.

            [–]Stoyfan 15 points16 points  (0 children)

            i've also heard people saying that they are not taking it because it isn't FDA approved, but upon further discussion it looked like they weren't going to take the vaccine even if the FDA were going to approve it.

            Those people are just moving the goalposts or are just not truthful to the actual reason as to why they refuse the vaccine.

            And then there are those who actually stuck to their word and took the vaccine when the FDA approved it, which is quite nice.

            [–]Tortsol 2 points3 points  (0 children)

            If you bring up any data they’ll tell you that the data is wrong. If you say that the vast majority of experts agree that the shot is safe they’ll tell you that the experts are wrong. If you explain the credentials of these experts they’ll tell you that they must’ve received their training from politically biased bad faith institutions. In my experience there is no reaching out to these people…

            [–]sdf_cardinal 2 points3 points  (0 children)

            It’s hard when they say stuff like “all the people in the hospital are really vaccinated” and that this is being done just because “the government wants to control us.”

            It’s real hard to be respectful when they don’t deserve it after they say nonsense.

            [–]NurseMcStuffins 2 points3 points  (0 children)

            My mom finally got it a couple weeks ago. It was a bunch of reasons that made her delay, but she got really sick when she had covid earlier this year (it was before she was eligible to get the shot anyways) but basically I kept checking in with her about it and expressed my genuine concern about her getting even more sick with the delta strain. Of all the reasoning and discussion we had about it, it was my genuine concern for her that won in the end.

            [–]cloud9ish 11 points12 points  (5 children)

            Indeed man, unfortunate most people love to just rage and one another. Just because someone is waiting and seeing, doesn't make them anti vax or anti science.

            [–]JesusLuvsMeYdontU 3 points4 points  (1 child)

            I'm sure there are folks out there who are afraid of even the side effects, because they live alone. If there's anybody you know who lives alone and maybe doesn't have an active circle of peers, maybe offer to take them for their vaccine appointment so they're not alone for that process, and to check in on them routinely for the first few days After they get it just in case they have any side effects. I'm sure it would help some folks to know that they've got a safety net of people they can check in with after they get their vaccine so they don't feel like if they get it and have any type of side effects afterwards that they'll be home alone and unable to take care of themselves.

            [–]bowyer-betty 267 points268 points  (22 children)

            I'm glad to say that my mom (who isn't a stupid person most of the time...though she did try to GOPsplain trickle down economics to me the other day) said that now she's comfortable getting her shots. So...yay for small wins.

            [–]QuantumFork[S] 63 points64 points  (2 children)

            I think there are a lot of people out there of similar mind. I'm glad she's moving forward with it!

            [–]HuckleberryLou 3 points4 points  (0 children)

            Kaiser Foundation had a study earlier this year that found 3/10 people said they would be more likely to get the vax if it had full FDA approval. This could be HUGE if that holds true now that the moment is here.


            [–]Steelyp 47 points48 points  (6 children)

            Congrats - my MIL still won’t. I had been prodding her the last three weeks knowing they would approve them soon. Her response was already prepared by Tucker Carlson. The FDA is a failed government entity so why would they ever trust them to approve it. She mentioned Afghanistan a lot in her reasonings for not trusting the government which she definitely didn’t get to on her own.

            [–]pterodactylwizard 30 points31 points  (2 children)

            I love how people have been conflating the Afghanistan response with the FDA like they have anything to do with each other.

            [–]Steelyp 41 points42 points  (1 child)

            It’s super fun because as a veteran who was in from 2005-2011 I know plenty of people who did die in Afganistan. So it’s great to hear her parrot the media using my buddies deaths as talking points about why you shouldn’t get a vaccine. Makes for a fun dinner table experience for everyone.

            [–]_JD_48 9 points10 points  (0 children)

            Me too! Well, almost. My mom brought it up and asked me which vaccine I got and I told her the Pfizer which has been FDA approved and she said “Hmm” in an optimistic fashion. So, even smaller win but still a win in my book.

            [–]rfugger 26 points27 points  (4 children)

            Don't let her on Facebook today, or the same people who convinced her of the need to wait for FDA approval (FDA had already given emergency approval last year, meaning they had already said to get the vaccine ASAP) will convince her that FDA approval isn't legitimate now.

            [–]amberleemerrill 2 points3 points  (0 children)

            As a human with an economics degree, that generation believe in trickle down economics is the bane of my existence.

            [–]Heavykiller 57 points58 points  (2 children)

            In my graduating class at Uni so many of my colleagues kept saying, “I’m not putting that shit in me and they can’t even force me too. Itll mess me up. Its not even FDA approved, so I’ll fight em”

            I’d love to see them own up to it now. But they’ll probably find some other excuse to not take it

            [–]ONEsmartALEC 5 points6 points  (0 children)

            Their excuse will be that Pfizer paid them to approve it whether it’s good or not just to get people to take the vaccine 🙄 doesn’t sound too far off from what an anti vax person would come up with.

            [–][deleted]  (88 children)


              [–]LeonardGhostal 201 points202 points  (25 children)

              The immediate reaction seems to be the FDA was bribed and/or blackmailed into approval by THEM

              [–]alwaysmyfault 31 points32 points  (0 children)

              Yup. Saw someone post on FB this morning that "people were asking questions about the vaccine, so they gave it full FDA approval within 3 days in order to throw them off the trail"

              Like wut? 3 days? Also, what trail?

              [–][deleted] 99 points100 points  (19 children)

              "Who are they?"

              "They, they, the ominous they!"

              [–]jacksaccountonreddit 28 points29 points  (0 children)

              The globalist Antifa Communist mainstream-media Democrat Satanist Jews, duh.

              [–]Chasman1965 20 points21 points  (0 children)

              They of course is the pedophilic conspiracy led by Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi and Tom Hanks. The vaccine helps children produce more adrenochrome.


              [–]MorbisMIA 9 points10 points  (0 children)

              It's the Jews. It's always the Jews. The sooner you learn that the root of so many of these conspiracies is anti-Semitism, the better.

              That isn't to say that everyone who parrots the talking points are anti-Semites, but it's where they come from.

              [–]mondoid 10 points11 points  (11 children)

              Season 3 premiere of Dirk gently

              [–]chadharnav 3 points4 points  (1 child)

              Starts with a j ends with ews (literally not lying)

              [–]Madmusk 6 points7 points  (1 child)

              So the issue was never FDA approval because why would you want a corrupt organization to approve your medicine. They should just stop taking every medicine ever approved by the FDA (ahem, all of them) and feel what it's like to not be putting government approved substances in their body.

              [–]parsifal 2 points3 points  (0 children)

              Ya gotta trust someone. People have to ask themselves, will they trust the accomplished and respected folks who have the eyes of the world on them, and everything to lose? Or someone they know personally who has no expertise, experience, or stakes?

              [–]Industrialpainter89 18 points19 points  (3 children)

              I work with quite a few. Apparently no one has met a person who's had Covid but all of them know people that died from the vaccine. Telling them otherwise means you're licking the liberal homeless assholes, apparently. People's minds have gotten way too twisted in the past two years.

              [–]MaracaBalls 6 points7 points  (0 children)

              They got sheep medicine, Jesus take the wheel !

              [–]TGOTR 25 points26 points  (14 children)

              They already have other excuses. It makes you into a magnet is the more popular one because it's easy for them to make a spoon stick to their skin.

              [–]CameronCrazy1984 17 points18 points  (12 children)

              Point out that the spoon is plastic

              [–]TGOTR 29 points30 points  (11 children)

              When my sister found out I got vaxxed, she did the spoon thing. I then grabbed a plastic knife and did the same thing on her

              [–]QuantumFork[S] 7 points8 points  (3 children)

              That's amazing. How'd that turn out?

              [–]TGOTR 24 points25 points  (2 children)

              She was pissed

              [–]QuantumFork[S] 13 points14 points  (1 child)

              "How did the magnets get in ME???"

              [–]EpicVOForYourComment 108 points109 points  (13 children)

              The outraged squeaks from the "but it's a hoax" crowd will now of course change to enthusiastic acceptance as this bulwark of their irrational nonsense has been removed, right?


              [–]QuantumFork[S] 85 points86 points  (10 children)

              It probably won't change the minds of anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists, but it will hopefully help the other big unvaccinated group: the vaccine-hesitant.

              [–]greyflcn 16 points17 points  (0 children)

              I mean, "Get the vaccine, or get fired" is a pretty compelling argument.

              [–]Axenroth187 14 points15 points  (0 children)

              What a lovely day!

              [–]dadudemon 46 points47 points  (20 children)

              This is a very nice development because of the anti-vaxxers who keep yelling “But it hasn’t passed Phase III trials!”

              So now what? It has full approval and labeling. What are the excuses?

              [–]vguy72 70 points71 points  (3 children)

              "The FDA is a government institution. I don't trust the government" is already gaining traction.

              [–]Utterlybored 13 points14 points  (2 children)

              But I'll eat horse dewormer because the Internet tells me to.

              [–]GNOIZ1C 28 points29 points  (8 children)

              Based on a healthy sampling of Facebook posters I've had the (dis)pleasure of meeting/being related to:

              • "There are too many vaccine deaths, and we don't even know all the long-term side effects! Natural immunity/We've all had it at this point!" (which is dumb, because for the vaccines to be killing at the same rate COVID is, even assuming everyone in America has had COVID (they haven't), the vaccine deaths would have to be around 321,000 so far, which they absolutely aren't)
              • "Everyone's gotta do what's right for themselves/their family!" (pretending that being unvaccinated by choice can't affect others who can't be vaccinated, and that hospital beds aren't filling up like fucking crazy all over the country)
              • "It's just more government control. Wake up, sheeple!" (from the same crowd that believes the election was rigged/antifa did 1/6)
              • "It's not going to affect me! The odds of someone my age getting it and dying are (some 'acceptable' percentage of 1 in 1000-10000)"
              • Too early yet, but I'm waiting on a "Well, they forced/rushed this approval for (insert half-baked reasoning here)"

              They're a hydra. You cut off one excuse, they'll grow back 3 more.

              [–]lowtoiletsitter 4 points5 points  (0 children)

              Bruh...200+ comments on a friends fb post about vaccines. I'd say about half of them were from one person. The mental gymnastics were INSANE. I was mad, then I realized I couldn't reason with this person so I laughed at their comments.

              It was every. single. thing...random conspiracy theories, my freedoms, the Holocaust, pharma conspiracy...just everything you've ever read from any random anti-vax person, then roll it into one person.

              Remember the "Church Lady 'NEXT!'" fb meme? Yeah, she did that too

              [–]AstridDragon 7 points8 points  (2 children)

              Yeah people pull 12k deaths from vaccines from VAERS but won't listen when you tell them that VAERS is completely unverified and self reported.

              If I got hit by a bus and died on the way home from my vaccine appointment someone could report me as a vaccine injury in VAERS if they wanted to.

              [–]GNOIZ1C 4 points5 points  (0 children)

              I had someone try to fudge their math with “Well, VAERS estimates only 1% of incidents are reported!” before I pointed out that extrapolating that to 100% would still put the vaccine at a significantly lower chance of harm than COVID. She moved on to something else.

              It never ends.

              [–]QuantumFork[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)


              [–]accountability_bot 53 points54 points  (16 children)

              This is 100% on me, but as someone who hesitated and is currently dealing with “mild” COVID, I can not fucking wait to get it now. This is the worst sick I’ve been in a very long time.

              [–]chio151 32 points33 points  (4 children)

              Bots get COVID too?

              [–]accountability_bot 23 points24 points  (2 children)

              Unfortunately this one did

              [–]chio151 9 points10 points  (0 children)

              Sorry bud. Hope you recover quickly!

              [–]ReginaGeorgian 3 points4 points  (1 child)

              Glad you didn’t have severe covid. Hope you feel better soon!

              [–]accountability_bot 2 points3 points  (0 children)

              Thank you! 🙌

              [–]ShadowHeed 12 points13 points  (2 children)

              Not sure on the recommendation but I believe it's something like 3-6 weeks after your symptoms resolve to get the vaccine post-infection. I'd call your PCP when you start to feel better and get the timeline.

              To anyone who mentions 'natural immunity': It's a crapshoot on whether you'll do better or worse if you catch it again. The vaccine is both more effective and more reliable than our immune systems in preventing infection AND severity.

              [–]accountability_bot 20 points21 points  (1 child)

              This is actually one of the first things I asked myself! According to the CDC you can get it as soon as you recover and end your isolation period.


              [–]NfamousKaye 3 points4 points  (0 children)

              So glad I got this one now 😀

              [–]colormeslowly 41 points42 points  (29 children)

              A June poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 31% of unvaccinated people said they would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine once one receives full approval from the FDA.

              Let’s hope they’ll live up to their word. Crap if they’re still living.

              [–]zooboomafoo47 69 points70 points  (19 children)

              alright, mom and dad (and brother)…. this is the moment you said you were waiting for!

              can i help you get your shot today??? or will we move the goalposts again?

              [–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (2 children)

              Biden, under the direct command of Satan himself, pushed this through! Wake up sheeple! /s

              [–]Taokan 4 points5 points  (1 child)

              And for just 1 of the 3 vaccine options, because... something ... Hunter! Hunter must have invested in Pfizer! <crazed cult chanting noises>

              [–]-Kryptic 18 points19 points  (3 children)

              interesting its only been approved now, as most of EU already vaccinated with that one.

              [–]DannyTheSloth7 30 points31 points  (0 children)

              It had emergency approval before, people have been getting Pfizer shots in the us for months now. It’s just official approval

              [–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

              It's had emergency use authorization since last fall. So as long as the US has an emergency declared, it can be used. Now the declaration can expire and the Pfizer at least is still approved for use, but the others wouldn't be until they also got approved.

              [–]Microchip_ 3 points4 points  (0 children)

              I was given Phizer in Canada. Zero problems.

              [–]The11thLetter 3 points4 points  (0 children)

              Yes! I'll be getting my first on Wednesday!

              Edit: Pfizer 5G ACTIVATE!

              [–]BuzzyShizzle 3 points4 points  (0 children)

              I wonder if this will turn into a discussion of what people think anti vaxxers think.

              [–]mojopyro 14 points15 points  (2 children)

              Now all the government has to do is repeal the liability safety net for Pfizer.

              [–]Tim_the_geek 19 points20 points  (14 children)

              Does this mean manufacturer liability is restored?

              [–]skysoleno 12 points13 points  (1 child)

              In 1986, the government issued an act that all vaccine liability would be covered by the government, so that a reliable supply of vaccine could be insured.

              There is not a lot of profit in most vaccines (sterile conditions, trained staff etc.), and they were concerned manufacturers would just quit making them based on risk vs. return.

              So they took over liability back then - this is nothing unique to covid.

              National childhood vaccine act or something like that?

              [–]mattski69 6 points7 points  (0 children)

              Thank you for explaining something that everyone should already know but apparently doesn't. I blame the media for failing to inform the public of this critical piece of information.

              [–]JohnSpartans 14 points15 points  (2 children)

              There are no liabilities for vaccines. At all. Pharma lobbied to get those removed.

              [–]PM_ME_NCIS_QUOTES 3 points4 points  (1 child)

              Are there liabilities for other vaccines?

              [–]mattski69 7 points8 points  (0 children)

              This rule applies to all vaccines in the US. It's not new and it's entirely reasonable.

              [–]GOLDNSQUID 9 points10 points  (0 children)

              Nope all the profit and none of the responsibility until 2024

              [–]ShmuckCanuck 5 points6 points  (1 child)

              Sadly I doubt this will change anti-vaxxers opinions much. First it was "It doesn't have FDA approval!" Now they'll change tracks and say "Well FDA is run by the government so why should I trust them!" Which I don't totally disagree with, I'm iffy with the FDA, but these people really just need to get their shot already.

              [–]bullevard 2 points3 points  (0 children)

              What it does do is gives institutions more cover to mandate it. There are laws and policies in place at a number of governmental and corporate institutions that prevent mandating something that is on emergency authorization.

              So while it may move a small number of individuals directly, the indirect effect is likely to be substantial. I already have coworkers who just got their jab because the employer mandated it and wouldn't have otherwise (this was obviously a workplace that didn't wait for the full authorization).

              So some extent there will be an interesting natural experiment to see the spike of phizer vs the others whoch would be some indication of those waiting for the approval, but that is likely to be drown out by those making the choice due to work place mandate.

              [–]Kandorek 5 points6 points  (2 children)

              Why does the usa call the Biontech-vaccine "Phizer"?

              [–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

              I didn't even feel the needle and had 0 symptoms from my Pfizer, if only everyone else just got it the World could easily return to pre pandemic 'normal' ...

              Ah well, we in this shit for life. Have a great day and wear your mask in crowded situations and keep on washing them hands! Better them than us and our loved ones!

              [–][deleted]  (15 children)


                [–]QuantumFork[S] 14 points15 points  (6 children)

                3: The more people who get it, the likelier it is that a worse variant could develop, such as one that is vaccine-resistant (which would send us almost back to square one).

                [–]Idkm3m3s 2 points3 points  (2 children)

                Man I've had the same reason since I've been born, fuck needles they really need to find a different way to get this shit other than stabbing me repeatedly

                [–]Kytoaster 2 points3 points  (1 child)

                "I wont get it unless its approved by the FDA"

                Gets approved by FDA

                the sound of hundreds of thousands of goalposts moving across the US

                [–]W_Daze 2 points3 points  (0 children)

                Someone come with me, the folks over at r/conspiracy will need a hand moving the goalposts again.

                [–]Madman-- 2 points3 points  (1 child)

                It shouldn't have. They need to work on reception. What's the point if I can't even make a call I still am stuck on 4g service

                [–]QuantumFork[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

                Right? Some of us are stuck with devices that can only use 4G. They should‘ve made their microchips more inclusive!

                [–][deleted]  (6 children)


                  [–]at_work_yo 7 points8 points  (1 child)

                  the people who wanted the vaccine already got it while all the rest who don't care for it are still not going to take the vaccine.

                  [–]Beatz_OD 11 points12 points  (16 children)

                  Thought clinical trials were finished in 2023? Anyone explain that to me, just a bit confused on the timeline.

                  [–]FeFiFoShizzle 7 points8 points  (0 children)

                  Phase 4 clinical trials are after public rollout. It's for monitoring the vaccine after full approval.


                  Phase 3 is before public rollout and was completed November 2020


                  [–]loljetfuel 18 points19 points  (7 children)

                  The necessary clinical trials for approval are all complete; the final phase would have been a 6-month followup on a cohort of 10k -- we have that from real-world data but also from a clinical study that was started with the original EUA filing.

                  Long-term clinical trials are still in progress, and they're designed as risk-mitigation trials. It's fairly normal to have approval before the long-term trials are completed when there's not any particular reason to think there's a high risk for long term effects -- if they start to find issues, approval can be rolled back.

                  [–]Beatz_OD 5 points6 points  (0 children)

                  Nice to know, thank you very much for explaining that to me! I shall relay that information if that question is to ever arise again, cheers man!

                  [–]COnative78 6 points7 points  (0 children)

                  Papers please.

                  [–]StriKyleder 9 points10 points  (0 children)

                  This is the most loving and friendly thread I have read in a long time.

                  [–]Flattened_Duck 4 points5 points  (2 children)

                  Is this the right spot for this post? Just checking this “uplifting” tag and first thing I see is depressing news.

                  [–]HappyAtheist3 11 points12 points  (3 children)

                  Wow it’s weird how one side of the aisle just keeps losing and losing and losing. Please get vaccinated, people.

                  [–]Sometimes_Stutters 6 points7 points  (1 child)

                  I’m not anti-vax, but even with 100% vaccination rates Covid is never going away. It’s not polio/measles/tetanus or other common vaccines. The way it spreads and mutates thru animals is more like the flu, which will also never go away. The way Covid has been mutating also suggests the same. I’m afraid we’ve opened Pandora’s box on this one.

                  [–]Gransterman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

                  Well that was fast.