top 200 commentsshow all 432

[–]ChadBenjamin 1212 points1213 points  (150 children)

Superman easily. He would be a great father, husband, friend, farmer, basically everything. Goku would fuck everything up, and I don't see Lois tolerating a man child.

[–]buff_bagwell1 725 points726 points  (142 children)

Plus Goku would just let all of Superman’s villains to go and be like “go get stronger and come back so we can fight again!”

[–]PsychicSidekikk419 485 points486 points  (139 children)

You're giving Goku too little credit. He would kill anyone that's a serious world-ending threat if he's left with no other choice (which would have happened to Cell had Goku entered the time chamber first) , and let police handle the smaller-time villains. He'll also do his best to reduce collateral damage by leading bad guys out of Metropolis.

Some villains he actually might have trouble taking, such as Amazo or Doomsday. Assuming Goku doesn't run into anyone of that caliber he handles the job with ease (unless he kills somebody in which case things may get awkward)

[–]duksinarw 478 points479 points  (85 children)

You two are talking about two different Gokus. You're talking about DBZ Goku, who's at least of average intelligence and practical. The guy above you is referring to DBS Goku, who may or may not be literally mentally disabled.

[–]dogshitandpiss 203 points204 points  (32 children)

I still don’t get why they made him so dumb

[–]Over-Analyzed 126 points127 points  (11 children)

DBZ:Abridged did Dumb Goku first!

[–]Duel_Loser 93 points94 points  (8 children)

"Wait! If you let me shoot my omega beams, I'll... Give you a pizza!"

[–]Over-Analyzed 111 points112 points  (6 children)

YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!!! Or Superman’s Best Friend? Friend? Coworker? Associate? Acquaintance? What do you call an angry person whose power doesn’t match yours? . . .


[–]Duel_Loser 42 points43 points  (1 child)

"Oh no, Barry Allen's been Barry Allened!"

[–]Over-Analyzed 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Shouldn’t that be Green Arrow or Green Lantern? Barry Allening would be screwing with the Timeline again!

Barry Allen is like Dende.

I have to reset shit again!

[–]aichi38 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Damn you this made me laugh way to hard while I'm still at work

[–]Over-Analyzed 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I’ve watched the DBZ:A series completely at least 5x. Oh and you’re welcomed!

[–]duksinarw 7 points8 points  (0 children)

"With stuffed crust!"

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

And they actually did it better

[–]duksinarw 144 points145 points  (0 children)

Very, very bad flanderization

[–]FroDude258 39 points40 points  (1 child)

Obviously Toriyama became a fan of DBZ Abridged

[–]aichi38 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Given the "That's my Bulma" line, I can believe it

[–]Ghostguy14 25 points26 points  (1 child)

He technically was always like that in the Japanese version, they just tried to make him more of a traditional, noble protagonist for the western audiences. That said, they didn't do this at all for Super, leading to the so called "change".

[–]Spireheist 7 points8 points  (0 children)

That’s not really fully true though. DBZ Goku is goofy but he doesn’t run around like an idiot in social situations — for example all the build up in the Buu and Cell sagas to their respective tournaments. He’s a goofball but he can still be a normal guy, and that’s regardless of dubbing. Sure, he’s more supes-like during battles in the Funi dub, but he’s not a complete child elsewhere.

In DBS he’s arguably more immature, naive and certainly more obnoxious than he was even as a kid. He just has superficial rage moments during battles sometimes, and other than that he just comes off as really insincere emotionally. The initial mystery and intrigue with Zamasu was handled fairly well, though.

TL;DR, it’s not all down to dubbing and audiences. There was either a conscious decision Japan-side to make him more childish in DBS or a misunderstanding of his character by the writers.

[–]TheVoteMote 14 points15 points  (0 children)

People found his dumb moments funny, so the producers decided that the people clearly want more of that and turned it up to 11.

It happens pretty frequently in all sorts of shows.

[–]Nimokigb 15 points16 points  (0 children)

In the sub he was that retarded in Z.

Plus, it was almost 20 years since Z so they knew a new generation of kids would be watching. So they made Goku just he dumb for the comedic aspect of it

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

"I want a good fight so bad that I'll willingly sacrifice the entire Universe to set up a tournament where I can fill my adrenaline junkie fix"

[–]Oaden 35 points36 points  (0 children)

DBZ Goku was still pretty dim, especially in filler episodes, so that's probably where the perception comes from.

Not DBS moronic, but below average in most non fighting related areas.

[–]SpaceRocker1994 72 points73 points  (4 children)

You know that’s a good point, it’s almost as if toriyama gave him a lobotomy when reviving the series

[–]assburgerdeluxe 48 points49 points  (1 child)

The god ki accelerates mental deterioration in mortals, or at least that’s my head canon

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

so that's why he was able to master ultra instinct. can't have thoughts if you don't have a brain.

[–]Mick009 8 points9 points  (1 child)

We are talking about a man who was literally dropped on his head as a child, after all.

[–]Nullphantom 20 points21 points  (2 children)

The funny part is that even in original DB Master Roshi, as part of their daily training, makes them learn various subjects including literacy. The training program lasted 8 months, so Goku should at least be able to read/write at the basic level in that time

[–]duksinarw 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Yep. No one ever accused Dragon Ball of having internally consistent writing.

[–]MagicPistol 16 points17 points  (7 children)

I have not seen DBS at all. How much dumber could he get compared to dbz?

[–]duksinarw 57 points58 points  (1 child)

He barely passes a written test meant to gauge sentience

[–]Duel_Loser 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Mostly just not learning his lesson with beerus. "What's that, another being beyond my powers who is unstable and dangerous? I'd love to challenge him!"

[–]potatosmasher12 10 points11 points  (2 children)

The entire tournament of power arc happens simply because Goku likes to fight. Like 10 entire universes faced (and were brought to) extinction because Goku wanted to test his might.

[–]Lordlinkoftime2 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Oh yeah conveniently leave out the part where Goku just thought it would be a fun fight without consequences. He didn't know what Zeno would do.

[–]Awesomecookies1 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Also the fact that Zeno wanted to destroy the universe anyway

[–]TheDCEUBrotendo 3 points4 points  (0 children)

A fuck ton. I mean we all know he's an idiot but Super takes it to another level. It's kinda worth the watch though, especially the Tournament of Power

[–]Ron-Forrest-Ron 10 points11 points  (15 children)

Honestly, I don't remember DBS Goku doing anything THAT dumb. There are some moments in the Goku Black arc, but honestly, I think people over exaggerate it.

[–]duksinarw 15 points16 points  (2 children)

He barely passed a written test made to gauge sentience

[–]Ron-Forrest-Ron 8 points9 points  (1 child)

I don't remember it being specifically to gauge sentience, but Goku was NEVER the studios type

[–]duksinarw 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I'm pretty sure the test was just meant to ensure that no mindless beasts or whatever could enter the ToP

[–]thewhitebrucewayne 9 points10 points  (10 children)

Idk forgetting the seal for the evil containment wave was pretty unforgivable

[–]Ron-Forrest-Ron 2 points3 points  (9 children)

That's it though, that moment is what everyone points to. What else?

[–]cmbsfm 3 points4 points  (3 children)

He claims to have never kissed his wife and doesn’t know what a kiss is. It’s unlikely Chi Chi would’ve never tried to plant one on him:

[–]FYININJA 32 points33 points  (12 children)

I mean, he let two serious, world ending threats live. I don't think I agree with that take. Vegeta was a serious and world risking threat that Goku couldn't even defeat on his own. For all he knew, Vegeta could have flown to another planet, healed up, and turned the planet to dust from orbit. Now Goku ended up guessing correctly, and realized that Vegeta wasn't a horrible person deep down inside, but Vegeta literally tried to blow up the planet, and Goku convinced Krillin to let him leave.

He did the same thing with Frieza, and this time, Frieza did come back, and while Goku could have stopped it, had Trunks not broken time and space to time travel, and Goku hadn't gotten extraordinarily lucky, Frieza/Cold would have also destroyed that planet. I don't know how you get more "serious, world ending threat" than two people capable of obliterating planets in seconds, being allowed to live. Goku even gave Frieza energy to HELP him.

Just because things work out doesn't mean the initial decision wasn't dumb. I can see an arguement for Vegeta, Vegeta was the last of Goku's race, the two were evenly matched, Goku might be able to determine that Vegeta's desire to fight would outweigh his desire to destroy the planet (though I feel like that's a stretch) but he was content letting a genocidal maniac live and even gave him energy to help.

[–]SuperiorLaw 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Friendly reminder Goku did NOT show mercy to the Red Ribbon army and killed pretty much all of them

[–]Toptomcat 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Now Goku ended up guessing correctly, and realized that Vegeta wasn't a horrible person deep down inside

No he did not. Vegeta was a terrible person for like a decade and a half after Goku spared him. Only a long, slow arc of character development- with plenty of shit Goku had nothing to do with- changed that. He only entered 'overall more good than bad but still a huge asshole sometimes' territory late into the Buu Saga and became a legit, actual 'good person' well into Super. And that change had far more to do with his social circle not being a bunch of mass-murdering psychopaths who knock over planets for cash and prestige any more than it did with Vegita's essential nature as a person.

[–]PsychicSidekikk419 27 points28 points  (3 children)

By that logic it was a dumb idea for him to let Piccolo Jr. or pretty much any of his former enemies live. Hell, even YAMCHA tried to kill Goku once. Sometimes the right decision isn't always the 'sensible' one. You could honestly make this argument about ANY member of the Justice League, that their letting the justice system handle supervillains instead of killing them themselves only ends in more harm than good.

[–]FYININJA 34 points35 points  (0 children)

It's one thing when you let somebody who wants to kill YOU survive, it's another thing to let somebody who wants to, and has demonstrated the capability to, destroy the planet survive. Especially given in both Vegeta and Frieza's case, they demonstrated that they are willing to hurt/kill children and their friends and family.

I'm not going to turn this into a debate about an eye for an eye or the death penalty, as these aren't instances of somebody doing something any legal system could ever really manage. I just think there is no way any sane person could argue that letting Frieza survive, and actually giving him the energy to escape, was a good idea. I love DBZ, it's one of my favorite pieces of media ever. I love Goku, I think he's a great character. However, there is no point trying to justify what he did.

You literally said Goku would not let a "serious, world ending threat" live, when it literally happens. I don't think Piccolo would fall into that category because he didn't show the ability to blow up a planet with a single beam, but yeah, that's also very stupid.

And yes, for the record, there are characters supervillains in comics absolutely should have killed, it's a pretty common plot point. I'm not even saying Goku's willingness to do so is any worse or better than Superman or Batman or anything. I'm just saying your first statement you made is just false. Just because things worked out doesn't mean Goku didn't leave the door open for planetary level destruction. He also doesn't do it because of an innate sense of justice, or some moral compass, he just does it because he thinks "I can beat em, no big deal!".

Goku's not even that stupid, he's just overly cocky and a sayian. It's why I like him as a character, but saying he wouldn't let a serious, world ending threat live is just not true.

[–][deleted] 31 points32 points  (20 children)

Some villains he actually might have trouble taking, such as Amazo or Doomsday.

its DBS Goku, no matter what the wank is, Doomsday is not going to be able to do anything versus Goku of this caliber.

[–]piggymkcool 65 points66 points  (0 children)

Nah maybe with someone like doomsday but for the common thugs and people like toyman hed still just beat them up and dip like he did a lot in early DB with stuff like the red ribbon army

[–]dominion1080 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That's basically what Superman does, with more honesty.

[–]IntercontinentalKoan 3 points4 points  (1 child)

I feel like every question involving superman always has him win. no matter the scenario

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Because superman has been shown to almost every situation because that's what he been built up to be

[–]motpo 367 points368 points  (77 children)

Goku's usual responsibilities:

  • Farming

  • Finding/buying food

  • Taking care of Pan for Gohan

  • Being a role model for Goten

  • Maintaining adequate relationships with the Z Fighters

  • Beating up bad people he encounters

  • Making sure Beerus is pleased with Earth food so he doesn't destroy the planet

Superman can do all of these with no problems. Farming is probably made easier with Kryptonian agricultural techniques. Bopping giant fish won't be a problem for Superman. Superman's enhanced senses make taking care of Pan a cakewalk. Being a decent person is sufficient for being a role model for Goten, as well as maintaining relationships with the Z Fighters. Everyone stronger than Superman on DBS Earth is a good guy, so all the thugs and poachers still get bopped by Superman. Pleasing Beerus with Earth food isn't difficult, and also isn't really Goku's responsibility in the end because it's usually Bulma supplying the good stuff.

Superman's usual responsibilities:

  • Being an investigative reporter at the Daily Planet

  • Actual committed romantic lifestyle with Lois Lane

  • Being a father and mentor to Jon Kent

  • Being a good son and remembering to visit his parents

  • Maintaining public image as a symbol of hope as the Man of Steel

  • Leading the Justice League

  • Dealing with political issues surrounding the superhero community

  • Constantly monitoring and upgrading the Fortress of Solitude

Goku honestly hasn't really shown the capacity to take on any of these responsibilities. Goku knows nothing about life in Metropolis or being an investigative reporter. We're not even sure if romance is a concept that Goku actually grasps, and he's rarely present for his family, which would be an issue with both Lois and Jon. Goku hasn't had a parental figure to think about since Grandpa Gohan died before the Dragon Ball series even began, so I'm not sure he'd consider visiting the Kents unless specifically instructed to. Goku doesn't do nearly as good of a job being a symbol of hope for the world as Superman, simply because Goku has no human side for them to relate to, and has no real social skills outside of respecting the opponents he fights. As a leader of the Justice League, Goku does a poor job as shown by his lack of leadership during the whole Tournament of Power arc. Goku has no idea how to deal with politics, this is probably his biggest downfall here. And lastly, Goku doesn't have any of the technical knowledge, or even the correct genetics, to do anything with the Fortress of Solitude.

tl;dr: Goku has the bare minimum of responsibilities, while Superman has a shitload of complex responsibilities. Superman has a bunch of useful powers and people skills, while Goku has slightly fewer useful powers and no people skills. Their fighting skills and power are both adequate for daily life in each others' shoes but it's the other things that make Superman succeed and Goku fail.

Edit: also, imagine how dreadful it would be for Goku to somehow attempt to maintain a secret identity, it's lucky that Superman recently revealed his identity to the world so that this technically isn't a responsibility anymore.

[–]buttermeatballs 199 points200 points  (35 children)

imagine how dreadful it would be for Goku to somehow attempt to maintain a secret identity

His hair's already a big clue

[–]metalflygon08 117 points118 points  (1 child)

Yeah, but he can change it like Gohan did while in Highschool as the Golden Warrior.

Clark Goku has black hair, Gokuman has Gold/Red/Blue/Silver hair

[–]motpo 90 points91 points  (13 children)

Just needs to add a curl and wear some glasses, no worries.

Except even that has a Saiyan-specific anti-feat where full-blooded Saiyans have a hard time changing their hair shape iirc, so even this is unfortunately a problem lmao.

[–]buttermeatballs 32 points33 points  (11 children)

Always wondered but can you cut a Saiyan's hair? I know they can shave their beard but would the hair even grow back?

[–]LtOin 24 points25 points  (9 children)

You can cut it, but since a Saiyan's hair doesn't change from birth it would never grow back.

[–]garbagephoenix 45 points46 points  (4 children)

The style never changes. The hair itself grows back. Goku had his hair cut or damaged multiple times and it restored itself.

Think of it more like fur. It reaches a predetermined length and then just stops growing.

[–]LtOin 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Nah, he actually wished his hair back with the Dragon Balls. True story.

[–]HippyKritical 8 points9 points  (1 child)

So does Nappa shave his head consistently?

[–]marsgreekgod 7 points8 points  (0 children)

he killed the hair at the root one assumes

[–]Sophophilic 15 points16 points  (3 children)

What about mustaches?

[–]LtOin 5 points6 points  (0 children)

That must've been a stick-on mustache.

[–]Dustfinger4268 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Facial hair is on the table for saiyans. Vegeta grew a beard in the hyperbolic time chamber, and a mustache in GT

[–]PyroTheAlpha 14 points15 points  (0 children)

A saiyans hair was said to just be the same length at all times once they reach maturity, cutting his hair would probably just mean it grows back overnight

[–]Nullphantom 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It's still possible to style their hair. Granted it was a filler episode, but Goku has a security job where his hair is slicked back so it's possible he can change it, then transform to any SSJ color, then back down

[–]PyroTheAlpha 19 points20 points  (17 children)

Ok to be fair Superman’s bulging muscles or perfect jawline should also be a dead giveaway

[–]Julius_Haricot 37 points38 points  (15 children)

There are a higher proportion of extremely attractive people in comics, so 10/10 doesn't stick out as much as they would in our world, plus he does a bunch of things to aid in the disguise like slouch to hide his height and wear baggier clothing to hide his musculature.

[–]PyroTheAlpha 15 points16 points  (14 children)

Higher proportion of attractive people doesn’t mean a higher proportion of the same people who have the exact same face and jawline, like all he does is put a single curl in his hair for the face part, if I showed up to work one day with a single curl in my hair and glasses and they didn’t recognize me because I slightly slouched I’d be disappointed

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (1 child)

You need to see it.

Anecdotally, I've met so many people that I've been meeting the same ones over and over again for years like fucking cylons. A small detail change here or there but otherwise they're the same person. Sometimes they're so close it's like they're from some kind of parallel timeline. Shit is legitimately unsettling.

Many years ago, I dated a singer for about a year -- not famous, just local to the area. We were very close, things ended. Several years later, I was watching a local band play and was absolutely, 100% sure it was her. Sounded just like her -- we played shows together while we were dating. I knew this woman, and for the first time in a long time I was watching her on stage belting out some sick tunes.

Only it wasn't her. It was, for lack of a better term, another goddamn cylon. It took like 3 songs for me to realize it but I was also laser focused on someone I had known intimately for over a year: as a romantic partner sure, but also as a musician. I should have known immediately but the woman was damn near a clone.

Realistically, Clark's disguise would probably not stand up to the scrutiny of professional journalists in most versions of the story. I would still like to think though that a version of Clark could fly under the radar for a pretty long time if he truly committed to the characterization of social/professional invisibility by appearing feckless and submissive, similar to the portrayal by Christopher Reeve. A sacrifice of personal dignity, playing on the dismissive nature of self-absorbed working adults, all to preserve the safety of his loved ones: seems pretty Superman-esque to me.

[–]ImNotTheNSAIPromise 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Also they have to think of the fact that even if Superman did exist and Clark Kent does look exactly like him, all that would really happen is some people might think he looks like Superman. It's not that weird for two people to look like each other, it's not like somebody would argue with him if he just goes "haha yeah I get told I look like him a lot"

[–]Martel732 22 points23 points  (6 children)

I think of it like this. Imagine if right in middle of his Presidency you see a guy that looks just like President Obama on the subway. But he has no security around him, no press, he is dressed in jeans and a tshirt, and is reading a novel. Would you think that this guy is Obama or just a guy that looks a lot like Obama?

That is how Superman's secret identity works. Even if you see Clark and think he looks like Superman that is all you think. Why would Superman be on the subway in an off the rack suit?

People don't know that Superman has a secret identity, they just think that Superman is Superman all the time.

[–]PyroTheAlpha 6 points7 points  (5 children)

  1. I would raise questions at the least, I mean that’s what everybody especially in reddit does, whenever they see someone who isn’t even a near exact match but just had the same general look they post things like “OH MY GOD I FOUND insert celebrity” at the very least I’d say “this is gonna sound weird but you look just like Obama

  2. I’d at least ask if I knew him personally at least once in the years I’ve known him of “hey did anyone ever point out that you look a LOT like superman” plus it’s not like the people in DC don’t know alter egos are a thing considering pretty much all the JLA has them, it’s like marvel, people know enough to know superheroes hide

  3. That’s just an illogical thing in behalf of the coworkers though, like with Spider-Man it’s somewhat ok as he wears a mask, but nobody who runs the tens of thousands of articles on superman has made the single distinction of “huh, superman and Clark look pretty similar”

[–]ImNotTheNSAIPromise 4 points5 points  (4 children)

But if the person then said "yeah I get told I look like Superman/Obama a lot, it's crazy right?" Are you really gonna stand there and try to tell them they are actually the secret alter ego of a superhero/actually the president, or just laugh and think you saw his doppelganger. I get in Superman's case you would actually be right, but even if you actually figure it out would people really believe you that Superman also works for a newspaper.

[–]Dustfinger4268 3 points4 points  (2 children)

You know Henry Cavill? Superman's actor? He apparently actually did basically exactly that once. Walked around NYC with glasses and a sweater for an entire day. I don't think he got recognized at all, despite I believe BVS coming out just recently. If he did get recognized, it was only a few times

[–]Carpenter_v_Walrus 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oh its even better than that he specifically hung out around a massive billboard in Times Square that had an add for the movie and had him in the Superman costume.

[–]Kingnewgameplus 4 points5 points  (0 children)

No, see, when he's fighting, he starts out immediately in one of his technicolor transformations. When the fights over, he hides, powers down, and puts on some glassess.

[–]clawclawbite 57 points58 points  (1 child)

Even without Kryptonian techniques, Superman grew up on the Kent farm, which at least at times was a working farm. He also learned to cook from Martha Kent, who was well known for the qualities of her pies, a classic example of earth food.

[–]Tag_ross 3 points4 points  (0 children)

During New 52 and part of DC Rebirth Superman had his own farm.

[–]Kiyohara 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Goku hasn't had a parental figure to think about since Grandpa Gohan died before the Dragon Ball series even began, so I'm not sure he'd consider visiting the Kents unless specifically instructed to.

Master Roshi would like a word with you.

However, you are correct that Goku visits Roshi only when invited to a party, when he needs someone crashing on Roshi's couch, or if he needs a Dragonball.

[–]PsychicSidekikk419 21 points22 points  (24 children)

Beerus would absolutely try to take on Superman, which would be an amazing crossover battle tbh that may or may not end with one of them dying. Aside from that, you're right, Supes has this in the bag.

I would argue that Supes doesn't lead the Justice League, if anyone does it's Batman and/or Wonder Woman. Same with the political stuff - he may be a symbol but he doesn't necessarily represent alk heroes. Goku could always just follow their lead if he isn't sure of what to do. Supes does have more responsibilities, though - Goku will fail in the Daily Planet job department, probably, but I think people are underestimating him in the family department. He'll try and manage the Kent family farm when he can and try to be there for Lois and son when possible but they'll understand when he has to go off and train - a thing he has to do constantly if he is to remain in earth-defending shape.

When it comes to defending Metropolis and Earth, well there's a reason he's compared to Superman so much. I think he can think of what Gohan might do as the Great Saiyaman and go off of that. He may not be as powerful as Superman (one can literally get shot in the eye and does not flinch while the other gets bruises from a handgun, don't @ me) but he is a better and sometimes more responsible fighter when it counts the most. As long as he doesn't have to take Darkseid (who honestly might attack with Supes absent), Amazo, Doomsday or anyone else in that ball park I think he'll do fine in the heroing department.

Goku comes back to Chi-Chi nagging him about "why can't you be more like that Clark man, he sets such a good example" etc. and the Kents will be grateful to have Clark back but both the Son and Kent families will turn out alright and happy, I think.

[–]Coziestpigeon2 37 points38 points  (20 children)

but I think people are underestimating him in the family department

Goku is one of the worst "good guy" parents in fiction, while Superman is one of the very best. Goku would drop all family responsibilities to train for years in another part of the galaxy just for fun. Superman still tries to call home every night when he's away doing big-deal stuff, and would never leave without saying goodbye unless he had to.

[–]PsychicSidekikk419 29 points30 points  (14 children)

That's because Goku doesn't have the luxury of being naturally all-powerful like Supes has, he has to put in a shitload of time and effort to be able to even be in the same ball park as the likes of literal gods. Even going so far as to sacrifice family time. If he didn't train all the damn time the Earth would be screwed. He literally had to spend an entire day in the time chamber (was it a day? I forget) and even then he and Gohan barely beat Cell by the skin of their teeth. Even when he was dead he spent time attaining Super Saiyan 3 and the Metamoran fusion technique. If Goku didn't enjoy fighting, his life would be hell.

[–]butsumetsu 32 points33 points  (2 children)

Goku also spent his whole life fighting. Never had an education and basically raised himself. Yea he's a shitty parent but dude literally died and still had to train.

[–]phoenixmusicman 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Also yeah, Chichi keeps bitching at him to get a job but the dude literally didn't go to school.

[–]skysinsane 10 points11 points  (5 children)

Even so, this still means that Superman can be a better father. Not because he is a better person, but because he has the time to save the world, and to be there.

[–]PsychicSidekikk419 21 points22 points  (4 children)

That's what I'm saying. Goku rarely has time for his family but when he does he shows his affection in his own way. Just look at the week before the Cell Games - instead of training more he spent time with Chi-Chi and Gohan because he wasn't sure if they'd survive.

[–]skysinsane 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Right, I'm agreeing with that part. I'm saying he still loses to Superman here though.

[–]PsychicSidekikk419 9 points10 points  (2 children)

...oh, ok. I wish other people could see my point, instead all I get is "lmao goku bad dad"

[–]skysinsane 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Hahaha, ah well

[–]duksinarw 11 points12 points  (3 children)

It's genuinely charming how good of a family man Supes is

Whereas Goku outsourced fatherhood to a slug alien that used to be his mortal enemy lol

[–]brit-bane 27 points28 points  (0 children)

I mean just look at their own childhoods. Clark was raised by the Kents who seemed to be one of the most wholesome decent families in Kansas. Goku was raised by Gohan in a hut in the woods until he accidentally killed the old man and then he basically raised himself. Goku hasn’t really been equipped to be a good parent. It’s clear he loves his family but there’s not much he’s good at besides teaching his kids to fight and protecting the planet from threats. Whereas Clark is probably a better family man than he is a fighter.

[–]DownrangeCash2 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I don't know what you're talking about. Piccolo is just Gohan's dad.

[–]SocratesWasSmart 2 points3 points  (0 children)

He may not be as powerful as Superman (one can literally get shot in the eye and does not flinch while the other gets bruises from a handgun, don't @ me)

I'm @ing you. This is like a Green Lantern getting shot when they're not even wearing their ring. This makes no sense to bring up as an anti-feat in even a slightly serious context.

[–]matchesmalone10 15 points16 points  (3 children)

We're not even sure if romance is a concept that Goku actually grasps

He thought marriage was food.

[–]garbagephoenix 11 points12 points  (2 children)

He's never kissed his wife.

[–]Ketogamer 15 points16 points  (1 child)

What a stupid fucking line.

[–]AncientSith 8 points9 points  (0 children)

They just wanted to make Goku stupid in Super. He's just sort of thick headed normally and doesn't get stuff, but Super made him legit handicapped.

[–]newadcd0405 125 points126 points  (36 children)

There is a way that Goku can win: In a strange twist of fate, I could see Superman try to stand up to Beerus and get Hakai’ed. Other than that, Superman takes this pretty handedly

[–]ofrm1 86 points87 points  (30 children)

Very easily. From Superman's point of view, he's not the "worthy adversary that I need to train harder against" that Goku views him as, but a planetary threat and would just try to stop him in every way he could.

[–]metal079 70 points71 points  (29 children)

Superman is smart enough to know not to attack him unless hes actually attempting to destroy the earth.

[–]PyroTheAlpha 61 points62 points  (2 children)

But beerus does threaten the earth... a lot, hes a tsundere who says the only reason he doesn’t destroy earth is because they have good food, but beerus has killed billions of planets by this point

[–]phoenixmusicman 10 points11 points  (1 child)

, hes a tsundere who says the only reason he doesn’t destroy earth is because they have good food

That was only after he became friends with Goku et al. Before that he was legitimately going to blow up the earth.

[–]PyroTheAlpha 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I know, I was just saying his personality now which is what I’m assuming is happening with superman

[–]jetvacjesse 46 points47 points  (13 children)

Superman would hear that Beerus destroys planets as his literal job and immediately go right for him.

[–]metal079 34 points35 points  (11 children)

Superman has worked with people who do the same

[–]PyroTheAlpha 22 points23 points  (10 children)

But do those people also say they’ll destroy the earth if superman doesn’t give them food? Because to superman I feel he’d see it as beerus trying to be a tyrant over earth. I mean the main difference between beerus and darkseid is that beerus destroys planets as a job and not a hobby

[–]Martel732 42 points43 points  (9 children)

If there was a super powerful being that could destroy the earth but also could be bribed with food, Superman would definitely just give him the food. Superman doesn't have much of an ego, so he wouldn't risk everyone's life.

[–]vertigo7 35 points36 points  (8 children)

100% this. Superman in the comics isn't written as the caricature some believe him to be. If you put Beerus into the DC universe and made him a Superman character, issues where Supes has to deal with him would be much more like issues with Mixxy than they would Darkside. They'd be light "oh look at the wacky crap Superman has to do to keep Beerus calm" filler issues, really similar to how he's used in DBS actually.

Plus I can see Whis respecting Superman's moral compass.

I also don't think Superman vs Beerus would end with either one getting bodied. As a fan of both franchises I could be persuaded by arguments for either to win the fight.

[–]Draco_Lord 7 points8 points  (3 children)

What if Beerus back handed Louis like he back handed Bulma?

[–]vertigo7 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Lois' character isn't the type to confront Beerus if she knows the possible danger he presents. If she isn't aware then it's hard to say. Depending on what he was doing and how situationally aware she was, it's possible she could make the mistake of pissing him off enough to slap her.

Once she did, I could see it playing out a few ways. Superman has a bit more emotional control than Vegeta, so if Lois wasn't seriously hurt and Superman knew the fate of the planet was at stake I could see him holding back.

If Lois is seriously injured, or Superman isn't aware of the full danger Beerus presents then yes, he likely throws down with the G.O.D. MVP.

[–]FGHIK 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I think he'd be smart enough not to do so while he's already pacified without being sure he will win.

[–]Marino4K 9 points10 points  (10 children)

Superman vs Beerus is a battle that I would like to see.

[–]thibault114488 24 points25 points  (2 children)

I'm not saying that superman wouldn't be utterly defeated by Beerus in a fight, but just that wouldn't be destroyed by a hakai(not only because souls in DC are very different and much more powerful than souls in dragon ball, but also because he resists existence erasure regularly).

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (1 child)

As long as we can agree that beerus still wins then I agree, vegeta already proved it possible to brute force away a hakai

[–]Levixsis 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Well that was toppo. Beerus is much powerful than toppo, i don't think vegeta can easily force away a hakai from beerus.

[–]aesthetic_laker_fan 42 points43 points  (3 children)

Lex wouldn't be able to psychologically mess with Goku because half the stuff would just fly over Goku's head

[–]kalebsantos[S] 26 points27 points  (2 children)

Goku’s so dumb that it usually messes with his opponents head he made his idiocy a weapon

[–]ImNotTheNSAIPromise 11 points12 points  (1 child)

How can they know what I'm thinking if I don't even know?

[–]kalebsantos[S] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They can’t plan around me if I have no plan to begin with

[–][deleted] 83 points84 points  (40 children)

Definitely Superman.

Goku would be a terrible reporter. There's no way he's helping Lois with anything.

Maybe would help with the kids but only to teach them how to fight, which would be a good opportunity for them.

And he probably would be bored by 99% of Superman's bad guys.

Maybe Lois could dose Goku with ritalin or something and he'd obsessively clean up the city in a day or two.

[–]kalebsantos[S] 28 points29 points  (38 children)

How would Superman do filling in for Goku?

[–][deleted] 22 points23 points  (36 children)

I mean supermans whole thing is that he's broken and op.

Which is why I don't like superman, but that's a discussion for another time.

He does fine. There's not much in the DB universe that's much of a threat to him, depending on the superman. Except magic, but there aren't a lot of mages in DB.

And as far as I know, there's no kyrptonite either.

[–]at-the-momment 70 points71 points  (19 children)

That actually isn’t Superman’s thing and sounds more like a DB thing. His stories are about doing good and being good. It’s about a man who shoots fire from his eyes and can crack a planet in two but is above all else is a good man. Superman Peace on Earth, All-Star Superman, What’s so funny about Truth and Justice, Superman: American Alien, and Superman of All Seasons are great. He’s also a pretty cool dad now in the main continuity.

[–]DubsFan30113523 34 points35 points  (1 child)

All-star Superman is so fucking good, easily one of the best comics I’ve ever read.

[–]duksinarw 6 points7 points  (0 children)

And it has one of the worst animated adaptations out there as well lol

[–]QuestioningLogic 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Superman: Up In the Sky is a great comic that shows this too. Superman has to abandon his life on earth for who knows how long to save a little girl that's been kidnapped by aliens on the other side of the universe. He deals with time travel, memory loss, being split into two beings, and worst of all: an intergalactic DMV. It's a really great and emotional comic, highly recommended.

[–]Sophophilic 8 points9 points  (0 children)

There's always been a fair amount of magic in the DB universe, and recent stories have really kicked that up. It's also not really clear where the line is drawn between "weird abilities," "gods warping reality," and "magic."

[–]Dustfinger4268 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That's how bad writers write superman. His thing is more that he's basically a god among men, but he's also just a simple farm boy from Kansas. He's a good person to his core, and does the best he can, which is a lot

[–]PyroTheAlpha 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Really? I feel beerus’s training would kill him, considering beerus is technically a villain (a necessary one) but if superman pisses off beerus without offering food like kryptonian delicacies he’s a dead man

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Beerus didn't immediatly murder Goku for insubordination, so I don't really think it would be in character for superman to piss him off.

And I don't think he'd challenge Beerus to a fight either, unless Beerus just popped up and decided to instantly destroy the earth.

[–]PyroTheAlpha 10 points11 points  (0 children)

  1. Because beerus finds goku as someone he can train and who gives him food, plus goku didnt want earth destroyed, he never said he’d fight beerus because he killed people, goku is in a kind of gray area of heroism as super points out where he just wants to fight and saving people is a side goal, for superman it’s the opposite and considering he doesn’t have any food to offer beerus... he’s likely to not give up considering the similarities between beerus and darkseid, a godly evil who is feared through the universe for their temper and will destroy any planet that angers them, the main difference being beerus is more like galactus who I firmly believe superman would fight even if he’s a necessary evil

  2. I mean I feel he’d decide to fight beerus just because to him beerus is a mass murderer and beerus would play into that by purposefully making it seem like he’d destroy earth like he did to goku in BOG. The only reason he didn’t kill goku was because gokus a peerless talent who mastered ssg in a couple minutes, superman would be more like that barbarian to beerus than he would to goku

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Oh man imagine if Jon trained under Goku in martial arts for a bit?

[–]Mobunaga 29 points30 points  (3 children)

Supes would be begging for Lois back in 15 minutes

[–]duksinarw 35 points36 points  (2 children)

And Chi-Chi wouldn't want to give Clark up lol

[–]Mobunaga 12 points13 points  (1 child)


[–]duksinarw 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Honestly even Gohan would be disappointed when his real dad came back

[–]MerchantZiro 13 points14 points  (2 children)

Honestly this is a very entertaining concept. I'd say Superman for being a superhero who wouldn't just leave his family to go train and probably is enjoying the time off from the JL, maybe an interesting meeting between Superman and Great Saiyaman could occur when both Clark and Gohan see a criminal in action.

Meanwhile Lois is effectively alone while Goku is off training and fighting Superman's villians with Batman trying to make sure Goku's Superhero-ing duties go well. Or Bruce is perhaps trying to learn from Goku in order to master Ki techniques and becomes stronger and obtain the power to fly and maybe become much stronger like every other Dragon Ball Earthling.

[–]saiyanheritage 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Dude Bruce receiving ki training by Goku would be insane lol

[–]MerchantZiro 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Actually that could be a discussion in itself. Imagine how strong Batman would be when using the Kaio-ken or even mastering it to reach Kaio-ken x20.

[–]WeinerMan0 27 points28 points  (6 children)

Superman does Gokus job better because he's not a jerk but Goku does Supermans old lady better because it takes him forever to do a finishing move.😀

[–]PyroTheAlpha 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Never underestimate a saiyans vitality.. that boy will go primal in bed

[–]jetvacjesse 10 points11 points  (0 children)

And Supes is faster than a speeding bullet.

[–]duksinarw 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Lois would 100% see Goku as a hot, dumb stud and I'm 100% there for it the whole time

[–]WeinerMan0 3 points4 points  (0 children)


[–]phoenixmusicman 7 points8 points  (1 child)

ITT: People confusing Abridged Goku with Canon Goku

[–]duksinarw 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Lol I admit I'm a bit guilty of that myself

[–]Coziestpigeon2 22 points23 points  (3 children)

Superman easily takes this. Goku is an idiot and a shit dad. Lois Lane would boot him to the curb by the end of the first day.

Meanwhile, Supes is showing ChiChi what a real family man looks like. And when trouble does strike, Superman can fly away and handle it before coming home for dinner - his standard villain conflicts tend to be much smaller scale, leaving him with more time at home.

By the end of the two weeks, Superman returns to Lois Lane, and ChiChi tries her best to talk them into polygamy so she can get in on it.

[–]GlumPipe5 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Lois Lane is about to have her first orgasm

[–]Mace_Thunderspear 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I feel like Goku wouldnt even tell Chi Chi about the swap and as far as she knows Superman just showed up one day.

"What do you mean you're my new husband?... Goku did WHAT?!?"

Also Goku doesn't actually HAVE any responsibilities does he? He just trains to become stronger. Fights anyone he can find that's strong and trains some more.

If he can neglect or endanger his kids in the process, so much the better.

[–]StalinsPerfectHair 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Goku actually thinks Lois Lane is pretty cool. She's a normal human but she knows multiple martial arts including Kryptonian martial arts. Goku learns how to fight like a Kryptonian while teaching Lois how to use Ki, as well as Turtle School style. They actually hit it off surprisingly well, but Lois thinks Goku is too dumb.
Goku is also a really shitty reporter due to the multiple TBIs he's sustained, including the major one from his childhood. He is barely literate and doesn't really understand the concept of reporting. He thinks it's the same thing the World Tournament announcer does, so he puts on a pair of sunglasses and begins excitedly shouting about obvious things that are occurring around him.

Even he thinks Chi Chi is a fucking bitch. She tests his patience because, despite being Superman, he still can't seem to do anything right. Superman enjoys the pastoral home life because it reminds him of Smallville. He is a substantially better farmer than Goku because he lived on a farm in his youth. He also has encyclopedic knowledge of damn near everything thanks to his supercomputer in the Fortress of Solitude plus his Kryptonian brain chemistry. He thinks Gohan is cool AF and becomes best buddies with him. Gohan is very sad when Superman leaves.

Verdict: Superman does a better job, but Goku accidentally steals his wife.

[–]duksinarw 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Even he thinks Chi Chi is a fucking bitch

Why you gotta do my bae like that :(

Otherwise good answer though

[–]xahnel 22 points23 points  (50 children)

Lots of people are saying Goku would be terrible because "gOkU iS dUmB" who are forgetting a few things.

1: Goku doesn't have to hide his identity because he is using powers any human can earn with training. He is on record using many of his powers at the world martial arts tournament. The only hiding he has to do is when working with the League.

2: stealth. Goku, if he needs to, can be incredibly sneaky around anyone who can't sense energy. Meanwhile, he can feel everyone around him. If he doesn't want anyone to know he's there, no one will know.

3: Instant transmission. Goku can go literally anywhere he needs to go and only requires a signal flare for long distances. Over short distances, he can pop about as he pleases.

4: Mind reading. Goku can clap his hand on your head and read your feckin mind.

5: This situation is completely temporary. Lois Lane could easily handle abusing Goku's power to do the 'investigative' part of investigative journalism while she handles the 'journalism' part. She directs him to people she wants investigated, he stealthily pokes their mind for proof, transmissions to where the proof is, gathers it, brings it to her.

6: Bulma. ChiChi would absolutely tell her what's happening and Bulma would supply tools to help Goku.

Further, given the 5th item, I think Goku would do fine leading the Justice League. Since his position will be temporary and he knows this, Bulma gives him a costume watch so he doesn't give away that Superman and Clark Kent are the same person, and there are multiple people who will make damn sure that he is wearing that costume when he goes on duty with the league. And his presence would make the league way more effective because he could teach people how to unlock their ki, fly, and use ki attacks. As long as someone else is willing to step up if Goku flubs a social encounter, he'll be fine.

And I think he'll do well establishing a freindly relationship with Lois because he's a freindly guy and because he's incredibly fast and can help her crack multiple cases at once.

[–]bobdole3-2 35 points36 points  (13 children)

That's all well and good, but you're forgetting that Goku actually is dumb. He's not (usually) literally retarded, but he doesn't exactly have a great track record of interacting in mundane scenarios, coming up with strategies, or playing politics. A reasonable person given Goku's skillset would do an amazing job at taking over for Superman, but an in-character Goku would probably struggle because that's not the kind of person he is.

[–]elfbuster 18 points19 points  (35 children)

because he is using powers any human can earn with training

Last I checked humans can't fly, teleport, change forms, and blast planet sized beams of pure energy...

[–]On-My-Granny-Kids 22 points23 points  (2 children)

They can in dragon ball

[–]elfbuster 10 points11 points  (1 child)

To be clear he is not in dragon ball world when he switches places with superman, he is in DC world where the normal human cannot do any of those things.

Also not to nitpick but no humans in DragonBall change form except for maybe Roshi (and even then he just bulks up, and also he's over 1000 years old, so are we even certain he is actually human?)

[–]PyroTheAlpha 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I mean ki is also a thing in DC but I think only like one or two characters use it and at low levels (didn’t karate kid use it)

[–]KungFuSnorlax 4 points5 points  (2 children)

That would be Krillin.

[–]elfbuster 2 points3 points  (0 children)

To be clear he is not in dragon ball world when he switches places with superman, he is in DC world where the normal human cannot do any of those things.

[–]-----_------_--- 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Superman takes this all day everyday. Goku would be a terrible reporter, and Clark Kent is by far the superior husband

[–]jello1990 2 points3 points  (0 children)

For sake of scale of power levels in each multiverse, we're going to assume Goku and Superman are at equal levels of power when they take their counterparts place.

Goku is a well known terrible husband and father that frequently ditches his family to go train or have wacky adventures, he's also never had a real job and would probably get fired from the Daily Planet for either sleeping at his desk or challenging coworkers to fights (and that's assuming he shows up at all.) Goku would also do poorly at being a superhero on Earth-0, as he doesn't really know how to talk to people so he wouldn't do very well at helping people in need and also likes to allow his opponents to gain strength so he can have a better fight (if he does this with, lets say Darkseid, Earth is wiped away in an afternoon.)

Superman on the other hand is a loving and attentive father and husband. He'll likely even give Gohan a masterclass in being a superhero for his Great Saiyaman persona. As Goku doesn't have a job, Clark would probably have the Son family homestead turned into a functioning farm within a few days, if only to have something to do. Clark doesn't really mess around as much for fights so if we stick to him gaining Goku's power level, he likely does far better than Goku as well, since Superman is going to do everything in his power to end the fight as quickly as possible and never actively allow his enemy to power up.

Superman wins no contest.

[–]SirKaid 11 points12 points  (5 children)

Goku is an idiot. He's very good at fighting - an absolute once-in-a-lifetime genius savant, really - but in all other parts of his life he's an idiot. There's no way he can handle Clark Kent's responsibilities.

He couldn't even handle the majority of Superman's responsibilities. Sure, he can fight, but fighting is honestly the least of Superman's tasks. Goku doesn't inspire the world to be better. He wouldn't take the time to talk a suicidal kid away from the ledge.

This isn't to say that Goku's a bad guy by any means, just that Superman is a paragon. You don't have to be Superman to be a good guy, but being a good guy alone doesn't qualify you to be Superman.

Meanwhile Clark can trivially handle Goku's civilian life - though Chi-chi might not entirely enjoy a husband who she can't find things to yell at him for, since it's only two weeks she probably won't have time to get too unhappy - and Superman can probably handle the fighting parts; while he's not the savant Goku is, he's hardly a slouch.

Kudos on the more inventive take on the perennial vs match, but this one is 10/10 Supes.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (4 children)

Goku is an idiot.

Perhaps in super(horrible job by them, honestly)

But if you have read the original manga, he isn't that much of an idiot, just didn't live with other people, he basically grew up alone in the forests and didn't have a formal education and so on.

[–]Cyke101 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Goku's not above accidentally hitting Chi-Chi. It's completely unintentional and without malice, but really she only survives because of her own heightened durability. I'm gonna need Lois to wear a suit of armor for this match, like anytime they're out on assignment.

Conversely, Vegeta's never accidentally hit Bulma and loves her just as much as Goku loves Chi-Chi. But Vegeta's also an extremely hard worker and quickly gets down to business, whereas Goku likes to nap when he's supposed to be farming.

Superman all the way but I feel this is one of the few times where Vegeta's actually the better match-up. (Plus, Bulma and Clark would make an interesting team, I think)

[–]FVCEGANG 9 points10 points  (19 children)

Superman takes the cake. Goku is a terrible father and husband, hell Chi Chi would probably leave goku for Clark after the swap. Which would lead to the fight we would all love to see

[–]QuestioningLogic 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Would Goku be angry if Chi Chi left him though?

[–]Nagisa201 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Legit. Chi Chi swindled goku into marriage before goku even knew what it was.

[–]jetvacjesse 17 points18 points  (5 children)

Goku's "Badness" as a father is horribly exaggerated by people. The Cell thing was the one thing he actually screwed up on. Most of the time he couldn't do things because he was literally dead.

[–]Princeweeb900 10 points11 points  (9 children)

Oh god, do people still fail to even read the series.

Goku is an amazing father, he supported gohan all hid life, looked after him, raised him and taught him and he raised goten and taught him how to farm.

Its like people cant read.

Goku has stayed with chi-chi for an incredibly long time and has a perfectly good job and spends most of his time at home.

Why do people love upvoting this ignorance.

[–]Supvegito 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I swear to god they just go off of what everybody else says they don’t even watch the stuff