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[–]Jango214 1935 points1936 points  (155 children)

Isn't the Sputnik vaccine also made of the same tech as J&J and AZ?

[–]AimingWineSnailz 771 points772 points  (87 children)

Yes, though the second shot is with another adenovirus (Ad 5). So theoretically (SPECULATION - IANAD) there's more room for vector side effects.

[–]heliumneon 292 points293 points  (67 children)

But the mechanism of clotting is probably due to the small amount of broken vector capsules leaking their vaccine DNA fragments. Theoretically this could be similar among all the adenovirus vectors. (The leaked DNA fragments can cause a clotting response because the body can treat extracellular DNA as one of the signs of injury requiring clotting.)

Or maybe some vector types are better than others. Or perhaps it's a manufacturing issue that can be solved.

Edit: just to clarify, the idea that intracellular DNA is the cause of clotting events is what some scientists have speculated about Astrazeneca. See the discussion in Science magazine here. Although I am not an expert, I'm speculating that the J&J and Astrazeneca clotting rare events could have the same cause, because both are viral vector DNA vaccines.

[–]tim4tw 139 points140 points  (32 children)

I don't think that's the case. These rare thrombotic events occur after 5 to 14 days after the shot. I would not expect this if it is really the DNA that is causing it. The most prominent hypothesis is that the vaccine causes auto immunity against a factor that is part of the clotting system. Hence the thrombocytopenia.

[–]jk_throway 79 points80 points  (21 children)

Super fun, my wife recently found out she has the Factor V mutations for thrombophilia and just got the J&J vaccine on Friday before we knew about all of this, she even disclosed that condition, but they were only worried about hemophilia and shrugged it off.

[–]JoyKil01 15 points16 points  (4 children)

I have that too with a history of DVT. Visited a hematologist last week and he said he’d recommend any of the vaccines (even AZ) either way—corona is much worse than these rare events. He just told me to keep my eyes on things and call him immediately if I suspect a clot. FWIW, I’ve been taking low-dose aspirin this year just cuz clotting and covid make me nervous.

[–]40325 292 points293 points  (10 children)

as an idiot, i'm glad we've got y'all.

[–]NotAnotherEmpire 83 points84 points  (46 children)


[–]Jango214 48 points49 points  (44 children)

So we can expect it to have the same problems as the other two?

[–]nemoomen 183 points184 points  (38 children)

We don't know. N=2 right now. A lot of vaccines things (see below) in the last 10 years were made with the same tech and didn't cause the clotting issue.

We also don't know if Russia would tell us if there was the same problem with Sputnik.

[–]angelbeach 87 points88 points  (12 children)

Countries such as Argentina are also using the Sputnik vaccine so I'm sure we will hear about any issues.

[–]Minneapolis_WBoosted! ✨💉✅ 1624 points1625 points  (205 children)

That is less than ideal.

So it sounds like similar issue to AZ... is it a viral vector issue?

[–]etxcpl 913 points914 points  (78 children)

Yup they both use adenovirus and looks to be an issue with that.

[–]toontje18I'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 584 points585 points  (72 children)

But they use different vectors. AZ uses an inactivated chimpansee virus and J&J uses an inactivated human cold virus.

[–]etxcpl 514 points515 points  (68 children)

Correct, but both adenovirus that seem in extremely rare instances to cause platelet/clot issues related to vaccination.

[–]toontje18I'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 311 points312 points  (64 children)

If the tech behind the vaccines will be the problem, it will be very unfortunate, as both these vaccine are probably two of the most important vaccines in the global fight against the virus.

[–]chrisms150 305 points306 points  (58 children)

Almost assuredly.


Modern adenoviruses used for this is now heavily modified and not from human origins - because of the lessons we learend here.

It seems it's still not 100% safe from the immune reaction.

I've long since said I prefer liposomes over AVs because of a concern with the immune reaction to the AV itself perhaps making boosters less effective; now it seems that immune reaction is still a bit too strong in some patients (mostly young female).

I wouldn't be surprised if we find some commonality (maybe a specific brand of birth control pills) that ties thede cases together, and the combination is leading to a hightened issue..

[–]x2040 148 points149 points  (49 children)

One of the recent studies argues that cutting the dose in half may solve much of the issue.

[–]CornellBigRed 2876 points2877 points  (677 children)

Well this is not great.

[–]Worth-Enthusiasm-161Boosted! ✨💉✅[S] 2317 points2318 points  (510 children)

For the US it will mean a delay of some weeks if this continues, but for the EU this can potentially mean a delay of 2-3 months of the vaccination program as it is heavily dependent on J&J. So very bad news indeed.

[–]Torn_and_Frayed17 774 points775 points  (277 children)

That’s what I was thinking - the US vaccination effort will be slightly delayed but this will be so bad for the rest of the world, especially with how much more effort is required to handle the mRNA vaccines.

Hopefully we can get into a position soon enough to start supporting our neighbors and the rest of the world.

[–]big_deal 1574 points1575 points  (213 children)

the US vaccination effort will be slightly delayed

I am more concerned with the impact on public confidence in vaccine safety. Rebuilding confidence will take longer than whatever delay the pause in J&J vaccinations will produce.

[–]Jhanzow 380 points381 points  (15 children)

Especially since the J&J was touted as being ideal for low-income and minority communities because it was supposed to be easier to distribute logistically (storage temps, one appointment vs two). I could see minority communities that may already be skeptical of vaccination efforts being further wary due to this finding.

[–]Alexlam24 499 points500 points  (131 children)

Facebook and youtube are going to have a field day

[–]obsd92107 234 points235 points  (21 children)

Vaccines are turning people into Interracial gay frogs!

[–]Past0r0fMuppetz 52 points53 points  (2 children)

I was on the fence before, but now I’m In!!

[–]19610taw3I'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 144 points145 points  (86 children)

My anti-vaxx friends are going crazy with it

[–]spatulababy 138 points139 points  (57 children)

I know numbers probably aren’t their strong suit, but at the current incident rate, there’s a .0001% chance of developing a serious blood clot or clotting disorder as an adverse effect to one of the viral vector vaccines. There’s a 1.8% mortality rate from COVID-19 in the US. If the reported infection numbers are correct, then half of the US has already been infected. Doing some reaaaaaly simple maths, that’s an absolute risk of .9% mortality due to COVID. That’s a .9% chance of dying just generally because COVID is still going around. While these risk numbers are hard to put into perspective because they are sub 1%, the risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19 is 9000 times more risky than dying from an adverse effect from a viral vector vaccine.

[–]19610taw3I'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 112 points113 points  (15 children)

You know they'll argue that point too , right?


[–]lovethepuppers 99 points100 points  (4 children)

We have family that already thought the vaccine was worse than the disease. This will only “prove” it to them.

[–]allyourphil 227 points228 points  (48 children)

This is bad for the whole world, even if US vaccinations are at a high level, the continued spread elsewhere in the world could lead to more mutation

[–]Pinewood74 68 points69 points  (26 children)

Can't they just keep pumping J&J doses off the line and then have all the more ready when all this is resolved.

It's not going to sink the whole vaccine, it's 6 cases out of 7M.

[–]allyourphil 82 points83 points  (8 children)

Probably but demand is going to sink for them.

[–][deleted] 24 points25 points  (7 children)

it absolutely will. already seeing it on social media. people saying that they won't ever take a J&J product, they'll now just wait until Pfizer is available, etc.

[–]brainxbleach 639 points640 points  (151 children)

I’m in the EU and this is going to push back vaccinations for months. We just don’t have enough Pfizer to vaccinate everyone, and ironically we used those doses on the elderly...the group seemingly least affected by clots from AstraZeneca, so that’s cool.

[–]Worth-Enthusiasm-161Boosted! ✨💉✅[S] 194 points195 points  (136 children)

It will take at least until beginning of September to vaccinate everyone by Pfizer and Moderna, so hefty delay for sure (but perhaps slightly less that what you’d think as the Pfizer order will be mostly completed in Q3.

[–]MasterOracle 105 points106 points  (20 children)

probably they will just do something similar to AZ, using it to a limited age range, I don't think that the eu will scrap the vaccine completely

[–]NotAnotherEmpire 53 points54 points  (2 children)

This next week was a J&J delay anyway due to a supplier plant retooling. So additional impact will be minor.

[–]questionnameBoosted! ✨💉✅ 195 points196 points  (62 children)

Well, it’s a process, they will review the real world data so far, and make a decision based on biostats, science, and facts. It’s not the final word and good to have such mechanism in place for safety.

[–]drunkcowofdeath 257 points258 points  (57 children)

Okay and even if they decide in a few weeks it is safe after all how many people will use this as proof you shouldn't get vaccinated? This is a disaster.

[–]GonzaloR87Boosted! ✨💉✅ 334 points335 points  (22 children)

I work with homeless patients and the J&J vaccine is key in getting this population vaccinated as it doesn’t require us finding them for their second dose. We have been messaging that the vaccines are safe to a very vaccine hesitant population. This is awful news as it may really hamper our efforts vaccinating this high risk population.

[–]mrsredfast 97 points98 points  (0 children)

This was my first thought as well. Work in domestic violence intervention and many of my clients move frequently and/or change contact info for financial and safety reasons. Many are vaccine hesitant. One dose vaccines are easier sell for sure.

[–]sfw_oceans 25 points26 points  (4 children)

It's a terrible situation but there's no alternative here. Officials are obligated to disclose these risks and provide proper guidance. This is a safe guard that's built into the emergency authorization. If what we know about these blood clots is the full extent of the story, the roll out should resume in a week or two with updated risk disclosures

If anything this should increase faith in the process. We now have confirmation that health officials are vigilantly monitoring the whole process and have the power to pump the brakes even when it's not politically favorable to do so.

[–]bobsaget824 61 points62 points  (11 children)

Might not be ideal but you can still go with one dose of Pfizer or Moderna and still get moderate effectiveness — this isn’t some crazy idea, many countries are doing just that to spread the doses they have out, some like the UK are having the time between doses be 12 weeks also. Like I said not ideal, but better than no vaccine.

[–]Delicious_Battle_703 42 points43 points  (8 children)

One dose of Pfizer is likely more effective than J&J. I think they're afraid to send the message to people that they don't need their second mRNA dose, because it does improve the efficacy. But depending on available supplies and remaining unvaccinated demographics they may need to prioritize just getting people a single mRNA dose.

[–]GigaBreaker88 19 points20 points  (2 children)

Second shot primarily helps the immunity last longer. Exactly how much of an effect it has is unknown, but it IS important.

[–]GoldenFalcon 214 points215 points  (45 children)

Anti-vaxx is gonna jump all over this shit. This is worse than just delayed doses.

[–]KawaiiCoupon 76 points77 points  (4 children)

Yeah, the dumb part is that here is the company being completely transparent about the cases, the FDA itself says to pause the vaccinations, and basically all the things that should be done responsibly are being done for something that’s happened to six people out of seven million. But for them this just confirms their conspiracies even though the complete transparency and action by the government is pretty in conflict with their “theories”.

[–][deleted] 1557 points1558 points  (354 children)

I got the J&J and am currently in the timeline people are finding this. My question is, how do you know if it’s happening to you? Headache, fainting, etc? I can’t find any info on it

EDIT: Just to be more specific, 6 to 13 days post vaccination is when they said the 6 cases had popped up. Lots of good info in the replies to this comment for anyone else seeking out the symptoms

[–][deleted] 1225 points1226 points  (158 children)

severe headache with blurred vision. You will know something is off.

[–][deleted] 469 points470 points  (94 children)

Thanks, makes me feel a bit better. My head has been feeling just fine

[–]BluePen04 168 points169 points  (28 children)

You have a 1 in a million chance of being affected

[–]RubyRhod 211 points212 points  (49 children)

The vast majority of this happens in women as well. If you are a man, then you have even less to be worried about.

[–]pibbs 190 points191 points  (41 children)

I thought the 6 were ALL women

[–]rya556 164 points165 points  (37 children)

All women 18-48.

[–]pauherr 28 points29 points  (19 children)

As a woman, aged 18-48. Just got the vaccine Friday. Had like 4 side effects.

[–]tapdncingchemist 146 points147 points  (12 children)

As a woman in the relevant age range who had the vaccine 6 days ago and is trying to wean off anti-anxiety meds, I am not having a good day.

I know it’s not rational, so I don’t need convincing. But telling someone who’s prone to panic attacks to look out for shortness of breath is not a great experience for that person.

[–]arcant12 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Same here - I just got it last week, have severe anxiety and I have asthma so shortness of breath is a common things

Fun times here.

[–]LazyCaffeineFiend 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Hang in there. I got mine 6 days ago as well and my mental health is not good right now. I’ve got a 4 year old and two year old and my husband works doubles at a car wash and can’t use his phone, so now I’m super paranoid.

[–]WYenginerdWY[🍰] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Girl, same. I not only have GAD, but also routinely experience numbness and pain in my legs from what is currently diagnosed as fibromyalgia. Oh and I also have costochondritis so chest pain is like....a Tuesday. And I just got my JJ shot this weekend.

I am straight up not having a good day. The engineer/data girl and the anxiety girl are battling for supremacy and so far the fight hasn't been called.

[–]Holmgeir 145 points146 points  (2 children)

If you are a man, then you have even less to be worried about.

Story of my life.

[–]ktv13 141 points142 points  (42 children)

Not for everyone though. I get eye migraines that are exactly like that. I get blurry vision in an eye. And incidentally in Germany a woman who had it did not seek help earlier because she thought it was a migraine.

[–]bar_tosz 459 points460 points  (26 children)

Here you go: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/astrazenecas-covid-19-vaccine-ema-finds-possible-link-very-rare-cases-unusual-blood-clots-low-blood

This is for AZ but as cloths are of similar type I assume this will be applicable.

Patients should seek medical assistance immediately if they have the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • swelling in your leg
  • persistent abdominal (belly) pain
  • neurological symptoms, including severe and persistent headaches or blurred vision
  • tiny blood spots under the skin beyond the site of injection

[–]omygoshgamache 124 points125 points  (22 children)

In some people shortness of breath is a sign of CV too, and a common immediate side effect of the vaccine hitting. So, that’s confusing.

[–]kdevari 403 points404 points  (15 children)

It’s also a sign of anxiety from reading I might develop a blood clot!

[–][deleted] 101 points102 points  (10 children)

And moreso from the anxiety of wondering whether it's a blood clot, coronavirus, or just anxiety — which starts the feedback loop of anxiety over again.

[–]whywhy_why 35 points36 points  (0 children)

I was at risk for a clot (not COVID related, my health is shitty on its own) and it really helps to get some good panic attack exercises to help determine if it’s anxiety or a clot. For me, breathing in for four and out for eight was amazing, and the breathlessness was anxiety every time. Just remember it’s probably the most simple explanation, which is anxiety for most of us.

[–][deleted] 305 points306 points  (61 children)

Don't obsess over it. It's done and while you should stay alert, it's equally important not to freak yourself out. Good luck mate.

[–][deleted] 176 points177 points  (56 children)

Well unfortunately my brain does horrifically badly when it comes to anything medical related, so I’m in for a tough few weeks of mental health. I’ll get there though

[–]Fuckofaflower 95 points96 points  (1 child)

It may have affected 6 poeple in nearly 7 million doses. I wouldn't put a second thought to it, if you feel fine go on with your life and be happy that you have growing protection from covid. You are far more likely to get a clot from a long haul flight, Covid, the pill and smoking probably also a lot of other medications.

[–]cunth 135 points136 points  (6 children)

You're much more likely to still catch covid

[–][deleted] 75 points76 points  (3 children)

This actually cracked me up, because you’re definitely right

[–][deleted] 59 points60 points  (2 children)

It's incredibly rare, something to keep in mind though.

[–]geo_lib 43 points44 points  (8 children)

Hi! First thing, you will more than likely be fine! 6 out of the 7 million people in the US who have received J&J are had the issue! Only 6 isn't bad!

Second thing, it is NOT a typical clot from the J&J, so it has different symptoms than the leg pain, etc... cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is the type of problem which is a blood clot in the brain/sinus, these are the symptoms (via John Hopkins) Headache

  • Blurred vision
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness
  • Loss of control over movement in part of the body

Please be safe, do not freak out because you will be fine, and please do some research on it perhaps, don't take the word of internet strangers (myself included)

Edit: spelling, and for clarity in the first sentence

[–]Skdisbdjdn 96 points97 points  (14 children)

Weird unexplained bruising or sub-dermal bleeding visible through the skin

[–]2close2see 102 points103 points  (16 children)

6 cases in 6.8 million doses.

You're more than 2 times more likely to be struck by lightning.

I've you've got a severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath within three weeks of getting the shot, talk to your doctor.

In the mean time, relax =)

[–]lordhamster1977I'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 102 points103 points  (10 children)

Yes, but let me be pedantic a little.

Lightning strikes and shark attacks are often cited examples of rare occurrences. They are averaged over a general population. If you are a deep sea diver, your personal odds of a shark attack are orders of magnitude higher than if you are a soybean farmer in central Illinois.

Likewise, I think the population subset we are talking about is relevant here. If young women are experiencing an issue disproportionately, then the risk/reward ratio for that group shifts somewhat. Comparing a small demographic's risk to the broader population is diluting the issue an inaccurately reflecting risk.

For example, in the US, only 251 people aged 0-17 died from Covid. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#SexAndAge

If hypothetically the blood clotting risk happens more than 251 times in that same population group, then the risk/reward ratio of giving THAT specific group THIS vaccine shifts.

I guess we have to wait and see what the numbers yield. For now i think it is way premature to pause vaccination.

[–]WYenginerdWY[🍰] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Exactly. People are forgetting or not accounting for the fact that not all 6.8 million doses were given to women under 50. Our group represents only a fraction of those total doses and carries the entire caseload. So, if half were men and half were over fifty, our group risk might actually be 4x higher than the rate suggested by the population as a whole.

[–]princessjemmy 65 points66 points  (2 children)

I'm just glad I got the J&J last weekend. I didn't have a choice, as you get what you get when you sign up in my state.

At this point, I've had cancer twice, I just dealt with a retinal detachment, and am only 45. If I get blood clotting issues, I'll just deal. Have done a lot of dealing these past 5 years...

[–]Deedaisy 376 points377 points  (61 children)

I was scheduled to get this shot today, in just a few hours. I've been waiting for the opportunity to get vaccinated because I have to go in to work everyday and don't work from home. This is just great... :/

Update: They paused all J&J vaccinations in my State, so I wasn't able to get a shot today. They have rescheduled me for a Moderna shot next week. I liked the convenience of one and done J&J but I'll take whatever I can get.

[–]starrlitestarrbrite 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Same. Just got the phone call from the pharmacy that I have the appointment with today, that they have to cancel. Took me 2 weeks to even find an open appointment near me. J&J was the only shot they’re offering so I couldn’t even keep my appointment and get a different shot. Back to the drawing board.

[–]toadfan64 2212 points2213 points  (508 children)

Welp, this is gonna tank people’s faith in the vaccine now... great.

[–]TheyreGoodDogsBrent 2210 points2211 points  (138 children)

The fact that there are safeguards to thoroughly investigate even small numbers of adverse reactions is one of the reasons why people should have the utmost confidence in our vaccine regulation process. But I agree that a lot of people will not see it that way.

[–]planet_balI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 722 points723 points  (95 children)

There are a lot of people looking for a reason not to get it and/or spread their crap that people shouldn't take any vaccine.

[–]JonathanFisk86 233 points234 points  (19 children)

Correct. My anti vaxx colleague has never been happier than when he told me 'did you hear what happened with the AstraZeneca vaccine'? This will reduce take-up even of mRNA vaccines because it's going to be spun as 'there are no safe COVID vaccines' by many people.

[–]RespectThyHypnotoad 160 points161 points  (12 children)

You should point out if they are getting happy with bad news then they were looking for bad news to begin with.

We all should be rooting for the vax. At this point they are being very cautious in regards to pausing J&J.

[–]JonathanFisk86 73 points74 points  (11 children)

Of course he was looking for bad news - and he tells everyone he knows the vaccines are 'experimental' anyway. But now he points to the AZ and J&J pauses as proof that all the vaccines are compromised, and unfortunately there's a lot of people on the fence who are easily swayed by this into not vaccinating. It's definitely going to slow down the vaccination effort given how many doses the EU etc have ordered.

[–]SandF 55 points56 points  (9 children)

"Here's reality. They take vaccine safety so seriously that they will pause an all out vaccination blitz over concerns of 1 in a million cases.

As opposed to birth control pills, which are widely used and accepted as safe and approved, which have a 1 in 1,000 risk of blood clots.

Somehow that does not factor into your conspiracy theories. I never once heard you thunder on about blood clots as a result of birth control. Only vaccines. Why is that?"

[–]SCEngineer 275 points276 points  (48 children)

This right here- they're not weighing risk probability. They want a concrete reason to not get the vaccine.

And you can bet they'll lump this issue with the J&J vaccine together with Moderna and Pfizer as of they're all the exact same thing.

[–]MistahmillaI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 124 points125 points  (36 children)

They will also be the crowd that says the virus is nothing to worry about because of the 99.8% or whatever they say survival rate.

[–]OnlyLoveCanBreak 228 points229 points  (25 children)

Right. For those folks it’s -

Virus that kills millions: “It’s just the flu! LET ME LIVE MY LIFE”

Vaccine that possibly gave 6 out of 7 million people a blood clot: “THE VACCINES ARE DEADLY STOP ALL VACCINATIONS IMMEDIATELY”

[–]ohnoshebettado 95 points96 points  (0 children)

They can't think straight because these MASKS are cutting off their OXYGEN /s

[–]glitterific2 297 points298 points  (29 children)

And I took this as our government taking side effects seriously. Sadly, the media is doing a shit job as usual

[–][deleted] 78 points79 points  (6 children)

The responsible headline would have been to put the number of cases (6) that have been reported. Otherwise it reads like it’s more widespread. But since when has the times been responsible?

[–]Stumposaurus_Rex 143 points144 points  (4 children)

The type of people who critically think about this and read the report and detailed data to make informed decisions are the type who were always going to get a vaccine anyway.

That fence sitting middle aged woman on Facebook who just isn't sure about these new fangled vaccines isn't going to read the fine print. They're going to decide that you WILL get a deadly blood clot from this. Meanwhile they've decided they definitely won't get COVID from singing in their church choir without a mask.

[–]Ned84 113 points114 points  (13 children)

The media is here to make money not end the pandemic.

[–][deleted] 81 points82 points  (8 children)

And not just that vaccine, but the rest too. I've been trying to convince them the vaccines in general are fine but now they probably won't think that after this even though it has to do with just j&j.

[–][deleted] 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Happened with my mom this morning. She was scheduled to get J&J today but then saw the news. She is still interested in the other two, but I suspect that too will fade.

Update: my mom was rescheduled the same day for Moderna, she just got it this afternoon!

[–]NCSUGrad2012 47 points48 points  (1 child)

This is 100% my concern too. How many people aren’t going to separate J&J and just refuse to take any?

The anti vaccine ground is going to have a field day with this one.

[–]oldgreymutt 113 points114 points  (17 children)

The anti maskers/ anti vaccine folks now scored their top talking point for the next year

[–]mchgndr 350 points351 points  (216 children)

This is ultimately going to get people get killed. 6 blood clots out of 7 million doses?? Do they really not realize the cost-benefit here?!

[–]Randomwhitelady2 139 points140 points  (79 children)

This is reassuring since I got the J&J vaccine a couple days ago

[–]WibbleWibbler 197 points198 points  (44 children)

Be more worried about the drive to vaccine center. A car crash is a bigger risk.

[–][deleted] 38 points39 points  (5 children)

It takes up to two weeks for the clots to develop. We don’t know how many people will have complications yet; hence the pause

[–]sports2012 35 points36 points  (12 children)

Yes, I'm sure the FDA/CDC understands the concept of cost/benefit.

[–]Redditbayernfan 560 points561 points  (63 children)

I was about to get the J&j vaccine now, was literally 5 mins from the vaccination center.

Edit: guys I was going to take the JJ vaccine regardless of the news, I really don’t care of the super low chances. Regardless, I am going to the PFIZER vaccination site to get that one. Cheers!

[–]KyleLetsss34 84 points85 points  (21 children)

Did you end up getting it?

[–]Redditbayernfan 314 points315 points  (20 children)

No, the vaccination site was close down as I was in the line

[–]sleepygirl08 72 points73 points  (8 children)

God that sucks so bad. I am so sorry. I had my appointment set for today after just becoming eligible yesterday. So excited and then I got the call a few minutes ago it's canceled:(

[–]kellapplecore 41 points42 points  (15 children)

Can't you get Moderna or Pfizer?

[–]Redditbayernfan 106 points107 points  (12 children)

My first choice was jj but now I’m on my way to get Pfizer

[–]1platesquat 45 points46 points  (4 children)

At least you were able to get a dose in today.

[–]jonbristow 56 points57 points  (6 children)

Damn lucky you. You can choose when and which vaccine to get.

Meanwhile in my country I'll probably get a vaccine in 2022 😩

[–]Theobat 1064 points1065 points  (149 children)

So many people were suspicious of the Pfizer and moderna mRNA vaccines. Ironic that those are not the ones causing serious problems.

Edit: edited to removed reference to “new” tech. Reworded: there was a lot of suspicion regarding the mRNA vaccines, ironic that the viral vector vaccines (both types being relatively new ish) are the ones causing a problem, albeit a problem that is 1 in a million.

[–]annoyedatlantan 210 points211 points  (15 children)

Both the mRNA vaccines and viral vector vaccines are new technology. There has been no widescale approval of a viral vector vaccine in humans - and research on viral vector vaccines has only been going on a bit longer than mRNA vaccines. It's a bit of a myth that viral vector vaccines are "tried and tested". The only major use of them today is one approved vaccine for.. use in animals.

Assuming that cost factors for mRNA vaccines can be sorted out, it is entirely possible that viral vector vaccines may not end up being used for anything (besides these COVID vaccines). Both use the same principle (deliver a designer genetic payload to get your cells to produce viral proteins), but the mRNA delivery mechanism is far, far simpler than using a virus to deliver the payload. Simpler delivery mechanism means fewer potential risk factors.

Regardless, I hope that we're able to sort out the risk factors for these issues and can get these shots in at least some folk's arms. Viral vector vaccines are what will help get the world vaccinated, even if developed countries can get away with a more limited mRNA supply (albeit with a longer lead time).

[–]Underbough 40 points41 points  (6 children)

VV has also been used for Ebola vaccination recently though at a smaller scale than the Covid implementation

[–]annoyedatlantan 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Yes, you are correct. I should have said "widescale use" rather than "widescale approval." The Ebola vaccine was approved in December 2019 by the FDA and November 2019 in the EU.

Unless there has been a recent deployment in the field I am not aware of, fewer than 30,000 humans have received that vaccine in trials and in real world use (significantly fewer than the AZ and JnJ trials on their own). Definitely not enough to detect this clotting issue.

[–]hearmeout29Boosted! ✨💉✅ 244 points245 points  (72 children)

This was also my comment almost word for word. I did so much research on mRNA and realized it was the better choice. I got the Moderna with no issues or side effects.

[–]WakkoLMBoosted! ✨💉✅ 81 points82 points  (43 children)

same, mild side effects with the first shot but I was prepared for worse. I am nervous about the second but still glad I chose Moderna

[–]Archery100 69 points70 points  (15 children)

A heads up for the second dose, be prepared to feel heavy fatigue all day the day after you get it. It messed me and a groupof friends up but we recovered the next day just fine.

[–]WakkoLMBoosted! ✨💉✅ 48 points49 points  (8 children)

I've known quite a few that have gotten their second shot and it's amazing how different it can affect one person to the next, I know some who didn't have any side effects, and some said it was the sickest they ever were for 12 hours and then they felt back to 100% just as fast!

[–]hearmeout29Boosted! ✨💉✅ 38 points39 points  (6 children)

I am diabetic and just had my yearly visit with my doctor last week. He ran his usual gamut of test and my glucose readings. All normal. I am happy I did my due diligence and made an informed decision to get the mRNA vaccines. I am just waiting for the boosters now.

[–]BF1shY 338 points339 points  (22 children)

Oxford's AstraZeneca and Janssen's Johnson & Johnson vaccines use the same Non-replicating adenovirus vector vaccine base, while Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA in lipid nanoparticles.

I'm not surprised that J&J is having the same clotting issues AstraZeneca is.

[–]rocketwidgetBoosted! ✨💉✅ 249 points250 points  (28 children)

Oy. Not great for the US but we will probably be OK. Terrible for the world.

Sounds like it's a common issue to the technology of the AZ and J&J vaccines.

Good summary of the AZ issue here: https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/04/12/az-oxford-calculations

Edit: Hey folks, read the article I posted. It's understood this is a very rare event.

A not-fake adverse event, even very rare, is still bad when vaccine hesitancy could be a problem. It's not as simple as "lightning strikes, who cares", and it's complicated by the fact that risks vary among various populations both for COVID-19 and vaccines. Countries are making changes in public health policy in the case of AZ, and are likely to continue to update policy as we get more information.

Edit2: A positive way of looking at this and vaccine hesitancy is as follows:

It's pretty hard to claim there's a vast conspiracy to suppress secret deaths and side effects when the whole damn system literally stops because it found 6 cases of a thing out of 7 million doses.


[–]koikatturtle 443 points444 points  (49 children)

My appointment is today will they still administer it to me. I’m ok taking it

[–]monaandgriff 120 points121 points  (1 child)

Depending on your areas supply, they might switch you to one of the others. Last week there were a few “adverse events” at a mass vaccine site so they switch the next days appointment to moderna/Pfizer.

[–]sleepygirl08 168 points169 points  (5 children)

They just called to cancel mine:( I would have happily taken it even with this information.

[–]TheBitingCatI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 26 points27 points  (1 child)

That really sucks. Will they prioritize you for rescheduling, or are they just planning to stick everyone back in the queue?

[–]sleepygirl08 26 points27 points  (0 children)

As far as I know you just have to find another appointment. They left a short voicemail saying the FDA had stopped the vaccine and my appointment was cancelled.

[–]usachin 60 points61 points  (6 children)

If you are a woman age 18-50 and have a known issue with low platelets, ask for a different vaccine. It seems to affect this subset, as all of 6 cases involved this.

[–]Jiggerjuice 12 points13 points  (4 children)

How does anyone know their platelet count...

[–]rmarti78 158 points159 points  (18 children)

I don’t know why people are shitting on the FDA for this. Literally what choice did they have? Did you want them to bury this info and let it come out later and become a huge scandal? Or did you want them to let us know there was an issue that they’re investigating but asking people to feel confident taking a vaccine that’s under further investigation? There’s no good option here but they clearly picked the right one.

[–]nashamagirl99Boosted! ✨💉✅ 50 points51 points  (3 children)

The second one I think. Say that there is an issue being investigated, but it appears to be very rare, and let people choose whether to get the vaccine.

[–]DropC 213 points214 points  (19 children)

I'm pretty sure countries without any vaccine would not care about 1 in a million risk vaccine.

[–]Dakke97Boosted! ✨💉✅ 59 points60 points  (6 children)

South Africa in particular relies on the J&J vaccine. Many countries around the world have no other option.

[–]domerock_doc 173 points174 points  (43 children)

Honestly, I can’t tell if this is a good thing or not. It shows that the government isn’t hiding anything under the rug with regards to these vaccines. However, I fear that this will just enable the vaccine deniers and give credit to their position.

[–]ford_cruller 28 points29 points  (1 child)

It is a good thing. It is the safeguards built into the system working as intended.

[–]Blue_foot 67 points68 points  (17 children)

If one received their J&J vaccine 6 days ago, what symptoms would be a cause for concern?

[–]einimea 122 points123 points  (12 children)

Probably the same as for AstraZeneca: "persistent headaches or blurred vision, shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling or persistent abdominal pain, unusual skin bruising or round spots beyond the site of injection".

But 6 out of... what... over six million sounds really low.

[–]TrekRider911 81 points82 points  (10 children)

It's not six million. It's in the category of women, 18-48, which is a smaller subset of the overall J&J deployment.

[–]2001MThrowawayI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 192 points193 points  (41 children)

At least the CDC will be holding an emergency meeting tomorrow, and then shortly after, the FDA will review it, and it should be back in use. I wouldn't expect this to continue into next week unless something else comes up. Yes, it sucks, but moving back the vaccine rollout of 1 vaccine that isn't being used very much for a few days to make sure it is safe is very important.

[–]J_Fre22 55 points56 points  (8 children)

I just think it’s bad from a public perception standpoint

People have been looking not to get any vaccine, they finally have one

[–]counterpoint2 172 points173 points  (20 children)

"ok the J&J vax is safe now, just kidding about the whole blood clot thing"

The current headline is going to stick with people, this is irreparable PR damage to J&J.

[–]CtrlZonmylife 69 points70 points  (27 children)

I got the J&J a month ago. My arm hurt, I had chills that night and was tired for a couple days. For me it was worth it - sorry to see others getting such harsh reactions.

[–]AkioDAccolade 29 points30 points  (19 children)

I had mine Saturday and felt so fuckin terrible by Saturday night. I was sweating so bad I thought I pissed in the bed. I was dripping sweat like the swamp thing, my fever topped out at like 101.4

I’m on day 3 now and feel mostly better, but I still feel a little weak/sore, I can’t quite sit on my ass for more than 2 hours or so without needing a break and I have to kinda roll every 45 mins or so when I’m laying down.

[–]periwinkle7452 13 points14 points  (4 children)

I got the J&J last Wednesday and had the same thing. Started with an awful headache and then got fever, chills, aching all over the body and lots of sweating. I took some ibuprofen and it helped a ton. All the symptoms were gone for me after about 3 days.

[–]Doctor_Realist 156 points157 points  (32 children)

The problem is that these HIT like clotting reactions, at least for the A-Z vaccine, happen in a demographic whose morbidity and mortality from COVID isn’t as high. 1 in a million might be acceptable, but 1 in a hundred thousand may start getting close to the chances of becoming really ill with COVID.

[–]Alhelamene 72 points73 points  (0 children)

Here we go again

[–]Desiration 55 points56 points  (27 children)

J&J really not getting good press. A mass vaccination site near me had to halt J&J vaccinations about a week ago due to too many severe immediate reactions that day.

[–][deleted] 316 points317 points  (97 children)

This is very very bad.

A lot of people were planning to get J&J because they are scared of mRNA. I have multiple friends who are basically anti-vaxxers who refuse to get the Moderna/Pfizer shots. So this is going to be bad for those cases.

[–]Al-Khwarizmi 199 points200 points  (8 children)

I hope they don't discover that adenoviruses have DNA, then.

Really mRNA (at least to my layman's eye) sounds much less invasive than getting a whole virus. You only get the relevant information to make the protein. You don't get an actual pathogen, however harmless.

The only less invasive alternative would be injecting the protein itself (Novavax). I hope that one works well and can convince that kind of people.

[–]FleetlordI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 30 points31 points  (2 children)

But the difference in their view is that we've been injecting actual viruses into ourselves for 250 years and it's worked out, while mRNA is "untested technology".

[–]ThePermMustWait 90 points91 points  (20 children)

I also know multiple people who won’t get the mRNA but will get J&J but now I don’t know if they will get any when they see this.

[–]WhoBulliesTheBullies 104 points105 points  (19 children)

It’s funny because the J&J vaccine has DNA that gets coded into MRNA.

[–]LoudClassroom8481 16 points17 points  (2 children)

Yeah if you’re going to get anxious over the mechanism surely the whole producing the spike protein using human ribosomes would be the scary bit (which mRNA and adeno vector vaccines both do), not whether the mRNA is delivered directly or delivered pre transcription.

[–]WhoBulliesTheBullies 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Well at least what I told myself is that every virus also produces proteins pretty much the same way so the only unique risk factor of vaccination would be from the lipids that contain the MRNA.

[–][deleted] 128 points129 points  (18 children)

Well fuck. Ammo for the antivaxxers to use for the next 50 years.

[–]visual-curve 301 points302 points  (79 children)

Okay here's what the article says. Out of the roughly 7 million people who have received the J&J vaccine, 6 (yes, 6), have developed a rare disorder involving blood clots. All 6 cases were women in the age range of 18 to 48. One died and another is currently in the hospital. It's again one of those 'out of abundance of caution' situations but this is not remotely wide spread or anything. The 6 out of 7 million means .0000857% of vaccine recipients developed these blood clots.

[–]s4nid 137 points138 points  (10 children)

to be precise with the AZ cases it took 4-14 days after the vaccination for these cases to occur. So basically in 14 days you would have more accurate data for the 7 million doses. The current 6 cases are more representative of whatever number of doses was administered one or two weeks ago.

[–]NotAnotherEmpire 175 points176 points  (9 children)

Not if the appropriate denominator is women under 50. Europe with AstraZeneca had the same pattern, which suggests it is not chance.

[–]Rheenendal 33 points34 points  (2 children)

Yes, but in Europe at least health works are mostly women. So there are far more women under 50 being vaccinated than men so the data is skewed. I watched an interview on Sky where a medical professional said that the chance of an issue is equal for both genders.

[–]NotAnotherEmpire 18 points19 points  (1 child)

Well that's why it is important to establish. If it is 1 in 1 million that's very different from being 1 in 50k (or more) in a specific demographic.

[–]A_Weekend_WarriorBoosted! ✨💉✅ 76 points77 points  (13 children)

It’s worth changing the denominator slightly. Since all cases are younger women, it’s really that 6 out of however many younger women have gotten J&J. Obviously it’s still a very slight risk, because they’re going to treat this seriously and over correct for even the smallest of risks. But the percentage is more likely larger than that.

[–]AllThoseSadSongs 71 points72 points  (12 children)

Since birth control also can higher your risk, which many young women are on, it's information I wish I had before I got my shot.

[–]Jules6146I'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 26 points27 points  (8 children)

I am wondering if new guidance comes out such as, women on birth control pills should get a different shot, or smokers (another clot risk I believe) should only get mRNA shots.

[–]dcv2017 45 points46 points  (4 children)

For those upset about this, the FDA needs time to investigate to ensure safety. We don’t know exactly how widespread it could be. Even if it isn’t that much, they need time to figure out who is at risk and who is not. This isn’t a removal of approval, it’s a pause. Can you imagine the reaction if they ignored it and didn’t try to do anything about it? Ensuring safety of these vaccines is the only true way to keep long term confidence in them, not just ignoring potential risks. At least we have two other vaccine options.

[–]nocemoscata1992Boosted! ✨💉✅ 29 points30 points  (1 child)

I believe they will limit it to over something. Still not great.

[–][deleted] 27 points28 points  (6 children)

I guess I need to revisit my 90-y/o old neighbor who told me he is waiting for the J&J vaccine because he doesn't trust Pfizer.

[–]Murderbot_of_Rivia 15 points16 points  (1 child)

He would most likely still be fine to take the J&J, as this seems to have only effected women between the ages of 18-48.

[–]hidazfx 25 points26 points  (4 children)

Weren’t these all women between the ages of like 18 and 45 or something? Could birth control be causing these?

[–]crowd79I'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Welp, our national first daily dosage rate of 1.8 million+ will surely take a dive in the coming weeks.

[–]madds0804 127 points128 points  (125 children)

well damn, I just got my j&j yesterday :/

[–]Kazemari 73 points74 points  (40 children)

I got the j&j two days ago, 30f. Just had a low grade fever for a day about 8 hours after getting the shot.

[–]Tomahawk72Boosted! ✨💉✅ 61 points62 points  (37 children)

This is going to absolutely fuck rural Maine where they are struggling enough to get people to take the Vaccine

[–]Chadwick8505 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Of course I’m literally scheduled for Thursday to get JnJ.

[–]CatDad69 519 points520 points  (204 children)

Six clotting cases out of 7 million. Isn't the risk of doing this -- and the increased/confirmed hesitancy (see! I didn't want to be an experiment!) far worse than six cases out of 7 million?

This seems to be an insane overreaction with no realization of the longer-term harm this will cause in uptake. I don't get it, at all.

[–]IHeedNealing 376 points377 points  (127 children)

This doesn’t mean don’t vaccinate anyone with any vaccine. It just means J/J may not be good for certain people. It’s best to look into this thoroughly and see if there’s any correlation between the clot patients. Idk why people are mad about this.

[–]quarkkm 58 points59 points  (6 children)

Seriously. If the risk to a 22 year old woman from the shot is similar to that of covid, it's incredibly unethical to tell her to take the shot. We need to figure out what the actual risk is and whether we can better identify the risk factors.

I'm a little biased because I have had a rare disease that means I can't get a specific vaccine (thymoma and yellow fever). Hopefully they can id some link like that, screen people, and continue to use the shot in low risk people.

[–]iusethistolearnstuffBoosted! ✨💉✅ 233 points234 points  (86 children)

I think the comment is more about messaging - we already live in a country of anti-vaxxers and vaccine hesitancy. The PR regarding a vaccine not being safe is coming at a critical moment to convince people it’s safe to get vaccinated to stop the pandemic. I think the commenter was pointing out that 6/7000000 isn’t a huge flashing red light, and our path to herd immunity through vaccine uptake is already in peril

[–]Manners_BRO 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Well everyone, stay off of Facebook for a few weeks.