all 51 comments

[–]godchild77 201 points202 points  (27 children)

Asian women will see this growing up and see the most fucked dynamics in their white friends homes and still say AM are most misogynistic because of confucianism. In the end its a lie for thier fetish after all. Western liberal media is very anti-Asian and is responsible for it too.

Meanwhile they don't even know what fucking Confucianism is, respecting elders, hierachy is done in every culture and tribe.

[–]swaecation 94 points95 points  (5 children)

Asian women will paint all asian men with the same “all asian men are misogynistic” line but will look at the white man as an individual 🤡 A race known for rape, pedophilia, murder, and the most vehement misogyny, but I guess this one’s different!

[–]Ok_Peak538 55 points56 points  (2 children)

AF are willing to "forgive" all of that as long as they believe they are "loved" and "accepted" by WM as equals to WF. In reality, none of that is happening, he's just horny and can't get anyone else.

[–]swaecation 36 points37 points  (1 child)

AF delusion is on another level, their race to become white-adjacent is actually sickening

[–]Ok_Peak538 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Stockholm Syndrome

[–]Illustrious_War_3896 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Those AF who paint AM as misogynistic, most likely, never had an AM as a partner.

[–]swaecation 13 points14 points  (0 children)

They’re literally birds. they just parrot what other AF’s say

[–]Kenzo89 38 points39 points  (4 children)

Exactly. In my years talking to white people in person and online, a lot of their families are really fucked up and abusive. If anything we have a stereotype of whites in my family that white parents don’t care about their kids. So I don’t get what the AF are talking about

[–]Ok_Peak538 21 points22 points  (3 children)

The prison population is 60% White and 1% Asian. That really says all you need to know right there.

[–]AtomicWedgie1 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Also, your 60% white which should really be 57%, includes Hispanics they classified as whites. If using the BOP stats, it should be whites 27.5%, Hispanics 29.5%, blacks 38.7%, Asians 1.5%, native Americans 2.7%. using the prison population statistics isn't really a good argument. The numbers may look like a big difference 27.5 compared to 1.5 but when you factor in that the population in this country is 59% white and 6% Asian, the numbers don't look as good. Yeah sure asians still have a better ratio. But it being "all we need to know right there" isn't really all we need know. If we go to any Asian country, do you think there will be more Asians than white people in their prisons?

[–]flippy_disk 5 points6 points  (0 children)

If we go to any Asian country, do you think there will be more Asians than white people in their prisons?

The fact that there are Whites imprisoned in Asian countries is telling if you think about it. There are no more than a couple thousand Whites living in any Asian country, not counting U.S. military personnel, which is less than 1% of the population. Yet, they make up a lot of the pedophiles and sex offenders there.

[–]Zero36 43 points44 points  (5 children)

It’s really shortsighted to expect Asian sons to act exactly like their fathers. Growing up I learned a bunch of shit I shouldn’t do because I had to live under the tyranny. Now I act like a stoic ass mother fucker and treat my Asian wife with respect and integrity.

Asian women who believe that must believe they’ll act like their mothers and just take all the bullshit? But no, they rebel and the most mentally retarded ones ride white dick until sunrise to compensate for their trauma

[–]Ok_Peak538 12 points13 points  (1 child)

"Asian American women have high rates of mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors." https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ps.201900593

[–]EddgieC 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Highest cases of stds as well

[–]godchild77 18 points19 points  (1 child)

A lot of immigrant parents and parents in general have these issues because of generation gap etc. But you don't really see the same amount of self-hate in other communites. Because in reality it was never about that. Just an excuse.

[–]Zero36 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Also media programming lol

[–]Bebebaubles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Of course people can be different from how they grew up. My Asian husband grew up like a prince.. to the point he’d get scolded if he even tried to sweep the floor or do anything for himself. He grew up quite stunted to the point he never cooked a meal for himself until moving in with me.

Guess who does the dishes each and every day without complaint or pick up the mop without being asked? I always knew he could be that person and there was a learning curve but he can do most household tasks now. Very proud of him.

[–]magicalbird 25 points26 points  (3 children)

I believe that many AF think every Asian man is their strict father and media brainwashes to say western cultures are better. Is hookup culture that much better? Lol

[–]EaglesFan3943 18 points19 points  (2 children)

Also because they know deep down inside their "preferences" are due to self hatred and being indoctrinated by racist stereotypes, but they dont want to do the work lookin within and would rather place blame on others.

[–]magicalbird 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It’s easy to project when the opposite stares you in the face in situations where sexual competition kinda makes the two sides compete. Thats why many AF hate seeing AM succeed with other races of women.

[–]ChampagneNChampignon 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Another big propaganda was how effeminie Confucius was which affects the image of his teaching.

Records shows that Confucius was actually a chad, 6"9 guy and was a military men. The reason why he proposed those Confuscius idea was most likely, he saw the horrors or war and violence during the warring state.

Most of those AF havent been through harsh conditions to realised that.

[–]Hong Kongbenilla 60 points61 points  (0 children)

The comments say more than we ever need to LOL. The AM is incredibly hard working but finds joy in providing for his family. Wife's happy, his kids are well adjusted and its clear that they're doing well financially with that beautiful house. That feast w/ friends was amazing as well & he's clearly accustomed to hosting parties. Well done.

[–]AMasculine 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Just look at crime statistics. It's not Asian Men that are committing crimes and hurting women. Facts matter.

[–]Quirky-Blacksmith-15 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Respect is in the culture. If you look at any minority group you'll see misogynistic pushed onto nearly every group. American made movie always push the white savior complex that frames all minorities as savages. Examples being Pocahontas/Avatar/last samurai. Savior hero saves native people from her own people. It's the delusion that white is right and everyone else is the wrong that's has always been behind these false narratives.

[–]MedicalSchoolStudent 17 points18 points  (1 child)

AF doesn’t truly believe Asian men are more misogynistic. They are using it as an excuse because it sounds more “progressive” than saying they look like my “family members”. We can show the racist AFs all the evidence. They’ll either refuse to believe it or just switch excuses.

[–]KoreaJayKim25 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I think this too. If they would say something like, "I had Asian parents that were too strict, so that's why I don't date Asian men; because it brings a lot of trauma when I'm around Asians, but I'm working on that," I would understand a lot more and be more sympathetic.

Instead, the go-to line is "Asian men are extremely misogynists, which gets passed down from father to son--generational misogyny!" without any specific examples or context. These women have never interacted with actual Asian men in real life, but have the gall to say/write shit like this.

This is why I also think its for show. They do this to look good in front of non-Asians. The whole parent thing is too embarrassing for them to bring up during feminist communities, when other races of women have actually experienced misogyny from men other than their parents.

Edit: this might've come off bitter, like me wanting to date these types of Asian women lol. Trust me, these types are the ones I stay far away from lol. Its all about how we're seen to other races of women at the end of the day. Asian women saying this brings our value down to other women.

[–]BeerNinjaEsq 35 points36 points  (0 children)

I'll make it easier. If anyone makes sweeping generalizations about any racial stereotypes, you should just write off whatever they are saying.

My dad was not misogynistic, but he was a shitty dad (completely withdrawn, didn't interact with family. Still doesn't). That doesn't mean I think all Asian dads are like my dad.

[–]what_cube 22 points23 points  (3 children)

Why would someone do this type of wife swap…

[–]D4rkr4in 14 points15 points  (0 children)

swingers/fetish/bored with life

reality tv is so weird, i didn't bother watching it because its definitely far removed from reality

[–]Zealousideal-Ad6165 23 points24 points  (3 children)

This is true -- AM particularly in AMWF relationships, generally, treat their wives and girlfriends with more respect and love and this 'little secret' is not often acknowledged.

I know we shouldn't stereotype but, in relation to IR relationships comparatively, I've often heard that BM and Arabic looking men (Middle Eastern and Asian) have a reputation for being bad and abusive to their wives and girlfriends.

BM are the group of men who WF are most likely to date in an IR relationship, but they are stereotyped as being deadbeat and absent fathers, argumentative and just an angry moment from a domestic violence incident.

Arab phenotype looking men are stereotyped as seeing females as their "property" and "lesser" than men. This kind of thinking obviousy doesnt lead to a good and healthy relationship.

[–]flippy_disk 4 points5 points  (0 children)

And yet, you don't see Black, White, Arab, or Indian women making TikToks or social media posts about how abusive and misogynistic their men are. You only see East/Southeast Asian women do this when we aren't the ones pushing them off cliffs after raping them or killing them every month like how White men do.

[–]Ok_Peak538 8 points9 points  (1 child)

BM are stereotyped as angry, violent criminals but at the same time as these sexually powerful gods with big dicks. For women who like "bad boys" it's the perfect combination.

[–]TiMo08111996 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Its the media brainwashing people. And the media bends backwards for them.

[–]nobushi77 7 points8 points  (0 children)

The simple fact is that Asian women suffer from self-hate and Internalized Racism. They're ashamed of themselves, their race, their culture, their community, and their families. They are willing to abandon all of that in order to achieve white adjacency. Consequently, Asian women will accept ANY white man as a partner. In this sense, Asian women truly are "low-hanging fruit", and they are completely okay with that. Asian women have "female privilege" in that they are the gatekeepers of the vagina. Self-hate and Internalized Racism are STRONG forces. Asian women don't even realize they suffer from this.

[–]Zxhamuaha 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Can we all agree that there is cultural differences in relationships? Asians are known for hardworking and being more stoic? Obviously this is a double edged sword, growing up more disciplined and strict than others.

[–]Bleu_705 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Man... Give Emma some slack, her husband has the audacity to compare wife to slave at the end of the show.

The husband was really pathetic, couldn't cook, laundry or dry clothes. He's passive aggressive most of the time about cooking as if a fat ass like him can die from starvation. He talks like a middle age infant lol. No men should end up like him.

[–]Hunting-4-Answers 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Too bad the Asian wife has that butch lesbian look.

[–]paperbackpiles 5 points6 points  (0 children)

New Zealand Asians. Interesting

[–]Own_Version_9191 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Nah. Not even gonna bother. Any women that calls men in general, misogynistic is already a lost cause in my view. Not worth my time or effort to educate them when they are more than likely to not even listen. Just let society and reality give them a wake up call one day (or maybe never) There’s plenty of women on this planet that don’t think AM are misogynistic.

[–]chickencrimpy87 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nice to see this but we dont need these things when telling ppl we aren’t miso. The reality is already there

[–]Delicious_Bell9758 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Do they f the wives they swap?

[–]Bleu_705 8 points9 points  (1 child)

No, it's for a TV show bruh. They're being paid to be recorded 24/7.

[–]Hunting-4-Answers 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Real World, Jersey Shore, Road Rules, Big Brother, etc. are other reality shows where people were being recorded 24/7. Yet they managed to have sex somehow.