top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]SWW_Bear 3047 points3048 points  (42 children)

"Sir, co-op wont be ready for Season 2 release like we had projected. What do we do?"

"Call the season Lone Wolf."

[–]Lunchab1es 261 points262 points  (4 children)

“Lone Wolf” because you’ll be the last of your friends playing

[–]GuiltySpark449 17 points18 points  (1 child)

That was the case for me since January: although I dropped in January as well. Just scroll the reddit to maybe, one day, see more campaign dlc news

[–]superduperpuppy 734 points735 points  (2 children)

Ngl that flew over my head...

And now it bought land and built a house.

[–]JohnJoe-117 502 points503 points  (30 children)

Introducing the all new mode... Free for All

[–]RoboThePanda 233 points234 points  (29 children)

Free for all with one life by the sounds of it… like a mini battle royale

[–]2cool4afool 66 points67 points  (9 children)

I thought it would be a 2 or 3 life system. 8 players with 1 life each would be a very short game

[–]1337GameDev 147 points148 points  (15 children)

This sounds like slayer with 1 life...

Like we could make in past games...

[–]MegucaIsSuffering 73 points74 points  (9 children)

You don't get it, the UI doesn't allow changing available lives for Slayer custom games.

[–]OneFinalEffort"There is still time to stop the key from turning" 890 points891 points  (5 children)

New mode: Land Grab

Sooooo the Territories variant from Halo 2?

[–]Kick_Natherina 219 points220 points  (1 child)

Hopefully. I hate the current format. King of the Hill will always be better.

[–]Mountain_Mana 121 points122 points  (4 children)

The best part of the article is where it says "all Xbox consoles, from the original Xbox One through *Xbox One Series X*"...

[–]memedormo 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Even Microsoft gets confused.

[–][deleted] 1697 points1698 points  (79 children)

Can we swap Season 2 and 3 so we can just have the community make some maps in forge?

We'd have all the classic maps within a few days lol

[–]MrHippoPants 747 points748 points  (40 children)

Yeah, uh, one new 4v4 map and one for BTB isn't exactly going to bring people back for more than a week or so

[–]RedHawwk 482 points483 points  (35 children)

Won’t bring me back at all tbh. At this point I think I’m done til forge arrives.

[–]girl-penis 233 points234 points  (28 children)

And tbh whats the point in forge if there's no population to enjoy it. Modern Warfare 2022 comes out in the fall with a sequel to WARZONE, and that game will be gargantuan. My friends won't be coming back, that's for sure

[–]a_dude111i like making renders 135 points136 points  (8 children)

gargantuan in size, thats for sure

[–]MapleYamCakes 75 points76 points  (4 children)

Yes, gone are the days of purchasing games on discs, and arrived are the days of purchasing a single Activision game on a 1 TB NVMe.

[–]MazelTovCocktail027 277 points278 points  (19 children)

Fucking THIS!

Been saying since day 1 they should have prioritized Forge above almost everything else (UI design being an exception though, lmao) and had it ready at launch. Put a good enough tool out there and your players will make SO many good maps. Put them in the map pool like Bungie Favorites from Halo 3. Boom, you retain players because there's more content. It's a fucking no-brainer. Considering Halo 5 was the first to have Forge on PC, I expected it would be in Infinite at launch. But no, they took more steps backward. More like Halo Infinitesimal...

[–]Silverwhitemango 105 points106 points  (6 children)


I rather take Forge first over Co-Op Campaign.

Without the former, the community is not as lively. Evidence; all main Halo games from Halo 3, 2007 onwards.

[–]superwalrusbros 1637 points1638 points  (117 children)

Co op delayed past season 2 launch, still trying to target season 2 at some point it seemed. Two concept images of maps and talk of private forge flighting happening but it's aimed at coming with season 3.

[–]billtrociti 281 points282 points  (7 children)

Yikes... in November / December my group of friends would have 4-6 of us playing together on a nightly basis. Now we'll be lucky to get one night a week where 2 of us jump on together. The excitement and hype is gone, so without new stuff coming soon I feel they've lost us...

[–]DeathBuffaloFireteam Reddit Foxtrot 464 points465 points  (15 children)

Man, see you guys in like a year lol

[–]NerrionEU 198 points199 points  (10 children)

Kinda sad how this game already got delayed a year but it needed another year to be fully developed and that is if we are even lucky that they release all promised features in a year...

[–]zeller99Halo OG 148 points149 points  (8 children)

Seriously... What the heck were they actually going to release back in 2020 before it got delayed? Like...if they are STILL this far behind, what would we have gotten? A $60 main menu animation?

[–]vitaminz1990 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Same. What a shame.

[–]SkyGuy182 50 points51 points  (1 child)

Imagine being one of the biggest IPs in gaming history, owned by one of the wealthiest and most influential companies in history, and this still happens to you.

[–]DeadlySphinx 90 points91 points  (0 children)

Lol what a fucking joke. They should have just delayed the entire game for another year at this point

[–]DeathByReachRTX 3080ti / 10700K / 32GB of RAM / 3TB NVMe / LG C2 42" 467 points468 points  (45 children)

All this means that we will not be able to ship Campaign network co-op on May 3rd, at the start of Season 2. But we are still aiming to deliver Campaign network co-op later in Season 2, and we will share a release date for that and for split-screen co-op as soon as we can.

Network Co-Op should still bring coming during Season 2, just not at the start date of May 3rd.

[–]grilledpeanuts 284 points285 points  (17 children)

only network co-op, to be specific. this is carefully worded to exclude split screen coop from a season 2 launch window.

[–]DeathByReachRTX 3080ti / 10700K / 32GB of RAM / 3TB NVMe / LG C2 42" 130 points131 points  (16 children)

This is true, good clarification.

I have no idea how they’re gonna make a base Xbox One split screen this game

[–]Rapid_Roy_the_Rocket 52 points53 points  (13 children)

I assume it'll be like old halos where player 1 has priority, if player 2 strays too far, it'll teleport them back

[–]xKiLLaCaM 144 points145 points  (24 children)

If season 2 is as long as season 1 was, it might not be until the Fall or later for all we know

[–]DeathByReachRTX 3080ti / 10700K / 32GB of RAM / 3TB NVMe / LG C2 42" 110 points111 points  (23 children)

I think their intention is still 3ish month seasons after Season 1. S1 was an outlier.

When you start playing the beta, you will notice in the Battle Pass UI that Season 1 will last from now until May 2022, which is a change from our original goal of shipping a new Season every three months. We made the decision to extend Season 1 to give ourselves more time to ensure Season 2 meets our high quality bar and so we can finish development for Season 2 in a healthy and sustainable way for our team.


[–]Skeeter_206 61 points62 points  (14 children)

Which is really going to make these content droughts like right now much less of a problem moving forward, especially if they have event themed playlists and stuff going on throughout the three months

[–]TJ_Dot 152 points153 points  (13 children)

Pretty sure it's been long enough for people to dissect the campaign so much that I cannot really see Co-Op even grabbing much attention since it was so late.

It'll practically be for nothing given the low replay value of the Campaign.

[–]fanciestmangoGT: marry me miley 131 points132 points  (9 children)

There’s a reason this news was dumped on a Friday night.

[–]adorablebob 57 points58 points  (0 children)

What a joke. Campaign delayed a year, co-op pushed back to season 2, then season 1 extended, and now co-op pushed back to "later" in season 2. The game will have been out a full year before I get to play it through with my partner...

[–]notdrewcarrey 34 points35 points  (3 children)

I still haven't played the campaign. Solely because I can't do it co op.

[–]SHADOWSTRIKE1Champion #1 789 points790 points  (42 children)

ONE Arena map? Just ONE?

Wait… you’re telling me that from November 15th 2021 through August 2022, we will receive ONE Arena map?? Oh boy.

[–][deleted] 443 points444 points  (6 children)

No you will also receive exciting brand new never seen before content like… checks notes… King of the Hill!

[–]Puppy_Coated_In_Beer 199 points200 points  (1 child)

I tell you h'what

[–]yaboyfriendisadork 62 points63 points  (0 children)

343 ain’t right

[–]rodinjJustRodin 43 points44 points  (0 children)

Which won't have a separate playlist because our UI can't handle that

[–]Visco0825 114 points115 points  (5 children)

This is the first halo in history to have this lack of content

[–]legend_of_the_rentHalo: MCC 50 points51 points  (3 children)

And people thought Halo 5 was bad. Halo 5 is overflowing with content compared to Infinite.

[–]DblClickyourupvote 140 points141 points  (5 children)

Yeah must have only one map designer and artist working at 343

[–]Jubs_v2 118 points119 points  (1 child)

they're the same guy

[–]Bongo_Muffin 32 points33 points  (0 children)

He gets swapped out by another contractor once a month

[–]Pigtron-42 32 points33 points  (2 children)

Yeahhhhh I’m out for now. Maybe I’ll still jump in a game or two every once in a while but they needed more content asap. Not one map. Thank god elden ring came out bc I can stay entertained with that for a loooong time

Edit: also crazy how I’m 30hrs into Elden ring and haven’t even scratched the surface and beat halo in like 15 hrs. Both are 60$ games

[–]Illini_Nation44IlliniNation44 414 points415 points  (10 children)

It’s good the new season is called “Lone Wolves” because that’s what it’ll feel like playing Halo around May 1.

[–]LookatmaBankacount 396 points397 points  (11 children)

Only adding 2 maps after 6 months is a complete slap in the face. Like holy shit I understand game development is hard, but holy hell. What is management doing over there at 343 making these decisions?

[–]teefj 269 points270 points  (3 children)

Sounds like you want some more armor cores! 👊🏻

[–]Anonymous01234T 75 points76 points  (1 child)

I don't understand 👊

[–]L3XANDR0 33 points34 points  (0 children)


[–]richie8686 318 points319 points  (0 children)

I love how their crowning achievement is repairing a broken game mode that lasted over a month. Bravo.

[–][deleted] 2027 points2028 points  (117 children)

So basically what this tells me is that 343 had no idea how difficult and how much work a free to play live support version of halo would be nor did they have an actual plan for it when the game launched. Now they are working through the plan for it and how to deploy it.

[–]NerrionEU 139 points140 points  (4 children)

I just want to know who the hell at 343 or Microsoft decided to call this game a '10 year plan', they don't even have a 6 month plan.

[–]wrproductions 30 points31 points  (0 children)

They legit didn't even have a proper plan for the FIRST SEASON lmao

[–]AJfriedRICE 1042 points1043 points  (53 children)

After a 6 year gap between games and a full-year delay.

Crazy, right?!

[–]Vikarr3 Steps Forwards, 43 Steps Backwards 854 points855 points  (43 children)

I'm hopeful at this point that the community is no longer divided on the fact 343 shouldn't be running halo as they are.

Their management needs a clean out.

They had the PERFECT, yes literally PERFECT chance to reclaim the fps throne, and they couldn't.

[–]MJBotte1 150 points151 points  (12 children)

Remember when in October of 2021 everyone thought it would be an epic battle between 2042 and Infinite to claim the FPS throne for the year? And then neither of them really delivered in that way

[–]zRandyMarsh Halo 3 96 points97 points  (0 children)

Fantastic flair.

[–]HopThatBorderGo 312 points313 points  (5 children)

Baffling, ain't it?

It reminds me of this Overwatch video, where two nerds basically overloaded an enemy player's connection in a competitive match, causing them to disconnect, and the two players behind it started cackling because they thought that they basically secured their win right from that (being down a player in Overwatch is a death sentence), and yet, despite that major drawback, the other team STILL won.

New Halo game in over half a decade, Battlefield is a buggy mess, Vanguard wasn't very impressive, THIS IS THE MOMENT!


A wet fart.

Thanks, 343. Again. 👊

Please, for the love of god, Microsoft. Hand Halo to ANY of your big newly acquired studios. It's time to let someone else have a shot.

[–]Warm_Aerie_7368 127 points128 points  (3 children)

It would be wonderful if anyone else took hold of the series. 343 is a joke compared to actually successful live service devs. Say what you will about Fortnite but during year 1 that game was getting WEEKLY content updates and bug fixes.

Don’t string me along for 3 months just to fix bugs that should have been ironed out before launch in that year of development delay.

[–]JaminSousaphone 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Fortnite was a hell of a live service experience in hindsight. Especially compared to what is going on these days.

[–]Toddpole- 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I cant believe I've reached the point where comparing Halo to Fortnite, and Fortnite comes out the winner

[–]MoistCucumber 53 points54 points  (6 children)

Is anyone surprised though? I knew right away with halo cea/halo 4. Bungie said “peace out” and Microsoft shoveled together a 500 person studio over night.

That sort of thing leads to leads knowing less than their team, filled with people who can make copies but nothing original, and a creative direction that, in the best case, would slightly resemble what was there before.

Very little of Bungie moved to 343. Like, very very little. It’s like cutting someone’s head off then quickly stitching a new head on. Not only is it objectively a different person, but it’d be a miracle if they could even walk straight...

[–]HoldMyCatnip 262 points263 points  (1 child)

My conspiracy is they were way behind schedule to ship a regular Halo title that they slapped the live service tag on that bad boy and called it a 10 year supported game because that's how long its gonna take to get this game feeling like a proper Halo. Smh

[–]Pen_dragons_pizza 40 points41 points  (0 children)

You have a good point, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were pushed to make even the campaign side a 10 year project due to how much 343 fucked up development and they couldn’t risk them doing it again for a halo 7. Maybe Microsoft took them down the live service path so they could keep more control and hope that they build on it to make it better.

At the moment the whole building part is non existent it seems.

Even the fact that the multiplayer maps are lacking makes no sense. They have always used other studios for maps, why the shit not get a studio to have started work on the post launch maps at the start of the year extension of development and allow enough time for a steady stream of content. It’s bloody basic time management at this point that no one seems to have.

[–]ThatKiwiBloke 330 points331 points  (19 children)

343 is a joke of a developer

[–]Visco0825 50 points51 points  (5 children)

This isn’t even the challenge of a live service game. This game has less content than any halo game except CE and will conintur to. Infinite will have the longest period of tim before any new maps for any halo.

I don’t blame the engineers, I blame management. They make a clear point that priority zero is the health and work life balance of their engineers. That means they are pushing them way too hard if they need to publicly state that. This is not some indie company. This is fucking Microsoft with their flagship game. It’s a fucking joke that they are human resource constrained. Hire some more engineers

[–]JLGCJ 654 points655 points  (32 children)

Where is infection? *spelling edit

[–]Jacklego5 378 points379 points  (18 children)

Probably coming Halloween time with season 3. I hope it comes earlier though

[–]TheSheikYerbouti 333 points334 points  (10 children)

Lol what a joke.

[–]Elite1111111111Keep it clean! 133 points134 points  (4 children)

Infection would be a shell of a mode without forge maps to play on.

[–]Mesngr 106 points107 points  (0 children)

Welcome to Halo Infinite. Where standard and basic playlists and features that used to be there at launch are now weekly timegated events to fit the monetization cycle.

[–]HaloWhale 89 points90 points  (2 children)

Between the pitch and tone of your voice.

[–]420gramsofbutter 464 points465 points  (19 children)

That whole update is written like he wants the community to show them mercy.

I can honestly say my motivation to return to Halo: Infinite has not returned.

[–]Lastnv Bronze Cadet 92 points93 points  (7 children)

They need some fan service to win the community back. Give us some remakes of classic maps. Put the DMR or some other weapons in the sandbox. Throw us some gold shiny armor.

[–]SinthoseXanataz 53 points54 points  (3 children)

Fuck a free coating called Patience would do it, fucking anything god damn this is pathetic

[–]hylianarbiter 117 points118 points  (0 children)

Only 1 arena map and 1 BTB map for Season 2 and CoOp got delayed. Im gonna need popcorn for these comments lmao

[–]TheFlaminGalah 390 points391 points  (31 children)

I might have read it wrong, but looks like the fracture armour and the lone wolf armour are two seperate cores? So we'll have customisation spread over 5 seperate cores next season? Hope I'm wrong

[–]DeluxechinMissions change, they always do 180 points181 points  (5 children)

I get the feeling once the season ends, the cores of that season will discontinue to have support (I.e. you won’t see as many items for these cores in the store)

[–]LicensedGoomba Halo: Reach 182 points183 points  (6 children)

This game will be 5 years old before I finally get to have my Halo Reach Spartan

[–]alexa_theHA 64 points65 points  (2 children)

It’s so stupid how complicated armor became compared to Reach and before.

[–]Badoonka_ 1247 points1248 points  (43 children)

Good lord, Lone Wolves is another separate armor core? I'm so over this system. Who wants to grind for the color grey, or another ODST helmet variant, for a third time? With zero cross-core customization. I sure don't.

[–][deleted] 371 points372 points  (11 children)

So if I want new customization I have to abandon the armor I paid $10 for? Bro I’m not giving this game another cent lmao

[–]SlammedOptima 100 points101 points  (3 children)

This is exactly why I said that cores need to be cross core. Nobody is gonna drop $10 on armor, and then jump ship to a new armor core and start over.

[–]somuchclutch 52 points53 points  (1 child)

I wouldn’t say “nobody” because there are people that definitely will. But those people are stupid.

[–]SB_90s MCC 1 23 points24 points  (0 children)

They're targeting kids who are too stupid to realise they're being duped, and whales who are too rich/financially irresponsible to care. And it works. MTX in gaming has been driven by the lowest common denominator for years now. A relatively small portion of idiots ruining it for the rest of us.

[–][deleted] 46 points47 points  (0 children)

This is a big reason I don’t feel like playing this game anymore and haven’t for over a month. I’ve unlocked everything to that point and even bought a couple things in the store.

At the end of the day, I still feel like my Spartan customization is very restricted. This along with the lack of content (so few maps) have me playing other games. Gonna take a lot from Halo to pull me back in.

[–]needconfirmation 71 points72 points  (0 children)

What about this new core necessitated it be a...new core? Why do we need a tacticool core? is mark 7 too lame for tactical goggles? does banished armor not fit on the mk 7 shoulders?

The only thing that's appreciably different is they've got extra belts, which i'm good 343, you can keep the belts, i'd rather have a good customization system.

[–]JonnyEoE 145 points146 points  (16 children)

Okay got it. You released a beta to suck as much cash flow in as possible and pretended that you didn’t know it was bare bones. See ya in a year maybe.

[–]cubs223425 47 points48 points  (4 children)

We also have a “Priority Zero,” that undergirds everything we do, namely: team health, with an emphasis on getting ourselves into a sustainable development rhythm so that we can deliver great experiences to all of you while keeping a healthy work/life balance.

343 needs to stop using "team health" as a corporate deflection tactic to justify incompetence. Good that they don't want to work their employees into the ground and all, but they're not even KIND OF close to their targets. A company that supposedly puts "sustainable development" at the top of the list lost another high-profile employee this week and continues to miss deadlines as basically a tradition. Either they're NOT putting the health of their employees at the top of the list, or their work is such a disaster that even a relaxed work environment can't keep people around.

The co-op issue is a total joke. They revealed this game with "co-op is back" after the backlash of losing local co-op with Halo 5. Then they sold a $60 campaign that was missing it entirely, after saying it was delayed to the end of Season 1, which was supposed to be around this time.

They had 6 years (including a one-year delay after the initial reaction was highly negative) to make this and failed. Then they gave themselves 3 months post-launch. Then launch happened, pushed co-op back 3 more months with Season 1 to miss more deadlines, meaning 6 months to get co-op done. Now, that's also been deemed insufficient, but they still wanted people to pay $60 for it? How many more delays before players can request a refund for false advertising?

[–]pickledherring3 1042 points1043 points  (33 children)

Tell me you’re understaffed without telling me you’re understaffed.

[–]Visco0825 566 points567 points  (13 children)

It’s not like this is an indie company. It’s fucking Microsoft with their flagship game. What the fuck is going on. I work in one of the top companies in my industry in an industry that is extremely fast paced. Burn out and poor work life balance is rampant. But my company realized that we are to remain number one then we need more Human Resources because temporary engineers only hurts the company. You push out products with a mentality that you’ll fix it along the way. There’s very little time spent on risk management because there’s no bandwidth. Everything that should be important is below water because you only have the time to meet the deadlines and directions that management makes with the bare minimum

[–][deleted] 165 points166 points  (7 children)

I can tell you right now Microsoft is not understaffed. There are millions of workers that would cut off their limb to have Microsoft on their resume. This is a management issue.

[–]CartographerSeth 88 points89 points  (5 children)

It's a combination of two things: poor management and contract work mandates at MS. According the this article, management was horrific, people were working in such a way that there was no communication between them, and they were essentially making 5 games at once, when they all came back together, the pieces didn't fit, and in 2019 2/3 of the content (if not more) got cut and the game was basically soft-rebooted. This is a management problem.

On top of that, you have a contractor problem. 343i relies on a lot of contractors, which is not uncommon in the gaming industry, however, MS has a company wide policy that contractors not be given contracts longer than 18 months. That's basically enough time to get used to the system and rush out a few product, then the next contract has to come in, figure out what the previous one is doing and how their systems work, so they can add to it. Add this up over 6 years and spaghetti code might be an understatement.

Combine these two issues and you get what we see now. Rushed code that almost assuredly has small cracks in it that would pass a rushed inspection. Now the full time employees have to crawl through all of this mess and make sense of it. It will take a long time before 343i is able to produce content at the cadence that we want them to. In a way, given all the issues, it's a miracle that the game is as good as it is.

I don't have anything against Bonnie Ross personally, but she is at the top of 343i, and has had 10 years to right the ship. Instead, the mismanagement problems at 343i have only gotten worse with each release. As much as I like Halo Infinite, it is almost literally painful to imagine what could have been if this game was managed well. 6 years and an unlimited budget, it could have been an absolute masterpiece. Imagine if it had more varied biomes, different dynamic events where the banished actively do things against you, large scale battles including tanks/scarabs, dynamic weather, etc.,

[–]Independent-Bee14 112 points113 points  (7 children)

What makes it worse is that 343 decided to hire “temp/contract” worker and can them. Any project I worked on I gathered the required supplies/team before starting. If they were smart 343 would release the maps next week with the weekly store update (they only thing they seem to constantly update with content).

[–]__Quetzal__343 Zawl Gootmen 33 points34 points  (3 children)

I mean I'm no resource manager but it seems like they don't give enough time for the incoming group of contractors to get a proper hand off from the outgoing ones. So I guess roles are left empty as they're not extended and/or no ones hired. So the new guys probably hit the ground running having to meet deadlines while learning the fucking engine.

And with Slipspace being hard to work with apparently.......

[–]Independent-Bee14 18 points19 points  (2 children)

That may be true, but that is still their fault. When my team doesn’t complete or fucks up a task/job that I’m in charge of; it’s my fault. They should’ve extended contracts at least until the end of the year. 343 fumbled an amazing opportunity with the void created by vanguard and 2044 being duds. If shot yourself in the foot was a company it would be 343.

[–]efreedman503 120 points121 points  (3 children)

It’s been fun guys

[–]Puppy_Coated_In_Beer 82 points83 points  (2 children)

It really hasn't though :( that's the sad part

I've had more stress than fun playing Infinite

[–]TylerIsStealthy 577 points578 points  (32 children)

So you're telling me, the team for S2 has been working on content for ANOTHER separated Armor Core? I like the aesthetic and theme of the core ngl but at the same time... is it really needed?

[–]superduperpuppy 214 points215 points  (10 children)

I assumed that was going to be the intent moving forward. At least one new core every season.

Not saying core restrictions are a good idea. But from day 1 of launch that was clearly the intent of the game.

[–]Visco0825 62 points63 points  (8 children)

It’s also the primary source of revenue. You need people to buy those battle passes

[–]EduHiWide-Open Maps for BTB please 50 points51 points  (0 children)

I think every season will have a new core (just as a new Fracture event) with the idea of getting its parts during the season (just like Yoroi, where, if you wanted to finish the armor, you had to play at least 3/4 of the 6 weeks of the event).

Edit: Wait, I read it again, it seems that there will be a "Lone Wolf" core too... which seems weird, because all that stuff could apply with no problems to Mk V[B] and Mk VII, specially this last one that is lacking content the most.

[–]JamesButlin 12 points13 points  (1 child)

As long as they at some point open up coatings, emblems and other customisation between the cores I'm down for as many as they want. Helps keep the 'themes' organised imo

[–]XZonnn 31 points32 points  (1 child)

2 separate cores both The Lone Wolf core and the new fractures core.

[–]HoldMyCatnip 30 points31 points  (0 children)

I assume 343 is a large studio and they would have dedicated groups towards stuff like cores and cosmetics. Their scope and skills might not translate to more pressing matters.

It's more concerning they're still doubling down on their locked core system

[–]IamEclipse 726 points727 points  (65 children)

I'm sorry, but honestly this feels like a joke.

May 2nd is season 2's launch. That's 6 MONTHS from November 15th (almost).

We're getting 1 BTB map, and 1 arena map in that time. We're 4 months in now and have only seen fiesta and attrition come back, and attrition is a limited time mode.

Cores don't seem like they'll be getting rectified in season 2, as the blog mentions both the Lone Wolf and fracture core for the season.

I haven't played infinite since finishing my battle pass 3 weeks ago, fuck man, I haven't even thought about it until I saw Act Man made a video today.

This was meant to be the start of a 10 year plan, at this rate, we'll see the same amount of arena maps in those 10 years than the current COD had at launch.

343, I appreciate your commitment to avoiding dev crunch, I really do. I love your game, but I just can't fathom putting my time into this game with just how slow everything is coming along.

[–]ChipatonHalo Online 307 points308 points  (9 children)

You're not even getting the maps in those 6 months, it says they're launching during Season 2, not with it. They'd probably have more than concept art if the maps were 2 months away.

[–]IamEclipse 150 points151 points  (0 children)


[–]needconfirmation 83 points84 points  (1 child)

Yeah there's no way 343 is launching 2 maps at once, even if they are somehow competent enough to have them both finished in time, they'll save one for later in the season to try to bring back everyone who will inevitably drop the game like a sack of bricks again.

[–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Yep you have to read 343’s weasily fucking posts with a magnifying glass because they fucking weasel the shit out of them to shirk responsibility and guide the narrative. The narrative should be network co-op not coming until June (or when they inevitably extend season 2 to be 6 months to sneakily delay Forge and couch co-op it’ll be July) and couch co-op is even further out. Man they’re sneaky fuckers in how they word things.

[–]XOEXECUTION 73 points74 points  (5 children)

Dude I haven’t played since the cyber event. I’m done with this game until they add cross core customization, customizable color pallets, forge, and more than 1 arena map and 1 btb map and also more modes like infection, grifball ect.. I used to defend 343 with my friends but I can’t fucking do it anymore. My absolute most favorite series, most of us grew up on this series and they have continuously fucked up over and over. This fucking game is designed to fuck over its community too with the micro transactions. I’m done.

[–]Babayaga20000 27 points28 points  (1 child)

dude i fucking defended the campaign preview they showed us way back when even with the shitty graphics

and here i am now shitting on 343 every chance i get im with you man so fucking done with this game and company

[–]Kaldricus 15 points16 points  (0 children)

in just over 24 months, Halo 3 added 13 new maps. somehow, 15 years later, it will take Infinite over 36 months to hit that mark at this rate.


[–]Propaagaandaa 319 points320 points  (12 children)

Would you just FUCK OFF already with the armour cores. I cannot believe 343i is sticking with that model, it’s obvious money grabbing to sell us gray 5 4 different times.

This is so disappointing it’s not even funny and still no acknowledgment of desync being CLEARLY a client issue, or ability to pick servers two huge quality of life improvements.

Also getting 2 new maps is just lol, also by the sounds of things no new guns either.

This studio has absolutely 0 idea how to foster positive player engagement it would be hilarious if it wasn’t torpedoing my favourite game franchise. It’s almost like they are trying to get infinite below MCC numbers.

[–]killall-qGT: killallq 92 points93 points  (2 children)

Who wants to bet that the Season 2 fracture core will be lacking basic color coatings, just like Yoroi, so they can be sold to you?

[–]Propaagaandaa 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Oh probably, it’s a waste of time to be working on cores when that could be channeled towards actually improving the game instead of pissing people off

[–]MsPaulingsFeet 14 points15 points  (0 children)

100% That's literally done by design. 343 arent clever enough to come up with interesting armor coatings (just look at what theyve released so far) so they sell us the same coatings multiple times. Season 2 we will have 5 cores. 5 different shades of grey multipled by each core = 25 different coatings that all look the same lol

[–]jayhawkmedic3 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Was wondering if they’d say anything about the horrible desync and the no-collision “feature” (bug) and how they are working to get these and other issues resolved.

[–]FunctionedOut 237 points238 points  (8 children)

Regardless of the good and bad here, what is so hard about these updates? It's ridiculous people have to literally beg 343 to give us a crumb of info about the future of the game.

Like these armor sets, the maps, new game modes, forge, those are all things the Community Managers could've been teasing and posting about periodically to keep people interested. Instead it gets to the point where they don't say anything for 2 months so when they do release an update it's just a huge disappointment because they waited until people were just completely fed up.

I'm not sure if everyone would agree but I'd rather get one or two teasers from CMs a week than get 1 update like this every 2 months. I mean, they just now confirmed the tactical swat event. Why not tweet out the rewards periodically instead of having people look at leaks? These are token effort things that, in my mind, are the bare minimum for CMs. 343 is really just not utilizing them at all.

[–]Strickerx5 Halo 3 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Those leak accounts might as well be official Halo news outlets at this point.

Also, I feel like this update was already just someone on the community team screaming for something to say and the team just mad dashing out some concept art to give them. I'd be surprised if any of this is actually in a showable state in-game.

[–]Darkerdead 461 points462 points  (54 children)

So they are delaying coop...

At least we are going to see story in the multiplayer, but I dont know how in detail they are going to in

[–]jackbkmpMILLION$ of options. * 175 points176 points  (6 children)

I want to hope its not another mimimum viable product, but ive been burned a few times now.

Excited for another armor core to buy individual colors for..

[–]__Quetzal__343 Zawl Gootmen 138 points139 points  (24 children)

story in the multiplayer

this is what we needed most, a story in multiplayer.

[–]oopsimalmostthirty 139 points140 points  (13 children)

Ditch the armor and the armor cores and add maps. You people need to keep people playing, and adding more maps and game modes is a good start to that. I personally won't reinstall this game until that happens.

Also. Give us PvE or some variant of firefight (but not spartan ops). I haven't heard anything about this.

[–]CruffTheMagicDragon 51 points52 points  (3 children)

I don't think they've ever acknowledged Firefight

[–]Epic_Coleslaw 408 points409 points  (10 children)

Hot dog! Another armor core that will restrict customization again.

Fully admitting that the concept pieces look nice though.

[–]killall-qGT: killallq 82 points83 points  (9 children)

All armor cores should be unlockable for free, so that store bundles and future battle passes can include cosmetics for them without player base fragmentation cannibalizing sales.

343i painted themselves into a corner by making the Reach armor core paid; that's why almost no store bundles are for that core, because players who don't own the battle pass wouldn't buy them (or even worse, buy them and get nothing).

343i seems to have learned their lesson the hard way, because the S2 armor core will be free. However, it boggles my mind that no one foresaw this conundrum before S1 was released.

[–]needconfirmation 17 points18 points  (0 children)

it'll probably be free like mk7 is free, there'll maybe be 5 items spread over the whole pass. everything else is in the store.

Hell the fact that they can call the new core itself "free" means they might feel confident in being able to get away with giving even less to people who don't buy the pass. just one helmet instead of a staggering 2.

[–]sherloc-holmess 60 points61 points  (2 children)

One additional arena map and one BTB, seriously? I hope that isn’t the only two new maps.

[–]MazelTovCocktail027 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Don't make me laugh. They are absolutely the only two new maps. When has 343 EVER under-promised and over-delivered?

[–]cheeksarelikepeaches 738 points739 points  (33 children)

For fuck’s sake…. Get rid of armor cores. They are trash. Just let us customize our Spartan however we want. Let us mix and match like in every other Halo game.

[–]Tyler1997117 352 points353 points  (17 children)

If they do this then they can't sell us the same colour twice or even three times

[–]cheeksarelikepeaches 147 points148 points  (10 children)

They are adding at least two new armor cores in season 2… so now they can sell us the color blue 5 different times!

[–]Tyler1997117 80 points81 points  (8 children)

It's a fucking awful system, whoever came up with that needs to be sacked

[–]Dumelsoul 53 points54 points  (5 children)

Why would they be sacked? Profit at the expense of the players is exactly what they want.

[–]Tom23341 39 points40 points  (0 children)

The UI cannot handle it, remember? That precious UI is just so advanced that it cannot hold anything

[–]Tom23341 74 points75 points  (4 children)

Well, not a single word about disync. I guess it’s not that critical after all

[–]slothunderyourbed Halo 2 124 points125 points  (7 children)

So let me get this straight... six months for season 2, and all it's going to be is two maps and three modes, one of which should have been in the game at launch? Oh, and maybe campaign co-op if we're lucky. What about Infection, Assault and Grifball? Are we seriously going to get one of these drip fed to us every season, when they all should have been in the game at launch?

Man, I thought with season 1 lasting six months we'd at least be getting 3-4 new maps and all the missing classic modes returning. This feels like one of Halo 5's monthly updates, except this one took six months to make. Compared to Apex, which completely reworks entire sections of its maps, adds a new legend, adds new gamemodes and makes huge balancing changes on a three month cycle, this is very poor. I don't play Fortnite or COD, but from what I understand they put content out at a similar pace to Apex. Halo is never going to stay relevant if 343 are putting out content (that should have been in the game at launch) at this glacial pace.

[–]Space2Bakersfield 121 points122 points  (7 children)

We’re also committed to a great 2-player split-screen co-op experience on all Xbox consoles, from the original Xbox One through Xbox One Series X

Microsoft's biggest 1st party studio and they cant even get the name of the new console right.

[–]supportdesk_online 285 points286 points  (9 children)

There is no way this wasn't painfully embarrassing to write.

I do not envy the people who are managing this right now. Oooh

[–]ThatKiwiBloke 108 points109 points  (8 children)

I feel sorry for 343's PR team constantly having to put a positive spin on their embarrassing developments

[–]MyCodenameIsIan 46 points47 points  (1 child)

At this point I'm concerned. Only 1 new arena map and 1 new BTB map, seems light on the content side.

Arena maps increase from 7 to 8 (Launch Site banned in ranked)

BTB maps increase from 3 to 4.

I'll reserve judgement until all information has been made available but it's not looking promising.

The only team delivering at 343 at the moment are the concept artists.

Co-op is taking a lot of resources and by the time it launches my casual campaign playing friends will have no interest in reinstalling the game to replay it.

Doesn't sound like the core system is going to be replaced and so far we haven't heard of any significant QoL improvements to it. Universal coatings / visors shouldn't be too difficult and cross core helmets/attachments that don't have clipping issues should be implemented.

Nobody wants to have to earn/buy the same item multiple times.

[–]Wafflexorg 215 points216 points  (43 children)

The phrasing of the new maps announcement worries me. I really REALLY hope it's more than just two maps.

Edit: I know it's only 2...let me live in denial please. I'm so sad this is what Halo has become.

[–]isaiah_rob 153 points154 points  (1 child)

I fully believe we’re just getting those two new maps.

[–]mylilbabythrowaway 19 points20 points  (0 children)

How can it be interpreted any other way. They went out of their way to qualify it with “specifically…”

[–]ReFlectionYT 169 points170 points  (12 children)

No need to be worried. It's 100% 2 maps. Which is really one map because one is for BTB only. Edit: I am happy it's getting updated. It is definitely a bit underwhelming though.

[–]RedHawwk 54 points55 points  (10 children)

Ngl if it’s 2 maps I’ll probably be taking a break til S3. Maybe even later, by then my drive to play will be gone.

Shame because the gameplay for this Halo is really good imo, it’s just lacking in content to keep me coming back.

[–]fartblasterxxx 24 points25 points  (7 children)

It really is a shame and you’re right, it’s a great game.

One extremely easy solution would be to simply remake some maps, you don’t need to craft a completely new design just pick 5-10 old maps from older games. Have a team of talented people do their best just recreating old maps and get it out asap.

It wouldn’t be perfect but it’s better than waiting months and months. Like how long until this game has 10 multiplayer maps (not including btb)? A year? Two? You can’t make people wait that long.

[–]XLVIIISeahawks Gold Corporal 90 points91 points  (3 children)

I’m telling you right now, 1 arena map and 1 BTB map aren’t going to cut it. That’s not enough content to make an entire new season feel fresh enough. So we still play the same launch maps 90% of the time and get excited when the ONE new map comes up. Not gonna lie, pretty disappointed. Again.

[–]HarambeVengeance Halo: MCC 56 points57 points  (0 children)

It isn’t even funny to clown on anymore, it’s just legitimately sad to see what should he a great game be absolutely obliterated due to absolute dogshit management.

I feel awful for the devs and PR who have to just work through this while being berated with negativity. It’s like holding a cup of water while sitting in a house set aflame because the fire department only sent 2 firefighters without a truck. Good luck to the good folks who really are trying, and I’m sorry that you guys are being absolutely railroaded because quality went out the window for money.

[–]ArsenalGuner 145 points146 points  (5 children)

2 maps.. this game is done. Microsoft has to replace 343i.. I'm sorry.

[–]AJfriedRICE 145 points146 points  (15 children)

They need to PRIORITIZE NEW MAPS. I’m sorry but two new maps just doesn’t cut it.

I was hoping they’d get me excited about playing the game more again for S2, but after reading this it just doesn’t seem like that’s gonna happen. Sure, it’ll be nice to play a few games here and there on the new maps, but we just need more man. I’m sick of the current maps already, and that shouldn’t be the case.

They realize players will be happy if they just remake a few of the old maps, right?! Just give us more variety, please.

Edit - I should add that I appreciate them prioritizing work/life balance for their employees. That’s going to come with some slowdown compared to what we’re used to with a lot of games, and that’s fine. But this game was in development for 6-7 years AND had a full year delay, and somehow it seems like they’re figuring this “live-service” thing out on the fly. I just don’t understand.

[–]StrawberryPlucky Halo 3 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Did I miss the part where they address that desync has ruined the integrity of the game? Honestly I want content as well but why is this single issue not priority zero?

Damnit where our infection, team snipers, team duos, shitty snipers etc. Attrition was fun too bring that back.

[–]flatmotion1 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Big sad about coop. Was looking forward to play it together with my buddy

[–]DyZ814Halo MCC - Rest in Pepperoni's 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I have absolutely lost all faith in 343, and have shelved this game permanently for the time being. Which sucks, but it is what it is.

[–]Zubaz_Accountant 17 points18 points  (0 children)

god 343 fucking sucks

[–]4th_Replicant 17 points18 points  (0 children)

343 are shite.

[–]Lucky-Qualms 34 points35 points  (2 children)

Honestly who cares about armour. Like that will make the game any less stale. Find it a little bit gross after all this that this is the first thing they talk about. Should have put all resources into maps ffs. Been playing the same 4 for way too long now. No way can I last another season with only one (possibly ) new one. This may actually be the nail in the coffin for me.

[–]cakeharry 52 points53 points  (1 child)

Gosh what a shitshow. So surprised how desperate they must be to only finish on time what's planned for S2... Poor bastards are probably so deep in shit they can't even breath.

[–]dezukan 51 points52 points  (0 children)

this armor core system gives me no motivation to play.

[–]TindrowHD 14 points15 points  (0 children)

“Worth a read!” Lmfao what’s there to read? More delays? Sorry you’re not getting any praise for 1 arena map.

[–]Proof_Macaron279Jirilhanae Berserker 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Some shitty-ass live service. Literally one map over the course of like 5 months my goodness.

I’ve never seen a franchise so horribly managed.

[–]frescone69 41 points42 points  (5 children)

PC optimization not a priority?! Is this a joke?! With some graphic cards is literally unplayable... Unbelievable, yeah better drop those skins rather than fixing your broken game, nice job

[–]Post-Malopen 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Lone Wolves, because all our friends stopped playing months ago

[–]LoLZeLdaHaLo 28 points29 points  (7 children)

Hey guys “but it’s free”

[–]Rorysaur 52 points53 points  (7 children)

I cannot believe they think it's okay to add on 2 additional armor cores when the pool is already muddied by the 3 we have. This game is a post-launch nightmare.

[–]Ligmabladee 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Months for two new maps? I give up

[–]RonniBarker 11 points12 points  (2 children)

No roadmap... Sadge

[–]shilmista_ 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Sooo. Is that to mean 2 new maps and that's it? So 1 for those that don't play BTB?

Also, is desync on that hotlist? Cuz the game is unplayable since the updates a couple weeks ago

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Let's all be honest, no more beating around the bush: it's time for Microsoft to cut their losses and scrap 343 studios. The fact that they somehow managed to botch Infinite is the last straw. If MS can't admit defeat with 343 now, they are buying into a sunk cost fallacy, and it will only get worse from here.

[–]VIETLONG2000 33 points34 points  (2 children)

The Lone Wolves armor is sick, but I’m not excited at all because I know in order to make my Spartan look like the ones in the concept art, it’s gonna be at least $50.

Also don’t want to get too excited about cool armor, because 343 will see the reception and gut it from the battle pass and move it in to the store instead.

[–]Ykcor Halo 2 240 points241 points  (43 children)

Co-op delay

Only two new maps 1 arena 1 BTB

KOTH back

That’s it. Wow.

Edit: looks like territories and a version of elimination too. Good news you can play modes that have been in halo for 20 years repackaged as “new and exciting”!

[–]QueequegsRevenge 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I'll be back once there's an interesting amount of new content, so I guess I'll be back next winter.

[–]Regex00 243 points244 points  (17 children)

Alright. Gonna share my thoughts here.

  1. This "Priority Zero" that they talk about tells me they are understaffed and over worked. I 100% support the devs working in a way that does not burn them out and gives them a healthy work-life balance. However, to 343 upper management, I do not fucking care. I have no sympathy for you, and the fact that you have your community managers mention this in their update just shows that you aren't staffing and managing properly. We as customers are not supposed to have to appeal to the sympathy of the company, we want our product and it's up to you to deliver. You're a company owned by a multi billion dollar parent company, pay your employees better and get more of them.

  2. The Hotlist thing is nice. I'm all for more transparency and getting things to the forefront for customers. I just would like a more regularly scheduled update from the company until the Hotlist comes public. Even if you have no news, post that. Weekly. Radio silence with your customers is how you get them to move on from you.

  3. Season 2 content looks cool! Some new armor (free) and cores look neat, I hope that the battle pass and the free pass are filled with more content and accessories this time, but only time will tell there. However, I'm hopeful considering how they fixed the Tenrai rewards and the other event rewards since then.

  4. New maps! Truthfully, 1 arena map and 1 BTB was the bare minimum they needed to ship out, but they are doing it. They both look cool, I hope they deliver.

  5. No co-op campaign on May 3rd. Raise your hand if you were surprised here. No, no one? Yeah me neither. They say later in season 2, but honestly their timeline promises don't hold a lot of weight at this point. All I ask at this point is that when you do release it, please make sure it's not broken af.

  6. Forge - Cool to hear that things are coming along. If we're getting leaks of forge, why not just officially show us tid-bits? I think we'd all appreciate that more than silence. However once again raise your hand if you believe Forge comes out when they say it will.

  7. "we intend to ship fixes, features, and content in more agile ways, during our Seasons." - Congrats 343, you have grasped the concept of what a Live Service means. You get no applause for this one, this is what it means to be a live service.

  8. "Please keep the feedback coming, know that we are listening and learning" - This is the most "woke", basic ass white girl from downtown LA comment that I can think of. You don't get brownie points for stating that you're listening and learning from you customers. If you want to maintain customers, that's what you have to do. You may have the monopoly on Halo, but there are many other games that your customers can go play unless you provide us with a reason to stick around.


All in all, I'd give this update a C grade. You passed, not by the skin of your teeth but not with flying colors either. Going forward, we need more regular communication, even if there's nothing to communicate. I really like the gameplay of Halo Infinite, but I still feel like we're playing an incomplete game, contentwise and otherwise. If you're a 343 non-managerial employee and you read this, I support you and don't care how long it take to get content out if it means keeping your health and work-life balance. If you're part of 343 management and you read this, escalate up the chain for more funding or support, whatever it takes to get more people in to speed up this process, the game is very far behind in terms of what it means to be a live service or a Triple A title.

[–]DblClickyourupvote 44 points45 points  (1 child)

Yeah it’s time to gut the upper management entirely. I know you got more on your plate now Phil but as a fellow gamer, you should understand how bad this whole situation is.

[–]JillSandwich117 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Just want to point out that this update is signed by Staten, not the community manager team. I'd guess it's to avoid more heat going their way, but I wonder if it has anything to do with their increasingly defensive comments over the last few weeks.

[–]CMDRReservoir 21 points22 points  (4 children)

“Please keep the feedback coming, know that we are listening and learning…”

Haven’t we been hearing this since Halo 4? After ten years of titles, and six years of development with the latest release, they’re still trying to figure this whole Halo thing out? This somehow inspired less confidence in me with 343. Guess I’m sticking with MCC and Witch Queen.

[–]lolwutsaredditwell at least we tried to have hope. 10 points11 points  (3 children)

isn't the contrast between bungie and D2 just fucking night and day when compared to 343i? witch queen got delayed by a few months and almost every aspect of it blew halo infinite out of the water. meanwhile 343 got an entire year and delivered half of what bungie used to deliver with halo.

[–]sloanjoan 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I’m going to say what I’m sure many are thinking….

Downvote me if you must. I truly don’t care and this needs to be said.

Simply put 343 is and always will be a dumpster fire! They are a SERIOUS SHIT SHOW and no matter how much time (6 YEARS FOR CHRISTS SAKE) they will never make a quality Halo that is even 75% complete at LAUNCH!! Delaying Co-op campaign YET again….. after already delaying it an additional 5 months to supposedly allow them to have more bandwidth to fix other issues that THEY CAUSED… and those very issues STILL AREN’T FIXED!!!!!

Such a 🤡show Over at 343i it’s like we’re watching a F2P “live service” game 🎪television show!

After 6 months we will receive:

-Another delay -One arena map -One BTB -Two of the 20+ missing modes -A new armor core

“LiVe sErViCe” 🤡

[–]Shepard_Wrex14 10 points11 points  (1 child)

I found a LinkedIn posting for a project management job at 343, should I apply? I don't meet any of the qualifications, but I feel like I could still get the job

[–]Friendsarethebest 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Never thought I'd completely stop playing a new Halo within months of its release...What a waste of time waiting for 343 to stop being 343. This is pretty much our worst nightmare come to life for what Infinite would turn out to be. I'll check back when Forge finally comes, but now I'm done worrying about the state of this mess

[–]MojoPorkShoulder 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Desync isn’t even mentioned. Time to reinstall MCC.

[–]kraftpunkk 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Lol at them using “team health” as an excuse so the backlash is less harsh. It’s been obvious from the jump they have no idea what’s going on or they do and the workers and studio just aren’t on the same page.

What a shame. I haven’t picked up this game since before Christmas.