top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]xenochrist66 Halo 3 3657 points3658 points  (84 children)

Crazy how the guy grabbed the flag and went back on the hog with a gunner. I never get those teammates

[–]ktsmith91 114 points115 points  (4 children)

Seriously, if it was gameplay from my matches it would have shown the guy in the hog just honking at his team to get in until someone blew up the hog lol

[–]fieldysnuts94 201 points202 points  (6 children)

Funny enough i was playing on MCC last night and in CTF a rando and me pulled this move without even speaking lol you get lucky sometimes

[–]ikidyounotman1Halo 2 94 points95 points  (0 children)

“An objective player, I’ve heard of you”

“Yeah, there’s still a few of us left”

[–]xmycolumbianx 54 points55 points  (7 children)

Yeah and giving up the banshee too

[–]SeaPriority 5055 points5056 points  (104 children)

Maps look like real places with logical structures and not a bunch of forge squares. Nice

[–]DeadMinerHalo: 009 Sound System Dreamscape 1452 points1453 points  (39 children)

Looked like a Valhalla Port, and I got some The Pit vibes from the outdoor UNSC map

[–]crossfire024 682 points683 points  (16 children)

That CTF map definitely feels like a successor to Valhalla, but probably isn't a straight port. The terrain feels a bit different.

[–]ShadowBlue42 H5 Bronze 1 100 points101 points  (3 children)

looks like a cross between valhalla and the halo 5 BTB forge map with the wasps on top of the base and tanks underneath, forget the name

[–]DeadMinerHalo: 009 Sound System Dreamscape 199 points200 points  (5 children)

Looking at it again, I think you might be right. Similar structure and layout, definitely inspired, but it actually looks like it has a bit of a curve to it. I’ll definitely be interested in getting a closer look!

[–]Visco0825 59 points60 points  (1 child)

It’s much more vertical. Valhalla was pretty much just a large hill in the middle of a valley

[–]Nighterlev Halo 4 73 points74 points  (2 children)

It's also much, much bigger. It looks massive, makes sense considering it's a 12v12 BTB 2.0 map with Weapon Ordnance drops and Pelican vehicle drops.

[–]GladMax 106 points107 points  (11 children)

I miss the pit so much

[–]LambDawgGT: Likely Faded 💕 126 points127 points  (9 children)

FYI, the pit is still alive and well in MCC

[–]keep-the-streak 41 points42 points  (7 children)

We will want to see a few competitively viable and maybe symmetrical maps in the game though.

[–][deleted] 251 points252 points  (14 children)

One map looked like we might have jackals in the courtyard

[–][deleted] 93 points94 points  (0 children)

Right !! It felt like Halo 2A ish map.

[–]cazzhmir 72 points73 points  (7 children)

Eyes up! Phantom's back!

[–]Lifeisdamning 29 points30 points  (6 children)

My girls a little big for that courtyard sergeant. I see a good lz on the other side of these buildings. Meet you there.

[–]c_will 367 points368 points  (22 children)

It looks better than the map design from H4 and H5, but hard to tell given the quick montage.

Given the fact that Infinite is most likely going to serve as the primary Halo game for the next 8+ years, I wouldn't be surprised if, in the years ahead, Classic maps from Halo 1-3 are remastered and added into Infinite.

[–]Prefix-NA 88 points89 points  (0 children)

The Forge issue could be solved if they just added skinning tools to forge.

[–]Knorikus Halo: CE 27 points28 points  (0 children)

This was one of my biggest concerns for the game. Halo 5's maps just didn't look like they were based off real things. From the screenshots so far it looks really good.

[–]crossfire024 1116 points1117 points  (36 children)

I really love all the armor & vehicle designs. The Banished Chopper and Banshee especially look fantastic.

[–]Hyperax 269 points270 points  (23 children)

Im just so happy they finally have the banished in a mainstream game. Their entire concept was so cool

[–]AwesomeX121189 77 points78 points  (17 children)

For sure. Some of the leader specific units in halo wars 2 would be super fun to fight, but there was also a lot of units made specifically for gameplay purposes or wouldn’t translate to an FPS’ gameplay well like the blisterback or human artillery and anti air vehicles.

[–]Willy_McBilly 33 points34 points  (3 children)

Absolutely. Imagine trying to play CTF with Blisterbacks raining down hell all over the map. Some of the infantry specials would be interesting though, especially variants of brutes like the grenadiers and jump-pack brutes (yes I know this has been done before xD) but we’ll have to wait and see.

[–]kamikirite 2229 points2230 points  (236 children)

A few things I noticed

  1. The scorpion is back along with the spnkr

2.it looks like wrist equipment replace AA with one being the grapple hook and another being something the can repel a charged plasma pistol.

  1. Chief does have what appears to be a new AI in the campaign trailer

4.there was an ordinance drop but 343 said no random lootboxes so hopefully not a req system

5.ADS was shown but possibly only for weapons that actually have a sight like the commando or skewer

  1. Oddball was shown

  2. Armors look great

ETA the m808 classic scorpion is what I mean not halo 5s m820 redesign

[–]MarkerMagnum 900 points901 points  (80 children)

New AI is almost certainly made from another Halsey clone. So same background as Cortana.

[–]kamikirite 433 points434 points  (25 children)

Probably. IIRC. The serial number on the chip was one above cortana's

[–]haztech99 Halo: CE 416 points417 points  (19 children)

Yes it's 0453-0, Cortana is 0452-9

[–]kamikirite 283 points284 points  (18 children)

She said she was supposed to be deleted too so maybe Halsey made a new model specifically to counter the old one and then that would be the end of both Halsey clone AIs

[–]tapport Halo 5: Guardians 165 points166 points  (11 children)

iirc Cortana does have a "sister" who was supposed to be destroyed. Absolutely cannot remember her name but i know it's a thing.

[–]kamikirite 197 points198 points  (10 children)

Kalmiya was the sister but she was before Cortana and the new one has a higher serial number

[–]tapport Halo 5: Guardians 71 points72 points  (9 children)

Ah, you right... But she mentioned she should've been destroyed. Maybe she got transferred to a new chip instead? Just speculating.

[–]kamikirite 62 points63 points  (6 children)

Could be but it sounds to me like she was programmed to be wiped after Cortana was deleted. My theory is a new model made to counter Cortana like offensive bias was to mendicant bias that was programmed to delete itself after it's mission completed

[–]Richtatorship 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Yea, I feel like the UNSC is probably a little gun shy on creating any new AIs right now so it makes sense if they made a one off AI to capture Cortana that was programmed to delete itself afterwards.

[–]tokiw117 Halo 3: ODST 209 points210 points  (31 children)

This is explained in Shadows of Reach. Blue team is sent back to CASTLE Base on Reach to retrieve a package believed to be a clone of Halsey's brain

[–]MarkerMagnum 66 points67 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I know. That’s why I said it’s basically confirmed.

[–]Roflo_13east 64 points65 points  (29 children)

Hopefully when the game drops we don't need to bring our book homework with us cause I ain't doing it.

[–][deleted] 66 points67 points  (6 children)

Regarding ADS: I noticed that when it showed the purple spread gun, the player changed the gun's firing mode without zooming in, which is something we've never seen in Halo before. I wonder if the zoom button will act as an alternate fire button for weapons that don't have a scope?

[–]kamikirite 26 points27 points  (0 children)

That would be pretty interesting.

[–]NETFLIX-ad 148 points149 points  (41 children)

Are there still team colors, red and blue? From the trailer it appears like free for all, each spartan with their own color scheme, but they're playing team base modes.

Maybe it's just for the trailer.

[–]shrekcurry502 228 points229 points  (30 children)

In the multiplayer blog thing they released it mentions a new friend or foe system using outlines, they didn’t show it in the trailer but we’ll probably see it when they release more gameplay.

[–]Steve73123 Halo Infinite 109 points110 points  (15 children)

you could actually see it in the background a couple times
honestly i really like it

[–]grimoireviper 54 points55 points  (1 child)

Same here. And doesn't look like visual noise at all as some people were afraid.

[–]unnamedhunter Halo: Reach 85 points86 points  (4 children)

Going by the blog it looks like its going to be like how Titanfall 2 does it with the outlines and lights.

[–]kamikirite 22 points23 points  (1 child)

I didn't see any team colors in the ctf section. Could just be for the trailer or team colors are gone

[–]AlponseElric 42 points43 points  (6 children)

I understood that “ordinance drop” to just be a clever way of respawning the vehicles/equipment, not nevissarily a player action that caused it

[–]kamikirite 11 points12 points  (5 children)

That would be really cool as a respawn to see the pelican bring in the vehicles

[–]SupaFugDupExtended Universe 1376 points1377 points  (110 children)


[–]Alarmed_Ad_2478 789 points790 points  (101 children)

That's honestly gonna be real annoying for banshees I hope grapple is a pick up and not everyone has one.

[–]dwallace3099 761 points762 points  (43 children)

I think it’s confirmed a limited-use pickup

[–]Kutya7701I don't do bits and pieces. 418 points419 points  (12 children)

It is confirmed to be a halo 3-esque equipment you have to pick up.

[–]pickrunner18 382 points383 points  (3 children)

I can get on board with that

[–]easterislandfaceHalo 3 all over the place 96 points97 points  (0 children)

I hate you

[–]James_099Halo 3 133 points134 points  (2 children)

If I can’t barrel roll a grappling Spartan into a rock face I’m gonna lose it.

[–][deleted] 341 points342 points  (17 children)

That's honestly gonna be real annoying for banshees

Good. Fuck them in BTB.

[–]revenant925 Halo: MCC 83 points84 points  (6 children)

Halo 5 banshees in btb make me want to scream

[–]OptimisticCheese 47 points48 points  (2 children)

Also Banshee in MCC when the pilot is using a mouse.

[–]ELVEVERX H5 Beta Onyx 29 points30 points  (1 child)

Just do a barrel roll i'm sure that'd fuck the hijacker up lol

[–]MBen7 658 points659 points  (7 children)

I like Halo, he’s a cool guy

[–]noopthenobodyHalo is Halo 275 points276 points  (1 child)

eh kills allens and doesnt afraid of anything

[–]JBiff09 ONI 120 points121 points  (1 child)

John halo is just nice.

[–]TheEliteBritHalo 3 best Halo 989 points990 points  (176 children)

So is Red v Blue gone? From this video and the blog post it looks like they're using UI highlights to identify enemy teams instead

[–]Maxximillianaire 482 points483 points  (50 children)

If those armor coatings are a big microtransaction this time around then I guess they want them to be noticeable in game

[–]Able-Zombie376 106 points107 points  (27 children)

The multiplayer is free to play. You better believe there will be Microtransactions up the ass.

[–][deleted] 793 points794 points  (37 children)

Prob to make buying skins more worth it

[–]SilentReavus 555 points556 points  (34 children)

Disappointing as it is to lose such a staple, I was always a little sad when I couldn't be my chosen colors outside of solo game modes.

[–]TheSentientPrawn 173 points174 points  (16 children)

I always thought a good solution would be hot versus cold colors and you could customize each team color combo separately. But I guess I’ll see how this ends up implemented.

[–]WhalenOnF00ls 170 points171 points  (4 children)

Almost reminds me of rocket league, where there’s massive variation even within “blue” and “orange.”

[–]tefftlon 38 points39 points  (0 children)

That’s pretty much how Rocket League does it. Not a shooter but I think it’d work.

Kinda like Red vs Blue is…

[–]bbressman2 288 points289 points  (9 children)

I have always felt the same way. Never understood why I could customize my colors just to be red or blue. Yes it’s a staple of the franchise, but I’m fine with it going away.

[–]cauthon 36 points37 points  (0 children)

It’s the most colorblind friendly game I’ve ever played

[–]Parazoan 57 points58 points  (7 children)

This is really the only disappointing news for me. It’s not that it’s iconic but it’s a visual impairment for me. I honestly struggle in CoD and other games to distinguish what’s an enemy and what’s a detail on the map especially at a distance. In halo you always knew what an enemy was and could easily tell since you were looking for either red or blue

[–]glow2hi 17 points18 points  (4 children)

Complete agree, I'm surprised it seems to be so popular

[–]CoolMoon_ Platinum 5 452 points453 points  (46 children)

The gameplay and armors look sick af. I'm quite surprised that they didn't discuss much about their new BTB mode.

[–][deleted] 129 points130 points  (42 children)

Big Team Battle mode? What is it? Haven’t heard of it.

[–]ThatTyedyeNarwhal 1226 points1227 points  (82 children)

Wow it looks so much better than the reveal we had last year! So looking forwards to this!

[–]RE4PER_glitchimanjaro 609 points610 points  (71 children)

The campaign especially stood out for me. Felt like old times 😭

[–]tyler980908 Halo 3 311 points312 points  (4 children)

dude it pulled on my heart strings even though it was so short

[–]ManofSteel_14 91 points92 points  (2 children)

The music that started playing while he was flying through everything hit me with so much nostalgia. I genuinely cannot wait

[–]LoxodontaRichard 71 points72 points  (12 children)

Where are you guys seeing campaign footage?

[–]PinkieBenSend me out with a bang 112 points113 points  (10 children)

It was shown during the stream, don't think they put up a video of it yet.

[–]UncheckedException 123 points124 points  (9 children)

That campaign footage was the most Halo-ey thing I’ve seen in ten years. And I say this as a disgruntled fan who basically left the franchise after 4.

[–]TheEliteBritHalo 3 best Halo 294 points295 points  (19 children)

Looks pretty great! Just a shame the only release info is "Holiday 2021"

[–]MRK4213 227 points228 points  (11 children)

My bet is that it's meant to be released on the anniversary of halo ce(November 21), but they want to keep it open in case there are any last edits that they need to make to push it back a week or 2

Edit: November 15, not 21

[–]JordanMeBaby 645 points646 points  (114 children)

There's gonna be some fucking sick plays with the grapple

[–]CamoJG Halo 3: ODST 179 points180 points  (14 children)

[chuckles in Titanfall 2 experience]

[–]James_099Halo 3 1319 points1320 points  (72 children)


[–]RamaAnthony 483 points484 points  (36 children)

From the new Xbox blog

Our very first season, “Heroes of Reach,” including a super-sweet Yoroi Spartan. And in case you were wondering, the Yoroi armor is free and you can unlock it just by playing events in Season 1.

Seems like Yoroi-class armour will be challenge related unlocks, and if the requirement was as challenging as Recon by in Halo 3, we gonna have Hayabusa 2.0

[–]xFujinRaijinx 139 points140 points  (6 children)

Yoroi means Armor in Japanese.

So Mjolnir Armor Armor

[–]kamenmaximus Halo: Reach 196 points197 points  (8 children)

Hope they aren't timed, sorta like mcc seasons were you can go back, making them less limited edition and more a show of skill

[–]Tubby_CentralKnavishPlum 95 points96 points  (5 children)

This is the biggest thing I want to know. I am praying its like MCC.

[–]Aeterna117 23 points24 points  (4 children)

If Halo Infinite uses the exact same season pass system as MCC it’d be perfect

[–]spyder616 527 points528 points  (7 children)

Hayabusa 2.0

[–]AscentToZenith 123 points124 points  (2 children)

Right? When I saw that I fucked got hyped. Hayabusa was the shit when I was a kid.

[–]MysticalNarbwhalAIs in Forge pls 343i 191 points192 points  (10 children)

We’re also introducing bot matches so players new and old can warm up before they hit the battlefield. We’ve got more in store for bots and Academy content over time that we look forward to rolling out as the game evolves.

Bots in forge and custom games???


Bots can also be configured in Custom Games to tailor the experience and even in fill-in roster spots for MIA fireteam members.


[–]Mystical_17 Halo 3 65 points66 points  (5 children)

I hope for customs we can play offline. Would be super sad if the experience relies on online always which means if servers have issues can't even do bot customs lol

As for MIA players, lets just hope the bots they replace quitters with are coded decent enough they are not like auto-aim monsters but made natural enough to mess up sometimes (like recent CoD bots can camp, miss shots, protect OBJ, etc).

[–]abacusasian 429 points430 points  (47 children)

[–]MRK4213 166 points167 points  (2 children)

That's not even including that cool samurai armor either

[–]Cutie_Flirty_n_Nerdy 120 points121 points  (8 children)

The N7 look for the middle one. 👌😋

[–]JesustheSpaceCowboy 75 points76 points  (7 children)

ROBOT ARMS! judging by the fact that one spartan has two different colored arms here’s to hoping the robo arm won’t be locked to any one chest piece.

[–]fatboywonder12 23 points24 points  (0 children)

literally PERFECT. Exactlyyy what I wanted. This looks like a blend of Bungie's old school simplistic design with 343's more advanced, technical stuff added onto it. THAT looks like a super soldier, NOT those plastic action figures from 4 and 5

[–]Qverlord37 66 points67 points  (2 children)

Oh yeah now that look good, doesn't feel weirdly segmented like halo 4.

[–]r3m0t3c0ntr0l 295 points296 points  (73 children)

By "holiday" do they mean...Christmas?

[–]dwallace3099 338 points339 points  (43 children)

My guess is they’re aiming for the 20th anniversary, but may be giving themselves a loose date in case they need another week or 2

[–]thundermage117Infinite 94 points95 points  (38 children)

How come starfield gets a 11-11-22 an halo gets a holiday?

[–]Cheesewithmold Halo 3 263 points264 points  (15 children)

Because Starfield will get delayed.

[–]f33f33nkou 67 points68 points  (8 children)

I actually doubt it. Most of Bethesda's big hyped releases launch on time. That's why they're usually pretty tight lipped about their releases.

[–]haztech99 Halo: CE 92 points93 points  (9 children)

If they don't take advantage of the Combat Evolved 20 year anniversary (15th November), I would be surprised.

[–][deleted] 56 points57 points  (7 children)

Considering the 15th is a Monday, I'd be pretty surprised if they did.

I expect it'll be around that week, though.

[–]Vertegras 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Probably anything after October on is considered holiday.

[–]polarchuckie 235 points236 points  (6 children)

The classic scorpion design is back!

[–]Space-manatee 185 points186 points  (9 children)

I can already tell I’m gonna suck at this

[–]catholicismisascam 133 points134 points  (2 children)

They have bots to practice. I'm so glad they are adding bots

[–]Snappleabble 30 points31 points  (1 child)

As a casual gamer I can already tell I’m about to get absolutely destroyed by that grapple hook

[–]_Teraplexor Halo: Reach 368 points369 points  (46 children)

I'm EXTREMELY EXCITED! Specially with this new A.I, is she like a copy of Cortana? Like a fresh copy with no memories, or straight up a new A.I.

[–]haztech99 Halo: CE 272 points273 points  (15 children)

Her code is 0453-0, Cortana is 0452-9 that would imply some sort of 'new revision'. Her voice also sounds like Jen Taylor. The Mjolnir BIOS boot says S.P.D.R. which is an AI capture system, and the way she describes her role implies she exists to shut Cortana down or fix her, something like that, and then terminate.

[–]banter_boyArbiter 202 points203 points  (9 children)

Offensive Cortana?

[–]Nacho98 Halo 3: ODST 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Holy shit that'd be a cool twist

[–]haztech99 Halo: CE 51 points52 points  (1 child)

Now that's the kind of story writing and lore I crave in Halo

[–]ColdSteel144 73 points74 points  (0 children)

History repeats!

[–]Hussar_Regimeny Halo: Reach 59 points60 points  (2 children)

I’m guessing she was made the same way Cortana was. With a clone of Halsey’s brain. Considering Blue Team retrieved some in the Shadows of Reach book.

[–][deleted] 95 points96 points  (11 children)

Yeah, seems like just a completely clean new install of her. They seem almost identical.

[–]Extension-Advance668 Halo: MCC 136 points137 points  (8 children)

In halo 4 when chief was talking to cortana about her rampancy one of the things cortana mentioned was that he could get paired with another cortana model.

[–]revenant925 Halo: MCC 45 points46 points  (6 children)

Looks like a direct response to that. Seems like it will be him teaching her instead of her teaching him

[–]Captain-matt 62 points63 points  (5 children)

It's time for another grumpy old dad and surrogate daughter story!

I kid, but this story structure is a great way to explore how your character is changed over time. especially the way Halo is doing it we have a direct point of comparison between how fresh off the boat Chief acted with Cortana Sr, and how old and tired Chief acts with Cortana Jr.

[–]MarkerMagnum 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Yeah, for sure another AI based off of a Halsey clone. Shadows of Reach basically confirmed it.

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (3 children)

Her name is “The Weapon” and she was made from scans of halsey’s brain to help take down Cortana

[–][deleted] 122 points123 points  (17 children)

Well judging by Flag game, at least unlike Halo 5 it looks like well have BTB maps at launch and not shitty forge ones.

[–]Emmy_Okaumy 405 points406 points  (13 children)

Graphics look like reach with soft halo 4 vibes. Love it

[–]Luciusvenator 167 points168 points  (3 children)

Exactly, I love it it too. Perfectly mixes both eras. So basically Halo Wars 2

[–]TheEliteBritHalo 3 best Halo 70 points71 points  (3 children)

I actually thought it looked like a more modern Halo 3

[–][deleted] 315 points316 points  (22 children)

Still not crazy about that yellow shield effect but damn everything else 👌👌

[–]waconcept 105 points106 points  (0 children)

Ya they could go for some less yellow and more directional participles to give more oomph.

[–]Qverlord37 109 points110 points  (5 children)

Ok so that new shield thing is not invincible like the bubble shield, it has panels that disappear after taking enough damages. That's pretty good, pretty balanced.

I wonder if the grappleshot has like a set amount of time you can use it, like 3 shots maximum. Or maybe ammo consumption depends on what you're grabbing, like vehicle shot take up 2 rounds.

[–]scarletnaught 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Just so you know, they previously confirmed grappleshot is a pickup like the items in Halo 3.

[–]GrindcoreNinja 29 points30 points  (4 children)

I was hoping for more blood, like Halo 3 levels.

[–]LordofArbiters 229 points230 points  (33 children)

Looks great. My only concern is the ordinance drop. We all know how it turned out in halo 4, I just hope they don't bring it back the same way for infinite after removing it from 5...

[–]Smokinya 175 points176 points  (11 children)

Confirmed through the blog post that the ordinance is only in new BtB and is just a regular game mechanic. The Pelicans drop in vehicles throughout the match.

[–][deleted] 31 points32 points  (0 children)

That's great!

[–]FinalForerunner Halo 3: ODST 100 points101 points  (6 children)

Might be in the new BTB mode that was leaked only.

It's not an ordnance drop/killstreak. It's just the new fancy way vehicles respawn.


[–]LordofArbiters 57 points58 points  (5 children)

The BTB mode is already confirmed. Seems to be replacing the original now. 12 v 12.

[–]MrEousTranger Halo 3: ODST 31 points32 points  (1 child)

My money is on that being the respawn mechanic

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Maybe... I was thinking only vehicles will be dropped exclusively but it being respawn mechanic seems like a good idea. This way you can have ppl to compete for power vehicles also..

[–][deleted] 599 points600 points  (36 children)

I don't care what anyone says, that multiplayer trailer had me fricken hyped. Great mix of old halo with modern vibes. Some sweet mechanics that doesn't add too much to take away from the arena shooter. Graphics and armor looked incredible. I can't wait.

[–]StealthSwim223 156 points157 points  (19 children)

I liked that it looks like your Spartan is the colors you choose, not just red and blue. But st the same time I like red and blue haha

[–]UsefulCode6 48 points49 points  (1 child)

Beta ?

[–]KeegoTheWiseI play sometimes 50 points51 points  (0 children)

Blog says there will be flights later in the summer

[–]ManateeMan21 ONI 132 points133 points  (0 children)

Gorgeous armor

[–]SweatyTowels 105 points106 points  (29 children)

wheres my release date

[–]Vikarr3 Steps Forwards, 43 Steps Backwards 105 points106 points  (10 children)

lmao at the pelicans who keep saying "holiday 2021"

we already knew that

we are after the DATE!

[–]MolotovnPanic3Econtrol is letting out the floos 141 points142 points  (14 children)

Tone down the shields on the other spartans and we gucchi /u/unyshek :)

[–]TaldirokHalo: Reach 60 points61 points  (5 children)

I agree with that, everything looks great, but the shields look really out of place, too bright or i don't know, there's just something strange with them.

[–]CurvedSolid 48 points49 points  (3 children)

They seemed a bit too solid, like instead of it being a mostly transparent thing its more of a solid flash?

[–]TaldirokHalo: Reach 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Yeah, it's like you turn into a light bulb for a moment lol.

[–]Cheesewithmold Halo 3 53 points54 points  (1 child)

Looks VERY good. Glad they spent the extra time.

[–]jackbkmpMILLION$ of options. * 126 points127 points  (0 children)

Wow the armors look fantastic!

[–]Happy_llama 18 points19 points  (3 children)

The one thing I’d want from halo is the community back. Literally no one speaks when I play on the master chief collection and none of my irl friends are really that interested in Halo.

I know I can go on LFG discord’s to find people with mics but it always feels awkward meeting people that way. I prefer the old fashion organic meet in a random game kind of thing.

I love banter in games even if it can border on abusive. Just don’t take it to heart and try to put one over them.


[–]sierra501 56 points57 points  (11 children)

The armor abilities remind me a lot of Titanfall 2 (grapple, pulse grenade, and the drop shield) which I certainly have no problem with

[–]DanielG165 70 points71 points  (5 children)

Yeah, all of this, however limited it was, looked fucking sick. Chief was going HAM in the campaign trailer, the emotional tone with the Halo music in the background literally made me tear up for whatever reason lol, and the multiplayer stuff looks fun as hell.

Can’t wait for more gameplay tomorrow.

[–]MarkerMagnum 39 points40 points  (2 children)

Can guarantee that that’s the second part of the opening cutscene. Chief starts in the open pelican where Brohammer is, and jumps into space, before getting guns and going into what can only be a gameplay transition in a banished ship.

[–]wjones1998 14 points15 points  (0 children)

"square off against AI-controlled bots. Training Mode lets you configure specific loadouts, deploy opponent bots of various skill levels, and practice on your own terms. Bots can also be configured in Custom Games to tailor the experience and even in fill-in roster spots for MIA fireteam members"

This is pretty big step for custom games having spawnable AI.