top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]StaySharpp 4355 points4356 points  (205 children)

Man I just want infection as a game mode again

[–]Wolfgang_Gartner 4493 points4494 points  (57 children)

“Omicron” would sound so good in the announcers voice

[–]StaySharpp 682 points683 points  (9 children)

Taps forehead 343 Industries, pay attention here:

[–][deleted] 388 points389 points  (5 children)

Instructions unclear: added a covid variant sticker pack to the store for $20

[–]CuboneTheSaranic 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Another 25$ to slap a mask on your spartan

[–]Angel_Tsio 113 points114 points  (5 children)

"Pandemic" as a multikill announcement sounds sick

[–]Bisontracks 93 points94 points  (2 children)

When the streak ends: "Vaccinated!"

[–]TmotherfuckingT 48 points49 points  (1 child)


[–]Bisontracks 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Yours works both ways. Medically and tactically. I like it.

[–]jerstud56 9 points10 points  (0 children)

May as well embrace the time we're in

[–]DaBi5cu1t 638 points639 points  (26 children)

Haha. I'd gild you but I'm poor so have this


[–]toderdj1337 216 points217 points  (19 children)

I got you fam

[–]DaBi5cu1t 78 points79 points  (17 children)

Legend. Very kind.

[–]toderdj1337 53 points54 points  (16 children)

No problem. I just hate ads, and spend a lot of time here, so, you know.

[–][deleted] 31 points32 points  (7 children)

Quick question. What type of ads do you get? For me it’s just the odd one that’s in the shape of a post and is scrolled past very easily.

[–]Vito_Moretti 95 points96 points  (10 children)

Good news, medals were added to the game confirming infection, assault, extraction, juggernaut, and VIP.

[–]stationhollow 36 points37 points  (1 child)

What's the chance they will add each of them as the 'seasonal' event so there is only ever one at a time?

[–]Biomilk 5 points6 points  (0 children)

After the backlash to fiesta and SWAT being event only I doubt they’d try this again, though I can definitely see them being introduced via event then added as permanent later.

[–]hokeypokie_ 97 points98 points  (101 children)

They've gotta add it back at some point right? Before they do that, they'd have to fix the shotgun though because it's not nearly the same as shotguns from previous Halos.

Have they added SWAT yet? I haven't played in like a month (not because I don't like the game, I got stuck working nights and just haven't felt like playing Halo with my time off). That's always been my favorite "competitive" game mode, while infection is definitely the best chill game mode

[–]dowders 129 points130 points  (57 children)

SWAT is in but under the name "Tactical Slayer"

[–]hokeypokie_ 62 points63 points  (55 children)

Oh! I'll have to check it out then. I feel like I'm being robbed of nostalgia by changing the names of the classic game modes lol. Thanks

[–]neogeo828 14 points15 points  (0 children)

It's not ranked so you'll get bots and wannabe faze onyx on there...be ready.

[–]ImmediateSilver4063 37 points38 points  (16 children)

The bulldog is great when you realise it has a decent range to it, people use it like the old halo shotgun and so fire it too late at enemies.

[–]KalyterosAioni 5 points6 points  (0 children)

There's a variant of the bulldog that's more similar to the H1 shotty.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Real infection. Not Halo 4 infection.

[–]CapnSmite 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I just want Elimination to finally pop up so I can get my last MP achievement.

[–]StraightOutTheWomb 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I want multi team back!

[–]Anreall2000 1275 points1276 points  (99 children)

The main problem is BTB doesn't work

[–]PM_ME_SOME_ANTS 219 points220 points  (11 children)

Just PM me some... ants please!

[–]techcentre 81 points82 points  (6 children)

And then when another error keeps popping up after you click OK that you end up having to quit the game

[–]Dawg_Prime 370 points371 points  (18 children)

At least BT7274 works

cries in DDOS

[–]JKL213PC 68 points69 points  (6 children)

Northstar Client is already up and running. It’s sad that the servers don’t support Linux tbh

[–]Dawg_Prime 18 points19 points  (5 children)

All I can figure out is how to get to the GitHub page I don't understand what to do after that

[–]Hemides 11 points12 points  (0 children)

There's a tutorial on r/titanfall !

[–]Mautos 82 points83 points  (5 children)

I mean who knows if he works? Time to wait for TF3 everybody!

[–]LiteratureTrick4961 39 points40 points  (2 children)

Trophy fishing 3 announced

[–]Mr_Idont-Give-A-damn 14 points15 points  (0 children)

What do u mean? Im playing TF3 rn

[–]Gr1mm3r 3 points4 points  (0 children)

is happy in Northstar client
still sad because of the "showing user info for UID 0 on hardware" error
It should be fixed soon and I will be able to play fastball and get thrown into the match by BT while he's saying "Trust me"

[–]TaintedMoistPanties 82 points83 points  (3 children)

Is such a tease sometimes. I've had it successfully load all the way only to quickly change over to a match summary screen.

[–]luminousfleshgiant 11 points12 points  (2 children)

Even worse when you get into a match but only 3 or 4 other people also managed to get into the match.

Actually, the absolute worst is when you get a game, there's enough people in it, but one of the objectives just doesn't work. I've had a few games where you just can't cap a zone.

[–]iPunchOvereees 86 points87 points  (26 children)

I'm very surprised they have yet to find a solution to BTB. It all started when the campaign dropped.

[–]RzaAndGza 15 points16 points  (4 children)

Noon question what's btb

[–]iPunchOvereees 28 points29 points  (0 children)

No worries! Big Team Battle.

[–]Covette 25 points26 points  (0 children)


now I know they just launched the game and had holiday break. But I would like to be able to get a BTB game reliably, and while I’m at it, can I be on the same fire team as my party?

[–]Chewbacca513 29 points30 points  (8 children)

My biggest issue with BTB is that there are so many vehicle killers. The modes they have are also lacking, but they suffer greatly from the fact that any vehicle blows up as soon as you get in it.

Hell a spartan laser in halo 3 used to take multiple shots to blow up a wraith/tank and that was an ultra rare find.

Now there are multiple things that takeout the vehicles comically fast to the point that they rarely have an impact on the match.

Sure sometime you get a good warthog driver and gunner combo and get like 5 kills. But the point of BTB should be the vehicles are a constant threat that needs to be avoided when the other team has it and fought over when noone has it.

[–]lordxeon 15 points16 points  (1 child)

The maps aren’t even good for most land vehicles. No good line of sights. (Granted I’ve only played like 2 of the BTB maps when I can get in)

[–]mctaylo89 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Seriously. I’ve had to use a bunch of challenge swaps because I got a slew of BTB specific challenges that the game won’t allow me to complete. I haven’t been able to get into a BTB match in over a week.

[–]crunkadocious 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Butt to butt?

[–]TrumpdUP 1560 points1561 points  (185 children)

The lack of maps AND no forge mode to compensate is what got me. I’ve just been playing 1 match a day for the winter stuff and that may go down to 1 or 2 times a week after. Fun gameplay but so barebones.

[–]HuskerGamer402 451 points452 points  (83 children)

This, 100%. And I do truly like the new rework of progression EXP, but at the same time, it's worthless to me. I'm not paying for a battlepass. If there are things to unlock, I'll play to unlock then. But the "Free" pass gives you all of jack dick. So I'm still only at level 11.

[–]GeraldoOfCanada 48 points49 points  (4 children)

Honestly I got the pass to try and it wasn't worth it I should have stuck to free

[–]RzaAndGza 80 points81 points  (40 children)

Play ranked and try to unlock onyx it's free

[–]diabolical_amoeba 55 points56 points  (35 children)

I got into Diamond 4 without much trouble... Good thing is you don't even have to be kill oriented because you don't just play Slayer all the time. I'm not as good as some guys out there but I win games because I focus on objectives and end up winning the game basically solo.

But now I'm at an impasse and I really need to work on my aim. I've been in Diamond 4 for a week and I got there from Gold in a week...

[–]RzaAndGza 42 points43 points  (28 children)

I really hate that there's no ranked Slayer because I truly hate objective games but I also hate social Slayer so here I am reluctantly playing 14 minutes games of fucking strongholds

[–]The_Grand_Briddock 101 points102 points  (49 children)

I mean, there isn’t exactly a lack of maps in comparison to previous Halo games on release. They all got more maps through map packs you had to buy. Infinite is very much in line with the series average for number of proper maps on release. I guess the issue more so stems from the gameplay itself growing old without a wider selection of game modes.

  • Halo 3: 11

  • Halo Reach: 9

  • Halo 4: 10

  • Halo 5: 9

  • Halo Infinite: 10

[–]ClownsAteMyBaby 108 points109 points  (18 children)

There are 10 maps?? I get the same 3-4 only.

[–]Covette 76 points77 points  (12 children)

The problem is there’s 5 smaller maps, 2 medium size that you get rarely (Bohemith and the nighttime streets one with man cannon across the gap) so if you play 4v4 you’re mostly rotating the normal 5. And then BTB has 3 stages

[–]ClownsAteMyBaby 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Aye the 4x4 playlist is the only one that works for me

[–]Hugs_for_Thugs 22 points23 points  (9 children)

BTB has zero maps because you can't play it.

[–]blackomegax 8 points9 points  (1 child)

the gameplay itself growing old without a wider selection of game modes.

Yeah. I just went back to playing splitgate, which has a crazy diverse set of game modes and I've lost track of how many maps it has.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Splitgate is the Halo game we deserved.

[–]OneFinalEffort 37 points38 points  (4 children)

Reach launched with 13 Maps plus the Forge World Canvas Map for Forging custom maps as there were some dev-made Forge maps that recreated 3 Classic Halo maps and 2 new dev-made Forge Maps to ensure there would be good selection at launch. The game also had 8 Firefight Arenas at launch.

[–]HelloImHiding 4 points5 points  (1 child)

How are you gonna release an infinite Halo experience without some form of Blood Gultch?

[–]MINImanGOTgunz 18 points19 points  (0 children)

When you go back to those other games even if they had only a few maps look at what else they had to offer upon release...coop campaign, forge, working theater, more than a couple gametypes/Playlist, firefight, etc. Infinite is bare bones as it gets upon release and it is embarrassing.

[–]TrumpdUP 7 points8 points  (3 children)

But all those games had forge at launch.

[–]noogai131 36 points37 points  (6 children)

I stopped playing, just like I stopped playing modern warfare 2019 when it had like 5 maps.

I'm hoping halo infinite will eventually gain more value in multiplayer, I got my value out of it (15 bucks for a month of play).

[–]Trimere 801 points802 points  (97 children)

I mean, TF2 is a hat simulator and is successful so maybe they thought it would work for them too.

[–]dat_potatoe 686 points687 points  (33 children)

Now if only they would've done anything else that made TF2 successful.

Like having metric fucktons of gameplay content, soft mod support, and the ability to earn cosmetics over time.

[–]Ohmahtree 411 points412 points  (22 children)

Game Devs today: I hear you end user, you are unhappy with the game. So we have found more microtransactions to include so you ignore the failures.

[–]agnostic_science 96 points97 points  (1 child)

i.e. we agree the game stinks. but after cost-benefit analysis we realize our only viable recourse (instead if fixing what is broken) is to aggressively milk 20% our player base with low-effort microtransactions. Everyone else can get fucked. I mean, please kindly hang around while we work on important content changes to help us convince the sheep and whales that their purchases aren’t for a game already dying in its first month

[–]Cassereddit 47 points48 points  (8 children)

Microsoft actually looked for a so called "Online Experience Design Director" in 2018. One of the responsibilities listed in the job description are as quoted "Design and deliver a AAA player investment experience that focuses on our fans and their desire to express their passion for our franchise (including but not limited to micro transactions)"

There are people who are specifically tasked with the design of microtransactions.

[–]ciaisi 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Ok, I've got this idea... What if we make them pay more... For a slightly different helmet!

[–][deleted] 29 points30 points  (0 children)

And the ability to sell those cosmetics. My brother just sold a tf2 item on steam marketplace and bought an unturned item lol

[–]FictionalScience13PC 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I mean fr

[–]TheGreenMan17 118 points119 points  (4 children)

But there were not previous TF2 games with beloved, unlockable armor sets, that are now sold in the store

[–]Trimere 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Are they unusuals?

[–]newgibben 38 points39 points  (11 children)

TF2 started as a great game and slowly became a way to collect hats. That's the problem in current gaming. Everyone wants to sell you the fortnight battle pass but no one wants to spent the years refining a game to make it great before turning it into a virtual slot machine.

[–]TheRealOgMark 12 points13 points  (0 children)

But in TF2 you can spend like 0,10$, then grind to craft dozens of cosmetics.

[–]LedudeMax 264 points265 points  (47 children)

Wasn't infinite supposed to have something like custom map creator ? Not sure where I heard that from

[–]Appoxo 118 points119 points  (7 children)

Coming in a future updatetm .
But they said that forge will come later (and some advanced scripting to further customize behavior.

[–]Fox2quick 118 points119 points  (33 children)

This is the first Halo to have bots for multiplayer. It’s highly likely that the Forge delay is due to dialing in AI behavior on custom maps.

[–]ChaoticIzual 227 points228 points  (19 children)

Firefight, Spartan ops or warzone firefight....

[–]evilanubis0 67 points68 points  (5 children)

If we could get warzone or warzone firefight back that would be amazing. The handling of the multiplier so far has been the biggest drawback of Halo infinite. So many good features from the past that have just been neglected, and they think this is the future of the series smh.

[–]MerlinTheWhite 28 points29 points  (4 children)

I played more warzone than arena by far. I miss it.

[–]MasterbeaterPi 6 points7 points  (3 children)

I was playing Warzone up to the day Halo Infinite came out. I'm thinking of going back to 5 for some war zone but I don't want to get confused on the button layout and the fact you can boost all the time.

[–]MerlinTheWhite 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Same. I still try boosting and ground pounding haha. Another thing i miss was the short hover you could do when aiming.

[–]TerryJerryMaryHarry 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I loved firefight so much

[–]Oreo_Scoreo 6 points7 points  (5 children)

Hot take, I loved Spartan Ops. It was a fun change of pace, even if it was just playing a level backwards with different enemies in it.

[–]Kenshigo 138 points139 points  (33 children)

isn´t it worse that the Halo community was one of the loudest when it came to microtransactions and then stormed the store to buy freaking cat ears?

edit: yes, overpriced! cat ears.

[–]SBAPERSON 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Vocal minority

[–]BertBerts0n 52 points53 points  (6 children)

Yeah, 343 know that a good portion of their fanbase are stupid enough to spend money on microtransactions, even after complaining about it.

[–]an0nym0osePC 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Which is odd, because the halo fan base isn't really the traditionally-exploited "9 to 15 year old" demographic.

[–]riptide0009 58 points59 points  (8 children)

Yea my buddies were really nostalgic the first couple weeks, all went to high diamond in ranked and then it just started to fizzle.

Full game released was the exact same as the preview, menu UI is still bad, no armor or in game rewards for skill or playtime achievements.

Limited game modes, limited maps. Doubt we’ll play it again even though we were addicted to halo 3 and reach.

[–]DeusVultGaming 182 points183 points  (15 children)

Honestly if the cosmetic items that they were trying to sell were just stuff like cat ears, I wouldn’t have a problem with it, because that really is just a cosmetic item and has never been in a Halo title.

But instead everything costs money, i cant even choose the color of my damn spartan, i have to fucking buy the color swatch and that will maybe have the colors that i want on other pieces of armor. And speaking of armor, you have to buy that too. New shoulder pads $. New helmet $. Oh, it doesn’t march your armor core??? Fuck you give money.

Add on to that that Halo was another AAA title released in 2021 which clearly wasn’t finished in the way that an AAA title should be, and you can see why so many people have just stopped playing compared to previous Halo titles

[–]Rymanjan 12 points13 points  (1 child)

The first unlock from the battlepass is mark IV armor. Man, that'd be nice, what can I get without the battlepass though? Let's take a look. Hmm. Shitty player card emblem, another player card emblem, oh a player card background... It's shite all the way down. Even the visor colors cost $20 like wow, you used to be able to unlock that shit by actually doing something like getting 100 splatters or 1000 headshots, now you get jack shit unless you wanna pay.

[–][deleted] 415 points416 points  (72 children)

Wow its almost like live service shit harms games and the reputation of the devs if they were previously good, shame the industry doesn't learn that

[–]castleaagh 100 points101 points  (9 children)

At the top level, they aren’t trying to make the “best game ever”, they’re trying to make the “most profitable one”. It seems this model has been profitable for a lot of the industry unfortunately.

[–]Poliveris 183 points184 points  (45 children)

Very true but let’s be real 343 has never had a good reputation, they’ve split fans more than they’ve brought together. They made the series Teen and targeted a younger audience all while shitting on their most loyal player base.

[–]Bradyssoftuggboots 80 points81 points  (20 children)

So true so true. As now an older player halo infinite makes me feel even older. I hate the stupid little sidekick bot things. The reason I liked halo 2, Halo 3 is because they seemed so much more mature than I was back when I was a kid.

[–]Munchiebox 53 points54 points  (5 children)

Halo made by people who don't like Halo, they've spent most of their time on this franchise chasing trends to entice non halo players while alienating massive parts of the community.

[–]Poliveris 41 points42 points  (4 children)

343s motto. People hate when you quote them for saying what they did while working on halo 4 vidoc. But it just goes to show how true that sentiment is even today. 343 just does shit different to be different and puts all the work on 3rd party studios so the big suits can pocket most of the profit.

But nobody wants to talk about a major publisher using contracted workers. Instead they blame microsoft "no its their rule they can only hire contracted workers for 18 months". How about they hire actual developers and stop trying to cut corners? But nah just blame MS for a policy 343 tries to exploit.

[–]NeedsPraxis 193 points194 points  (85 children)

The sad part is that Halo: MCC offers a huge amount of cosmetic content for no additional cost. I actually really like Halo: Infinite, but seeing virtually all meaningful cosmetic content gated behind paywalls is unfortunate.

With that said: I have faith that more game modes are coming, and I think we're already seeing progress on that front. It's a new game, and it went through development hell. I think what matters most is that the core of the game is solid, and Infinite's core gameplay is fantastic. I just really wish more cosmetics were gated behind achievements, progress, or even just free random drops, rather than through cash purchases.

[–]Mira113 21 points22 points  (7 children)

And that's exactly why game companies feel confident releasing half-baked products, they know some people will be perfectly happy to say "I trust them to fix it a few months after it released".

[–]Dispositionpsn 53 points54 points  (32 children)

Is there really cat ears in this game?

[–]Crissagrym 89 points90 points  (30 children)

Yeah, robotic cat ears on the helm, it is pretty popular

[–]Far_Lavishness5377 36 points37 points  (1 child)

I can't imagine the devs are the ones pushing this but it is instead the suits who aren't even remotely in touch with the community.

[–]Crissagrym 298 points299 points  (189 children)

Are they making money though?

As a “Freemium” game, there will always be people unhappy about the monetisation, and these people will leave.

But that is OK, because these people are unlikely to pay for anything anyway, as long as there are still enough people playing to keep the paying players engaged, those free to play players can leave.

Unfortunately that is just how free games go.

[–]Autarch_Kade 63 points64 points  (4 children)

Thing is, free games can have great monetization that players don't mind.

On top of that the real mistake is messing with playlists and such to push sales of microtransactions. Items in the store shouldn't come at the cost of the game's design.

Even whales aren't good enough if a shitload of players leave. This is a huge fuckin studio.

[–]Nitrosaber 176 points177 points  (56 children)

The thing is, the halo community likely would have paid $60 for the game and to have unlocks like in the other halos through progression instead of pay $20 for one armor.

[–]VagueSomething 62 points63 points  (5 children)

Here's the stupid truth about it. Halo would have gotten a player boost from being on Game Pass anyway, people wouldn't need to pay up front to play it if they paid a fraction of the cost to get Game Pass. Between the massive success of the brand ensuring many players buy it anyway and it automatically being on Game Pass they'd have gotten more than just the dedicated fans, they'd get the casual fans and random casual players. There was absolutely no need to make MP Free to Play.

Instead they charged full price for the Campaign and then made MP a Freemium game despite it being made with the same assets and traditionally part of the full game. They're double dipping and getting gullible people to say "but it is free" to excuse paying 1/3rd of the price of a full game to get very minor cosmetic changes.

[–]KalyterosAioni 11 points12 points  (2 children)

I agree. Free on game pass, but without customisation, or pay 60 to get everything as unlockable. Then the store could still exist selling things to the F2Ps so they can buy just what they like to outfit their Spartan the way they like.

This way paying players could get the choice to outfit how they like and change things up as they please, whereas F2Ps could pay less to just get their favourite sets. Either way, 343 make bank.

[–]Crissagrym 31 points32 points  (39 children)

They are probably testing the water to see which model makes more money.

Freemium games makes crazy amount of money, I would dare say often probably make more than selling $60 games.

Especially they can release even more skins and such.

[–]Nitrosaber 52 points53 points  (26 children)

It's not the same community. Halo has been earn your armor, now its get your armor with a credit card and their numbers are dropping already. The thing of freemium games is that they need to keep a devoted fan base and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if people went back to MCC.

[–]UncleGeorge 24 points25 points  (7 children)

No, no I'm tired of that excuse of "testing the water" as if it's some sort of new mystical thing that's never been done before. Freemium games have existed for almost 2 decades now, there are plenty of successful one in every genre with very clear monatization that they can just copy and make plenty of money with. This is just them trying to see how much they can fuck over people, enough with giving them the benefit of the doubt; it's just greed.

[–]FukoPupPC 60 points61 points  (11 children)

You dont wanna piss off them whales tho.

[–]Crissagrym 50 points51 points  (10 children)

The whales are probably the ones running around with the cat ears and paid for all the buyable contents.

As long as you have enough seaweed to feed off the whales, it is OK not to save every seaweed.

You just need enough of them.

[–]FukoPupPC 18 points19 points  (5 children)

Thats what im saying. Just about any game out there couldnt care less about the average player, as long as they got their harpunes in the whales. Sadly what gaming has become to, even in the west.

[–]civil_politician 22 points23 points  (2 children)

I mean this is what happens when .01% of people have all the money. No one gives a shit about the rest of us and that spills even into our entertainment now.

[–]cateraide420 88 points89 points  (25 children)

That’s the real question. The Halo demographic isn’t really a pay to play market IMO. Most halo fans are old school and won’t put up it. We have other games we have been playin while waiting and we will go right back to them. The whole game has no replay ability. Sad that my generation (mid 30s) have slowly watched all of our favorite games we grew up with just turn into massive poops.

[–]Crissagrym 28 points29 points  (11 children)

Unfortunately if the newer demographics make then more money, it is time for them to target the new demographics and let the old ones fade off.

Unfortunately money speaks louder than loyalty.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Or quality or sustainability or ethics or decency.

[–]the_better_twin 19 points20 points  (8 children)

People said the same about PUBG. They tried to make money from the microtransactions and creating bunny costumes seemed to be the focus rather than fixing issues with the game. The core fanbase slowly dwindled. Fear halo will go the same route.

[–]Goldman250 194 points195 points  (113 children)

They added several game modes on the same day they put out the cat ears though? Tactical Slayer and Fiesta?

[–][deleted] 42 points43 points  (5 children)

The devs aren’t the issue. Chances are the issue is the execs

[–]Krioniki 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Ah yes, because the entire teams works on one cosmetic at a time.

[–]fuzzynavel34 19 points20 points  (8 children)

To be fair they're probably on break during the holidays...

[–]Ashe_SDMF 23 points24 points  (6 children)

I desperately need rocket hog racing. STAT!

[–]San_II_To_et_3R 35 points36 points  (7 children)

Still way better than the new Betafield

[–]AwesomeX121189 924 points925 points  (313 children)

They just added all the modes everyone was asking for like 2 weeks ago. Also launched wi th that new BTB mode with the power seeds.

The game came out a month ago, expecting new maps this quickly especially during holidays is idiotic.

[–]fleshbot69 449 points450 points  (29 children)

I mean the lobby UI is still absolute garbage though

[–]AwesomeX121189 187 points188 points  (26 children)

Oh 100%. Zero argument from me on that. It’s not the only garbage UI and it’s also not the worst of them.

[–]fleshbot69 146 points147 points  (16 children)

It just blows my mind that something with so much source material (so many games before it) wasn't released with something as basic as decent lobby UI or even the ability to select gamemodes in matchmaking. The latter is the most egregious imo

[–]MisterMath 35 points36 points  (2 children)

walks over from Call of Duty

First time?

[–]RedTeamReviewJoystick 3 points4 points  (2 children)

It’s not the only garbage UI and it’s also not the worst of them.

The UI has been shit in all of 343i's games (not counting MCC). Halo Reach had arguably the best UI and instead they chose to get rid of it for....reasons?

[–]ShallowBasketcase 21 points22 points  (4 children)

Can I play CTF whenever I want?

[–]Bezieh 50 points51 points  (2 children)

Oh you can play BTB? Good for you...

[–]Autarch_Kade 109 points110 points  (4 children)

Imagine launching a Halo game without Team Slayer, and then your excuse is you need to "test the feasibility" of it.

Bare minimum features delayed until after launch isn't exactly where you want to set the bar for what's acceptable.

[–]teepring 129 points130 points  (25 children)

Okay but these modes were in halo fucking 2. Why do we have to wait for old shit in 2021?

[–]Sentinel-Wraith 45 points46 points  (27 children)

Expecting a complete game on release after 6 years of development and getting pushed back an entire year for poor quality is idiotic?

[–]MsPaulingsFeet 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Team snipers, infection, action sack, koth?

Tf you on about "all the modes people wanted"

The game is bare bones

[–]NecromanticPick 312 points313 points  (58 children)

Idiotic? This is a flagship series and a game that's been in develoent for 6 years. Halo reach and 3 came out with a fuck ton of modes including forge, custom games and coop campaign like 10 years ago. Please just shut the fuck up and stop accepting this kind of trash garbage.

[–]TheHotpants 138 points139 points  (1 child)

Yeah but there is a fully functioning store in it with really overpriced items so that's definitely a win! /s

[–]NecromanticPick 19 points20 points  (0 children)

The important stuff /s 😭

[–]JediNinjaWizard 116 points117 points  (0 children)

"Why won't you just accept mediocrity like the rest of us?!?"

[–]mrevergood 32 points33 points  (11 children)

Best take here.

Microsoft is a fucking top tier game developer, or is supposed to be.

343 is Microsoft. They’re not some fucking indie developer. They never have been. Since Halo 4, they’ve been made up of the best developers Microsoft’s money could buy, and fools still lap up the “Aw, we should give them a chance”.

They’ve been fucking Halo up for ten goddamn years and we’re still supposed to accept the mediocrity? We’re supposed to accept these excuses? We’re still expected to buy the hype and believe that this Halo title will be different?

Goddamn y’all-if you want this shut to change, stop fucking preordering and buying the games.

[–]Kilane 91 points92 points  (16 children)

For real, "It's only been out a month, you can't expect a good product yet" is a shit take.

I downloaded it, played a little and had some fun. Then uninstalled

[–]JP297 9 points10 points  (1 child)

They added Swat and FFA. 2 modes that past games have shipped with. (Plus a dozen other modes still not in Infinite.) The update they added them in weeks ago broke BTB, so it barely functions, and SWAT hasn't worked right since it was added, not to mention the fast TTK in that mode really puts how bad the servers are on full display.

They have not given any updates at all on the state of the servers aside from acknowledging the desync issue on a post about a month ago. They have not given any updates on when the rest of the game modes Infinite is lacking will come. They have however continued to keep the in game store working perfectly and keep a cycle of cosmetics for sale fomo style.

[–]Pearcenator 42 points43 points  (36 children)

Maybe I’m just too old, but why do people care about cosmetics again? I just play the game to have fun and create fun memories with buddies.

What am I missing? Why should I care about cat ears again?

[–]Miaoumi 11 points12 points  (13 children)

I would venture to guess the first thing you mentioned might be just the reason you're not so captivated by cosmetics as the younger players are. I'll admit that cosmetics do something for me and I spent the occasional hard earned money for some myself. I'm in my mid twenties and the desire to be a little more unique or to stand out in games feels good.

Don't get me wrong, I firstly and foremost play for the gameplay and story and whatnot. But that's the thing with online games, to be able to tell each other apart, find a more you Spartan or whatever game you're playing. It's a little about individuality. And personally I think it's a good thing, in addition I started to get bored of seeing legions of same looking soldiers throughout the years and really enjoyed the graphical enhancements that came with the years. You can simply view the cosmetics in online games, an extension to what I'm talking about.

[–]blazinazn007 29 points30 points  (7 children)

As a new dad I'm just glad the campaign is fun (looking at you battlefield whatever number were on). Don't have the time or energy to deal with multiplayer anymore.

[–]given2fly_ 11 points12 points  (6 children)

Fellow Dad gamer here. Never played any Halo game, but installed this through Gamepass on my PC. Really enjoying the Campaign so far after 3-4 hours.

Think I'll avoid online play...

[–]mmiller2023 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Im sure the MAAAAAAYYYYBE 18 redditors that really have stopped playing halo over cat ears are just really eating at 343 right now. They are shaking in their boots I tell ya. Terrified.

[–]oxmiladyxo 3 points4 points  (1 child)

At first glance I thought this was a meme trying to dig at Destiny’s PvP…but I guess Halo Infinite is doing the same thing? But didn’t it just come out? People are already asking for new maps and game modes for a game not even a month old?

[–]LordMazzar 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I mean, they did add FFA Slayer and SWAT Tactical Slayer and a separate Slayer only option. Still pretty bare bone I'll admit but that shows they're at least listening a little.

[–]JaesopPop 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The people making assets for cash shop nonsense probably aren’t the people who’d be making maps or game modes.

[–]dat-nintend-boi 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Ok this is kinda true but don’t expect new maps right when the game comes out

[–]SpartanHamster9 36 points37 points  (15 children)

Free to play devs inevitably wind up only caring about the dolphins and whales. 343 just skipped the step where they pretend to care about the actual fans of the series and not just the addicts they've managed to rope in.

[–]JohnnyHendo 20 points21 points  (6 children)

I know whales are considered the players who spend exorbitant amounts of money. What is a dolphin in this context?

[–]PhoenixAgent003 7 points8 points  (0 children)

The peeps who spend just a good amount of money semi/regularly.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Probably normal people who spend occasionally. It’s hard to whale in this game.

[–]Umbran_scale 12 points13 points  (7 children)

No co op campaign.

No Firefight.

No Forge.

No infection.

No dual wielding.

No playable Elites.

No Spartan Ops.

Lacking in creative maps.

Lacking in weapon variety.

lacking in modes.

Lacking in 'free' customisation

Terrible exp progression.

Overpriced shitty cosmetic store.

Over abundant hacking with no proper report feature.

And yet it's still somehow so much better than COD and Battlefield.

Man our standards have plummeted.

[–]DeathToGoblins 11 points12 points  (3 children)

You really complaining about no duel wielding when it hasn't been a feature since 2007?