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[–][deleted] 3417 points3418 points  (170 children)

Every time I hear stories like this I think of the opening of Fight Club where the guy goes through how auto manufacturers create a formula to determine how many deaths they can ignore before they no choice but to issue a recall or fix a known dangerous issue.

[–]5kyl3r 1595 points1596 points  (86 children)

That's literally what GM did with the ignition key problem with cavaliers and cobalts. (They even found the document containing the math)

[–]parrishd 915 points916 points  (39 children)

And they didnt have to pay damages because "old GM" did it. GM went bankrupt around 2008 so the "new GM" isnt liable for what "old GM" did

[–]Noclue55 347 points348 points  (14 children)

Same, but different.

But still same.

[–]lol_and_behold 194 points195 points  (4 children)

It's not our fault, it's the guy who quit weeks ago with a golden parachute and we're certainly not gonna hire him again so we're sure he learned his lesson.

[–]GetXyzzyWithIt 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I guess nothing should surprise me anymore.

[–]trailertrash_lottery 66 points67 points  (15 children)

Toyota did the same with accelerator pedals and GM had the ignition problem with the Saturn too(not sure if it was the same as cobalt problem). I read an article on the ignition problem last year about a young guy that was killed because of it, car shut off and I believe he lost power and hit a guardrail. The cost of the new spring for the ignition was ~35 cents and GM figured out it was cheaper to settle lawsuits than do recalls for the ignition piece. If that isn’t criminal negligence, what is?

[–]CrabWoodsman 187 points188 points  (37 children)

Not exactly the same, but I think of actuaries.

They use exactly the same mathematics as casinos do to insure that on the whole they will profit, in the the volume of their overall payouts is less than their overall income.

Took a class on gambling in my undergrad and it really opened my eyes to the old adage "The house always wins"

[–]grendel-khan 29 points30 points  (5 children)

Took a class on gambling in my undergrad and it really opened my eyes to the old adage "The house always wins"

Like, a math class, or a psychology class, or what? That sounds pretty interesting.

I'm reminded of a quote.

Gambling is a kind of tax: a tax on stupidity. A tax on greed. Some money changes hands at random, but the net cash flow always goes one way - to the Government, to the casino operators, to the bookies, to the crime syndicates. If you ever do win, you won't have won against them. They'll still be getting their share. You'll have won against all the penniless losers, that's all.

(Greg Egan, "Eugene".)

[–]CrabWoodsman 17 points18 points  (2 children)

My mom always said that gambling is a tax on people who're bad at Math :P

The class was a 4th year stats course, but our teacher had worked in casinos all over the world and his insights were awesome. Like how they can afford to give free food and shows and such to people who are willing to make high min bets and min hands/games.

Spoiler alert - it's all math :P Great class, and awesome prof.

[–][deleted] 174 points175 points  (10 children)

If you combined Fight Club and Idiocracy, you'd get Life.

[–]TooShiftyForYou 14.4k points14.4k points  (752 children)

Knowingly poisoning people, including children, for decades should lead to immediate prison time and massive fines on par with the tobacco industry.

[–]nagrom7 6529 points6530 points  (469 children)

They want corporations to be treated like people? Well they should be punished like people too. Seize the company and its assets for a time akin to a jail term. Companies can't be allowed to get away with this kind of shit, because if they can they will because they value money over everything else.

[–]Askray184 2650 points2651 points  (275 children)

Punish specific people in charge as well, not just generally "the company." If you punish "the company" then the people that made these decisions make millions of dollars and laugh as someone else shoulders the burden.

The punishment needs to remove or reduce the incentives for these kinds of acts. A common problem is that the punishment is either not severe enough or doesn't effect the people actually taking these kinds of actions. So people keep doing it because they benefit.

[–]I_Bin_Painting 932 points933 points  (203 children)

Also punishing "the company" rather than the board of directors by "locking up" the company in the way described above would disproportionately affect the lower-tier employees that likely had nothing to do with and no idea about the scandal in question.

i.e. the execs that are actually responsible could just happily take a 5 year holiday while the company is "locked up", whereas the entry-level up to middle management are now unemployed and broke.

[–]RoboOverlord 163 points164 points  (18 children)

Either you punish the CEO and the top 10% of share holders (AKA board of directors) or you're wasting your time.

If corporations are people, then the CEO is ultimately responsible for everything the company does. Prove it. Make the CEO stand trial for knowingly exposing children and parents to asbestos for a profit. Then give him life in prison if he names names. Death if not.

Or you could just require the company to pay restitution equal to all the money it made while doing illegal and immoral things. (as they do with criminals) What's 10 years of J&J income look like? Pretty sure they don't have that kind of cash on hand. Bye bye J&J.

[–]nowaygreg 67 points68 points  (3 children)

Top 10% of shareholders does not equal board of directors.

[–]PM_DOLPHIN_PICS 201 points202 points  (49 children)

It's a known fact that companies will look at the cost-benefit of ignoring regulations and laws for the sake of profit. If they find that paying a fine every year for safety violations is cheaper than paying for an upgrade to meet the safety standard, then they won't upgrade and workers and customers will continue to suffer or die. The Kochs are infamous for this. They knew their factories caused cancer in their workers but realized that it's cheaper to pay fines and settle lawsuits with the families of the victims. They thought that people dying was better than paying slightly more money. Fuckers should be in jail but instead they're given continuous slaps on the wrist in the form of meager fines. It's pathetic and we see it happening all the time.

[–]S4ngin 81 points82 points  (7 children)

I think this has a lot of variables to it. Not trying to take prison off the table, mind you.

-Who knew and when?

-Of those people who tried to do something internally about it? Are they obligated to do something externally, if so when and what? Did they attempt to raise the flag to external sources (IE: Authorities, poison control, govt entities?)

-Was the amount technically legal? If it was, what legislation needs changed ASAP? If the case, should we punish those doing something legal, but morally reprehensible? Or is this strictly a government failing? Are we in the right mindset to retroactively punish people for failings of the government?

-Does this apply to businesses we see as "too big to fail"? Why or why not?

-What responsibilities lie upon upper management and beyond when it comes to misdeeds of subordinates? What is reasonable oversight?

[–]E_VanHelgen 563 points564 points  (47 children)

Actually genuinely much worse than tobacco.

[–]JerryLupus 313 points314 points  (27 children)

Exactly. Babies have no say in what they're exposed to.

[–]I_Bin_Painting 248 points249 points  (9 children)

Not to mention the psychological horror inflicted on the parents by finding out that J&J effectively tricked them into poisoning their own babies.

[–]pawnografik 109 points110 points  (10 children)

In China it gets you the death sentence. Remember the melamine scandal.

[–]Puritopian 350 points351 points  (28 children)

Good thing Trump is deregulating asbestos in the US /s


[–]PM_DOLPHIN_PICS 144 points145 points  (14 children)

"We demand more asbestos! More asbestos, more asbestos!"

[–]Oznog99 107 points108 points  (8 children)

"clean, beautiful, American asbestos!!!"

[–][deleted] 233 points234 points  (21 children)

On par?

Asbestos is much worse than tobacco. And tobacco is a choice. Unknowingly having asbestos in your baby powder is not.

[–]SmoresPies 61 points62 points  (9 children)

ideally. but watch, it'll be a 5-10 million dollar fine and forgotten about by next week, maybe even tomorrow

[–]fithbert 63 points64 points  (7 children)

From the article:

A Missouri jury in July ordered J&J to pay $4.69 billion in a case involving 22 women and their families.

Hopefully it'd be more like that.

[–]HoMaster 25 points26 points  (3 children)

Ordering to pay and appealing for decades, then by that time they can spin off whatever division that would get hit with the much lowered fine is different from the government actually enforcing payment and punishing corporations for their misdeeds.

[–]the_twilight_bard 35 points36 points  (9 children)

In China they kill people for this (if allegations are true). So infuriating.

[–]Spoonshape 50 points51 points  (1 child)

and massive fines on par with the tobacco industry

Ha ha. I see what you did there - very clever....

[–]ttnorac 1842 points1843 points  (293 children)

Oops. How long ago did this practice stop? Did it stop?

[–]ItsJustNow2018 270 points271 points  (52 children)

I’ve been slapping this stuff on my balls and ass crack for years. It just seems to work better than cornstarch. Should I stop using this? Should I be concerned? (Serious question)

[–]ttnorac 185 points186 points  (2 children)

That’s why I asked! Hell, it immediately became political, but I just wanted to know if I need to call that mesothelioma hotline on behalf of my undercarriage.

[–][deleted] 98 points99 points  (14 children)

The primary concern of asbestos is Mesothelioma is primarily caused by inhalation of the powder. It can also be bad to eat.

On the skin surface, though, about the worst is can do is cause blisters.

So it getting on you balls and butt crack isnt inherently dangerous.

The dangerous is from breathing in the powder while applying it (or it getting in your mouth)

So, You're probably fine. Your not gonna get cancer just from it touching you.

Though if anyones face has been down there after a powdering, they might want to worry.

But whether or not you trust the company enough to continue using it or taking the risk of inhaling it when applying it is up to you.

[–]Hmb42 177 points178 points  (6 children)

The problem is when you squeeze the bottle out to get the talc out, a decent amount is going to become airborne. Once it becomes airborne asbestos can stay in the air for like 24-36 hours. This is where asbestos is dangerous.

Source: work in asbestos industry

[–]conanbatt 69 points70 points  (0 children)

So you are the guy putting asbestos in baby powder

[–]khakansson 570 points571 points  (5 children)

'Now Asbestos Free!'

I mean, how great of an ad would that be 😅

[–]notuhbot 209 points210 points  (0 children)

Need to up your marketing skills.

Now with 20% more talc!

[–]UseApasswordManager 99 points100 points  (2 children)

[–]132ikl 60 points61 points  (0 children)

There REALLY is an xkcd for everything

[–]Orangekale 1215 points1216 points  (191 children)

It stopped as soon as it happened! The Free Market™ will fix itself.

[–][deleted] 167 points168 points  (12 children)

Consumers did their research, did a cost-benefit analysis, and chose a different company! This is exactly how it always works!!

[–]psychoacer 125 points126 points  (5 children)

Luckily Johnson and Johnson make it so easy to distinguish its brands so I can avoid them at all cost

[–]jabbadarth 80 points81 points  (2 children)

and clearly labels which ones contain cancer causing ingredients.

it's simple just choose the ones that don't say "this will cause cancer"

[–]psychoacer 54 points55 points  (1 child)

In California that means I have to avoid everything

[–]Novaway123 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Everyone knows consumers have research labs in their basements for testing this stuff. And all kinds of fancy degrees to conduct experimental and interpret results!

[–]Neumann04 797 points798 points  (44 children)

that explains why im on reddit.

[–]branstarktreewizard[S] 362 points363 points  (42 children)

starting a reddit class action lawsuit to get some of those asbestos money

[–]kananjarrus 89 points90 points  (37 children)

As someone in construction, I've always wondered if my field would automatically disqualify me from an asbestos claim from anything other product.

[–]needssleep 85 points86 points  (6 children)

Nope. There are labs that test for construction site exposure. Your supervisors should be making damned sure you aren't breathing in jack and or shit.

[–]RevB1983 485 points486 points  (12 children)

Company knows it's doing bad, doesn't do anything to stop it because they know the fine and backlash won't be as costly as just fixing it. Color me shocked!

[–]needssleep 76 points77 points  (6 children)

Once the first few lawsuits win, there will be more.

[–]FrenchFryCattaneo 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Time for a hefty severance bonus and on to the next company!

[–]Mshake6192 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Cost of doing business.

[–]nerbovig 509 points510 points  (12 children)

On top of that, the Johnsons also own the Jets, so their shame is unending.

[–]lies_about_flossing 92 points93 points  (0 children)

This is the worse crime

[–]FishtanksG 43 points44 points  (2 children)

Lol. Butt fumble.

[–]ryguy28896 283 points284 points  (44 children)

Son of a bitch. I've been using baby powder to prevent my boys from sticking to my legs, and I've been worried about this shit ever since that woman got cancer a few months ago.

[–]strum_and_dang 183 points184 points  (21 children)

A lot of baby powder (including J&J) has been reformulated to use corn starch instead of talc, look for that kind.

[–]EMPulseKC 138 points139 points  (5 children)

Or, y'know... Just buy corn starch instead.

[–]uncleseano 71 points72 points  (12 children)

Until we find out Corn starch makes your spleen combust

[–]Brickthedummydog 58 points59 points  (8 children)

Yeast infections in your skin folds, if theres any kind of an overgrowth there the yeast will eat th cornstarch and you'll get a very raw red rash. Good news though you can fix it with crotch cream

[–][deleted] 25 points26 points  (6 children)

Can't you fix that just by taking a shower regularly?

[–]uncleseano 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Na man, showering thins your blood and makes your feet hairy

[–]Onetap1 63 points64 points  (8 children)

Percy: What are you doing?

Martin: Dude, I'm putting a little corn starch on my huevos, man. It's a little too humid down here.

Percy: Dad, wake up. Martin's putting corn starch on his balls.

Carl Casper: [passes the corn starch] Want some? Here, it's like baby powder. Cool your nuts... It's nice, right?

Percy: Nice.

Carl Casper: What's good is, in the morning, you can dip your nuts in oil and make hush puppies.

[–]beanzamillion21 484 points485 points  (49 children)


[–][deleted] 150 points151 points  (11 children)

If you invest in index funds/401k, you probably own some J&J stock which technically makes you a shareholder as well.

[–][deleted] 52 points53 points  (9 children)

I guess take from this what you will, JNJ's response:

The Reuters article is one-sided, false, and inflammatory. Johnson & Johnson's baby powder is safe and asbestos-free.

Studies of more than 100,000 men and women show that talc does not cause cancer or asbestos-related disease. Thousands of independent tests by regulators and the world's leading labs prove our baby powder has never contained asbestos. Johnson & Johnson will continue to defend the safety of our product.

For the truth and facts about talc, please go to www.factsabouttalc.com.

The Reuters article is wrong in three key areas:

The article ignores that thousands of tests by J&J, regulators, leading independent labs, and academic institutions have repeatedly shown that our talc does not contain asbestos.

The article ignores that J&J has cooperated fully and openly with the U.S.FDA and other global regulators, providing them with all the information they requested over decades. We have also made our cosmetic talc mines and processed talc available to regulators for testing. Regulators have tested both, and they have always found our talc to be asbestos-free.

The article ignores that J&J has always used the most advanced testing methods available to confirm that our cosmetic talc does not contain asbestos. Every method available to test J&J's talc for asbestos has been used by J&J, regulators, or independent experts, and all of these methods have all found that our cosmetic talc is asbestos-free.

[–]harrietthugman 460 points461 points  (38 children)

Johnson and Johnson literally poisoned babies for profit.

But corporations are healthy for society and care for the common folk

[–]FartingBob 235 points236 points  (27 children)

Nestle are going to be pissed if they get overtaken in the "most evil conglomerates" leaderboard.

[–]harrietthugman 51 points52 points  (6 children)

Idk man, their slave labor is hard to top

[–]Hellogiraffe 53 points54 points  (0 children)

corporations are healthy for society and care for the common folk

That’s exactly why it was so important for us to make a businessman our president. Corporations always know what’s best for the 99% /s

[–]nclh77 207 points208 points  (9 children)

Good thing they are American, small fine, no jail, rinse and repeat.

[–]IceCreamEatingMFer 35 points36 points  (1 child)

Rinse, repeat, then stay dry with Johnson & Johnson new and improved baby powder!

[–]DaisyKitty 358 points359 points  (16 children)

I remember quite clearly hearing the comedian Dick Gregory speak on my campus in what was either 1974 or 1975, that is to say, more than 40 years ago, and he was saying then that J & J baby powder has asbestos and ground glass in it. He kept emphasising 'the capitalists put ground glass in your baby's powder' and returning to it throughout his talk.

Forty. fuckin'. years. ago.

And on a related note, remember when Trump rolled back regulations re: asbestos? You probably assumed at the time that it was connected to that Russian oligarch who deals in asbestos. But what you probably missed is this: Mike Pence's brother also is in the asbestos business. Stay tuned. And if I have time, I look for the cites on this.

ETA: link to Trump's loosening of regs re asbestos and that decision's link to Russia. excellent article: https://whyy.org/articles/trump-wants-to-make-asbestos-great-again/

[–]KP_Wrath 35 points36 points  (4 children)

Mike Pence, as sleazy as the rest of them, but he knows how to keep his mouth shut.

[–]Arknell 39 points40 points  (2 children)

Well do you want your baby to catch fire?

[–]Throwzas 36 points37 points  (3 children)

Maybe it’s CLEAN asbestos. Like that clean coal

[–]NorthEndGuy 16 points17 points  (2 children)

I hope people are reading the full article before jumping on the bandwagon. J&J seems to have a very strong and comprehensive defense.

[–]WellSpreadMustard 217 points218 points  (22 children)

It's time for Johnson & Johnson to be broken up and the pieces sold off. Of course that won't happen though because I'm sure they donate a ton of money to political campaigns so they'll probably get a fine equivalent to an average person turning over their pocket change.

[–]Cloaked42m 83 points84 points  (7 children)

J.P. Morgan analyst Chris Schott in a note to clients said the price drop Friday was an “over-reaction, especially from a longer-term perspective” because J&J’s exposure to the talc legal risk probably won’t come close to the roughly $40 billion in market cap J&J lost Friday.

[–][deleted] 29 points30 points  (2 children)

Everyone in America put that on their children. Anyone ever seen a mob of angry parents it’s not your typical college protest.

[–]its_a_clump_of_cells 85 points86 points  (30 children)

time to start thinking about loading up on J&J stock for the inevitable drop then the climb back up.

[–]TheFondler 136 points137 points  (56 children)

Science should not be decided in the courtroom. Where are qualified scientists in this discussion? I want to hear what the actual science says, and not from J&J or an ambulance chaser.

[–]FiftyShadesOfGregg 95 points96 points  (31 children)

There’s extensive scientific literature out there about this issue, as it is not a new development as this article would suggest. It’s generally agreed based on extensive scientific study that talcum powder does not cause cancer, and even where talcum powder contains trace amounts of asbestos, perineal use of cosmetic talc does not cause cancer.

[–]Rivster79 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Wow, rationale people in this thread.

[–]Thegreatgarbo 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Only the best asbestos for my baby.

[–]autotldrBOT 10 points11 points  (4 children)

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 39%. (I'm a bot)

Reuters reviewed documents and deposition and trial testimony the news outlet said showed from 1971 to the early 2000s, J&J company executives, mine managers, doctors and lawyers were aware J&J's raw talc and finished powders sometimes tested positive for small amounts of asbestos.

J&J referred Reuters to its outside litigation counsel, who in emailed responses, rejected Reuters' findings as "False and misleading." "The scientific consensus is that the talc used in talc-based body powders does not cause cancer, regardless of what is in that talc," Bicks wrote.

"This is true even if - and it does not - Johnson & Johnson's cosmetic talc had ever contained minute, undetectable amounts of asbestos." He dismissed the tests cited in Reuter's article as "Outlier" results, Reuters said.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Reuters#1 talc#2 J&J#3 asbestos#4 powder#5